Push-Through False Shuffle : Card Magic Tutorial

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yo yo yo guys what is going on alex pandrea here and welcome to the tutorial on the push through false shuffle now i'm very excited to show you this technique here today because not only is this a great fall shuffle to use when you want to fall shuffle a deck but it also could be used as a great expose see a lot of the times i don't perform a lot of gambling routines but what i would do is do an expose of some of these techniques like showing off the second deal bottom deal palms and switches sometimes even false shuffles to say look see this is what gamblers would do or back in the day this is a secret technique that a gambler would do and then you show that off to the spectators and they're like oh wow man if this is the type of character and magic that you want to perform sometimes it's good sometimes it might not fit in but that's up to you we're going to go through this technique step by step so don't worry if you can't get it at first practice makes perfect so go ahead grab your deck of cards and let's get into it today's video is brought to you by the noc luxury v2 project these bad boys are going live tomorrow october 10th sunday october 10th at 10 a.m you can check the link below there will be a kickstarter project of the emerald of the sapphire and of the ruby ruby emerald sapphire will be available plus birthday bundles because tomorrow is my birthday so you can celebrate along by getting some special deals in the kickstarter first come first serve cards are nice and shiny look at that so you can check the link below for details on all of that today we are looking at the push through fall shuffle now the push through fall shuffle is meant to mimic a table shuffle and i'm going to show you a sort of an easy way to do it now this move by no means is easy but i'm going to show you some subtleties and things that you can use to make it easier for yourself so you could go out and fool your friends if you have friends oh you do that's good all right let's go now the idea of the shuffle is to mimic a table ripple shuffle so the first thing that we should know how to do is a table riffle shuffle okay now a quick summary of it is as follows you're going to cut half the deck to the left just like this the thumb is on the back first finger here because the first finger is going to use to put pressure on the halves and then the middle finger on the outside of the deck just like that okay so you can pick up the deck like like so and then you're gonna start riffling by putting pressure on the first fingers riffle with the thumbs and interweave the cards okay i'm sure all you guys know how to do this but it's very important to do the same technique in your real shuffle as in the false shuffle okay so if you're going to hold your fingers like this you don't want your false shuffle then to have your fingers in a different spot i hope that makes sense okay so just take a look at how you do your reel shuffle and that's how you're going to have to do your fall shuffle when it comes time to it okay so you're here you riffle and then you push in the cards now the next thing that i just want to show you really quick before going into the fall shuffle is the up the ladder cut now the upper ladder cut is an important element of this because this will create the illusion that the cards are being shuffled more after the fall shuffle and this is a way to sort of clean up the shuffle okay because if you don't do this then it'll just look like you're sort of cutting the cards at the end of the shuffle it won't be as fooling let's just say that okay so to start the up the ladder shuffle with your left hand you're gonna pick up half the deck just like this and then the right hand is holding the bottom half just like this okay thumb and middle finger in the left hand and thumb and middle finger in the right hand okay so from here you're going to kind of cut now you're going to move your right hand packet around and it's going to come from the bottom and it's going to go on top but it's going to be out jogged to the left okay so kind of side jogged if we're looking at it this way but it's really just jogged to the left now at all times your fingers are here so whether it's the third finger or multiple fingers in front to cover this side of it so they don't see the jog from here you're going to now take the bottom packet which was the top one move it around forward and now move it to the right hand side so jogged to the right it's at this point where we're going to start the up the ladder cut because now this is the top packet back on top i'm going to grab now the thumb and the third finger is going to grab now everything right so the top packet and the bottom packet and now my right hand is going to start stripping bottom packets from the top packet all right so just bottom packets from this half it's going to start stripping it up and around and here so now we're just placing it on top and the only thing out jogged is that top packet you're going to continue to take the whole top packet and move it around and then again put pressure and strip the bottom packet of the top packet remaining and around come back with your hands take this packet place it here and here so now you'll notice this is a continuous motion and it's sort of uh sort of like you're going up the line i don't know why they call it up the ladder okay so you're here here here and like that okay and that in itself is a false shuffle but now we're gonna combined it with what we're gonna learn next so for the fall shuffle you again again start with the top packet in the left hand cut it to the left side the right hand is holding the bottom packet now you're gonna start to shuffle now what's very important is the way that we're shuffling the two packets into into each other so you're going to start first with the right hand and you're going to let a bet of cards fall so maybe 7 10 cards i would say at this point that will fall from the right hand before you start shuffling with the left hand alright so that's step number one if you don't want to shuffle it off you can just pick up and leave cards on the table so here i'm leaving about this many cards on the table just so we can have a nice bed of cards so that to make the move easier all right so here here boom that's step number one and now we're going to shuffle all the cards and you're gonna leave one card on the top okay so this card right here which is the right hand packet top card is going to be left on top just like this right remember this is the bottom packet this is the top packet when it all comes said and done now what you're going to do is you're going to start pushing together right so this is why it's very important to have that bed because when you push together you don't want the bottom cards to interweave or move around from one packet to the other all right so now you're here and now you're going to push it about there all right so that you have about this much room left and you can see right there that's about the length of where we're going to push it to all right once you sort of practice this move more you can push it in further but i would recommend just doing this for now all right so that is our position at this point you're going to change grips so from here you're going to go to here so the middle fingers will come out and one middle finger will go here and the other middle finger will go here the thumbs will go here all right now so from here to here because just think about it when you actually do a shuffle and you want to square up the cards you're going to change directions and square them up this way now this is going to be the point where we're going to square up but now watch what's going to happen pressure is with the thumb here the middle finger is going to push diagonally this way of the right hand and the left hand's middle finger is going to push diagonally this way and what happens when you do this is the cards cross you can see that right there now what happens when the cards cross you're going to have that left hand packet now be gripped by the right hand and then the right hand packet is now gripped by the left hand so you're switching packets and you're switching grips okay boom all right so let's just go back one step so you can see that in action here here push in switch grips push diagonally push diagonally keep your thumbs there and now as i push now the left hand packet is gripped by the right hand and the right hands packet is gripped by the left hand and you're going to now come and square up this way now notice when you square up your fingers the first finger the middle finger they're going to cover the front part of the deck so that they don't see the spectators don't see this all right you're covering here now because you're covering this doesn't have to be so pushed together this could be actually at this point this is how i do it and just because i'm covering it just looks like one deck from the front all right it's at this point where we're going to strip out because you've done the actual move you've done the push through the push through and the switch of the packets you're going to do the actual move where and now this is where the nice bed comes in because of this bed of cards i can very easily now grab everything of the right hand packet which was the initial top packet of the deck and with pressure from my left hand i'm going to strip out forward and remember what this is reminiscent of the up the ladder cut there you go so we're going to strip out and forward and stripping out and forward we're stripping everything out placing it on top jogged to the right and now guess what ladies and gentlemen you got it we're doing gonna do the up the ladder cut to complete the sequence from here strip out from the bottom to the top and continue here here here to the last card gets placed and you've completed the shuffle now there are a few things that i want you to keep in mind when doing this the first thing is that you don't want this to be seen obviously that's the point of this okay so how do we work around that well obviously you can do it so that you can start pushing it in when it's further pushed in you can you can do the move when it's further pushed in and now you just have a very small brief on this side which will be enough that you can grab this packet and still strip it out okay but of course that'll take practice an easier way to go around this is to do the following and this is what i do all the time i come here i do this i do this and now when i'm going to do the move i'm going to move everything back and forth all right everything with the deck and my hands goes back goes forward rather and back quickly okay boom and when i do that i do the move and then i riffle up like this as if i'm squaring up okay the squaring up action so from the front this is covered this is covered squaring up action like this and maybe you can put your your hands like this even more to square up okay just take a look at what you do in the natural action of squaring up and try to mimic that as best as possible and now the second thing that you want to do is not take this right away okay you can come here you can do this and then give it a second and then when you're ready boom strip it out and finish the shuffle so putting it all together top packet goes to the left leave a bed of cards shuffle shuffle shuffle first card goes out here push push when you're ready you're going to switch fingering position push in go forward and then back as you cover this cover with your hands your first fingers are right here covering the front portion and strip out and at this time when you strip out you'll also notice that there is sort of air between the cards make sure you push down on that because you don't want to start stripping cards from the middle this is a common mistake that i see and finish that there here here boom boom and boom and boom now an important thing that i want you to keep in mind when learning this technique or when performing it you don't have to do it perfectly if you're doing it for an expose like i mentioned in the beginning right you can do it very out in the open and push it through strip it out and do it so that it doesn't really fool them but it shows them the technique if you're still in the practicing phase and still wanting to try to get it down perfectly now what this does is that especially if you know other false shuffles like let's say the zero fall shuffle you can do an expose on the push through fall shuffle show them the technique and they'll be like oh wow that's pretty good and then use a basically you're doing a pseudo explanation use another false shuffle by doing it in real time so i don't know i'll show you how it works in real time and they'll be fooled with your pseudo explanation by thinking that that's what you're doing but you're really doing something else and this way you can use the technique to fool them by not really fooling them but you're still fooling them another little tip is to try to practice this without looking down at your hands because when you actually want to do this in the course of a routine let's say you're doing the shuffle you don't want attention obviously down here so you want to be able to shuffle strip out and do everything while why so you do this while watching tv on your couch on your lap whatever and i think you will get it down in no time if you like this video hit the like button subscribe if you haven't already more videos are to come thank you so much and we will see you on the next video
Channel: Alex Pandrea
Views: 61,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic, magic tricks, learn magic, card magic, easy card magic, card tricks, double lift, learn card tricks, magic tutorial, how to do magic, how to do easy card trick, double lift tutorial, alex pandrea, chris ramsay, shin lim, shin lim magic, david blaine, magic revealed, deck review, playing cards, classic pass, how to do easy magic, learn easy magic, cardistry, push through shuffle, false shuffle, zarrow shuffle
Id: U07Q88mXFag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 09 2021
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