The Terrible Parable of burning the harvest field

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the world that's listening to open-door church on the radio let's say hello to them I love you love our radio listening audience people all over the world we call you guys blessed blessed blessed and everybody that's watching online at opened or experienced calm and everybody that's on Facebook and I want to remind everybody here that if you haven't yet checked in go ahead and check in and share the live facebook feed over to your Facebook so that you can help us reach your friends and your family for the Lord Jesus Christ guys I'm not exaggerating we've been having about 10,000 viewers on on Sunday mornings and Minette that gets me so excited why because we're serious about reaching people for Jesus amen so thank you so much guys for for your partnership in that it's an amazing time there's going to be a day not too long from now that that's going to be expensive right now it's free so let's do that amen amen amen well my friends every every month every month of October every year I preach a sermon series called the lord of the harvest and it's it's a theme in my life and I don't I don't always preach the same thing but always preach about the same thing and every year God gives me new layers of Revelation and I love layers of Revelation I do but one of the reasons why I do this every single October is because guys we need to understand the importance of the harvest and we need to understand that God does not think like a poor person God Almighty thinks like a rich person and rich people think in terms of investment and rich people want to pay off for their investment and King Jesus is the richest person in the entire universe and while he loves the poor while he identifies with the poor while he's willing to live with the poor he does not think like the poor he thinks like rich people and the reason why he hangs out with the poor is because he is making an investment a personal investment into their lives because he wants a harvest God Oh money God Almighty is glorified not through how big of a church we build not through how often we go to church not through how often we pray God Almighty is glorified through fruit and all of that our principals of the harvest guys today I'm going to make a stab at teaching a word that I call the terrible parable of burning the harvest field as I saw come before the Lord father God sir I love you and I praise you and I thank you Lord God Almighty Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I just love you Lord and I'm so grateful for you Father I just love you Holy Spirit would you please just abide in here in an incredible way would you please make yourself manifest I pray God that you speak to every single one of our hearts we love you lord god in jesus name amen guys if you have your Bibles opening them up to Matthew chapter 13 and let's just talk about the book of Matthew here for just a minute because guys we're going to go to the book of Matthew and the first 17 verses are the 41 generations of Jesus beginning at Abraham and you need to know that there are seventy seven generations beginning at Adam and then there's 41 beginning at Abraham and you need to know that the key word in the book of matthew the main word is the word kingdom matthew is the book it is matthew is the kingdom book whenever whenever matthew sit down and whenever he pinned out the scriptures that we now know as the book of matthew he saw jesus as a king and he's all about the king and he's all about the kingdom in fact my friends the word kingdom is in them is in the book of matthew 28 times and we know that 28 is a biblical number that represents times and seasons amen it represents times and seasons now if you don't if you're not sure about that I encourage you guys to go to Ecclesiastes chapter three verse one two and three and four and you just get off into all that there's a time this season for everything all right well guys there's 28 of those there's 28 of those so there's a kingdom amen for every single there's a way that you can bring the kingdom into every single time and season of your life you know if you're just beginning and work you know if you're if your kids are little or if your kids are growing up and your great grand kids are little amen whatever season it is that you're in you got there's a harvest for you and God Almighty wants to bring his kingdom into those places as there's something else to you that I'd like to tell you about the number 28 just just real quick and I'd like to say this that that I remember when first started looking this up it totally blew my mind if you go to Bible gateway comm and if you type in the word cross and if you do that you put it in King James there's 28 times there's 28 crosses in the Bible so what is that it's a cross for every time and season with in your life it's guaranteed victory no matter the season hallelujah amen well guys since we're talking about Matthew chapter 13 is where we're at Matthew 13 consists of seven parables and two explanations of his parables and then a rejection of Jesus his hometown Nazareth you know what Jesus was a pretty good teacher he really was I mean he was still rejected amen he was a pretty good guy he really was and he was still rejected he really was life-giving he really was and he was still rejected I want to just tell you man we need to worry more about the favor of the Lord than we are about the favor of the world we're not gonna work you're not gonna make friends with the world listen listen I promise you I'm the kind of guy that wants to get along with everybody and it really disturbs me when when people think I'm the bad guy I just go you don't like me what's wrong with you how could you possibly not like me I'm cool right now you know what's really as guys we're we have to learn to go after the favor of God more than we go after the favor of people and we need to be polite we need to be real we need to go out of our way to love people but don't think that we're gonna win the world over because we're not Jesus couldn't win the world over amen all right well guys let's just let's just talk about so there's the parable the sower there's a parable the tares that's the you know the weeds there's a parable the mustard seed there's a parable the leaven the parable of the hidden treasure which I think is my favorite one the parable of the pearl the parable draw on the net and all of that is in Matthew chapter 13 and I want to encourage you guys to to go there this week man and go to my Facebook pull down all my notes everything that I'm looking at here is on my facebook it'll be up today by a two o'clock and as a matter of fact that's not true it'll be up this morning they're putting it up very early today and so I'll pull that off and use this as your own personal Bible study this week if you're like well I don't even know what a parable is that's okay I can tell you a parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson that's told by Jesus in the Gospels so this is what Jesus does he's like look I want to explain to you how the kingdom works let's just back up just a little bit and just tell you what is the kingdom because that's that's pretty big deal because our whole world is supposed to be about the kingdom well what is the kingdom it's it's it's the way and it's the territory where Jesus Christ rules and reigns okay so it's when the king has dominion Kingdome amen you guys tracking with me on that so when the King has Dominion this is what it looks like or this is the way that things operate or these are the this this is the way that things go whenever the King has dominion that's why Jesus says seek you first it's the kingdom right be be somebody that's all about bringing his heart in his will in his ways in his desires into every single situation that we all are presented with amen and man constantly look at things and go you know what if the King had his way here what would this look like because I'm an ambassador of the King amen and it's my job no matter where I'm at no matter where I'm at to try and bring the kingdom into this thing why because Jesus is a king and he wants dominion over more territory amen the first territory that Jesus wants dominion over is me amen and that's why Jesus said hey the kingdom is within you so he's like the first territory that you need to worry about is inside of you and constantly be given the kingdom in yin over your thought life over your want life over everything that you steward concerning your own personal life and then from there take a very real responsibility and looking at things and going you know what that little girl should not be a slave when the King has Dominion there is no slavery amen and say you know what if I have if I have it within my capacity to bring the kingdom to this I'm gonna do that and I'm gonna get that little girl out and this is what we're going to do we're not just going to set her free man we're gonna love her and we're gonna encourage her and it might even take decades for us to walk her all the way through the process until she's no longer vulnerable to this thing see that's what the King does amen and that's what the kingdom looks like well what Jesus would do to explain what the kingdom looks like or what or how cool it is whenever whenever Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning he would say okay well you know how this works right like yeah of course I do and then he would say well the kingdom of heaven is just like that well it's like what it's like it's like all these things that are common within your life as a matter of fact there are illustrated sermons or parables in everyday living of how the kingdom works now when I first begin to when I first begin to to to learn this it began to blow my mind and I want to just tell you this guys that there are 46 there are 46 parables 46 parables in the that the Jesus Christ gives and if you study all 46 parables you learn 46 different facets of how the kingdom works and guys we need to be such Kingdom people what's real is man you can be too churchy but you can't have too much Kingdom within your life amen one of the ways that the kingdom works is through the church and within the church but that's just one of the ways amen what does the kingdom look like you know when it comes to I don't know racing what does the kingdom look like when it comes to farming what does the kingdom look like when it comes to finances what does the kingdom look like when it comes to your marriage what does the kingdom look like when it comes to politics what does the kingdom look like when all those things man the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom and guys we need to be Kingdom fanatics because we are fanatics about the king somebody say hallelujah amen amen well guys 46 is an interesting number to me because well in your DNA you have a double helix and there's 23 from the male and 23 from the female amen and that's 46 literally within your body is the number 46 in every single part of your body 46 is a number that actually that actually represents being joined through a revelation now the word Levi has the numerical value of the number 46 and that's interesting to me because the Levites are the ones you teach us hey man are you guys tracking here today yep nobody here's mad at me right okay that's good I'll run you out of here I'll tell you how well guys it's it's actually the levites that actually teaches right on 46 and so the name Levi actually means joined amen and there it is again so you have the 23 and the 23 joined together to make somebody and then you have heaven and earth joining together to make the kingdom amen Levi means joined and the numerical value of the name Levi is actually 46 guys that reminds me of the 46 book in the Bible first Corinthians because first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 17 says but he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit yeah that's pretty cool 46 so a parable is when you take a natural thing and you use it to illustrate a supernatural thing and anytime that you're saying well you know why man the kingdom of heaven is just like that the kingdom of heaven is just like that the principle behind parables is found in Romans chapter 120 where he says for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse what does that mean you know you can learn that I mean we can learn and we can learn to recite that without actually knowing what it means but this is what it means it means this you can see what's going on in the spirit by looking at the things that's going on around you hallelujah guys these guys don't you know that that's the truth some of the greatest sermons I've ever heard in my life did not come from preachers they came from certain scenarios within my life and I went man that was the Lord and I just learned from that the very first time I ever became aware of this I was sitting on the back porch with my Papa Papa's in heaven now and I want to just tell you Papa had Papa is the single he has the greatest influence of anybody in my life over me and I love my grandfather I just love him he's been gone for a while but I think about him every single day and anytime I smell a pipe I go oh man that smells like Papa Papa would sit around smoke his pipe and make a real ugly face under his cowboy hat and I kind of a crotchety old old old man but I want to tell you man he loved me man I mean he loved me and he loved me and there was really no reason for him to love me I mean he wasn't even actually my flesh and blood and I remember he was actually my step grandfather and I remember I was like probably 14 years old before it dawned on me that he was my step grandfather I was thought one day it just clicked and I can remember going to him and asked him Papa why do you love me so much and you know he never one time ever called me Troy I never heard him call me Troy one time he always called me Hoss and you say Hoss I can't help it I went well that makes sense said it does it we were sitting on the back porch one time and I just got saved and I was 19 years old he was so happy that I was full of the holy spirit and he was so happy to see me saved and I was sitting on the back porch and papa was smoking his pipe like a Texan Gandalf you know sitting back there and he said Hoss you see that tree right out there and I said yes sir and he said that tree is the first tree to lose its leaves in the winter time and it's the first tree to gain its leaves in the springtime I looked out that tree and looked back at him I thought dang he's old look I'm the old dude now because I'm always talking about trees I love my trees and I drive my kids crazy top look at that tree think I thought I'm they're like dang he's old man right but what's real is he just looked at he's like what do you think that means he's puffing on his pot and I just looked out at that tree and all of a sudden the spirit of living God moved upon me and I got an interpretation of what the Lord was speaking to him through this natural event that he couldn't ignore and he couldn't deny and I said well Papa I think it means the first should be last and the last should be first and he looked at me and he smiled he said that's exactly what it means he goes look here and he opened up his Bible and he had a marker and where he had been reading it said the first to be last and last be first he goes look at this he goes here's the Bible and there's the Bible talking about the tree amen and I went I want to tell you it was like this it's like Shh and my mind has been blown ever since okay that was 31 years ago and I want to tell you man for the past 31 years I have been looking at the parables that had been going on around me my whole life going man did you see this did you see that oh my gosh that is so the Lord oh my Amen I know that this last week is as the fires went through Napa Valley I was just like if I had a dream and if the grapes were still on the vine and a fire came through and destroyed the vines and destroyed the harvest what would that mean I told y'all last week that there was a terrible attack against the harvest the event that happened in Las Vegas that festival was called the 90 the route 91 Harvest Festival and then right on the hills of that we literally had our grape crops destroyed while the grapes were still on the vine while they were still there man I looked at that and guys I want you to know that some of those some of those vines I'm going to be in Napa Valley here after next after the revival I'm gonna be there for a couple of days I got some leadership training to do and guys I want to just tell you man I so some of those vines were a hundred years old and they were moved in from from Bordeaux they were actually shipped in from Bordeaux and those those vines were destroyed and whenever they replant you don't get a harvest until after seven years so if you're a cab guy I listen I want you to know that 85% of all the Cabernet in the world comes from Napa and 30% of that was was was killed on the vine and the rest of it was rimmed by smoke and I want to tell you that that is just wrong on a whole lot of levels and I want to just I want to throw this out there to you and you need to be aware that the devil is after your harvest do not let him have your harvest do not let him have your harvest man make a stand for your harvest in the name of Jesus well I'm going to skip down guys and I'm gonna go to the parable of the wheat in the tares and guys we're gonna be looking at Matthew 13 the parable of the wheat and the tares now the word terror actually means weeds so another parable he put forth to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed into his field so the problem is not the seed and the problem is not the field but while men slept there it is his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and then he went on his way but when the grain is sprouted and it produced a crop then the weeds also appeared so the service of the owner came and said to him Sir didn't you sow good seed in your field then how come there's all these weeds in it and he said to them well an enemy has done this the servants said to him well do you want to stand to go and gather them all up but he said no unless because because if you did you would also while you gathered up the weeds you would also uproot the wheat with them so let both grow until the time of the harvest and at the time of the harvest I will say to the Reapers first gather together the tares and then bind them in bundles to burn but gather the wheat into my barn this is this is an incredible incredible parable of Jesus says this is how it works in the kingdom when I rule and reign within your life I want you to know that I want to harvest I also want you to know I don't expect you to give me a weedless harvest I want you to think about that for just a second because this is what he says if you try and make your life all about pulling weeds you will not be about producing a harvest you let me pull the weeds you are not going to produce a weedless harvest if you got something going on between you and God I promise you there is a mess involved in it that does not mean that the harvest is not legitimate I'm not making any excuses for anything that's going on within anybody's life but I'll tell you this you can I don't care how good of a parent you are there's still going to be weeds in that field I don't care how much you know the Bible they're still going to be weeds in your understanding of the Word of God i if you're gonna go to church I promise you there's gonna be weeds in that I promise you there's gonna be stuff man I love this I love this I love this but I can't stand sister Susie rotten heart my god she's a weight in my life amen well we all understand we really in Shirley Dee but what's real is this God doesn't muck God doesn't expect you to give him a weedless harvest he knows that the seed is good he knows that the field is good he also knows this the harvest is is his you do not go into somebody's life thinking I'm gonna pull these weeds out of that person's life and those weeds out of that person's life I'm gonna fix this person no no no you you say I'm bringing the kingdom to this person's life that's what you do whenever we go to whenever we go do the homeless outreach today we're not going up there to fix anybody we're not going up there straighten anybody out we're not going up there to tell them how they ought to be living we're not going up there to discuss man how many times are you gonna do make bad choices yada yada ya know we're goin up there guys to bring the kingdom to people because what's real is when Jesus Christ gets his harvest he'll burn the weeds amen did you see that within that within that parable man see that sets me free that sets me free of and that sets me free in so many different kinds of ways it just it makes me free because of what's realized I'm responsible for pulling the weeds out of your life I'm responsible for making sure that there is a harvest and I like that I like that a whole lot well I tell you what if the church actually believe this man man got the whole world would get saved well guys I want to tell you that God does not expect you to have a weedless harvest he just expects a harvest out of your life and guys I'm so unhappy about so many weeds in my life I'm so unhappy about there's been so many things that God has done that's been so great but while I slept amen I just let a devil come right into my field and plant a bunch of bad stuff but I didn't care because I deserved a break well I tell you what guys when we start deserving breaks and say man you know I deserve to let my hair down for a while I just need to just I'm just I'm not gonna mess with this field for a little while the devil is looking for when we leave our fields and he'll come in and he'll plant these weeds and they'll come up and you'll be like at home man there's all these weeds in this field and King Jesus will tell you hey you just make sure and you steward this field in such a way that it goes all the way through until there's finally a harvest and then I I will gather the weeds and I will burn them hallelujah cause you're going to have problems but you're going to have victory over your problems you're going to learn to spit out the bones and get past the yucky stuff that happens within your walk with God I'm sorry for the weeds in your walk I really and truly am I'm not happy about the weeds in your walk but I want to tell you there is not a single person that has ever been to the Golden Corral and went through and found something they didn't like and then just burn the whole buffet amen there has never been there has never been a knucklehead that has ever done that and just exactly like I sometimes I want to just tell you this I see people do this in their marriages all the time so all these weeds I'm just gonna burn the whole field I whoa really yeah yeah yeah and I'm gonna be blessed and I'm just going to go on and this is what I'm gonna do really you don't know that God wanted to harvest that while the field is yours the harvest is his and you don't have the right to burn that field oh oh you know why I went to church and man I went to church and it was so awesome and then one day I got mad and I just burn the whole field just burned it off just set up I'm just going to just burn dude the harvest is not yours the harvest is his and so men you have to be willing to steward it all the way through until there is a harvest and then Jesus will remove the weeds and this is what you need to know man the harvest is seasonal amen the harvest doesn't take a million years for it to happen it does take time for it to happen it does menace seed time and harvest we we just think it's seed and harvest but there's this time thing amen seed time and harvest all right well always time thing going on God well I just want to just encourage you and just tell you that when there is a harvest when there is a harvest you take that harvest and then you plant that harvest for the multiplication of the next harvest and this is our walk and in the midst of all that there's weeds there's yucky stuff guys we stand up here all the time and tell all these amazing stories about all these little girls that we're saving on a sexual trafficking but I do not get up here and tell you the stories that I know about that are so horrible down I that there are times I just have to make myself it's very hard for somebody for somebody who's bound and determined to love people and get involved in people's life to know when they start telling you their stories and know what they've been through and to know that that was going on and there were so many people that had an opportunity to help them and nobody would it makes me want to turn into the Machine Gun Preacher oh he's not a man of God no I'm a man amen and and and if you you know if you can have peace like you know brother Gandhi and be involved in hearing about how girls are being raped and molested and tortured for a year because they're poor there there's a there's an anger that comes on me man when I think about it because there's a heartbreak that comes on me and I just go my god wait the church has to be involved in this this stuff breaks the heart of the king we have to bring the kingdom into this we have to do this I don't tell you man there's weeds in it promise you and I also want to tell you this too man you're going to spend a lot of money on people that you will not be successful with there's gonna be weeds in it yeah we tell all these stories about you know all these little boys and little girls all over the world that are in our orphanages you know we have we have two homes in Nepal we have two homes in India we have two homes in Uganda we have one in the Amazon jungle we have a couple of Mexico man we you know and we tell all these amazing stories and guys there is a harvest I mean they're really in truly is I just showed you the picture of the reigning Miss Uganda who is a Jesus Freak I mean she is madly in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and she uses her platform as Miss Uganda to go around and tell the world do you know that child sacrifices are still taking place today that's her platform as she brings attention to child sacrifices that are going on in Uganda even right now in the very village guys that you and I have built the mountain that is at the top okay our village is at the bottom of the of this giant hill and for hundreds of years up until we built our village that was the place where they took children to sacrifice them I want to tell you man there's a lot of victory but I want to tell you there's also a bunch of weeds and you just can't burn the whole field and say I'm gonna bail because the weeds that are in this thing sometimes you do have to burn the field but that out but I do not recommend it there are some times it's true but I'm gonna tell you I think that there's just way too much field burning instead of just endeavoring to persevere I think that there's way too much filled burning instead of I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna hold my ground and I know I'm standing in a bunch of weeds and I haven't done everything right and everything has it worked out the way that I want to but you know what this is this is the field that God trusted me with and he deserves a harvest there's a world-famous field burner in the Bible whose name is Samson and I don't know if you guys know the story or not but in judges chapter 15 that listen I love Samson okay but man he is a knucklehead I mean in a really really really bad way he's the brother dadgum it Samson like come on man so he has this wife who's a Philistine which he's not supposed to do and he doesn't talk to her he doesn't visit her he doesn't live with her and he's gone for so long they assume well I guess he divorced her so he shows up one day and he decides he wants to love on his bride and this is what the Bible says I can read this to you and after a while in the time of the wheat harvest catch that because that's prophetic it says that and at the time at the time of the wheat harvest it has it happened that Samson visited his wife with a young goat and he said let me go to my wife and let me go into her room but her father said I really thought that you hated her so I gave her to your best friend the brother shows up and he's going to woo his wife with a goat he's like do you not see I brought a goat but see dude we haven't seen you in forever I know dude but I brought a goat and when he finds out he goes what wait a minute I've been wronged and guys he hadn't been wronged everybody he's wronged to everybody else but in his mind he has been wronged did I see that all the time I've been wrong to such a degree I have to burn the field no you are a knucklehead man we need to know the difference between persecution and just being stupid amen and this brother never knows the difference between persecution and just being stupid just living life in a way that's never ever ever going to be fruitful amen there was it's this person's fault and that's person's fault and there's God did this wrong and that got that wrong dude can I just tell you you've been gone for years you show up with a goat and you think your Brides gonna come running out in lingerie what world do you live in I live in the world of Samson I live in now this is the world that I live in and then you walk around within this in this in this world and you're clueless of the destruction that you're making because of your choices so Samson says this this is what Simon Samson determined whenever he found out oh you gave my wife away he says this this time I shall be blameless regarding the Philistines bin Samson went and caught 300 foxes he took torches turned the fox's tail to tell put a torch between each pair each pair tells and when he had set the torches on fire he let the foxes go into the standing grain and then burned up both the shocks and the standing grain as well as all the vineyards and the olive groves he said I'm burning down every field there is because I'm gonna throw a fit I want to tell you man I've before you guys think I'm preaching from some ivory tower man I there had been fields that I had burned because of a fit that I've thrown and I asked out manna God help me I don't want to be a world-famous fit thrower I don't want to be famous for burning fields I want to be famous for the harvest because that's what glorifies King Jesus and what's real is he's throwing a fit in the name of how he's been persecuted in the name of how he's been wronged did nobody even wronged him he was messing with people he should have been messing with he was living a life that he shouldn't been living he was playing with things he shouldn't been playing with and he just thought a goat was gonna fix everything you know I venture to say that probably every single one of us in this room has been guilty of the same thing at one time or another we've lived in a way that we shouldn't have lived we played with things we shouldn't have played with we did stupid things we shouldn't have done and then we showed up and we thought well I'm just gonna fit and this is the thing I'm gonna fix it with and when it doesn't fit we throw a wall outfit say I tried to do what was right and y'all wronged me so I'm just gonna burn the field guys I want to I could spend a long time talking to you about how prophetic it is that he used foxes because foxes always destroy vineyards amen y'all know the verse is on that it says it's the little foxes that ruin the vine what are the foxes it's the things that we cooperate with that are not in alignment with the harvest that God is trusting us with so guys we need to have alignment for our own personal assignments whatever that is and if we got a bunch of stuff within our life that doesn't that's not in alignment those things become foxes and while they're beautiful and while they're cool and while they're awesome they destroy the vineyard and they destroy the harvest that God has trust us with because we're not supposed to be we're not supposed to be entertaining foxes in the fields we're we're supposed to be producing fruit
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 1,933
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Id: 2iSNWPKv3zY
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Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2017
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