The Wolf of Wall Street - 'The Key To Making Money' Scene

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until you realize you'd probably make more flipping burgers at mcdonalds

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheJogador 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2017 🗫︎ replies
the key to making money in a situation like this is to position yourself now before the settlement because by the time we read about it in the Wall Street Journal it's already too late and you wait you wait and whoever speaks first loses sorry uh I appreciate the call I really have to give this some thought and talk to my wife about it can I call you back they don't know right they got to think about it they got talk to the [ __ ] wives or the [ __ ] tooth fairy twenties it doesn't matter what the [ __ ] they say the only real objection that they have is that they don't trust you guys why should they trust you I mean look at you you're a bunch of [ __ ] sleazy salesman right so what do you say mean you tell me that if I put you in an Union Carbide into seven it took you out at thirty-two Texas Instruments at eleven and took you out at 47 US Steel at sixteen took you out at forty one who wouldn't be saying to me right now Chester pick me up a few thousand shares of dizzy on the spot right now come on mean honestly Kevin honestly seriously I don't know I have a complete agreement with you don't know me I don't know amateur introduce myself to you my name is Alton Kupferberg Robbie Feinberg yes term name I'm senior vice president Stratton Oakmont and I plan on being one of the top brokers in my firm next year I'm not gonna get there by being long Stan you want to say that you sound like you sound like a pretty sincere guy it's not gonna make it rich and it's not gonna make you poor but what this trade will do is serve as a benchmark for future business gift you feel comfortable with me now Scott and then we'll know for sure that you finally found a broker on Wall Street that you can trust and who can consistently make you money sound fair enough no yeah I'll say I'm very impressed what are you I don't what do you what do you think I'm Kevin you give me one shot here on a blue chip stock like Kodak and believe me Kevin the only problem you're gonna have is that you didn't buy more sound fair enough [ __ ] uh my wife might divorce me but yeah let's do it excellent choice Kevin how much you want to go for this time listen fine $5,000 we try 8,000 Kevin all right let's do 10 10 was an excellent choice kid let me lock in that trade right now and get back to her in 5 minutes with an exact confirmation Kevin and welcome to Stratton Oakmont thanks man I'm gonna have a beer take it easy kid Hey [ __ ] idiot the one thing I know about in this world is Airlines and Kushan Airlines is the future of Airlines getting now my name is Nicky koskoff Chester Ming and I'm a seer eyes president was I know my Julie I'm so so so sorry for your loss when did he pass just say I'm wrong right the stock without helmets going the words of my grandfather God rest his soul a [ __ ] ton of money that's not getting it on [ __ ] sunlight before there was [ __ ] Sun like it was very intelligent decision I'm gonna transfer you my sales associate yeah odd up I gotta put you through Andreea sorry my [ __ ] seat Rhonda
Channel: Louis Jackson
Views: 2,754,715
Rating: 4.9274693 out of 5
Keywords: The Wolf Of Wall Street (Film), Leonardo DiCaprio (icon), Jordan Belfort, Martin Scorsese (Author), Wall Street (Film Subject), Brokerage Firm (Industry), Academy Award (Award), Jonah Hill (Film Writer), New York (US State)
Id: OocKgpiZEHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2014
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