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hello everybody welcome back to my channel thank you so much for being here I just want to give a quick shout out to those of you who have already chosen to support me on patreon it literally like made my heart feel so big like the Grinch except my heart wasn't really small to be Emma it was already a normal size but now it's huge and bursting on my chest for love and appreciation for you guys thank you so much it's so amazing to see and know that there's people out there who support your vision and support what you're doing and want to see you succeed and keep going all the stuff we talked about in this channel is typically really dark and it's typically about people hurting other people but having you guys be here with me on this channel watch my videos give me all your love in the comment sections and actually feel like you care enough to financially support the channel it shows me and it's an amazing body of proof that people don't always hurt other people people help other people people support other people people prop each other up and want to see each other succeed and that's amazing I have goosebumps I don't know if you can see I got goose bumps anyways let's get started today we're talking about Kris watts and I hope to god this is the last time we ever ever ever have to talk about Kris Watts because unless something insane happens he's going away for life he'll be behind bars locked away and the world can forget about him I wasn't really planning on recording this today but this morning I woke up and I have like 12 news apps on my phone and tablet that pop up with news that's how I kind of keep track of what's going on in the world and obviously the fact that he had a sentencing yesterday and that Bella and Celeste and Shannon's autopsies the results were kind of revealed that was one of the top things that popped up on my phone this morning so it was literally like the first thing I read when I woke up this morning and it was not the best way to start my day I was so crushed and devastated I was sitting at my kitchen table checking to see why and my JonBenet Ramsay video wasn't posted yet I was reading it drinking my coffee and literally like my stomach turned I felt sick I felt like cold I you know started kind of welling up with tears because it we knew that he did it right like we all knew here in this channel not the Chris Watts fanboys and fangirls that come here and defend him even after he's confessed what we all knew the people with brains here and knew that he did it that he killed his kids even though he said she nan did it but it's different knowing and actually reading what he did to his children and his wife and I I obviously wanted to sit down and make a video about this because I'm this channel we've talked about Chris Watson Shannon and Bella and Celeste often but I wanted to get my head right before I did sit down to talk to you guys or else it just would have been literally like expletive after expletive and just talking about how much I hate Chris Watts I hate him and I think he's the worst human being in the world so I had to get my head right first I went to the gym I got a peppermint mocha because it's a holiday drink and I thought it would you know cheer me up a little bit I I gave myself a little bit of time and space to step back from the situation so that I could report it to you guys in a less emotional crazy lady kannaway so the autopsy reports obviously were sealed until the outcome of the trial which happened on Monday or the district attorney and a lot of people involved in this case obviously have known about these autopsy results for quite a while the reports concluded that all three victims Bella Celeste and Shannon had died from asphyxiation Shannon was actually manually strangled so he actually took his own two bare hands and strangled his pregnant wife and Bella and Celeste were smothered Shannon Watts was dressed in a purple t-shirt and underwear and she had patterned abrasions on her neck and on the left side of her face Weld County District Attorney michael roark said during sentencing on monday that the lack of significant injuries to shannon watt suggests that her death came slowly so she suffered basically the coroner noted in his reports that Shannon had been in her second trimester when she was killed and Chris Watts was charged with the unlawful termination of a pregnancy for baby Nico Bella was wearing a pink pajama top with images of hearts and flies when her body was found the coroner found blunt-force trauma on Bella's jaw and lacerations and contusions in her mouth her left shoulder was discolored in teeth impressions and superficial bite marks were found on the surface of Bella's tongue and that told the district attorney and the coroner that Bella had fought for her life she had been in her own tongue because she was struggling against being smothered to death by her father three year old Celeste was found in a pink and black t-shirt she was wearing a diaper Celeste had no visible injuries Celeste was only three and she probably wasn't strong enough to fight against a grown man smothering her maybe she didn't even know what was going on maybe she thought they were playing a game or something this was her father she trusted him she loved him she most likely had no idea what he was trying to do and what was happening to her the prosecutors laid out Chris's motives for these horrendous murders pretty simply he was having an affair he wanted a new life and a fresh start he didn't want the burden or the baggage of an ex-wife and two children or three children including Nico from that marriage he wanted to start fresh with somebody else it was also discovered that after he killed them he put the house that they lived in on the market so he was looking for apartments with his girlfriend Nicole Kissinger's while Celeste and Bella and shenana out of town for six weeks and then when they got home he killed them and put his house on the market because he basically just wanted to move into this apartment have a new girlfriend start a new life maybe have a new family who knows what goes on in the mind of an absolute psychopath when Chris Watts was asked during his sentencing if he had anything to say he said no he doesn't have anything to say what could you say for yourself in our last video when we talked about Chris Watts and we talked about his parents I did say that I thought it was kind of normal for them to be defending him at this point though Chris Watson's mother made a public statement after he was sentenced and basically said we forgive you we still love you we just want to know what happened we want you to tell us maybe one day you can you know clear this up for us and now I feel like this is going too far it's going too far you just sat in a courtroom and listened to all be horrible gruesome things that your granddaughters experienced in the last moments of their lives at the hands of their father your son and you want to make a public statement about how you forgive him there's no forgiveness here there's no excuse here there's no reason that he can clear up for you at a later time he didn't have to kill anybody he could have just left but he was selfish and horrible didn't want to pay child support didn't want these two little girls to be a part of his new life he's a horrible human being and he deserves every ounce of guilt that he may or may not feel every single day of the rest of his miserable life I personally don't think he's I don't think he feels guilty I think he feels that he's pissed off that he got caught I think he's disappointed that his plan didn't work out I don't think he feels guilty he doesn't strike me as the kind of person who feels guilty he literally sat there and did interviews after he knew that he killed his daughters he suffocated his daughters to death and then stood on his front porch and did interviews about how he just wants them back and he doesn't know where they are and they're everything to him they're his life that is as crazy that's the sign of a psychopath that's a sign of somebody who feels no guilt and feels no remorse Chris's attorney read a statement from him in court that said he's devastated by all of this although he understands that words are hollow at this point he is sincerely sorry about all of this he's sincerely sorry about all of this well that is the most literally that is the most you words are hollow your apology was hollow it had no emotional intonation it had no actual true sincere grief he's sincerely sorry about all of this it sounds like somebody that literally like accidentally ran into your car and then was like I'm so sorry about this like seriously I'm sincerely sorry about all of this sorry that you know you got to go get your car fixed now and we had a call the police and have the insurance people look at everything I'm really sorry about all of this that's what it sounds like it does not sound like the apology you give when you've murdered your wife and your two daughters with your bare hands that statement should have never been right honestly because nobody wants to hear from man nobody cares what he has to say nobody believes a word that he has to say and nobody believes he sorry and if you do if you do believe that he's sorry you have more faith in people than I do at this point Shannon's father also spoke at the sentencing and he said you buried my daughter she man in a shallow grave and then you put Bala and Celeste in huge containers with crude oil hue artists monster I hope you see that every time you close your eyes at night yeah me and Frank sheen Ann's father more on the same page I hope he's haunted by the ghosts of his daughters and his wife for the rest of his life and he never gets another another moment of peace another second of happiness he doesn't deserve that what's really um what's really startling to me is how and I think to everybody I think everybody is kind of like a little shocked by this whole story because Chris Watts to everybody who knew him to everybody who saw him he seemed like an absolutely ordinary normal guy seemed like a normal family man who worked the nine-to-five had a wife two beautiful daughters beautiful home had the life that everybody would have wanted the absolute image of the American Dream that's what you want you know house kids white picket fence car all the stuff that people who want a family that's what they want that's he had everything he had everything he was a very very lucky man if you think about it because whatever his relationship was with ssin man however he said treated him or however his parents said she treated him there's a very easy fix for that hundreds of people do it every day across the world they get divorced and that's okay it doesn't mean you don't see your kids it doesn't mean you can't be a good father it doesn't mean that you did something wrong it doesn't mean you failed if anything you get divorced and a lot of people who get divorced would go on to have very decent relationships with their ex-wife or ex-husband they raise their children together they do the right thing by each other and by their kids it's possible but that would have been too much work for Chris watts to actually have to like get a divorce and look like a bad guy for having an affair and then moving on so quickly and everybody would have judged him and everybody would have you know felt bad for Shannon he just couldn't have that he had to make himself look like the victim he had to make himself look like somebody who had experienced a terrible thing and then just moved on with his life so brave so brave of you Chris your wife and your children go missing and you have somehow mustered up the courage to move into a new apartment cuz you just can't be in that house without them remember and you've actually found it in you to be able to have another relationship and and move on with your life how brave I can't stand him I can't stand him and if you are a chris watts a defender or supporter please leave now don't come back to my channel don't come back to my videos he's the worst person of her Bella celestial nan Nico did not deserve to die because he no longer wanted to be married or have children I don't care what happened to him I don't care if Shannon was the biggest bully in the world I don't care if she was verbally abusive you leave you get a divorce you go on with your life and you continue to be a good father to your children a lot of people do it every day all over the world he didn't want to put in the work and effort so if you wanted to offend him don't bother just go if I had it my way there would be a moment of remembrance for Shannon Bella and Celeste across the country everybody would just take a moment to think about and remember these two beautiful little girls and their mother who lost their lives to a psychopath but I don't have that power but I do have the power right now on my channel to ask that we have a moment where everybody just kind of closes your eyes if you pray pray if you don't pray then just think about Bella and Celeste and Shannon and they will live on in our memories if we keep their memory alive if we keep thinking about them if we keep realizing that this tragic thing happened to three people who didn't deserve it they can live on in our memories so let's just take a moment to close our eyes and think about Shannon watts Bella watts and Celeste watts [Music] completely but enough so that you learn but you don't get her I hope you get to surround yourself with people that a car at you and always share their kind of words make sure you dare to imagine dream up your own fairytales your little havens where you'll go sometimes when the world is teller said doesn't seem to make sense it's good to have a little place to hide now this earth is to feed this ground is yours too and cuddlers friends to me get there to expose [Music] thank you guys so so very much for that I really appreciate it and I know that Bella and Shanon and Celeste would have to okay guys that's gonna be it for this video my Q&A should be posting within a couple of days and then hopefully mystery Monday will be up on Monday although I am doing the West Memphis Three and there's a lot of research that goes into it there's a lot of stuff that I want to make sure I get right I might have to skip on Monday and then put that one up next Monday because there's just so much that goes into it I want to give you guys the best content that I possibly can but if I don't put that up on Monday I'll put something else up like a smaller mystery or you know a shorter video that's easier to kind of research and record and edit thank you guys so much for being here thank you once again for supporting me here on my channel for supporting me on patreon for being here with me every day I appreciate you and love you guys so much and I will see you next time have a wonderful day and stay kind and stay beautiful [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do you [Music]
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 1,650,024
Rating: 4.6736002 out of 5
Keywords: true crime, current events, chris watts, shanann watts, chris watts sentencing, shanann watts autopsy report, watts autopsy results, watts autopsy reports, watts autopsy release, chris watts confession, chris watts parents speak
Id: Ev6R1HlzXEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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