The WORST Christmas movie

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[Music] hello what's up and welcome back to my channel if you celebrate Christmas today is the 25th that's so Merry Christmas if you don't celebrate it happy holidays if you don't celebrate [ __ ] hello it's Wednesday I suppose I figured I should do something a little bit more lighthearted for Christmas because if you celebrate it or even if you don't maybe having a day off for murder and other things is a good thing I'm gonna be talking about a genuinely terrible Christmas movie now this isn't a deep video this is just having a laugh at a cringy movie if you enjoy it I'm happy you do I personally thought it was terrible and wanted to die while I was watching it I had to rent it twice because I thought I could watch it with him 48 hours but I couldn't to have to rent it again because it was just too much for me to deal with I typically don't really like Christmas movies aside from Miracle on 34th Street of course there's also Nightmare Before Christmas but for me that's a movie I can watch at any point of the year so I don't really deem it specifically Christmas but I'm talking about like Santa themed ones I only can really watch the ones I watched as a kid because there was a nostalgic element anyway Christmas with the Kranks I apologize in advance but I made so many notes on my phone because there were so many parts that I was like this is terrible I need to timestamp it so I can put it in the first 6 minutes and 43 seconds are the typical setup of a dysfunctional relationship with the stereotypical emotional and nagging wife and the passive-aggressive husband over stupid [ __ ] and I feel like a lot of older movies have this kind of setup where they show a toxic relationship but actually like it's normal now I'm not saying their relationship is all over terrible but for the most part it doesn't seem healthy whatsoever it seems like he's always annoyed at her she's always annoyed at him and it's not just little petty arguments it's over big things that you know could potentially break up a couple in the first 6 minutes the wife Nora is hounding Luther husband because she needs to get ingredients and it's pouring rain but she doesn't want to leave the car and they don't have an umbrella this is important to remember for the end of the movie there's a person dressed up as Santa Claus me like hey do you need an umbrella and because Luther's passive-aggressive he's like no and so he gets drenched and then he goes back to the car and it turns out he forgot to get one of the ingredients that was needed so he goes back out and he's just like passive-aggressive and Nora is just sitting in the car just like crying while she's knitting because you know that's what emotional women do they just randomly cry while they met in a car stereotypical as [ __ ] whatever their relationship is already shown as dysfunctional also I have to say the camera and host kill me like you know when you watch a movie and you can't tell why but the angle looks off you know kind of like when people are having a conversation it'll go from their face to the other face to their face to the other face but it feels like the angles too high up or it almost feels like they're on the office and they're looking into the camera being disappointed like Jim in the first minutes when it's raining and Luther hates his life he sees a poster of a couple in the Caribbean and he starts thinking of essentially what his life would be if it were entirely different aka if instead of celebrating Christmas he just took a cruise and he realized that the past year they'd spent $6,000 on Christmas presents and said they'd save if they boycotted Christmas and just went on the cruise Nora is like weirdly offended that he wants to take this cruise most of it is irrational the most rational part of it is that if they boycotted Christmas that meant that they wouldn't be giving donations to the church in hospital and she wasn't okay with that that makes sense but the whole premise of being really angry that your husband wants to go on a cruise for Christmas ignore Christmas for a year doesn't seem insane to me whatsoever but then again I don't really care about Christmas I celebrate it as a kid I still celebrate it now but to me it feels like any other day so I guess I just don't really relate like a total [ __ ] edge Lord Luther has to let everyone in his office know that he's not celebrating Christmas to the point that he writes a memo saying don't get me presents I'm not gonna say Merry Christmas I'm not gonna send you letters and it's like okay who cares like okay good for you you're so not like the other his men colleagues will not be celebrating Christmas this year many of you know Blair has joined the Peace Corps so noir and I've decided to avoid the rituals of Christmas save our money and take poodles therefore and will not be participate in the usual holiday rituals will buy no gifts and accept none thank you anyway will not attend the firm's black-tie Christmas dinner nor will I be here for the office party I am NOT angry and I will not yell a bug at anyone who offers me a holiday greeting I am simply skipping Christmas all of Nora's friends the wife act like she's insane like it's the most insane thing you can do in the universe it is to not celebrate Christmas murdering people not crazy but not celebrating Christmas oh no no now you brought it too far they actually act like it's the end of the world and I know that this is for dramatic purposes and the people watching this are probably like five-year-olds so they buy into it but it's just so bizarre because it makes you kind of feel you know like the movie The King and I where the children think that their palace is the only thing that exists in the world and nothing outside exists that's kind of how this comes off like I know I'm reading too much into it but it does come off as strangely somewhat I guess ethnocentric in the sense of there's no realization that there are plenty of other countries that don't celebrate Christmas or other cultures that don't celebrate Christmas and they're not gonna die just because they don't get a [ __ ] cone that they put gifts under that has a star at the top but okay this is great we've got to talk about your Christmas invitations we won't be needing those either no party no Christmas Eve party no no party this year she thought ordering Christmas cards either what's up we're taking a break we're not gonna do Christmas this year I mean simply not do Christmas will you skip it but then what a we do Christmas Eve you don't think of something I need there plenty of other parties and I'm like yours oh that's sweet when do you leave Christmas Day that's a time to travel well apparently not that many people travel on December 25th and so Luther got us a great deal oh the money that party anyway because we don't want to marry we're taking a break once you're off no Christmas whatsoever frohmeyer is a neighbor and he's obsessed with Christmas and he takes the fact that they're not celebrating Christmas so personally it's likely murdered his wife or his mother or something he takes it so personally he's like that doesn't sit right with me and honestly sometimes while I was watching this movie I was like this reminds me of how certain small towns act towards LGBT people where they'll take it really personally if someone's gay or bi or trans it's like this has nothing to do with you the same as if someone doesn't celebrate Christmas what's the big deal the reason that it's a big deal is because they usually have a Christmas party and everyone goes and everyone's life is gonna fall apart if they don't have this [ __ ] Christmas party your life is really sad if that's what your year revolves around but anyway there's a terrible scene at 25 minutes in and I'm gonna put that here I'm so sorry sorry sorry then after the cranks make the front page of a newspaper since skipping Christmas is the craziest thing on earth sound the alarm Luther becomes extreme with his body modification because now that he's going on a cruise he's getting like this excessive tan he's getting Botox out of nowhere and it's like he's trying to live an alternate life and frankly I don't see tans and Botox as extreme but if you go from someone who never does anything and then you do this within a week when you've never done it and you never shown interest in it that's why it's extreme to me the underlying thread of this whole movie and maybe I'm seeing it this way because I'm a depressed gasps [ __ ] is that Luther just really isn't happy with his life so he wants to do these extreme things to change it and the reason why I say this is because I do the same thing myself did I consider dying all of my hair blue cuz I thought that that was gonna help my depression yeah but that's kind of like a scapegoat to be like oh I'll feel so much better when I do this and the reality is like no you have deep set problems girl like you dying your hair is not gonna solve [ __ ] except for me make you like your hair better but the other problems are staying Nora continues to complain about how everyone hates them now 41 minutes in and she's just really hung up on the fact that they're no longer I suppose the neighborhood favorites because they used to be the neighborhood favorites because they have this goddamn Christmas party that everyone's all cracked out on so there's that so as they're packing for their cruise the day before they leave the daughter Blair calls and says she's coming home for Christmas with her new fiance and bacon Nora lies and doesn't say anything to Blair about the fact that they were gonna go on a cruise and just says oh we're so excited to see you so from that moment on they had to rush to get everything put together so now the cranks have to essentially undo all their work and decorate for Christmas last minute Luther can't find a tree so he asked to borrow neighbors of course he's then spotted taking the tree and the police is called Nora fights with people at the grocery store to get the last piece of ham because Blair likes the honey-coated ham or some [ __ ] and then Nora drops the ham and another terrible terrible terrible terrible scene 53 minutes in and you know it's really bad if I have to pause the movie and be like note terrible scene 53 minutes in [Applause] [Music] [Music] Luther then tries to put frosty on the roof and he falls off and then people are like hey why are you decorating you made such a big deal about not decorating he tells everyone that Blair's coming home for Christmas and it's this massive deal it's like everyone's life in this neighborhood they make such a massive deal over his daughter coming home that it seems like it's the biggest event in everyone's life even though we actually know that some people have some really intense [ __ ] going on who cares about that I guess because Blair's coming home for Christmas so then there's a wholesome moment where the neighborhood joins together to get the crank party to work people bring food people bring wine people bring decorations and honestly that's really wholesome I appreciate that that's probably the only thing in this movie that I'm actually okay with because I do think that the underlying theme is extremely dysfunctional of course because everything is suddenly going well the lights go out and the whole neighborhood the lights finally go back on because frohmeyer the obsessed with Christmas dude and knew someone who worked at the electric and so he got them to come they fixed it everyone's like woohoo [ __ ] yeah there's this weird kind of emphasis on the fact that a Anika is not American and this is his first Christmas in America and there's nothing inherently wrong with that but the way they go about it is so just like try harder because I think I was being introduced to a guy called Marty Marty had actually lived in Peru I believe it was and and week it was Peruvian so they related on that they bonded great whatever but then they took this chance to make it in a way like forced in a forced way diverse so in the weekend Marty along with frohmeyer and the cops playing music in the background starts singing a song in Spanish and it's supposed to be this like this wholesome moment but it's just really cringe cuz it's like you're trying really hard because realistically and we can Blair we're in this movie for I'd say less than a quarter so to suddenly just focus on them and the fact that he's international seems a little bit trying hard it's cool that it's his first Christmas but at the same time it's like you don't need to go super far to show like oh other cultures that we didn't acknowledge for the whole movie since everyone celebrates Christmas but I mean Marty Marty yes whose tournament ever name is that a Peruvian accent how could you tell oh I lived there for five years I miss it so much god I Maura and Yabba Yabba musica musica we talk on a guitar [Music] so at the end luther still wants to go on the cruise and he's like drinking wine in the kitchen which is a feeling I relate to in terms of social events Nora is really weird about the cruise like she shames him for it and for me one thing that I saw and again could be my depression projecting but the reason he didn't want to celebrate Christmas to me seemed like he didn't really identify with it maybe because his daughter wasn't coming home for Christmas or maybe because some people just don't identify with Christmas much like I don't for me it's any other day of the week I get particularly depressed in this period and I kind of saw that in Luther so him wanting to go on a cruise to me wasn't like oh he's selfish he doesn't care about anyone but rather he just wants to get away and not have to celebrate something that doesn't really resonate with him but Nora ends up shaming him for it and essentially saying he's selfish because he wants to go on a cruise which I'm like you guys never take a holiday what's the big deal Luther goes to see Bev and Walt because like I said before Bev is sick with cancer so it's not like she can always show up and some days are worse than others so he goes to visit them and he brings one of the stupid hams that Blair likes this is supposed to be a massive gesture and I can appreciate that I did think that was wholesome what happens next is that Luther ends up giving his cruise tickets to his neighbors Bev and Walt because he's like you guys should go on this this is gonna be an amazing trip and they come up with all these excuses not to go but he essentially debunks all them it's like just please go like you need to do this I didn't get the insurance so if you don't use this nobody is and you guys deserve so there are big wholesome hours everyone's like tearing uh Luther looks into his house from the window seeing his wife and his daughter and in weekends suddenly he's overcome by this feeling of gratefulness then Nora comes out and says Bev just called me she told me what you did and she takes back the fact that she said that he was essentially selfish prior to circle back to the beginning remember how I told you when it was raining there was that guy dressed up as Santa who was selling umbrellas well that guy ended up beating up a burglar who's trying to steal [ __ ] from the Mack's house and he beat him with an umbrella and then Luther was like oh my god it's you looking blah blah and then you know they put the magical music and make it seem like it has this big meaning that a Santa who sells umbrellas was at two different places at two different times what are the odds frankly I think there were some wholesome moments but by far by far they were outweighed by the absolute [ __ ] cringe oh my god the cringe I still shiver I have goosebumps right now can you see that I have goosebumps it is so uncomfortable to watch because Jamie Lee Curtis I know is a good actress so I think the script really is the problem here because the actors I don't think are the issue but it was so uncomfortable to watch because there were some moments where it seems like they were overacting almost like honey why did you do that I don't know honey what do you mean what do you mean by God I'm not so sure and it's like okay please take me out of my misery so that was the Christmas special it was actually kind of depressing now that I think of it but it's too late because I filmed it anyway let me know what you think of the comments down below let me know if you've seen this movie if there's a movie you deemed the worst Christmas movie I'm very curious to know about all that thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music] [Music]
Views: 93,238
Rating: 4.8667617 out of 5
Id: TtjachJC6XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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