Steven Madden's Secret To Success | The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013 | Screen Bites

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enter Steve Matt redhot ladies Footwear impresario and thanks to Donny we were taking his company public Stratton Oakmont was crawling out of the primordial ooze pond scum no more that's why they got to see a face get him fired up so they push the out of this stock okay and not only that Donnie and I secretly owned 85% of Steve Madden shoes which legally speaking was a big no-no but we'd get filthy rich if our troops got behind it our job was to get him worked up but not too worked up hello for those of you who don't know me my name's Steve Madden yeah we know who you are this shoe it is pretty cool this is the Marylou which is really the shoe on the map without it I wouldn't be no girl she leave it or not believe it or not though that Mary Lou is actually the same as the Mary Jane but it's black leather come on let's give it up for Steve Madden is awesome Mary local guys got that out of your systems huh give it a good Oscar noona what I want to take a moment luy Steve here is so absolutely off the wall because this man is a creative genius this this ability this this gift that Steve has that goes beyond just spotting the hottest shoe trends Steve's power is that he creates trends you understand artists like Steve come along once every decade I'm talking Giorgio Armani Gianni Versace Coco Chanel in Salah rock Steve come up here for a second I don't think you all realize that Steve Madden is the hottest person in the women's shoe industry with orders going through the roof at every department store in North America right now we have him here in our office we should think our lucky stars this man is here we should be on our hands and knees right now getting ready to suck this guy off but this okay everyone's gonna suck you up this is our golden ticket to the Chocolate Factory right here Lilly Wonka okay I want to be the on balloons like this [Applause] get off this stage all right we'll all you to focus for a second see those little black boxes they're called telephones I'm gonna let you want a little secret about these telephones I'm not gonna dial themselves okay without you they're just worthless hunks of plastic like a loaded m16 without a trained marine to pull the trigger and in the case of the telephone it's up to each and every one of you my highly-trained strata nights Mike use my killers who will not take no for an answer my warriors will not hang up the phone until their client either buys all [Applause] let me tell you something there is no nobility in poverty I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man and I choose rich every time I have to face my problems I show up in the back of a limo wearing a $2,000 suit and a $40,000 gold watch thinks I'm superficial or materialistic go get a job at McDonald's cuz that's all you belong but before you to park this room full of winners I want you to take a good look at the person next to you go on because sometime in the not so distant future you're gonna be pulled up to a red light and you beat-up old Pinto and that person is gonna be pulling up right alongside you in their brand-new Porsche with that beautiful wife by this side it's got big voluptuous tits and who you gonna be sitting next to some disgusting wildebeest with three days a razor stubble and a sleeveless moon crammed in next to and a carload full of groceries from the price Club that's you're gonna be cynics so you listen to me and you listen well are you behind on your credit card bills go pick up the phone and start dialing is your landlord ready will vicked you good pick up the phone and start dialing does your girlfriend think you're a worthless loser good pick up the phone and start dialing I want you to deal with your problems by becoming rich all you have to do today pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you and I will make you richer and the most powerful CEO and the United States a America I want you to go out there and I want you to ram Steve Madden stock down your clients throats until they choke on it till they choke on it and they buy a hundred thousand shares that's what I want I'm very ferocious he'd be relentless he telephone chair [Applause] any run your mama calling you man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Screen Bites
Views: 4,062,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film Clips, Jordan Belfort, Jordan Belfort speech, Jordan Belfort story, Leonardo DiCaprio, Money, Motivational, Movie Clips, Screen Bites, Steve Madden, Steve Madden jail, Steve Madden shoes, Steven Madden The Wolf Of Wall Street, Success, The Wolf Of Wall Street, cinema, drama, fraud, inspirational speech, maddman, movie scenes, scandal, steve madden wolf of wall st, the Steve Madden story, true stories
Id: dyLgdrg_sFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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