The Wolf of Wall Street Speech

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Schatzi1982 📅︎︎ Feb 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
you know five years ago when I started Stratton Oakmont with Donnie Azoff I knew the day would eventually come where I'd have to be moving on and it's truly with a heavy heart that I'm here to say that that that that day is finally here I want to I want to thank you all for you years of loyalty and admiration but the point is this under Donny's leadership along with Nicky koskoff and Robbie Feinberg moving into key management positions this place really is it's gonna be better than that but that I promise okay this is Ellis Island cheap people who you are where you're from whether your relatives came over on a [ __ ] Mayflower or an inner-tube from Haiti this right here is the land of opportunity Stratton Oakmont is America all of you know Kimmy belts are right yes [ __ ] you come on she probably didn't know as Kimmy was one of the first brokers here one of Australia's original 20 most of you met Kimmy the beautiful sophisticated woman that she is today a woman that was $3,000 Armani suits drives a brand-new Mercedes Benz a woman who who spends her her winters in the Bahamas and her summers in the Hamptons that's not the Kimi that I meant they kept me that I met didn't have two nickels to rub together she was a single mom on the balls of her ass with an eight-year-old son okay she was three months behind on her rent and when she came to me and asked me for a job she asked for a $5,000 advance just just so she could pay his son's tuition what I do get me don't you wrote me a check for $25,000 and you know where that is because I believed in you because I believed in you Kimmy just like I believe in each and every one of you here today I [ __ ] love you Jordan [ __ ] I [ __ ] love you I love I [ __ ] love you too you know cuz for years I've been telling you guys never to take no for an answer right you know to keep pushing to never hang up the phone until you get what you want because you all deserve it you know this [ __ ] deal that I'm about to sign borrowing me from securities industry barring me from Stratton my home [ __ ] is that you know I'll tell you what it is it's it's it's me taking no for an answer you know it's them cuz I'm selling me not the other way around it's it's me being a hypocrite is what it is so you know what I'm not leaving I'm not leaving I'm not [ __ ] leaving the show goes on this is they're gonna need a [ __ ] wrecking ball Irishman
Channel: Movie Scenes 2014
Views: 1,687,553
Rating: 4.933455 out of 5
Id: 9XYwNiNh0sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 03 2014
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