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here we are at the Northwest gold show getting ready to do our demonstration with our goal set melt all over their heightened place thousands people lined up for you to come in bail yeah it's awesome I mean sometimes if people look at it's just too sexy and we got this other one we are ready to go hey mr. great grandma organ beach gold Sam grandma at final bourbon golden beach to the rescue this is a various trunk above 20 mesh down to 100 vegetables are able to Cory so we're just what the goal is to see who holds the gold blog and who loses it fast we've got one of our competitors leading bats and plays the best in the world another new math lieutenant got an old favorite as a confessor no no kid I can be a nice guy it's okay this vision style all right so rules like dumping laundromats poor little law begin to go but we're not tiring to the millisecond I'll get back but you know we're not climbing to the millisecond so you know but we let it run for five minutes and we decide I get it all can you see it all gone okay Frank thank you sir okay so now what the goal is okay migration is bad meaning if it gets the end of the sluice it's gonna leave the building like Elvis did gone he's no longer with us so we want to keep the gold up to the top of the sluice as long as possible so gold if it makes it to the bottom of the sluice is that because that's migration that means you can blow it out now some maps use this this is on low this is on low speed and then we're gonna show ya you know so this would be like if you were finishing [Music] so now if you were to Craig this would be more what's going on so I'm just going to sweep this goal of offices swinging up here because the guy who designed this hit know he's doing up Oh this is about five years of engineering with food dynamics to melt the system and these guys here develop their systems that I don't know the story behind it no no but you know this is actually the competition in Omaha so and this is this is my new dream Matt it's been out we've been out for about four years almost four three three and a half years and I've sold about ten thousand with little advertising the word of mouth except frankly this is the only pulse right now so if we make me the nostril you'll be stone Lisbon out of there to France and actually this map is believe it or not with no word about any place somehow showed up a I've never paid nobody or ask somebody who showed up on smoke brush why part it's actually one of the bigger Maps so see the streets of migration shows what's going on let me gentle you so here's the gold test and you can see the gold on the cocking seat which is the fine gold trying to get up over the weir we have a weird you see how it's set up it can't go back it over and you see this fine gold so this is of course the first lane secondly you see the fine gold this is got the the beach mat gold the beach sand gold and the alberta fine gold and a lady creek buying gold you can see it even on this crack right here you see it being on the surface of the glass you can see and here's the the third run so like I say course sorry and then see we got look at all looking at all in this one this one really lost a lot of fine gold so and then we come over to the dream at side now there actually was a little gold in this sell for when we flushed it through but you can hardly see it now so anyways there's the fine gold losses so not only do we have the large gold losses that drip here and then you can see but we got the Feingold losses just so you guys can see what's happening there all right there's the test and you know you saw me move my finger through there knock some out to help out I did there did there that was already probably already moved down I didn't even have to anyways just some fun stuff I think I just show that to you all right guys I'm here at the show doing some testing and we're doing another round and we've seen the same results over and over again here we got the go migration coming out the scene I just wanted to speak to these mats and explain what's going on with the fluid dynamics here we got the the flow like a brick over some pencils flowing out and these that secondary boundary layer which is a thin layer of fluid that protects this gold as the larger faster fluid is rushing over like a break so the pencil or the feed brush is the pencil that is rolling across the surface of this maps it makes these nice little tight vortices and keeps that stuff pinned down as the faster water flows out but what you're seeing is which way is the pencil going which way to the vortices form they flow in that direction in out of the box and so does the brick and this one here does a little bit difference where it has a deeper groove so the book the vortex is formed in these chambers here but of course you know the spin the brush we're still going to be turning in this clockwise or counterclockwise direction so it is going and pumping out of here so this is actually loses the most because this protects it cause it's a slick plate and then as it fills in these grooves here we drop out more because it pumps it out and we yes right now these ones that secondary boundary layer kind of pins them down so what we're seeing here with the dream mat is every time it flows fold goes up and gets trapped in thing gets trapped in so we're moving gold upstream as the flow goes down so we're breaking the back of migration we're like snapping that pencil in half standing it on the end twisting it and cool it up in there like the Hydra sites cool so that's what causes the gold not to migrate because it can't roll out like a pencil it has to the pencil gets broken on a half snapped up spun and goes up streaming it's hid in the black bed of sand so that's why the food dynamics are so radically opposite of what all these traditional mats that have every profile there's a higher low you know what we call perpendicular to flow or horizontal plane then this is more of a vertical axis man so that's why you're seeing such drastic results difference from the traditional flows to a new concept was speeding it up on top slowest I figured I'd just give that little scientific spiel for you guys who are watching the show online and just let you know that's why we're seeing those results so give you some noodle in to think about all right thank you our water dirty yeah it was like mud and so we're having a little fun with some people's dirt they asked us to run like they saw the demonstration so we ran all the material through there it was like dust it was like about a gallon of powder this is the second line with three bottles working picking up we forgot to take a picture of the first line which was about twice as much to see the stuff her bottle already these guys live to see if it was tailings or not and there if there was gold in it and so he felt they did a pretty good job we found a gold cool you
Channel: DREAM MAT
Views: 113,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream mat sluice, keene engineering, keene miracle mat, gold hog mat, gold hog wave mat, gold cube, best sluice mat, best fine gold recovery
Id: 8T3dFFDzcwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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