The Wandering Village, Building on a Smooth Boi

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today we're checking out the wandering village this is a game about setting up a colony on the back of this smooth turtle boy uh the world has become a post-apocalyptic nightmare filled with toxic spores and the last few nomads of humanity have found a habitation on the back of this nice smooth boy so the the goal of this game is to enter into a romantic symbiotic relationship with a giant turtle as a colony of nomads i think it's a bit of a bizarre and wonderful premise uh big thanks to strafon studio and whisper games for a key to this game uh but i've been checking it out and we're gonna look at it more here today on stream uh and anyway it's kind of like we're barnacles living on a whale trying to clean it off like a symbiotic relationship uh or remura and sharks i'm told is another good example of these symbiotic relationships but we're trying to navigate through this wilderness and who knows what we'll make it to i think the goal is to just survive because as uh on bu that's the name of the big smooth boy as he moves around the world the conditions change on the back of this of this great beast sometimes he'll go to sleep in a patch of poison and we need to defend our colony we need to earn his trust by feeding him these pallets of food and and other things like that we're going to go try to feed on right now i just kind of want to give a little idea of this because we're going to start a new colony but i just kind of want to see of what we're kind of working toward so see here he comes up with his with his tongue and there he is he's getting ready and there we go munch so he's a nice boy but we're gonna try to gain his trust um and other things are kind of interesting in this game too i mean it's beautiful the art style i i'm wondering if it really has much replay value but uh like for example if you cut off his spikes you'll get stones but you'll also kind of lose some of his trust which means that you won't be able to you know help him navigate around the world so it's kind of uh it's kind of a nice relaxing type of game but anyway beautiful art feels like playing a storybook i think i made all my points clear but i do want to get started on a new game because this is it it may be quite challenging and there's uh there's a big survival element and i've been playing it on the like a a rather easy difficulty so we did novice where we were getting all the tutorials um it kind of holds your hand and i think that was good i'm gonna go ahead and turn back on notifications um save familiar territory take care of your village as you slowly ventured into more okay so i suppose that this is kind of and we're gonna just make this uh stream file here we go i am not ready for veteran i guarantee it but yeah there's a very quick intro sequence we kept wandering not too much story here this is pretty much it not in our like world turned poison and then a big boy just woke up and they were like let's get on this thick boy's back and that's pretty much the entire story and i actually kind of appreciate that because some of these games will just kind of plague it all with just tons of story and it it becomes too much you know what i mean anyway here we are we're at the start on booze at like go basically we've just collected 200 if this is monopoly how did they climb up here the question has come up no one knows how they climbed up here maybe they'll have like spider-man powers but we have all of these resources on on boo's back now these are native stones but we don't want to cut off too many of his spikes because anbu doesn't really have our trust yet we may be living on his back but he's just like sort of okay with this now he will start to like shake his back and destroy our buildings over time who kind of want to be careful with this there's also limited buildings like we want to build our horn blower near his head so that we could talk to him in the trebuchet to launch food at him so we are kind of considering all of that workflow stuff so i think i'm going to build my initial village right around here and then the farms over in this section because there is kind of a workflow we got to get going let's go ahead and just harvest everything from out of here to get it all out of our way we're going to need a lot of wood and stuff like that um i'm not going to go through too many tutorials here do we have any bushes uh that is unfortunate it's not real okay we do have one patch of bushes up here which we may be able to forage and i just want to set out a few things before we really get underway uh i think i'm going to do our tents our people will sleep in tents this is kind of good at like a centralized location in your village i think just because they seem to come back and forth here whenever they finish a task so let's go ahead and put this and we're gonna need quite a lot of tents because we're gonna be picking up nomads and you really are limited by the number of people you have in your village in this game so i think i'm just going to make like really an excessive number of homes here um we can just delete that and we'll put one of these whoops a daisy it daisy we'll put that there okay and then i think i'm also going to do like just a couple of dirt roads just around this because i really wasn't very organized the first time and i just want to make sure i get started off on the right foot i know when i'm streaming i can get kind of like a little bit scatter brained admittedly so let's give this a try they have all of their crap and here they go carrying off the logs what's the difference of the ground the brown and the green patch so the green patches can be farmed with the soil so i want to save all of that soil for uh tilling it is kind of one of those what you see is what you get colony builders so you've got a good robust colony builder uh at the foundation of this game but here they go with wood um how many people do you start with how many people do we start with we got 16 people but it's pretty easy to pick up nomads they'll come up as we go along the map um i think that this game is very accessible and like yet it also you can get underneath the hood and enough things so onbu is just kind of lying here right now but later on he will wake up we can sort of command him once we gain uh his trust are we a parasite for the it's it's sort of like kind of a neutral relationship right now but eventually anbu is going to have these other needs if anbu falls asleep in a poison patch he'll start to get poisoned maybe something will hurt him i haven't really heard onbu yet but maybe he'll get hungry and he can't find any food and then we need to grow mushrooms on his back to feed him so he's got like a good number of interactions but it's going to take us a little while like we're pretty much just going to be in colony setup mode here at the beginning i want to make sure i don't miss out on too much because uh um okay so let's just set out this area for housing and the other thing i want to make sure i get down is just food production right away food production and like kind of a stockpile zone here in the middle so i think i'm just gonna go with material storage right here um i hope that this is enough room for houses actually let's just put this somewhere slightly above it because i found that i had way too much room for farming the last time do a material storage we'll do a water tank um and i'm just gonna leave space between all of these things for roads i've been told that this isn't always a good idea and i get it like you know too much space between all of your things but also too i figure if i can put in roads between them all is kind of like visually separate everything out you know maybe format formulate it all into like grids that'll keep me organized for later on so i'm just gonna give that a try i could always fill in more tents too what kind of mushrooms i don't know like uh shiitake mushrooms the only mushrooms that matter right yeah something like that anyone catch my spy kids reference still relevant in 2022. we have a lot of laborers because we need that we've got harvesting is it like a fairly light prioritization system going on in this game we got our storages over here i think at this point we'll do the worker management up here and we'll just start to build our way up toward the foraging and the farming hey quaglon how are you doing my brother i haven't been up uh north carolina way but i've been missing that hope you're doing well up there men thanks for the nine months geez hope your life is going well how is it going everybody say hi to streamer and nice guy friend quaglon now i'm going to try to avoid harming onbu's spikes this time and just go with normal rocks because i did this the last time but it did okay oh you're moving i hope you're moving more toward me because i like you i do like where you live where you're at though okay now we've got you've probably noticed already that there's all of this impassable stuff a lot of this stuff needs to be researched later on which is why we're getting up research obviously um in fact i don't think i'm gonna need quite this many houses right now so let's just take some of these down only because housing tends to be a major time sink because i know onbu is gonna shake his back a lot because he's a because he's a wild boy we can't really interact with him much yet so like i said we're just sort of building our village i think one of my favorite parts of this game is the way that you can just kind of zoom in and out and see it like it's a big chess board or not really chess just just a board game and you can kind of zoom out here and you still see your villagers working you could change the speed of time or you could just get in and then look at it like kind of two-dimensionally i don't know just a really visually neat game and i thought it was very beautiful peace love i don't know like anbu hasn't really done much yet but he will start to get dialogues over here so keep your eye on the lower left of the screen because sometimes he'll like he'll defecate and we can use that for fertilizer if we have a thing built but what we're more probably just going to see is that he's going to shake his back and destroy all our buildings at the beginning so right now our workers are pretty much all laborers um are they even bringing back the goods they don't actually have enough wood so they aren't doing this which is why i say wood is so important to just harvest it all so i'm gonna give them more tasks like this yup it's pretty much just wood that they're lacking they've delivered all of that tear down the forest people now i haven't seen the villagers like made and reproduce i can't tell if they're male or female or what they are they seem to have very simple you get a name but that's pretty much it like their name and their happiness and whether or not they're poisoned there we go getting in more wood nice wood boy wood boy now we have a wood storage going i think we're going to keep designating yet even more of this great beast's back to harvest no he doesn't seem to get upset when i do things like take off the trees that's kind of like a haircut you know but it's just the spikes that he doesn't like okay so we've got water tank going one thing i just forgot really quick is water um obviously so we're gonna go ahead and get a oh an air well here and i guess we'll put this near to our water tank i should have thought this through just a little bit more but can i still do it here yeah okay so let's get that material storage over there try to keep things like nice and well laid out so the pantry pantry is going to be for food and i think we're going to have our food like around up here because we've got berries we'll be gathering the berries and then we'll probably want farms up there so let's just move the pantry this away and then instead we'll put the water and we need an air well we need to gather this is going to sound crazy but we need to gather water from the air itself via humidification or something like that science you know so this should be enough for these people but we want to minimize the amount that they're walking because you can get all this walking between fields and kitchens and farms and so on and so forth um the horton blower is a little bit later on but let's get the kitchen right now that way we can start to cook food uh another thing i'm gonna start to get up is let's get a berry gatherer because they do use this for food if we can locate this near a lot of these bushes that would be nice efficiency 89 that seems pretty good to me so let's do that lots of berry bushes around there i've been able to like transplant these but that would be nice okay this being has awoken so now on boo after the first night is going to kind of start walking through the world we've got some nomads we're going to pick up here so we'll probably get about i don't know five to seven new villagers which is quite nice because everyone's pretty much limited to their own job when they start um we want to influence on boo a little bit more because like probably the hardest thing i've had so far is onbu going to sleep in a in a toxic patch of spores which like i said was not really very much fun um because all of my villagers became diseased and so didanbu he doesn't have much common sense this this boy let's go ahead and start we'll keep on chopping down all the forests he doesn't really mind a little bit of deforestation here we go look at all this it does get a little bit grindy at times though too i'll say that like i wanted my villagers to be able to have more than one job so that's something that uh they seem to be limited in that way i've got two people on research we've got two people on the worker or well actually we can just manage general workers builders carriers harvesters this is a decent building but i almost just wish we didn't have to build it and we could just manage it ourselves get the pantry up we might even get multiple of those let's go ahead and get more roads we want to keep everything nice and connected um did they really move faster on these roads though it seems by maybe a bit so i'll allow it now i think once i take this thing down i'm going to start to build a farm over here if we have a chance very gather yeah we'll do a farm like maybe right here cause the farm although it has this big radius for plots they really don't seem to go much further out than two or three of these so i think it's completely fine to just do this let's get it real close to the food pantry yeah something like that all right so now we're going to be feeding our villagers right now you might notice that we have some food but like we're we're on a very negative flow here because well we aren't making any food research uh we do have our research going never playing this on the easier difficulty i would start to get like little tutorial bits as this came up i think that was useful but um man i i feel like there's just so much information on this game i feel very like um pedagogical when i'm playing it does it seem like there's a lot but and yet at no point in this game have i felt overwhelmed by the amount of information maybe it's just due to like the very nice ambience of the game and i just feel very relaxed when i play it i haven't felt stressed out because sometimes these colony managers can feel like keeping track of so many things at once but it feels rather obvious to me what the conflict is what we're trying to do like it's a survival colony manager right i know that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying okay so we've got material storage over here let's go ahead and do a carpenter boy like maybe this away we'll leave some space for more houses but yeah maybe something like that carpenter boy and maybe stone cutter boy over here and we'll just leave some space for another road i want it to look like i had some idea of what i was doing oops there we go good new road worker post tent i'm just kind of like checking off one of each box like there are more structures in this game but it's simple enough that you can just build one of everything at the beginning okay so now we have reached an impasse don't forget the nomads oh yes thank you for saying that i forgot about this thank god thank god i have you here to keep track of me now uh how many of you nomads are there we will commit them yes obviously we get okay three nomads now they can be unhealthy and poisoned but yeah it's kind of a small prompt up here that says you've reached an event now we are passing through a larger area and when we get expedition uh an expedition building we can start to send people out to like scavenge these resources it a little bit feels like surviving mars in that way you know how you can like harvest the passing asteroid but uh it is there other thing up here too is you've got your resources this manuals keep growing as the game goes on um let me see if we got the kitchen yet i don't believe we do okay so no we can't really make any specialized foods but yeah we've got berry boys gathering the berries i'm actually probably going to limit this to just one guy in time because this is too much for two people maybe anyway um farms once we get the farm up we'll do that now here i think there is a small like workflow management debacle in this game which is just that it's it's a bit hands-on managing all of your workers and i'm wondering how it's going to scale with bigger villages so that's a thought only because like these two farmers will just kind of sit here idly once they're done with their farming even if there's other tasks to be completed in the village so i don't know i feel like that would be kind of an interesting thing to see if they allowed some of that in the game um but otherwise just try to get a lot of nomads and the worker system is pretty simple so it's it's nice in that way now these guys who are just vibrating some berries i think are eating them we don't get too much feedback on our workers like their happiness i think we just have to make meals out of this so we're going to need a kitchen so we're a little bit behind but yeah that's a thought they weren't super high maintenance yeah like a little bit like timber born actually i hadn't thought of timber born yet but that's a good game to bring up um now so here we've reached sort of an impasse you know it's like um we have too many i i would say too many people may be researching we have too many people collecting berries and two farmers seems pretty good but i want to make sure that i have more people around who can do the important job of actually harvesting the trees are they doing oh no they are never mind i take it back ah actually those people who aren't idle are just at a different hut all right i will put one more person back onto research then because research is going to lead the way technology man moen fails thank you very much for the three months worker system is a little bit like vanished i don't really remember banished worker system but it's like it's simple enough that it's not crazy too village doctor would be useful but i think um i don't really want either of these right now can we do a third research are those just the two suggested i really think i want that either maybe on boo i want to start working on interacting with onbu i think a hornblower would be good just to start getting that going really i would like to do the onboa unboo kitchen first because we don't have on boo's command or trust rather actually we'll go village doctor only because if onwu goes to sleep in a poison patch before we trust him we're just going to have to try to stay alive on his back so what are we getting to a feeding spot for ron bu hopefully on bu will just feed himself i haven't had on boo just die yet that would be pretty bad but i mean honestly that would be kind of funny like just the game ends uh anbu died the end is this bear okay we aren't actually harvesting this berry bush so i'm gonna say screw this berry bush i'm gonna build the kitchen here now what i might end up doing is ah darn it actually that would take one of them up okay then i'm just gonna put it right next to that that way they can put the food right into the pantry good now i'm probably gonna start to get another farm up over here or maybe even another kitchen wait a minute what can they grow we're growing beets right now maybe i need another kitchen because sometimes i've found that it's been useful to have one kitchen that works with beets and another one that works with these berries because it seems to me that kitchens can produce one type of food at a y at a time which is a little bizarre like i would like it to be able to do if if what i have observed is correct but yeah there it is hey opheliax thanks for coming out to the stream other uh on boo that will fight on boo i haven't seen any other like large gargantuan creatures yet in the game and there doesn't appear to be any fighting in the game it's just sort of like survival without the fighting kind of like in timber born you're just fighting the drought like you don't want all of your beavers to die god forbid that your beavers should die but here we go i'm going to start to prepare for on boo here maybe by getting um i want to have this mycologist somewhere near to where i'm going to be putting the food trebuchet so the food trebuchet needs to be at the front of anbu's shell so i don't know maybe i could have done more of my colony stuff back here but i also wanted to be not so far away from this either yeah it's like it's a real trade-off with space but i don't i simply don't think i have enough dirt here so let's go ahead and let's put a mycologist right down here-ish you got me into game streams and back into gaming rimworld is one of my faves now hey roscoe frosty happy the uh happy the videos and the streams helped you uh enjoy more of uh but rimworld and anything else you're enjoying that's that's a win i think that's a win i hope you enjoy i don't know though everyone kind of comes to the videos for you know like maybe uh maybe maybe uh your soul mate maybe you just lost your soul mate or something like that and maybe this maybe a video will help you get your you know find a new soulmate or something i don't know i hope it helps you with whatever it is all right i mean i'll go ahead and say this uh well i'm gonna help myself here so one thing i'm thinking is that a lot of this game a little bit is starting to feel like to me though when do i build the next thing like it this feels very much like my last playthrough so that's why i kind of think of this game as like a one like you have a really good time when you play it once and then maybe you bump up the difficulty but i'm trying to see if there's any replay here so well let's let's get some let's get some medical use here because we do have to take care of our villagers and the difficulty i am led to believe is going to be slightly harder so i don't believe that the doctor really needs to be in the center of our village and i think we could just put him over here we want to make a little bit more room for housing a very high housing demand anyway uh rough market but here we go let's go ahead and put this here herbalist and then maybe we'll put the doctor over here-ish but there are many new structures to discover and i haven't really figured out the exact perfect colony layout so let's just keep things open keep things efficient as we go along maybe we'll find something that'll fit here another kitchen okay so now we're getting to something that is a very interest now we need to start processing more resources because we need these processed stone slabs and the the wooden planks and whatnot and so we just aren't making enough of these so i'm going to assign more people to those jobs so we can get those ready here we go processed stuff now another thing i'm probably going to go ahead and do is just let's say harvest all of this stuff over here so that any laborers are going to make these big long trips to get this stone because i don't want to erode on boo's trust i've realized that onbu is very distrusting as a smooth boy other people have tried to rough his smooth roll but i don't want to do that so i'm just going to get these normal normal rocks hey pringles thanks for coming out um i guess we'll do a scavenger hut because again i think it's going to be a little while before i can really meaningfully get any interaction get any action in with anbu now we would be able to influence on boo whether on boo goes north or south here but i i simply don't think we can number one we don't have any horn blowers built and number two we haven't built up any trust yet okay so i've been talking about trust so how do we build up trust with anvoo well if we take good care of onbu if onbu gets poisoned then we cure on boo which we can do um here we go we've got some mycologists happening what is this do we just not have enough people no plot assigned okay we do have the people i have to agree with you hey john pence hey and also kxz thank you for the year thank you very much kxz and john pants for the two months and so here we're getting this sort of like plot stuff going on let me bring out water we really do need water for a lot of stuff i wonder if we're gonna need to make another one of these air wells i mean obviously it seems that we will in time 150 production speed so now i'm going to go ahead and just talk a little bit more about the environment am i going to try out man or lords i haven't tried that but i'll write it down i was thinking the next stream we would do clan folk thank you for that anyway day 541 it has been so long now and i haven't yet answered the question is he a frog is he a toad or is he something else and now i'm getting all these frog and toad memes everyone read frog and toad hey thank you thunder now another thing that we've got going on in this game is we've got like the resource and the environment systems going on so we've got fresh air free from any toxins so we're in a very nice environment right now we want on bu to sleep in the on boo sleeping spot because well it's just nice here and there's no poison but also too like we want to be careful here because sometimes yeah good on boos yeah rub your face on the ground like that that's nice are you a sleepy boy yeah 72 percent yeah good have a nice relax relax there there you go good job unaffected by poison it looks comfortable for on buddha's sleeping yes so on boo's started sleeping we can kind of goad him into lying down but for right now we're good okay so we're starting to get a decent flow of food we aren't poisoned there's decent humidity in there it's not very dry not arid good i mean this is a very decent place for getting our colony started but we are getting a few hungry colonies which is the thought go ahead and get some plots in for these herbalists something like that good thing that we didn't build there too much um i'll give that a little bit more time i just want to see how this herbalist does here one herbalist isn't plenty i don't even think that we need two mycologists actually it wouldn't hurt to start saving up mushrooms right now because it did take quite a while okay so we want to put the village doctor by their herbalist and now i may start to cut off some of anbu's spikes if i just feel like they're getting in the way but for now we'll just try to build around them again maybe we'll cut off like all of the spikes at once and really piss on boo off wouldn't that be exciting hey bobby lightweight poor salad and g sharp thank you very much for the subs has anyone who is a pro at the wandering village noticed anything that we aren't doing yet and i and i should do and i'm being kind of a smooth brain boy about water tank i think we pretty much have one of everything though i'm just trying to think of other stuff we could do to speed up our uh well mainly it's about worker acquisition and we've got well we've picked up all the oh they're good there are no more nomads over there we really do need those people for this type of thing research tree we've got the scavenger hunt good we're at 99 on the scavenger hut so huzzah good i don't think we need cacti uh alternative water source in hot climates though um okay honestly maybe like a good emergency thing to have i'll do that it's a little bit boring of me but it's important now i want to show you this so basically we need to send people out on expeditions if we can't find the right resources there's some research trees we need to go raid a shrine or something and we send these people off on the side of on boo's back so we can we can't build in these x areas we can't build in the middle but they need to be kind of near their drop-off point i thought that was kind of a nice touch lends it a thematic heir to the whole game thanks man slightly smiling face hey thank you for that slight smile i appreciate that i haven't seen anyone get a whole emoji through yet hey dracuman thank you very much hope you've enjoyed this since you're slightly i like the names of emoji they're very funny upside down smiling face you always know it's a good time whenever somebody sends you an upside down smiling face all right so we've got the herbs going on i don't think that we need two village doctors though and in fact right now in fact no one is sick so i'm going to just deactivate the village doctor once we get into a toxic area i'll reactivate it i'm thinking at this point in time survival needs our village is pretty well taken care of let's just check out our food workflow management that we've got going on i won't go away till i speak so here are the words of a lurker poetry viking haven thank you very much for the sub i'm thinking i'm gonna assign a third farmer we have good yes that's right you thought it couldn't be done but i'm assigning that third farmer right now are we making enough water for all the farm plots we've got going me thinks possibly no because we aren't really at full cap so let's go ahead and do [Music] where is it where is it located village doctor is it under food airwell yet here we go is anyone getting like some oxygen not included vibes from this game too definitely getting that vibe here okay so our kitchen is making very musli muesli i don't know i've never heard this word pronounced aloud i've only read it here but we also have beet soup it bothers me that i can't just have both depending upon what is available in one location but sometimes that's just the way it is so what i think i'm going to go ahead and do for this play through is to just like i'm going to build a second kitchen i know i might go to hell for this but i mean like i need somebody else producing something different to be completely completely honest with you it's a decent amount of food workflow we got going though we'll get the beats in here beats by dre you think dr dre could like launch his own brand of non-gmo farm foods beets by dre man i'm on a roll today what a great idea that was uh let's see did we we didn't research did we oh we got a cactus plantation whoops i didn't mean to do that all right let's get the hornblower oh nomads thank you i almost missed the nomads i was so hype about my joke with beats by dre surprisingly on bu has evacuated its balance but on bu has not um has not shaken his back yet which i might be related to trust i'm not sure onbu so far hasn't been annoyed with us that's good all right i guess keeping trust high was good that was a good idea very smart of me stone cutter here i don't think i've gone into too many of the other menus it's fairly simple research deconstruction building is priorities and this is harvesting but harvest it's all very obvious hot keys b for build h for harvest and harvest just works on everything a little bit rim world but i'm okay with that nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that now are these people bringing back all the resources i need though like there's stone over there that has yet to be harvested let's go ahead and take some people off of these refining jobs just because i'm not finding myself needing them as much as i thought i would gotta have a little bit of need for them but not too too much now this is as i said i think my issue with this game's worker prioritization system is just the fact that uh i would like more people to do stuff or like here i accidentally had two people on scavenging let's go ahead and open the map and i'll show you how we do a scavenging mission so you could send a party out to go get like wood or stone or something like that and however far away it is from on boo it'll take them that much longer so let's go try to do an expedition party scavenge some stone now i was always worried that these guys wouldn't be able to catch back up to on boo because like look onbu is moving away but i don't think that's related getting some rimworld vibes from the soundtrack actually yeah to be fair it's neat that it's such a different place but i hadn't really thought of that that's funny a waiting decision large quarry so we've got to decide now all right i actually haven't had one of these events happen yet let's find out petrified footprints of an several meters deep mark the surroundings of the quarry uh okay see where the tracks lead us after walking for miles they find a huge pile of ancient hardened excrement it's probably still a great fertilizer okay so we got a lot of doo doo all right but we scavenged that we could keep sending people out to scavenge we've got more nomads coming up more like yes mads god that's so funny all right um anyway i guess i'll just keep sending out these scavengers a little bit micro managing but i don't know what else we're gonna do and i want to make some use of the area map i think that would be nice we got stone no we just found poop over there so that was it that was a very good joke wasn't it chad wasn't it oh god i should really i should give up streaming and become a comedian beats on the farm beats on the farm oh here he goes robbing on boo has been a very like nice boy for this entire time now time does go by pretty fast but we also want to feed on boo because anbu has so far done a crap job of feeding himself we've got a heat wave coming up meteorology meteorology let's go ahead and see if we can start to interact with on bu at all though undo interaction not really so we've got a little bit of research going we're trying to get the horn blower we want to get on boo's kitchen and on boo's feeding trebuchet ready uh if anbu doesn't find any food anvi's going to be a really hungry boy by the time that we get back and i i haven't had onbu at 100 hunger yet so i'm a little bit concerned that he might start devouring us so that's a thought okay good we've got this uh oh good we've got uh all of this crap in the inventory so they did get some wood out of there that's nice that's very nice to see hmm i guess we'll just keep on sending people out because i was wondering like what happens if we just run out of resources on his back i guess this is why you really want to focus on your expedition party just so that well just so that you don't run out of trees or whatever it is you're using on his back um but i will go ahead and let's just harvest some more of these close rocks be nice to on boo no we're not going to cut off your spikes on bu we want you to keep you keep your spikes up there even though they're in the way of everything yeah that's fine good they have a good source of stone work harder everyone yeah maybe like create a cult for on but not a bad idea anbu might appreciate that hanbu might appreciate that how's it coming along with the research boys think faster think faster this will put one more person on the stone slabs because we seem to need a lot of those would be we do be using those keep the village doctor at us now are they good they are supplying this so now we're getting herbs ready um help on boo and us but probably us more just because anbu is probably going to like basically poison us all at some point accidentally you wouldn't do that you wouldn't mean to do that would you boy i love the way that this game transitions between two and 3d so fast alright so let's get a horn blower um now what we're probably going to be doing is going from the mycology department to a kitchen up here and then we'll have a trebuchet somewhere up here so i think we can be pretty safe putting over this uh horn blower it's funny to say horn blower actually not there at all i need room for a road there we go wasn't hornblower the name of one of the hobbit families in lord of the rings like the proud foots and the hornblowers they all had silly names that were fun to say kind of like running my own hobbiton now we've got two kitchens one that does berries and one that does uh some other stuff are we really like are we out of berries no we're not out of berries that's good i could potentially get another berry gatherer but i think i'll just keep that work slot empty get a good number of meals okay and everything's horrible now okay so we seem to have entered the desert heatwave oh we'll get through this quite fast so that's good but uh yeah we should probably not be able to get very much water here so this was the reason for cacti so we might as well grow some of these i suppose but it's just like how much is gonna be too much are we gonna run out of scavenger hunt where where are the cacti i didn't grow cacti before oh maybe they're just on a regular farm ah i see so beets or cacti are our options well how now brown cow okay i'm thinking if we have the kitchen here we could have a like a backup cactus area here we won't hurt on boo though am i planning on doing a youtube video for this game probably just a vod for now um yeah probably not a video i don't know i've it's been taking me a long time to make my videos lately i've really been enjoying it but it takes me about like a full week of concentrating on them um okay here we go we got nomads here we go i just kind of think of these as two separate things like the streaming like the streams are kind of where i try stuff out and then okay good so now we can tell on bu to do stuff i don't think anbu will do any of this and we are in like an arid area so i want to well let's see if we can tell him to speed up i doubt that he'll trust us at all but let's try doesn't trust my commands so i don't know if this actually has a negative effect like trying to get ambu to do something but i'm assuming no because he didn't get really bad and i did command him to do a lot of stuff that he didn't do the last time let's go ahead we'll do cacti cacti and we'll just do this there we go but i want to be really nice to on boo yeah be really nice or else we all might die in a heap okay we're still we're getting zero percent production here we have almost no water left we're running out of food that's not good oh good we are getting the cacti around and is that gonna just be a theme for this entire desert area yeah so i guess it's a good thing that we did that i thought it was just that one area darn it okay we'll get those cacti up and up and bouncing around flying around hey cesario thank you for the bits if we play the wrong sorn song on the horn he'll shake us off i don't know if that is that true no water and go to the desert i know i should have got the cacti earlier but at least we have the cacti research it's not like we're now trying to research the cacti too which would have been god-awful and bad but if we could just tell anvu to speed the hell up hopefully anbu won't go to sleep here now anbu is not very sleepy but both ways it's desert we just aren't getting any water i hadn't perceived this as a threat corn is very heat resistant and requires little water but grows slowly okay so corn might be good and i think let's commit to that before we commit to feeding on because now we have a new crisis at our survival now no one's dead or dying yet but well this isn't good that's that's all i can say are they growing any beets we're getting zero percent growth on the beats so let's take our farmers away from here now this is a little bit why i wish that the worker distribution system just worked as like general generalized farmers let's put more people on to berry gathering because the berries seem to be doing fine here the very reproduction go ahead and have them harvest this harvest these berries as well but yet i still find myself having to individually gather every single berry so i mean obviously you can see that like there's a couple of things that i wish would be a little bit more efficient in this game but so be it that's how it is good we did get water out of this cactus because as you know all cacti yield water you can just sip out of them it's like a sink oh but good they're bringing it over to the farm and the farm is bringing it over to the ground and the ground is bringing out the beets by dre excellent okay good they just need to put that water squish that cat put that water into the ground ah and it looks like we are returning to a completely normal spot after this hopefully unless if on bugo is not the way that i want on bu to go which usually on bu will do the thing that i don't want on buu to do it's very upsetting for me onbu seems unsure about which path to take at the upcoming crossroads now anbu has been known to have many existential crises which have cost the lives of the small people who live on his back yes completely true about cacti you could just drink out of one what is this a dune with sand on it i don't know if that's important i mean i'm basically screwed though so uh yeah on boo didn't go the way that i wanted on boo to go so let's um this is gonna take only two hours i guess we'll find out what's at the dune now there are like knowledge items that you may need later on anwa is also getting very hungry too on boo you've made so far all of the wrong decisions you'll go to hell in a hand basket wandering across the desert dry dry desert plains your scavengers and that's from another trap they want to start a new settlement asking to help them build a fountain if there's no water nearby okay um [Music] oh okay so we trade stone slabs for um nomads yeah i'll take more nomads we we need more people doing jobs eight healthy people have joined and we get more water hey [Applause] hey very interesting now where did these wanderers come in from a little bit i want these people to have more personality you know oh the water is over there i wonder if we can put that into the more generic storage like will they go over here and grab the water let's just see we've got workers coming in good and yes they appear to be taking out the water from the stairway good excellent excellent all right i'd say that water production is fine at this point in time how far along are we on the research i've got um well we were growing corn because everyone was starting to starve to death and that is rather urgent i suppose that after that we'll address onbu's growingly perhaps fatalistic hunger because we might need to give him a pellet or something because right now onbu is seeming slightly uh self-destructive like he's just kind of romping into the desert without any desire for food this is a bit worrying so it made the dung collector and composter so i get the the yogas that is used by deep contaminators to burn away poison plants now i was thinking yes you're right i was thinking that poison would be my main conflict here but i have so far not experienced the dry chapped lips brought about by the desert that we have i'm with you though i thought poison would be the thing that would kill us that does seem to be the main uh conflict of the game but now i find myself procrastinating to not die of heat exhaustion i mean it is kind of like my own real life so i do live in a very hot place now so that wasn't a completely irrelevant comet um let's see we have well we do have a lot of water now where is there water sand can be refined into glass now we start to get like industry going on nice we don't have any more water left in there just gathering the sand out all right i don't know what to say think faster boys think faster what are you doing why are you upset you're upset because you have bad housing quality you're upset about bad housing quality while everyone else is starving to death i suppose i could go out on a limb here and get another berry gatherer but that would be a real uh a real hit to my workflow i think i'd rather just expand the village over there and maybe even set up a new village on that side if i have to but i want to minimize the transportation all right you know what yolo i don't want to die 54 58 49 58 i feel as though it would have been higher at this location 63 maybe i'm going to have to go over a berry bush 58 67 so far that's the best one 63 67 71 i'll take that i mean we'll go over four berry bushes so i don't love that but it might just get them out of this horrible momentary conflict right now we've got to get the feeding trebuchet prepare that i don't want to spend too much time over here this is kind of like an emergency thing in case we could totally run out of food which is sort of happening right now and let's also go ahead and get uh [Music] let's get corn up stop growing beets grow corn instead here can we have some of that corn boy corn boy good there goes the corn there goes the corn and i'm gonna get another farm ready too um i guess we should make we don't really have any beet stuff going on polenta all right we'll have that third farm and we'll need a third kitchen this is what's troubling to me about this game is that i keep needing to expand this crap when i just need like one more food you see what i'm saying like i just kind of want it to stay simple and it doesn't as i'm starting to see though as we go through more environments but if you do kind of stay organized and keep your workflow going it can work it can work um the trebuchet i will build actually oh yeah we can build the trebuchet now on boo kitchen okay so we should get this going right now let's get it going next to this like how about right there and then we'll build some roads smooth roads there good okay so now they can bring things over to the kitchen as i had planned as i had planned the wood plank and stone slab good so we've got a it appears to be enough of those and then so now they're going to go from the mycology department to the kitchen to hopefully we'll be able to put the trebuchet somewhere around here and then we'll actually be able to feed on boo because i'm a little more worried about anbu than our own hunger because this is getting very bad we've got corn growing over here now so we will keep growing beets in this section but i'm gonna put one guy on this because it's not like ideal beet growing area but we're growing out the infrastructure we are 99 look everyone acorn yes nice polenta coming right up and good we're not starving to death good so let's just worry about feeding ombu because we've got one guy here let's just reduce the worker numbers we really just need the mushrooms to go in there do we have bundle of mushrooms have we been able to store the mushrooms anywhere pantry no my word we've not been able to store the mushrooms anywhere 2d art style reminds me a little bit of well yeah i hadn't really thought of the don't starve influence but yeah i am getting kind of that don't starve all right good point good point well met well met i think it'll be nice when we get a lot more nomads and we can just fill this whole area up let's send people over to this mine or this one's fast maybe we'll just do this quarry if you really keep an eye on that scav and you're gonna be neat to do that all together i've got 18 out of 20. um have we got the where is the other thing there's still mushrooms over here right yeah look we've got more bundles of mushrooms over here i guess another thing we're gonna do is just let's make sure we've got more carriers because that seems like a pretty essential task because look this cook doesn't even go over to grab the mushrooms he relies on carriers to do it see if we can get maybe four carriers whoops that was harvesters carriers oh wait a minute uh i take that back i thought that we could assign these individually huh actually i i thought that system worked out differently it would be nice if i could get a little bit more granular into this worker management system because like i said it does feel like very generalized especially consi there aren't so many needs to fill so it's not so like horrible what i'm going through there but yeah it's something that i'm thinking about a lot when i'm playing the game but maybe that's because all of the colony management games i enjoy playing are very complex weather other than hoddle uh like thunderstorms we do get poison i haven't seen that though oh it's being stored in my storage like this storage uh where is my fungus oh you're right yeah the mushrooms are being stored in there ah okay yeah it'd be nice if you could get into the weeds because i do feel like that the village is very inefficient just due to the fact that everything has kind of a one-size-fits-all answer you know what i mean okay but are the berries coming back it's still arid nope nope they're not all right i'll just suffer in silence then but good we have one of these things no i know this this might not look like a lot it might look like a single gob stopper because now ombu's stomach is growing very loudly growling very loudly but we are at 88 percent of the research i think i've got a spot where i can just nume a trebuchet right here and then we can feed him and we can bring down his hunger by like 20 with one of those things hopefully they they won't miss um that would be bad that would be very bad let's get more cacti up was that i think one of his spikes changed location if i'm not mistaken more herbs stacks of herbs got more of those things in storage yes good okay let's get a hud open so that the housing quality can improve uh but here i'm going to just pause and let's get on boo feeding trebuchet oh we barely had enough good enough good enough right uh oh yeah i am going okay uh destroy ombu's spikes we're just gonna have to destroy one of them because it's in the way of helping us feed him we're going to help you on boo i think we'll have time because he's got 87 percent you only just very nearly starve to death it's okay um so what i'm going to go ahead and do is take all of the crap that we're making for envy right here good we've got a second one coming right up too now this will reestablish on boo's trust in us pretty fast after this but watch what happens when we do this we're going to get a message that we've uh on boo grumbles unhappily as it feels it's spike being torn out so yeah i mean not a very nice thing to do but kind of the lesser of two evils you know we wanted to keep on boo alive and my god i haven't seen what happens when anbu just totally starves to death yet let's also send to party this oh a shrine we need that that's for knowledge oh did we rip out spikes earlier and i didn't see it's possible i'm a pretty nice guy but sometimes i go on a bad boy streak and i and i rip out people's spikes okay this is unfortunate that anbu has gone to sleep i truly hope that anbu doesn't starve to death in sleep because then i am somewhat in trouble it appears that the sleepiness is decreasing at a pretty fast rate though because who could sleep when they're starving to death anyway i'm going to save now you do have save files i might as well say that starving question mark one just so that we know it was the first one there we go good the trebuchet is ready now anvoo does need to be awake for this we're gonna load up the trebuchet have we got the food in there i think it's either there or in material storage yeah we've got one out of 30 in there show interactions so we're gonna not enough research not all animal conditions are met so we gotta wait until anvu wakes up we put in the food anbu is awake let's see if this updates in real time yes it does decreases uh hunger by 20 so this is a fantastic thing we can pretty much totally take out anbu's hunger and we get to feed this boy which is just a nice animation and good hang on a second are they bringing it over yep there goes the trebuchet person here we go get ready to launch it let's look at it from on boo's perspective there it goes yeah [Music] it's just very satisfying i don't know what it is good so 91 that should drop down to 71 in a second good the digestion has occurred 71 now let's look at it from the trebuchet's perspective we've got to wait a little while while this occurs so send out an expedition to the oasis because why not who's settlement oh cool we could get more uh villagers let's do that definitely our villages are fairly happy people um let's add another farmer to this farm okay so we've got interactions let's feed on boo again let's see what it looks like from the trevor shoes trevor shoe oh good ah that's nice the way that this game blends 2d in 3d is nice ooh an aa fable playthrough thank you for saying that fable and bully are two of the games i've wanted to play i forgot about that it's a very good idea be a shame if someone else were to play one of those games okay do we have the uh berry people over here too now this is okay as i see it i mean i don't want them to have to walk quite this far but i'm also just like i don't want to build all the road infrastructure out maybe i'll build a little bit of it out something like that make their lives a little bit easier out here i i do think that it's good to have that emergency berry storage but i don't want to carve up you know everything still not producing i think we've done splendidly well but it's kind of like i i think you get the idea of the gameplay loop now like it's it's kind of adapting to conditions that are constantly changing in this this is a very visually pleasing game something that my one concern is you know those efficiency things and like will i get as much replay value out of it i'm trying to think of things that are like interesting challenges if it's like as youtubeable like that let's give onbu more food we've got tons of food for onbu now it's not so hard to keep on boo happy except now onbu's health has gone down i honestly can't tell why is that just because zombu was very hungry um commit these nomads to us we got two more nomads good very nice very nice oh good we got more settlers oh one of those was from our expedition we got hungry and healthy people all right [Music] yeah i would like to be able to change the perspective i think you're right on that but it kind of complements the game's simplicity i feel that i feel that definitely not something that i would do day after day but i think it's fun as a diversion why are you sad boy sleep command i guess to me it always is kind of surprising like what types of games people hang on a second we've got what have we got going right now been having trouble sleeping after the army so i put your streams on at night to help keep up the good work calvin 28 heart hey calvin hey thank you very much for the uh thank you very much for the sub happy to hear that the streams are helping you sleep in some way or whatever they whatever they help you with and uh good luck good luck sleeping better usually i just uh usually i just hug my big on boo pillow until i fall fast to sleep i was thinking about doing this i was walking through a store the other day and there were all of these like giant plush toys i was thinking of what the you know what the e-girl streamers have in their rooms you know they have all those large plush toys and i just thought that's a very nice backdrop so yeah i did used to use face cam once upon a time but i just i'm not an e-girl so i didn't and it wasn't as inviting on the streams so no one watched them and now they've been much better because of that but i was thinking maybe if i had a lot of plush toys of like a big smooth boy like this around me well then that would maybe that would be more eye-catching but yeah that's always been the problem with this stream so oh crap we've got a lot of idle people hang on a second we got to figure out what the hell is going on i think we could use more corn farmers the corn is as high as an elephant's high ever watch oklahoma why aren't they harvesting these beets i mean get rid of the beats if we're not having beats here off with their heads there we go but they are very responsive and i do appreciate that we'll get the doctor first because anbu is very upset and i'm upset whenever anbu is upset on bu food there we go he's the only one who doesn't make cringe chewing sounds isn't that very uh inviting and nice who is this oh that's a tent never mind okay let's have some huts now jabba the hutt job of the hut it would be nice if you could rotate buildings though you know we've we've chatted about this a little bit i i do think that would be nice let's even get some more huts over here i'm not sure if these huts are more stable on boot was shaking his back all the time when i first played i think it was because i didn't have as much trust but i can't honestly figure it out i'm assuming that would happen though like yeah get off of me right now yes maybe i should use the bikini and hot tub meta that could work it's it's a good point silver dragon pizza the hut man what if jabba and pizza had like some sort of business agreement i think they would both benefit uh splendidly from that now we've been surviving really well in this desert if i do say so myself let's go ahead and add yet another person on because our farming needs have grown um i think i could add in more plots here now i'm starting to see the use the utility of more plots though add that on i used to think though when i first started that you could just have tons and tons of plots everywhere and my farmers just weren't getting to them maybe i'm maxing out these radii though but look at this like uh look at this distinguished gentleman look at the way this village is sitting very distinguished right did you guys love that what is that a tick tock or a vine look at this distinguished gentleman that has to be one of my all-time favorites we have a third kitchen too no i don't think so uh it would make way for the giant trunk but let's get some kind of beat kitchen going for the future i see beets in our future now we could just keep re-prioritizing people back and forth now so how is this working because clearly our farmers aren't working very hard here we just need more people on water let's get a fourth cactus farmer also too do they need water to grow the cacti in the first place which would be a little bit counterintuitive no they just appear to go out to the plots no water in hand they just sort of phase cacti from out of existence here good we've got only one idle boy now keep feeding on boo i figure why not let's just make anbu completely happy anbu seems to be recovering just slightly over time which is nice to see like a little bit of regen wouldn't hurt lost a couple shrines for research um oh yeah true we should probably not pass up any shrines at all come to think of it because that's going to limit us uh oh no oh no no we did do one shrine though got more nomads here now let's get some rocks it does kind of switch okay there we go we've got another shrine i wonder if we could do a second search party from here i guess we could do a second scavenger hunt if we wanted i we've been busy bees though in this village now what does this sign mean missing resources i think we might as well leave it like that let's get a one one guy on that though we don't seem to need this tomb too much and are we getting out of it it appears as if we're escaping the arid climate so hold on to your hat because we're going to have to swap out what people do because now the huts also give they are just like more capacity although for only four spaces they hold six residents housing quality too these things are way better in every way we do need wood planks for them maybe i will keep people on these resources and also too for anyone who's just a laborer i haven't really designated any stuff so let's just tell them to keep taking down trees i don't see the point of just leaving these trees up i mean they do look good but i'm also just kind of like yeah no use trying to save the environment up here like there's plenty of environment down on the ground for us to go out and just we're like pirates sort of it's kind of like running a pirate ship colony speaking of which have you are you guys looking forward to cursed crew the oscar pataki game the guy who does the rimworld mods oscar's very nice guy at least uh i've just like emailed him back and forth very very nice gentleman and i'm really excited for that game i want to try that out when it comes out cursed crew he was doing a little thing on it a little while back decontaminator okay i'm gonna do this only because we're going into a toxic biome send a party over there oh god a thunderstorm okay yeah apparently this is a thing okay we're gonna be seeing what a thunderstorm does in a few moments i didn't know that this could happen that is unfortunate yeah we are the environment i don't know i mean it kind of has this al gore global warming tinge to the whole game like it it makes me feel oddly like motivated to you know get hand out flyers to people i don't know i don't know what i want to do from it but yeah i want to do something i want to do something i'd say how much faster these boys walk on there i don't really think they walk so much faster to be completely honest with you you're out on an expedition [Music] it does though it feels a little bit like i'm keeping busy you know what i mean oh good onboa is clearly healing even without us using any doctor stuff ah but here we go we can do this uh send out workers to cure poison or heal it let's do this because we are heading into the poison area um i'm assuming we're just gonna need the normal doctor medicine here let's put like a little bit of space for this thing just in case we need it encountered a group of nomads looking for a home here we go pick them up i don't really see any reason not to have nomads now we've got poison people have joined the village i'm going to activate the doctor activate obamacare here we go nice nice feeling that come feeling that are you feeling it are you feeling it on boom yeah he's a happy boy now okay um let's see more of this really not too many more stones left on here i think i'm just going to harvest the rest of your body here we go it's kind of like the giving tree you know i hadn't really thought of that it does it kind of feels like playing a video game of the giving tree ah wow what an outlandish simile the giving tree man i forgot about the giving tree what a great classic american novel i don't know who wrote it was it where is it american the rocks do re-grossly i think you're right i think that the rocks do eventually come back like i've noticed that they just sort of get pooped out of the ground but it's not very fast it's not very fast at all let's see we get the shrine it really looks like we're going between skilla and charybdis here so i am kind of concerned um i guess we'll just keep sending parties out to the things that are very close but you know you get a decent amount of visual variety and breakup because i kind of felt like are we just making this colony on this guy's back but now it does feel like a big board game like taking part in that uh now i forgot to really look closely at the villagers who were poisoned um and i've honestly struggled a little bit to just see this now it looks like the corn is not ready so let's take people off of corn or we could disable it but i think i'm just going to take all the workers off of it uh cacti wait what just happened thunderstorm sweeps over our village is that really the whole effect of the now when the poison comes you can't even see everything anymore but i guess that's the whole thunderstorm all right cold snap coming up um it looks like we'll have a narrow window of opportunity in which to grow beets here so let's just reassign everyone to the beet farm because i think that's going to be the best option now onboard uh no this one wasn't on boo this one was just the thunderstorm oh and we've got something else coming uh stone cutting uh do we want cut stones we already have a lot of those yeah we came here for stones i just want regular nice boy stones there we go i don't need those cut stones just regular regular stones we do have some hunger i'm seeing though hmm do the trees sprout new trees i shouldn't take them down oh wait a minute is it actually are you saying that it's a good idea to leave some of the trees up in which case to hell with them to hell with them is there any way to mask cancel well let's just test it out just in case nope to harvest trees you could do that remove harvest task we'll save some of the trees save the trees save the save the bees save the trees save the whales save those snails in the words of george coll colin carlin why the yellow trees what's different about them oh the mother trees because the yellow trees are the mother trees of course of course how could i forget my own mother who was a yellow tree i've done some of them just randomly they don't actually teach you but really they're the source trees it doesn't now the tutorial comes up gradually the tutorial isn't like one of those tutorials that just tells you every possible piece of information unless if you get to them all but i never got to this piece of information oh wait here it is yeah still growing mother tree can already be harvested but doesn't produce offspring yet ah this is an important i think i downed many mother trees i hope that they grow back i'll leave up these two all right never down those mother trees thank you for telling me that i would never have seen that i thought it was just purely uh cosmetic getting ready for on boo doctor um here we go do this open map hmm give me more of this i mean it just seems very easy to get those scavenger workers out though they're always kind of at the edge of the colony ah warehouse that seems useful the dung collector too but maybe more so this okay decontaminator is going to be important but can we see the map again now unless okay we are going through yep we're doing it right now toxic spore cloud now do we have to like wait for it to oh so it will like gradually sweep across the land i hadn't really encountered obstacles like this yet where it's sort of like a momentary chance of it happening that's interesting 16 hours one day 13 hours so let's just send them right through the sporecloud i don't think they account for that but yeah i did have like the worst case scenario where he just went to bed in a spora cloud and my entire village was being poisoned we did make it but anvo bile is fuel or biogas i don't actually have any of that stuff yet i think we need to get it from the doo doo i'll just put it over here near all the generic stuff where i don't fully understand it yet yet does the dino not need water you mean the diana sore diana yeah we call on bu diana diana sore i don't think anbu needs water no anbu doesn't drink like a toad like a sage toad now it is freezing do we have any cold weather crops beets do just okay in this i think this is why it's been valuable to focus on berry growth because berries are just consistent like a lifelong like a lifelong friend you know my grandmother used to say that if you have a berry just like quit your job don't do anything just you have a berry man i'm just kidding my grandmother never said that my grandmother never said anything let's give everyone raised quality of life eventually we'll try to get rid of this stuff i mean i figure if we just get them enough what the hell are these guys are they joining some kind of cult decontaminator so where do they go and what do they do i don't think we really need that many contaminators on mobile and biogas let's have like one person be a decontaminator because this really isn't necessary most of the time though there are occasional like crisis moments where people will just oh look at their animation that's actually kind of badass sweet now there are times when you need to get rid of a lot of poison stuff off of anbu's back it can happen so i want to just prepare you guys hey whoa i know crazy crazy right looks like we're going to need another one of these things as well now we have no more cookies to eat said toad sadly not even one yes said frog but we have lots and lots of willpower you may keep it all frog said toad i am going home now to bake a cake you warm you warm me triple g frog and toad was uh if you guys ever read frog and toad we were just speaking of the giving tree frogging toad is a is a children's story worth reading it's like poetry who was that arnold lobel that wrote froggen i want to say it was arnold lobel that wrote froggen toad i always wish i could use frog and toad for my youtube but they're uh well they're they're clearly very clearly not in the public domain so maybe someday though maybe someday frog into it are nice sorry i got a caught up on a tangent thank you for the 300 bits goncos hope you're doing well my friend ah it is arnold global i got it right all right would wood good good now we've got this thing going on i suppose having more water tanks would be useful and now we've got sort of our water center water central over here wondering how many more buildings we've got to get up though um let me just see is everything more or less like good i keep finding myself going back to this scavenger map because i really did under use this the last time let's go over to a ruined settlement we might as well well not waste these guys time hmm where are we at now open map man they go through so fast because time goes by so well quickly in this case oh do we even have a beat kitchen no we don't even have a beat kitchen i stand corrected like it's crazy to me that we need three kitchens though just to make whatever we you know what i'm saying like and who knows how many other food types there will be there we go okay an event pick up some more darn it uh whoops there we go hungry people there we go um that was from the ruined settlement and we could really just gather all of our resources from these areas might as well just get more wood we could use it i'm going to have a big sip of water 100 production speed cold normal medium uh onbu is getting a little bit of toxicity he's been playing a bit too much league of legends lately and he's just been horrible to his teammates and standing air toxicity would apply currently none it's because he's lying down oh i didn't realize that we have this kind of ground versus air toxicity thing going on okay well i mean he's not the jungler and no one's blaming him for kill stealing so i think for right now he should be good he's just got to keep laying low uh however i mean i guess for me like what was it uh oh i forgot to mention my entire goal of this play throughout the sleep command this would be an interesting we also need one knowledge to research it but i think i'm just going to do dung collector cause i do want his dung to grow our crops more i mean the main thing i wanted to say is i just felt like this was very much like a survival colony manager so that's something to consider if you're interested in this like if that's something that seems interesting to you um i mean i thought we would build up a village for this entire stream and gain onbu's trust a bit the one thing i haven't been able to find in the ui is i can't figure out where i get like an actual stat that shows anbu's trust beats by dre like when we were back in the lab with a pen in the pad trying to get this damn label off in the words of uh of dre himself wasn't that was that dre or eminem hey royale with cheese what's up my friend how are you doing streamer friend and uh and youtuber friend royale with cheese tv online everybody everybody say hi to cheese how you doing my friend hmm where was i though i'd be just i can't really fi is where is on boo's trust though sir bebop thank you very much for the sub hey and the one my other concern you know i voiced a few things because you know i'm a gamer and i voice these things but i'm also kind of wondering like i do feel slightly grindy with some of these things after a while and i do love the art style and i've kind of harped on that for a lot but i'm also like maybe it's just because i really like combat and i'm wondering if there's going to be any moment here where i really get satisfaction you know like like impale someone though maybe that's just to say that i enjoy combat in games i would say that the toxic event can be interesting doing great hey that's good here man the toxic event can be somewhat like violent and cathartic but i don't know like uh we've got over 1100 people in stream right now so what are some let's get some like uh um academic thoughts about this game in chat so that we can you know try to be like pc gamer or uh i don't know something like that stores various materials where do i find them going to and from a lot it'd also be nice if i could rotate some of these things yeah like some of it feels a little bit basic i guess that's what i'm trying to say in some ways it feels basic hmm that's a spot game is beautiful and relaxing and when can i murder yeah i suppose that's fair maybe i'm just a violent person but not to be confused with a man of violence isn't that for a line from a movie or something advanced fast in this game that i do maybe it's also just because i'm i'm good at it i don't know i i i think i'd played this for about two hours before i started streaming it so i didn't really feel i thought we would have all died by now i i pretty much go into every one of these streams prepared for the entire colony to die in a horrible and embarrassing way yeah not being able to rotate anything it does feel like a little bit flat in that way like it's beautiful but it feels a bit i don't know static at times i guess what i would say i really liked being able to kind of customize the challenge to fit whatever that's why i would do a video on it on the main channel i consider that what about certain groups having passions in certain fields like the villagers i suppose that would be interesting pretty much like you could assign or de-assign anybody to uh on boo doctor we actually don't need people to be on boo's doctor right now anbu has health care his good benefits waiting on the zombie outbreak three directions in the intersections oh yes actually also too did i do this there is i wanna say is there a twitch integration for this game i wanna say that there is but i'm not entirely certain and the last time i tried to do this uh near release it was with a totally different game so this says nothing about the current game but i i always feel a little weird trying to do a twitch integration shortly after release because frequently there are as in any game dev cycle oh look on boo's mansion what are you eating oh there is oh i'm gonna have to check it out i haven't used it at all so i'm not gonna test it right here otherwise it'll turn to amateur hour at the circus but uh yeah good to know that that is there it seems like the type of thing that would dispose itself nicely to voting to animation with low frame rate is unique and nostalgic which is a plus yeah i think that maybe this art style is the thing that is the most beautiful and characteristic about the game to me i'm gonna also point out one thing that i think is beautiful visually is the fact that you get this like 2.5 d background that's going by on on boo's back i just i haven't seen a game with a camera that was this interesting in a while like just to sit back and zoom out like a very distressing type of game in that way i suppose what i'm trying to say my poison levels are lowered by playing it i think the only other things that i don't really understand here like i said there was i couldn't find the stress what is this thing this is my research cold snap oh snow very beautiful um i don't really get the heart rate bpm like is he gonna die uh this is all the game stuff i think that's the one thing i couldn't find video this is quite a helpful menu over here many of my villages are poison wait a moment when did this happen why oh probably because we're in a cold snap wait a minute how did i not notice this sawmill okay wait i really want this um yes i really wanted the sawmill so that we could take out these giant trunks out of the way where is on boo going i honestly don't know i thought we were like headed for some destination but i think the idea is to just keep going forever unless if is there a final destination heart rate is relevant when you tap into anbu's heart to extract blood what the hell is some sort of vampire simulator okay all right i buy it we got beat production going again barry muesli very me wesley i think i'll just leave that i know you stop working there we need you to do other things open map it would also be nice if you could cue these orders too tasty looking stones oh here we go knowledge that way because sometimes these scavengers just don't really like no party available oh but we need only one guy to go there okay we've got some more nomads coming up some of it does feel a little bit like a chore in that way i i and it could be very easily fixed with just some slight changes like being able to cue those things in my opinion damp pick them up i i pretty much always got in these new mat uh nomads too all right is everyone not poisoned anymore the doctors are going out they're making house calls on boo doctor oh so you're trying to get the medicine bring it back here 13 out of 15. why are they stealing everybody else's medicine why are they using on boo medicine on people that might raise some ethical questions extract blood from becomes vampire survivors in the villagers because i wouldn't be surprised if this game had a vampire twist at the end to be fair i find the uh soundtrack to be nice slightly it gets a little bit repetitive now but actually we had some rim world vibes before so collects dung from ombu which can be used to produce biogas and fertilizer we might as well build this uh near i'm guessing the bud of course right yeah he doesn't poop out of his face okay there we go all right the butt of course here we are at the bud of course there we go good we'll put that by the other thing the berries and the dung hopefully that will cause massive food poisoning in a population downward spiral 29 now i'm really excited to get rid of these goddamn trunks i really hate the trunks they're just i mean they make me wax poetic they're beautiful and scenic but at the same time they're just they're in the way of everything cue up research if you go into the tree oh how now wait a minute you can oh i'll be damned you're right i wish i had seen that before no you can't do that but oh so you can do this so okay so you can it seems to me that you can cue things down one tree but you can't cue like do this than this than this unless i'm doing it wrong i don't know those are just some basic quality of life things i i would think would uh add to the game in my opinion i i don't really intend to do this all the time i just i can't help but think of them now that i've played like rim world with mods which is probably one of the most like efficient gaming experiences i i have no idea i can't imagine what it's like trying to manage all the memory and the processing and stuff like that okay here we go we're going through a lightly poisoned cloud we don't really get the full chaotic experience that i'm dreaming of but let's watch what happens so it does visually blot out the sun in many ways and yep it makes it hard to see your own village now here comes the exorcist to everyone's house here we go doesn't actually have anything to exercise people with are we getting the poison plants yet i really want you to see this i hope you get a chance to see it now we're building the bile collector [Music] she had a mechanic where you can guide onboard if you have a certain amount of trust it would be nice yeah we didn't really get a good amount of poison i'm upset that we didn't like anbu went to sleep in the middle of a poison forest when i was play testing this on my own it was horrifying i thought it was the end of the world but um nay it was not nay a little anticlimactic honestly okay wait is this it yup this is it okay so you gotta be very careful with poison plants all right we've got em yep we got em um i'm gonna go ahead and have to just harvest all of these things now they do automatically like harvest each other if you do this i'm gonna have to up the priority on these though too um they can poison the trees now the decontaminator will work but i don't think i have the fire stuff to just get auto burn going i think i need to collect that from on boo's dung which is a little unusual but at the same time i'm gonna go ahead and up the priority on these let's just go over here and i'll do that and that because i really need these things taken out fast because otherwise you can get a huge poison forest that spreads which can actually look kind of cool but obviously that is not such a good thing to have in your village now this part is difficult because it's like you need to visually spot all of the poison and i haven't figured out a way to just automatically do it other than that this thing the decontaminator which again how are we making this processed in the laboratory are used as fuel by decontaminators well let's just see if they go out and take these things out but i mean again you can just take them out as per normal with all your villagers good we've got this thing and also too whenever they split off it auto designates them so we don't have that kind of auto auto cut blight rim world nightmare going on which was a thought of mine oh you can cue different research trees by you have to hold down shift and click oh i'll be damned yeah you can okay well that's good to know huh i'm a how do i designate these things okay we just hold down shift again okay that is good to know okay so i take it back you can do it i just wasn't holding down shift would be nice if it said that somewhere but yep all right i just needed to experiment a little bit more thank you for saying that i'm glad that you said that so that i didn't look like an idiot and uh just say that nonetheless all right warehouse or stone road i think it'd be useful if they could actually walk quickly on these things wait does it say it in the top left it's so funny that it does that what are you talking about no no i'm just i have poor reading comprehension that's all well i i've i've made an idiot of myself i think that was the that was the only quality of life thing but if there are then feel free to comment on this if it's the vod so that other people can be freed of my of my smooth brainedness thank you thank you thank you yeah you saw nothing you saw nothing i do feel bad about that i mean sometimes when it's not totally clear it's like it's there but yeah that one was there fair enough hmm where are we at now it's getting humid it's good and humid so we're getting a lot of this good we're at 150 production speed that's nice are they making enough i can't believe that they're feeding an entire village with just these three or four things of beets jesus yeah let's go ahead and open the map up we've got what was this more dung i think this was dung i want to say dung they can really harvest a lot though these two guys good we're going to sleep maybe i can start to command on boo let's see if we can get to a point where we can give on boo the command to run or something like that oh good we're collecting the poop now nothing i esteem more than a big a big fat dinosaur's poop here we go it looks like our doctors aren't really working very hard so i'm going to fire two of them i'll leave one just because i don't want to think too much about and i think i have enough villages now in excess that this isn't going to be a concern let's do this we'll start to get some more uh well let's go up and get some uh some huts shall we there we go now we do have i'll go ahead and say something i like about the controls you've got some good shift clicking going on here all that nice quality of life stuff is going on so you can get get get your best uh colony made get be your best self you know what i mean there we go it's a lot of good houses in there it does kind of start to look like very gritty scavenging party returned they brought back 11 wood and map again poison i wonder if we could get anything out of the poison forest let's just give it a try i haven't done it yet maybe they'll bring back like a disease that could be a good time for all oh and we've also got that harvester now right or what was that thing we were trying to research bile extractor yeah so we must have it um stone cutter carpenter dung collector wasn't there another thing though that i was getting decontaminator herbalist what was the item oh wait a second i just totally lost track of it guys i just had it in mind what am i doing with my life resources it was the sawmill of course you're all current sawmill because we're at 98 with that good i would like to see what this does extractor it lowers andu's trust in me and hurts him so it did wait the dung the dung collector why would he trust me less what kind of extractor oh do you mean the blood extractor no i haven't used that at all or the bile extractor where is the bile extractor wait did i already build that i'm taking very good care of him please don't call child services or who would they call for a giant i guess like animal control or something dung collector i don't think i have that yeah we're fine let's build this here so we can get that out of the way yeah peta they'd probably call peta or something now i'm wondering if we just have to live with on boo's spikes or we could like you know take out a spike then feed him then take out a spike and then feed him and keep doing that might work they didn't really seem to get too much let's try another one it takes only an hour 60 70 and oh they got herbs from the forest okay all right or herbs if you if you like to pronounce your h's okay look at this they're mining mining mining and they call it a stump a stump come on two idle good we've even got idle villagers getting good feedback on that i feel like that people are actually doing their work in this village why are you just standing there you slob all right back down to two at least they're getting lots and lots of wood out of this thing now have the rocks reproduced as you may know when two rocks love each other very much a stork will deliver a smaller rock to them and then when that rock grows up if it loves another rock very very much there's just more storks will continue delivering rocks to the rocks and that's how rocks are made when they love each other very much village i must say though i feel a little silly building building these villages when i know that there's a better thing on the way no on boos so far not shaking us off the rocks smash one another yes not appropriate not appropriate [Laughter] uh are they actually getting the wood out of this thing i think i'm good i'm trying to decide on like a longer term goal though it does a little bit feel like just survival from this point i feel like i've set up my colony i'm trying to figure out like what is the next thing to develop on i suppose that it would be nice if we were researching a little bit faster because it seems to me as if they have plenty of food so let's see if we can up the research speed if that's available researching new buildings and technologies yes science but let's have that see if that works out more nomads yeah hell yeah poisoned people fun what about the rocks and boulders you know what they say about the the birds and the bees the rocks and the boulders it's all the same it's all the same how long before we start a game breaking psychoid farm i don't know but i'm starting to enjoy the amount of foot traffic though like i said a very visually appealing game but one that i do feel like um trying to decide how it's always hard for me to decide how i would feel about a game if i didn't make videos on games for a living now which is a bizarre sentence to say like if i were just the guy in a house like would i find this as relaxing because there are some games that i find very relaxing to play but sometimes i do get some stress like colin maybe it's because i've mained colony managers but i do still like sitting down with some from time to time and just like giving out a great big howl and seeing what i can build in them you know what i mean let's go feed on boo again let's see if we can start to give anbu a command maybe because anbu will trust us more so now preparing the meal we're preparing the cannon good prepare the cannon launch the food in there we go okay so we're going through some sort of storm animal doctor all unbu doctor are disabled anvo appears to be just about completely fine to me we do need to deep poison on boo a little bit though let's see if we can get that going on boo doctor reactivate show interactions antidote reduce the poison level okay or cure the wounds oh let's see if we can get that going yes look there they go delivering the herbs antidote that should take down i wonder what they do so they don't really feed him they just sort of oh wait no they do they send over a hot air balloon and then it goes back and they put in some like eye drops that deposit him i guess or something like that all right very nice to see them doing that with those eye drops i guess we'll let them deliver the rest of the medicine and then we'll disable that building we don't really need it all the time yeah there is a good bit of disabling going on here though hey anger management zero zero thank you very much for gifting those five subs to uh to those five lucky viewers at home hey thank you very much anger management i think it's very important to have that under control too thank you actually no cap no cap you know i've been trying to fit in with the gen z here now no cap hey look the mother tree is why do i feel like slightly like motherland when i say mother tree the mother trees have reproduced what about the father trees where were the father trees we're not going down this this line anymore any further top hopper and roarnix thank you very much for the subs anger management you're really too kind thank you anger management more like happiness management i i go to a happiness management doctor because i'm just so glad they don't even know what to do with me anymore one might say i've been institutionalized ah i don't know where i'm going with this never really have i known um thunderstorm back to the game the oasis seemed to be yielding good results though we really do need some stones we could use that it's good when we have that i'm feeling as though that they're getting very efficient though now okay you're going to sleep here we're in currently the middle of a storm or a cold snap rather so this is a time when i would be like on boo gtfo onbu doesn't trust my commands with a great big toot see this is where i'm like hang on a second what is that this is my expedition okay where on the screen does it show me how much anbu trusts me because i think i've been pretty good i fed i saved him from death wait a second i gotta get this [Music] yeah let's just grab some stones and leave that's good sign posts i still think well he should have trusted me enough to get out of this the cold boy place because look now everyone's suffering immensely from him will i ever play caves of cut actually caves of cud is one of those games that's on my to-do list but i i think it keeps coming up with new uh simulation and roguelikes over the fall fall usually tends to be a time where people release a lot of games they're ready by christmas and then everything goes on sale so covering a lot of stuff right now but when there is a little yeah we'll go back to caves of cud i like that game look at on boo's behavior okay so maybe like that will tell us more of his like he hasn't shaken his back so i think he trusts me more than in the first playthrough but not really getting a full sound i do kind of like that black box effect though where like you can't perfectly figure out what's going on so i that would actually be okay if that were in this i'm not saying that all these things i'm i've been very picky and i apologize for that but yeah i was wondering if it was something that was obviously there and i wasn't seeing i know but uh he look he can sleep but he can hug himself is what i'm trying to say just why sleep here when he could sleep right there it's like two feet away and then or he could have slept before the cold snap but now we're all suffering immensely this is like fyodor dostoyevsky's the grand inquisitor it's just it's unexpected tears man there's something wrong here something very wrong uh let's see i guess we'll get iron because we haven't really needed it we don't want to go too far there we go i what else did we get going okay so we know we've got the second research boy going i haven't really noticed the speed of research increased by that much but i guess i'll leave two on it 74 75 oh scientist for nope we are doing it okay so scientists 140 efficiency what happens if i disable this oh that's very interesting okay i actually kind of like that yeah that's fair so basically like getting one more well what happens if i take one away okay so your first research place is like 100 but then if you try to double the number of scientists that gives you only 40 so you get marginal return decreasing marginal returns to more researchers by the number of places it seems to me unless if we get another 40 from this then it just stays the same but that is honestly that's kind of like how science really works irl don't you think like scientific research scientific progress there we go nice boy nice boy it's like stopping for a meal and pokemon you ever want to do that in the pokemon games you want to just like hang out with your pokemon i always kind of wanted to hang out with my pokemon feed him then wait so you think it's like a localized thing like now he'll be happy okay run on boo my command yes hell yeah i don't i mean i don't know there isn't much reason to have him running right now but we have gained the trust of the giant monster okay walk again mark again that's fine we don't need to really get that far i just wanted to see if you would do what i wanted you to i was testing you now another thing i should have said is uh i probably should have thought this through a bit more i mean he did go the way i wanted him to so it's fine but another thing that we can do is uh influence on bu to travel north or south so i suppose we could have done that there good good to see that though um we get the bowlers boulders for these i think i value that more than the sleep so i'll do that okay what's cooking good looking i mean unbu i like anbu anbu is a thick boy you guys like thick don't answer that don't answer that chat i i know you do though can he do any tricks make him roll over that'd be kind of neat to see because you do get a good well now i'm just going to kind of explore some stuff you do get a good look at you know that that thick rear end that thick posterior and look at this but i think it'd be neat if people came up and like tried to raid you from his back i mean think about like dyson's fear program that game added in combat and sheesh now i want to now i want to check that game out again that one takes quite a while to sit down with be kind of neat though because i like what i like what this game currently is and what it what it can be and i i don't know i i'm pro the wandering village i like it even though that i've pointed out some things i don't like hmm have we got the berry activation going right here hmm they're beat rather beats hmm we have the beets over there and then we bring them into the kitchen now i think i will put on a second cook that's good yeah it'd be nice if you could do a barrel roll though but let's like kind of look at what our villagers do so they don't really have tons of personality but they have a lot of jobs and they have a lot of like clothing variety the one thing i think would be nice is can i get you do get this look at like how many people are carriers how many people are builders harvesters i suppose i'm going to need to build another one of these worker posts yup if i want to designate exactly how many of other professions there are which is a bit funny because it still says there are zero idle like they do self-assign in their tasks but it's a little hard to figure out like you know in rimworld how you can get on that one screen exactly how many people will do mining if they have left over time yeah sometimes i feel like having some screen like that would be helpful i'm okay with not having the full information on on boo because i think that's interesting we got arid climate again okay so now we've got to do this it'd be interesting if you could get a building to say like activate only when um like we're in an arid climate or stop working when we're not in an arid climate i think that would be interesting but maybe that's automating too much whoops polenta let's get another cook on that so we just had to switch everything over because it appears as if we're in a desert again and we were kind of well adapted to the desert so now we can just do this open the map oh cool anvoo's actually falling asleep in a great spot here so now we can go on these expeditions um forming expedition party okay all right i'll allow it here we go they get done with that super fast and they should probably get an event here brought back 36 water what a fast way to get water though there we go knowledge i do wonder if there's like kind of a more ultimate goal though you know what i mean okay stone road yes of course it must be stone roads the famous civil war general stone road jackson or was that the revolution i remember who was it stone road jackson yes of course he's a historical figure look him up on wikipedia in the article that i made up of course i'm being facetious but wouldn't that be funny though compost dung to create compost what an excellent sentence used as fertilizers as fertilizer or biogas used as fuel by decontaminators so this was useful um let's put this over back here by well the poop um i don't know if i really want them walking quite that far well i don't want them walking this far but we also get dung from over there let's put it somewhere like here and that's fine okay let's see how fast these people are walking now on this yes i'm beginning to appreciate how fast they're walking now do they build this out of what do they need for this they do actually need the full stone slabs for this okay so this is going to make our lives vastly better i'm assuming let's do this path because everyone seems to be traveling it like constantly and also to here because now we're entering the dry season i do kind of enjoy the seasonal management though it's like oddly timely at this time of year pet on boo oh nice boy nice smooth boy yes i'll pet him we've got like a slightly different look to it now oh look he's just he's he's like in he thinks he's in the rebecca black video you know he looks like one of the kids it's friday friday you know he's having a great time anbu looks so sing-songy and glad yeah let's pet this boy we have 19 okay good they are researching this very fast petting onbu is fortunately not such a complicated thing to do but how would they pet him i mean are i guess are they going to get into the hot air balloon and like boop his nose [Music] yes compost to get compost let's check on this compost so the compost can be used in ah this is i'm trying to wrap my head around this so we go from compost heap to compost and then how do we get the other crap out of it you know pun intended oh crap we lost all of our roads probably not the smartest thing i've done um you know what onboard since you trust me so much like maybe a bit too much right now i'm cutting off your spikes because the rocks just aren't reproducing fast enough uh how do we find ourselves in these situations let's also see if we can just get her it's not a boulder there we go it's a rock of course of course it is maybe we'll just take down one of your spikes because i don't need to be i don't know if this is going to yield like some kind of horrible horrible distrust in me so i don't want to do too many of them maybe just one but yeah this is this is clearly not my best decision making to change everything to a road right now the polenta is coming pet every well we're 70 of the way to keep pooping his nose this reminds me of the youtube animal petting rabbit hole i don't know why i spent a lot of time on youtube probably because i make videos on it but anyway there's this huge rabbit hole on youtube where it's just like videos of people petting animals like this cat had no one to pet her so she found like the best person and it like it's a i don't know why it's just very captivating i i feel like it it preys on my emotions though when i'm like in kind of doom scrolling mode or not doom scrolling mode but just mindlessly scrolling mode so i've tried to tell youtube that i'm not interested in these videos because i feel like i'm uh i feel like i'm being marketed to when i watch them but anyway i don't know maybe i'm doing that with you with on boo right now so i i do apologize if you feel like i'm psychologically manipulating you into watching this stream yeah maybe not doom scrolling maybe that's the wrong word i recently just heard someone say doom-scrolling recently so i wanted to use it man look at how fruitful and and nice our farms are okay now i think we can start to pet this boy laxative how do we pet this boy can we maybe do it from the trebuchet no probably not i should have thought of that open sleep command on boo un boo pet on voodoo increase its trust in you what does it say i guess we do that at the doctor see if we try that at the interactions on boo doctor activate show interactions head on boo yes free to pet on boo preparing for the petting okay so i guess we'll get like some big hand that emerges from here preparing okay they're getting out of that yes it was in fact a hot air balloon there they go away and toward the face see if we could just keep it on this camera yeah we can see it there but i wanna oh oh look there yep they're gonna boop him oh he loves getting booped on the head they're literally landing on his head oh no he's he's rejecting the petting maybe he's did you enjoy it no he's actually he's squirming with pleasure at being booped on the snoot wow ah now that explains the hot air balloon oh that's i should have seen that before yeah it'd be weird if your doc came for like a house call he just arrived at your house in a hot air balloon like well there was a worldwide pandemic so we had to get around somewhere hot air balloon was all we had available of course it's the only it's the only way of transporting whatever i don't know my imagination is going weird places during this stream how's everyone doing ah the sawmill [Music] nothing to gather uh is that so actually on boo's making a sound on boo sits okay unaffected by poison anbu is being very agreeable for this entire playthrough now here's what i'm thinking is that every time that we want to take down a trunk we're going to have to construct a new sawmill next to it that's a little bit bizarre but i'm okay with it i guess uh yeah we just got to deconstruct because it doesn't seem to be can't move assigning more people okay all right i'm okay with that little things like that you know i'm a whiner the quarry oh this is interesting okay this does light up how you're supposed to use it so basically yeah it has to be adjacent to one of these large imposing structures i wonder if there's a way then also too to get the spikes off of him like kind of like you know like removing a tooth or something like that you know in a way that would be non-invasive and like um loving yeah because i am starting to well care about anbu very deeply i'm going to leave the mother trees on his back because he needs he needs a mom maybe you could get like a second on boo like on duo and then you would go back and forth between their backs or you could find another village and it would be like the mumma kill from lord of the rings and you'd fight each other from on top of their backs that would be interesting i don't know i just keep dreaming of how to add combat to every game though too maybe that's not healthy what have we got here farms and stuff hot is there anything that's like going to immediately kill us no but we could feed him again let's keep doing that on bu food constipate her to make him constipated i don't know why we'd want to do that okay anvo's not a very sleepy boy but now at this point here's how i feel like we've done a lot of prac i thought we would have had to do way more let's see how much further the research goes i'll take wheat harvesting that seems like a good long-term type of thing i kind of want to figure out uh how much more like research is there to do with on boop feeding pump liquid all right would we feed him like glass or something think of the size of the gun we could fit under anbu yeah he would be like one of those things at the end of star wars that has the cannon on its back right or uh what was that movie maybe it wasn't star wars inject on boo with various substances that sounds like a good time um we've got a laboratory this is mostly just for like okay so medicine but also toxic okay a forester that sounds kind of interesting or black pudding from on boo blood in the kitchen now i don't really want to do this because i don't want to upset on bu i don't see how i would do that tree nursery seems kind of interesting um but again like we haven't really needed treats i feel like we've had plenty with these things i feel like a lot of these kind of late game things just give us more of what we already have deep quarry yeah i don't want to hurt angus feelings and also too like what do we have scout tower so we could just slightly increase the world map we got the stone road cottage i don't really even feel like we need because we haven't made them distrust us or mistrust us the weed into flower but i feel like a lot of these technologies like we're already pretty well set on so strangely although it could be nice you know and i feel like we could expand out this village onto his back and maybe get more nomads your videos have been a constant companion of mine during long bro tts appreciated brother keep it up hey thank you very much very serious sounding donation voice from agent foul agent val thank you very much for the three dollars i forgot that i had made the actual dollars and cents donations sound male and occasionally it does make me afraid that someone is broken into my house and is speaking behind me but i i appreciate the uh the slight scare that i have there thank you very much yeah he's like an att or an atat from star wars maybe that yeah i'm in your walls i mean i read at the beginning of the game like we're trying to get to some place where we could actually sit like rather than having to be it doesn't seem like the ideal quality of life would be riding on a giant monster's back i mean this isn't anime guys this is real life clearly this game isn't an anime look at their fa well it might be an anime it's more like kind of curious george vibes that i'm getting also with beautiful animation slightly getting some cuphead vibes there but yeah i feel like that i've kind of hit my goal for this you know i i guess we could just keep going through biomes let's see if we could influence him a little bit uh all right north or south actually uh i'm going to decide that for you i like green let's go south try to influence him anvo anbu accepts my command good he's a smooth boy look at him he's like no i have a friend on my back they might extract my blood and take things out of me but they're not because they're conscientious we're just gonna keep booping this boy booping him i wonder if we could feed him at the same time as we pet him boop him in oh my god just maximum physical pleasure to be fed and booped on the snoot at once uh oh my god yes and he did what we asked him do does he have a choice he could reject my commands i haven't really had anything that would make him completely reject me yet and honestly this time is going way better with on boo than it did the last time um didn't really trust me the first place i learned but i feel as though that's a pretty good place to stop i feel like i've given you guys a good taste of the game i'm kind of curious to see like how play-throughs would be different or like uh where there is kind of more sandbox because this game is deemed a sandbox i feel like i could keep going back on harder and harder difficulties because i thought i would struggle here on normal difficulty but clearly i think i need to be playing the game on hard in order to get like that that satisfaction of catharsis but i don't know um i i like it i think it's a very beautiful game unlike anything that i've seen um and the devs were very responsive in emails too so that's always a nice thing to say um it's not always easy to get a hold of people but yeah i don't know smooth boys smooth boy play through it was a good time i enjoyed the wandering village um i'll be kind of curious to see what other people have to do with it maybe i'm not seeing everything or maybe i put out other features i believe he's an insect because of the six legs so to kind of clarify not a whale not a tortoise but probably that probably that all right everyone uh i think i'm gonna send you the way of another streamer
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 194,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the wandering village, wandering village, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian vods, the wandering village ep 1, the wandering village gameplay, the wandering village game, wandering village game, wandering village gameplay, let's play the wandering village, the wandering village let's play, wandering village lets play, the wandering village gameplay ep 1
Id: H1yLK-FA_1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 14sec (7874 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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