The Keys To The Keys of The Kingdom Part 1 | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message now I am convinced that the more you learn about the kingdom the less you are going to really have a problem with fear when you understand the kingdom of God it takes away all worry it takes away all all anxiety and people are so afraid right now they are anxious that I believe one of the things that that people are suffering from is what I call an alternative government our governments in the world can only help us so far they cannot really take us to the place of security in the United States right now you have people with so much fear and with so much doubt I heard that they are putting the same kinds of security measures in place similar to the to the Israeli government where you're going to be in malls in the United States now with police and soldiers walking around with guns and I understand in the airport yesterday they placed in all the major airports in America federal troops I'm talking about this are not just national these are not state troops but federal troops which means that you'll be walking around with military presence now people are afraid people are afraid to travel on planes and on trains and buses they were concerned about meeting in large groups and sports arenas and concerts and so there's this fear and the government cannot guarantee their safety I believe that is why the the the most important component that Jesus sent earth or brought to earth with him was the kingdom that's what he bought and we read in Isaiah chapter 9 very important statement about Jesus it says for unto us a child is born and for unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders he brought on his shoulders bearing something that is very critical and that is not a religion he didn't bring a set of traditions he didn't bring rituals he didn't bring him music sounds and he didn't bring all these things that we claim to be so spiritual but what he bought was what would he bring a government which means that God saw that the number one need for planet Earth was not a religion he saw that the number one need was what a government whatever God gives you is what he knows you really need so the Bible says my God shall supply all of your needs maybe you water religion but God supplies not your wants he supplies your needs and the number one problem in the world today I am convinced is religion religion is the source of probably 90% of much of the problems in the world and that includes even what we have reduced the biblical mandate - and that is the Christian religion it is said that religions will be the great conflicts of the 21st century it seemed that we are heading in that direction you've heard statements thrown around already where people are saying that it's a battle between Christianity and Islam and when you get things thrown around like that it brings great concern because it means that people will become indiscriminate in their attacks and and they began to to classify people based on their associations rather than their individuality and I believe that makes us even more dangerous for us we got to be cautious Christ did say that in these last days on our planet before he consummates everything that there will be many crisis he's referring to different religions people coming up saying that they are God's final prophet and Jesus prophesied that 2,000 years ago that in these last hours you would hear that many different groups saying that they have the only way he says but this is just the beginning of confusion and pains and so today I am so excited that I am NOT introducing or talking about a religion I'm talking about the answer to the planet and the answer the planet Earth according to Jesus is a government he brought the kingdom of God the reign of God on the earth again this is an Old Kingdom that was here at the beginning in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 when God established his reign on earth through Adam he made the earth the territory over which his kingdom would have influence through a agency called mankind so Adam and all of the human race was really supposed to be a part of a government that ruled planet Earth on behalf of heaven that was the purpose of God's creating man Adam posted kingdom when he committed high treason with that management contract he committed himself to obey another authority we know the authority to be Satan devil Lucifer the fallen one whatever you want to call him but he obeyed him and the Bible says in the book of Romans chapter 11 it says that him whom ye obey his servant you become in Romans 6 that verse is also stated by Paul when he talks about being victims of sin he says whoever you obey his servant you become in other words when you obey Satan you become his servant so when Adam and Eve obey Satan then the entire kingdom of God became subjugated to another Authority and Adam lost the government of God that is why when Adam the that the last Adam was approached his name is Yeshua our Messiah he was approached in the fourth chapter of John and Matthew he says Satan said to Jesus during the temptation he says I will give you all the kingdoms of the world if you were just bow down and worship me he says because they were delivered unto me how did he get the kingdom the powers the authorities of the world he says I got them they were delivered unto me well we know that God never gave Satan the kingdoms of the world so he got them from someone who obeyed him of course Jesus didn't argue with Satan when Satan challenged him there because Satan was telling him a fact could you imagine telling God I'll give you all the kingdoms and the powers of the world if you just bow down and worship me and God could not attest or-or-or combat that statement Satan had so much confidence he says because it was given to me can I suggest to you that whoever God gives something to they are responsible for it the Bible says the gifts and the calling of God is without recall that's found in Romans 6 also the gifts and the callings of God are without recall what that statement means is once but gives you something he doesn't take it back even if you fail very strange concept that God has because he's a God of integrity that's why God says if you fail him he must be faithful still because God's Word must be kept so when God gave man the kingdom of the earth to rule earth for him then God when Adam gave it up God couldn't take it back he had to use Adam to get it back so he sent another Adam it had to be done legally so Christ is known as the last Adam and that's why Satan challenged him the word last Adam that last means original Christ is the original Adam and Adam our forefather is the first print from that original so Christ came back as the original to take back what was legally Adam's the kingdom then that Christ came to restore was always yours that's why we find in the book of Genesis a Masari in Matthew chapter 23 we read as many times that Jesus said that he came to give you your inheritance which is the kingdom of God which were prepared for you how long before the foundation of the world in other words Christ getting to give back what was always yours so Christ comes safety challenges him and Christ makes a promise he says no man can take a strong Mans house unless he first binds the strong man I like that in other words Satan tell you what I'm gonna get this kingdom without worshipping you I'm gonna bind you I'm gonna take away your power I'm gonna strip you of all that you have that's not yours and the devil had no idea how Christ is gonna do that he think he's gonna fight him no Christ took it back legally he paid the price for it and the price was the penalty of death and Christ paid the price and all of his teaching on earth in his ministry from age 30 was a simple word the kingdom of God and he taught the disciples the kingdom of God is coming the kingdom of God is among you the kingdom of God is here and shall be in you and he kept on talking about this government coming back to earth and that government is on earth what's strange about this government is this is that the government is functional now the reason why and we never study this a little bit later on in this series but the reason why Jesus the last Adam could not come or did not come until the Roman Empire is because the Roman Empire was the first Empire that extent that was similar to the kingdom of God and God wanted therefore to send his word into the world when the concepts in the world were similar sort of any spoke will understand the concepts the Roman Empire was the first Empire in history to establish when the British have perfected as a matter of fact the British stole the idea from the Romans and that is the idea of colonization to colonize means that you take over territory but you don't remove the people you simply send someone to make the people like you is that clear the Romans were the first one to invent that idea the other umpires never did that they would take over a nation uproot the people and take him back to their country make them slaves but the rumors didn't do that the Romans simply took over a territory and then they said a governor from Rome to oversee that territory and to make that territory like Rome to teach the people Roman custom Roman culture Roman music Roman language and to make that place just like Rome and so we have the statement when in Rome do as the Romans do wherever Roman Empire is ruling you got to act like a room and that's what that means wherever you go when you come into Roman territory you got to act and think like a Roman it's a powerful concept that's why the Romans became the most powerful leaders in history because all the other empires before them the Babylonians the Assyrians and all the Greeks what they did was they took over countries took the people back to their country make them slaves and when you make people slaves you got to take care of them and pay for them and clean them and keep them keep them healthy that's too much work but when you colonize you ain't got to move them matter of fact you've made them pay you taxes so the Romans have an idea that worked very well and and what's good about it is that that they were able to influence the entire world without leaving Rome God says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son from the time means the time is right he brought him in the time of the Romans and Christ is born in the Roman Empire under Roman jurisdiction he was born in Palestine which was ruled by the Romans and the governor was Pilate sent from wrong to oversee that whole area Christ under Pilate so when Christ asked to talk everything he said was similar to what Pilate would say matter of fact to what Caesar would say the word seize it means Lord it's not a name it's a title so when they ask Christ who will cease as I am Lord the Roman Empire was the kingdom of Rome crisis I also got a kingdom but it's out of this world Caesar also had taxes and they said should be paid taxes to Caesar he said sure Pacey's his tax but also paid me my taxes in other words the same concept of kingdom now here's the important issue when in Rome do as the Romans do when you do enter a territory that was a Roman territory if you wanted to benefit from the Roman government you had to do what the Romans do hmm follow me so once you can figure out what the Romans do and you do what the Romans do then you benefit from the Roman government so whenever there was an uprising in the Roman Empire they would send Centurions to go and subdue that riot because they wanted to make sure everybody was doing what the Romans do obey the Roman law carry on the Romans eat it keep to the Romans commands if you do that Caesars happy with you you benefit from the Roman Empire now the Roman Empire protected their citizens and also their territories so if you were living in Palestine and another nation rose up again to your territory the Roman government would fight for you even though you were under their jurisdiction the point is if you if you want to be protected be a good Roman anybody sit with me do you remember when Paul the Apostle now remember got a report back to understand this Paul was a Jew his father was also obviously a Jew but Paul's father had Roman citizenship official citizenship not everyone who was a Jew had Roman citizen matter of fact some of them thought the Romans were you know pagans so they want to get involved with that but Paul's father was a Jew who had a Roman citizenship he was officially a Roman so Paul was brought up in a home of high respect his father was a businessman Paul also became a businessman as a young man his father sent him to the best school in the whole city in the whole town and that was that of course the city of Tarsus where they had one of the leading schools of this data University of chameleon they call it Paul was the best student in the school he graduated with honors the Bible has all the documents there to show you forces I was the top of my class he said so Paul was an educated man he was also respected in the religious field because he graduated with top marks in theology of Judaism so Paul was a from a rich family very high class family a Roman family but he was a Jew he's a very unique person Paul you know was the one who decided that these Christians were causing problems and so he decided to protect them to protect Judaism from these Christians so he's the one who instigated all of these plans to kill Christians and he began to get papers from where the government to put down these little groups that were calling themselves of the way they called himself the people of the way because Christ to say he was the way so that was the ways to call themselves people of the way and paulisa go and harass them and killed many of them instigated killing y'all remember Paul was interrupted one day on his way to kill them a light came from heaven knock him off his horse said Paul are you fighting against your own future and I want to call you now to go and start your work and Paul says who are you he says I am Jesus the Lord let me persecuted and Paul says what do you want from me he says I want you to forth to fulfil what you were born to do and Paul says Soviet he struck him blind went to a man whose name I say Elias Ananias he opened his eyes God took him in the desert for a few about 18 years of preparation people don't know that a port went to a local church and for 18 years prepared himself and God washed him into a revelation of the kingdom and Paul came out preaching Paul started churches all over Europe you'll remember this story but one day Paul was arrested and turned over to the Roman local government when Paul was in that government they began to whip Paul remember David Paul wind whips the big whips with all kind of glass and snails in them and they would whip the person and they'd rake it over their backs and their backs would be lacerated they would bleed to death and Paul knew that if he allowed them to completely whip him he would die the Romans were so good at this they succumb 40 stripes and you're dead 40 stripes that's how good they were professionals Paul was being whipped you remember the story by a Roman god men pause back was being opened all of a sudden Paul rise wait a minute I got a passport wait a minute every driver wait a minute Passport Oh Roman citizen and then he quoted a law from the Roman Constitution see this important to citizenship once you understand citizenship then you gotta know the keys boss wait a minute I got a key to the Roman Empire if I'm a citizen under my father it's illegal to whip a Roman citizen illegal it's in the document of contract of the Constitution it's immitigable to whip a Roman citizen illegal it's against the law to apply capital punishment to a Roman citizen now watch this Paulus what a Jew but he's also a citizen of Rome on in this kingdom he's being abused and Paul says wait a minute I have a key you're gonna get this year you're following me but the baton I got a key so Paul pulled out his key and when the soldier sir at the Bible says the soldier became afraid not listen to the soldier he was just a Jew see it slowly was enjoying himself you Jewish Pig but when Paul says I am also and yes I will go home in a minute leave y'all see it doesn't matter what's happening in the world today you got two passports you got it JC C and so it doesn't matter what's going on if you don't know how to put your passport out they gonna kill you economic crisis gonna get you you're gonna be wiped out they're gonna take your job and your business you're gonna be begging but if you know who you are even though you are a bohemian even though you are an American even though you aren't you make it if you got your other passport you can ship it is like Paul Paul says wait a minute I am a gene and the Bible says when the Centurion heard it he dropped his whip and fell at Paul's feet now wait a minute five minutes ago he was treating Paul like dirt and now suddenly he's begging Paul and these words came out of his mouth please sir do not report me to Caesar please do not report me to the governor and he was begging Paul and Paul says I will say if I'm gonna pull up my passport I'm gonna claim my rights Paul says I will report you and secondly I am gonna make an appeal in other words I'm gonna pee in my case my read about is a good stuff he's I'm gonna peel my cake and I don't want to go to see I don't want to go to Pilate he said don't go to Pilate that's two local I'm gonna go briefs you get that next time I won't got a no bishop I won't go straight to Jesus he says I want to go to Caesar they say what but that's wrong he says look I am a citizen and when you are a citizen you got a right to see season oh wait a minute Paul is a Jew yeah but he get Roman citizenship he got what the key see I don't care where you live you may live in an area in the country where they think there's no class let me take some you got the key today you can go into the throne and apply the palace you can go straight to the palace and plead your case as a believer Paul Wharton in then said look I want to see Caesar and the Bible says that they begged him not to take this to Caesar because they were afraid it's the power of the key and the Bible says Paul demanded I don't see nobody else y'all shouldn't whip me hey neighbor the devil never should have touched me this week I'm going straight to the chief lift your hands you understand just think off man you got a right to go thank you Lord you got a right to go you got a right to go if your citizenship is in order we're not talking about religion here we talking about governmental authority your appeal to go beyond the local government my mine and the Bible says when he went they put him on a ship with some other prisoners I've never gone that way to Rome you know something once you decide to go and exercise your legal rights your life is protected as heavy admit if you decide to exercise your legal rights you are protected that fell apart didn't it God sister but you can die why you exercising your legal right you got to go and see Caesar you told me you want to see Caesar so this ship breaks up at least you won't drown let me tell you something friends I don't care how rough the Seas will be in the net few months I don't care what happens around you in the economy or in your situation I'm here to tell you that you are one person coming out of this eating a comment on piece of wood lord have mercy the Bible says the ship broke up everything fell apart but Paul says y'all stay with me and you'll be safe tell your neighbor you better stay with me because I got my passport come on shouting I got my passport if you know that you are a kingdom citizen then you are safe in the middle of the Bahamas right in the middle of the neighborhood nobody will go down if they stay with you so go to work tomorrow smile and if you're gonna work to go to go start your own business with a smile and say look this one person who's coming out of this and I'm coming out here this on broken pieces I'm gonna come out of this the Bible says when they came on the shore they built a fire and the food that washed up they began to cook it and Paul was eating with them sitting around the campfire and the bodies of the snake also came afterwards I mean the devil tried to kill you all through the crisis that a snake came and pulling the arm and latched on to him and just hung on and the baddest of Porto the snake I'm gonna chew and eating some johnnycake he put him over the fire the Bible says and the heat kill the snake and he dropped off and Paul shook him off the Bible says in the fire I'm talkin to need to eat it was a Viper who kills you in three minutes and this next verse says and they watched and waited for Paul to die tell your neighbor they could watch as long as they want hallelujah come on say it they can watch as long as they want why because UI Kingdom citizen on your way to the government and no one can stop you if you know your keys can I hear an Amen somebody I believe Paul destroyed the venom now that's power the snake got killed it was reversed the very thing that's supposed to kill you in this season you're gonna kill it same and loud enemies I agree with that come on say it again amen the very thing that they set up to destroy you cousin you a kingdom citizen make sure shift gears now you gotta shift gears don't stay religious they'll kill you gotta get your citizenship I know your keys and the Bible says Paul 8 and Paul did not die and they took Paul to Rome they saw protected him on the way tell your neighbor I got angels to see me through the season hey neighbor there are people God is gonna send to see me through the crisis you know the very people who supposed to mess you up gaga use them to bless you [Music] hey this is incredible the Romans hate Jews but Paul was protected by Roma why he had citizenship see and the Bible says Paul Grenda season made his appeal and Caesar not only gave Paul release but he gave Paul his own house to live in and gave him personal guards he got a read the story in the book man isn't powerful stuff in book acts they gave him his own house and gave him guards to protect him you don't get it promises so what you citizen we can protect you and we so sorry they whip you I can send them back to fight and let you live in a house with their protection and that's where Paul wrote most of the New Testament in a house provided by the Roman government protected by soldiers I mean that deserves a big hand God is deep why cuz Paul knew a key Nikki let's look at this verse Matthew 16 for a minute that's what Jesus to actually do he came to remind us of this powerful statement he said we'll give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven whatever you bind on earth will be bound whatever you loose on earth will be loosed mark chapter 4 verse 7 he told them the secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to those on the outside everything is said in parables crisis look in this kingdom I have some keys a boy say keys he foreknew the key to the Roman kingdom when he pulled it out it worked and he was protected by the key Christ I'm giving you the keys of the kingdom wherever you lock up heaven locks up whatever you loose are open heaven will open in other words what happens on earth depends on you not God so the key is to learn the keys nothing at Matthew chapter 13 for a second Matthew 13 we find these words he replied verse 11 the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you but not to them whoever has we'll be given more and he will have an abundance whoever does not have even what he has will be taken from him that is why I speak to you in parables once again he's saying I'm giving you what the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God Paul was being whipped because he didn't remember the knowledge of the secret of the other kingdom he was in your they gave me you could get whipped by this crisis I'm talking about religious people Paul was religious but if you don't know the knowledge of the secret of the keys then you will die in the hands of the world Paul remember the key and he claimed it and it unlocked Rome to him and now the same people who were whipping him became his protectors just by E Crace of them giving you the secret of the kingdom of heaven how it works he says I'm giving you the laws and then he says if you understand them then more will be given to you you'll not explore all that is yours but if you don't use the keys you take everything from you what our keys won't review this very quickly write this down B we're not here number one a key represents authority secondly a key represents access thirdly a key represents ownership fourthly a key represents control v a key represents authorization sixth a key represents power and seventh a key represents freedom if you got a key to anything you got all these things if you got the key then you got to figure out what the key is let's let's just review this very quickly I want to show you this that this power to Paul understood when you got a key Christ that you got a key a key means you got authority in the kingdom of God secondly you've got access you can explore it thirdly you've got ownership if I give you the keys to my house you have those keys you own access to my house you got authority there fourthly a key represents control when you got a key you control going in and coming out fifth if you got a key you got authorizes you are authorized to move in and out Christ I'm giving you the the authorization to heaven that's incredible I'm giving you the keys of heaven I'm giving you the authorization to take anything from heaven that you need I know if we understand how awesome that is listen to Paul's statement the one you keep quoting but we still trying to understand Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 he says my God shall supply all of your needs now we like that part but we don't read the last part it says according to his riches where in heaven in other words the stuff is in heaven all your needs are met in heaven the difficulty is how you get them out of heaven on earth Christ's blanket I think I'm giving you the keys to get them I'm teaching you how to get what's in heaven to you you get access you got the power to do it you got the freedom to do it now what are keys well number one keys are principles keys are principles keys are laws keys are systems Paul realized there's a Roman law which says you should not whip a Roman system it's not legal to do it so Paul understood what the law therefore there was a principle it's against the principle of Rome to apply capital punishment to one of his own citizens thirdly Paul understood that there was a system the system he had the land his father was a Roman citizen his father taught him the system of how to live in the Roman Empire so Paul understood that he read what the Constitution that's our porker quoted the reason why most of us really can be successful is because we'll even know the Constitution that book in your lap Paul understood details he says I know I'm not supposed to be punished by the Romans I'm citizen so he knew the system and then pour on you how the thing function very important here Keys represent function they initiate action for said look let me act I'm going to apply the key and then things happen the keys are the principles then by which the kingdom of God operates keys cannot be substituted by feelings/emotions wishful thinking or manipulation how many you think Paul was crying when he's being whipped well the answer to that question he was a bohemian he'd be screaming let me tell you something when the devil beaten you and you crying the devil laughing when people give you that pink slip then I feel sorry for you they worry about their bottom line are you following this so you can say well you know I'm a Christian you know and the Lord told me that you can't fire me I'm a woman of God I'm a man of God Geron my place in other words the keys cannot be substituted by this emotional stuff we always deal with it Paul couldn't say please throw with me they said look as far as we concerned you have been charged with treason against Rome and the punishment is death so we gonna rip you to death so you could cry all you want but when Paul took out his other citizenship suddenly he didn't need to cry now he started what demanding let me tell you something friends the the keys give you authority they give you rights they give you power so your feelings don't come into play if you're in the kingdom of God people say well Christ wept and Lazarus grave yeah read the whole story you know when I read the story last year that's going through the Bible again this last year blew my mind for the first time and I was about to do a funeral here and I was referring to that passage again when I read it last year and it blew my mind when you read the passage there is like this it says and Mary said to Jesus if you were here my brother would not have died so the Bible says Christ said to her well do you believe that he could be raised from the dead my answer was oh yes we know that in the future life he'll be raised in the future and the Bible says Christ wept now why did he weep I saw people with dead people it wasn't me I'm dead in the grave he's God he didn't really belong time he's even over dead people he met a little boy you know going to the funeral go into the graveyard he touched the coffin really cry out a little boy the little girl who was dead who erased a healing cry over her he didn't cry over dead people he was weeping over the fact that this woman didn't believe that he can raise him now look I could solve this problem now let me tell you what most of us still tied the slave mentality in the sweet by and by crisis know in the sweet now and now you gotta pay your bills now you don't need me next next ten years it's a good time to shout you miss it you don't need no garlic run in the future bless you ah I broke now I broke right now I want to go who's sweet now and now in the sweet y'all better write a new song but if I was a good one right here in the street now and now we need a God who can race him now you know why God is so disappointed in you because you plan to get blessed remember his words the disciples 5,000 people and more he says feed them they said well we gotta go to town and three days walk he said look what you're talking about feed them no tell your neighbor your dog unless spitting out don't say Tom to govern say bless me now buddy hands if I say it loud bless me on the whole my ball my ball my ball oh my well I believe somebody in this room got some money for you now say it god bless me now today praise God you gotta pull your blessings to you you gotta believe you can do it now Paul took action and he said this is my right no emotions I told you last time when you deal with the government of any country you go in the courts to get your rights you start crying they put you out anybody had been a court yes sir you stand before the judge you understand you see jerk just look excuse me Court is a join for 15 minutes and then he says to you will you please stop go and gather yourself am i right lawyer not even put yourself together when you are composed will continue this way you don't come in this car with no tears you come in here what evidence you coming here with keys you coming here with authority and power Paul got his rights by demanding it because he knew the law he knew the law and Christ I'm giving you the same thing I'm giving you keys look at Luke chapter 8 powerful stuff here Luke 8 verse 9 Paul says his disciples asked him about the parable what does it meant what it meant he says he said the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you but to others I speak in parables so that those saying they may not see and though hearing they may not understand do you know something there were many Jews around Paul many Jews around for but those Jews could not claim would Paul claim could they let me put it this way this is so important oh god Thank You Holy Ghost Paul was a Jew there were other Jews being whipped he was the only one who had citizenship that verse he says now they're people who will be around you but if you know the secrets of the kingdom of God then you will be able to act but those who are outside will not understand in other words right right in the middle right in the middle of your of the chaos you'll be the only one being blessed and they gonna ask you how is that happening the answer will be I know some secrets I'm gonna tell you friends that you are not a normal bohemian you got dual citizenship now let me just say you know Americans you are not a normal American I was thinking this past all week I keep thinking if I didn't have the kingdom of God I'd panic I don't know if y'all understand important kimiko it is you look at the word that stock markets still messed up I mean they still they you know are they announcing their announcement came in last night half a million people will be laid off by tomorrow in America tomorrow you talk of a free-trade area when a country has his own internal domestic problems they don't think when external problems let me tell you something friends you better be go ahead you got something bigger than your government I hope you're here in this message you you better shift into the secrets now because the stuff you know ain't working and you know it's a politician's job to speak positively not to speak reality but it is a citizen's job to speak faith and that's reality faith is substance my kingdom is not of this world so the system that this world uses to meet needs is not the same system that my kingdom uses to meet needs now you've got the shift into that how many of you believe that if you were laid off from your job you could actually improve your standard of living now you see the problem with that statement is that's hard to believe because you see if you believe that then people begin to think you're crazy but when Elijah was hungry God sent birds to feed him when the people would throw see God brought water from the rock you know when when you are in crisis God has a way to meet your needs that is not normal but let me tell you why he weeps he weeps sometimes because we don't believe that we believe there's only one way God can do it yeah and so we find the secrets and the secret is what his knowledge is knowing those keys and Luke 18 here it's last time it says in verse 23 when he heard this the rich man he became very sad because he was what a man of great wealth Jesus looked at him and said how hard it is for the rich man to enter the kingdom of God indeed it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man - and the king of God what's a needle your nobody now write an in is a contraption built to hold the camel to clean him it's not a sewing instrument a camel can go through a needle but is very difficult and Christ is hard for a rich man to enter kingdom of God because if a person gets their wealth before they come to the kingdom of God the system that they use to get their wealth is usually opposite to the way the kingdom system is set up to get you well so it's hard for you for example in the earthly kingdom you get your wealth by taking but in the kingdom of God you get your wealth by giving so if you get a lot of money before he comes the kingdom of God this rich man came to Christ as how can you have the kingdom of God our crisis no problem take all you have and give to the poor rich man say are you crazy I squeezed so hard on my life I am a self-made millionaire never heard that I'm a self-made man I'm a self-made woman I work hard for this I work hard for that I work out and then you come into the kingdom God says look get that house away are you crazy God give your BMW are you crazy God doesn't love you my kingdom now the laws are different when you have a need you give but in the other kingdom when you got a need your teeth let me so steel you see so crisis what he didn't say it's impossible he says what it's hard why is it hard it's hard for the rich tender King of God because there's an opposite nature of Kingdom keys secondly the power ignorance of Kingdom keys makes it difficult they don't know how the keys work and so they're confused I told you to start with that poor Widow who was about to die had one meal left for her on a Sun God sent Elijah to make a rich woman says make me rich yeah United says give me the food first no missus where we want to get two cakes one for me one for my son then we gonna die he said look I come to bless you but you got a got a function based on a different Kingdom give me a cake first let me tell you something friends someone came to me last week at the end of the service they came to me last week and they said pastor miles this is all I have and this is not enough to pay my rent and the Lord told me to give this because they can might need anyhow my first reaction in my mind was I can't take this can't take this whole ego says don't you dare don't you dare block this woman's blessing so I took it and I blessed her I want you to think what she positioned herself for and could you imagine what Heaven's gonna do she unlocked something god I only gonna pay her rent remember now he promised to bring it back press down when that woman gave that prophet that that that kneel boom the Bible says the meal burn in the kitchen start turning by itself churning and it says if you give filling up and filling up and it overflowed can I suggest that that the way that the kingdom works can really make you afraid because the system is so opposite that's why it's so hard not difficult but hard so when you learn to operate in the kingdom of God you end up that that with this attitude I gotta trust God the danger of the fallen nature of human reasoning is what makes it hard to live in the kingdom of God could we try to reason it out so well okay you know I got a I got a workbook I got to get a salary and then I got to meet my needs I'm not saying you know something be honest your salary meeting your needs any help I'm a body solder and you're paying all their bills every month you know that ain't true you're a balladry Peter and Paul all the time this balance in Peter Peter and Paul yeah in other words God didn't give you a job to meet your needs he gave you a job so you can exercise your gifts maximize your talents experience the development of authority and responsibility character he gives you job for that stuff as far as meeting your needs my gosh your supplies is all your needs in other words God got ways to meet your needs that ain't related to your job the kingdom works differently do you know why Paul said that statement my God shall supply all your needs because this church in Philippi gave a bunch of money to the Ministry of pork enforcement because of that my gosh the priority your needs in other words you gain with yourself you just set yourself up to get that blessing open from heaven can I suggest you then that the most important thing for you to do during crisis is to give I'm gonna say it again the most important thing to do during crisis is to give you know we got groceries over here and I want to see a mountain over there and then a couple of weeks why there's some cans in your kitchen you ain't use them beans in that closet that you ain't used them Saudis them tuna fish in them closet that you haven't used this in your house that you have been worn God is saying look this is the time to activate heaven it's time to give and if it's the last you get don't eat it in the kingdom of God you know eat you see seeds are full of life the reason why it's so hard to because principle work but I not always understood the presence of God works but it don't always make sense to you I mean when you read the stuff that the Bible tells you the people had to do it's incredible that they didn't know how God was gonna work it out but they obeyed God God will give you instructions that won't make much sense in the next few months just be listening very carefully and obey Him because God has a way to take care of his citizens that no one knows about and you activated some stuff already God's gonna bless you don't you walk out not expecting it porns expected to stop being whipped by he knew his rights he was expect God to bless you if you activated God heaven is open you expected and you make room for the blessing that's a part of faith finally principles are established by the manufacturer in other words only the Creator knows his own system so God paid the heavens and the earth he knows how it works better than your government better than your boss so God knows how to make everything work you know this statement made sense to me that's why I wrote it down God knows his creation God knows that a bird understands him but you don't think a bird understands God do you think he lies would have ever dreamt that a bird would bring him hotcakes only human brings cakes but he forgot that God can talk to birds he knows this material I can leave right now I know but your hang on get this man listen to me God can bring a donkey down beantown laden with food donkey walk into your yard no another donkey going from God to do that I can't just believe that see all you can see is pay check and check and people know cause of I own creation I can make trees do things for you man talk to me like his kingdom is under his influence that's why I'm so glad God didn't give ownership of the earth to Adam he still owns the planet you read the Bible you see some of the weirdest things me tell you what they gonna happen again to people just like you if you start activating keys donkeys will talk but you gotta believe the reason why it's hard to live in the kingdom cuz you gotta believe this stuff it was hard on the disciples to watch Jesus talk to a tree master go nuts my suggest address a tree and told the tree no more shall any man eat of thee you are dead and then he left now you know ordering that walk it was thinking he gone now this imagine you doing stuff like that God might tell you to talk to some things I'm gonna get a line here you know speak to it the kingdom of God is hard to live in for us because of human reasoning and we don't understand it but the creation is his material man just blessing me my soul right now let me tell you what God could make money fly in the wind but guess what it cost you right you were expecting it it ought to be the paper - you see but if you walk out of here saying my kingdom might get him to use anything but my kingdom moon everything you miss that it was a shout just now man I said God is the Lord not nothing now the government on the earth may not be the Lord's but the earth I'm blessing myself all by myself let me tell you something man God can bring a car or don't know where we know what I'm driving today is yours you don't believe that God could do that God picked up Philip man picked up Philip Philip in the middle of our evangelism meeting preaching all of a sudden he vanished God pick him up landed him in a chariot with a guy going back to Africa philosopher he come from he's I was beamed up God don't fret in the midst of crisis bless the Lord O my soul and forget not his benefits he heals my diseases let me tell you something God wants you to take out your passport he wants you to claim keys that no one knows by the secrets and he wants you to be aware that he can take care of you in a way you couldn't let me tell you you won't listen to your pass of the day you won't get so blessed in the midst that it's mess you won't know it's God I promise you that the kingdom has no crisis the economy in the heaven is strong solid the systems that the world uses to get provisions to you are drying up so you gotta find another system and that's what the kingdom of God is all about it's about another system it's about giving the heavens the right to get things to you that are secrets and that's what we are gonna be dealing with I want to close with this last scripture here and this is Scripture I wanted to get to today and my closing it's found in Isaiah 55 a verse that is so powerful Isaiah 55 verse 7 to 10 we close on this it says let the wicked forsake what his way and the evil man his thoughts let him turn to the Lord and he will what hell mercy on him unto our God for he will freely pardon next verse because my thoughts God says not your thoughts and my ways are not your ways declares the Lord as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways and my thoughts higher than yours this is important here doesn't look first of all forsake the way you figure out how to meet needs in my kingdom you don't bring your system to Mises he tells he said because your way are completely different as high as the heaven is from Earth that's how different we think God says I want to train you to think like me now that's awesome God says your thoughts I'm not my thought the way you do things another way I do things he said therefore one change your mind the kingdom of God I will give you keys Christ say and the keys are so different that is gonna seem as if it's a different world and the answer is it is a different world it's completely different now next session we've got to be dealing with this next week we're going to talk about how to tap into the different way of thinking of the kingdom because when you think Kingdom way then you attract Kingdom provisions Jesus thought completely differently from everybody else and so the people said no man spoke like this man cuz he said things that was so opposite he told the disciples they said we caught nothing he says table to do those of you who went to Israel with me would remember the story when he go to Galilee in that big lake they call the Sea of Galilee 2,000 years ago that was one of the klaris bodies of what is still kind of clear today but even then it was clear like Bahamas waters I ran a fisherman was trained to fish in Galilee and Capernaum he was taught the secrets of fishing Peter James and John were taught the secrets of fishing they owned a company headed by their by John James father Zebedee the secrets that they were taught was that you know the Sea of Galilee is like a like a basin had mountains around most of the three quarters of it and then you got complaining him on the bank and it goes up to the north straight up all the way through Assyria to Syria rather all the way through Turkey and the winds would blow down from northern Europe and come down to what Africa and get caught in that Basin where the mountains are and will create currents in that body of water called Galilee the currents will flow from the north and then turn around because it's locked and they would flow out into the Jordan River deficiency of Galilee is the lake fresh water they had to line a couple of things one the way the currents moved the fish were moving the current so you had to fish on a certain side during certain times of the year and then you had to throw your nets on a certain side because of the current to catch the fish the fish would be driven into the net by the currents so fishing was an art is a technique to fishing in the Sea of Galilee the disciples Peter James and John record tells us that they were fishermen they owned a company and was headed up by Zebedee the old man that was their life profession they had their job this is the way they made their living and so they paid their bill took care the children took care their families fed their their their their servants took care of their their bills this is what they lived on fishing how did Christ meet them Christ met them in crisis he met them probably the way some of you are or might be in crisis the Bible says they toiled all night and caught nothing you know God knows exactly where you are and sometimes God hime it is sharp when you broke follow me carefully and Christ said to these guys have you caught anything they said no in unit he said uh let's go back out now the other problem is they only fish in the night because the water is so clear in Galilee the fish in the day the fish can see the content and go away so when you read the Bible you never find them fishing in the night read the text is always in the night they fished in the day right the only fish in the night because the fish can't see the net so whether this device is early in the morning he came walking along the beach in the morning and they were mending their nets in the morning and they caught nothing God will catch you when your system ain't working he is sharp when everything he depended on is dried up and now he's gonna blow your mind my thoughts not your thoughts and your techniques are not my techniques and the way you've been trained is not the way I can teach you he said - doesn't know he said let's go back out now first of all this morning so now that's one ways he's confusing let's go back out let me tell you what I like about Peter James I think Peter was the one who did it might have been John I don't know but one man probably said you knows I'm gonna be broke any owe me day something sometime you got to do it too because ain't nothing us working something just gotta give it I didn't give them cuz what I broke anyhow he copied me so I might as well use it and take my chance on God alright I'm gonna what i'ma try this key it's an annual show and it's gonna try the key what does God say test me this day prove me see if I wouldn't know but sometime they got a test they said they said only I'd I would let me take something that's all God wants in this game to me the weight of the government is law so they went back out in the day this is interesting the reason why no one else went over them it because all the other fish in I was laughing limited story this man said the fish man watched him out there why were they going time wrong does he know time to invest this is no time to talk big this is no time to nothing big isn't no time what they Dana yeah I sit up straight for five seconds for we go take neighbor now it's time to act this ain't no time to get scared you see everybody else wonder what y'all doing you talk but you can't you just listen i working on difference of keys they can't open when everybody watching then when I reach out there you say don't go away used to go that's another ways he's a goat in the deep Jesus is all right he says why operating a different Kingdom here I'm gonna show you that everything you learned can't pay your bills I don't care if you got a PhD in accounting if you know job man talk to me I don't care how good you could cook if you don't want need in the kitchen so you got to learn another system that don't depend on your education praise the Lord God of heaven them guys were educated in fishing he said look i'ma show you a kingdom that ain't submitted to your education he says going to the deep they say only at your work he said thank you very much then when they got to the deeper the wrong place wrong place we never learned taught it is now don't put it on that side everything different he say put it on the other side they say put the car truck whatever no current I own the Wynn undersea I tell you on the own creation I go on he say look this ain't nothing to do it no the waiter the the economy go in I bless myself he said look I know what they say on the news but I got one another report you could go ahead give it a little bit here he said put it on the other side Iran the Bible says they put it down what happened it says the net begin to break on assist the others on the shore come on read the Bible it says the other on the shore they beckon they say start one if he tired body come on here come thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Munroe Global possible please visit us online at you
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: 9fonDhc3Hs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 15sec (4395 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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