04 iChurch - Be Healed (Matthew 28), Recorded 8-29-11

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well hello we're back we are going to pick up this evening on called healing the sick or heal the sick is what we've called these series of broadcast and it's in out Santa we're good there I've got my okay no one make sure my mom went on mute it'll be okay all right I never know for sure and we'll make sure so now a couple of things we're gonna look at and if you have a divine healing technician manual you can actually go to page 50 it's a chapter 7 and see ABCs of a divine healing ministry now we're talking about how to minister healing and as we go through we're going to talk about a lot of things that are more details and because we want to get into some aspects that we don't always get into during a regular DHT now but I want to hit this tonight because there are certain things that you need to get and get nailed down and I want to show you if you've not been ministering to the sick and maybe you want to I'm going to tell you it is it is easy to do but there are some things and as we go on we'll give you some of the details with them but we want to start with a couple of things when I just call the ABCs of divine healing ministry which are very simple first off we're gonna start with the a of course which is availability now there's a couple of things here and and I'll give you even some Old Testament verses if we don't always talk about a lot but in second chronicles chapter 16 verse 9 it says for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him now notice here he says that the eyes the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in behalf of those whose heart is perfect order he's always looking for people in whom and through whom he can show himself strong if I even says that that those that know their God will be strong and do exploits now in Isaiah chapter 6 verse 8 it says also i heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am I send me and he said go and tell this people hear ye indeed but understand not and see he indeed but perceive not notice he said he said I heard the voice of Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us and then said I here am I send me now we're talk about availability one of the key things if you're not available God's not going to use you which is you know it's sounds kind of silly to say in some cases but people don't always realize some people sit around waiting for God to pick them up off of their lazy boy you know recliner and throw them out in a ministry if you go through history and read and study the lives of people in the Bible but also just people that you know God has used very seldom very seldom if ever did he just pick somebody that was doing nothing and say hey let me use you it's amazing that he found people who were always busy and sometimes busy doing the wrong things but still busy and he turned them and started using them so the first key the first as we'd say the ABCs of divine healing ministry the first key here is being available you've got to have this desire in you to be used of God and make yourself available you say well yeah but you know I don't have power what leave that up to God well we'll talk about at a later time but leave that to God you'd be available see now in Ezekiel 22:30 it says and I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none see second chronicles 16:9 says that the eyes of the Lord go all over the earth looking for somebody that God can show himself strong in here he says in Ezekiel that he looked for a man that could stand in the gap somebody that can build up the hedge and he found no one so he's looking but more often than not he doesn't find people that are available for him now they're available in church and they're available in their religious duties but they're not available to help any way that needs help now in Ezekiel 3 and and now listen carefully this verse 18 Ezekiel 3:18 when I say under the wicked thou shalt surely die and thou give him not warning nor speak to the warrant nor speaks to warn the wicked from his wicked way to save his life the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity he says if I say the wicked is going to die and you don't warn him then he's going to die in his iniquity because you didn't tell him so the fault is not God's and in now understand my sin the fault is not the wicked persons on their own but I'm saying the the finger here is pointing toward the the so-called Christian the person of God he says but his blood will I require at your hand his in other words if you let the wicked die without warning him I'm gonna require that of your hand I'm gonna want to know why you let that happen he said yet if you warn the wicked and he turned not from his wickedness nor from his wicked way he shall die in his iniquity but you have delivered your soul now I'm just reading the Bible you know you may not like it but that's what it says and he said again when a righteous man does turn from his righteousness and commits iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die because you have not given him warning he shall die in his sin and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered but his blood will I require at your hand now you might want to just go back and read this verse 21 says nevertheless if you warn the righteous men that the righteous sin not and he death not sin he shall surely live because he has warned also thou hast delivered thy soul now you hear again being available you've got to become available for the Great Commission you've got to be available to work for God now people say well oh you're talking about works yep sure did mention works and said you need to work for God now now I did but you don't misquote me I did not say you need to work your way to heaven I said you need to work for God and the reason you need to work for God is because God has already granted you access to heaven you understand it's because you are right with God that you should work for him now in Ezekiel 33:3 it says if when he sees the sword come upon the land he blow the trumpet and warn the people then whosoever here the sound of the trumpet and taketh not warning if the sword come and take him away his blood shall be upon his own head he heard the sound of the trumpet and took not warning his blood shall be upon him but he that takes warning shall deliver his soul but if the watchman see the sword come and blown off the trumpet and the people be not warned if the sword come and take any person from among them he has taken away in his iniquity but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand he said well you have that doesn't matter for us that's all Old Testament principle is principle the Apostle said all of these things were written and even the lives of all the saints were written and all the scriptures were written so that they might be an example to us so that we can learn from them by principle so don't try it well you know that was okay well there are aspects of Old Covenant there are certain things Old Covenant that don't apply to us today because we have a new and better covenant but the principle of God is very sick you could actually say that Jesus restated this in Matthew 28 when he said all power in heaven and earth is given and you know is given unto him therefore you go into all the world and preach the gospel you know we're gonna look at that in just a minute because tonight we're talking about well the name of the program basically is heal the sick and I want to get this across to you of how vital it is that you go and heal the sick that you go and minister and you can't just sit and wait alright let's look at this he says here there's taken away watching in to verse 7 where that yep trying to make sure I'm at the right place so Thou O sent a man I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth and warn them from me when I say unto the wicked Oh wicked man thou shalt surely die if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way that wicked man shall die in his iniquity but his blood will I require at your hand nevertheless if you warn the wicked of his way to turn from it if he do not turn from his way he shall die in his iniquity but you have delivered your soul here it is again he says the same thing again in proverbs 3:27 it says withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in the power of your hand to do it say not unto your neighbor go and come again and tomorrow I'll give you when you have it in or don't put it off you do it now James 4:17 of course which James was written to believers he said therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin now that's a New Testament verse and it was written obviously by James so it's Bible whether you like it or not point B here we talk about availability so now we would look at B be is simply bold believing it's boldness but it is also bold believing right now in proverbs 28 1 it says that the wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are as bold as a lion you say we know it's just not me I'm just not this well okay then quote this verse get up every morning quote this verse you know the first thing you do when you get up in the morning you ought to put on some Christian music I'm talking real Christian I'm talking about you know contemporary nothing against contemporary necessarily but I'm saying something that has something to do with the blood something has something to do with who God is something has something to do with who Jesus is and what he's done not just some sing along ballad that some Christian artist is singing to some other Christian person I'm talking about you turn on something it sings to God something that tells God how great he is and how awesome he is true worship alright and you you turn on that music and you begin to worship and wiglesworth used to say the first thing he did when he got up in the morning as soon as his feet hit the floor he would begin to dance around before the Lord and sing to the Lord for ten minutes and they wiggled dr. Summerall asking one time said how come you you're always up I've never seen you down he said it's very simple I don't I never asked wiglesworth how he feels I tell wiglesworth how he feels you say you need to start telling your body how you feel your body is not you you're inside that body and you need to decide what's inside you see the spirits willing but the flesh is weak the flesh gets upset scientists and I'm not alive until I have my coffee no you're not alive until the blood Jesus covers you and that's why I get you you should turn on that music and dance before the Lord sing and dance around or whatever you need to do to come alive in Jesus you know get up and start quoting to the scriptures that tell who you are in Christ and who he is in you and what the father's done for you through Christ and you start confessing and who he is in you acknowledging the scripture says every good thing that is in you in Christ Jesus I should have brought it up to talk about it we have that on CD that we just take you through this thing and we we say these scriptural confessions and we take you to it I say it and in the class that I had there with me they begin to set so you can get this CD and listen to it and as I say it then repeat it back with the class and I mean we're just you just get built up and by the time you're done with that you spent maybe 20 30 minutes in the morning first thing and by the time you're you know after that for 20 or 30 minutes man you're just so pumped up you're ready to go take on the world as we use this out time charge hell with a bucket of water I mean that know that's somebody that's another one those Texas sayings that we got so you you move here we'll give you one those books and you can find out all these Saints but you need to you'll get pumped up you'll be ready to do something for God listen you need how you start your day most of time determines how your day is going to go and you need to get up in the morning and start your day with God you need to start your day with worship and and just telling God who he is and reminding yourself and reminding God that you know who he is in you and reminding the devil did you know who God is in you and start to walk that way and talk to and I'm telling you ever change about you do it for 30 days and watch see the difference in your life and and you know if you say well I don't know what scriptures you know to confess I don't know how to do it you get on our website look up acknowledging what is in you and order that to mp3 or whatever it is and get that thing and listen to it and put it in practice we've got so many testimonies from that CD if people never listened that it's been amazing the difference that just that one I think it's about 45 minutes is all it is 45 minutes to an hour and there's the difference that makes them people I know the guys here at the at the media house where we we have several of the young men that we're training and that are working with us and every morning when they get up they a prayer time and they take the prayer requests at commanding they have these confessions and they get up and they they work together to build one another up and to encourage and so it's it's good that's a way to stay strong no he says here in first Thessalonians 2 2 it says but even after that we had suffered before and were shamefully entreated as we know at Philippi we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God with much contention we were noticing we were bold in our God bold in our God now that's a statement you don't hear much nowadays in Ephesians 3 11 it says according to the eternal purpose which he has purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him they hear that you say well I'm just not both well yeah I guarantee you take this and confess in about 30 minutes every day and watch and see if boldness didn't rise up inside of you you want because you're acknowledging what is in you he says that we have boldness and access see now look let's just I'll show you how to study the Bible verse 12 says in whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him now notice you say well you know I just don't know I'm just not bold okay well here says you you are bold here's as you have boldness so whether you think they're not you have it right now what you need see is to stir up the gift that's in you because boldness is in the Holy Ghost and as you stir up the gift of the Holy Ghost it's in you you get bold now if you don't have boldness then you also don't have confidence or access to God because they come together we are in whom we have boldness and access so if you don't have boldness you don't have access see most people said well I have access to God to the blood of Jesus well you got boldness by the blood of Jesus also what because that's in him and he's in you and because what's in him as it was Jesus bold I think Jesus was bold I think the scripture is pretty clear about it well if that same Jesus lives in you then boldness dwells in you stir that thing up get bold begin to speak what you know to be true which is the Word of God in first John chapter 4 verse 17 it says here in is our love made perfect that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment you hear that boldness in the day of judgment so there is coming a judgment and but the beauty of it is when it comes we're not gonna be standing in line waiting oh man I hope I make it to this judgment I hope it's quick no we're in our bonus there may be people standing everywhere boy I just you know I don't know husband but you're gonna be standing there because you have done these things it's because you've lived these things out you're gonna stand there but I worried about this what well because my confidence didn't need me and my face is in him and so I'm not worried about I have boldness why because I love is made perfect my love is made perfect with the Brethren my love is made perfect toward God and told my fellow man so I got I'm not worried about this judgment what's where I've boned this word and you step up there and say all right go ahead go ahead judge me and he's gonna judge you he's gonna judge your works he's gonna judge everything you've done both good and bad in the body but guess what he's going to basically what you're gonna hear is well done thou good and faithful Saints right you say I talked I said servant it did but you're not you're not a servant you're a saint you're a saint who serves remember that yeah the next one so we got first off we get available availability second we got bold believing third we got what see compassion this is vital compassion is vital hey listen if you don't love people take it Christianity is gonna be hard for you your head you gotta love people now the beauty of it is you don't have to love them in your own strength because the Bible says that the love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost so God's love is the love you're gonna love people with and you've many times you won't even understand you think you know what I really can't stand them but I love them you know I don't like what to do but I love them and you think you know there's something weird about this because I shouldn't be liking them and maybe you say maybe I don't like but I'll tell you I love them which means I will do whatever it takes to help them yeah in Matthew chapter 9 verse 36 but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted were scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd didn't say Athey to his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the a few pray therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth cast out as where the greek reads laborers into his harvest and we had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power authority against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease and notice it was compassion that caused him to ordain the twelve and to give them power authority over sickness and disease it was compassion it wasn't because the apostles were so good wasn't because they were so special it was the fact that Jesus had compassion and there were so many people he could not get to them all so he had to have help so he had to disperse and delegate the authority to set the captives free why because Jesus the Father the Holy Spirit they are against oppression they are against these problems you understand now he says in Matthew 14 verse 14 chapter 14 and verse 14 and Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them and He healed their sick well there it is again compassion causes you to healed the sick now we know that compassion also I don't think I have it here but in one of the verses actually I may have we will read on through here but we know there was also compassion that caused Jesus to raise the the widow of nain her son died as you know and as they were coming out it said that Jesus had compassion on the woman on the mother and raised her son he didn't have compassion on the son he had compassion on the mother and because of that the son was raised and that's always amazed me you know I always say well that that boy should really thank his mother and be happy you know that he has a mother because Jesus had compassion on the woman when even on the boy and he said now notice here because he says in matthew 15 32 then Jesus called his disciples unto him and said I have compassion on the multitude because they continued with me now three days and have nothing to eat and I will not send them away fasting lest they faint in the way and notice he sees this group he sees his crowd he heals them now he sees us crowd and says they're hungry so what does he do he multiplies food and feeds the entire crowd why did he do that while he was showing he was God no you added that into some of the Bible says the Bible says that he took the food and then he blessed it and then he gave it to his disciples and that it was multiplied as the disciples handed it out so the multiplication actually had actually took place under the disciples hands but it was a blessing of Jesus that caused it to happen but it was the compassion that Jesus had on them that was the actual reason for the miracle of the multiplication of food you understand that it wasn't without the Holy Spirit just want to work a miracle no well it was a gift of working miracles no no those might be means that he used but the reason he did it was because of compassion he had compassion on the people because they've been following him no in Matthew chapter 20 verse 34 so Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes and immediately their eyes received sight and they followed him and look at that why did they receive their eyesight because he had compassion on them he had compassion and it caused the blind to see see we've overlooked as so much compassion was the root of every miracle of everything that happened all these dead raisings all of these healings all the multiplication of food all that stuff every one of them is compassion see we always well you know that's the spirit led him to do this well I'm not saying it didn't but the Spirit is the spirit of compassion it's the Spirit of God that loves people enough to cause someone to move to do something because remember it's not sympathy sympathy just stands there and looks at person says oh that's pitiful the compassion looks at a person says here let me help you and then puts out their hand to do something let me help you be healed let me help you eat and give them money or food or whatever else it is but compassion causes action that compassion technically is an action no and now we could go through many more of these they're all pretty much the same thing they all say the same thing but I want to take you very quickly to a verse here I want to show you Matthew go to Matthew chapter 28 Matthew 28 now in Matthew 28 it says this in verse 18 and Jesus came and spoken to them saying all authority is given unto me in heaven and in earth yeah that means there was nowhere that there was not that Jesus did not have authority it was all given to him he had all authority according to Scripture then he says in verse 19 go ye therefore know words because I have authority all authority you go to watch and teach he said well I'm not a teacher well yeah you are well because you have the teacher in you you have the Holy Spirit who is your teacher to lead and guide you and teach you he is in you so you have the teacher in you and because of that you are a teacher the Bible says that we should all be making disciples watch he says go and teach all nations so whether you want to or not really that's that's irrelevant you have to you don't have an option well you say but you know I'm just a Christian doing it okay you know I don't ever go anywhere I don't know okay that's fine do it where you're at but you've got to be teaching somebody you say what I don't know what to teach well these lessons were a good start take these lessons start teaching start ministering start doing what these things say if you don't find it here and you want more instruction you can go to our website and there's of course we got JGL m dot org that you can go to but you which probably how you found this anyway but you could also go to jgl m media.com and we've got a whole bunch of just free videos and audios and mp3s and all kind of stuff on there that you can watch and listen to and download or however they have it set up but you can you can be trained watching these these lessons right there on your computer you don't have to go far off to do it you can watch it right there no he says baptizing them them who all the nations that you're going to go to and teach now you go and you baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost now watch what he tells them now what are you going to teach them he says in verse 28 them to observe that means to find out and do all things whatsoever I have commanded you okay now let's look at this picture you got Jesus he calls his disciples together he is resurrected from the dead all Power has been given unto him because he is now the risen king of kings and Lord of lords he has risen up and he tells them alright because it's all been given back to me now I want you to go into all the world I want you to teach every nation I want you to baptize them bring them into the fold so to the speak and he says now they said well Lord what should we teach it's easy teach them teach the people teach the disciples that the disciples are going to reach right second generation we would look at this almost as Jesus's grandchildren we're talking about it's not his grandchildren I understand that but I'm trying to show you this is a second generation of people being taught here he says teach them to observe to do all things whatsoever I have commanded you so in other words Jesus saying alright boys listen up he said now I want all powers being given to me all authority there is no devil no sickness no disease that can stand before you so I want you to go into all the world I want you to heal the sick cast out devils raise the dead and preach the gospel and when you preach the gospel in my name you're going to teach the nation's you're going to baptize them make them disciples and you're going to teach them to do everything that I told you to do now you see how this supposed to be just eternally perpetual just constantly going on and teaching he is saying you teach them what I've told you to do well what did he tell them to do well he told him honestly Matthew five six and seven he he told them to Beatitudes he told him how to act he told him what to do but he also told him heal the sick he also told him I've called you to go and heal the main things he told his own disciples here as he never called anybody in ministry he never sent anybody out to ministry he never called him that he to himself that he did not at the same time that he at least called him or sent him out that he did not it's the same time tell them to heal the sick every time he never sent anybody out to preach not even one time without telling them they had power over sickness and disease every time he sent anybody to preach anything he told them he'll heal the sick set them free one what were they preaching well they were gonna go and preach to people and teach to people about the kingdom of God they were gonna go share the good news of the gospel of the kingdom of God which is what Jesus preached but we know this to be true because it said that Paul preached to them concerning the kingdom of God and he said he stayed there two years at one place teaching them about the kingdom of God even disputing and arguing with different people and going on but he taught them about the kingdom of God so he was trying to teach them how to live Kingdom life even here on earth now and that's a wonderful way to take it's much listen it's much better to teach people how to live in the kingdom of God and operate according to the kingdom than it is to teach them religion and to teach them do's and dont's it's much better to teach him how good god is now he says you teach them to observe all things not not some all all things that I have commanded you and lo that means basically like notice or take heed here you know look at concentrate on this I am with you always even unto the end of the world then he says amen are so bent now do you realize what he's telling them is your to go and do what I taught your to go and do and teach what I taught you to do your to teach these people to do exactly what I taught you to do now you have to realize too that in this situation when Jesus was telling them that in the very beginning they were operating under delegated authority Jesus said you go and do this and this will happen and they were operating really a lot like the Old Testament prophets Jesus operated as an Old Testament prophet at that time and his disciples operated as Old Testament prophets unto promises where you would call and they operated by delegated authority but now once I got born again now everything we have is in Jesus so now it's no longer delegated authority it is inherited Authority because it's in see when you go out you're not going out yes--that's I'm not putting this down please understand me I'm not putting this down but I always think it kind of strange unusual kind of funny or how you want to say it it always sticks with me when I see a ministry or the person's name you know and you say what are you talk about you're in John Jake ministries yeah I know that I know I know that but that's just so you can find us that's the only reason really all right um John Lake is not the focus Jesus is the focus well what I mean is you know we don't call this curry Blake Ministries well because whenever the disciples at one point they lost Judas and they said now we got to find somebody that was with us from the beginning to take part in this ministry and so they didn't say in you know this other ministry or that ministry it's all the Ministry of Jesus see when you go out and you go out maybe you know maybe you've got a ministry that's it's under your name I'm not putting down understand I'm not saying it's wrong I'm just saying but when you when you pray for the sick when you preach the gospel when you set the captives free you're not talking in your name you don't go there and say let me tell you now you know my name is Craig Blake and you know because of who I am well guess what because of that devils are going to go so in the name of curry blake devil i command you to go see i would never do that one because that's stupid it makes no sense Devils don't listen to the name of curry blink create the name Craig Blake matter of fact if any devil remember his name of curry Blake it's probably because I used to be kin to him right and because of how you still walk with them and they remember Craig Blake that is now dead and they remember how he was see that's the part they from her lately and I honestly if I tried to use that name they'd go what are you talking about cast us out man we were right there together we were we were one you know whoever did Kevin is so when I go out I don't lay hands on the sick in the name of Craig Blake I don't even lay hands on the sick in the name of John G Lake I lay hands on the sick in the name of Jesus why it's his ministry it's I'm in him I mean I saw him or something awhile back I saw and I think it was Jack you know what it was now but they had this real thin sheet spread real tight there was a person behind it and whenever they put their hand in it you could see the handprint in the sheet and then they would do different things and they would put themselves up against the sheet and they would form an outline I was and I say she don't know what it's made out of but it looked very strange but when I think of this see that's the way Jesus is you're in him it's like if his body was right here and you're gonna lay hands it's almost like you're inside and pushing out against that sheet and you just push that sheet to touch and what you're doing is you're pushing Jesus I don't have to makes any sense to you I can see it but all it is is that you're in Christ it's not that you're out there on your own and things happening and because you've been really good and pray a whole lot that God is dumping certain amounts of power on you that's not how it works the way it works is that you die to everything of your name every accomplishment every every reason why God should you should use you to do anything that's what Paul said he said man I can't had all done he said just I've got cast all these things away from me he said I've died to the world and the world has been crucified to me and he said I've died to all of that kind of stuff he says geez masters Christ it's all Christ and that's what we have to realize everything we do we do in Christ and because we're in him then when we say what he said it's him saying it he said if if they receive who I sinned didn't they receive me that's why Jesus said so if we go in his name don't go in your name go in his name and say in the name of Jesus sickness go it has nothing to do with you or how good you've been or anything else but you have faith in that name and that name the power of that name which is above every other name anything has a name has to bow its knee to the name of Jesus we know that and as you use that name and stretch forth out your hand forget about you forget your anointing your gifting your calling your ministry forget all that and just let Christ live through you and if you do that then what happens is much bigger than anything you could ever attain to because now it's Jesus doing it not you see it's not even your works it's his works so now very quickly here because I'm gonna take too much more time on this I wanted you to look at a couple of things first off if you look back at what let's look at a couple of in Ephesians chapter 4 starting in verse 11 it says and he gave some apostles and some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ and see that's where you're headed now notice notice he said that until we all come to this we have these guess that means that we're not all attained to that now in the spirit we have but there is still a see that's that's positional experiential is where you live it's where you walk and your job so to speak is to collate those two to coordinate them together to where how you live and walk matches what's in you see that's being transformed what you do is you're peeling away you and you're letting Jesus be seen that's the essence of this thing now he says here and the perfect man but I wanted to point out that that this is a future thing that's happening coming to this perfection that's not a future thing that God said it's going to happen on this time no it's according to the individual that grows up that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him in all things which is the head even Christ now the reason I said that is because we are to grow up into Jesus well who was Jesus well he was the son of the Living God okay in many ways of that doesn't narrow it down because now if you're born again you are a son of the Living God - even if you're a female you're a son technically what because they just no longer use it live it's neither male nor female there's neither Greek nor Jew it is that we are all Christ is all and in all and we are all in him so now we are sons of God now watch your several scriptures but I want to show you some of this in Luke chapter 3 verse 38 it's given the history of Jesus the genealogy of Jesus it says which was a son of Venus which was a son of Seth which was the son of Adam which was the son of God you hear that Adam was a son of God Adam was done ends what it says was the son of God all right so he was the son of God and we know that now Jesus was the last Adam he wasn't a second Adam he was the last time in other words there's nothing else gonna happen okay and what it also means it means that Buddha ain't that okay it also means that well we can go through how all these different things but it also shows that Mormonism in hidden truth okay Joba witnesses not true what because it doesn't hold up to this no he says here and let's look at the next one in first John chapter 3 verse 8 it says he that commits sin is of the devil for the devil sinneth from the beginning for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil why did Jesus come to destroy the works of the devil what did he do he went about well the Bible says very clearly he went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil so what was he doing when he was healing all who were oppressed of the devil he was destroying the works of the devil now there were works notice what it right there it says that he might destroy the works plural not just the work but the works plural so there's several things he destroyed and it says that he destroyed the work that that what he destroyed he destroyed sickness and disease and all these things when when he you know during his life but at the end he also destroyed the power of sin he destroyed the power of the devil he destroyed all of that both in sickness and disease and in eternal life so now notice he says here in verse first John chapter three go back to verse one he says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God you hear that now we're not just talking about Jesus now we're talking about us the Bible says that we are called the sons of God and says man look at look at the what kind of love the father had that he would call us sons of God it says therefore the world knows us not well unfortunately there are way too many so called Christians that the world knows only too well and that they they walk right with the world act just like the world talk just like the world and you can't tell them apart but the Bible says very clearly if you're born of God the world doesn't know you it doesn't understand you what because you don't talk like them see they call things that are as though they are we call things that are not as though they were see the difference we don't talk like them you know they talk about the news says oh it's bad is the economy's going down this is happening oh it's gonna be terrible see we don't talk that way what because it doesn't matter where we are we're blessed it doesn't matter what goes on in the world one because it's not the world dictating what goes on with us he does God who dictates it you understand we operate by Kingdom principle not by earthly principle so that's why the world doesn't understand us now if you talk in the world understand you you're probably not talking Bible you're probably talking you know television news or the newspaper or something like that but you got to talk Bible you got to say what Jesus would say and when you start talking like him people don't understand you and they'll look at you like you're crazy but when they get sick they were they'll pull out your card they'll pull out your name and they'll start giving you a call what because I remember that guy man I was talking about sickness and how this flu is coming and he said not won't touch me well now I need him see they will they will remember that because you sound different you talk different you act different you know everybody runs away from somebody because they're coughing and they think they got a sickness and the Christian walk up to him and says don't worry about all that yeah let me take care of that for you see that's the difference one because we're not afraid we're going to catch it one because it's more afraid of us than we could ever be of it because we know who we are and it knows who we are the sickness knows the devil knows the disease knows all of that knows every bit of it knows yeah you know they proven recently that I'm with it with cancer in particular other things too but in particular this study did cancer and they took a cancer cell and had it in a dish actually and whenever they took that cell it had a certain DNA to it and then they put it into a human body basically and then when they later they took that same cell out and I don't ask me other do that cuz I don't know all this stuff I'm just telling you the report that I read when they took that cell out it was the same cancer cell but when they took it out and analyzed it the DNA had changed and now it had the human's DNA in it and so the can't listen that the cancer actually absorbed the human DNA and the human DNA actually absorbed the cancer DNA if probably I've been using the correct terminology here but basically they both got a little bit of each other and I'm here to tell you that whenever you are a believer and you know the power of God in you to set the captive free and that sickness and disease has no power over you or within you that whenever you put your hand on a person who has cancer the cancer cells don't get to you the life and you radiates into them and starts killing them like like chemotherapy almost like radiation therapy to where it goes into it and starts again now it depends on how much life you're able to put into them which has a lot to do with how much you're focused on that ton because the power of God follows your intentions it follows your will so to speak now people say oh I don't like that you know talk about your wheels okay God gave you a will for you to use it for him the problem is most humans spend most of time trying to get rid of their will and trying to make their will compliant with whatever's around them and that weakens their will and God expects you and desires you to be so strong-willed for him that people will look at you and complain you were just the most stubborn thing I've ever seen in my life but it's because you're stubborn on the things of God you will not back down you won't back off you won't turn one way or the other you won't agree with somebody that says something that denies the Word of God you just stay there and no matter how much they try to get you to say it you just stand there keep your lips shut and don't say it or you say the opposite and you say what the Bible says and they'll look at you and say you're just so stubborn yep and I'm so blessed and I'm so healed and I'm so prosperous you know and look at you I'm having the benefit of what I believe in say and you are the living example of what you believe and say well because of out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks I'll hear what you believe and see what you believe should be the Word of God now he goes on but I'm just trying to show you says beloved in verse 2 now are we the sons of God now not some day not far future now are we the sons of God and it does not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he appear when you shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is there everyman now what now listen carefully listen this is Bible I didn't write this and every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure you hear that every man that has this hope in him purifies himself purifies himself didn't say God purified you says you purify yourself now see there's so much going on about well we can't do anything we can't contribute to anything that is not true there are things you are responsible to do God gives you the ability called grace to do it he gives you the grace to do what is necessary but you must purify yourself he says anyway he says here in verse I'm sorry Philippians 2 verse 15 it says that you may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world you hear that he called you sons of God and he says that these sons of God blameless harmless without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation among whom you shine as lights in the world holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ and I've not run in vain neither labored in vain in Romans chapter 8 verse 18 it says for I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us for the earnest expectation of creation waits for the manifest of the sons of God now reason I've been reading all these first two students I want to show you it says now we're the sons of God but the world is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God see we we're a sense of God now but the world is waiting for us to start acting like it to show up and be the sons of God that we already are now we know it says now listen let's read again the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God and what it first John three a say for this purpose was the son of God what manifested so Jesus was manifested the Son of God was manifested for what to destroy the works of the devil and now it says that all of creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God plural well what's the world waiting for for the sons of God to be manifested to do what to destroy the works of the devil now Jesus destroyed them in the sense that he broke their power but now we are to manifest to go forth and do the same works he did and greater works which means doing the same things even easier than he did it and doing them in greater number and we are to do these things why because now we face a defeated enemy and we are to go forth and manifest as sons of God destroying sin destroying sickness destroying the illnesses and the problems of the world the poverty and all that all that is in the world because of sin that's our job that's who we are and the world is waiting for us to grow up and as I always say for the life teams the purpose is to grow up step up and speak up that's the purpose of the Son of God it's time for you to grow up it's time for you to step up take your position and it's time to speak up and say this is who God is and he's that in me and you start living that out now very quickly here he says I want to take you to actually one more John 1:12 says but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God to as many as received him as many as received Jesus he gave them power the authority to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so now we know exactly who can be sons of God whoever believes him believes on his name now so we want to know what position do sons of God occupy well the first one is a position of Dominion we know that from Genesis 1:26 because remember we said that Adam was the son of God and in Luke it told us that Luke 3 whatever 38 or what it was Luke's it says that Luke was the son of God all right let's look at it in Genesis 1:26 it says in God said let us make man Adam in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion let man have dominion well what was Adam he was a son of God let sons of God have dominion sons of God or to have dominion in this earth now are we sons of God now as he is so are we now in this world now it says that we were to have dominion over the fish of the sea fowl of the air cattle earth over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth and it goes on and in verse 28 it says in God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth you are to have dominion over every living thing that moves upon the face of the earth and scientists have proven every sickness every disease is a living thing you have authority and dominion over HIV authority and dominion over cancer authority and dominion over everything that creeps upon this earth know what is actually Dominion what is he talking about if we're to have Dominion we need to know what that Dominion is that Dominion is very simply this in Strong's Concordance that is number 272 87 it's a Hebrew word Rajah and it means to tread down to subjugate specifically it means to crumble off is translated in the King James Version as to make to have dominion to prevail against to reign and watch to bear or to make to rule over now in there is also a deeper word study called brown driver and Briggs that you can look up it's the same this goes by the same number straw number 72 87 rod ah and it means to rule to have dominion to dominate to tread down to have dominion to rule to subjugate to cause to dominate that's that is the meaning of the word when it said let man have dominion what it meant was let man subjugate the earth let man tread upon the earth let man have dominion and dominate the earth you were made for Dominion you were made for domination that's who you are as a son of God you are to have dominion over all the works of gods in in in Psalm 8 it's amazing Psalm and he says well actually it's on the next page page 57 Psalm 8 says what is man that you are mindful of him talking to God what is he what is man God that you are mindful of him and the son of man that you visit him for you have made him a little lower than the Angels now we'll talk about that in a second and have crowned him with glory and honor you hear that man was crowned with glory and honor you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands you made him to have dominion over the works of your hands you have put all things under his feet now that's a strange verse you have put his a David here is saying God what is man that you have made him to have dominion over all the works of your hands and you have may you have put everything under his feet now we know that Adam had everything put under his feet and he was to have dominion over the earth we also know that he lost it hand it over to Satan but now Jesus has brought that back and now he is it's even better now to be honest with you and because now it's not just earthly rule now we have rule all the way up to heaven because we're a seated in heavenly places with him and everything has been put under Jesus's feet and because of that because Jesus was the second Adam the last Adam as we said because he was at last Adam all things are under his feet and if you're in him all things are under your feet what is man did you put all things under his feet Adam at that time when Jesus came back or when he came to the earth the first time when he came here as the last Adam he came here to walk in Dominion what did he do he walked in Dominion he calmed the sea he calmed the wind he spoke to fig trees and they died he spoke to people's eyes and they were open he had total absolute dominion I mean even the enemy they tried to take him to the to the edge of a cliff and throw him off and they couldn't even kill him he says he got to the edge of the cliff and turned and walked through the midst they allowed him to take him all the way out there but then he turns around and just walks away from one because he that's not how he's supposed to die he came for a specific death in a specific time in a specific place and until then he wasn't going anywhere and that's the same attitude you need to have that's the same as a believer as someone who's going to minister healing to the sick you need to decide that that spirit of Dominion is in you that's that spirit of the Holy Spirit that is in you right now that gives you that know you are renewed man so to speak when you're this new creature that's never existed before one because nothing existed recreated by God God created Adam then Adam felt that was there was nothing like you before now that you're born again you're a brand new species and you are a species that has been created specifically for Dominion to subjugate the earth and everything in it and when sickness and disease rares its head up in somebody's body you just fix it until their body looks like it will in heaven you just go about having Authority and walking and the funny thing is like I said earlier if you walk that way be ready because people are gonna they're gonna come after you they're gonna they're gonna put you down they're gonna say things about you they're gonna say who do you think you are and you know what what makes you think you can do this and you know I know you you hadn't fast enough or prayed enough or been holy enough and I remember it and just know everybody that says that now I don't know if they're born again but I know who they're working for and they're working for the devil if they remember where you came from if they remember your sins from from years for they are working for the devil name they may be born again you know maybe maybe not I don't know but they were working for the devil they're not working for God because God is not remembering your sin you need to take on that spirit of Dominion you need to start talking with Dominion you need to start saying this is how to be this is the only way it'll be it's not going to be that way it's going to be according to word of God what he says is wait I'm healed how can I be sick when I'm healed and and you get around people I said how can you stay sick when you're em you can't stay sick cuz sickness and disease must go in Jesus name well but you don't understand that's in them and that you don't have any authority ya do I can authority over sickness and disease every if Jesus had authority as he is so am I in this world what what if Jesus said all authority in heaven and earth have been given unto him if all authority in heaven has been given under him and you're in him you're not walking in your own name but you're walking in his name then all Authority has been given to you not in your name but you get to use it all what because as he is so are you yeah you have a position of Dominion you have a position of authority you can speak you have a position to have answered prayer I mean it's just amazing that you you are to have every prayer answered you are to have every statement fulfilled now I'm we're gonna turn you loose here in just a minute but I do want to mention a couple of things here to you kind of things that talk about this spirit of Dominion this is one of the key teachings this actually came out of our Bible school teaching and it goes into this very thing the spirit of Dominion so if you would like to have that you can contact us and we have it on CD DVD and I think mp3 also I'm not sure you can check the website and see but then the other thing is that you might and and I should have brought some other stuff out but we also have a spiritual physics and if you've not heard this this talks about how God grows limbs back on it tells you how these things happen and how it operates so it gives you kind of behind the scenes of how limbs grow on how blind eyes open it just how it works now the other one that I don't have would leave a novelty but it's called a matrix mindset the matrix mindset that was actually preached in South Africa I would encourage you to get it because it goes into the very fact kind of along the lines of the the movie The Matrix talked about getting plugged in most people in the world today even Christians are plugged into the system so to speak into the matrix to where they think that what they see is the reality and I'm here to tell you everything you see is temporal if you see a building or a house today and you come back in 50 75 years probably won't be there they will have knocked it down or it will have rotted or fell apart or something well because it was made from temporal things for a temporal time and temporal means temporary now the things that are real the things that are solid the things that are those things that are eternal and those things you can't see but it's those things that God made all this stuff you can see out of now because you can he made things that you can see out of things you can't see then it's the things that you can't see that are actually more real and more eternal than the things you can see now I know this sounds in some ways very theological or maybe very philosophical let me break it down for you very simple if you take a picture of yourself from 20 years ago your body is temporal it has changed over to 20 years but you open this look up and what it reads today it will read in a hundred years why because it is eternal it is the eternal Word of God and if you look at the eternal and do not consider the temple then the temple will change to match the eternal that's what I'm talking about if you take the eternal Word of God this is eternal it's solid it's stable it never changes it's like God it never changes it's the same yesterday today and forever and if you will take this word and apply it to your temporal situation then you are taking and at this immovable object and you're applying it to this very temporal very temporary thing and this immovable this unchangeable thing will cause the other thing to change you apply the Word of God to it and it will cause it to change now as a minister of the gospel you say well I'm not ordainment I don't care I'm saying if you're a believer you're a minister of the gospel as you Minister the gospel to people you apply the word you speak what the word said and you stand behind it your authority in Christ meaning by his name if you will exert your will his name is there you exert your will to push it and you maintain that that's called persevering it's called great faith now if you stop before you get what the Bible says is supposed to be there you lay hands on the sick you see some changes you say glory to God then you stop the changes stop if that's where you stop then you had little faith but if you continue even if you see some changes and it seems to stop you say no no no no we're getting the whole thing complete total healing if you do that and keep pushing and guess what will happen you will get the whole thing and when you get the answer that you see in the Bible the original answer lay hands on the sick and they'll recover when you see that and you keep going till you see that that's called great faith you just keep persevering you don't stop you don't back up you say what the Word of God said you take all the blasting from the people you take all of the sarcasm you take all of the ridicule and you just keep on walking and believe it or not whatever you're dealing with will change you won't and the funny thing is and when that changes and you didn't the people around you well all of a sudden change and say oh we knew this was going to happen all the time oh we were with you all the time we were behind you it's amazing they will change to listen a movable object unchangeable object that's the Word of God it's God it's you you become unchangeable it's a unteachable you should learn and grow but you don't change your course you don't change your path you stay strong and when you do that things will change your circumstances will change your body will change it'll be healed and be set free their body will be healed and then the people around you also will change so I can't let you go appreciate your patience tonight we we bless you and let's say right now go forth go into all the world preach the gospel heal the sick don't back off don't give up don't quit keep on going keep setting the captives free and if you go to somebody and they reject you dust your feet walk on preach the next person keep taking the gospel to the whole world teaching them to do everything that Jesus taught his disciples and you'll be his disciple god bless you we'll see you next week
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 21,446
Rating: 4.8831167 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: 1mWi37leWy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2013
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