Learning card magic with David Blaine!

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Those are some amazing tricks, for sure. I enjoyed watching it just like I've always enjoyed David Blaine.

But wtf is this studio? What is this channel? I actually recognize the Julie chick from a pandemic series of videos, but I don't know anyone else. Is this like a content farm for youtube? Are these people yt employees?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Velenne 📅︎︎ Jun 13 2022 🗫︎ replies
um i'm great i'm great it's been a minute i was just thinking back about the uh the balloons thing that we did that was 2020. yeah just like two years years ago it's not slimy so right [Music] space so youtube uh enabled all this huh yeah so far using every square inch of it too amazing what a great and the first thing you see is movie magic perfect who here has seen the least of what i do would you say probably mix them behind your back yeah behind your back so no one can see yeah good oh whoa whoa these are now they're mixed these are fresh they're so slippery don't worry let me just show you all the cards are definitely different right okay you mix them all yeah yes yeah yeah look through the deck don't look for you're thinking of a card yeah you never said your card correct you mix the cards but you even drop them a little bit yes look at all the cards really quick just fast just like that spread them just like that close that's it done okay done okay you thought of a card the first card no the one that you thought of yeah yeah yeah what card was that the jack of clubs the blackjack yeah look watch how fast this is here i do this i take the jack of clubs like this and do that did you feel it yeah under the wall and look but look look it's the blackjack the blackjack jack i told you guys not to wear a watch today i'm showing you know that you mix the deck and i'm showing you that they're all somewhat you agree they're a little bit mixed right like there's no specific order to the deck as we go through yes but i'm going to give it another mix just to be fair so look and look at it is this a real like are they actually getting mixed yep fair yeah so you would say they're definitely all mixed right yeah hold these okay you're gonna deal hold your hands face down okay marcus point to one of his hands point to yeah and make a fist with that hand now hand the deck to marquez now marquez is gonna deal them face down one at a time and never open your hand i'm never going to touch them face down one at a time slowly into a small pile and stop whenever you want make a small pile and stop anywhere you're done yeah ironically i was counting you stopped at the eighth card look at it turn it over and the eighth card is an eight but look wait hold on look one card more and it would have been a a ten but you stopped on the eight one card less would have been a six but you chose the eight so look what i'm gonna do on my right over the club i'll call this the club right that's a club and i'll do the eight like that yes okay yeah okay yeah yeah um you google that all down let me put it all down should i keep my hand closed yeah yeah never open it but what's important is uh choose one uh the eight of the club pick one point two one for me which one which one's for me so the club goes for me yeah okay so then you get the infinity sign so look if i do this now see how i just pulled it out of my hand hold on wait oh yeah i didn't show you guys so i pulled it out of my hand but hold on look [Music] david now you pull it out of your head okay if you open your hand right now do you want to open my hand that's up i didn't draw that on my hand wow okay you do this before it's crazy i'm really confused i'm really confused you did shuffling they are all mixed right so as i go through like this just y'all stop on a little group so say stop as i dribble which one here oh the second one okay that one okay so again say stop stop okay there say stop stop like that yep okay pick up one of the cards for me pick up just take a card off get an ace oh good look in another race and take another race if you want to take all yeah take the so that's pretty impressive alone right just cutting to 3 8 i mean immediately that's impressive but and now look two eights and he shuffled these so basically you shuffled them on the table then you cut then you hit the the aces which is interesting and you did mix them thoroughly yes okay can you turn two piles face down face down yep good now can you push these so they really mix into those so face up into face down so they really do mix you see how they're really going into each other can we all agree yeah there's eight's everywhere yeah but everybody agrees everybody agrees those were mixed by him yes yes well hold on i want to make this random which pile do you want to flip over this one or this one you choose i'll stick with this one okay so flip the whole pile over and can you push and look everything is different right so here like this and you know what push the big pile in so so they go more yep perfect and you're gonna choose one last time which pile to flip over so you choose the last part of the floor okay so flip it and can you push everything into one pile would you all be impressed if every single card turns face down yes yeah what if they're all face down and in order make it neat yep perfect because i never want to even touch them so he's making it neat it might take a while yeah that's good oh that's good push those in so they all yeah you're doing great perfect thanks ben he's slowly guys great magic that he did everything yep i didn't touch the back yeah that's all on camera too turn them long ways like this yeah good and can you spread them across the table everything is now ah everything is now face down and in order yeah let me so there's 52 cards in the deck right and april 7th is four seven and two sevens wait what april seven i'm saying you shuffled everything there's a four seven seven 52 and he did flip flip mixed on the table you did everything and i never touched the deck face down in order wait but these are face ups oh wait but hold on somebody went and got a a a dollar bill before oh it was you you got a bill yeah and then you signed it to make sure it was your bill yeah but we never turned it over we never saw the other side is that true that's true because on the other side of the bill there's usually a serial number you can't do this to me you turn your bill over that we never looked at which i've had my hand on this entire time and will you read us the serial number it starts with a four four four seven seven seven seven zero nine oh this is a zero nine two five [Laughter] you might want to just look at it and see it this way because it is four seven seven zero nine two five two so look and check four seven zero this is my laundry money what just happened um i just gave marquez a lesson yeah we got a great lesson you know what to be honest i think you should be involved in the trick okay so you'll hold it yeah i think you should be involved so i think you should sit here all right yeah you shuffled that it did a lot earlier yeah so but it's your deck yeah yeah okay now i have this deck shuffled here i i'm gonna just like riffle through some cards and you just pick one but wait hold on but don't say it don't sit right don't tell him but who do you who who are you gonna make guess the card who are you gonna make find his card let's have brandon and i don't say it i just think it just like look inside look inside okay good don't say it though okay don't say it and he's gonna guess the card okay but you agree it's impossible right okay good i mean so let's try it allegedly so it's in here somewhere obviously but yeah but make this difficult make it complicated so you shuffled it i did a lot matter of fact i'll just shuffle it too i'll just just mess up so now it's super sloppy which makes it harder brandon you have to be watching some upside down yeah so it's super sloppy okay you're great it's just nuts in here uh let's see so look summer summer summer back to face back to face somewhere face to back back to face yeah so it's really all yeah do you guys all agree that it is completely mixed yes or no yes yeah good some are even back to back yeah let's just put this mess over by brandon okay so brandon you have to find the card wait for you do that before you do that i think it'd be pretty impressive if first i turn all the cards back to right side up that would be pretty they're all going to be face up yeah that would be crazy back to right side that would be amazing you could just learn this in like four minutes that was pretty good yeah yeah let me see that one if that works spread it yes slide it across the table that works but if i remember correctly you guessed it found a card before oh i did you never said it out loud correct and so brandon i'm just gonna learn this and i'm gonna find this in david's shuffle deck that i reshuffled yeah that you never said correct and now there's a guy can he say it out loud yeah what what was that card was the five of clubs hold on hold on hold on hold on now brandon you're going to try to see he's going to go like this one inside but don't do the kingdom you know don't do the one right here whatever is in the face don't see what's trying don't say it i'm still impressed that he learned the this of yeah all of it yeah that was pretty that was cool yeah if you were to guess would you say the card you thought it was red or black just start with that if you were to guess what would you get red no [Laughter] well then it won't work okay no no then no then he's the wrong guy too by the way if it was easy everybody would be doing it so it's good that it's it's not so simple i'm happy about that ready try it again it's a little fast yeah the speed is tough how about that i think he has one and it's nice that he's not even sure yeah we're gonna find a good guesser eventually you know the math thing about like how many different uh orders of cards there can be it's like 52 factorial or something crazy it's like more than the grains of sand um in the universe so this card deck could be in any order yeah like truly but we'll we'll mess it up anyway the whole right side of upside down thing super unique order it will it will never be in this order again and this is also the first time it's ever in the show's order yeah probably right yeah so and some are face up and face down i'm sure that also is a multiple of like some crazy number but if we just take that first time the deck has ever looked like that in history of the universe but at least i can flip them all to be right side up at least right like here go ahead let's see let's see if i got that part okay i got that part yeah that [Music] there is a card and you weren't even sure about what card you thought of so fast it's so fast take it what card was it no did i get it yeah let's go by the way his presentation is better than my presentation we're talking that took four minutes you know the meme of like the woman with the numbers around her head that's that's currently like [Music] got it so what i was doing is i was watching everybody shuffle i just i noticed that you were watching yeah yes so i was paying attention but i could see all those cards in the back too so if you hold one up this way i'll tell you what it is hold it up yeah that one looks like the five of uh diamonds i think yeah yeah you're looking in in his eyes nope reflection show me another that one looks like the uh king of hold on that looks like the king of weight king of diamonds so if you think i'm getting a reflection or whatever here's what you can do you can just cut the deck and leave it like and just hold it like that in case you think there's some sort of reflection thing or whatever all right full on and just shuffle cut nobody knows now what the top card is except one person in this room i probably figured that looks to me like uh three of that looks like a three uh clubs [Laughter] it didn't matter though you had the duck i can't there's no reflection though make sure it's mixed up yeah you can even shuffle it you can mix it up i might shuffle it yeah it's a nice deck the cards feel nice it's pretty new is it i think it's brand new actually oh yeah look at that don't act like you're not impressed it's a pretty good shuffle okay so take the i don't want to see it either i can't see anything so take the the deck you have one hand and separate it into three roughly equal sized piles okay any one of those piles turn the whole pile face up anyone anyone so now you've got one face up file two face down files and that card on top of the face up file that's your card all right all right so remember that card command and then what i want you to do is take that face up pile and put it on top of one of the face down piles and put it on top while still face up or flip exactly while still face up wow all right and then take the other face down pile yep and put it face down on top of the face up pile love it so you've sandwiched your card i've done it now i want you to you know you've heard of like cutting the deck right i want you to roughly halfway through cut the deck in half and don't complete the cut so you have one that's face up one that's face down what do you mean don't complete the cut so you cut it in half yeah and don't don't complete the cut just cut them into two piles okay that shuffle you showed me earlier yeah shuffle those two piles together face up face down oh man what a mess yeah okay perfect so would you agree that there's no way i could know where your card is in the deck right now i would agree like you picked the card you saw what the card was you buried it you chose which one to put on top yeah you flipped it and you shuffled it yeah go ahead and cut the deck in half and complete the cut there's no way that i could know which one is your card or where it is right that was a dramatic turn i liked it thank you showmanship you just need a mac on your lap so what i'm gonna have you do is from the top start taking cards and dealing them one at a time off the top okay and just read me the ones that are face up but don't change your voice or or say it differently if you see your card just say everyone exactly the same so i can't give it away and go through the whole deck and just read the face up cards okay so nine of hearts seven of clubs i just one by one go through the top down ones that's it that was it yeah okay um is the slow turn part of it yeah yeah okay so i you know i told you not to change your voice too much but i did hear a little bit of an inflection in some of the cards okay um do you make a favorite say red black red black that's what i thought yeah not a black card it's definitely red okay ace two three four five six seven eight nine ten jack queen cam ace two three four five six seven eight nine ten jack queen king exactly exactly that's what i thought okay um he's putting on the sportsmanship here yeah i've got i've got i've got a vibe and it's funny because usually i have another deck on facetime and i'll like pull the card off the deck and show it to you but i don't have one so i'll just your assistant but i do have one here so i can actually it's funny you put one right in a good spot for me is uh is your card before yes wow did he know nope did you no nope what you got it too right except three times it's three nights very nice very nice that's pretty good right how did you know just your voice no you no that's not what it is your voice just a little never heard of magic little extra i call baloney wow wow hey that's a great trick all right so we're gonna we're gonna load up some some creator friends facetime them and try some of the tricks that he just taught me he'll be over my shoulder for some supervision just to make sure i don't mess anything up but i think it should be fun i'm gonna see if he can get them to get a good reaction from people over zoom i shouldn't be on camera by the way yeah you can so it'll be off of the facetime but on this camera [Music] they're all facing one direction okay that was pretty smooth no way no way did i i got it sounds like i got it
Channel: The Studio
Views: 244,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MKBHD, The Studio, David Blaine, street magic, card magic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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