the weirdest youtube shorts i could find pt. 2

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hello everybody welcome back to the second channel take a look at these greg pillows dude we got greg pillow red pillows in the background you guys thought i didn't want greg letters in the background anymore freaking pillows i got thank you to helpful mig on tick tock for making these pillows they fit the couch perfectly in all honesty i'm really stoked about those pillows so thank you for making them helpful meg and i hope you guys like them anyway welcome back to the second channel today we're going to be talking about some of the weirdest youtube shorts that i could find on youtube to crack open a sparkling water and we'll crack into these tik tok or youtube shorts youtube has been pushing youtube shorts like crazy i'm kind of curious to know if anybody who watches this like watches youtube shorts now i'm not trying to be judgey in any way i'm just like i'm just curious because they're pushing them so much to see if it's actually working i was going through youtube's list of the top 500 youtubers over the past 30 days and if you click on like half of these channels they only post youtube shorts so like all of the people that are being subscribed to the most right now are like just youtube shorts channels that's how much youtube is pushing this [ __ ] in our faces they want they're like you will watch youtube shorts instead of tick tock but because youtube is just kind of like pushing anybody that posts youtube shorts there's a lot of weird channels that end up doing really well on youtube now just because they're like one of the few that are just cranking out youtube shorts and posting them on youtube so i just scrolled down this list of like the top youtubers over the past 30 days and i clicked on some of them that just post youtube short so let's get into it first of all these folks called money lena now have 6.5 million subscribers they created their channel in may of last year and they already have 6 million subscribers that's how hard youtube is pushing youtube short so let's go ahead and check out some of their tic tacs and find out like is youtube's heavy endorsement of youtube shorts paying off with some quality content my voice did not crack that was in your head what did she think was gonna happen she's like okay i'm eating ice cream and my husband is handcuffing me and then she gets handcuffed and she's like wait now i can't move my arms independently of each other what the [ __ ] how did you do this you wizard you tricked me she could have moved her hands away if she wanted to that didn't restrict her from moving her arms at all she could have just gone like this and been like no he could have gotten the ice cream by just grabbing her hand and putting it in his mouth because he is already grabbing her hand anyway so he could have just done that without tying her up first i guess he's his aim was to humiliate her and then take her ice cream is this an ad for this ice cream why is this laying out like this i don't know about you guys but i'm about to freaking fly to russia and buy one of these because i'm being advertised to so hard is this russian we'll never know omg left without candies okay so the guy's moving around the bucket she's got to pick which one has the lollipop in it [Music] she picked the wrong one because that one doesn't have the lollipop in it and it has actually more than the lollipop in it so he's a magician in this one too are all of their tick tocks just about the guy being the most clever guy in the world and the girl being the dumbest girl in the world just tricking her constantly and she is just at wit's end trying to figure out how the [ __ ] he's doing it what a sad existence omg you can't joke with your wife is this dick talk about to be about like cancel culture what you can't even joke with your own wife anymore you walk into the room and she's eating a cucumber and you color a slur you're not even allowed to joke with your wife anymore come on dude people are so pc these days oh no he hits her you can't even hit your wife anymore as a joe as the joke i did it and then she hits back so you can't even joke with your wife anymore because she might hit you back the lady is cute and good looking yo dude is your wife single cause uh i think i have an interested party here i am done dude i am done joking with my wife via flip-flop violence okay well you know what she actually seems to be the clever one in this tick tock so i guess they they do kind of go back and forth sometimes the guy has a hundred iq points on his wife and sometimes it's the other way around sometimes it is the guy getting slapped with the cucumber that age-old saying one interesting thing about youtube shorts is that when you click on one and then you scroll down it just starts playing random [ __ ] that you're not interested in at all [Music] okay that guy's actually magic what the [ __ ] how did he do that dan rhodes okay i was actually kind of expecting to see a tick tock that didn't interest me at all but this one actually did pique my curiosity i think there's a little divider in there you can see this little part of the cup straight line right here i think that's dividing and there was juice hiding behind that that's my little theory about this one but apparently a really big format on tick tock is to do something amazing near a girl and she's gonna be mad and pressed and you're kind of like yeah i just do that i just do stuff like that i actually didn't expect that to happen i don't know how i did that [Music] wait what so is this a cat trying out viral life hacks or so i don't guess it's not a life hack how to make a squishy carrot you know you always want to do that but it takes forever here's sort of a diy way diy life hack way to do it okay but the cat is clearly pouring in coke and it's said to do pepsi so actually we're not sure if this one works what a strange idea for a youtube channel that little puff he just tries out viral things i don't even know how to classify these life hack crafts they're just like things that you can do viral things that you didn't know you could do and also that you can't do it doesn't work [Music] the people who make these videos must have like little fake cat paws that they use to do all this stuff with that's kind of strange i mean i guess more power to them they're probably literally raking it in because they make youtube short yeah they've got 10 million subscribers and this cat is basically a celebrity now okay back to uh money lena the mona lisa omg he thought this snake was his wife [Music] okay that went a different direction than i thought i thought it was going to be a prank where he wakes up and gets scared by the snake maybe that's what the wife was expecting too you think the wife is like what the hell you're supposed to realize it's not me i'm not a snake and the husband's like mmm i love my wife my wife who is as thin as my wrists and covered in scales and slimy and biting me all the time i love my little wife who hisses at me [Music] oh yeah she is pissed off the whole family is master and pranking each other after seeing their all videos conclusion their daughter will be a great prankster in the future due to genes of parents damn zafar are you a doctor how do you know that we got a doctor in the chat already diagnosing their daughter with being a genetically pure prankster have scientists figured out yet if being a good prankster is genetic or is that some is that like a learned behavior i think they're still trying to figure that out actually i think that's kind of i think that's a big field of study right now let's maybe look at like one of their most viewed videos oh my god dude 280 million views 160 million views they have so many videos with over 100 million views omg p prank with shaving phone what do you mean p prank do they mean like piss prank or is that just a typo like a little stutter oh my god prank they're so scared while writing it with shaving foam okay for one he looked directly into the barrel and there's no possible way you could have missed a white speck in the barrel unless you're incredibly behind so i would put this as stage well done enzo you figured it out i feel like i said this in the last video i did about youtube shorts but it does make me like wonder are we supposed to think it's real or is this just like a funny scenario and even if we don't think it's real it can still it can still be kind of funny because like i mean like you can go watch a movie that's funny and you know it's not real and it can still be funny and i'm just explaining the concept of fiction to everybody at home but you know you know i mean you know what i mean i mean maybe it's just like tiny teeny tiny little kids watching these videos and so they're like yes this is probably real everything else i've experienced in life has led me to believe this is real my parents are real my friends are real everything is everything i've ever seen is real blue's clues is real so i don't see any reason why this wouldn't be the fact that they added a laugh track into this one it really says a lot i think honestly about their process in making this video do you think they filmed this and they were like oh this is gonna be [ __ ] hilarious just as is and then they watched it back later and they were like wait there's actually like not really a joke in this there's actually just like a weird unsettling video do you think we should try to add in some kind of indication that it's supposed to be funny and so they just added people laughing in the background yeah it's funny it's okay we're fine mentally we are okay so you don't have to worry about this it's funny i'm washing his jacket most of the comments on this video are just like spam in dot coms dot date that's my new favorite dating website you know before i was really into now i'm more into it's on uno's delos in dot coms dot date i kind of want to click on it just to see what it is but i know the second i do my computer is going to explode with a virus someone responded okay all right buddy sure you are my favorite loves youtube has an insane spam problem can we talk about that like i even noticed it on my videos but it seems like it's like 10 times worse on youtube shorts that supposedly have hundreds of millions of views but 90 comments and they're all spam what the [ __ ] is going on sweet [ __ ] dot uno i didn't even know you could have urls that look like this is this video just gonna become about spam on youtube youtube fix your [ __ ] just make it so you can't put links in the in the comments why would anyone ever need to put a link in the comments just don't just make it so they can't do that and also maybe i mean if you are maybe just like banned words like come and [ __ ] in the comments i mean is that is it that is that hard all right anyway enough about that let's get back to the youtube shorts i found another channel called small and for a second i was like these kind of look like troom troom videos so i clicked on the channels to see if they were associated with troom troom and they are actually associated with a channel called bada boom not trim trim i am a little bit suspicious that bada-boom is also owned by trumtroom but there's no mention of that anywhere but just like the aesthetic of their videos look very true true mess so i'm not gonna rule it out but anyway let's check out some of smalls youtube shorts let's go straight for most popular helping others is important mobile game ads be like and this also has 200 million views [Applause] this is like an insanely well produced version of those videos that i made a video about with drew and curtis but these ones actually look very well produced and well animated i'm also noticing that the last youtube channel we were looking at had like 90 comments on some videos and this one has like a similar amount of views and has almost 6 000 comments that's a little bit odd weird ways to sneak food into the movies and not get caught edible hair i'll give it to him that is a weird way to sneak food into the movies you know like how you go into a movie it's like a club slash airport that's what the movie theater is no get out [Applause] also is that wanda candy detector oh [ __ ] now he's in the movies in the movies you know where they play loud music and you dance and get [ __ ] up the movie theater okay i'm so confused because it's a club they're in a club but then why didn't they just make the title weird ways to sneak food into a dance party maybe they filmed this and then they were about to post it with that title but they were like wait you actually can just bring a snack into a dance party if you want to that doesn't make any sense why would you need to sneak food into a dance party and so they changed it to the movies honestly even though you can bring food to a dance party this still is a weird way to sneak food into a dance party it actually makes it weirder that you don't have to sneak it in the fact that you could just bring the food and instead you like made a wig out of twizzlers or whatever you were like no now nobody's gonna know nobody's gonna know when they brush up against me and i'm sticky and smell like strawberries that my head my whole hair is made out of candy oh now it's going to show us how to do it i think i figured it out i think you kind of put it on your head and you put a hat on and then you've got candy for hair amazing balloon trick number four a little too excited about that water balloon not necessary i'm so on the edge of my seat dude what is this amazing trick gonna be is it just that he built it up that much that is pretty cool wow that's amazing okay that actually is pretty sick the slo-mo shot was cool i'll give them that i just thought it was gonna be like a trick shot imagine if dude perfect videos were like this they're like basketball trick shots and it's just them throwing the basketball off of a large thing onto the ground and it just hits the ground whoa gravity still works that's awesome that was where they were gonna stop doing that upside down prank dude this channel is all over the place do they know what types of videos they make what does the description of this channel say actually hello everybody we are short funny and humorous videos on a variety of topics you can say that again if you like magic tricks pranks life hacks vines challenges asmr and much more than join us we will not let you get bored be sure we will not let you get bored if we even sense you starting to get bored from one of our videos we're gonna come over there strap you to your chair we're gonna handcuff you with a belt and we're gonna entertain you with some amazing water balloon tricks okay looks like just a normal guy hanging out a guy with the baddest hog known to man mind you also did you see his hands were feet they really tried to hide those by putting them behind his head but you could just see one sticking out like this and it was a foot the girl comes in and she's like yo dab me up it's just a foot [Music] that'd be funny that would be funny this prank is funny and what is going on here what is this this is very interesting i don't know what that is [Music] all right that actually is [ __ ] terrifying i'll give him that it's a good prank okay if you could actually get someone to fall for that that's [ __ ] terrifying you see how that body was moving and convulsing on the bed all right thank you for watching bye bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 4,471,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: qPO_bChI4ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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