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[Music] yo yo yo guys what is going on welcome back to my channel my name is Alex Pancham in today's video we are gonna go over a very visual color change now everybody loves color changes and some people like visual ones some people like slow soft magical ones of course that depends on your style and how you like to perform but it's always good to learn as much as you can so in today's video we are gonna go over the visual window change let's go guys Before we jump into today's video I've realized something and it's that a lot of the times a lot of things that I want to talk about and then show you and perform here on this channel is not suitable to just put on this channel so for that reason I am launching Alexandria comm if you haven't signed up go to Alexandria comm put in your email there because we're gonna launch very soon there's gonna be a lot of exclusive content that I cannot put here on YouTube and I think that makes sense so if you want to learn more about card magic card techniques hardness lights my tips on all card magic routines performance tips theory and everything else that I want to share with you guys that is going to be on my personal website Alexandria comm sign up and then come back and let's get into today's video okay ladies and gents boys and girls we are talking about the window change what I like about the window change is that it's really just a variation on the classic color change well you have a card in your palm and you come here and you sort of wave but basically the idea is you're taking a card and you're placing it on top of the other card for the change to happen now there's many different types of color changes right where you have two cards back-to-back you take one out you add one in so this is the version of the color change of placing a card from wherever it is usually in your palm onto there and making a change obviously that's not good if you do want to learn the classic color change I've left the link below or here somewhere I never know which way it is I'm gonna go with that way click there and you could learn the classic color change and also I'll leave more links below the videos I've done that might help in this video so with that being said the color change is as follows in steps you're palming off eight cards secretly and placing it in a position so that you can get it here balancing it so that when you open up your fingers like that it could look like you're when the windows of your fingers are doing the change so when you come here and then you open and close the card will get shot from here to here the color change takes place and you have a miracle so easier said than done this is not the easiest of color changes because you have to play around with a few things getting into that position and then the angles but nonetheless we're going to take it step by step first we're going to Palm off the card from the bottom of the deck now palming off the card from the bottom of the deck in this situation you don't necessarily need to do it with all eyes on deck and what I mean by that is that you'll see because of the way that we are going to do the color change and talk and whatever use our pattern you don't have to do it perfectly up right in front of the spectator and this is a lot of times what happens in card magic a lot of people think that they have to okay now I have to palm a card everybody's watching me be relaxed be confident come down here to the side if you're feeling that it's - in front of the spectators face and we're gonna learn to Palm off the card ok so just keep that in mind when doing certain techniques like this so palming off the card from the bottom of the deck you're going to hold the deck in a sort of dealers grip then your right hand is coming over like that and almost holding the deck like this in a sort of bitl position you might say the left hands fingers are gonna start to push the bottom card or whatever with this deck is face up so I'm using the bottom card as an example for this really the top card of the deck we're using the bottom card to push out that one card just like that and it's going to pivot into the right hand which is above holding the deck like that okay slow motion how does that work here's the cards push out with the fingers and you're gonna try to aim the top right hand corner as you're looking at it onto the pinky all right so the pinky is here this hand is holding the deck like that so move too much your fingers are pushing pushing pushing and you're gonna keep pushing and it's going to sort of swing around so it goes into the palm and that's going to help by positioning the top right hand corner on the pinky and because of that pressure it's going to start to pivot out okay so here here push all right and work on your angles because you don't want this to be seen underneath push pinky and keep pushing until it's gonna clear it clear it clear and then as you move away with your hand all right you're going to Palm off the card now of course you want to know how to Palm off the card so that it looks natural but also you're gonna want to know how to do it in such a way that you don't get that click okay you don't want that click to happen so I'm trying to do it here in slow motion you don't want that click to happen so you're going to want to play around with the timing of actually coming in with the hand pushing here and then moving forward or moving down with either the deck or the right hand to get it smoothly cleared out of the pack okay so once you have that hold done okay and like I said because of the situation of the routine and depending on how you're gonna do it you don't have to do it in any such a way of like all right now I'm gonna do a color change and start it here the color change does not have to start until you get into this position okay so while you have all the time in the world as you're talking to them whatever you're going to go ahead Palm off the card just like that all right so that's step number one step number two is getting from here to here and placing it on the left hands fingers like that and then doing the color change all right what doesn't need to be from the bottom position that's only because you're going to change that top chord but if you're more comfortable palming off the top card of the deck then you can do that as well face up and like I said this color change doesn't start until you get into the position so that is up to you as well now the second part is getting the card from the palm into this position where it's gonna lever up and then be placed to that not like that be levered up and be placed to balance on the left hand fingers where you can eventually do the change from there so the card is palmed off right here in the right hand you can use your first finger to come over and just like that can clip the top right hand corner of the card between the first and middle finger and putting pressure just like that with the first finger is going to lever up the card so that it sticks out just like that all right so it's almost perpendicular with your hand that's gonna help because that's position you're going to need to to place it on the balance fingers like that alright so this could be done while either moving towards the left hand packet or it could be done at the side while you're just showing this and then you do that getting ready for it and then come here and then get into it so that's going to be up to you so again card is palm let's get a good change card it spawned just like that as you show the card your finger just does this and be careful because this part it could flash right here that's why maybe I suggest doing it to the side or while you're here what the cards has covered you're gonna come in and obviously the angle is going to be important as well we'll talk about that in a second lever it up and then you're gonna place it on the tips of the fingers which are the middle ring and pinky of the left hands being in a place just like that now from here and you're going to with the right hand cover alright now this is something that you're gonna want to either record yourself play around with in the mirror so you could get the angle just right but you're gonna want to be able to place your hand in such a way so that when you open and close the fingers this card is not seen okay so if we come here we can see that the card is not seen while doing that it's obviously easy because I'm looking at the camera and I can see that it's harder when you don't see what that person is seeing right so you're gonna want to play with the angle and with the actual alignment of from the eyes to your hands that's very very important that's probably the hardest thing from this because you really wanted to make it look good another way to do it is instead of doing it sideways like this is to do it down like that and that's another way that I like to do it as well because then you can do it really really slowly and have control more of the angles just because you're used to this scenario more and it's more natural rather than swinging off to the side and doing that but nonetheless whatever you're comfortable with so again card is palmed off any which way that you want to take it lever it up like that and place it into this position as you put pressure now and now you move your right hand into the position that it needs to be again depending on how you look at it in the mirror how you see it on your camera while you film it you know which way that it needs to be and where you want your right hand okay typically I think that the middle finger is a good place to start because if you're just balancing it on here your middle fingers right in the middle you can open and close this pretty nicely right and keep that card from not flashing now all you're gonna need to do is do the change and the change is just that kicking up from the fingers and you're kicking up the card from here to on top of here alright so one thing to keep in mind is that you do not want after you do this your fingers to go all over the place you don't want to open and close you don't want to move the thumb up and down you want your fingers to be the same before and after the change so I look my left thumb and the fingers will all go back to the same position from before the change okay so the timing of this is as follows this is here this is placed on the fingers middle finger opens up like that we're going to close and open okay so you want to make sure that when you close that the whole card is being sort of covered alright so you don't want this to happen because when you do open it there is a chance of that being flashed right when it goes on top of the deck so you want to make sure that when you close your hands you see the whole card is being hidden okay so that's when the card could come out here and then you can open up the window and perform the change okay so boom boom boom and boom I really just make sure that you get that angle down in the timing and I think it's gonna look really really nice I want you guys to keep in mind one thing going forward after learning this is that what kind of performer do you want to be do you want to be the one that does very visual type of man so things that change boom right in front of their eyes or if you want to be that type of performer that leans towards a more slow non visual change for example would you rather do a snap change boom and the car changes boom and the effect is done or would you rather take that card show it maybe do a top change place it in their hands and then take your time with the revelation and make it seem more mysterious than just boom there it is see I fit into the category of the ladder and I want my card magic to feel more like a mystery than just fast hands and boom something quick and visual but that's just me of course everybody has their opinion and everybody's entitled to perform exactly how they want to perform so like I said the more you learn the more you know the better you are going to be now a lot of the times with color changes you can do it both fast very visual or slow and non visual that's gonna be depending on your situation your audience and how you feel like you want to perform at that time because I switch things up all the time so there is nothing wrong with that if you found this video useful do me a favor hit the like button that will help the YouTube algorithm it will help my channel and it'll help you make you feel good and also guys subscribe if you haven't already more content to come if you haven't signed up for Alex Pangaea comm yet we're launching very very soon what are you waiting for and of course if you're watching this at a later date alex panttiere comm learn everything that you want in your card magic dreams and more and thank you for watching we will see you very shortly on the next video peace you
Channel: Alex Pandrea
Views: 148,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, magic tricks, learn magic, card magic, easy card magic, card tricks, double lift, learn card tricks, magic tutorial, how to do magic, how to do easy card trick, double lift tutorial, alex pandrea, chris ramsay, shin lim, shin lim magic, david blaine, magic revealed, deck review, playing cards, classic pass, how to do easy magic, learn easy magic, cardistry, color change, easy card change, color change trick
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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