The BEST Card Switch EVER - TOP CHANGE (Tutorial)

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome to the ultimate guide to the switch switching one card for another is one of the most powerful things you can do in card magic and learning a good switch is vital in making you a better performer in this video we are going to go over ten switches that you can start learning today some of them are easy some of them are a little harder but I think it's important to learn these switches and learn them correctly the first thing we're gonna go over is the table change one of the most famous switches in all of magic but I noticed that a lot of people don't seem to use it or if they do they don't use it correctly so we're gonna go over step-by-step on how to do the top change and do it right from there we're gonna go into a whole bunch of different switches that you can use based off of what situation you are in learn all of these then pick and choose to create the best switch for your performance not only am I going to teach you the slight but we're gonna go over the subtleties and nuances to really make this something that you're gonna use love and for everybody with so without further ado let's get into the ultimate guide to the switch yoyoyo guys what is going on welcome back to my channel my name is Alexandria and I'm so excited to present to you today the top change one of the most famous switches of all time in card magic and we're gonna learn it here today for free now this is part of a bigger project called the ultimate guide to the switch and if you're interested in card magic and switches I've left a link below to the full project you're gonna get ten switches of one card for another so you can learn these switches use them in your performances and for everybody now I think it's so important to learn these switches and learn them correctly especially the top change because I've seen so many people try to do the top change and they're just not confident enough in their ability to switch the card secretly that they double up on their technique or they just mess it up or they just go for a double lift and forget the top change altogether we are here to improve your slights to make you better performer and to make you confident enough when you learn these legs that you'd go out perform them and kick some ass so without further ado here is an excerpt from the ultimate guide to the switch the top change let's go alright we are talking about the top change now the top change is one of the most famous moves in all of MAGIX but I feel like it's underused and people are not using them and people don't do them correctly and this is just from what I've seen and I'm sure that if you have ever tried to do the top change there is that moment of I have to misdirect somehow I have to get this off without anybody noticing right so you do a few things have them look up or points or do a whole array of different techniques to misdirect them as you secretly switch the card now the whole idea of this move is that you should be able to do it out in the open you should be able with little coverage to switch the cards right in front of them and to fool them and that's what we are gonna go over right now so pick up a deck of cards and let's get into how we do this so the top changes literally what the move suggests you're switching the top card of the deck for the top card of the deck basically and that's how it should look when done in performance you have a little bit of misdirection while you hold on to the one card over here and do the move as you either gesture or do something like that but that's gonna be after we learn the actual technique of how we actually do the move then we'll get into performance scenarios but with that being said I did want to just show you exactly what the move is and that's basically it you're just doing that while holding on to one card you are switching it for the top card like this maybe let's do it with another deck here so you can see the action in full speed and as we talk the move is done yes okay let's learn it so the action to be honest is pretty simple the harder part is gonna come after to do it smooth and to do it in such a way that it doesn't look like one of these which I've seen many many times in performances all around the world it seems to be a trend of to do a bad messy and noisy table change so we're gonna try to get rid of all of those problems here today with this technique so go ahead grab the top card and you're going to hold it in a I guess fingertip rest right here with the thumb on not really the middle you don't want to go middle with it you want to go a little bit lower with it okay so ring finger middle finger and first finger on the front of the card while the thumb is in the back and this is your positioning for holding this card I tend to like to start out by doing this and then once you get more comfortable with it you can start holding it just with two fingers or three fingers or however it's gonna be best for you but for now I like to do it with the three fingers as I explain this now the left hands job is going to be to push and then to pull that's really all it's doing and the only real motion that this hand has the left thumb going to the right and then coming back to the left okay now one thing that I want to say before we start the left hand movement is that it's always best to bevel the deck a little bit like that alright so when you are getting ready to do this move just you don't want to go overboard like this but you also don't want to keep it in a full squared manner because it's going to then be a little bit harder to push this forward without it being noticed so if this is just like that then it'll be easier so from here what's gonna happen well here is the technique in slow motion the right hand is going to stay motionless and a good tip actually and this is not really a joke I'm not trying to be funny even though I do try to be funny but I'm just not and you have somebody hold your wrist when doing this and then you'll see the motion of if you try to move they will let you know or you'll feel it because a lot of the times these moves are subconscious and you don't notice and then you know you've recorded yourself and then you say wow that was really bad right so this stays motionless over here for the most part or at least in the beginning of learning this technique it's the left hand that's going to come over as if you're gonna take this card so step number one is actually coming over and putting your thumb on top to take the card do this a few times just so you could get used to the natural action of your left hand coming in and then coming back out alright because that's what's gonna happen your left hand is gonna come in and out alright like I said this is just the main performance the basic technique then we're gonna go into different ways of how to use them and what other things that you can do to cover this action now with that being said your left hand is gonna come over grab the card and come back don't take it alright come over grab the card come over don't take it and just practice that a few times alright and that's how the move should look if you were doing it for real and if you were doing it in the mirror so if I were to look at you right now I would be able to have this action as I'm talking and do the move you see how my left hand or right hand comes together for just a second and that's just doing this and doing that and that's how the move should look so do yourselves a favor practice this first record this action as you're talking and gesturing and of course there's gonna be based off of your patter and what you say and the gestures that you do but there you go see I did it twice while I was talking and that's how the move should look so now we're actually going to do the move of pushing it off and stealing this one out so you know already this parts you know already this part we're gonna combine those two and we're just gonna add in pushing this card in to the left hand another nice way to practice is with no card in your hand and just push the card into your hands okay so practice those three things the first thing is having this here and stealing it the second thing is just coming over like that as you talk and the third thing is to not have a card here you're talking and then you put a card in your hand as you're still talking and this is motionless for the most part okay so now that we know those three steps we're gonna put it together grab a card show it just like this 1 2 3 thumb right here you're gonna come over and you're going to just just try to switch the cards to begin with you'll notice a few things you'll notice that your thumb moves obviously because you have to push the card over okay you'll also notice that the right hand is going to move these fingers to make room for the bottom cards so you're placing it on the bottom so you'll notice that the the right hand fingers are doing some motion down here you also might notice the right first finger lifting up to grab the other card and to lift off of the top card okay all of these things that you're noticing when you're first doing them is not good alright so we're gonna have to fix the problems and this is the problem that I think a lot of people have with slights is they do the generic move of it and they never bothered to learn the actual fixing of the problems and that's what I do in it if you're one of my slides so to fix all the movements of the fingers you just have to really just be conscious of it so I'm gonna grab the card just like this and the push is going to be minimal alright the push from the left hand is gonna be very minimal you can see right there and if I have another card on top you can actually see how much is really just being pushed off you don't want to push it off all the way like this okay you want to just push it off just a little bit right over there now as you come over you're going to align so as you're moving from left to right with your left hand you're going to just push it over just a little bit just enough so that you could feel it on the fingers you're and your ring finger of the left hand so you're here and you're here and it's going to come underneath and this is gonna go on top so you're gonna come underneath and only now do you push it a little bit more so as this is more than half way past the left hands card you're gonna push it more so that it aligns perfectly with this and you were not moving any fingers in the right hand these right hands fingers are staying nice and neat and together and now you're just going to pull back everything back to the halfway point without moving your left fingers or anything at this point and only now when you move away do you square this up and do that final move all right because you don't want this happening while you're above the card you want the first part to happen as you're moving come it gets to the halfway point square start moving backwards with it and then only now does your left finger square this up okay so that is the move done all in slow motion with with everything broken down once again here here gesture and gesturing and this motion of the hands is gonna be very important in the performance aspect of this so gesturing with the hands you're coming here as you're coming up and sometimes your hands are not that close to begin with I'm doing this because we're on a camera a screen right here but sometimes you are here you're talking with the spectator you're showing the card blah blah blah and then you're coming moving this here grabbing this halfway point grab move back and move everything flesh here here that I da da da da da da okay so that is the move and there's a lot of different ways to cover the move to cover the action of what you're doing okay so boom boom oh yes great no yes Oh hold out your hand bring it a little closer now what I want you to do is to practice the move without actually performing anything is just practice it back and forth and do this many many many times and get the speed down so you want to start slow to make sure that you have the actual technique remember push it off before you come push it off before you come then come forward to grab it it also helps if you do a little tilt with the hands so you're here and now your eye level and eye level really hides it you don't want to be too far with it right because then you're gonna obviously flash you want to be about eye level so that this part is about that level where you can't see the card all right that's a level to the spectator and that's the move alright so that's the actual sleight and I want you to practice this and get your speed up faster and faster and faster until you know how fast you can do it without messing up okay so for me I'll try it here so I'm going slow slow make sure your hands are in the right positioning to start with because you don't want to get caught up slow slow and then faster faster faster and it'll get to the point where you can't go faster than you're actually doing it and that's how you know that in performance that is going to be the limit of while you talk that is how fast your limit is to do the move alright with that being said I think we've gone over the actual technique now I want to talk about performance aspects and things that you can do to cover this action while you talk things to say and how we can move each hand individually to make it a better technique overall so now that we know the go over different variations of what you can do with it alright guys there you have it that was a top chain now like I said this is part of a bigger project so link is down below for the full project of ten different switches some of them that I use way more than the top change and some that are actually an evolution of the top change way better in my opinion and some of them that are just fun to perform and fun to practice and you'll never know when you'll need these lights in the performance situations that you are in so with that being said I would really appreciate it if you do go check out the link below check out the full project and check out my work it does help support me if not that's cool this view and a thumbs up and maybe subscribe if you haven't already will do just as fine I appreciate all the support and I appreciate you sticking around for these videos and for the content that I'm bringing to you I hope that you learn something here today thank you so much and we will see you on the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Alex Pandrea
Views: 284,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: card magic, card tricks, learn card tricks, magic trick, learn magic, magic tutorial, magic cards, classic pass, alex pandrea, shin lim, shin lim magic, chris ramsay, david blaine, dynamo magic, magic revealed, easy card trick, trick reveal, theory11, ellusionist, deck review, 52kards, wow, amazing, patrick kun, card control, the blue crown, cardistry, learn cardisty, fontaine cards, top change, card switch, top change tutorial
Id: S_iiwl12dtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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