Kirby de Lanerolle | The Cloud of Witnesses | 21st November 2017 | WOWLife Church

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on thank you Jesus thank you lord thank you lord what are awesome family we have man I'll tell you just love vow I can't just dream or think of doing anything else but just mentioning to you guys they're the most beautiful beautiful church in the world beautiful absolutely gorgeous you know yeah absolutely go just share about karappa Shanna thank you Jesus thank you Jesus here you give a big hand to retrieve his back from Dubai Richie Jesus thank you thank you thank you hey hey buddy come on he was with me he flew all the way from the UK to the Canadian five-day program in Calgary even big hand it's awesome we had a good time huh it was a good time man justice awesome and a big hand for tonico basic we're sitting right at the back tried to hide his love ya must masses knee nice middle middle one yeah come on it's awesome good hey everyone's here it's cool superb yeah it's Christmas okay so I would like to I would like to teach something today that is connected with with Joseph when he spoke on Sunday and you know we've been preaching a lot about it and I think Joseph really brought rounded it up for us with his experiences in the cloud how mean if you enjoy to Joseph it's awesome huh okay so I just want to just bring a bit about with about the cloud and and release an impartation and show you in the word the power of the cloud of witnesses and the faith that has been released to us through generation someone he wound up okay but here's the deal okay when I'm preaching okay I don't want you to just be sitting around okay you need to engage me engage the world okay jump up shout run okay disturb okay don't worry okay don't worry just go ballistic okay because when the word comes to you you cannot receive it just sitting like this you know some of some of you must must look for my eyes and I'm like oh my god he looks bored now I and I'm I need not get bored because because guys you can't get really bored with the word if you don't know how to engage it and what he said all churches bought because boring is because we don't engage the word come on yeah that's it come on yeah I'm talking yeah you don't engage the word so if you engage but if somebody's talking to you and you're engaged in a conversation then it doesn't get boring okay and it goes right into your heart because you're engaging your somatically locking it down and saying yes that's right I agree wow that's cool you see as you do that you are engaging the word and it goes into your heart okay if you just don't say anything at all there's someone saying something anyways in your mind no matter what I'm saying there are two actually three voices in your head okay and especially in start of Jesus you will distinctly hear the first three three voices one is someone guys saying no this is not true no no it's impossible he won't make it no it won't happen okay that guy he's always talking okay okay that's the devil okay then there's another guy okay very smart wise like now of course for sure of course that's real it's for you you can have it you know you can do it that's that's a system or voice okay he's Jesus is the Holy Spirit okay and then let the other guy who's like what the heck do I do okay that's you so that's the that's that's what you call your spirit your spirit okay and hearing your spirit is very important because your spirit speaks to your soul okay so if you don't understand the Holy Spirit is being but your spirit is speaking so hey what do you do what and he's talking as well then Holy Spirit is talking as well you get what I'm trying to say and it is the devil and when you come into the fullness of God and you start hearing him in his fullness there's very few times you hear the other guy like no you can't know you won't know it's impossible when that guy's voice gets less and less and less and less you start achieving everything God's plan and purpose for you that means the first thought that comes into your mind is Jesus and the possibilities of God you understand that the first well as sake answer the first possibility comes in is we're gonna kick its butt yeah when you say can't say the first thing that comes in is yeah we have one over that it's not even I'm going to win it's like we have one we have broken you you see okay yeah you see so when you say 2018 you're gonna make more money than 2017 okay the first thing that come should come in your head is yeah sure of course that's already done you see yeah that should come so that means your thought process is being sanctified you got it sanctification has happened from inside because it's all good okay right many Oh spirit the voice of your your spirit or if you can you can call it your higher self your your spirit when your spirit voice of your spirit so sounding like the Holy Spirit your whole life changes your whole life changer that means it starts identifying with the Holy Spirit I mean it in sanctifies like yes that's right come on come on the Holy Spirit has told me these are the promises of God you know when your spirits are sounding like the Holy Spirit the subconscious mind gets transformed right and the physiology will follow okay okay now okay now I'm going to show you a bit bits it is all to do with the last telling me okay are you with me if you have time will prophesy and go into miracles and signs and wonders and all this stuff okay but it's gonna be good it's gonna be good it's gonna be really good okay really good okay so let's just have a look at a few things okay I'm just gonna show you what it means to follow Jesus just jump into Oh beautiful it ever happened to you come to Papa you've forgotten everything like what the heck was I going to preach and where ever I going to start from like okay okay give me a minute I didn't figure this one out okay Jesus Jesus Jesus Holy Spirit help yeah it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be awesome it's fun when he just takes everything that you plan out okay okay sattva Matthew it's not Matthew here okay all right I got it I came I got it back okay Matthew okay and what do you understand that the the genealogy of Jesus okay Matthew starts off with a genealogy of Jesus okay so now you know that Nicodemus came to Jesus and Jesus told Nicodemus something very interesting so we're going to do this in two parts okay that is going to be third gear and then we're going to go straight on to like seventh gear okay so tell year to seven gear so the best now getting first to third okay are you ready all right so the genealogy of Jesus I'm a dimensional teacher so I'm be teaching here but it's dimensional okay don't go this way okay I don't go Greek on me all right okay so you see the genealogy jesus said every time you say genealogy it's like it's the family tree okay of Jesus and that's the line of Jesus but Nicodemus when he came to Jesus Jesus stolen something really interesting he said Nicodemus if you believe in me he says you if you believe in me you have to be born again to see the Dominion to experience the kingdom okay and as a that the difference between Kingdom doesn't mean heaven but it is to experience to enter the Dominion the kingdom to get back the authority Jesus like spoke to the rain and the rain stopped the storm came and the storm stopped the he because the tree the curse the tree fell into pieces the V died I mean it looked like he was back in authority he looked like he was back into Dominion so he talks to Nicodemus about entering the Dominion because Nicodemus tells him that he has never seen anyone do what Jesus does to work the works okay he wasn't talking to him any stuff he was talking about the tree the tree the thing just vanished okay Jesus that storm just stopped Jesus Luke the money and you multiplied it a thousand rupees but anything at the end of the day everyone had a hundred thousand rupees what happened how does that happen you say and he said okay you get the Dominion Nicodemus you have to be born again very important statement you need to be born again and he said how is this happened it is not like you in flesh and blood you know you don't go back into the mother's womb okay and be born you're born of another thing okay and these people are born of God and it separates the genealogy of man okay separated to the genealogy of God okay that's what he's doing there okay so now understanding that this is the genealogy of Jesus okay are you ready okay so he says the book and the genealogy of Jesus Christ the Son of David the son of Abraham okay the son of David very interesting son of David and the son of Abraham is it there and so Matthew is writing the genealogy and he says Abraham begot Isaac and I'm going to explain a few things okay now don't don't don't look don't don't don't be upset with me okay I'm I'm just going I'm not trying to shame any of these awesome men of God but I'm just going to release to you some of their lifestyles and for you to plainly see who Jesus is born off okay Jesus Christ the Son of God the the most holy one is born of whom okay what is so abraham begat isaac and isaac begat jacob and jacob begat judah and his brother and his brothers and so you know you don't have to worry about jacob jacob was the guy who i mean he he tricked everybody he tricked his father and took his brothers inheritance this guy Jacob okay so I mean he was a great guy but you know but the fact of the matter he was called Israel but a fact no matter he wasn't such a great guy if you look at his his values and his sins that from the time he was called he he was called as a planter that means he would take what is not his okay have you met anyone like that okay this is Jacob jr. with Jesus okay I mean Jacob was the guy who was Israel at the end but believe me his life was nowhere close to anything good okay and then he say so Jacob because Judah and his brother and Judah bigger we got Perez Judah it was Judah was one of his children we got Paris and Zima by tamo know this lady Tama is a yeah yeah yeah she was worse than you tell me I mean I think yeah that's me I said honey I know you okay I know you I've known him for a long time but you're nowhere close to Tama okay because Tama was really interesting character you know Tama was actually she was betrothed first to talk to a guy and he died okay and then he was retold then in those days you could be betrothed to the brother because if it betrothed to one then you could search the father says he you know what we be betrothed not to and a father of Tama and this is the name that sorry the father of the son okay that means I was it was Judah okay so you do understand it so Judah gave one of his boys to marry Tama okay and so one guy died and so she like okay told other boy you know you better marry your brother's wife because that's the tradition so that was no problem that guy died as well okay and he had one more boy you remember the other one and he says don't worry I'll give you my youngest boy to get married to but it took some time so what do Tama do Tamar Tom Cooley and I remember this is the genealogy of Jesus Christ okay Tamar Cooley dressed herself up like a prostitute and waited on the road when Judah that means her husband's father was walking around and she seduced him okay and got him to have sex with her and they never bigger begotten a child so Tammy I don't even compete with her ladies and gentlemen this is the genealogy of our Savior Jesus Christ okay alright okay so he was then Danny pers Tamar okay and then then Perez we got his daughter his rambha got RAM and RAM we got a banaba nabina Bobby good nation and we got salmon we got boys okay and you boys is very interesting okay okay Boaz is very interesting and Boaz is born by Rahab and I won't you know the mother of Boaz is Rahab and she's the famous lady who they went into Jericho with Joshua and they want to take the city of Jericho but they couldn't find anyone who'd betray their people and they found a prostitute who would betray her own people and her name was Rahab and they befriended Rahab I don't know what they did I don't know whether there was anything like that but they've been to her house today and that's how Jericho failed because of a prostitute who betrayed her people okay and guess what you know her son but Boaz and the famous Boaz okay the famous boys with Ruth you know root beds you know and root was a Moabite and you know my more bites are terrible root for the more bite more bites a table because I'll give you the background more bites I'm not even allowed into the Jerusalem camp not even around the area why because mobitz are Noah's daughters children who slept with Noah the father what do you think of our family tree geez this is the family tree and we're thinking this is Jesus his family tree okay and I just want you to understand and so there's a route after Boylston route and so that whole thing went on okay and out of route obeyed came off and then he begat jesse and you who's Jesse guess who Jesse is Jesse's David's father come on you see the son of David there you go and then David is born and David then of course puts out a phenomenal son and his name is Sullivan and everything is wise and stuff like that but if you actually go into Kings you think Solomon is a great guy but he isn't I honestly don't think someone is such a great guy because I don't know Warren Solomon's wisdom Solomon got wisdom but at the end of the day the Bible say that his Solomon was wicked and he let go down at the end he gave up God because he married wives that were out of a different race and a cost and they worship idols and finally Solomon gave himself to the idol solomon solomon guy wrote proverbs gave up on God I'm sorry to disappoint you it's in the Bible Solomon give up on God King Solomon yeah probably read his books it's awesome awesome books the update says that Solomon was wicked at the end and he gave up any turn to his wives gods and he worshipped the God of heaven that's what it says Solomon can you believe it and and it says that you know when you say 666 the number of the beast he would six drones and the six things and all that Solomon but I'm a doing that he did everything against God he was known as the Beast you know why he had 700 wives and 300 concubines a thousand girls only a beast can handle that anyway Jesus is born out of all that please the genealogy of Jesus ladies and gentlemen this is the genealogy of Jesus okay all right then yeah so and then he goes on solomon begat roboam and roboam begat begat Josaphat just a bit bigger joram joram begat ozias i be good and all these Kings were wicked okay believe me all these Kings were really really wicked okay I mean just to understand even Hezekiah and people like that Hezekiah was also many started but at the end you remember he went and showed off all his stuff too and then he lost the whole kingdom he's a guy was a good King but he messed up as well okay and then he pulled out a son called Manus who reigned for 55 years he was one of the most wicked wicked his kings Jesus is born of that he turned away from God he set up all the idols he's like I pulled all the idols out of out of Jerusalem and Judah and and all that Manasseh went and put them right back in and he opened a temple of God to to demonic gods and idols and he sacrificed demonic things in the temple and he I mean they took the gold out of the temple and is sold it this is this is this is this is the genealogy of Jesus okay and and just higher because Justin and brother baby Lord and all that and even in the Babylon okay okay I know you go right down okay and he says but 16 Jacob you got Joseph her husband Mary who was born Jesus who is called the Christ ha so that is the father of Jesus Joseph we got Mary and then was born a son and this is now he was called the Christ verse 19 now the birth of Jesus Christ was a was as follows after his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they came together she was found with a child of the hollow of whoo ohh after whoo Holy Spirit that means that was the genealogy of Joseph hmm okay but to the Holy Spirit was born a child now I want you to understand that it didn't take away from the fact that Jesus was adopted into Joseph and up by the genealogy and that's why he is the line of David that we saw celebrate okay now who are you a child of ah okay so it's so important to understand that Jesus is born of the Holy Spirit now my father let me just explain to you my father is awesome he's a man of God right here he sits right here and I celebrate him but his father's father used to stop every 10 meters and I loved him dearly but he stopped 10 meters to have a drink so from from his trip from Planet Earth to Colombo takes like five hours all right and he used to have little garden in his medulla okay and he used to have this herb that he's to grow apparently and granny used to say that he used to his hair like me he's too tied up in his ponytail like this I made a bun like this and he would say little hubs and somehow he could smoke these things apparently okay and all day he was smoking the herb and walking around with a gun and going for six months in a junk that'll be the boys and coming out for six months and no one ever saw him because he was just chilled I'm just talking about is in my genealogy in my geology you know all right but I'm just trying to say what do but Who am I born off Holy Spirit who is my dad born of Holy Spirit because that doesn't have a drink at all hmm before he met Jesus he was having a couple of drinks hmm but many met Jesus he was born of the Holy Spirit hmm you see what does it mean to know Jesus Christ a lot of people don't understand that's why it says I am crucified with Christ Galla chances I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet on me but the Christ lives in me and the life that I live now is not by the of anyone else but the faith of Jesus Christ and I live my life according to that so I died I am crucified I died my genealogy died okay and I was born of the Holy Spirit is that good okay and so when we understand that Galatians 4:4 says when the fullness of time had come God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law okay to to redeem those who are under the law to receive their adoption as sons you see so he says when the fullness of time had come God sent forth his son okay that's what it says that um that we who are under the Jeannie Jeannie ologies the law if they had they had something it should be passed down okay that we might receive the adoption as sons now we cry because you are sons of God since for he sent the for the spirit of the son that we might cry daddy come on come on shout daddy daddy father something shifted from our natural genealogies that problem with Chris and today they don't understand that the born-again the power that everything shifted and because of that they struggle in working in the new creation reality and sometimes they need to go back and middle with the past to walk into the future but I was running recently I just ran to over 18 kilometres just yesterday and the night before I had no either soak a laksa soup and they had a bit of egg in it and I don't like the noodles as a flight I had a bit of egg in it and ever a bit of meat I don't know whatever so it like soy meat so whatever in it okay and I knew I was gonna run the next day so when I started running now that was all I ate for that whole day but so when I started running my body is telling me okay that's awesome because now you got some egg in you and you got some soy in you okay and you know you'll be will really do dating okay and I was like he's coming from because what I'd consumed or done before will not determine the steps I take in the future okay because there's nothing that we are running on in the future okay that the past can contribute to very important okay there's nothing that you're gonna achieve in the in the future okay that you're going to run on in the future that your past can contribute to you're born again and so then I had to re change my mind in the previous day and I started running the I hate to run when I consume something I don't like exciting like that because I want to depend on what God is giving me every step of the way you see and I change my mind and say this is not egg this is not this whatever it is the soy this is I mean it's not even like 500 calories in that but he can't and even simple but I've changed my mind because my body is trying to tell me - tell me it's because of what you did yeah okay and then after about I think Victoria become a big giving hand behind Victoria she she made it from Tammy's house all the way to the to the culinary bridge and she's never run in her life she's never run in her life never right never run in her life and tell me as well but I never got to carry any bridge you know I was fully convinced that every step that I take in the future okay is the power is not coming from behind me but coming from in front of me you see all right so look unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith you're looking you're not good looking that way what I should change now what I did in the past how should I changes how I change my heart so I change that to get my first steps in the future and that's the biggest problem even if it's good or bad because the Conicelli egg is good I could have helped me hmm honestly does the study that you did in the past was good and therefore it should be able to help you in the future hmm but not be Jesus that means you don't know Jesus okay that means the experience you had in the past and all that stuff should now contribute to your future no no no no no no no if you go there if you go meddling with that kind of stuff you're gonna go back into the old you'll die because that kind of some runs out because after about five kilometres the egg is gonna run off or show each one hundred calories a comment in and it was half an egg in the rocks it's 55 calories that's gone in the first like tin okay no no no no no every step forward okay there's going to be something going to come to me that I'm going to draw from and I don't know where the heck that is from that is not in my stomach that is not from die if I pass it's not protein or anything like it's just the future it's the future full of glory okay so you have to understand we are not going back we are going forward okay so understanding this believe me I'm going into the cloud of witnesses okay but let me show you something okay when we talk about the cloud of witnesses I want you to understand what it is okay they're there all these people are awesome and they are in the cloud okay they're in the cloud they're with us in the cloud but you know honestly I am NOT getting anything from them there's one team getting from them mama tell you that but I'm not getting from they're good or they're bad better they've done good or did they've done bad they can't contribute to my future okay okay why is that why do I say that because in John one it says this okay now he says to you he had been given to be called the children of God okay that's what he says so he says now to you John 1 it just says it he says you'll be born again and the holding of you just good if you just jump into John wants to show you are you ready can you do this can we do John 1 okay all right I know these days I'm not being doing a lot of the giftings because sometimes God just presses me into the word you need to get to know the word okay more than any gifting the word is very important and in John 1 it says this he says verse 12 but as many as received him is it there he gave them the right to become the children of God it's the same thing that I just preached that I did before anyone Galatians 4:4 he says anyone received him okay if you receive him you have a right to be the children of God is it they're not of men that's what it means those who believe in his name okay now watch this verse 13 verse 13 okay who were born not of blood there you go no of the will of the flesh nor do with a man come on man but of God now why is he saying that he's trying to explain to you that previously everyone is born of human origin till Jesus came and everyone had to carry the labor of their fathers the errors of their fathers or the good things of their fathers and therefore the whole church is full of generational curses have you heard it where we go to the charismatic circle today ninety-nine point nine generational curses generational blessings generational curses come on man but he says no ha no ha no what do you mean generational curses there's something wrong no one has raised it he says here you were not born of blood nor do we load flesh nor of the will of man come on say it but of God that means ain't no beginning and there's no end that Sonny you're born of God you were before that you had a genealogy okay that probably I mean I don't know what you can compete with Jesus's but I mean some of you can for sure okay I'm sure my some of my people could up my people and some of my people could have contended with that type of genealogy anyone's grammar about the prostitute or something that but off god if you understand that but of God we have not born of flesh and blood we are born our origin comes from boom we come from God you understand it and even even the story of Abraham we are not even Abraham's children and this is where we are where the church is some meats mix-up we're getting Abraham's missing a branzino know the born of God the born of God and there was a time when the children of Abraham who were rightfully enjoyed the Abrahamic grace missing the covenant people Israel they enjoy that by the bloodline but we are born of God what does it mean to be born again but of God the more you understand this okay we don't carry anything from the past good or bad into the future okay we're looking forward we're getting from here and not getting from there even good okay even good even good and Laura that's the biggest problem maybe one will throw the bat away but it'll take the good no no nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing you're born again your brand new boom you're a new creation say new creation new creation okay-y to be born of God because he wants you to have a thority and the only way you can have a turkey is if you forsake your genealogies you got it okay understanding that Philippians 3 says this mmm not me the Philippines me I'm gonna show you ready okay bye go go somewhere okay Philippines 3 you run with me okay watches who good stuff good stuff good stuff good stuff man Paul is I mean if you want off genealogies he can talk of genealogies I mean he was a dawn I mean he had he was a good Jewish kid like I told you have you ever seen a Jewish rich guy talk of Zuckerberg Facebook talk about Google Jew I mean he had the best Jewish genealogies come on come on you understand that that means he had a good Jewish inheritance he had two passports yeah I mean he wasn't just reluctant he had like he had the American passport as well he had dual citizenship this guy was serious business that means you can't have Roman and Jewish passport boat abundance have a Roman and tell the Jews you can touch me huh why because he was Roman that means you have to have serious amount of wealth how many want to just go to American just sit in America they'll say okay show me some cash you understand and then they give you the passbook come on man this guy was serious business Paul okay right Anna and I mean he he said it like this okay he says for me verse 3 for me yeah for we are the circumcision who worship God in the spirit is it there we worship God in there so we had a circumcision abortion gardener ha so circumcision is his natural lineage but we worship God in the spirit rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh oh my god come on man have no confidence in your flesh for flesh means your flesh and blood flesh and blood my flesh and blood have no confidence in my flesh my father my mother my grandmother I it doesn't matter with your grandmother could sing well he doesn't matter with your father could play guitar he doesn't matter whether your great-grandfather was a the best athlete you don't need to run with that come on I'm born of God no confidence in the flesh because that is exactly the problem it doesn't matter it doesn't matter whether whether your mother ate a lot and therefore you eat a lot come on I'm just going to say it doesn't matter whether your father had a sweet tooth who cares if you are a runner and you need to complete with the Kenyans but a Kenyans got the genealogy and you need to compete with the Kenyans to run he doesn't matter that's why because all the Jamaicans are the fastest runners in the world and he doesn't say oh but did you make it a possibility a constitution it doesn't matter he doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter but of God but of God do you not understand what Jesus is done for you it doesn't matter whether the Jews made all the money it doesn't matter yes boy but of God it doesn't matter every day whether they have the ability to think and do and make money I used to tell her in because hurryin was a good Cindy and you see me look very good in the business and he he was like whatever you know but I said hurry no no no no she'll be a billion times better I said no you had to die - you see - you get it yeah I need to die - my past my genealogies it doesn't matter what it is but of God now do you get it yeah now watch this okay watch watch watch watch it's very important get history so he says Jesus very very is rejoicing crazy I have no car no confidence flesh though I also might have confidence in the flesh if anyone else thinks he may have confidence in the flesh I saw he said I'm a good Jewish boy if you want have confidence in the genealogies I can have confidence circumstance on the 8dayz there let's talk of Israel is it there the tribe of Benjamin I mean that's what he sees Ryan said do you want to know my stuff my stock the best of the best seriously honestly I mean if I want to take for my free genealogy honestly you know my mother is a Pinto Jonathan Sobhan that that that the job or than a family with all the kings the last Kings came from her family my father father is the franchisor but I can tell you these stories when I came to Sri Lanka they were sent as cousin dunno here 16 to meet the local king he didn't bow down to the local king and as I was 20 in prison because he said I come from the same bloodline that he's greater than yours I'm French and they were thrown in prison I can talk about genealogies pauses well let's now harbour genealogies oh we talk about God you see with the day we can understand this it changes everything you name them it's gone it faded away like every other glory even the ones you have to glory now to see all my photos miss another who cares it's big old man but of God but of God who cares about that you see and so paul is explaining this thing so it's very important to understand his okay are you ready okay and he says I was a he says a Pharisee of the Pharisees okay continued zeal persecuting the church concerning righteousness blameless he said talk about holiness man I kept the law right it says but but what things were gain to me now listen carefully these have counted a loss for Christ raba koushik Jesus to explain this man I tell you it's of God man it's of God you get it now what is yes indeed he says verse was 8 yes indeed I also count all things loss Hajis come on corn church we count all things lost to the excellence come on and of Christ is that to the excellence of the knowledge whoa I count all things lost to the external knowledge to Jesus Christ my lord of whom I have suffered the loss of all things and count them this word there is the word I mentioned I won't dimensional game it was over there that someone said yeah it means puh Paul is swearing in his language just like I said so that's the only swearing it was swear is okay this one this word okay because he said it's just crap pretty mildly yeah okay compare all the stuff that I came made my mother my father my brothers all this stuff that I came for thousands of years and generations and all this stuff I could I consider it rubbish to be of God not of flesh and blood born again is it there okay that's what it means right here guys okay so he says I can't hear uh be sure that I may gain Christ is there I have suffered the loss of all things and Counting rubbish that I may gain Christ I mean he won't again Christ come on I can't hear you how many we want to gain Christ okay then he recorded rubbish and be found in him idle be found in him having not my own righteousness that means not my own goodness is it there I can't be found having my own goodness which is of the law which comes from keeping this and keeping that and doing this and doing that but that which is through faith in Christ Jesus the righteous centuries from the Son of God by faith that's the one I'm going for that means goodness that comes by just having faith in the Son of God and the father is he there what's in that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to his debt by any means I may attain the resurrection from the dead and if we won't go there but it's all about life okay but I'm just going to explained to you that he is giving up a flesh and blood genealogies is there the pride in that my pride is in my citizenship that is of God do you understand that that's my pride is it there whose and then he goes on to say this for US citizenship isn't carefully you see there for a what my passport - Passport yet Jewish very solid Passport Roman for my citizenship is not of this it's of God that is what Paul is talking about that is what it means to be born again thank you Jesus come on say thank you Jesus come lift your hands off just as Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you we thank you we thank you we praise you we praise you we praise you we thank you we thank you thank you for our citizenship okay let's shift the gear now why I told you all that is to get this into your head okay so turn into marquel okay now watch this okay Jesus we thank you are you ready Marco Marco Marco Marco so Jesus is confronted by the people about the living and the dead okay and he's us you know what will they be after the resurrection and stuff like that okay and Jesus is talking about now he's talking literally about the dead are you ready okay and he goes and he explains it and he says verse 24 he's talking about the dead said the dead say the cloud of witnesses the cloud of witnesses you're talking about the dead now all this time I spoke about the who did I speak genealogies who are they about the dead okay I spoke about the dead okay now understanding that he says are you therefore mistaken say I don't want to be mistaken okay this when he starts giving this story he says mistaken don't be mistaken twice so to say twice means he's trying to qualify the big could be really mistaken is are you therefore mistaken is it down okay you do not even know the scriptures neither do you know the power of God why does he say that he says there's power in what I'm gonna say now watch this okay but when the rise from when they rise on the day they neither marry nor they give any marriage they like them messengers and I think Joseph did a good job in explaining messengers they're like the messengers on in heaven that means they are the job is now not angels their job is to be messengers Oh My Jesus oh my god I hope you got that that means the ones who went in Christ their one job right Randy I just like I Oh My Jesus I I hope you understand what I'm saying they're not angels they are called messengers yeah the ones who've gone before you good old Malcolm good old cereal good ol pansy okay there are messengers okay what angel is messengers okay right in heaven but now concerning the dead that they rise have you not read in the Book of Moses in a burning bush if I said how God spoke to him saying I am the God of Abraham god of Isaac and God of Jacob is he there that means he says Abraham Isaac and Jacob I'd considered by you did how you with me but he said no no no no don't you know that I've been God came to Moses Moses was after Abram Isaac and Jacob he came to them saying I am the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob he didn't say I was the God he says I am the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob that means Abraham and I say Jacob is very much alive and so when he comes to the generations before him remember in the future he said I am the God that means I am still the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob in fact they are with me now I am the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob and he goes on to say I'm not the god of the dead but come on oh yeah hey are you with me okay but I'm the god of the living Jesus Jesus that means he's saying they ain't dead if you're in Christ one thing that he promises you and why we ask people coming to Christ is that people don't die eternally and physically okay one promise he gives is when you come into Christ that people start living eternally so he says you might he might not be in a body now but believe me trust me they ain't dead that is what he's explaining did you just get that okay now turn to Hebrews 11 and you will understand something okay come on Hebrews 11 so Hebrews 11 says like this now faith is the substance of things what oh you see it's always looking forward faith is the substance of hope it's when you're running every step you're taking from the future and not from the past it's if you do it like that it becomes substance that means it's like we've embers running when my substance is there that way my step my step becomes sure it becomes a substance that I can faith is the substance of things hoped for not that of things happen in the past not my history of good things that happened to my father and my mother not the good thing that happened previously not digging my father's wells not being in my grandfather's Wells okay you know church is full of that let's go and greet ddol for revival no no no no no faith is the substance of hope I'm going on I'm going on and I honor the past okay but I'm looking into the future you got it you got it God has planned something better for me just come and say God has some plans on him better for me okay Trey says by by this DL has got a good testimony my faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God is it there so the things which are seen but I'm made of things which are visible that means faith is seeing the future that is not visible for you to today and walking into that's what faith is okay and then he goes on to explain my faith Abel offered God was for a more excellent sacrifice is there my faith you know was taken away and he did not see that I mean look at these guys Enoch walked with God and he was not he was so spiritual that he didn't die I'm talking about the generations before you hmm you're talking about the cloud of witnesses I just spoke about Jesus's genealogy okay I'm talking about Abel I'm talking about Enoch the ones we as believers believe that these are the ones who were before us and who are they he says well these guys are not dead remember what he's saying he says I am their God still hmm how do you get it yeah so Enoch who walk with God or not he's here right now because God is not the god of the dead he's the god of the living Enoch himself didn't even face death so he is alive in the cloud here's a question that I asked on Sunday why people can't understand the ones in a cloud is simply because abyss they do not believe that Jesus is alive okay Jesus ladies and gentlemen is a life say Jesus is life jesus is alive now the reality of that has not come to people as yet jesus is alive said again is alive is his his is alive that's the believers response Jesus my God is alive okay he is not dead in fact now you can believe Abraham is alive hold on hold on Isaac is alive in Christ you understand it so what happens in Christ is we are given a given access to the realm of heaven and we are given access because the messengers from heaven now are doing their job and focusing on us so that heaven itself can come onto earth and just was explained that they invest in our lives Jesus come on come is too heavy for someone okay jesus is alive ladies and gentleman and Jesus talks to his people okay the problem is his people don't talk to him hmm okay they don't hear from him Dave rather hear from someone that is touchable the seeable like my pastor tell me but like what could be saying is right yeah that many who might go and ask pastor is what could be saying right you know why you do that because Jesus is not alive for you so you will have to ask someone because you don't have a connection to be able to ask him if you ask him he will respond prophet how do I go and do the next deal how do I go six months into the future what's there jesus is alive he sends his messengers the job or the ones even who went how could other messengers they call as messengers so that you will be fully equipped for your future do you understand that jesus is alive come on man okay come on if your hands up in a quarry Jesus alive man okay I declare your eyes open I declare your eyes open to be able to see into the realm of heaven that you will have experiences with the people who are with you right now the ones gone but they're still here right now messengers to release upon you the work and the timings of this season that God is giving you but we release Jesus name in Jesus name now watch is okay are you ready and the whole of Hebrews 11 if you ever read Hebrews 11 fall in love with a Bible ladies and gentleman it says by faith Abel did this and by faith Enoch did that is it there okay by faith Noah did this okay by faith Noah being divinely warned verse 7 of things did not yet seen moved with godly fear prepared an ark is it there he prepared an ark for his household Noah okay so you see that awesome and he that story is in this in this in this but he also know also got drunk and uncovered himself and his sons had to cover him know also reputed daughters but in Hebrews 11 they are not talking the story about the grapes when you're talking about a cloud of witnesses and all the greats they're not talking about how Noah said his daughters but it's they in the Bible is they're not talking about how he got drunk he was the first guy to have a brewery no I yeah it's said that he planted the first time when you've got off the land and he sort of that means like Hornets pots of wine man okay and he was Noah he said he planted a brewery and he started processing alcohol and he started drinking every day and he gets smashed genealogy of Jesus but this is the great this is not this is the people of faith but in the whole of faith that stories are there but they're saying how awesome he was when he built the ark and heard from God come on Jesus do you understand that that's what he's there and if you go on in this story of this great cloud of witnesses he says then by faith verse nine by faith they dwelt in the land of promise as a foreign country dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob the heirs are the same promise is it there okay so Isaac and Jacob I mean these guys Isaac himself said that he was sleeping with his sister but he wasn't but he was when people try to take his wife he said craziest things he gave his wife away just so imagine that if someone comes to kill me and you know because of Fiona and I say she's not my wife you won't sleep are you Sevilla that's what happened she will kill me Abram did the same thing he told his car he cut the deal he said look I'm going to go to crazy land the people there a wicked you are very beautiful and even see you didn't want to sleep with you but if they think that I'm married to you then they'll kill me to sleep with you so let's cut a deal I will just say you go ahead I'm the hunter brother check these guys out but their names are not put like that here it's put as people faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of the unseen Noah built an ark four hundred twenty years even though people persecuted and laughed at him Noah was awesome and righteous before the Lord you understand Abraham the same guy who did that you talk about his sacrifice and how He gave His only begotten Son come on Jesus okay and he goes on and he goes on and Isaac he doesn't talk about what he did he talks about how Isaac did great things for God okay and if you watch if you watch verse 11 by faith Sara herself also received strength to conceive a seed is it there and she bought child when she was past the age because she judged him faithful who had promised come on say means Sara it says judge God faithful Sara laughs but it's there in this sorrel a Finch God when God told her I'm going to give you a child she said oh yeah right she didn't believe but what did he say here he says it Sara judged him faithful Wow I'm trying to show you these guys were with me who are with you you see in a great cloud of witnesses these guys are here okay now what am I trying to show am i getting anything from them I'm just asking you what am I getting from them am I getting their disappointments the things that they when they when they went wrong when Sara laughed it was unbelief it was doubt when when Isaac said this about his wife when Abraham said that about his wife come on man when a when Abraham went and slept with with hug I am I getting that I'm not getting any of that stuff I mean no slip bit got drunk am i getting no alcoholism come on what am I getting what am I getting come on come on honey Church what am I getting then that's it that's it I'm getting there hey if there's anything I'm getting from the past and all the great people of God I'm getting their faith and every time their stories their faith is passed down to me from generation to generation compounding and we know what faith is faith is understanding how good god is faith is not believing in God faith is understanding God is so good and generation to generation to generation God has got gooder and gooder and gooder and gooder and it has been passed down but it's been passed on and these guys in the cloud they all with me right now they hang around and they're cheering me what are your cheering you take enough faith the next generation took the faith and now these are taking the field now Kobe you've taken the faith of the fathers do you understand that is what is passed down it's awesome isn't it it's not the spirit of someone that's passed down it's the faith that they had in her good awesome God you understand it now understanding that okay understanding that then he said this all died in faith not having seen the promises it there okay but having verse 13 but having seen them afar off assured of them embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth okay that's what they did verse 11 by faith Abraham was tested he offered up Isaac by faith Isaac blessed Jacob because I'm by faith Jacob what is getting faith faith faith by faith Jacob was dying by see each one of his sons by faith Joseph meant and he was dying made a mention of his departure by faith Moses by faith by faith by faith my fate was 27 by faith they forsook Egypt is it there by faith verse 29 they passed through the Red Sea what has been passed down through generations of all these godly men they are fake their faith is being passed down you get it by faith the walls of Jericho fell come on man okay and here it is in verse 30 by faith the walls of Jericho fell after they encircled it for seven days my faith the harlot robbed did not perish with those who did not believe the harlot the genealogies is the harlot come on little perish but also did did not believe when she had received the spies with peace by faith okay we receive Robb's faith I'm not receiver ahab's harlotry I receive Rob's faith do you understand that you can eat verse 32 and then what mo shall I say what time would fail me Gideon an American we heard an awesome story about Samson okay and Samson we hunt you on Sunday we show Samson what have you got Samson's faith Samson's faith is with us right now Samson he was standing right here Samson's faith why do you think people are running marathons it's the power of mind why do you think Sonny someone can get up and run its Samson's faith but you know it's something I cried out to the Lord about five years ago and I said Lord this mantle has not fallen upon the church what the might but you can just bend things and you know throw things and run things and you know do all these things and do things that are crazy physically still being small and Samson's faith he's coming upon a church and that's the first thing that he saw he said Samson was standing days that's it it's I'm just faith that he's come upon the people and if you ask Rosh if he's not told me this story but I guarantee you he'll tell me this story roshun how he got this mantle upon him he saw it first okay okay yes I ran a marathon and he still his spiritual father ran and he said wow I can do this but in his heart long time ago he saw his big tough guy who's come by og and he's a little battle battles and all this stuff and that was the power of might come on have you seen a guy yeah and that Sally when I started una season realized oh my god the faith of Samson can be passed down do you want to send it and it's it's there my god it's off god it's not of Samson it's of God now do you understand that okay and everything has been passed on and passed on pass on and easy what it says here before I can I can I just show you a few for I mean you talk of the old ones can I talk of the new ones can I talk of some new ones will give you sometimes welcome some new ones okay can we can we just have some pictures I'll just roll over it very fast okay yeah just this is just really the last say 500 years okay one by one Jesus we thank you we thank you for your word we thank you we thank you this is fate I'm just going to show you faith your family when you're born again you die to your linear you die to your mother and father and brother and sister and you are born again in a covenant family a spiritual family and their spiritual people and so these all these people I've spoken about is spiritual this is Teresa Villa okay Teresa Avila used to be a saint she she wrote the the the the book called internal castle she talked about contemplation you know when she used to worship there's to be gold little bushes just coming on and flowers and roses just coming out of a whole body she would levitate and take off Teresa Vila this is not long ago okay threes come on Therese the stairs every day your name love her come on next one is phosphorus okay these Saint Francis of Assisi okay he's awesome you know he used to speak to animals and I mean there was a there was a there was a wolf that used to kill people all around the place and he says okay let me sort this out and he went into the woods and he met mr. boffin said miserable I'm gonna forgive you your sins okay I'm taking you back to the village and it's written he brought the wolf back to the village and the wolf was completely tame and he would talk to animals st. Francis of Assisi he would have the stigmata all over him he needs to pray the glory was all over him Francis of Assisi come on xone come on okay this is st. Patrick st. Patrick used to raise the dead we will go anywhere if you're dead for even 30 years he could raise them sympatric come on have you received his faith it's awesome it's here this is your family this is your heritage I've lied to my flesh and blood heritage but by in the spirit this is my heritage he went him to a city and he told the king the king had lost both both children to the drowned he told king he said King will you give me your whole nation to believe in Jesus Christ he says yes he says only if you can raise my children is a big take me to the grave and it's historically found he went to the grave a race boat children up they were dead for three years three years and the whole kingdom gave their life to the Lord he's the one who picked up snakes that's why the snakes there and he said now in Ireland there will be no more snakes and enormous snakes in Ireland because it's a lie was infested with snakes he was the he was the Bishop of the Irish Church okay the bishop of our church come on man next one I'm sure I'm introducing you these guys all around you they're all around you I'm introducing you to your family are you born again this now is your family this is gamma commander she's born on the same day I was born on March 12 and you know she is she's a stick mattress she's also a native she doesn't eat or drink for 30 years she never ate or drank she was just amazing people he's coming to presence and she's got he'll I've met her in the cloud so many times they got impartation from her keep going okay this is John Wesley okay anyone been a Methodist here made it is okay there you go i'ma do this you know I mean I'm from the Methodist movement and John Wesley they said Ben used to preach people he said don't climb trees when you're listening to him no I'm telling you the way he started was he started his father was a pastor as well and you know in the sort of the Anglican probably Reformed Church and then he was he where he would stand stood outside his father's church like it's like Jesus did the same and he says I am the way that's what Jesus did he said outside the temple but everyone used to go there and he said that is not the way I am the way the truth in life so Wesley also stood outside his father's church and said don't go in there don't go next door he said you know I'll come here this is the real River that's what he said yeah this guy John Wesley and my god he had the greatest revival hundreds of thousands of people came to Christ because he was the new thing at that time John Wesley believed me he believed in prosperity the guy used to import his food for his church from from Thailand his his marble from France I mean the guy with an 87 used to preach seven times a day he believed in I mean he was super fit the greatest revival the Methodist wobble came out of this guy okay next one okay this is Feeny okay Feeny is crazy Feeny was the first guy to bring cities to Jesus he would pray outside the cities I didn't say God give him a sign he will be praying outside the city and say God let the whole city come to you and how would you know whether but it's working because people who are just normally normal jobs on their you know computers or they're selling pizza or whatever at that time I don't know what they were doing but whatever doing at that time they would fall slain in the Holy Spirit they were slain in the Holy Spirit they will just fall all over the road and they're like what the government needs us what is this phenomena why are people falling all over the place they say oh my god I think Feeny is outside yeah yeah because there and hundreds of thousands of people use companies in one day a man with a lawyer come on next one not my favorite but at first people I met in the cloud he was in a teak as well he was thrown into a he was thrown into a into a cave and they didn't give him any food and water for days and months and he survived and it was the first mission I had been in Prophet Cobos spoke about immortality prophet cohesive to have encounters with him in the cloud I didn't know him I didn't know who the Hickey boys but I mean I made prophet Co boots like this and I'm like property Cobra you know or listen he started preaching mortality suddenly while I was listening prophet Cobras a region opened up for me and I was in a cape and there was no food and there's no water and I was like this guy but I realized there was a like a turban around my head and I was wondering what the heck is going on and in this vision suddenly I realize that there's an Indian guy we determined and I was the Indian guy in there in the church okay I didn't have a turban doe but this vision and I realized that a rope came down and I climbed out and and then I asked prophet come visit I had a vision light is while you're preaching his oh that's sad assume the same he was the greatest evangelist of all times in India who was a Hindu sadhu who gave his life to the Lord and he didn't take his turban off or he didn't take anything off he would go and he would preach just like that he would preach Christ and thousands would come and they said he was so awesome they've been used to I mean he wasn't he was he's to bleed because he never wear shoes he buddies go to Himalayas they would know where he's walked because the blood marks around his snow and he's to go once in a while to Kailash the amount of Kailash meet the Maha Ricci of Chi lash who is lived for thousands of years and who was who was a disciple of Matthew and he wrote his books receiving impartation from this guy who deal with the mortal come on man and he's come and preach and talk about the Maharaja Kyla she will live to 100 and hundreds of years who was the disciple of Paul sorry Sudha saying sorry seducing you see they should know him because he's to walk when you soon he was he was like Feeny they used to say if you had a hospital in India it was suddenly when su the scene used to come around they would see the beds will be rattling and people will start getting will in the hospital and they'll know that Souter Singh is a mile away then I say okay sorry should I sing maybe a mile away come on this is your family man he heard this kind of stuff this is the witness this is your family we are not born of flesh and blood the born of the Spirit now these people these people are releasing their faith to you we got a powerful impartation man from these people come on x1 come on come on listen Oh Manny Allen you were there when a Ellen's daughter was here you know yeah Alan was crazy you know she granddaughter she was a close friend of us Cheryl and my god you know it's a Alan was I mean he's the first guy who said all coming out of his hands and stuff like deliverance ministry he had a place called was he called the miracle Valley powerful powerful stuff word of knowledge like exact names numbers only stuff the healings were phenomenal yeah Alan just I mean check these guys out there all on YouTube yeah I mean you talk of a showman he was the showman of showman watch him I mean the way he does the miracle it's all a part of the show he's showing off for God because that's what 1 Peter says that we are called now a peculiar people do to show off God he was one of the greatest come on next one Jack cogeco wasn't mad crazy man of it I hope but I got his chair maybe my prayer room I sit on it Joe Mills gave it to me you know jack Coe was a guy he had so much faith that he would take the guys who were just sick in the room and if it were granny comes in and she's in a wheelchair or man who can't walk he's in a wheelchair he'll take the wheelchair he has so much faith say faith it's so much faith he's God he would take the wheelchair ladies and he will run it off the the stage in the stage would be like 6 feet late and he's keeping him off the stage and he said you came here to walk right now here's your chance and if people change but he hit the ground he walking jack oh come on man began to Jack oh come on you see this is your family their faith has been given to you come on next one next one come on insulin man Kathryn Kuhlman she's the one fear of fear as visitations from Kathryn Kuhlman I mean she's awesome I mean you should watch her minister she was a rich kid her father was the richest person in that region of America she gave her life to Lourdes serve God with such a passion the first person have gold eternal supplier Kathryn Kuhlman come on the Benny Hinn he's walking today because of her faith I think he went to her grave yeah when to a grape you got him partitions on my as well but he been to a great as well okay I mean there's nothing wrong in that and said God you know give me their faith give me their faith come on come on x1 okay Ruth Heflin come on Rudy Evelyn no all the gold dust and stuff like that skin from root Heflin she died of cancer she's awesome David Herzog got prayed over routine David Herzog prayed over me but I'm carrying her faith yo Sean Mills who talks exactly like Ruth Heflin if Joshua mail starts talking like oh my god have you ever made rude Evelyn she said I've never met Ruth happen in my life but she does in gold but he met in the spirit an impartation of their faith come on man come on x1 okay this Bob shuttle the same thing Goldust I mean leave if you think we sing Goldust believe me they had gold as reigning in the church bombshell the same thing okay say me Savory well oh man come on William Branham come here big hand it's just awesome William Branham born April sit born under star when William Branham was born a star just like Jesus came out in the open and an angel spoke to the people and said now he's born the Prophet come on can you feel here William Branham okay I mean that's he said and when he was born we like seven years old it was revealed to him the Holy Spirit came he said do not touch any alcohol do not touch any cigarettes know what I'm going to use you very powerfully okay so that was his deal he's contract and so he was used so powerfully I mean guy will look at people it's on line how we get all the prophetic now these guys did it I first I watched William Branham on young days I've been watching Branham and say God I want to be like that you see when I'm looking looking at prophesy named it's like how the heck does he happen he just says this is your name Vizio number this is this is the address that you come from I mean all that they took for offs of him you see the angel Oh like a halo his head like captured a real hill on his head when it comes to say just say the angel will come and stand right there and people are going to come because the angel was right next to him William Branham powerful stuff I mean this guy was serious business the whole 1946 revival with the air and everyone started because of this guy he was like a prophet you know the prophet you know what I'm trying to say keep going keep going this guy William Branham laid his hands on this guy this is TL Osborn okay William Branham ladies hands on was born kilos born meets cobras van Rensburg he sees Cobras been Rensburg and he stares so he could professor like banner per annum he would prophesy names numbers and all that and he would go to cope with my rents book and he said one day your name in Africa will be like like the names of cards everyone will know about you and he spoke about Kobus and he toys at Cobra zero you will you will excel you bring in a revival to the world Cobras randsburg my Rensburg come out with him hmm and he to treat Cobras like hey this is one of my guys hmm come on how many of you know Kobe's manner ensberg come on next next one speed with those word speedy because what was so cool he's raised so many people from the dead but one of his people race was his wife his wife died and he said I won't have this come on I'm gonna raise you from the dead you raised her from the dead and said God and she said she said Smith you know why do you bring me over to Jesus well thank you wrong with you you know he was a he was a very rich plumbing business guy he had a lot of money and he said well why'd you bring me back of his Jesus he said okay that's that case I'll pray for you can go back okay but God give me a double portion of your spirit and he walked into powerful miracles my god he would be you know people on stage I was one lady I tell the story all the time here at cancer he would bring up and he would say punch in the stomach I can send it we would fall and then he's a picker up again and he punch you again in the stomach okay I'm peeling this many nuts and one from the audience said stop this you wicked old man stop punching his woman she's sick with the cancer and he said you know you shut up and you mind your business and on my mind and he punched her again in the stomach and on the third or fourth punch the hook Kansas just dropped off and she got healed I mean this is just one story or something but let's read about him this is your family Smith Wigglesworth laid hands on the next guy what's the next guy this guy Lester Sumrall let's just all laid hands on cobras I mean he went and he crazy miracles get a mission for television one of the greatest and he laid hands on covers I'm talking about the cloud of witnesses ladies and gentlemen this is your family keep going keep going but Kobe's not here okay I didn't put copies but I think you're leasing covers okay how many recent comments my Rensburg okay and cobras show me the story and he said like this he said you know Kirby what happened was I saw a vision and the vision was that Deborah I was standing there and there were hands and there were hands and there were hands and there were hands and then Hebrews 11 opened up for me and he said it was a hand off the hand after hand after hand and they were all laying their hands on me okay and he said from generation to generation from day me to Abraham the hands the hands and that's what the laying on of hands laid on of hands and it was passed down and passed down and passed down and you know that Smith Wigglesworth listen listen someone let me you know and then Branham and and T law school and he knows more than me and then I called and said gonna let me lay hands on you Putin and the hands allayed and suddenly I get inheritance that is not of flesh and blood that I couldn't even dream of getting through flesh and blood and that is why it says this and we close with this in verse 11 in chapter 11 at the end he says verse 39 Kate is how you ready it is and all these having obtained a good testimony true fate did not receive the promise verse 39 are you there Hebrews right God having provided come on man God having provided come on come on come just wake up for this man I need you God they all died we don't receive the promise okay God having provided something better for us that they should not be made perfect apart from us and so he said I saw these hands I saw these hands that is and then I saw them come and give me their time they watch their watch their watch the watch the watch they watched their watch right and I said Lord what is this he says this is how they're made made perfect the time that they could not do and they were doing great things but all the time that they feel when Samson failed all the time when Abraham fails when he did all those wrong things all the time okay all the times when they fell short of what God was planning and purpose to do I mean I mean Noah couldn't fulfill when Moses couldn't go to the promised land you remember he had to die on Nebo he couldn't go you get it all that time he says now they cannot be made perfect apart from you because they're laying their hands and said here's our faith now here's our time and you make sure that you can go and do greater and that is why Jesus says now you will do greater things because what a family water in heydon't what a cloud that we are on and that's why Hebrews 12 starts off with this now therefore Hebrews 12 look at this now we're talking of cloud of witnesses right here it says Hades therefore see therefore therefore because of everything I told you because everything I told you about the cloud you see about all these people therefore we also since we are surrounded by such a great cloud come on we are surrounded by all these witnesses you see that let us lay aside every weight of sin which ensnares us let us run with endurance the race that is set before us because Jesus is the author and the finisher of faith so what has been given to us ladies and gentleman faith can we have any excuse come on back can I have you up here can we have any excuse not to fulfill what God has given us can we be victimized about our circumstances man shall I tell you stories that they had in their lives the travesties the errors the falls have you ever fallen like nor fail maybe some of you have but I'm just trying to tell you it's quite a big fall all the problems that they had God counted their faith I said I'm gonna take all their faith I don't give it to this generation you you know and when I believe that that's why when people lay hands on you ladies and gentlemen it's the most powerful thing ever because what you're getting is the faith from the cloud and they're clapping their hands like this every time you're going in and doing great things every time you're prospering everything you're healing the sick every time you are great days these people not the dead the living who are there your grandparents are there your grandfather is there your mother and father is there you understand they're clapping and they're saying well done come on I'm with you okay come on let's worship God Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you Jesus we thank you how do we praise you if you open your eyes you will be able to see the cloud the cloud is something that you can visibly see if I let just open the eyes and you can see the cloud the cloud of witnesses that is surrounding you that is clapping their hands that is saying it's time for you to go forward we're giving you of a faith that we receive from Christ we're of God man we're of God you got a family from God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus this is profit caboose van Rensburg and they all laid hands on him and he laid hands on fear on me he had the greatest revival the healing revival in five years at ten thousand crutches people from will see has been picked up thousands of AIDS patients got healed people will I was there one of the meetings when I maybe my second time I'm taken the guy who brought me to the Lord a professor Mark gray who didn't believe in life and immortality at that time and I've taken him to meet prophet Neal obeys prophet commencement Rensburg and who was with me ruchi was with me and so we were there and there was a girl that was brought in and she was brought in to church and she died she was dead and the doctors came to doctors in church they checked she was dead and then prophet was sick and he was dying of cancer do you with me on this meeting the second one here that's the time it took pass an element I think here okay so he came out and he was just he was just it was awesome to watch him he if it's just phenomenal to watch him he just came out and he was thin rigged with cancer dying himself and there was someone who died in church and there were so many people there were in wheelchairs and they were heading crutches and you know literally hundreds of people like this he came out and he took the mic into his and he was very weak at the time and he took the mic in his hand and he said all you people having crutches in your hand just lift your crutches he said and he lifted the crutches and says don't say bye-bye crutches and they all said he's 100 the people said bye-bye crutches he said not just thrown away in a walk I never seen any like hundreds of people one time just walk crutches wheelchairs just getting up and he says those and they're sick people on the beds they come bigger they got AIDS they have nowhere to go he said now get up now walk walk walk walk like dude I said no praying nothing just walk walk walk they were just getting up getting up and walking I'm not see anything and this woman who was dead just got up and she started walking and she started walking and she started walking ahead of all of them and her thing and she by the time she ended up in line she's like oh my god God is rich but dead the first time I ever saw anything like that I was like oh my god prophet Cobras van Rensburg died six times and was raised from the dead six times we got his faith man you've given his faith to us man he mine he knew the word I mean I'll tell you the word that we have we are speaking today it's an impartation I didn't I don't study years and years and hours and hours he just laid hands boom and I got his faith for the word I pick the Bible up I know everything I'm telling Greek scholars this is what the Greek means sometimes I say sometimes you hear me say the Greek means this I've never read that before I'm just telling you the Greek means it but if you check a Greek scholar and he's to do the same it is exactly in a Greek because it's just his faith his faith has been passed down come on man over thousand generations Jesus Christ is Lord come on everyone is waiting for a spirit watch this Christianity is teaching that their spirit is passed down but a spirit of Samson the spirit of Kobus you see the spirit of Branham so they go to the grave waiting for the spirit of Branham to come it's the faith and the faith means now that you've seen the stories heard the stories now just go and do it's not anything that comes like you don't feel any shivers you don't feel anything when they laid hands on me I just believed I said okay I'm going back home when I read the Bible I'll remember everything I had faith it's that easy so it's not some spooky feeling it's just the faith of these people the faith of the greatest has been given to us we have no excuse we have no excuse to see healings like we've never seen before we have no excuse if you're struggling it's we're struggling with faith with faith thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you you
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 9,890
Rating: 4.869565 out of 5
Keywords: Kirby de Lanerolle, Wow Life, Wow Sri Lanka, Prophet K, Prophet Kirby, Scandal, Offence, Scandalous, Sycamine, azccheus, Manifest Sons, Sonship, priesthood, Order of Malchizedek, The last Enemy Series
Id: hSuVHGhVSo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 27sec (4707 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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