The Lesbian Vampire Killer

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every murderer has a different motive to kill some do it for money some do it for power a crime of passion some even just for pleasure but today's killer claimed that she did it to survive because she was a vampire that needed blood to drink her victim's blood so today's video is going to be another solved True Crime kiss today we're going to be talking about a killer that is nicknamed the lesbian Vampire killer but quickly before we get into the video I do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible Magellan TV I feel like a stuck record at this point because I say it so often but it's true Magellan TV is my favorite documentary streaming service I've ever tried this week I watched what happened to Holly bartler and this was a really good documentary if you've never heard of this case I'll tell you a little bit about it Holly was a 31 year old blind woman that was found laying under a bridge severely injured and she was pronounced dead a few days later and the circumstances surrounding her death are not clear at all the police ruled that her death was an accident that she was just intoxicated and she was blind and so she lost her footing on this bridge and she fell to her death but her family don't believe that the police pretty much dismissed foul play as a possibility right from the beginning and her family really I'm not happy with that they want them to look into murder as a possibility it was a super super interesting documentary as are all the documentaries on Magellan TV they add between 15 and 20 hours of new content every single week so you're never gonna get bored it's also completely ad-free and you can watch on pretty much any device that you earn so what are you waiting for and if you click the link Down Below in the description of this video Magellan TV are giving you guys a one month free trial so go click go click it thanks again to Magellan TV for sponsoring this video now before we get into it I do just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video there are a lot of content learnings for this case this is a very very heavy case from a lot of different angles so listen to the following list very carefully and if any of the following topics are things that you don't think you can listen into right now please click out of the video look after yourself that is the most important thing hopefully I'll get to see you again some other time with a different video but the list of trigger warnings is as follows grooming pedophilia forced abortion miscarriage depression self-harm emotional and physical abuse drug abuse and rape so like I said if any of those topics are things you don't want to hear about right now click out now so today's chaos takes place in Australia actually it's been a while since we've been over there it takes place specifically in Brisbane in 1989. that's where 24 year old Tracy Avril wigginton was born and raised she was born on August 4th 1965 into a rather wealthy and well-respected family although things were never entirely smooth sailing in Tracy's childhood because her mother had always suffered with very severe asthma like very very severe and it was so bad that sometimes she simply just could not look after her own child she was so breathless she was so ill that she just could not like feed and care for her daughter she'd have to take Tracy to her mum and Dad's house so that she could go and stay with her grandparents for like days at a time whenever her mum was having these really bad like asthma periods in her life but Tracy's grandparents absolutely adored her so they didn't mind looking after her as much as they did their names were Avril and George that's where Tracy got her middle name Avril from from her grandmother and it was these grandparents her maternal grandparents that were the source of the family's great wealth her grandfather George was a self-made millionaire he earned like an earth-moving company where they like move rocks and soil and stuff I don't know he made a lot of money doing it and Tracy just adored her grandfather she like idolized him he was so fun like he would always play with her he would always give her attention she just she loved her Granddad I don't think Tracy's biological father was in her life like at all so her grandfather was like her dad he was her father figure all the way through her life and and over the years Tracy's mother's asthma only got worse and worse and worse and so Tracy was spending more and more time with her grandparents until eventually her mother had like this breakdown moment and she realized that she just could not care for her own child anymore she just didn't have the energy or the health to be able to be a mother and to be able to be there for Tracy and so the decision was made that her grandmother and grandfather were going to officially adopt her so Tracy moved in with her grandparents full time and she was loving it her Grandad was her best friend so it was like moving in with your best friend she'd spend all her time with him just playing with him listening to his stories they were just Inseparable her grandmother on the other hand was quite a different story they were kind of like a good cop bad cop jewer were her grandparents and so naturally Tracy just didn't really like her very strict grandmother when she was an adult and she looked back on how her grandmother treated her Trace described her as self-centered hard cynical and manipulative of course those are things that you're not going to notice as a child you just think your grandma's being mean to you but as she grew up she realized just how horrible her grandmother was but Avril her grandmother had such a tragic life and upbringing that probably caused these traits that probably caused her to be so unemotional towards her granddaughter she had an awful childhood that included consistent sexual abuse from her uncle who adopted her so now that was his adoptive daughter as well there was also another occasion where Avril was kidnapped by a friend of the family and taken down to a railway track where she was beaten and raped and left out in the cold by a friend of the family sir Avril had a lot of her own trauma that she was dealing with not that that excuses emotionally abusing a child the way that she did with Tracy but it gives a little bit more insight into that I suppose but finally Avril met and married George and you know her life seemed to settle down and get a lot happier from that point on the two of them adopted a child together because they actually couldn't um have one like make one themselves so they adopted a child named Rhonda who was actually Tracy's mother but after a few years of this marriage between George and Avril George became unfaithful to his wife he'd always been a womanizer like everyone thought he was a player and it seemed that he didn't want to give that up now that he was married he bought a second house right a whole second house so that he could invite other women over to his second house and you know entertain have them to stay over and no one knew about this for a long time like this was going on for years in this family and no one had any idea the family carried on as normal in fact they were very happy Avril and George even adopted two more children named Diana and Miriam so now Tracy has sisters Diana was officially adopted how however Miriam was just a foster child so she would be leaving at some point but for the time being she's got two sisters but Paul Miriam she was I believe the oldest of all three girls she was 15 years old and because she was the foster child and not you know officially adopted she was seen as kind of the black sheep of the family she was different to everyone else she was picked on a lot mainly by Avril pretty much only by Avril and Miriam was used as a scapegoat for anything that was going wrong in the house you know she was to blame for everything she was the one that the anger gets taken out on and this only got worse and worse and worse with time until eventually Avril started physically beating Miriam and when it was at its worst she was beating her up to four times a day like that is torture and that worst point when it was like four times a day that was when Avril found out about George's infidelity she was so angry she was so upset with her husband but Avril didn't have the gut to even bring it up to George she didn't have the guts to take out this anger on him and so she took it out on her 15 year old daughter Miriam instead but then one night after a particularly bad beating Miriam decided that she just wasn't gonna take this anymore and she decided to run away not much is really known about where she went or what she did after this but I do know that she went on to live a normal life eventually looking back Miriam said that one of her biggest regrets about this point in her life was that she didn't take Tracy with her when she ran away so now the household was just Avril George Tracy and Diana and it became a lot less abusive now that Miriam wasn't there it seemed that Avril was a lot less willing to abuse her actual adoptive children compared to her foster child it's just so sad it's so clear in this case how much Avril preferred her adopted kids to Miriam she sent them to private school to get a good education she gave them a every chance and opportunity that she possibly could in life however Tracy completely wasted this she really didn't care for school that much like she didn't listen she didn't do her work she misbehaved and she actually ended up dropping out of school and failing all her exams when her parents had paid for her to go to private school for years but anyway now she has dropped out of school and she's got a lot of time on her hands suddenly and so she starts looking into all these different hobbies in particular she found herself attracted to a lot of things like the occult and paranormal stuff spiritual stuff tarot card readings things like that Ouija boards she liked and she was so excited about these new interests as well probably the most excited she'd ever been about anything in her life she'd go and check out all these books from the library on like astrology and Witchcraft to be honest she was more into like the dark stuff like Ouija boards and entities and demons and and rituals and stuff like that she was interested in all like tarot cards and more surface level things but she she really liked like the dark stuff and her grandfather really supported her with this like he went and helped her buy all these books so that she could sit and read up on all her new hobbies but when Tracy was still very young she was only 15 her beloved grandfather passed away leaving her to live with only her cold abusive manipulative grandmother Tracy had lost her best friend and been left to live alone with a monster and things only went from bad to worse when she met her mother's friends there was one particular night where I think loads of her mother's friends came around to the house and there was one particular like married couple a husband and a wife and the husband seemed to take a liking to Tracy who by the way was 16 years old and he is a grown married man he took a liking to her and he started talking to her and after this particular night the two of them started seeing each other regularly and Tracy thought this was great she was very much groomed by this man and manipul related and brainwashed into thinking this was this was amazing this was the best relationship anyone could ever have she thought it was so cool to have this like older guy interested in her like a married man it was off limits it was fun it was exciting but this is a grown married man having an affair with a child and after a few weeks of this Tracy actually felt pregnant with this man and he forced her to get an abortion and again she was just 16. I can't imagine how much this must have all messed up her brain and as soon as she did get the abortion he just stopped talking to her as well he just like jumped out of her life and she had no one to go to about this either she didn't really have many friends that she could confide in like this and she certainly couldn't say anything to her grandmother but not long after Tracy got rid of the baby her grandmother Avril also passed away and now Tracy was all alone she was about 17 at the time so luckily she didn't have to go back into the adoption system she was old enough to be able to you know just go out and start our own life Tracy went out and got a job as a bartender although it really didn't earn her that much money and so on the side she would do prostitution most evenings and she was still into all her hobbies and stuff as well she was still reading up on stuff in her spare time and doing Ouija boards and stuff and when she was 21 years old Tracy wigginton inherited a lot of money from her grandparents will about 75 000 pounds in total and she decided that she was going to use this money to live her best life she was going to spend it on experiences getting out there in the world traveling living her life you know but at this point in time she didn't have anything to spend it on just yet she didn't want to go traveling on her own she wanted to wait until she had like a friend or or a partner and then in comes a woman named sunshine and Tracy fell head over heels for Sunshine the two of them fell in love and she decided this is the woman for her this is the woman that she's gonna go traveling with and so using this 75 000 pounds or whatever that is in dollars they went to Canada and they went and lived there for a good few months the only problem being Tracy and sunshine were very on again off-again couple they just could not stay together for more than a few months at a time they broke up like five times a year at least but even though their relationship was so turbulent the two women made the decision that they wanted a child together but of course they couldn't make one together they were gonna have to go a different route and there was a lot of options that they could have done there was adoption but they didn't really want to do that and then there's a sperm donor which well I mean okay she kind of wanted a sperm donor but she didn't want it in the regular way where you like go down to the sperm bank and you look through the profiles and you pick one no no no no no no Tracy wigginton chose the man that she wanted to Father their child and then she told Sunshine that she wanted to have sex with this man in front of her in front of sunshine her girlfriend and in front of all of their friends and and then he could impregnate her in this kind of like I think it was some kind of like ceremony ritual thing that she'd read about in a book um and sunshine agreed so that that happened all their friends sat around and watched and um she was pregnant then so now Tracy and sunshine are super excited for their new little addition to the family and they start planning and everything however this excitement didn't last very long because after a month or two Tracy miscarried the baby and following this miscarriage Tracy and Sunshine's relationship started to fall apart for the very last time by now Tracy had pretty much run out of her inheritance money that 75 000 pounds and a lot of people think that Sunshine was only with Tracy for that money and now that the money was running out Sunshine wasn't very interested in staying with Tracy and so she left and got with a man about a week later turns out she'd been having an affair with this man the whole time she'd been with Tracy wigginton she had been seeing this man behind her back and then the second the two of them break up for good she went and got with this man properly and they were in a relationship then and this absolutely broke Tracy wigginton as soon as she found out about this affair and everything she just fell into such a pit of depression Tracy completely isolated herself from the world for like 18 months nearly two years she barely left her apartment but gradually as she got over this broken heart very slowly but surely she decided to get herself back out into the world and back out into the dating game so she went out and she was seeing a few people and then she met this one particular woman that she really liked and so the two of them moved in together I really don't know much about this relationship because it was very quickly overshadowed by an affair that Tracy started having it was now 1989 Tracy was 24 years old and she met a woman named Lisa and Lisa completely caught her eye even though she had a girlfriend back at home that she was living with Tracy was just taken with Lisa and Lisa was a very vulnerable person I really don't know much about her other than this and that was that she was very very depressed she had a lot of dangerous and destructive behaviors like drug abuse and addiction she self-harmed a lot she was only 23 years old but she'd already been hospitalized almost 80 times in her life for different drug overdoses and suicide attempts so she was a very very vulnerable person but I think this depression the shared depression that Tracy and Lisa had is what made them so close they could relate to each other on a level that no one else had been able to do all their lives they could relate to each other not only with their mental health struggles but also with their hobbies and interests because Lisa was also into like the occult and Witchcraft and Ouija boards the Paranormal all that kind of stuff she wasn't into it quite as much as Tracy was I mean Tracy was like she was like into it Tracy had just been falling further and further into a rabbit hole over the years and it was at the point where she was getting quite delusional it was now at the point where she was telling her friends that she was a vampire and she meant it like she was serious about it she told them that she would um obviously she can't have human blood that's a bit illegal and so instead to satisfy her craving for blood she would go to The Butchers and buy Pig blood and cow blood and drink that but she was telling her friends that it just wasn't good enough it just doesn't you know quench that thirst in the way that human blood would and that was when Tracy found a solution to this issue her friend Lisa the very vulnerable friend was very much in debt to Tracy I think she'd lent her quite a bit of money and Lisa couldn't really pay it back right now and so the women came to an agreement now this is very graphic so if you have a weak stomach I would skip forward maybe 10 seconds they decided that Lisa would repair her debt to Tracy by self-harming and then letting Tracy suck the blood from her wounds honestly one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard in a true crime case and we're not even at the crime yet I don't know who suggested this arrangement I don't know if it was Tracy's idea or Lisa's but either way it seemed that they were both you know mutual and consensual in this keep in mind though that we obviously don't know and that Lisa was a very vulnerable person but we don't know again over time Tracy and Lisa became Inseparable they spent so much of their time together and eventually there became an official couple I believe at least they were seeing each other for a very long time I'm pretty sure they were official and the two of them actually ended up meeting another lesbian couple that they made friends with and then they had like this little well this little friend group and these two women were called Kim Jervis and Tracy war and they are very interesting characters so I'll tell you about them Kim Jervis when she was younger she actually tried to become a nun actually I think she might have even started and become a nun however at one point the crucifix around her neck broke and she took this as a sign that she was like on the wrong path she wasn't meant to be a nun and so she left and then you know had like a second life after that she ended up meeting her girlfriend Tracy War who was actually very much like Lisa she was quite a naive shy um gullible vulnerable person especially when it came to Tracy wigginton uh Tracy War believed everything that wigginton said and she said a lot of stuff man because obviously she claims she's a vampire and you know she can do all this witchy stuff and so she would tell all the friends that she can that she's telepathic and she can disappear she can like vanish Into Thin Air and when she does vanish the only thing left behind is a pair of floating cat eyes but she could never show them it she could never demonstrate it so like I wonder why but yeah her girlfriend Lisa and Tracy War believed absolutely everything she said and I think Kim Jervis did as well um Tracy wigginton was very much like the dominant person in this friend group she was like the leader of the group and so I suppose even if they didn't fully believe her no one ever really challenged her because she was the she was the powerful one all the women thought that she was just great like they all thought she was so charming and she did have a very captivating personality it seemed and I suppose it also helped that all of the women were all into this occult stuff and all the witchy stuff so I guess as soon as they hear that their friend is like this mad witch that can do all this telepathy stuff and disappear then they want to believe it it seemed that they all believed her when she said she was a vampire that was like her main thing was that she was a vampire and that she drank blood and and that was she said that was all she ate I don't think that was true but anyway Now Tracy wigginton had herself this nice little girl group and they would always go out together and have great nights out together and this particular night on October 20th 1989 was no different all four of the women went out to a lesbian nightclub in the area named Lumar and they spent the whole night just drinking champagne having a fun time but as Tracy grew more and more intoxicated she realized that it wasn't alcohol that she wanted to drink anymore she needed to satisfy her thirst for blood she mentioned it to her girlfriend and her friends and all three of them seemed in support of it like I said Tracy was the dominant one in the group so I suppose whatever she said goes but Tracy wasn't satisfied with just her girlfriend Lisa's blood anymore that wasn't what she wanted tonight she wanted someone new so the women finished their champagne and left the club around 11 30 p.m that night they went out to the car jumped in and they started driving around looking for an unsuspecting victim they quickly spotted a man walking down the road one of them pointed him out and they all decided that he was the perfect victim and so they pulled the car in to go and speak to him this man was 47 year old Edward Baldock he worked for Brisbane Council he was a father of five and even a recent grandfather that night Edward had been out drinking with his friends and now he was just walking home when this car of women pulled over and approached him and sauces said different things about how the women picked him up some sauces say they just offered him a lift and he accepted and just jumped in the car however other sources said that Tracy offered her prostitution services and he accepted and that was what she lured him away on the pretense of either way they managed to get this man in the car pretty quickly and easily and they started driving until they reached Ollie park by Brisbane River when they arrived the the women stopped to the car Tracy and Lisa got out and they told Edward to get out with them the two of them then proceeded to walk him down to the riverbank and when they got down there Tracy turned to Lisa and told her to go back up and wait by the car so she did she left and Tracy and Edward were now Alone by the riverbank now that the two of them were alone Tracy told Edward to get completely undressed for her while she ran and went to the toilet somewhere for a minute but she was lying about where she was going she wasn't going to the toilet she ran all the way back up to the car and grabbed a knife and then ran back down to Edward when she returned Edward was fully naked and his clothes were folded on the ground next to him and he could just sense something had changed about Tracy her energy was different now I think he even said something to her like what are you doing but he didn't even get an answer because Tracy just started running straight towards him she grabbed Edward by the shoulder whipped the knife out of her pocket and plunged it straight into his neck she pushed him to the floor and just started frenzied stabbing him over and over again in his chest his abdomen his neck Tracy grabbed Edward by his hair lifted his head up and then slashed his throat all the way across Tracy then dropped his body to the ground believing that she had just killed him she stood back and looked at his body and then she noticed that he was still moving and he was making some kind of gurgling noises he was still alive and so once again Tracy lifted the knife and plunged it so hard into the back of Edward's neck that it got lodged in his born after that Tracy dropped down to the floor beside him she was quite exhausted at this point like I said it was a frenzied attack there was a lot of energy output here so Tracy sat there and got her breath back for a second she even got a cigarette out and lit it and sat next to Edward's body as he died he was still dying he was still bleeding out she was watching the blood coming out of his mouth and she just sat there and smoked her cigarette and waited for him to stop making gurgling noises and when he finally did she put her cigarette out and stabbed him one last time in the side just to make sure and then she walked back up to the car and met her friends again and when she did return to her friends all three of them said that they could smell blood on her breath when she was talking to them so they believed that she drank Edward's blood it's unknown what the group did from this point on honestly it's so frustrating like the details of this crime are just not there it's hard to piece together a timeline I think they did just go home though at this point I thought I think they all just went to their separate houses but we pick up again the next morning at 5am so only about four or five hours later that morning A man was out jogging in Ali Park when he almost stumbled over the dead body of Edward Baldock he called the police who came straight down to assess the scene and they were horrified this was like one of the worst and most brutal murder scenes they'd seen in a while one of the crime scene investigators as they were like taking pictures of Edward's body they rolled him over so that they could see the other side of his body and that was when they realized just how bad all of his injuries were because when they rolled his body his head didn't roll with it because he was almost entirely decapitated when his body was taken for an autopsy they realized even more injuries his spinal cord was severed about three quarters of the way up from where she had stabbed through his ball and two of the main arteries in his neck were completely severed he had 27 stab wounds in Turtle all over his chest abdomen neck meanwhile police were back at the crime scene searching the area and they found a blue wallet and and they very quickly identified that this was Edward's wallet it had like his ID in his cards and stuff they also found his pile of very neatly folded clothes right by his body and one of the crime scene investigators came over and they started putting them all in evidence bags and that was when they realized that his sock had something in it and so they shook this thing out of the sock and it was a bank card so they had a look at this bank card and they realized very quickly that it wasn't Edwards it had a different name on it this card belonged to a Miss T wigginton So police took this bank card down to the station and they did all their digging and they very quickly identified that this was Tracy wigginton's card they managed to get her address and they went straight down to her house to find out why her card was at the scene of a murder but Tracy said she didn't know she had no idea how her bank card had ended up there she said that her and her friends were in Ollie Park that evening but they hadn't gone down to the down to the riverbank at all she said they just kind of stared up in the playground but it they were on their way home from a night out they were a bit intoxicated they went in the playground they had a bit of a play and then they went home she said that was all they did police accepted Tracy's story for now however a couple of days later they wanted to talk to her again because I mean it is a bit suspicious isn't it but the second time they spoke to her her whole story changed so the first time she said that her and her friends had only been in the playground area of Ollie Park they hadn't gone down to the riverbank now she's saying that her and all of her friends had seen the dead body by the riverbank but they were too scared to even do anything they just ran straight home they saw a dead body panicked and ran and and she didn't want to tell police that like they didn't even call the police when they got home or anything they just they just ran away from a dead body and left it for someone else to deal with so now police are very suspicious of Tracy wigginton like why is she lying to them already so severely as well like two days into an investigation she's already changed her whole story so police decided they wanted to speak to all of her friends her girlfriend those two other friends that they have all individually to see what they say about that night and I don't know which one of these three women it was but one of them cracked and they told police everything that Tracy had done to Edward the next day police went into Tracy and they confronted her with everything they knew now and she just said okay and confessed and so they charged her with the murder police very quickly sent her off for some psychiatric assessments because they could just tell from the way that this woman communicated and acted that something was going on there was some undiagnosed mental disorder or illness or some something something going on Tracy was reluctant to have these assessments she insisted that she didn't have any psychiatric disorders she didn't need an assessment but eventually she did it anyway and as these psychiatrists started talking to Tracy they realized that it was actually a lot more severe than they'd even and imagined they thought that she might have some kind of schizophrenia but as they started talking to her they realized that wasn't what it was but there was certainly something going on Tracy told these psychiatrists that she really didn't remember much of her childhood or her early life it's kind of like all blocked out of her memory as was the night of the murder actually she said she didn't really remember much of that night either even though she admitted that she did it she knew that she did it she knew she'd murdered him but she didn't really remember doing it and as soon as these psychiatrists heard about this about these kind of periods of Amnesia in her life they decided to put her in for hypnosis and basically what they needed to do was to put Tracy in a hypnotic state to the point where she would be able to freely um talk about all of her trauma and stuff so that they can figure out what's going on in her brain even like traumatic memories that her brain has repressed from her that she can't remember if they were to put her in this hypnotic State they'd be able to pull those memories out somehow so they did it and it was during this hypnosis that it was discovered that Tracy wigginton was suffering with did dissociative identity disorder formerly known as multiple personality disorder I'm going to explain did as well as I possibly can for you now but just a side note if you do want to learn more about did from someone that actually has it I'm going to link you a YouTube channel Down Below in the description it's called the search you did you might know them they make educational videos about did and their experiences and they're just very authentic and I just I think they're great they talk very urbanly about it and I've loved them for years I've watched their channel for a while so I do recommend if you're interested in this topic a little bit more the way that dissociative identity disorder develops is usually in childhood I think more often than not it is in childhood and it's a result of deep deep trauma in that child's life often physical loss sexual abuse because it I think it's repeated trauma to the child and physical and sexual abuse are often like repeated acts that happen to Children over and over again but it can be a result of any kind of trauma you know War poverty even like severe poverty and homelessness things like that it can be any kind of trauma that can cause this but it's basically trauma that is so unbearable to that child that their brain literally says I cannot do this anymore and it develops did to protect itself to protect the child so the way that the brain does this it kind of puts up these Amnesia barriers so that the child will not remember the traumatic event that's happening to them it's not always effective but that's kind of what the brain is trying to do because those memories are too traumatic too damaging that the brain doesn't want to remember them so it puts up these barriers and over time these Amnesia barriers stop the child's personality from fully farming as a whole so imagine there's like three different bits here and there's Amnesia barriers in between you can't push these parts of this child together because they they can't and so instead the child's personality or identity ends up fragmenting into different parts and these are the personalities or altars they're called altars so they're all a part of the child they're all some sort of aspect of that child but they just can't merge them into one and so they're separate separate identities within them people with did can have two or more different altars Tracy wigginton at the time of Her diagnosis had five although people can develop more altars or even lose altars over time when they kind of integrate together this isn't a very common thing it's not like it's happening every week but um it can happen at points and each of the different altars can front at different times and they all have like completely different identity to each other they have different genders different names different ages you know different likes dislikes Hobbies interests even down to like their fashion sense or their sense of humor is completely different from person to person I'm not sure if that's the case in every single did system it's called a system by the way a collection of altars is referred to as a system people with did usually don't know they have it and a lot of people could go their whole lives without knowing they've got it obviously unless they're assessed and diagnosed because that's the whole point of did to be fair is to protect the brain and make it forget about everything that it's been through that's been traumatic these Amnesia barriers that the brain puts up prevents the different altars from even knowing that each other exists um once the the system finds out that they've got did they can then learn about all their different altars but before they're diagnosed or assessed or before they start to realize that things are going on they don't know her none of the altars know about each other and they don't know that they're an altar either they think that they're just you know the person in the body so psychologists helped Tracy wigginton to come to terms with her new diagnosis and they identified five main altars starting with the hust the hust is the altar within a did system that fronts the most so this is the Tracy that most people would have met and interacted with on a day-to-day basis the host was described as detached calm rational and not overly emotional the next altar that we're going to talk about is little Tracy and this was a child I don't know the exact age but it was a child and she was very vulnerable shy timid scared most often these child altars within a did system they represent the the traumatized child that developed the disorder in the first place so this is is little Tracy that went through all that trauma and then there was was big Tracy who was the protector for the system big Tracy was kind of like the responsible adult um she was very moral she she did everything by the book she liked the rules she was kind of like the conscience of of the system the conscience I don't know why I said that so weirdly the first time although big Tracy was found to be suffering quite badly with anxiety and depression really severely actually and it was found through this hypnosis that big Tracy had actually been very distressed since the murder took place she didn't like it at all she was ashamed she was scared she was upset she hated that that they'd done this that the system had done this that they'd committed murder but Tracy on the outside had no idea that there was big Tracy on the inside that was feeling this way obviously that was her conscience and she's kind of like locking that part well she's not intentionally locking that part away but that part is locked away and she can't really access it when she's the host or when she's little Tracy in fact big Tracy was so distressed about the murder that they'd committed that it's been theorized and take this with a pinch of salt because it can't be proven but it's been theorized that maybe it was big Tracy that left the bank card that left Tracy's bank card in Edward's sock because how else would it have gotten there really maybe big Tracy was trying to get them caught because she didn't like what they'd just done she was trying to to give Justice to their murder victim again take that with a big fat pinch of salt because that is just a theory there's absolutely nothing else on that the next altar of the five that were found was Bobby and Bobby is believed to be the murderer this altar was described as cold callus cynical mean rude angry pretty much every negative immersion that you can possibly think of and it was all condensed into Bobby and while Bobby he sounds like he could possibly be the worst altar he's not because the fifth altar was the worst of all and that one was named Avril and Avril was absolutely terrifying more so than Bobby Tracy said that Avril was just always a screaming in her head and I think it's interesting that she's named Avril this altar is named Avril when that was the name of her abusive grandmother so those were Tracy wigginton's five altars although that wasn't the only information that psychiatrists were able to get from this hypnosis they were actually able to unlock some repressed traumatic memories in Tracy that she actually had no idea that she had and that was when Tracy wigginton learned that she had been sexually abused by her grandfather by her best friend for years in her childhood and her brain had just completely blocked it out she'd forgotten it even happened she also recalled in this hypnosis being beaten multiple Times by her grandmother as well but again her brain had blocked that out she had only fond memories of her grandfather I mean she had a few negative memories of her grandmother but nowhere near as bad as what was really locked inside her brain following her assessments Tracy wigginton was deemed fit to stand trial however that wouldn't be necessary because she decided to just plead guilty to the murder so for that she was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 13 years as for the other women that were involved Lisa Tracy's girlfriend she also got life in prison Kim Jervis was found guilty of manslaughter and she was sentenced to 18 years but she only served 12 of that and her girlfriend Tracy War she was actually acquitted so she was the very naive gullible one just like Lisa but she was actually like really gullible and I think police and the jury and well everyone saw her in the aftermath of this case they could tell that she was terrified died the whole time like she was only doing what Tracy wigginton was saying because she was terrified it was found that Tracy War had actually tried to stop the murder I don't know how much she tried but I think she tried to say something to the women she tried to stop them a couple of times it didn't work of course but it was concluded anyway that she was an unwilling participant in the murder and so she was acquitted so while she's been in jail Tracy wigginton has actually got her bachelors in philosophy she also completed courses in Fall Clift driving and Welding so she's got two more random qualifications there but she did fall down a very very slippery slope of drugs in prison I don't know how she was getting hold of it but she was very very addicted to heroin for a long time in there and at one point she even contracted hepatitis C from a dirty needle and it was at that point that she finally got some help and now she is no longer addicted Tracy wigginton is actually out of prison now she was released after 21 years and she is just living her life I think she's 56 years old now and she's just living her life on the Gold Coast of Australia since her release Tracy kept very lucky very under the radar she wasn't posting pictures she didn't have any social media accounts that was until 2019 when she made a Facebook account under the fake name Oberon Fairchild and she posted a picture that said now panic because I'm back but I mean she ain't done anything since 2019 so I don't know I don't know is she back I don't know that is all I have on this case thank you so so much for watching and thanks again to Magellan TV for sponsoring this video remember they're giving you guys a one month free trial when you click the link Down Below in the description so go do it what are you waiting for a huge huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting me and helping decide the cases that I cover especially my tier two members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link to do so in the description or you can click the join button if you're on a desktop but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video If you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up I would really like to 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
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Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, 2022, tracey wigginton, wigginton, tracey, tracy, wiggington, australia, brisbane, vampire, dracula, vampire killer, vampire murderer, blood, edward baldock, lesbian vampire killers, the lesbian vampire killer, case, true crime case, now, facebook, released, lisa, kim, girlfriend, witchcraft, witch, ritual, cult, occult
Id: TfrPNhyUVzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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