The Worship Cure

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're crushing satan's head it's time to rise [Music] it's time to rise um now as uh courtney said during the conference each night we pretty much taught along the lines of different ways to receive healing and so and of course the number one way that god wants you to get healed according to romans chapter 8 and verse 16 is that it's by the spirit that lives in you he wants to heal you by the spirit of god that lives in you and so we talk on how to release the spirit of god out of your spirit into your flesh like courtney said that is also a little booklet we did to me that is the height of healing now beyond that is divine health which is what you want but it should be to that point where you can receive healing for yourself because the essence of christianity is that we don't have any go between in the form of a man other than jesus christ and so many times we put a go-between we make one we make another mediator and that's not god's will but i wanted one that we talked about and we actually practiced there i just got this letter in the mail this week as a matter of fact it says dear jade team thank you kindly for the prayer cloth it has immediately begun bringing healing and restoration in jesus name would it be possible to receive another okay obviously to give it to somebody else uh i was actually going to write back and say okay what you do is you take that cloth and you lay it on your own cloth another cloth and then you pass out both closets it'll work i'm just telling you god is big he's big amen he's not limited by distance he's not limited by time so he is big so i want to share some scriptures with you this morning uh first off though you know there's it because we want to talk a little bit about healing this morning we've talked about this week but i wanted there was something specific i want to bring in years ago there was a a woman that was a doctor in california dr sumrall knew her very well over years and years they had developed a relationship and she was amazing woman she was a medical doctor for years and during that process she had to work long hours so she started trying to find ways to stay awake and she started now we're talking about early 1900s 1920s into the 1930s and so she started using certain drugs that even though they knew they were drugs they didn't know the full effect of them or the long-term effect and so she actually uh became addicted to morphine and so that was one of the things there was several other things but then she got seriously addicted to where she couldn't even hardly function as a medical doctor and so her name was dr lillian yeomans and she was very well known very highly esteemed she was highly esteemed both in the medical field but then eventually also in the healing area of christianity and dr simrolic said knew her and he gave many great stories about her but she was known back then they would have what they called healing homes not just healing rooms healing rooms is a place where you go you get prayed for and you go back home but before healing homes there were healing or before there were healing rooms there were healing homes and that was what john alexander dowie actually started and it would he would rent a big house with that might have 10 15 bedrooms in it i mean huge house and they would people would come there and stay in that room that bedroom and he would come around every day and minister to them it was it was based on a hospital like layout you know a plan and so then more people came and he had to run another house another house another house and pretty soon he had a whole bunch of houses that the people would come and stay in and he didn't they didn't charge people to stay there anything it was just amazing uh and there were so many healings because people would just come there and they would just be surrounded by the word be ministered to learn the word hear the word practice the word and get healed and so there were tremendous testimonies now dr lillian yeomans also had a healing home at one time and actually if y'all how many of y'all ever heard of a woman named gwen shaw you remember gwen shaw oh well okay well she was um around for years and years and she was um an amazing woman i think she was in women's glow and different things like that and she had i think handmaidens handmade to the lord something like that uh yeah handmaids that's it and um arkans what arkansas arkansas microsoft yeah and so uh amazing woman i i met her a couple times and she would have people come and stay with her in her area and then of course billy brim also kind of took that idea and put the cabins out in the woods up there in missouri and so this thing is kind of just kept going but over time it has kind of morphed also and it's become more about prayer than healing used to is about healing but then if you're not doing the things that'll get people healed eventually you quit calling it healing and just go to prayer and so the things have moved away a lot now dr yeomans was particularly known as she and she actually has a book that we'll be carrying in the in the bookstore and she had several sermons that she was known uh in teaching healing to people one of the best known that i know of was called the pure the praise cure the praise cure and what she would do is she would pull everybody together they'd been their rooms and she would give them scriptures talking about the goodness of god now praise you have to remember there's a difference between praise and worship because you know praise is thanking god and telling him how great he is because of what he's done worship is telling him how great he is because of who he is right and so there's a difference now most people know praise but very few people actually move toward worship because most people see his works but they don't always recognize they recognize the gifts more than they do the giver that's a a ditch that we don't want to fall in so she taught and what she would do she would give them scriptures about the goodness of god and they would read them in their room they would confess them they would pray them out they would sing them out whatever they wanted to do in their room they would do it but then she would put them all together in a room and everybody had their scripture that applied really to kind of their situation and they would begin praising together but each differently right and as they did that people both in their room people get healed in the gathering together people get healed that is really how she ministered healing more than laying on of hands and she had a tremendous healing ministry very very well known for it in the day back in her day so this morning i want to share a little bit along those lines and bring you to this so you know without sounding like a television commercial i want to start by saying are you sick are you diseased are you crippled or disabled you may be eligible for compensation well here's the question if that fits you where do you spend your time that's one thing now i'm not there's no condemnation in this i'm not saying it i'm just saying because you need to think so you can't fix anything if you don't analyze it and and and measure it to be able to know what you need to do differently amen so now where do you spend your time what are you looking to for help god man medicine nutrition where is your faith right if a doctor examines you he might give you a prescription for your situation isn't that right you go to a doctor they're going to give you a prescription they write it out and then funny you don't even know what he wrote because you can't read it right you take it over you don't even know if it's if that's his real name you don't know what he wrote on there you don't even know if he wrote his name right there's a class in medical school to teach you how to not write your name i'm pretty sure so i'm pretty sure it's in there right you spend all those years in school getting smart and then the epitome is to not be able for someone to read your writing it's amazing all right so now but before you can take your medicine you have to fill your prescription is that right using the analogy of course so now if you have a situation because you have a situation well you got a situation now you got a prescription now that prescription can sit there and if you don't feel it it's not going to do you any good you can even fill it but if you don't take it it's not going to do you any good am i right or you could lay there and die with a bottle full of pills ain't it right now i'm assuming that the medicine you're taking would be good for you and not wrong medicine okay now so first you have to determine the situation you have to get the prescription then you have to fill the prescription then you have to take the medicine so what do we mean when we say you have to get the prescription okay to get the prescription you have to know what's wrong and you have to know what'll fit you then you have to fill the prescription which means you take from what you know will fix you and you put it all together that's see they take these things and they put it in a little bottle for you well that is you now using the analogy first you have to go to the doctor and get diagnosed you can do that by reading the bible if you have a physical thing going on in you you can know there's something going on but you need to know is there a cure so then you have to go ahead and say does god want you well okay so you have to prove that so now you are going to the doctor and getting the diagnosis yes but there is a cure then you have to fill your prescription which he's going to give you a prescription because as you read it that's the prescription and he starts saying here's this and here's this and here's this so then you have to fill the prescription which means now if you're sick you have to narrow down some things and focus on the prescription that will fix you amen listen reading from genesis to revelation in a month will not get you healed amen it's not just reading scripture it is taking that scripture and saying this scripture is the prescription that i'm taking that will fix me amen so then you take the scripture now and if you take the scripture you're taking the medicine now how do you take the medicine well if you go to a doctor they're going to tell you take this three times a day with a meal without a meal you know whatever it is and they're gonna say take how many did it take and i remember as i was talking about the other day uh charles capps had his little creative power books you ever seen those and it said gospel not not gospel gospel gospel and it said capsules charles capps caps the souls for the gospel it's a cute little thing all right and so he would put all these scriptures for specific things he had a book on for healing uh if that was your problem he had a book on finances if that was your problem he had all these little different books well what what he did was he pulled from the scripture and he filled a prescription for healing or he filled a prescription for finances or he filled these different prescriptions for different ailments different things that are not right in your life amen so this morning very quickly here i want to just share with you how to do this but i want to show you something that you can start doing right away on your own and you can do it and should do it really from now on and there's one thing you know now i'm not prescribing you know your medical treatment right but i will tell you okay that there are many diseases are caused by lack of nutrition a nutritional deficiency scurvy you know everybody knows scurvy they had scurvy because they were on chips and didn't have vitamin c and so they started taking citrus fruits with them and they wiped out scurvy on the ocean because they had citrus right so there are certain diseases that are nutritionally deficient diseases and once you add those nutritions those nutritional elements into your system then first off especially if it's a deficit to the point where it causes a disease or an ailment then when you first start taking it you're not gonna see any difference why because you're not even up to level yet right you have to saturate with that first and once your body saturates with it then then you you come back to somewhat normal but then you have to overdo that if you want to live in robust health based on nutrition right so the first key is meeting the deficiency what are you doing you're filling up the gap you're bringing it up to normal right then if you want extra because now this is just you know this is just getting you back to okay but then if you go above that now not only is it maintenance but now you actually have more energy or more uh your body is better off put it that way that's just real that's a technical term better off okay so does this make sense to you now but there are some things that you can take more of and once you get it saturated you don't need to take a whole lot of because it would actually be now it'd be detrimental on the other side you can have overdose in some things even healthy things you can actually have too much of this mineral or that thing and it starts messing with you and it'll throw your your system out of whack that way so it needs to be a balanced nutrition does this make sense yeah the good thing about the bible is you can't overdose amen now you may be deficient and there would be problems physical spiritual emotional relational in every area you could have problems if you're deficient if there is a deficit deficiency in bible in your life now that doesn't mean you sitting down reading it every day in the sense of you just going through your you know well i read my three chapters you know i'm good check that box i'm good no you actually have to read it believe it understand it do it do what it says and and you have to actually take it into your life it doesn't matter how much you read a prescription bottle you could read that three times a day you still gonna be sick you actually have to take this stuff and put it in you so that it's working in you right and the bible says that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in us hear that not according to god's power according to god's power that works in us see you can believe in healing you can believe in miracles and die die sick why because you can believe in it but never partake of it you can agree with it you can agree with people when you're around people and say all the right things and yet not have it in your life and die from it because you're not doing it because see we say the word believing like it's a mental thing believing is not a mental thing believing if you believe something you don't only know it you do it until you do it you don't really believe it amen do you understand that so you have to be able to take the actual prescription and put it in action in your body which means you need to start doing what it says now so to get to that i want to take you well i'll read a couple more of these little statements here okay if you went to a doctor he would examine you possibly prescribe a particular course of treatment it could be chemo which kills everything and hopefully it kills the disease before it kills you seriously that's what it does and chemo technically doesn't just kill cancer it literally pushes it off and then usually it comes back even harder and faster i'm talking about the the cancer whatever it's trying to kill now the problem is in medical terms they will say that if you live five years after having cancer if you live five years cancer-free you're a survivor why because they know that's how long chemo usually works so that's how see what they did was they found out how long does this chemo keep cancer off about five years so if we want to claim success we have to find the amount of time that we can claim success now six years many people die see they don't say that why because they don't count six years because they know many people die six years so if you're five years cancer free you're a survivor and that's what they advertise and that's what they'll tell you the benefits of chemo but chemo actually is extremely harmful to your body it kills everything it's like the nuclear option as they would say that it's like a nuclear bomb in your body that kills everything and hopefully like i said it kills the disease before it kills you right that's why they give it to you in doses in phases because they know if they gave it to you all at one time it'd just kill you right and so now he might a doctor might prescribe chemo why if your situation if he deems is serious enough to do that he may do that it might be medicine in the form of pills or liquids of some sort well regardless of the medicine there's usually there usually has to be a course of treatment right it's not usually one thing and you're done hardly ever usually it's this thing and then you follow up with this thing or then you have to do this thing every so often uh you know and you have to even with vaccinations going overseas they'll say you got this but you got to follow up with a booster kind of thing every so often and you'll get it redone against us very seldom is it a one-time fix now what that course of treatment many times means is a prescribed number of pills a certain number of times during the day that you have to take them right now the amazing thing i was reading some of uh dr yeoman's book and she talked specifically about the praise cure right and in the praise cure she was talking to a person that told her how bad it was okay we got something going on what we got i'm the only one talking right now yeah all right okay now listen carefully the praise cure okay she would go off this woman who was a friend of dr yeomans and dr yeoman was talking to her and said okay i heard you had the sickness what happened and she said well it was horrible it was terrible i had because and it was terribly expensive but i had a lot of money at the time so at the time why because it ate it up right and she said but i had to go to austria once a year to do this treatment because that's where these certain it's the only place in the world she said where there was certain mineral water that she had to get in and drink and all that kind of stuff and it was a it was a course of treatment and she started talking about how bad it was and the stuff that they gave her she said it smelled like what she'd say sulfur matches and there was something else that she said it was it was just so bad when she described it i thought oh yeah that would be horrible uh probably the closest thing we have to it today would be um apple cider vinegar i just okay you ever see the you ever see the facebook thing or youtube the guy's drink he's looking at that apple cider vinegar he's looking devil is a liar he's a liar that was a liar and then he he drinks it up and he goes and as soon as he drinks he's like and he starts doing the dance all over he's like oh and it's like he's hurting you know he keeps on going for a while oh i just drank dirty socks and i remember the first time ever tried that stuff i'm like it can't be that bad i was wrong okay it was i'm like because it's like if i can get it past my nose i can drink it i can drink you know you mix stuff up if you want to blend vegetables i can drink them i ain't going to eat them but i i can drink it down so cause i'm used to protein shakes and that kind of stuff i'll just drink it down if i can get it past my nose you know but and i almost didn't get that past my nose because you know you got the habit kind of oh and then the first thing you smell this you ever notice that if something smells really if somebody says smell this you already know it ain't going to be good because misery loves company that's what it is so but she's describing this treatment and talking about how bad it was and she had to go over every year and so but they would go there and they would go through this stuff and and she tells the whole story it's really really sad if you listen to it well now notice though because i want to bring you back to our prescription so here's a here's the the start of where we need to go all right what scriptures do you have in your medicine chest right okay and what i mean by that is first off isn't it funny we call it a medicine chest yeah okay our medicine chest as a christian now i'm not telling you what to do or what not to do and you know you take if you take medicine it's not going to stop god's power i know for years everybody thought if you take medicine god's not working he you know it's either him or the medicine no no i've actually seen you know people that take medicine and god still healed them and it was god that healed him and not the medicine because many times medicine just hides the symptoms anyway it really doesn't fix you it alleviates a problem something like that you know and many times it's kept people alive while they learned about faith and then eventually they didn't even need the medicine because they learned to live by faith and live in divine health right so but if we call we we have a medicine chest well how what is our medicine chest our chest what because that's what we're going to use our medicine with right why because out of your chest comes your breath and with your breath is going to be your medicine because the scriptures are going to be in your breath because you're going to meditate in it night and day and never let it out of your mouth meaning if there will never be a time when when your scripture is not in your mouth amen and we ministered last night about the power of words and how important they are so today is kind of carrying on along the same lines now it only takes now here's the thing it only takes one scripture to beat the devil only one you know most of you probably beat him initially with john 3 16. you believe john 3 16 you got saved you didn't know theology you didn't know all the you know the voice and the tense and the scripture and all the stuff and you know you weren't uh parsing the languages and that kind of stuff you just somebody said something you believed it and you got born again one scripture but then once you get in now all of a sudden it seems like you've got to know 25 scriptures from 25 different translations you've got to be able to argue against any argument that comes against you because if you don't think you can out argue them you're not sure you're right as if man's wisdom and argument somehow proves god's word right and so but it's amazing how we try to have all these scriptures now there's nothing wrong with having a good arsenal but you don't need it right right i mean you look at these guys that go into war and you got the guy especially i don't know if you've ever seen the movie saving private ryan but you got these guys they're carrying these heavy machine guns well just because they're carrying a gun don't mean they got bullets then you got and it's amazing you got these big guys carrying these huge machine guns that they can you know the squad machine guns things like that and then it's funny you look back and he was carrying the bullets it's the skinniest little guy and he's running you know he's got he's got all kinds of the ammunition canisters that kind of stuff got the bullets around his neck and he's just trying to run and it slows i mean he's a target you know what i'm saying he's moving so slow anybody could shoot him so but you got to have bullets but now you look at a sniper now he's got enough bullets to do the job but it doesn't usually take him a bunch one shot one kill and they're right it's like uh wyatt earp used to say he said fast is good but accuracy is everything why but a lot of people fast drawn to draw but couldn't hit something because they were nervous or scared or whatever was going on and they would draw and draw faster and the guy that was slower took his time and he would hit his target and so if we're going through this and we can have we can throw all kinds of scriptures at the devil and we can shoot out scriptures like a machine gun right which is okay but it's better to have a scripture that you know that you're living that you've proven remember david david goes to saul and says hey i hear you got a problem with a giant i'll handle that for you bring your daughter out here i want to see her pretty much that's a paraphrase but that was that was the that was a word that whoever killed a giant would get the king's daughter so it's just natural they would want to know is she worth it so so and then saul says well here take my armor and saul's armor had been proven he had been in battle he'd be he was a great warrior but david said no that's not proven in other words i haven't proven it so what did he go to battle with a sling how many rocks did it take to kill goliath one amen now if you remember back in the garden in the garden of eden god gave a prophecy and he said that the serpent's head would be bruised and goliath a true story but it was also a type and shadow of satan's head being bruised because it hit him directly in the forehead and killed him instantly right and it says that he with that we that or that god will bruise satan under our feet shortly romans 16 20. and so we have all these scriptures but we need to realize it really only takes one scripture it's better to know one scripture and be living it than to know 50 that you know halfway not sure of and have not proven it and are not living it every great fighter almo almost i don't know of any other i mean there are good fighters that are good at a lot of areas you know especially with like the ufc stuff they got your stand-up game they got your ground game they got kicking they got punching or striking but you're really the ones that are really the champion aren't the ones that are always good at everything they're the ones they have one thing and they are really good at maneuvering their opponent into position where they can use that one thing ronda rousey yeah you know that thing is she was already in everybody's head and they knew she's going for my arm and so they would try to keep throwing so they wouldn't hit because they didn't want to throw out the arm because she would take it and either break it or you'd tap out because she'd have an armor so and it's the same thing every almost every great fighter was known for their particular technique and they were good at maneuvering their opponent in a position where they could use it well that's what we need to be we need to be very good now it's good to know as much as you can and know as much as you can about as much as you can but you need to be living it as you know it because until then it's just theory and so you need to be able to at least take a few scriptures now for me here's what i did i started because i figured okay i don't know how good a sniper i would be with the scripture because snipers are good in certain situations they're not good for every situation right snipers are not deployed for every type of engagement there are some engagements that they are exceptional at but there's other engagements where you want to send in a different type of fighter so knowing this when i started studying and looking at these things i realized that i might not know exactly the fight that's coming so i didn't want to be so specific that i trained for the wrong fight right i didn't want to have one scripture that would work really good in a one situation and that situation never come along and me just get beat up every other time so i what i did was when i went to the bible and started seeing the warfare aspect i decided to go with the most general scripture that covered the most stuff and i figured if i got good at that then i could handle most things 80 20 rule right i could handle 80 of everything right and that other 20 percent if it came along this would probably handle it too but if it didn't i figured i would have time to at least hold it off until i could find the scripture that would work i know that sound may sound kind of strange but that's how i thought right and so i automatically and this is see you hear this today even when i'm teaching i use the broad scriptures more than the specific most of the time you know uh i give you power authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the ability of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you see that's a broad scripture that's a good scripture amen whatsoever you will ask in my name that will i do that's a good scripture see i don't need specific some people say but that doesn't say healing uh yeah it does that says healing and everything else amen so i go for the broad scripture and i and i drill that until i believe it and then when i believe it i can use it against the enemy amen and then it's proven and that see that's what david did david had never fought a goliath do you get that he had never fought a goliath and whenever he and they said you know why do you think you oh well that's easy god was with me with the bear he was with me with a lion he'll be with me with this uncircumcised philistine see he had never fought a giant you don't know see you don't know what the situation's going to call for if you've never done it before and so you have to find something that's proven and has proven itself in other areas and then you automatically say well if it worked there it'll work here see that's faith when you say well it worked there but so it'll work here see then you start getting faith in god toward that thing and so that's what david did david went with the broad area that god was with me with this he would remove that he'd be with me here he was able what you always call the david principle when you can relate past victories to your current problem see when you can relate past victories to your current problem you're already guaranteed success right but if you think that you have to have this specific scripture and you've got to have 25 of them there's no giant so big that it takes 25 scriptures to kill write that down amen okay now let's move on now notice so you want scriptures you want medicine in your medicine chest okay once one translation even said that god's word is a medicine amen so it only takes one scripture to beat sickness or the devil but it usually takes sometimes many scriptures for for most people now i'm not saying this is god's plan or the way he wants it to work i'm saying generally speaking in my experience of dealing with people in the area of sickness and disease for the last 40 years i have found that usually it takes people a lot of scriptures before they believe healing is for them now it shouldn't be that way right i mean honestly because the scriptures are god speaking so when you need verification over and over you're actually saying i know you said it once but i think you may be lying you wouldn't say that but by you demanding more proof that's what you're saying amen i mean come on if a person is is known to be trustworthy and they give you their word you believe them you don't you don't you don't require their words amen and it's funny in the early days p used to everything with a handshake well he gave me his word that's the way it'll be a verbal agreement then you got we couldn't trust people so we want everything written down now we've got it written down but we want a whole bunch of it because now even it being written down doesn't do it for us so god said listen i know you don't trust people you probably don't trust me so i'll give you a whole lot of words i will write them down for you and then i will sign it with my son's blood amen so now let's look at this so many times it takes a lot of scripture before people get to a point where they will believe but that's because they're reading scripture but they're not doing it once you do it you'll believe it now you can try to fill yourself up and this comes from a particular idea of what confession does and if you confess it and confess it and confess it and confess it and sooner or later you're going to get filled up and it's going to overflow and it's going to happen or as tall austin used to say you're going to get it and then you're going to just hatch out right like a baby chicken coming out of an egg you're just going to hatch out and so what we have to realize that if you see now you can do that you can keep trying to force it and keep and you can talk yourself into it or you can act yourself into it this is what dr lake said he said i have found that it's the law of the mind and law of the human that i can act myself into believing faster than i can believe myself into believing amen so you can act yourself into believing why because once you do it you know it it's real it works and they got proof so the key is not having 50 scriptures you've never done but having one scripture you've done and then based on that you know this other scripture will be true so you can add that one in and now you're getting stronger instead of waiting till you get all these scriptures before you finally believe does that make sense okay now all i can do is tell you what i've done that's probably why some of the stuff i say sounds different than other things because i don't repeat to you what i have heard other people say this will work now i mean i will tell you like with dr yeomans and things like that i'll give you the examples but when it comes down to it the majority of what i teach i have done i live in and i know it works so there's no hesitation about it so that's the difference now and i don't just give you canned sermons and give you the the statement that i heard somebody else say that they heard somebody else say and somebody else heard them said and nobody's ever actually done it so at some point i heard it i did it and now i tell you that it worked because i did it not cause i heard somebody else say it amen now all right proverbs chapter 4. see we're getting to the bible proverbs chapter 4 verse 20. my son attend to my words attend now notice if you attend to something we what we say in texas here i'll tend to that that means you'll take care of it amen so when you attend to his words that means you're spending time you're taking care of it you're actually doing what god told adam to do in the garden which was guard the garden keep it right and that means that you'll take care of it that means you'll prune it you'll work on it and you actually cause it to work in your life you spend time doing it so attend to my words and incline your ear under my sayings that means you got to hear something right and if there's nobody telling you something then you got to tell yourself something you got to speak to yourself amen now that's why he says speaking to yourself in psalms and hymns spiritual songs speaking to yourself what does that do that causes you to be filled with the holy spirit amen constantly filled not a one-time feeling and it's gone constantly stay filled right let them not depart from your eyes well there you go you're supposed to be watching them all the time watch them staying with them just keep them in front of you keep them in the midst of your heart that means don't give your heart to anything else for they are life unto those that find them in health to all their flesh now you recognize this we've talked about this week keep your heart with all diligence now he said no now look he said keep them in the midst of your heart now he says keep your heart with all diligence so first you gotta notice what he says attend to my words go after them study them search them out say it to yourself notice the progression there's a process here see it right say it to yourself don't let them depart from your eyes why now you want to you want to tend to them you want to dig into them you want to hear them you want to look at them you want to read them see what he's doing is he is involving all aspects of your being keep them in the midst of your heart then he tells you why because they are life to those that find them health through all their flesh keep your heart with all diligence and you've put them in your heart keep them there don't let anything else crowd it in or crowd in and crowd them out keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life why because what you put in your heart is what's going to come out and if you put death in your heart death's going to come out it's going to come out in your words it can come out how you think and it's going to come out in your body and you will create death in your own body do you see this he says out of it are the issues of life so if you put his words why because his words are spirit and they are life so if you see his words tend to his words put his words in your heart keep them in your mind keep them going around in your ears and you're speaking to yourself then you're keeping that life in your heart and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so then you're speaking out of that abundance and i see you filled up just remember what we're talking about to go about the nutrition sometimes you're in a deficit but you've got to fill up and it's funny because people say how come i don't see any change yet because you were so low you were so empty we hadn't even got you up to on par yet we got to get you filled up with the word of god now i'm not talking about you coming up here for prayer i'm not talking about that i'm talking about you and your own life when you're not here when you can't get here when you can't get somebody lay hands on you i'm talking about see at some point you got to quit thinking in terms that you have to be poured into and you have to think in terms that you need to be pouring out amen it's it's lights don't need to go to another light to get lit lights light right they give off light wherever they are so now now notice this he says for out of it are the issues of life put away from you a forward mouth that means quit talking wrong quit talking evil things bad things negative things he says put that away from you stop talking that way why because what you say goes in your ears it goes in your heart and you're not keeping your heart with all diligence anymore this is all in the same passage here do you get that it is amazing how he put all of this together about what you read what you think what you speak what you say what's in your heart what comes out of your heart i mean it's all right here and perverse lips put far from you perverse lips are things that say things that are twisted not right not accurate and as we would say crooked right anything that does not agree with god's word is perverse anything that does not agree with god's word and it comes out of your mouth it is a forward mouth king james right now here's the thing you need to fill your medicine chest with god's medicine i think kenneth a kenneth e hagin actually had a little booklet called god's medicine and he talked about this good little book so you need to fill yourself with the word of god about everything but specifically about your need at the moment and then you get strong in that and then you can stay strong and then if the enemy hits somewhere else you can get strong in that area and pretty soon you have a defense that the enemy can't get through amen so if you need healing you need to fill yourself with the scriptures about healing but you need to find that one that one that you don't need to go to your bible to quote the one that when you're squeezed that comes out amen not the other stuff right not the problem the answer then now watch you can talk about you need to figure yourself with the scriptures about god's love why because when you talk about god's love that covers everything what what would love do well easy if you're sick love would heal you and they're right if you're hungry love would feed you so whatever it's amazing because whatever lacking there is love would meet it and they're right so if you fill yourself with the scriptures concerning the love of god for you then as we know perfected love cast out fear so you can walk in faith now again you can do the same thing about god's provision for your needs and i have specific scriptures that i go to automatically i mean they just come out and they they form the way i think right and so when i if i think anything along the lines of physical healing or divine health then i automatically go uh you know to third john two i automatically go these things why because he wishes above all things that i may prosper and be in health even as my soul prospers so my job is to make sure my soul is prospering and if i and how's my soul prosper when i go into scripture so if i can make sure my soul is prospering then he desires that i'd be in health well if he desires me to be in health healing isn't even a question if he wants me to be in health and i need to get healed to get in health then healing is obviously his will for me so i automatically go to that i automatically know the buyer stripes i was healed so it's a done deal so i'm not fighting with god about this there's another enemy amen so i have filled myself in these areas where it's not even a question if there's an area of where the enemy says well what what makes you think you can do that i mean where are you going to get the money well my god will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory by christ jesus why why because i do fulfill the same conditions that the philippians what does that mean that they helped support the gospel they gave generously they gave to the point where it even hurt you know they gave of themselves and so we do that we we further the gospel we uh support missionaries we support so i know i fulfill i'm a partner with god in my finances and because of that i know he will meet all my needs so in every area i have usually two or three scriptures that if you say anything about an area i may not quote those scriptures but those scriptures form what i will say does that make sense so you may not hear king james coming out in those scriptures but if you listen you'll know what scripture i'm thinking of when i say that that statement why because those scriptures have formed the way i think amen so and because of that there's not an area that the enemy can attack me in that i don't have a defense and the beauty of that is again scriptures that you know that you know above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you may quench every all the fiery darts of the wicked well there you go so will the enemy attack of course he attacked jesus if he attacked people say well if the enemy attacks what'd you do to open the door i don't know what did jesus do what did he do to open the door he he didn't do anything to preach the gospel i guess you know if you want to invite the enemy i guess that's the way you could do it but he didn't do anything most people think most people go to where are you sinning that's what they're thinking but you have to realize the enemy will come after you no matter what that's that's what he does he comes to what to steal kill and destroy amen now notice even the pattern steal kill destroy see he has to steal the word out of your heart before he can kill and destroy if he can't steal the word out of your heart he can't kill and destroy so you have to be able to keep that word in your heart and when you do he may come but your your shield of faith will quench that fiery dart now you may know you're under attack but it ain't hitting you there you go right and so you can keep that shield out there and the things can go on and a thousand can fall at your left hand and a ten thousand at your right but it won't come near you how near will it come your shield you put that out there that's as close as it'll come right and so you've got that shield of faith so that the enemy cannot come through now so now remember too the enemy came to jesus tempted him and then because jesus didn't give in it said he left him and if you read actually the way that the greek would have it is that he he left him for a more opportune time think about a more opportune time one and notice when he came back in the garden an opportune time when jesus was at hit and i understand i'm not saying jesus was weak i'm saying at his weakest right the enemy tried to come in you don't have to do this you don't have you you can ask god he'll give you anything let this cup pass from you see that was his weakest moment but in his weakest he also knew how to stand strong nevertheless not my will your will be done amen now let's keep going okay so you have to gather your prescription once you've gathered your prescription you got to start taking it regularly that means you meditate in it day and night just like the scriptures if you don't know what i'm talking about you can get the mind renewal series and we'll go right into it acknowledging what is in you the little booklets a good little booklet we got a cd that goes along with it or mp3 and you can put that on and listen to it and just speak along with it we have we have uh we've provided things for you to be able to develop your faith in these areas so that you can be untouchable because you can get to a place where the enemy will not touch you cannot touch you amen amen that's what the scripture says if you keep yourself and the wicked one touches him not that's where you want to live amen not where he touches you and you've got to run and get him to get somebody else to pull that arrow out of you because you didn't have your faith shield up see that's what i spend most of my time doing is removing arrows the fiery arrows out of people yeah that should have had a faith shield up but they didn't so they come to me because i got to pull that thing out but if you learn how to use your shield you won't have to come to somebody else to get help amen and then you can take that shield lay it down look at all those arrows in and go wow look at that look how good god is look how good he protected me there's 15 times in the last hour the enemy could have taken me out but he didn't amen and you can look that and then each one of those arrows becomes a testimony to god for his faithfulness so now i've already talked to you about the praise cure right so but i want to show you something you can do on your own at home now first chronicles 23 30 you don't you don't have to go there but you can this is in the middle of a scripture and it says as she's talking about a particular thing it says and to stand every morning to thank and praise the lord to stand every morning to thank and praise the lord and likewise at evening so every morning they would stand in praise and every evening they would stand in praise now if you go through the mind renewal you know that we talked about seven times during the day you should be doing this and it's not hard now you have to discipline yourself a bit but you only it only takes a minute or two seven times a day so you're talking seven minutes to 14 minutes 21 minutes i want that however you want to do it that's you can do that that is not unreasonable right for you to be able to think on the things of god seven times a day for a minute right now and we know it's better to do things spread out than to put them all in one moment right you put them all in one moment especially if you wait till the evening you wait to the evening the enemy's already just run through your day but if you start in the morning and do it and you start that way then you spread it out through the day it's just like taking a time-release capsule of strength and health in life so now ii chronicles 20 verse 21 says and when he had consulted with the people he appointed singers unto the lord and that should praise the beauty of holiness so now we know what they were singing they were praising the beauty of holiness as they went out before the army and to say praise the lord for his mercy endureth forever now i don't know how many of you remember a christian singer named don francisco uh i raised my kids on don francisco steve camp keith green that's what we heard in our home all the time and so that helped protect us from a lot of stuff and so now there were they there were some things in there but we got past that but most of it you know was really good for him and so don francisco has a song about this about jehoshaphat and how he sent out the singers and the praisers before the army and that they would praise the beauty of holiness and that what they were actually singing was saying praise the lord for his mercy endureth forever and that's all they said now if you can find that you can actually find his material uh i would highly encourage you to listen to a lot of it a matter of fact years ago we were here in dallas he came in uh with another minister and ministered at a church and um we were there and ended you know we were on the front row because that's where i put us because i'd like to get as close to it as i can and so uh he was singing and during one of the breaks we started talking to him a little bit and he has a song that he sings about the man whose daughter was dying and it's called got to tell somebody and i can't hear that song without just falling apart i mean literally just crying blubbering the whole thing because that was me when my daughter fell out of the window now admitted i didn't do that at that i didn't fall apart then but it was jesus that raised her up and because of that i got to tell somebody and so i hear that song well we told him about her situation and what happened and so when he came back on and did the next worship set i guess you would call it uh he sang that song and dedicated it to my daughter and so that song to this day i hear it i just i just go to pieces because that's that's why i do what i do right and so you and it's good to have a song that ministers to you like that uh i can only imagine there's another song that hits me similar to there's several songs like that but so here he says they were to sing this is what they were to say he told them exactly what to say notice that that's not being legalistic that's not being domineering that is him giving wisdom to them and saying listen and do what i tell you all right if i could get that across me because many times we tell people how to pray and then when they start praying they don't pray anything like we tell them and and they think they are but if we tell you how to pray pray like that specifically in the beginning you have to focus then you don't have to focus because it'll just come out of you but in the beginning sometimes it's a big change for people to actually command instead of begging god to do something right so he told them he said do this say praise the lord for his mercy endureth forever and when they began to sing and to praise the lord set ambushments against the children of ammon moab and mount seir which would come against judah and they were smitten amen do you get that notice when they began praising the lord set ambushments old english word for he set up an ambush now we know also in uh psalm 8. let's go there real quick we'll go there real quick psalm 8 and now now we're doing okay yeah psalm 8 verse 1 o lord our lord how excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set your glory above the heavens out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of your enemies that you might steal the enemy and the avenger now jesus quoted this remember they said uh tell tell these kids to quit stop it they were saying hosanna and he said have you never read or what it says what the scriptures say what david said in the psalms that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have perfected praise and they're right so now notice he says here he was quoting this scripture but it doesn't say praise he said out of the mouth of babes and sucklings you have ordained strength so in jesus mind ordaining strength and praise are the same when you praise you release the strength of god amen for whatever you are praising him for so if you are praising him for being jehovah rapha the healer you are releasing the strength of god to heal do you get i can't if i could just get the importance of this to you if i could just really you know get you to get this and say i'm going to start living this way because i'm telling you this is what works this is what get you free keep you free get others free this is what works now but i want to take it a step further uh dr yeomans talked about the praise cure well i don't know why i put my bible over here go with me to matthew chapter 8. now we're going to go through these quickly i've got about uh four of them here so we are just going to read them with minimal commentary hopefully matthew chapter 8 starting in verse 1 when he was come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying lord if you will thou can't make me clean do you hear that notice what he did he came and worshiped him now notice remember praise praises god for what he has done even what he might do you know what he will do in the future but worship praises him for what he is so now god has certain characters see god has power right but he is love see he has power but he is light right so he has something but he is something and what he has and he is and i was saying but whenever he told them he said here's how i want you to know me this is who i am i am the healer i am jehovah rapha i am jehovah jair i am your provider now think about that if he was jehovah rapha it wouldn't do much good if he wasn't also drove a gyro because if he was just the healer and not your provider he is a healer but he might not provide the healing but if he's a healer and a provider then he can provide the healing that he is amen so now move toward worship now watch us you're going to see something here it's amazing any time it tells something about somebody that came to him and and did something like this that ask him for something every time just about that it mentions it if it mentions what they did it always includes they worshipped every time right now watch go with me let's see he says uh yeah he worshipped him said lord if you will verse two you can make me clean jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying i will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed so now notice the process they he worshipped then he asked then he received do you give that okay now go with me to matthew chapter nine one chapter over and we're going to look at verse 18. while he spoke these things unto them behold there came a certain ruler and worshiped him it is again saying my daughter is even now dead but come and lay your hand upon her and she shall live now i i don't want to make a doctrine out of this and what i'm about to say but both times now when the leper came it says he worshipped him saying and then he said if you will you can make me clean so grammatically speaking we could say that the worship that the leper did was in saying you can do this do you see that you see it because here he says he worshipped him a certain ruler worshipped him saying he didn't say worshipped him and said russian says that before yeah uh one translation says obeisance obeisance that you're recognizing his greatness basically is what it would come to so now notice he says saying he and they were in this ruler worshiped him saying so apparently in the saying is the worship my daughter is even now dead but come lay your hand upon her and she shall live what does that mean that means that he wasn't looking at the situation he was looking at the greatness of jesus he said she's dead but if you just come and lay her hand on her she will live and god apparently according to the rules of grammar which i am not a master of okay but i can read so and it says that that was the worship that they were doing now go with me to matthew we just got a couple more and then we're done matthew chapter 15 and i want to go to verse 21 then jesus went thence left and departed into the coast of tyre and sidon and behold a woman of canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me o lord thou son of david my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word you hear that she asked he didn't answer what's missing worship okay and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she cries after us but he answered and said i am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me but he answered and said well it's not right but he's talking to her he said it's not meat it's not right to take the children's bread and cast it to the dogs then she said truth lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their master's table then jesus answered and said o woman great is thy faith be it unto you even as you will you realize how big that is she might have stopped to getting her daughter healed but she could have kept that scripture going be it unto me as i will my daughter's healed now i need some prosperity for my daughter now i need a husband for my daughter now i need this this is as i will lord you said as i will i'm still willing amen hey come on hey i was listening i was listening when of neal was teaching don't run out of vessels come on you run out come on if if she had to run out of vessels they would the oil would have kept flowing isn't that right he's already said ask whatever you will just don't put a period at the end of it make it a comma amen i mean yeah i need this hold that thought i'll be back i found something else i need right this is as i wilt all right you said as i willed i'm still willing here i am yeah i mean think about it okay some of you are laughing that's great that's good you think god doesn't laugh he wouldn't if you did that to him i guarantee you go ahead that's that's pretty good that's good yeah yeah go ahead go ahead hey i said it you go ahead and do it go ahead i guarantee us what he would do you know it's a couple of times the bible says god laughs amen usually it's at the destruction of your enemies but that's a whole other thing it's what he said hey so okay now look at this verse 25 then came she and worshiped him saying lord help me he said it's not right to take the children's bread and give it the dog she said that's true and he said great is your faith she didn't take no for an answer she said this i'm i'm getting it am i right and she got it right now go with me one more one more place mark mark chapter five mark chapter five and they came over unto the other side of the sea into the country of the gadarenes and when he was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit and we talked about this situation the other day who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had often bound that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains have been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus afar off he ran and worshiped him and cried with a loud voice and said what have i to do with the jesus our son of the most high god i jury thee by god that thou torment me not isn't that the funniest thing he comes running up from a distance he runs over there and says what have i got to do with you leave me alone why aren't you wearing a mask no wait [Music] can we have some fun all right come on okay no notice he says i'm glad i don't read most of your emails please if you're going to write me an email just always put in the subject uh i don't agree with you or something so i know i don't even have to open it okay no no now what he said i jury thee by god that thou torment me not for he said unto him come out of the man thou unclean spirit and he asked what is your name and he answered saying my name is legion for we are many and he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country now notice we've already read this story so i'm not going to read the whole thing again but i do want to point out a couple of things number one when he ran to him he worshipped him now this is probably the most famous best known passage dealing with demon possession and deliverance more people probably quote this than any other single one so now but now notice this because this demon possessed man full of demons ran to him and then the demons start speaking now i believe personally the man wanted free yeah and he ran to him and then the demons started talking and so and then jesus cast it out right but now notice and what he said because it said the man ran to him and worshiped him so that was the man then the demons started talking amen yeah then he says watch this in verse uh well we're going down uh in verse 19 how how be it jesus suffered him not but says unto him go home to your friends tell them how great things the lord has done for thee and has had compassion on you and then he departed and began to publish into capitalist how great things jesus had done for him and all men did marvel now as i was reading that passage something the other night something stuck with me and it and it's done it several times when i was reading this so i was reading this after the meetings looking at this a little bit more and more and you know israel is a extremely small nation and depending on where you want to measure from you know it can be anywhere from a little less than 300 miles from top to bottom and usually anywhere from about 40 miles wide to sometimes about 85 miles because it's not perfectly square and but if you read that as far as jesus was concerned he the highest he ever ministered north was really up at caesarea philippi and the farthest west was over entire right which he condemned at one point but he had from the north then he went down as far as jerusalem right and now of course he was born in nazareth which is a little bit further south but i'm talking about ministry-wise so he began his ministry but then moved up so roughly jesus's ministry never him personally ministering never he never went further than about 120 miles right north to south and probably never more than about 60 miles east to west and he spent three years in that area ministering that's why he had 70 others also they could divide into groups of two he had his 12 also that he sent out in groups of two also so you had the 35 groups and then you have six more groups if you count to 12 right and so you have 41 groups roughly going around and teaching in every village so if you take about three years let's say about three years two and a half to three years because jesus ministered for probably about six months around six to nine months maybe before he actually gathered his disciples his apostles anyway and so let's say if he had a full three years let's just even it out at three years then he had three years to cover an area that was about where he ministered and and around the world that we would say would be less than around 200 miles high and about 60 miles wide and so if you've got roughly 83 people including jesus preaching the gospel and going out in these 41 groups then you could pretty well cover that area in three years amen but now the thing is he was able to because he moved slower because they walked and that kind of thing he was able to spend more time in places and people were able to walk with him because we could you could say that well now if you think about that distance we're talking about the distance really about from maybe here to near waco that which takes us an hour to drive there but that's how far he went in his entire ministry three years right so now if you are walking from an area let's say you're in a city that has backed in a a you know a village or something that might have a couple of hundred people in it and as the people come together and we know he had crowds of four thousand five thousand plus because that was just the usually the men that he that they counted if they had wives and children then it could have been anywhere around 20 000 people that he fed actually now if you take that and let's say you're in a village a town even around here that has a thousand people in it and that thousand people are kind of gathered up and you're talking to them if you start going like from here if you go up north here there's a little town called van austin that's where my wife lived when i met her and just eight miles past that is a town called howe which is where my dad was a policeman and that's where when i got out of the military that's where i went to and so those towns are about eight miles apart but if i was in howe and i left howe walking well then the people of howe would have probably went a little ways with me maybe even halfway maybe two three four miles out and by that time probably the people from the other town would have come out to me so you would have had this overlapping and so he could have it would have been a lot easier to actually establish discipleship among the people in these towns like that the way it is today you fly in you fly out you drive in you pass this town pass that down to go to that town it's a whole different thing that's why we have to use technology the way we do because with technology and the life teams we can actually disciple amen it may not be as good as sitting down together over lunch every day but it's as good as we can get and it's the next best thing amen so and that way we can reach the world now but now notice i want to get back to this point notice every one of these okay what stories do we know what we know about lepers right we know about lepers that's that's many stories about lepers that jesus healed so we have a story about a leper that worshipped him right then we have the story with the woman the woman of canaan everybody knows about the story of the woman of canaan and they're right she came to get her daughter free everybody knows that story she worshipped him right everybody knows about the demoniac of the gadarenes everybody knows that story he worshipped him all of these stories that we read before they received and before they they got really what they needed they worshipped so i agree 100 with dr lillian yeomans that there is a praise cure but i would say jesus didn't talk a lot about praise he talked a lot about worship and even whenever he met the samaritan woman at the well she said you know the jews say that we're supposed to worship on this mountain what do you say and he said it's not about the mountain he said the time is coming and now is when the father seeks those who will worship him in spirit and in truth so jesus talked about worshiping him and so i would like to propose to you that in your life in your medicine chest that you just don't have a praise capsule but you have a worship capsule you have a worship pill amen and that as you worship him for who he is his character his nature see when you praise him you praise him for what he does and you get what he does when you when you worship him for who he is you partake his divine nature it's a it's an increase of his character how many of you know the church needs character amen so i would propose that we begin the worship cure and worship him for who he is not just what he can do for us amen drug anything out of this this morning amen amen so father we thank you we thank you that you have given us your word you've given us your spirit you've given us your name and father we thank you that you have made us overcomers and then we overcome by the blood of the lamb the blood of your son son and by the word of our testimony and our testimony is you are good you are great you are holy you are just you are righteous father we thank you we thank you that you are truth personified and that we can partake of your divine nature by these promises that we see here in the word of god and so we do we we we thank you we bless you and we praise you for all that you have done all you are doing and all that you will do but we worship you just because you deserve it you're worth it you're worthy and we thank you and we and we worship you for who you are what you are father we just thank you that you have given us the great privilege to be associated with you to be in your family to be accepted by you in the beloved so father we praise you we worship you and we say you are good and you are our god and we are your people you are our father and we are your children your sons and your daughters and you hold nothing back you gave us jesus and if you gave us jesus with him you gave us everything else that you have already blessed us with every spiritual blessing you have already given to us everything that pertains to life and godliness health and healing and blessing and prosperity in every aspect the father we thank you in jesus name amen amen amen all right well oh okay well if you need ministry i'll be glad to minister to you uh but i will tell you my goal is not to see you know how long the healing line i can get or how many healing lines or how many people my goal is to get you where you don't need to be in my healing life that's my goal now if you need we have no problem ministering to you but even before you come down take a moment worship him and receive it for yourself and when you get up here you still come up but you'll give me a testimony instead of me giving you one amen amen all right god bless you hey guys hey i just wanted to welcome you i'm curry blake general over here at john's lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taking the responsibility to enter into the life that jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified dht how to start a life team uh but you know and and maybe some of you are already within jglm and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do i have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within jjlim we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen i really appreciate this jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so i look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you [Music] we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoyed today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at [Music] rise up and fight the fight come on if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit forward slash partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] visit to watch this program and more at any time subscribe for full access to our entire library or you can rent buy and watch for free select resources with over 700 hours of teaching to watch and more being added we've got your needs covered [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's [Music] you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 15,835
Rating: 4.8594847 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: DulOLizd4vM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 54sec (4974 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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