Jordan Belfort - D2DCON - Real Wolf of Wallstreet

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yeah this is a member of our tribe I ain't knows what we go through he feels it he's been there he relates that's why we got the real wolf of Wall Street Journal belt [Music] guys I want you to Schumer me one time let's go come on huh huh come on Oh God huh huh I'd stop guess what I never actually did that [Applause] here's a great story and I got so many stories saying listen I only have one hour to speak and I'll probably go over okay if I go over a little bit guys yeah some of you have a fear of public speaking I love you too by the way right you guys are my breath room and you'll hear my story you guys are gonna die because it's right in your sweet spot but some people have fear of public speaking I have a fear of not public speaking you got to get a hook to get me off the stage right they're gonna said to the National Guard to get me offstage right anyway guys in all seriousness here's what I did do though the story is is that when they were filming that scene it was the first scene Matthew McConaughey was filming and he right before they start he goes off into the corner and score so he's there and the Caprio and he goes uh-huh uh-huh and was like what the hell is this guy doing he's like uh-huh and really it's like his kind of like little chance he does to get himself into state and Moore's like I love this because we have to make this part of the movie and it actually became this whole war cry throughout the movie and everyone just loved it now there's like you know you're looking at Tomorrowland and all in the soccer guys in the World Cup of doing eyes it's hysterical but here's the deal what Matthew McConaughey is doing ballet I'm just getting my voice back like scum on such a long speaking so my voice is shot right always but he's getting himself into a state just acting the state of certainty confidence clarity right and today you've probably heard this we call that state management but back in the day when I was first you know cutting my teeth in training the Strand Knights right and excuse me we called it staying positive not getting negative and I knew intuitively from my own experience that I'll tell you but novel you're gonna love it right that if my brokers got negative they wouldn't produce unless they were pumped up in a pitch state so every morning we'd stand up I had squeeze the hand seller and say the word yes yes and again yes until the woman crystal let's do that real quick ready one two three yes one two three louder one two three one more time ring the dog run one two three right now close your eyes for a second and imagine where you're gonna be in one year from now see yourself in the picture one years now guys I'm gonna be giving you some distinctions tonight that are really gonna help you make more money but just see yourself with a great life living the exact life you want working your tail off and loving it just get that picture clear and make it bigger in your mind's eye take a few deep breaths stand tall squeeze your hands together and just one two three one two three one last time what dude three all right come on round applause take a seat so I have only an hour it's a pile so I'm gonna talk fast I'm gonna ask you to do a couple of things number one at certain times I'll ask you to repeat a certain word right and ask you to raise your hand and say yeah he's that make sense to raise your hand say yes play along not the cause I want to start some religious revival session here right I did that once and ended up in [ __ ] to us thing not a good thing right it's just because I want to keep you active standing up here and there digging the grooves in deep applied shouting out certain words that are important words here so here's the deal I have let me just take this off here get comfortable right so I'm just sticking up here one second all right so I'm sticking up there all right anyway so here's the deal I invented the straight line system which most of you probably know or heard of or at least seen some videos on atom sheer necessity because I was faced with a problem that I had these twelve guys working for me and their average IQ was basically Forrest Gump on three hits of LSD heat right they were not the sharpest tools in the shed there were no Ivy League diplomas no members of the lucky sperm Club you get it they were the sons and daughters of Long Island and New York City's lower middle class they were kids that had never been told by their parents if they were capable of greatness and any greatness they naturally had in them had been literally like conditioned they'll be mad at them since they were this big first from their parents and their schoolteachers the media their own friends by the time they made it into the board room when I was starting they've been conditioned to survive not to thrive and what happened was originally I was selling penny stocks to average moms and pops and just seeing this time to go back to door to door I'm gonna focus here the circus is so great but I'm gonna go back to door to door so that works my whole life was thought a door before the stock market even after you're gonna love this right but we were selling to moms and pops and I had a system I was teaching them it didn't have a name but it worked well I would teach you about a sound good of good tonality I write a script for them and you know I was already a student of the game because I had already built up another business very large at a young age through what a d'orsay else I'll tell you about that after and it went bankrupt so I already knew how to sell it how to train right and they were doing well selling for moms and pops five hundred dollars of stock a thousand-dollar stock then I had an idea that changed everything what if we could sell to rich people I had seen it done as in the movie very actor just like that right that whole parts very accurate so what I did is I tested the idea myself with my junior partner Danny who was played by Jonah Hill by the way total wild man right Danny was a Annie Danny and I were doing unbelievably well making massive amounts of money calling rich people in fact the first time we tried it Danny had the first sale just numbers game right and his first sale was a hundred and twenty thousand dollar buy ticket and I made on that one trade seventy thousand dollars in three minutes seventy right and I looked out into the room of my 12 Schmendrick so to speak right my 12 young I said I am gonna be the richest guy in the world all I gotta do is teach these these 12 guys to sell to rich people and the rest as they say will be history and guess what as they also say easier said than done it proved to be impossible I could not get these guys to close one sale yet meanwhile Danny and I are closing like water my clothes rates 50% of higher Danny's is 30% was making tons my these guys after one month hadn't closed the sale and they wanted to quit well let's go back to selling to moms and pops and the thought of that just got me so angry because I and I and here's the deal just follow this for a second we're calling the same leads selling the same stock same script I'm closing 50 percent or better and after four weeks 12 guys hadn't closed one sale it was driving me batty I couldn't understand the right so we would do these marathon training sessions and just so you know I'm a big believer in like I live every single day when I'm running a Salesforce hey every morning I'm in her ear giving a meeting and in a market we did it twice the day about once a day you gotta get in their ear right and then once every week or two I give a marathon training at night so they were so negative because of course when salesman aren't closing they get negative right they're like come on give us one of your marathons at night so I said fine fines why you all at home touch some dinner we came back 7:00 p.m. and I looked at these guys and said guys what is so damn hard about this I honestly don't get it you know I'm doing it Danny's doing it you could do it too what they're like there's so many objections like yeah the stylistic objections nothing there there's like objections objections they keep cutting us off and I and in that moment I got so angry Lee is it yeah the stab some objections like really thousands are like thousand ago great let's write them all down I want to hear all thousand because I'll show you how to come off one by one overcome them I'm like let's go come on I'm not moving forward until you list them so of course there's a bit of silence at first right that's the scammer the gym owner joking right so finally one guy says they want to think about it I said great they want to think about I wrote think about it give me another one so the girls they want to call back I say great call back what else they got a picture that wife great dancer they're white they're business partner right what else it's a bad time of year right they don't know me right now and on and on other guys we got seven years need nine hundred ninety three more to go let's keep going I want them all and they kept going and they kept going and they kept going until it exhausted every objection and there was freaking 12 of them on the board twelve objections and in that and by the way half of them were repeats there what I need to speak to someone else as in my wife my partner my accountant my lawyer Santa Claus the tooth fairy right or it's a bad time of year it's back-to-school time it's Christmas time it's Groundhog's Day it's freaking leap year right and in that moment I I just got so angry and something came over me something came over me and and and I don't anyone read the book Think and Grow Rich it's you you gotta read this book after way of the wolf though anyway but you know seriously right and the wolf of Wall Street hey who read the brother a wolf of Wall Street the book right who see the movie Aaron welcome to modern society right anyway they talked about something called the collective unconscious like this ability to tap in to information and thoughts and ideas that really are even your own and you see this very often it's most apparent in like the music world where you'll have a guy little one like some band will come together and for like one year to make the most amazing music ever and they can never do it again something happens sometimes and you this window of clarity opens up and if you know the rules of success you jump through and make hey when the Sun shines well what happened was my window of clarity opened up and something hit me and I look at these guys and I utter these five magic was like don't you guys get it every say it was the same they're like what like every fails the same watch it's a straight line and for the very first time I drew this long thin line on the center of the board and put a big thick X on either end I said this is your Oh this is your clothes and now let me stop here and I want to go back to the beginning and tell you my story of my life but tell you in a way that focuses on the key moments the lessons that led me up to this moment when I was able to tap in because what happened is over the next three hours I invented the straight line like I never thought of before it is this vision popped in my head and these 12 guys who literally couldn't close a damn door before that the next morning went on an account opening spree that's now been the subject of two motion pictures first boiler room and then the wolf of Wall Street right and within three months they were millionaires and I was making a million bucks a week and I lost my lost my stuff bail I lost it I went wild I mean listen I played out and by the way there's also a lot to be learned on the on the other side what not to do because I was very young I did my ethics you know I was raised well but I just made I was poor family and the money came in so fast I lost my ethical way cuz it and by the way and I paid the price I'm lucky I came back and thankfully you know I'm sober now for 30 years old 25 years which is a miracle to itself I look pretty good considering I shouldn't like Keith Richards from the Rolling Stones right but I look okay I got a hydrate though if my wife was here she'd be holding up I've been hydrating hydrating drink this is my waters red pulse please cuz I don't do drugs I can't do cocaine I dribble huh [Applause] now I lecture two people I kid around about drugs but it's really is a terrible thing I know judge but for me you know it almost destroyed my life right anyway let me go back to the beginning now tell you what happened in my life what led me to this moment it's basically I was one of these like born salesman entrepreneurs from the time I emerge my mother's womb at the age of 8 I had a paper route and I was knocking on doors till expanded and I had my first great door-to-door lesson at the age of 8 before I got the route I was apprentice enforce um other older kid who went off to college and he gave me the route so for 3 months before that I had made a list as I delivered his papers and made nothing as an apprentice right that's right I made a list of every single door that didn't have a newspaper on it saying these is a perfectly source right so I'm watching I said I'm out there each day welcome to say like I did close to everybody right so I'm out there I'm making a list of every single door that doesn't have a pay from the perfect people right so I have a really long list oh my my to see if I can do this it might start reverberating in my own head right anyway so I make this list right and I start knocking on door after door after door right in a week I haven't opened up even one person not even one I was flipping out I was like in tears I was a kid right even they weren't home or they didn't want newspapers right and my parents just you know my parents are not the sort of like fails oriented people in fact in my family the word salesman was synonymous with these two words slime and bucket my parents hated salesmen how proud they are now all right anyway but luckily my friends we walk away from eeeh luckily my friend's father was in marketing and a sales guy and he saw how upset I was that was really I wanted to be rich from the time I can remember right he's like what's wrong time I said you know I'm knocking it always when I tell him the whole story about how I planned everything out and he starts laughing at me I'm like what's so funny he goes you're knocking on the wrong doors I'm like what do you mean these all the people don't get paper skills exactly he says Jordan there are two types of people in this world there are those that want to get the newspaper delivered and there are those who don't and right now you're knocking on all the doors of those who don't that's why they're not getting the paper you think you're the first paperboy to canvas this building there's been a hundred paper boys before you have done all the hard work because here's what I want you to do tomorrow I want you to follow around the guy from the New York Times of The Daily News and every time he drops a paper make a note and I want you to go to those doors and sell them the post as well because people will buy more than one paper people drug shop and more than one dress shop people will buy more than one car these buyers and there's non buyers I was trying to turn non buyers into buyers you get it sure enough I made my list I went that having a 70% closing rate and I was great at it right from the start as soon as they would see me cuz just from them what happened so all these figures were slow attacks it's an important lesson out there in the field I'm going to all these doors right and there's not a paper because they all work there's no one home ever the ones ever home with these homes right so I'm getting old no answers no answers no answers right he the wrong doors once I switched attacking people that were in the business of buying what I was selling I closed almost every person I spoke to and my paper route expanded and I was like that's it I'm gonna be the richest kid and then my mother stepped in the great killed you I love Anna Destry still why we're very close right thoughts as her worst nightmares I'm gonna become a vacuum cleaner salesman going she thought out cuz I wasn't through my homework I just wanna knock on doors all day she made me sell the route to a neighbor for $50 and I retired into the sunset a rich man at nine my nav right but my retirement didn't last long back in the day I'm older than you guys most of you at least right it used to snow like crazy in New York this is before Al Gore invented global warming right and the internet ran it would snow thirty inches all right so it snows one day I'm looking out and my dad goes down to like shovel is called we look at it apart until we need that money but about a half a mile or so mile down the road where's the rich people I said I know what I'll do i bundled up I went out bought a snow shone for three dollars and started knocking on people's doors hey would you like your driveways shovel for 20 bucks sure whatnot young boy I'm so nice young times like this big right made a ton of money and then of course Al Gore screwed me invented global warming and it stopped snowing right and that was that and a business again next stop I'm watching TV and I see David Copperfield and this guy makes the Statue of Liberty disappear I'm like I gotta be a magician and I heard he had a hot girlfriend like this is my guy I gotta be this guy right so I decide to put an ad in the local penny saver for like eight cents or something I figured no one will call me the phone starts ringing off the hook I don't know how to do magic tricks right so I panic a dad I made a mistake he's like all right and by the way my parents are interested they they never won't like me at all and they always said like you know Mike you know I was kidnapped by aliens the chip was in play they put me back in the family right because I'm not like them and but he was always supportive like he would never leave me hanging after I took me down to a magic shop in New York City called Louis Tannen we'd buy some tricks and within a few weeks I became the amazing Belfort and I actually started doing children's parties up until the age of 60 made a lot of money that's when I really hit it big for the first time anybody got from New York New Yorkers douse my brethren Jones Beach during the summer is a public beach in New York on a hot summer sunny day is a million people their blanket - blanket - blanket the river back right Long Beach Long Walk to the concession stand and I'm at the shoreline with my buddies and I watching you know everybody is bitching and moaning oh my god it's such a long boy so I said I what happened if I just stuck there with some ice cream and some ices right it's a good idea know who's doing it right next one it took out you guys young guys so he know it says I took a something called the Yellow Pages right you don't exist anymore brother it and I found some crazy Greek distributor for Good Humor ice cream went down there I bought a cooler 450 or styrofoam cooler for $7 I loaded up with a barrel of Italian ices chip which is fudgesicles Milky Way stickers put a bigger dry ice on top went down to the beach walked along the shore and said italianized sister I sold it out in one hour and made 120 dollars the year was 1978 minimum wage was on like 95 cents I made a hundred twenty bucks in an hour and it changed my life changed my life I by the way so what do you think I did the next day I went back with four coolers the next day and I carried them all down now here's a lesson to never forget and there's so much I'd love to teach you here I mean you know but let me quick as I can I'm a I'm a guy my friends are everything today I've always been had the good friends my buddies my mate they're everything right so Jones Beach is too big there's no competition so I said to all my friends guys come work with me it's the easiest thing they made me girls as music at Tam Viet work out right so old yeah yeah let's go I took for my friends down there every day I go out there and make five $600 per day it's like three grand a day now and my three other friends would sell one cooler and stop only one of them a guy who was actually the movie nickname he was he was the penguin because he walk with like a stick up the golden wattle around right they call my penis swordfish in the movie was right the point is is that one of my friends worked like I did all day long till the sunset while the rest would stop I'm a four or five cooler guy they were one cooler guys why is that like to me it was like is outlandish it was God is really outlandish what how could I wanted to go to college I wanted to be rich I wanted to pay my own way I want to get a car and I did almost as I put myself through school I had a nice car I lived well he's awesome the [ __ ] changed my life and also defined who I was at least who I thought on my beliefs about myself and if I work hard I get the result so let me very quickly I have to deviate and give you some quick instruction here just you understand the concept all right there's two worlds of success there's an inner and an outer world yin-yang up-down left-right yes fizzle the world physically is duality in every notch of selling of success everything we do there's two sides to every coin is one's a zero says yes there's no start stop above beneath why would it be any different in success not it's exactly the same in success and sales so we'll let's it's more from together so we call it the is this [ __ ] paper lose my language sorry it slipped out I apologize know thy audience I apologize right I think I could let them go and a half do but I really don't anymore right yeah anyway you have two worlds yeah what's called the inner world of success and the outer inner is what happens up here it's your success mindset everything that house before you go out into the world take action and then you had the out of pretty basic right guys everyone knows this right but sometimes we forget because it starts up tear there are four distinctions on the inner world number one the ability to manage your state to be an empowered state there are certain states that lead to success to be certain clear clarity all right courage confidence the four C's then we have your belief systems the bleach you have about yourself about your capabilities about what's good in the world what's right what's wholesome what's not and we act and process the world based on those beliefs there's certain sets of beliefs called empowering beliefs that lead us to massive success and there is limiting beliefs that hold us back and no best metaphor of quick is like a Ferrari imagine a Ferrari right and it's you know six hundred thousand bucks beautiful cherry red chassis z-- 12 cylinders four valves per you go 300 miles an hour if there's a governor on the engine stopping the flow of gas I don't care how fast it could go it's not going over 55 that's what a limiting belief does just one it stops you from charging forward when you should cause you to pull back when you shouldn't and we all have them all of us including me if you don't think you have one guess what you just found your first limiting beliefs we all have them and we got to root them out now some of us are really good at doing it on the fly and we succeed but we warmly felt sick and sorry don't feel fulfilled so there's better and more elegant ways separate subject right moving forward we have what's called vision focus and I have time to do this video choice I met you think about a years now to create a vision for your future understand this people will never follow you because you have a goal human beings follow vision every human being is thirsty for a vision and if they don't have one they gravitate towards someone who has one you got to become a visionary in your own life bottom line now there's two sides because see connecting to your vision you have goals your vision sits on top of your goals and your goals show you whether you're moving in the right direction or wrong direction but it's your vision that you're emotionally connected to the other side of this coin is the competency is called vision focus training yourself to focus on your vision versus what you're afraid of people human beings with species we tend to focus on our fears and what's wrong and the universal law is what you focus on you move towards and what you focus on you attract the Laura's right it does work not like the secret says but it does work in a practical way with you take action and move towards what you want so what we need to learn to do is to focus on our vision with laser-guided precision with one eye while we constantly scan the horizon for other opportunities you don't want to have tunnel vision because I promise you that when you really get rich one day it's not gonna be in the way you thought it's the opportunities that pop up the little tweaks that you make the pivots that's having bike for cated focus one eye on the vision other opportunities that are getting integrated into your vision you don't throw out your vision but you integrate in your visions of living breathing growing animal the goals are what connect you from today to where you want to go and your emotional attachment that makes sense yes perfect okay and then lastly and the one I've been trying to get to here is called your standards we all have a personal standards not just for money but let's talk about money what is your financial standard what amount of money will you not settle for less than me I'm not making 10 million plus a year I am I'm not feeling good not I'm antsy now by the way that's not right or wrong and if your vision if you are standard is to make a hundred thousand year should be tough to live a good life but let's say it's 500 a year it's really not wrong or right but the question is this is your standard congruent with your vision there's many people out there I know them well as I fire them after a week into work me they have champagne visions and beer standards your standard is what you must make your what you must have financially and will always get that won't keep working with your own it's like a thermostat in your house you hit the right temperature what happens you shut off you cool down it's too low it picks back up that's your standard your set point for money it's the best I was a full cooler guy I had a high standard and it was congruent with my vision I wanted to be rich I walked out a big light the whole thing right so I'm not gonna tell you your setpoint is wrong what I want you to ask yourself is does it match my vision some people have and I bet you there's a lot of you here like this which I can get my hands on you for a long time could you have really high standards I bet most do you do that's why you're here but you don't quite have this vision clarify yet you don't really have your map goals and stuff but you know it's about towards about money not about the people your vision just so you understand the power of your vision and I'll close with that remember me I'll loop back in the end but it's not about you found other things that are busy people that you love unconditionally the causes you believe in you'll always do more for other people and for ourselves bottom line so when you have an unclear vision and high standards you feel empty he and you you making money you working hard but there's a lack of fulfillment to the whole thing your life's not running on all cylinders when you have couldn't grow and see between these two things Wow it's just it's just maybe you're in flow and by the way any person in this room is capable of doing I'll tell you why and I'm dead serious cuz there's two types of people in the world you have what are called reason people people will tell you all the damn reasons why they can't get what they want in life given the best operating hours too expensive I'll have to travel somewhere oh I have to spend time with my wrap I call them ducks quack they float around in the duck pond with duck poop you know they never go anywhere Wow and you see them all tumbling I wash it as I talk about the bills blah blah it's a duck like mentality they have this impossibility notion if you want to go find some just go to Motor Vehicles will find a lot of people working there ah sorry I can't do that sorry alright and on the other side of the equation you have what a cold results people people that get stuff done they get results I call them the Eagles I didn't make this up while you probably heard it the Rossum Hey Eagles cuz they saw they make away they find a way but they'll get where they gotta go Eagles find a way dunk swallow around in the duck pond with the duck poop they never go anywhere fast and they'll tell you all the reasons why and it's what it is it's their story the Ducks have a story and to them that story is real all the reasons why they can't get what they want and the irony is is that it's that story that they tell themselves that stops them from getting what they want because the story stops them from getting honest which is Noah pal you got some work to do if you want to succeed live a first-class life you got to educate yourself you got to grow yourself you got to work really really hard no one's handing you anything in this world if you think so I've had to only wake up now I've tried I really if there's someone else to the image it doesn't work self-reliance once you realize that it's within your power to go out and make the world the way you want and you and your word to commit to learning the skills and working your tail off you're unstoppable and you feel great now there is not one duck in this room you know I know that I'll tell you out I think it's it's the reason I know that is because Ducks don't come to these rooms they won't come it's like the movie The Omen they try to bring Damian the devil child into churches like ice creams right the doc won't come here I'm a duck's worst nightmare to tell you that right I speak the truth about success hardwork self-reliance it's learning the skills of success no shortcuts but you get rich quick I believe in getting rich quick but it's like you work really hard don't get the result you worked really hard to learn it's the lining up the elbows recession find work on him BAM when that last piece comes in the money pours in that's what life is really all about so I know there are no ducks here you're all Eagles but here's the truth many of you less so here than the average room but some of you you've had your wings clipped something happened along the way so you will born an eagle maybe you went to work for their own company the first time so and whispered something in your ear you're not meant for sales you're not good enough for something wrong and you develop the limiting beliefs maybe having problems with your state matter maybe you just don't know how to close there are some weird people out there in the world like me that called born closers I'm a born closer I didn't have to figure it out my brain was watering that weird way that it allowed me to just know in tune with you and I bet you there's a bunch in here raise your hand if you're a born closer yes a lot more hair ready give me some round applause mom what I did with the straight line was I somehow figure out if I set my own strategy as a blonde closer and I allowed it to be such a used by some people our warrant and turn them into the same level of closing that's what the straight line does the flash throw it so anyway for all of you whether it was a the wrong job a baby but you know we live in a world excuse my french where [ __ ] happens you know you're walking along the street you're doing everything right and family hey just happens you live in that world sometimes it's our own fault like me I make mistakes I step over the line and I deserve what I got but sometimes it's not your fault really it's a cruel tough world it's not fair and what happens is we get all wings clipped so we're still Eagles but we start thinking like ducks we start lowering my standards we forget about that vision that we had that once was so bold and bright and clear and I'll likely gonna have you know what I'm here to give you your wings back bottom line that's what and it starts with understanding these two worlds on the other side you have what's called the rules of business and entrepreneurship business has rules let me tell you that well forward so I made all this money I went to college and my mother because from the time I was two years old sitting in the high chair my mom was spoon feeding me applesauce and she's saying the only noble way to be rich is to be a doctor you gotta be a doctor as the applesauce one in doctor and dentist of like doesn't get moses right when i got out of college right I didn't know I didn't know Jimmy hello yeah good so when I graduated from college I was probably like you guys so would say what do you want to do for a living I want to be rich for a living know what I wanted to do I wanted to be rich so you know I couldn't go to medical school mean eight moy and kill myself at eight more years of school I couldn't do it so I think you know dentists make a lot of money my mom had those brothers as he was really rich so I said you know I'll just be a dentist right I applied encik on very good grades I got in some well proud and happy the first day of orientation I go down to Maryland University of Maryland right Baltimore College of Dental Surgery I get in front of the Dean is 110 of us in an auditorium the deed gets up he's a white hair guy white jacket very dental looking right and he's like I want to welcome you all to the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery she's proud to be here dentistry is a wonderful profession waa blah blah McCall right so far so good and I'm looking around trying to size up the competition you know and they look pretty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed right and so far goes but let me say this the Golden Age of Dentistry is over if you're here to make a lot of money you're probably in the room was like what the hell I'm in the wrong place I got up on the Left I dropped out just like that the first day you should have seen the look on the face of the other kids when I walked out I never went back of course I didn't tell it to my mother she's a cow school ago it's great mom I felt bad right I lied I felt compelled there was a white line right before she was the first of many over a few years right what's wrong your eyes nothing I have this my back is hurting by the bed mom anyway so I drop out and I have to now go back to New York to move in with my parents you know for the movie I can assure you it was no picnic right and I answer a blind ad in the paper it says action make a thousand dollars like this 83 84 right 85 so it's like like 2,000 or 3,000 right now right thousand a week company vehicle my company vehicle once is great I go down there it's a warehouse and I see these guys running around with pickup trucks and freezer box is there selling meat and seafood I'm like what is this the restaurant no no it's not restaurants its door to door ah what do you mean like well I'll put you through the training program I said okay I said I get it yeah yeah all right great so they said all right we're gonna introduce you to this guy and his name is ne s this is on top salesman error and Eddie will take you through the ropes and tomorrow and get your own truck so we're going through the neon the course is here as he's driving some neighborhood up in Westchester County and Eddie says to me listen the key to the whole thing is you gotta stay pumped and positive when you're out there in the field you can never get negative because once they see a sweat you can't close a deal and also whatever they say to you matter how rude they are how nasty just say have a nice day I'm like why goes cuz it makes you feel better about yourself alright whatever right she goes just follow me on the masters right so we drive up we pull up through first we do in both homes private homes and storefronts right for the owners of the stores open to work people working it right first door knocks on mmmm hi my name is Eddie like have a nice day right there's no problem over there we go next one knock-knock-knock and he's got this thing you know proud walking everything's like you know the closers not right dorms hi my name's idly means you slams like have a nice day don't worry about well you ever been in a cold day bud who's been the cold a right and he was in a cold neighborhood nobody wanted the food as the phrase but right three hours later he knocked on seventy-five doors he hadn't sold one box he hadn't got a single pitch off and every time you get out of that truck and he woke up with his chest out knock knock doc you know hi my name is Eddie I was impressed right and then somewhere around 12:30 1:00 o'clock he gets out of the truck he looks like a fool tough babe drops his shoulders dry walks up and he goes up to the next doors heads hung low shaking his head he's like melody I do hope they don't answers they don't reject me the woman opens the door it's a kind looking he goes you wouldn't want any filet mignon shrimp or lobster tails right I mean the last 35 people just slam the door right so I assume you're gonna do the same thing too right he didn't say those words he didn't have to and you know what I'm talking about this audience knows well you didn't happen it was in every enunciation body like I was like oh my oh my god it was like the food was poison he was acting like I'm like I'm like does he know you know you don't remember everything you see in life I this experience I would never forget I would never forget it and it's shaped Oh much of the in terms of the inner game of state matters doesn't Wow I will never let that happen to me and of course Eddie went out for he didn't sell one box the first day not even one box right right fair enough right next day I go back there a a bad day I said I still want to do it they gave me 35 boxes of me right so just sell five boxes of right real six days seven day whatever is right say go out and do your thing again my truck they drive up to a wealthy neighborhood in West chest I figure they'll be richly can afford a lot of food right first door I knock on big house right knock on the door I guess you don't nice woman comes down I said hi my name's George little beaten cv2 your neighbors here I have some extra boxes on the truck and give you everything in a really good dishes what do you got I said we'll come on out the first woman bought 13 boxes of meat from me first and you know what happened it was like an out-of-body experience I was like oh my god I didn't I didn't know I had this talent I knew I sounded good like you never feel like you knew you sounded I was like oh my god Eureka I've arrived I think about it beach hard work drive papers hard work drive huh this was sales and I add the gift of all gifts I could the words were coming out perfectly I knew how to smile the smile I just just all and you know what I'm saying exact this room knows what I'm saying right I almost sold the woman the truck the whole sheets are altered to buy the truck from me the first day I sold the entire truck I came back without one box of date right the owner name of the company and if anyone remembers here his great American meeting super nicely the closer people remember this telling what did you did you give what did you do you felt the family friends I said no strangers so I come on like strangers if I went to my family right like I would never go what's all this crap he beat to my family right yeah he was actually pretty good right anyway the first and I and violated a single most boxes sold as they was like fifteen is less on thirty the first week I sold two hundred and seventy five boxes and I shattered the industry record and I was so good at it like I just like literally everything like and I'll tell you some great stories I have to go guy go like fifteen minutes over as a cold man there's so much I could teach you guys Ivana and I love you guys are awesome so near hey so anyway long story short I'm breaking all the records and sending out their salesmen through the train and guess what happens no office thoughts to embed it cuz the belief they start sticking I'm feeling right they asked me to start giving some meetings so I look at one of my friends I asked my my friend Elliot come from [ __ ] come right I said what are we working for these morons for hey half the stuff is the out of stock let's open up our own meat and see for company which we did with one truck and I used the profits from my own sales and I bought a second truck and then a third truck and a fourth drug before I knew it I had 26 trucks on the road I was 22 years old driving a 911 with a phone my first full of cell phone back in 1985 all the people who know about us I got the first pill I almost ran an accountant like 7000 dictaphone out of the car back then right and I arrived as a businessman cuz I was rockin wrong with making a ton of money I thought but I was actually making every mistake a young entrepreneur can make I was over expanding I was on there capitalized I was growing on credit I wasn't screening out my employees half my guys they take the truck they come they were smoking crack under a bridge of like where's the guy hello hey come to the guy I knew nothing about business guys you don't go come into the world knowing how to run a business and they don't teach you in college god forbid right they learn business has rules if you break those rules you're gonna feel massive pain and I did when the barbecue season ended the business slowed down as I said very quickly the business owners know I was growing on credit so as I expanded my receipt my my payables got bigger but I got the cash three days I was growing on the cash and all of a sudden the cash flow dried up and the bills came though and what I was like the proverbial touch me is Dutch by that my friend he said I was like I need Syrian to put his finger in the dike he was springing leaks everywhere and just like that I was out of business and had to declare personal bankruptcy I co-signed for all 26 trucks and everything collapsed they had Mike they took my Porsche they towed it was the saddest day in my den life they towed it away right that a week or two later I was just didn't know what to do and in my neighborhood local neighbor now at the bottom of my emotions and I hear the story about some kid who I had grown up with named Michael Fork now just so you understand Michael Falk was the kid had no one to play with he had a weird smell you know the funny smelling house is really I'm a play that kids houses his grandmother dick chase of the broken away grandmother right he was the weird kid with pimples on his face and I hear this rumor he's making a million dollars a year as a stockbroker I'm like that can't be possible million I'm aware 20,000 a week it's possible I'd never find dollars in my pocket right few days later I'm in the park he comes up in a Ferrari with a thousand-dollar suit on and a beautiful blonde I'm like I want the car I want the blonde I was like oh my god I say Michael I'm like Mike what do you think azam a stockbroker I made a million to last year I'm and the best thing about a stockbroker is the first employee income I am in college I said money money money right and here's what I said to myself which I'm sure many of you have said to yourselves at least once in your life and that Mora can make a million dollars you I can make Ted yes sir yes so I answered an ad in the paper I had to go down to Wall Street and sell myself a job because let's just say my resume was not looking so good at this point I was a dental school dropout who just declared bankruptcy hire me right so I get in there and shir as the movie says but I got into the into I started pitching the guy stop right in the in that what I was saying I'll just try to impress the guy and the guy goes whoa whoa calm down I never see any lights goes either one of two things are gonna happen to you edie gonna be the most famous broker on Wall Street history or you'll end up in jail the guy was a genius was right on both accounts right he hires me and for six months I cold called and slaved away Mickey eighty bucks a week and you know I did at night time I went door-to-door into the buildings and stole jewellery door-to-door to pay my rent I was with wife number one back then she's like for what I have not done well on the wife DePaul and I admit okay so I'm not teaching you relationship mastery of the sales mastery you got a Tony Robbins matter I'm a sales trip anyway she was great wife number one right and finally and but here's a great lesson guys is that even though I was broke and destitute those days dialing the phone with some of the happiest of my life you know why because I knew I knew I could blow them all the ways it just no I'll pay my dues I saw what Mark Hannah was making and I'll make one of later all and everybody knew it everyone there knew it I found them they I had a reputation alright finally my day comes my first day October 19th 1987 Black Monday and I watch in shock and or as the book goes down 508 points my first egg and just like that LF Rothschild affirmed that was in a business for 112 years shuts down and I'm out of a job and that was and I couldn't even believe it and that's how I ended up at that small firm and now let me just collapse time baby but we skip through a few things here right and let's get going I want to you know give you guys the straight-line learning as much like hands so they take one step and I'll jump ahead like three years obviously as you could guess the first time I picked up the phone to sell stock I was the ready stock I just had a gift I did and everybody's just like the move and he'll stop like what the hell and the whole room gathered around this is before anything it's a straight line but I was still using it without knowing it like all of you don't know something you know the straight line you use the straight line says you lie yet me but even if you're not usually using it you don't know it because it's just basic it's just it's how you go about getting someone to buy with a straight line is it's the very regimented way it's works it's amazing right really is the bet you know everyone should have one veg in there like that was mine okay that and my God's creation my children who I love more than anything right the greatest things in my life right like kids a lot more than the straight line but it was a great thing and let me go back I got just fast Sonia I start my own firm I go to the small firm same process I say the guys are more and I'll stop my own except this time see here's the thing about failure the lessons are in the failures guys all right see that meat business book I went to Harvard Yale on his college ball knocks all than one what I learned from that business boy when I started strand and I walked into the room with the boys are like what did you go to business go like no I knew I really knew my stuff now cuz I felt the pickup not like the pain of failure to nail in the lesson right about everything and I didn't exactly right get my expenses low and hold they made all the right moves right and that was that magic moment I invented the straight line and then it just went nuts cause what happened was these kids who couldn't close the door they started telling their friends and their friends started coming in first that came from Long Island in New York then from all over the country every day kids would line up at my door and just you're safe swear loyalty I'll teach you the straight line make you rich and it worked for many years then it got corrupted with greed seriously curry I'm the first worst of it it wasn't drugs I wish I could say it was drugs it was greed so be careful because success without ethics and integrity is not success guys it's just not seriously okay really I wouldn't change a thing but cause it's my life because my I have no regrets because that's not a way to live but of course if I could do it again I would yeah you know you'd wanna you know people would not lose money and stuff but the point is is that you have to learn from your mistakes and grow from it not dwell on and be disempowered but let me spend the me about three minutes I'm gonna go over a little bit okay if I go over Rover we're good can I give him that ten minutes okay I'd love to come back by the way and do a longer training one day but I'm you know anyway there's all the people to speak here's the deal here's what in essence what the straight line is guys it's gold Horry oh my god I stopped I gotta tell you one thing I'm sorry I went after I went to jail real quick right I sold mortgages door-to-door do you always making $100,000 a day in the refi boom $100,000 they myself I walk house the house is this the business and say hey my name is Joe and I'm a mortgage broker what rate your pain that's how simple the pitch was and then say I've said really oh my god it's all in the body language the way you smiled on guys don't endorse it so it's the greatest you know I loved ourselves I loved it it's really no I know here penny and marketing money you could do it all for the government just taking all my money was after Stratton I had nothing how do I start myself door-to-door sales that's how I started I went I saw an opportunity Morrison I said no he's crazy to go door-to-door no one had ever heard the pitch before imagine you're like mortgage broker after every combs brushes electronic boy yeah we're ready paying nine and I could tell you stories made people like I walk into like I throw every person I know why am i talking when they buy from me anyway right the cause of certain things I was doing my tonality my body language I swear to tell you that story let's get back to the straight line the straight line is goal-oriented communication what I mean by that is you look backwards it's okay I just closed the sale what had to line up like what caused that to happen no there's an open does it open and there's a we store the fresh even get paid meals in you have an open and you have a closed right and every once in a while you get one of those that's [ __ ] you that's a straight line by the way an artist on that okay straight that's a straight line beyond drugs right so this is your open this is your clothes right and every once in a while you get one of those perfect lay down sales where everything you say and everything you do they're almost pre-sold who's the hot one of those right the problem is they're far and few between most of the time you're prosper tries to take you off the straight line they have questions they'll objections they start to ramble so what you have is these healthy boundaries above below the line when you're inside these boundaries you're in control of the sale in control when you're outside the boundaries you're out of control spiraling off the Pluto or down here to your anus not a good place to be okay in control out of control what I said to my guys that night I said guys I realized I realized what happened there was something about the way I was speaking in my voice and the way I would group my words that instantly I was being perceived a certain way see they said a couple things to me they said there's so many objections and they also said we keep getting cut off we can't even get our picture off I'm like what like many a second like no one cuts me off on but avidin asked for the Audion what how are they getting objections before they asked for the order and hit me and like I might guys people don't come I said when you're on the phone especially in person and the phone it's for seconds the person it's a quarter of a second it's like left in a second to establish three crucial things well you're done you can't influence anyone I'll tell you exactly what they are in those first few seconds you must be perceived as being number one sharp as a tack sharp on the ball a problem-solver so it doesn't waste time number two enthusiastic as hell at what you have must be good Suzie azimuth and number three an expert in your field an expert in your field we have been conditioned this is the key here guys since we're yay big to defer to experts when we went to a doctor yeah no diploma on the way he'd say ask you a question you tell you do whatever he told you to do you begged over if he told you vent all right we've been taught to essentially defer to experts we seek them out to solve our problems and we've been taught since with this Figg when you're in the presence of an expert or someone that you think is an expert you let them guide the process what was happening is I would get on the phone or in person and I had a certain way of talking make eye contact it's a movement this is not the average bear and what they were really saying was this what these three things chunk up to is that you are a person worth listening to and even higher still because you can help them achieve their goals you can help them get what they want people don't talk to you give you the time of day and they won't answer your question you need to ask them to get to the bottom of things if they don't think you're an expert sharp is attack you on the board enthusiasm people say come on join the enthusiasm I don't mean oh my god not that crap I'm talking about something very different bottled enthusiasm it's an energy it's a power inside you it's a whisper it's not yelling it's something that just is wow this bad baby is serious he means girl she is sir she means business as this force is bottled enthusiasm it's like you're a seething volcano but you don't erupt because you're in complete control cause you're an expert you're a problem solver and when they perceive you the right way what do they do they hand you control of the sale once that happens it creates amazing possibilities because what I also figured out that night was what I was doing there was these five core elements that I was lining up the same way every single time because my guys weren't in control they couldn't run patterns they could you get it with your react like Mike Tyson he gets into the ring he's beating Hillary like I covering up cuz he's in control he quarters you and then bam knocked out every fights the same he hits you body blows get you the court you're out the novice is covering up on defense same raisin knob the salesman the expert is in control and when the experts in control it allows you to number next thing you do because you're in control and here's the real keys to the kingdom guys is you don't use that to Punk that's not what I mean when I talk about taking the try know me you start talking you start asking questions you gather so step one in the straight line syntax is you must take control cuz without control there's no straight line you're in the crooked line you're here you're there you're ever you can't do anything nothing good could happen and by the way I said to my guys they got four seconds to establish the seats it turned out I was wrong I was wrong in 2015 Harvard University came out with a study and they said it was five seconds so I'm really sorry I was off by a second you know what they said here's weird what they said surely weird they said if you yell they say you have five seconds to make the first impression or you're done here they also said that if you make a negative first impression it takes you seven subsequent meetings to change someone's mind value connects you guys the hardest question anybody to get seven shots to close seven meetings seven shots never happens you got one shot guys to it most usually one you got us so how do we do this so how do you must take control like that how do you stop oh [ __ ] well is it through the words you say hey Jim I'm Charles attack I'm Thursday ice rattling what the hell is wrong with this guy the words don't exist there are no magic words the way we do it is twofold through our tonality and our body language and of course saying the basic words but as I always said my pitch in the mortgage business that may be Millions was like hey I'm sure I'm always wrong that was it now of course things came after that I run the straight line but the point was is that there's no magic words it's becoming an expert in tonality and bodies you're a certain tone Alaniz their action 29 no no I got a guess what guys of the 29th oh now is you think it's April cook em of the 29th when alleys there are 10 core influencing tonalities right and you don't even have to learn them you already know them every one of you and you've used them a million times just like I am now and I'm old my voice and I bring you in with a whisper there's ten tone alleys use who's here who's ever told the secret razor a whispered question right who's here a tatami was so certain and you spoke certain red rim who's had a tongue you really cared about something you spoke with empathy who said that one every tonality you've used when you really felt it what we learned to do with the straight line is to use them on purpose at strategic points in a presentation you'll be shocked and how easy influence becomes cold calling whether to press on the phone and I gotta stop some guys here come really over I'm sorry but say no hi my name is Jordan hi I'm Jordan you know from XYZ company they're like click I say hey my name is Jordan I question from XYZ company and you talk like huh what by phrasing up statement as a question it paralyzes someone's internal monologue and stops them from narrating against you in the first you said was so much guys that toenail it's like a weapons for good not a bad thing it allows you to quiet their mind down to something oh my god this is a sales or another salesman so because there's so layer that is the conscious mind let me India the conscious mind and a limited amount of processing power right so when you use tonality every tonality has five words attached that the person here is an item saying them I said you Jim how you feeling now he says well he really means it they hear that they their brain is trying to make sense of your tonality so when you use tonality stack together your mind is completely Wow what does he really what you saying and they stop saying what an ass you get it and allows you to disc it in because but you know what the front half for the sale is it's about dying by death from a thousand cuts there's no one thing you're gonna say in the front half for the sale that's gonna close it it's a matter of not blowing it tonality body language how you make eye contact how you shake hands how close you stand to a door what angle of your body is this guy's once you learn these things and then of course I'll just end it like this the five core elements watch they must love your products right everyone knows that but it's both on a logical and an emotional people don't buy a logic they buy in emotions gonna let me give you two minutes all right so I'm at a time and people don't buy lies they buy an emotion logical certainty right imagine a continuum one to ten one means they think you're Prague is the biggest piece of crap in the world they're absolutely uncertain attend means it's the best thing since sliced bread your goal as you move someone down those straight line you want them to attend it's close to attend as possible both logically an emotional logical certainty features benefits cost-benefit ratio the value proposition a B C they can connect the dots it makes sense it fills their needs emotional certain thing future pacing they imagine themselves six months down the road using your product and feeling back again they feel good people don't buy on logic they by an emotionally just the Follette logic but you have to create both to close at the highest level because if you fail to create logical certainty you know what happens the logical mind serves as what the human [ __ ] detector you just say it's so great you'll feel ready they'll say you [ __ ] move it alert alert alert so you so what we do is a straight line we create logical certainty first which then frees someone up to be moved emotionally that makes sense yes I want someone to say to me wow Jordan I love your frog not buying it that's marginal certainty the logical mind always wants to know more and think more but when I say it imagine six months from now and you using whatever it is how great you'll feel how good you'll feel about your family being protected that whatever is yourself it's so powerful guys you say why do we do this you give me one shot and believe me the only problem you'll have isn't in coming of six months because you're already feeling great does that sound fair enough and they say sure why not okay it's the same it's so easy once you learn the straight line now very quickly in closing it's not enough if they just love your product they also have to trust and connect with you the influencer and the company that stands behind the product what you're doing as you move someone down the straight line from the open to the cool clothes you're corralling but 10 10 10 that's your own 10 10 10 10 on the product 10 on you 10 on the company in a single moment in time and asking for the order use the right tonality and right body language and magic starts in half and now sometimes you get people are really tough so there's two more elements you called the action threshold and the pain threshold but I'm out of time here guys but there's two other elements video for sales right now this is not dog trooper anyway in clothes yeah guys let me tell you a story it's important I told you about vision right and as in every great vision you have something called your Y and I know this is like self-development you know crap but the way I do it it's in a different level I'm talking really understanding why your vision matters to you people say I'm not motivate you're not no you're why you don't have your Y when you really know why you want to succeed why you want to get rich that's power you want people say to me journalist I guess how were you you went to jail you're sitting in jail the worst time guys how did you write the wolf of Wall Judaism how'd you do that how'd you stay positive and say you know it's good question I said cuz you know what I would admit when I was in my cell I miss it wasn't the worst jail I wasn't getting younger by bubble it wasn't that bad right but jails Jail right terrible but when I was in my bed at night alone with my thoughts and there was many nights I really felt like I couldn't go on I really I I know it closed my eyes and I'd imagine the faces of my children that was my life I let my daughter and I I mean I still get the chills right now just from thinking of it at that moment when I had to tell them the crying the pain I caused them I was determined to prove to my children and I could do it right the dad had come out again where you can find your whites never about you it's about someone you love unconditionally your children your husband your wife your parents of cause you believe in seriously that's your why and you combine that that the inner gamestop with the straight line you become unstoppable and I love you all extend that one more time come on close your hands together come on one three three yeah imagine yourself one year down the road he uses a straight line you're making a ton of money you feel good the people you love and care about are enjoying a success you've created and you're just feeling so confident look great you feel great your life isn't exactly the way you want it just give me three yeses one ladder one two three one two three one two three you guys are the best [Applause]
Channel: D2D Experts
Views: 493,465
Rating: 4.855587 out of 5
Keywords: door to door training, door to door sales, door to door sales training, door to door experts, door to door consulting, grant cardone, sales motivation, d2d training, door to door university, door sales training, door to door sales expert, door to door salesman, door knocking, become a door to door sales expert, door to door cannibals, how to become a door to door sales expert, door to door sales motivation, selling door to door, sales training, how to sell door to door
Id: MqaPGwajHQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 58sec (4558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 17 2019
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