The Untouchables - Week 1

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hello everybody I'm Gloria Copeland and welcome to the believers voice of victory pastor George Pearson's is back with us with some more wonderful teaching on increasing prosperity blessing you name it praise God Gloria it's so good to be back with you again well I'm looking forward to hearing all this new stuff you got these these times I love this well we're talking about the untouchables that's that's us we are untouchable especially in the times that we are in right now things that are going on the things that are happening here do you were safe Wow I mean we just I just had a real reality of the untouchables we just got back from Israel with sister Billy on a tour and we were standing at the Syrian border we were standing at the Lebanese border and it's good to know the 91st psalm Lord thy shooting actually at the Syrian border we heard Rockets go off and then we read about it the next day in the paper so there was a there was a village that was under attack while we were there in that particular spot we saw this she did she she gets excited about things like that she says oh look there's smoke over there let's go no she she didn't do that but it's important Gloria that we we walk in that place I mean of protection in these days anybody lives you need exactly exactly and so that we call this the untouchables and the subtitle of this I think you'll enjoy this because I learned this from you the subtitle is God's circle of protection yes amen God's circle of protection now we were talking just a few moments ago we we normally talk about prosperity in this has everything to do with prosperity I wrote down what you said right before we went on the air we were talking about the broadcast together here and and Gloria said you can't have prosperity in this world if you so it's important very important that we be alive in this world and protected and so I'll tell you what Gloria let's pray over this together because I really believe at the end of these two weeks we will all have a deeper revelation of what it means to walk in the protection of God which is part of God's prosperity prosperity and walking in prosperity is not just in the financial realm but it covers and we'll talk about this in a moment every the entire spectrum of life prosperity covers everything spirit soul body financially socially in every way and it is the will of God for you and I to be protected to be in a place of God's circle of protection wherever we are wherever we go and in these days Gloria it doesn't it doesn't matter because things are happening all around us in ways that we've never seen before and as we get into this broadcast today I'll read to you a couple of things that brother Copeland one thing that he wrote in a partner letter another thing that he delivered five years ago at the southwest believers convention about the times that we are in and he talked about the fact that these are dangerous times and they're getting more dangerous still so that's why we need to know our covenant the covenant of protection that God has for us so let's pray over this together father in Jesus name we pray over these broadcasts together I thank you father for the protection that you have over your people in these days and in this hour when we're being given reports that Isis is setting up cells in the United States father I thank you that we operate under a covenant of protection that we live in the circle of God's protection and Lord we are untouchable the wicked one touches us not and we receive that and we believe it and we thank you for it Lord in Jesus name Amen okay let's look at our first scripture here and let me remind everybody oh this is good and I got so much of this from you I've been learning I've been learning over the years from sister Gloria and brother Copeland about walking in God's covenant of protection glory that's where I get all of this anyway so you'll you'll be you'll be well familiar with what we're talking about and I want to remind everybody that first of all the notes are available to you just go to KCM org all of these notes that we're talking about here they are ready for you to print out to read them to study them we have we preach them Gloria we have passed the 500 thousand mark on the outlines that have been downloaded from the broadcast that you and I have done over the last five years and so we're actually pressing into about five hundred and fifty thousand over half a million notes people are interested they're interested in knowing how to prosper in these times that we are in everything everything your mind your money everything it's the blessing it's the blessing it is it's the blessing and so also we want your testimonies what God is doing in your life and I'll tell you something on these broadcasts Gloria we've prepared some features that we're going to show of outstanding demonstrations of God's delivering power oh we're excited that's gonna be great one of the testimonies Gloria that we are going to be showing this week about a woman from our church she works at the church she was at the believers convention a year ago and she was driving her kids home from the afternoon sessions they heard something like a rock that hit the car it was a bullet and the button she had her kids in the car seats and that bullet went into her car and did not touch them we've got the whole story going to the passenger area it landed on the floor me you could look at the floor pick up the bullet what an outstanding and then that that's a demonstration of God's protection his angels we're gonna talk about that during these broadcast hold of that bullet they got ahold of that bullet let it leave of testimony that's right that's right and so send us your testimonies about what God is doing for you we take communion often and it just brings us in the remembrance of our covenant with God the Covenant that we have of provision the Covenant of blessing and the covenant of protection that we have with him and so we take communion often at the end of our teaching we take communion with that and if I can take it with us let's do that so we don't what would be our last they'll be our last day Friday Friday Friday yes what we did do that one time in the the world come here we're gonna have a I'm with you Gloria okay we're gonna do it we'll take communion here awesome praise God okay third John two I wanted to begin this today just really talking about setting a foundation for the teaching and in third John - it says beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers and glory to prosper means to succeed at everything everything we do everything that we set our hands to do to do better so that's good to do better I like that to do better that's what it means to prosper and it says in the amplified beloved I pray that you may prosper in every way in every way every way and that your body may keep well even as I know your soul keep Wells and prospers well prosperity is includes the financial realm but it's even more than that and one of the things that prosperity covers is the entire spectrum of life spirit soul body financially socially politically and I looked up the word prosperity and in the Hebrew it's the word Shalom now we're peace everything everything missing nothing broken that's it peace like you said well-being nothing is missing nothing is broken and I like this definition of Shalom safe and secure mm-hmm safe and secure so to be walking in prosperity means to be safe and secure from any attack and I'll have to warn you right now we have a lot of scriptures about glory that we're gonna you can you can write some things in your Bible prosperity means divine protection and how much more in this day an hour that we live in that we need to walk in that realm of prosperity divine protection yes how long and it also means this it means to be fear free fear free of course you and I will talk about that during the course of these broadcasts living completely fear free and I like this scripture in first John you're right there in John let's go to first john gloria and this will be a really good foundation to what we're teaching in 1st john 5:18 it says we know that whosoever is born of god sins not but he that is begotten of God keeps himself and that wicked one touches him not the wicked one touches us not that's why we are the untouchables we are the untouchables and you know something Gloria yesterday in church I preached on this subject now we're we're we are taping this in advance of the airdate that it's going on because what had just happened and people will remember this was the shooting the church in Charleston in Charleston South Carolina and so the Lord ministered to me and said go into church and minister to the congregation about our covenant of protection now that's on EMI Sea Org for those of you that are interested and and you can look it up on our archive but we we talked about this because the devil is trying to bring fear into this nation and absolute absolutely paralyze people that's what fear does it shuts people down it makes them so afraid that they'll be afraid to go to church and what we have to do in times like this and I'm telling you guys this is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland taught me you have to stand on the word you've got to take the word stand on it when attack comes like that what we have to do glory is we have to dig back into the word and find out exactly what we need to do to take our stand against this to take to take our stand against destruction where our family is concerned and that we can walk completely untouchable separated out of the world system and in that place of divine protection no matter where we are and no matter where we go there are people that are afraid to go to Israel and I'll tell you every time we go there Billy hands out a card that she's put in plastic and we keep it in our Bibles and it's the 91st psalm and every morning when we get on the buses together we declare the 91st psalm over our day you really need to in a place like Israel you really hey you need to anywhere anyway there's nothing you're absolutely right you got to get your promises and your word that's right a than everything and oh your words yes you know that opens yes that just tickles well death won't do that's exactly right you open the door you open the door too destruction I'm gonna do some I think during this teaching I'll do some margin reading okay oh good have you got something in your margin every time I got something of course if I can read it there is a place in God where Satan does not come that's what wiglesworth said okay it's a place of protection it's a place of having you you know you can pray but if you say you're different you're you're not making a clear message so we have to say what we pray how do I mean that well we pray our prayer and we believe God say for the 91st psalm right believe the script right then if we say so be it and leave that place and we talk fear and doubt you don't know that's your faith talking you have to take it my face that's right not say anything else I mean we can't be like job where it says one of the translations that said he feared a fear and it came on him he scared these gears prayer don't work somebody said you said that I think that's really good Gloria scared I don't know how you spell scared scared hey Artie don't think it's an addiction I don't think so either but scared prayer don't work oh that's good what was that story all have things don't work but I like your margin Gloria we're going to include that we'll include that in the notes there's a place in God where Satan does not come cannot cannot come cannot come that's good but it's a place of faith it's a place of faith and faith is what you say so if you talk afraid if you talk fear if you talk you're danger and you're not within faith then you're out of faith exactly so that's good say right right well you know speaking of the 91st psalm let's turn over there and we're gonna be spending some time over in the 91st psalm together this entire broadcast but I wanted to read something Gloria and it's it's there point B of your nose I had I had some notes that I was looking at and this is from a partner letter that brother Copeland wrote in 2011 the May 2011 partner letter and I listen to this he says it's written down there he says we are witnesses to the things no other generation before us has seen past generations have seen terrible things like disasters and famines of gigantic proportions the difference is we are seeing in experiencing them one right after the other all over the earth we need to get in the zone the zone the secret place of the most high that's it that's the sound that's the zone I like that that's all Psalm 91 one he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty oh man I'm in and that is that's the zone and then what 94 I like this Psalm 91 4 yeah yeah and you know what this particular scripture is the circle of protection I got that from you I'll tell you exactly when well 1998 really we were having that 30 day meeting here at the church and we called it 30 days of glory yeah and you were teaching one day and you were teaching on protection you read the scripture she read Psalm 91 for he shall cover you with his feathers and under his wings shalt you trust his truth shall be your shield and buckler and you said in your notes you said his troops shall be your shield and buckler in the Hebrew that means the circle of protection is the circle we're in the circle of protection when we get in it now you can't be there and talk fear and doubt and unbelief that's right and you have to that's right have a we have the Word of God on that circle of protection that's right got to get in our ears our ears in our heart and no fear here no fear here you can't be in faith in fear at the same time mhm can you feed on these things feed on these scriptures that we're talking about yeah and so it with your mouth yes yes yes talk your blessing until it becomes bigger than any fear of anything else God that's it glorious in Christ we do not live under the Dominion of the curse or it's a neural damage we have a covenant of protection with God so because of that covenant you and I are the untouchables The Untouchables and that good we've been touched by God that's right and we are the devil I like it I like it faith though you gotta have your words and your faith working for you you can't talk fear no you can't you can't do that now proverbs 19 23 in the NIV it says the fear of the Lord leads to life then one rest content untouched by trouble oh I'm not sure I had that script that's a good script what is it that's the one down there in 2015 23 NIV hear of the Lord leads to life then one rest content untouched by trouble now talk about the fear of the Lord that's not your being afraid of it No thank you honor hey yo that's the owner of enough to obey Him enough to speak right sit leave right that's it act right that's it that's what the fear of the Lord is it's listening to ya afraid of it and being obedient we reverence him that's right and enough to do what he says enough that's where the safety zone is that's good now I want you to look at the last page and in the last minute or so that we have left to hear together I want to read the word that brother Copeland had at the believers convention August 6 2010 the Lord said the world is in serious trouble but for the household of faith and those that will cling to my words and listen very carefully everything is going to be all right all right all right right the world I tell you again is in serious trouble some very hard things are coming in different places around the world very difficult times in many places there that way now and they won't get any better they will continue to get worse and worse it's on a downhill run that the world cannot stop but for the household of faith everything is going to be all right nothing now listen to the instructions from this word you'll have to take a stand you'll have to fight the good fight of faith but when did you not have to do that these are dangerous times they're dangerous times financially quit living in that house get back over here in the household of faith stand on my word and it will not come near you fight the good fight of faith praise and worship my name don't feed fear in trouble into your life and into your mouth feed on my word and not on the bread of sorrow look in my face preach the word everything is going to be alright Alleluia and it's called The Untouchables hallelujah you're the untouchables living in God's circle of protection yes Amen that's part when we're living in the 91st psalm one that's relieving God you know if you're talking fear you just open the door the devil but if you're standing in faith you're saying faith and when you hear things on the news and they say this is going to happen that's going to happen your money's going down the tube whatever it is just remember I'm untouchable I'm in faith my body see my family safe preach it sister okay well we are talking about that and we're so excited about the fact that we have a covenant of connection with God that we're protected everywhere we go no matter where it is if we're traveling around the world or we're right here at home we are protected everywhere we go yes if you're in faith your words are saying right yeah you're thinking right that's right leaving right and you're not opening the door through fear fear opens the door the wrong door that's the wrong door that it opens and we don't do that we walk by faith we walk by faith and not beside that's right and so again I wanted to remind you that all of the outlines that we have are available to you on KCM org just go over to the website and you'll be able to get these and we've so far in in 202 broadcasts that we've done together over half a million downloads of the algorithm people are interested in learning how to prosper spirit soul body and in every way they're interesting you know I wouldn't you like to have some testimonies on yes people that have gotten it yes changed in their lives we would love to hear those tests send us your testimonies those are encouragement to us and encouragement to you I mean to tell what you have yes and share that because people are looking for that kind of victory security yes that's what it is it's security Bible that's right redemption security and this is 202 turn into broadcasts that we've done together so this is the two hundred and second broadcast of our prosperity series prosperity they ought to be loaded by now load it up and hallelujah you know Gloria I'm this trip that we just went on with Billy Grimm to Israel I can't tell you how many people came up to me and said how much they appreciate the broadcast they're watching the broadcast they watch you and me they watch Kenneth all of the guests people watch this on a daily basis right they're feeding on the Word of God well you know some places every place is dangerous everywhere the United States is really everywhere but some places are more dangerous than others but the words the same wherever you are and it gives you the bond protection so if you live in a calm place or a dangerous place you need to be standing on the word because there's the curse is available out there there's people that are yes yes whatever I like about criminal I think about that stupid show that row brother where art thou [Laughter] excuse me have a laugh oh mercy well anyway we're safe house yeah we are we are safe and Gloria the lesson that we're talking about today we are talking about the wall of protection the wall of redemption that separates us from the evil that is in this world that's the thing that makes the difference yeah in you and everybody else right natural people that's right and if you'll think about it natural people are just I should say hell-bent on speaking negative they're about themselves yeah in about their situation yeah and think what I'm gonna do I'm afraid I'm gonna lose my job this and that another but supernatural people we are having been that's right heaven been what belongs to us come on we're the untouchable we are the untouchables horrible cannot touch us this gonna be fun the wicked one touches us not hallelujah that's what forever 1:5 says the wicked one touches us not so today Gloria let's go over to the hundred and third some okay I really really enjoy the hundred and third psalm what a blessing that is to us and it says in the one hundred and third song bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul forget not all of his benefits so here we go they're listed out first thing we have to do is remember the benefits that's right we must remember that's the Lord and we remember the benefits so far so good right yes yes ma'am all right so far so good so we go through this and we find he forgives all of our iniquities how many of oh he heals all our diseases oh oh glory to God he redeems our life from destruction that covers everything he crowns us with loving-kindness and tender mercies and he satisfies our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the Eagles race God the scripture I wanted us to focus up on here is verse 4 he redeems our life from destruction the the CEV translation contemporary English version says he protects us from death that's good in it he protects us from death and that goes right along with Galatians 3 13 and 14 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hangs on a tree so that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith blessing and there is the curse right and you get to choose which one is it under and I choose blessed I choose the blessing to glory says that we've been redeemed from the curse so what does that word redeemed mean Christ in the Greek it means to be purchased we've been bought with the bought ransomed paid for I like this rescued and protected yes good and that last word right there protected you've been redeemed from the curse or you are protected from the effects of the curse of the law being in Christ Jesus fearing the Lord honoring God loving God is standing on the word putting that word in your mouth keeping it going on the inside that puts us in position to walk in that protection that God has for us amen throughout human history the blessing has outstripped the curse to those who would walk with God who would believe him who would do what he says the blessing is stronger than the curse the blessing has outstripped yes and it's stronger it's stronger and it puts us in a place of divine protection supernatural divine protection everywhere we go supernatural supernatural supernatural beyond our ability to do right every morning when we get up Terry and I make our confession before the Lord and it's pretty long we we spent some time confessing and declaring the word but we have certain things that we say and one of the things that we say is that we are living in the realm of the supernatural supernatural health supernatural wealth supernatural wisdom supernatural protection supernatural prosperity we walk in those realms today in Jesus walking with God that's right we're walking with God and we're walking in his protection it says in 1st Corinthians 6:20 God bought you with a high price it's the New Living Translation and then first Peter 1:18 and 19 knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot we are redeemed we've been paid for glory to God that's one of the first blessing is on us Galatians 3:13 Gloria was one of the very first scriptures that I memorized and committed to my memory when I came here when I first came here and started listening to the word and that's next year I will be with Kenneth Copeland ministries 40 years 40 40 years ago and 40 years ago I can remember we were actually driving to a meeting it was it was in Cincinnati Ohio it was the first meeting that I went on and I had been listening to some things and reading some things and I started I just started because I had never really seen that before Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law being made a curse for me so part of that reduction of blessing comes home yeah and part of the redemption that we walk in is protection that's right say this after me I am redeemed I am redeemed from curse of the law from the curse of all I am redeemed from the curse of destruction from the curse of destruction God's protection God's protect is part of my Redemption is part of my Redemption hallelujah there is a wall of protection that separates us from the corruption that is in the world for us to be able to live here on this earth and walk in that place of divine protection I tell you we've heard testimony after testimony about people who have experienced tornadoes in their neighborhoods and one of them I'm thinking about in particular of a woman who she she was in her home with her children the skies got dark and she heard the wind the wind of a tornado throwers and the roars and she sent her children to the basement and she went up on the balcony of the second-floor the Lord told her to do this and went out there and started speaking to that storm in the name of Jesus and she saved everything everything there was damage Gloria all around her but it did not come near her man Ken now we're in the airplane I've told this before on television we were in the airplane some years ago and over here was the dark cloud and know we were a distance from it mm-hmm and down comes one I've never seen that tornado before but down comes the funnel and we we said you get back up there in the name of Jesus and that's we're into the cloud I'm telling you got to talk to things that's what Jesus do he spoke to the seed you said peace be still that's what we have to do have to take our place if we want to remain safe there is a church in the Philippines in the jungles and this is on YouTube the video of this was on YouTube they were in the middle of a church service and it's obviously jungle area I mean these were like Hut's that they were in but it was a pretty good group of people well from the sky came the funnel and it was headed their way and it shows on this YouTube video it shows the the church coming out into the yard area and praying in tongues and speaking to it and on this video you can actually see the funnel go back up and they started to praise God and worship God what a sight praise the Lord that is that is where is that that's on YouTube that's you can do that I think it's if you look up Philippines and tornado I think those combination of words will get you over there wow that's to see that take place but there is a wall of protection a wall of redemption between us and the corruption and the destruction and the curse of the world and the best what would be the do what would be a normal reaction somebody say oh yeah yeah and that what does that do well that just cinches it you're gonna die your uterus and you responded wrongly you and Kenneth really have been teaching me since 1970 here's 1975 when I first heard the word when Terry and I met at oru and it has it's totally transformed my life and these things that we're talking about here there's a boldness about taking hold of this and you've taught us and Kenneth has taught us to have an absolute zero tolerance where fear is concerned yes no fear whatsoever because we've been separated out from this world and we are living in the kingdom of God on this earth and the best illustration that I can use is over in Exodus chapter 8 and we'll go through these pretty quick but it's in point B of your notes in Exodus chapter 8 and I'll read this to you like that in this is talking about Moses the children of Israel and what was going to happen to Egypt and the Pharaoh and the separation and the division that took place between the children of Israel and the Egyptians and it says here it's talking about oh I'll start in verse 20 of Exodus 8 says the Lord said to Moses rise up in the morning stand before Pharaoh he comes forth to the water say to him let my people go that they may serve me or else if you not let my people go I will send swarms of flies and I wrote this in the side the site of a margin of my Bible I heard Kenneth say this one time blood-sucking beasts hmm swarms of flies upon you and upon your servants and upon your people and into your houses and the houses of the Egyptians shall be full of swarms of flies in the ground where they are and I will sever in that day the land of goshen sever set apart and set it apart my kin which my people dwell that no swarms of flies will be there to the end that you may know that I am the Lord in the midst of the earth and I will put a division between my people and that is God tomorrow this show this sign shall be now go back to your point be over there go back to this I will put a division and division in the Hebrew means a Redemption now I heard brother Copeland preaching this and he calls it the wall of redemption I like that I will put a wall of redemption between my people and your people Gloria there is a wall of redemption that separates us from the curse that runs rampant out there we are not subject to it nor are we subject to the collateral damage of it and if we look down at these scriptures and point me I'll just read these to you in Exodus 9 4 through 6 the Lord shall sever between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt and there shall nothing die of all that is the children's of Israel in other words you could say the Lord shall make a division the Lord yes there's a division and the cattle of Egypt that's right Wow a division a separation yes men monitor yeah danger one is in security yes yes yes yeah we are Exodus 926 only in the land of goshen where the children of Israel were was there no hail Exodus 10 23 but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings there was darkness in the land of Egypt that is a really big day all right that's a separation in Exodus 12 13 and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are when I see the Blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt Gloria there is a wall of protection that separates us we just have a few moments let's go to the second page and I want to read this let me read this to you okay Colossians 1:12 it says in verse 13 he's rescued us from the Dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the son that he loves that's the scripture where it says he's delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son yes how it says in Psalm 91 7 a Thousand shall fall at thy side ten thousand at that right hand but it will not come near you it will not come near me only with our eyes shall behold and see the reward of the wicked that's a big crowd right there that's huge yeah that's 1,000 on one side 10,000 at the right hand near one it will not come near us glory to God let me finish I have two minutes and I want like whatever you want Gloria this is this is actually you talking because it's from your book your promise of protection by Gloria Copeland listen to this it's important for you to understand that because in the days to come you're going to see a great deal of trouble in the world around you the reason is there are two groups of people in the earth there are the people of God and there are the people who still live in the devil's kingdom of darkness the people who live in darkness have no covenant with God because God has given the gift of salvation to the world they constantly have to option to accept Jesus as Savior to change groups they have that option but until they do they can't enjoy the benefits that God's people have the Word of God tells us that these two groups even though they may live side-by-side on the earth are going to experience very different kinds of lives we can see that in Isaiah 3 where the Lord tells Isaiah to say listen to this say to the righteous that it shall be well with him woe to the wicked it will be ill with him now what is that about that that you don't understand that's pretty clear take two groups of people living in the same space in the same earth in the same city even in the same family one can live well and the other can live in woe one can live in security the other in constant peril God has proven again and again throughout the Bible that it can pluck his people right out of the middle of the most terrible circumstances look at Noah mm-hmm the whole world went down around Noah the whole world brought the the whole world bought the farm everyone except eight people in Noah's family a whole world - eight - eight in that awesome so don't be confused when you hear words of doom and destruction around you those words aren't meant for you I have they're meant for the Church of God the church is not going to undergo the wrath of God we're already been delivered we've already been set free we've been made the righteousness of God and and it it is sin and unrighteousness and disobedience that brings the wrath of God upon the earth just like it did in Noah's day why was Noah protected because he heard from God y'all made it he could have said a boat an ark give me a break we haven't seen it around here over an inch forever and I'll tell you we can take our Authority we can use our authority in the very same way that we used our authority where Ebola was concerned and Gloria what I want to do right now is is go to a clip that we have of Kenneth giving a report in one of our meetings that was at healing school about prayer and the defeat of Ebola so let's go to that and glory and I'll be right back this is from our man in Liberia he said I was just praying and God revealed to me and reminded me that I listened it to brother Kenneth a couple of days ago tailing telling of he and bill Winston joining their faith to kill Ebola everyone was predicting elicited everyone was predicting a million cases by this time this year in Liberia [Music] praise God the country is ebola-free [Music] the borders are open people are returning to school the recovery has begun I know I'm living in the supernatural and all our US staff and Liberian staff are covered under our blood covenant and praise God again that no.10 staff both domestic and Liberian no one no one no one was taken by Ebola thank you Jesus we have a partnership and a covenant with with Kenneth Copeland ministries and you and all the supernatural we are and we are supernaturally untouchable I'm so glad to be with you I just get so excited of the things that that I do research on then come in here and then you add so much more to it it's wonderful it's wonderful and that's what the Word of God does it just you your full faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and now what we're talking about is we're talking that subject that we are on is called the untouchables living in God's circle like protection I like your tattle that's great so we are the wicked one first John 5 the devil touches us not the devil and all these devils that's right touch us not yea and so today Gloria what we're going to do and we'll spend several days talking about this but we'll talk about our covenant of protection we have a covenant with God and that covenant includes as part of its benefits are part of the articles of the Covenant a covenant of protection and the scripture that I like to use on this one is Psalm 105 verse 8 and it says he has remembered his covenant forever the word which he commanded to a thousand generations so we know it's still good it's still good still on and that word and and this is an interesting point when we talk about covenant the covenant that we have with God is his word his word is his covenant and a covenant I wrote down a definition here on our notes which by the way these are available to you all you have to do is to go to KCM dot org and you'll see the information there of how to access these and Gloria we've had over half a million since you and I started have millions outlines that have been downloaded yes I would I'd like to hear that so you heard it from Gloria we want your testimonies tell us get excited about these tell us what God is doing for you but the covenant that we have this covenant with God a covenant is and I have a definition there it's an unbreakable agreement between two parties that have joined together as one to support each other provide for one another to protect each other and to defend each other so we have a covenant of protection with God and the articles of that covenant are written in the Word of God that's right and did when you got married did they say do you take this woman to be your wedded wife mm-hmm what is that that's a covenant that's a covenant that is a covering of God and we Terry and I have been living in our covenant this year is our 38th year of our covenant halite together and we became really the word covenant means one you're one together in Christ we are one together with Almighty God with Terry we are one to you like this man don't you take this woman to be your wedded wife yes yes and we we have become one and everything everything that is mine and I mean I I joyfully I mean whatever she wants whatever she desire oh you're a good one that's my hearts away my husband is and that's oh he's he's over the top and that's the way God is God's over the top he's over the top in with us so much we we want any good father will watch over their family and protect yes protect their children and that's the way the father is well that's right and folks we have a covenant with God and we have a covenant of protection and he is here to defend us to protect us but the thing about it is we must become knowledgeable of that covenant you and I have talked about this before it's not enough just to make Jesus the Lord of your life it's not enough and it's a great start but then you have to become familiar with his word and what is available to you and what is yours and their speed there are people that are as we talked about the other day they're running scared some of them won't leave their house precious Christian people but they're so afraid they won't lead their house some of them are afraid to go to church or write an airplane or or go to the mall or where any large group of people might come there's a there is a paranoia that begins to set in that fear that something bad is going to happen well now think about it if that's what they believe they oughta stay young that's right you know it's what you it's what you release your faith for that's active in your life and that negative paranoia everybody's out to get me everybody's out to get there's somebody out there with a gun right now looking for me we have to be terrible and we have to be just like Milan Lefevre Milan lefeber Milan the feather yeah we have to be just like Milan Milan has a serious case of reverse paranoia everybody's out to bless ya we have to become educated and familiarized with the Covenant that we have with God so Gloria this is what we're going to do you and I are gonna run some scriptures together I have seven scriptures here of our covenant detection and let's begin with Psalm 91 and again those of you that are watching right now you can go back to the archives and look at these over and over again these these studies that we're doing together and write down the scriptures you know we're in a day in an age now where we have televisions that you can app you can pause them and you can write down the scripture pause it study right along with us it's amazing isn't it what every kind of to Gloria you've come a long way from the Beverly Hillbillies on a little television set with that one line broken we've come a long way from that and they're all away bad end the rollaway beds praise God ken and I were so broke when we first got married we rented a rollaway bed for $7 and something we had a we rented a house we had a trend rollaway bed our bed and we had $7 in something that's what we rented and it was like this you know but we had a coffee table ken made in shop yes stunning piece and we had a black-and-white TV that it was about this high but the pictures are over forever yes god mm-hmm okay our covenant of protection Psalm 91 one now Gloria we're gonna be doing a fuller study of Psalm 91 coming up I just wanted to take this first verse though this is your covenant with God he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty what a scripture what a scripture that's the obedience in that we are yes in that we abide under that shadow we're not here out here dude that's where we lived that's where we live you I was doing some reading in one of your books about this and you wrote in there you talked about the scripture and you said that to dwell in the secret place to abide that's not transient that's not that's not like living in a hotel that is where we live we dwell in the secret place of the Most High we abide under the the almighty that's an article from your covenant with God praise God covenant of protection glory to God so look in your Bible there Gloria and and just let me know if you've got anything as we go through some as Psalm 91 one if you've got any any treasure in your margin out of Psalm 91 one we we've been Psalm 21 talks about your arrival and departure so we were protected as we travel that's a new that's good rival and departure that's good and then hoping I can read my really good God's action what was that some what some Psalm 121 I'm 121 three through eight Wow I didn't have that one that's good in the Tehillim that it would be fifty page of 1512 that's good Gloria God's actions toward each man reflect that individuals that man's in other words actions toward God yes like if you have faith for your protection yep then you've opened the door for God to secure that protection oh that's good right oh that's if you have faith for your finances evolve open door for God to prosper yes glory to God and that someone 21 is an amazing scripture their glory the Lord verse 5 the Lord is thy keeper the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand verse 7 the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil Oh everything glory to God we'll add that that'll be added him to this outline Wow Wow okay well let's look then turn to someone are you still in what are you still in I don't still own the arrival and the departure yeah so like when you get on an airplane yes you depart and you arrive okay now if you do it by faith you depart and you arrive intact yes our that could be going to town could be she's going through the shopping thank God I plead the blood of Jesus all the time as I go do stress God okay God's actions toward each man reflect individuals actions toward God and his fellow man to the extent that man pays attention are tensed to it proverbs 4 20 says to the word of Hashem or God and safeguard to the word Hashem safeguards his his commands Hashem will safeguard him the attention you give to the word like we did not begin to prosper supernaturally until we attended gave attention to the word about prosper yes this is what happened well faith came and we begin to believe to prosper are the same things true with healing yes glory to God Hashem is your guardian the tail name says Hashem our God is your our shall be at your right hand glory to God aurilla that's wonderful I'm looking there at your Bible that's Psalm 91 there isn't it I'd like we're gonna make a copy of that and include that in the notes you won't be able to read it will enlarge it a little bit we'll get it up there little bit later but but we're going to do that and make that available that's magnificent what you just said Wow the refuge of the Most High he will be enveloped by God's providence enveloped protecting that's us that's why it's so important Church that you spend time in the Word of God your healings in there yes your deliverance is in there your delivers from poverty is in their glory it's all in drugs your deliverance from Doug's sickness anything that's under the curse is in the Word of God and how do you take it you know the Bible talks about God's Word being medicine yes yes thank you the end of my works medicine to your flesh okay so you take it in your eyes you take it in your ears and it gets down in your heart where it talks to you talks to you and it brings faith if you'll listen to it yes and faith yes fixes anything and we can have that same faith or for the protection of our lives from some Psalm 91 and I love what George has called us the touchable and touch up we are untouchable we are the untouchables let's look at a couple of these other scriptures here's here's some 125 - this is from the New Living Translation just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds and protects his people both now and forever hallelujah great scripture that's a wonderful wonderful scripture and that's part of the article of our covenant of protection and so we could take that and you could say it like this just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem so the Lord surrounds and protects me and my family or my family and me both now and forever so you you take that and make it personal to you you declare it over yourself that's how you make it real you take the 91st psalm in place it's not a good place to solve it this one here this is the third one proverbs 133 that whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm oh what a great scripture I believe that so we have to listen to him don't we we have to listen and obey believe it oh by it and we will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm to be sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit that we might be driving out somewhere and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit says turn here or go there or you have an impression to go someplace not to go at all and I like what Keith Moore said he says this he talks about the goodness of God and he says just think about how many accidents you avoided today really price just think about the things that man I mean there are times Gloria that I have actually driven up on an accident that just took place and I think I thank God for and what we do we pray for these people it is everything and we pray for these people and you know every time we see an ambulance and a fire truck every time every time we pray for them and have been times when the Lord has had me actually stop and get out of the car and lay hands on people right Scott and there was one guy one time that the accident this accident had just taken place like right in front of us and so I got out and there was a guy sitting over off of the road obviously in pain and I said can I pray for you he said yes and he took my hand he squeezed my hand he was taking it praise God but we we I declare this over our congregation we are in the right place at the right time with the right people that's good all the time in the amplified translation of proverbs 133 whoever harkens to me wisdom shall dwell securely and in confident trust and shall be quiet without fear or dread of evil I believe it glory - that's a good one no proverbs 12 21 no comes to the godly that's saying something no harm comes to the godless alright you could say no harm comes to the obedience right right the wicked have their fill of trouble ain't it the truth ain't it read read what the amplified bible says no actual evil misfortune art this is a great that's a great scripture no actual evil misfortune or calamity shall come upon the righteous but the wicked shall be filled with evil misfortune and Clementi now who gets to choose we do we do and that a great scripture oh look at that proverbs 18:10 in the amplified I like this scripture the name of the Lord is a strong tower the consistently righteous man upright and in right standing with God runs into it and is safe high above evil and strong glory to God that's a good one the name of the law 1923 and I see the fear of the Lord leads to life then one risk no then what yo then one rests content untouched there it is untouchable we are untouchable hallelujah the new living of that one says the fear of the Lord leads to life bringing security and protection from harm read the amplified there the reverent worshipful fear of the Lord leads to life and he has it he who has it rest satisfies right missing nothing nothing missing or broken nothing bad on you he cannot this one who rests who believes it and lives in the fear of the Lord he cannot be visited with actual evil great scripts wonderful that's our covenant with God that's what belongs to us but you have to take it you have to take it's in there and you have to be obedient yep that's why God gave us the word so that we could live free we can live blessed we could live unhindered unhindered this scripture in Isaiah 54 this is the scripture that Kenneth Copeland ministries as long as I have been here has stood upon and Gloria we've averted so many things in this ministry that have tried to come against us through standing on this and that's what we've done we still yes yes politicians all all kinds of things have tried to come on us but we've stood on this and I really like the amplified no weapon that is formed you shall prosper every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be wrong in the wrong listen to this this peace this righteousness this security this triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord those in whom the ideal servant of the Lord is reproduced this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from me this is that which I impart to them for their justification says the Lord now if you think if you wonder why we get so excited about these scriptures it's because we believe it we actually do believe it we take it we say mm-hmm we expect it glory to God now Gloria on this one and we'll close out with this this is Psalm 91 in the new in translation why don't we do this I'll read a line you read a line it's a beautiful beautiful translation of Psalm 91 this belongs to you this is yours those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty this I declare about the Lord he alone is my refuge my place of safety he is my God and I trust him for he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease he will cover you with his feathers he will shelter you with his wings his faithful promises are your armor and protection do not be afraid of the terror we're gonna say something now do not be afraid of the terrors of the night nor the arrow that flies in the day do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness nor the disaster when you hear about epidemics and whatever mm-hmm believe God don't get in fear don't receive that say well I'm bored Jesus himself bore my sickness by His stripes I was healed Noord the disaster don't do not dread the disaster that strikes at midday though a thousand shall fall at your side 10,000 are dying around you these evils will not touch you say again these evils will not touch you we are Untouchables me that's right just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished if you make the Lord your refuge if you make the most high your shelter no evil will conquer you nor plague will come near your home for he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go when you hear on the news that there's a an epidemic of this or that or the other whatever it is yes don't just sit there like a dummy say I'll never have that that's right I'm not taking that coming I'll never have the flu oh it's flu season not for me it's not that's right they will hold you up with their hands oh this is yours charge but I'll read it for you right in here with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone that's good you will trample upon lions and cobras you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet now where could you find more danger than that well that's dangerous you are in a cage with lines cobras and serpents serpents and you get to go free that's right because read that the law Lord says I will rescue those who love me I will protect those who trust in my name now what does the Bible say about who is who are those who love him if you love the word mm-hmm that's right that's right we know what it takes to kind of protection when they call on me I will answer I will be with them in trouble I will rescue and honor them we live in a good place we do I will reward them with long life and give them my salvation God we are the untouchables we live in God's circle of protection it does not matter where we are what is going on around us what is happening in the earth we are protected man and we need to we need to continually keep that before our eyes keep it in our mouths continually search it out in the Word of God the Word of God is our covenant and we have a covenant of protection with Almighty God it belongs to us right and in this this day and in this hour that we're living in it is imperative that we know how to walk out our protection I mean that we are delivered from every evil thing everything that no matter what is going on we are untouchable the wicked one touches us not hallelujah so Gloria all of the all of the outlines by the way are available on KCMG org absolutely free you can download those and up to this point in time we've had over a half a million downloads of our outlines since you and I began in 2010 we had had half a 500 thousand over 500 thousand people that have downloaded these outlines that's like having a best seller book only better it really never teller I've never had a book well maybe a little but so and also we want your testimonies please send us your testimonies especially about what is God what has God done for you in protecting your life protecting your family that's so important to give that we we need to hear that and we've got a testimony later on in the broadcast that we want to show you I mean a man was hit by a motorcycle and got up walking away that's the business he was hit by a car good catch Gloria my car hit by a car he was on a motorcycle see that I thought they will stand by we'll give it to you in a moment but we are we're part two of our covenant or protection and I wanted to start out with the scripture again today Psalm 105 8 it says he has remembered his covenant forever forever the word which he commanded to a thousand generations so that word this word whatever is in this word it belongs to you see that's the thing that I learned from you and Kenneth when I first came into this I learned the value of the Word of God and how to take a scripture stand on it walk it out to victory and I learned things Gloria that and I appreciate what I was taught before I got here but the Enlightenment that came I found out that it was not God's will for me to be sick it was his will for me to be healed vital information I found out it was the will of God for me to prosper and not be poor and I have found out that it is the will of God for us to walk in divine protection Amen that's right we have angels that are available to us and all we have to do is release them and charge them and have them protect us we have the blood of Jesus we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony so yesterday you and I looked at scriptures from the Old Testament talking about Psalm 91 and other scriptures about our protection this time today we're looking at new testament provisional scriptures for being delivered from destruction so let's take a look at this Gloria and let's just go through these together over there on your page they're on point a I'll read the first one here then you can do the second one Matthew 6:13 the Lord's Prayer and Jesus was praying he said lead us not in temptation to temptation but deliver us from evil what would that include that'd be all the whole curse I'd be everything yes bad everything that's bad everything that is under the curse of the law anything that would come to us where destruction is concerned we've been redeemed the hundred and third side destruction I take it so we're delivered from evil Gloria read desc in 27 through 29 my sheep hear my voice now that's a key to our deliverance and I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand glory to God my father which gave them to me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hand no man is able to pluck them out of the Father's hand hallelujah glory to God and you know we see a pattern taking place here Gloria where it says my sheep hear my voice that's a key we've been reading scriptures talking about fearing the Lord and walking in that place of protection hearing from the Lord we have to hear from the Lord we have to hear so that we're in the right place at the right time doing the right thing being where we should be and as I talked about yesterday there have been times that tell me tell me Gloria I think about my granddad yeah he'd go out to get the cows it you know and do what he was gonna do in his account suka well they knew his voice Gloria I would dare say that the people have never heard do that okay sue count and they would come with yeah yeah they they hear the voice will we hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and he leads us and guides us and direct us in paths of righteousness not in paths of destruction no no not at all pastures into green pastures so we need to be able to take these scriptures and like this one you just read he said neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand and I look at a scripture like that and I say I will never be plucked from the father's hand I will never be pulled in Jesus name Amen I like that this one in John 17 this is Jesus praying for us for you and he said I pray not that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil man they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth so were separated out from the word world by the Word of God as we receive the word as we receive that word as you separated as it sits on the bookshelf right yeah but we put it in our eyes and our ears it gets in her heart and we believe it yes we do yes we do so we he said hear sanctify them that oh he said you should keep them from the evil so we're in this world we are here but as Jesus is so we in this world as he is what did he didn't have to do before anybody could touch him bad he had to lay down his life otherwise that's right that's right that's exactly that he did that for you and me sanctified as thou has sent me into the world even so have I sent them into the world now we've been sent into the world we don't hide in caves to protect ourselves from what's going on around no we are encased by the blood of Jesus we have the Angels that are by our side so as Psalm 91 tells us a Thousand shall fall at one side ten thousand the other but it shall not come near us not even near us not even near not even near and we we have to you know parents today really need to know this parents really need to be standing at a children teach it to our children I'll tell you why because times have changed Gloria since we were kids when I was growing up I was walking to school and school was quite a distance from our home but my mother never thought twice about me walking to school I did too but I had a fight on the way home with a little boy you did I wonder if he's watching his name was favor Jenkins favor and favor just picked on the wrong girl yeah and who were natural strength came on you Gloria yeah wouldn't it be funny if I got a letter from a favor favor would would apologize I'm sure but that's what we need parents I find so many times that parents are afraid for their children I've had to talk to the parents in our own church because some of them have been afraid to send their kids to super kid camp of all the places to be afraid to send your child to super kid camp that spirit of fear that tries to come and paralyze us and it opens the door to destruction and parents I'm talking to you right now I'm talking to every parent out there no matter how old your children are I am talking to you in the name of Jesus and I command you to be free from the fear that has gripped you where your children are concerned you be free in Jesus name and what you have to do is say I refuse to fear yeah and if you don't feel comfortable with your children walking to school or whatever then take them seconds but either whatever it is don't be a fright don't open the door the devil was here right and it reminds me so much of the time that that Christmas Day that Kelly took Lindsay to the hospital with spinal meningitis and we all showed up there that morning and we were ready for battle we were ready for battle and I remember I was in the ER room with Lindsay and Terri and Kelly and we were all standing there they had just done a test on Lindsay and when they did that test the news was not good it was not a good report Lindsay is is Kelly's daughter and so Terry and and Kelly and I walked out into the hallway and I could see I could see the pressure on Kelly this is her oops this is her daughter that's laying there in that hospital bed serious serious situation and we walked out into the hallway at Gloria I can see it right now just like I mean just like it was yesterday and Kelly leaned against the wall Terry walked around to the front of her and looked at her I'm standing there watching both of them and Kelly looked down and she then she looked up and she looked at Terry and she said I refused and tried I remember it in that moment everything changed we were on our way that moment the correct response that was it right there and I've never forgotten that moment and every time I say that I refuse to fear it I heard that for the first time through Kelly with her daughter and the long and short of it is I mean I got a text from Lindsay yesterday and she's doing just great many years like many many years later I think Lindsay was 11 years old back then yeah and this is the early 90s and Lindsay is strong healthy whole she came out of that she had some difficulty with hearing in her ears and they just continued to stand on the word of God and there was a day when that opened up it just opened they they were doing it faith and there was I mean and this was a time when children in Fort Worth were dying from this and and Kelly refused to fear that fear was trying to grip her and she she did exactly what the Apostle Paul did when he was out there at that fire and that that snake came and took his hand and what did he do he shook off the Beast well we have to shake off the fear because we have a covenant with God now here's the deal that everybody has to remember you cannot walk in fear and faith at the same time it's a process you're gonna have to walk in faith to get victory yes so you can do both you gotta make a choice yes what am I gonna do am I gonna walk in fear am I gonna walk in faith I'm gonna walk in faith we're gonna walk in faith Jesus name it says in this number four it says in Philippians 1:28 this is our covenant with God do not now this is a command and I'm saying it to you right now do not for a moment that's good be frightened or intimidated in anything by your opponents and adversaries for such constancy and fearlessness will be a clear sign a proof and a seal to them of their impending destruction but a sure token and evidence of your deliverance and salvation and that from God hallelujah do not do not for a moment be frightened or intimidated by anything that's right don't don't let it rattle to you no don't let it rattle that's it don't let it rattle your cage Gloria read that number five they're formulations 130 to five grace be to you favor in other words me to you and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us knowledge might deliver us but that you know not as if he would deliver us by that that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father to whom be glory forever amen praise God we delivered how Allah we are delivered now that amplified translation said who gave and yield himself up yielded himself up to atone for our sins to save and sanctify us in order to rescue and deliver us from this present wicked age and world order in accordance with the will and purpose and plan of God the Father now that just proved to us right there what the will of God is the will of God is that we be delivered from this present wicked age and world order that's the will of God that is the will and the purpose of God for us and Jesus for the whole curse every bad you can find everything under the curse yeah everything disobedient to God but he took the curse he took the curse upon himself the scripture says that we might be redeemed from the curse and we've been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son and then it says every sickness and every disease is under the curse so if they come up with a new sickness or a disease it's under it's under the curse been delivered from the curse that's right I'm not taking it let's go to page 2 we'll read a couple more scriptures yeah let's see this ones 2nd Peter 1 2 through 4 grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and if Jesus our Lord according as his divine power has given it to us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that's our covenant that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust the word corruption there in the Greek is destruction and the Bible in Basic English says and through this he's given us the hope of great rewards highly to be valued so that by the we might have our part in God's being and be made free from the destruction which is in the world through the desires of the flesh so we are we've been made free from that from the curse from the curse how did that happen Jesus bore the curse for us he took it so we don't have to do we don't have to bear it if we take him we dump the curse is that plain enough that's plain for me that's plain for me we take when we take his yes we dump the curse our houses are protected everybody sessions are protected something that just came to me that Terry and I have been have been praying over and just standing on we are tithers and we confess this every day that we are tithers and because of that God has rebuked the devour that's exact our fruit will not drop before its time in the field nations harvest will come nations call us blessed and we claim Tyler's rights in Jesus name Amen and all our stuff is protected and we pray we all georges telling you something we all do when we tithe we receive the blessing of the tithe we receive prayer we believe we receive it we believe we're blessed if there's a situation that's fact facing us we call it finished done yeah the blessing is over-tightening that's right Gloria if you would read this last scripture there in number 7 all right we know this is first john 5:18 we know this we know this we know it we know that whosoever that's anybody is born of God sent a--the not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked one touches him so we keep ourselves in the power of God we know God will keep ourselves in power if we make a mistake if we if we do something that that it's not pleasing to him we repent we forget it straight Alleluia and the wicked one doesn't touch us in Jesus name from destruction that amplified translation we know absolutely that anyone born of God does not deliberately and knowingly practice committing sin but the one who was begotten of God carefully watches over and protects him praise God ice divine presence within him preserves him against the evil and the wicked one does not lay hold and get a grip on him or touch him now that is for the the new creature in Christ Jesus right in Georgian are gonna believe with you if you've never made that commitment he's gonna tell you how to do it that's right God you can do that making Jesus the Lord of your life say this after me I make Jesus I make Jesus the Lord of my life Lord of my life come into my heart come into my heart protect me protect save me deliver me heal me I am free I am for in Jesus name Gloria there's a couple that Jesus is Lord amen now there's a couple partners with the ministry and he was on his motorcycle and hit from behind and I'll tell you the presence of God was all over him he was believing God wow you need to take a look at a living testimony of the 91st song right watch this in glory and I'll be right back as ambassador Robert Nicholson and my wife Tamara Nichols and we've been partners with ACL for six years now [Music] Robert and I were getting ready to run errands and just before I left I said oh yeah baby put your helmet on I just left the house and I was only about half a mile away and I was in right-hand lane at a major intersection in our town as I was waiting a light just turned green and then I felt a jolt and I'm in the air what happened was a woman she hit me going about 3540 miles an hour I mean I'm media ejection off the seat and I do land on my feet but when I go to take my first step I feel another smack that lands me flat down on to my stomach and it was the woman still pressing on the gas of her vehicle the lower half of my body is under her vehicle I push up like I'm doing a push-up with my chest in my chest way from the ground and I'm yelling my helmet stop the car I said you are not running me over stop the car so we're still moving forward I rotate so that my left hand is off the ground and I stiff-armed the bumper so I can get from underneath a little bit more and I'm pulling my knees towards my chest so that my feet don't get sucked under the driver's side front tire and she finally comes to a stop so I worm my way out and I and I crawl out for anything vehicle and I just stand up and I'm yelling her what are you doing I'm stuck my helmet so close she can't hear me she's in her car the windows rolled up but she is so frightened and I see people just starting to run towards me from every area of the intersection and I'll go say lay down just lay down well okay so I just lay back come on the ground and as I lay down I take off my gloves buckle my helmet set it to the side unzip my jacket I pull out my phone and i dial my wife to me and right at that time the first element gets to me from the gas station and I just handle on sit here tell her what happened and I hand him the phone and gentleman said I don't know whose phone this says but this guy just got hit by a car and we're at such a such location I said does he need an ambulance and he said oh yeah he definitely needs an ambulance I said okay thank you and just hung up the phone and began to pray so I'm looking up into the sky and it's so sunny so I have to close my eyes and I'm just hitting I start just thanking God and praising him and enjoy Dolores ice come on because I'm like saying you are so stupid I am gonna ride again I said this is not gonna strike fear me I said I'm not letting any fear come in and I was about fifty feet away when I first got there and there was a big crowd around him and I could hear people talking about this this lady just didn't stop she just hit him from behind and she didn't stop and they pointed out the driver of the car to me and anger tried to come up at for a second and I was really angry like why didn't you stop because I can hear people saying she just didn't stop she just rip rammed right into him and drugged him at that moment instead of being angry with her I just I forgave her I released it and I was like lord help her and I just walked up to her and I said are you okay and um yeah she was just really freaked out about it but I said I hold no fault with you and that's something I've heard brother Copeland say you know to forgive people and I just I released it at that point into the hands of the Lord so they put me through MRI and other cat-scans just to make sure broken bones or other things and sure enough all test results came back negative and they watched me walk up and down the hallway a couple times just to prove I could do it and I had balance and then you know they released me home you know you would think in the natural therapy injuries from being run over or being dragged seven feet but his clothes were completely untouched if you're partners with with KCM you're here in front line and the enemy doesn't like what you're doing for furthering the gospel and you have to know your rights as a believer and we're sent as ambassadors and although Saint Rhys things you can come out on top we don't want enemy attacks you he's not just attacking you he's attacking God is attacking Jesus he's attacking the entirety no.11 because you have their full backing and he couldn't wooden boy he can't win now [Music] it is really something to see the hand of God operate in people to see his protection just being poured out over them and later on in the broadcast you are going to see a testimony that I mean it will absolutely transform your life and what we have to do the same person that that went through this situation they took the principles that we teach about the Word of God they applied them and recognize that they walk in perfect protection under God no matter what is happening and no matter what is going on where they are they are the untouchables and that's what this family was and that's what we are The Untouchables the devil cannot touch them as long as we're walking in faith that's it based on the Word of God we got Bible we got faith we're safe I was telling our congregation and that that's what our topic is we're talking about God's covenant of protection the untouchables and all of these outlines are available to you KCM org you can go over there and download them we have had over half a million of these downloaded since you and I started teaching on Prosperity and the protection of God is so much a part of our prosperity it has everything to do with our prosperity and I started to say in talking to our congregation the other day just talking to them about how we walk in this place of divine protection and that it is so important to be obedient to the Word of God - and I told them I said you know it really it really is important that you're in the right place yes and that you're listening to God and that you're not you're not at a bar at two o'clock in the morning someplace downtown that's that that's a prescription for an a danger that's being in that kind of an atmosphere so you just really have to be obedient to the Lord to be where you need to be and he will protect you so we are standing on the Word of God and today Gloria we're going to look at Psalm 91 Oh and I mean you could you could do weeks of study on Psalm 91 it's that rich it's that thick with Revelation daddy in any way off and on often yes yes it was yeah it was the scripture that Terry and I I tell you the psalm 91 become became such a reality to me when we were in Guatemala years ago Terry and I had gone down with the crew Tim Fox with wither was with us here he works for the ministry and several others and we went down there to tape an interview with one of our partners Jim Zirkel he and his wife have a ministry down there well long story short while we were down there we were driving to a little town called PHA hoppita I'll never forget it and we were we were stopped by communist guerrillas and they ordered us out of the cars the trucks interesting and this is the long story made short but in the midst of that Guatemalan military workers pulled up behind us and we got caught in the middle of a firefight sure yeah I remember and I remember Jim Circle hollered out to everybody he said hit the dirt so we all we all Jim live there yeah he knew what was going on so we all we all just went to the ground except Terry Terry's looking around and I've never I treat my wife with with ultimate care and respect except that day when I grabbed her by the head and shook the ground and and I remember that thing went for about ten minutes and they're shooting back and forth at each other we're caught in the middle of this I looked up at one point and there was a guy with a grenade launcher walking by me and so and I had two thoughts that came to me of course Aubrey had just been born and I thought to myself her face came before me and I thought I can't die no I can't die here and all of a sudden from it seemed like nowhere somebody began to pray in other tongues out loud it was Terry and we all just jumped in there and joined in and that fear turned to faith it dispersed that day we got back in our vehicles and we traveled on to where we were going to and I remember when we got to the hotel that we were staying Motel little place I opened my Bible to the 91st psalm in Gloria I read it that day like I had never read it before me that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty yes amen glory to God and this message was really birthed out of that time I call it the four walls of protection that's good and there are four four major things in the Word of God that are embedded in the scripture our protection comes from four places primarily from the word from the blood yes from the Angels and from the name which is above every name each one of those gloria appear in the 91st psalm you want to take a look at it with me do it let's go let's go at first of all the word if you look at Psalm 91 verse 4 he shall cover thee with his feathers and under his wings shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler armor your shield your armor and of course we read this a few days ago but the Hebrew translation of that means a circle of protection now let me read this scripture to you John 17:17 sanctify them through thy truth thy Word is truth so he said here so sanctifies to set it apart set them apart by the truth yep that word is truth amen the his truth shall be your shield and buckler or you could say there his word the Word of God shall be your shield and your buckler praise God so no matter what is going on in our life one of the four walls of protection that we we construct and we put up we stay in the Word of God Gloria I was up early this morning doing my my daily Bible reading and we read chapters from the Old Testament chapters from the new and we're going through the Bible and I was sitting there thinking to myself I am so glad that we as a church are doing this together because we're reading the same scriptures every day and we're feeding we're feeding on the Word of God and the more you feed on the Word of God and the more revelation that you get about your protection the more confident you will be that no matter where you go you're protected that's called faith it's called faith hallelujah so the word is one of the four walls of protection let's take a look at the blood I like that circle of protection in Hebrew it means circle of protection the other shield and buckler surround it and you know where I got that I got it I got it from you you sanctify them that means you set them do something yep that's why we're word people the Word of God separates us from the curse from the curse that's right in finances in healing yep in peace yep safety glory it separates us we are separated out from the evil of this world we're in it we're not of it that's right it can't touch us that's right read that next Scripture have you read 90-110 yes yes no we're going into that right now that's Scripture all right the second wall of territory second wall is the blood and it says there shall no evil before you neither befall you neither shall any plague come near your dwelling right no evil and no play no play no what what you might ask what does that have to do with the blood of Jesus well if you look at Exodus chapter 12 and verse 13 it says and the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are see the blood when I see the Blood I will pass over you glory to God and no and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt they were protected by the blood protected by the blood didn't put the blood out like he said too well nor post then talk about no we don't want to talk about that you gotta take it and and the Lord showed me something one time glory about the fact that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and when we take communion it is as if it is as if we are painting the blood on the doorposts of our hearts and if you hear somebody I placee I plead the blood of Jesus over this car yes plead the blood of Jesus over my children that's this is what they're talking about they're only they're saying my my children have the blood of Jesus on them they'll not be touched I stand on the blood of the Covenant how Allah that's right that's right and of course Revelation chapter 12 verse 11 they overcame him by what the blood the blood of the Lamb was it all and the word of their testimony so we overcome Satan by the blood yep that's been done we stand on it but it's what we say about it that keeps you and me individually individually so we take the blood we plead the blood that just means I'm standing on the blood of race going his bloods been shed for me I am I am safe I am delivered in Jesus name praise God hallelujah that's why it's so important oh my that we read the Word of God that we meditate on the Word of God the Word of God becomes real to be inside of it has to be it has to be it has to be to the place we're no matter what kind of pressure the devil puts on us the only thing that comes up and out of us is the word every time we're squeezed that's right the word the word comes out when we're squeezed and that we use the blood of Jesus Billy brim sister Billy says this about the blood you make much what a teaching she has on the blood of Jesus you make much of the blood and the blood will make much praise awesome well then the third wall of protection the angels yeah and it says here in Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12 he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all of your ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest you dash your foot against a stone amen there they are and that awesome there they are in all of your ways the Angels have charged you just don't want to bind them with unbelief that's right no our fear we don't want to decommission them that's right by doubt and unbelief we want to release them and next week on the broadcast we're going to spend an entire day talking just about a broadcast talking up you could spend an entire day but an entire broadcast talking about angels and the protection of angels but that's right here and that's the third wall of protection are the angels the word the blood the angels and look at these two scriptures here in Hebrews 1:14 are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation that's that's me tears how did I get to be an heir I made Jesus the Lord of my life I was born again I got my inherent right okay that's right that's my protection among a lot of other things that's right spirit a blessing and angels are part of that the benefit of the covenant that we have we should we should really be talking about this I mean we really should be you know to keep these fresh in our thinking and fresh before our minds and I was praying about something Gloria the other day about what I do as a pastor and do you know what I do primarily I primarily remind people of what belongs to them yeah I primarily just keep reminding them over and over again pay attention to this listen to that I basically take the things that you and Kenneth have taught me and just go back over them and over them and over them I like what brother Hagin said one time to a man that came up to him and said when are you gonna get off of mark 11:23 and brother Hagin answered and said when you get it yeah amen we have to keep that before just a formula with us that's not no we do it to stay safe that's right hey-ho to stay protected to stay blessed every time place every time we take off in the air no place the citation 10 out here I know that you and Kenneth do it whenever Terry and I are flying in it we do it we just stop what we're doing and we pray over the flight I lay my hands on the plane itself pray for our partners do you know that Kenneth and Gloria Copeland every time they take off to go somewhere on this earth to preach they pray for you praise God so you're taking off with them in Gloria we we exercise our faith in the word over that flight we exercise the blood we plead the blood of Jesus over that aircraft from front to back tail to tail and wingtips and charge the angels to lift us up and then just set us back down again man the four walls of protect my endeavor to do that every time I get in my car to go somewhere hmm plead the blood leave the blood of Jesus thank you Lord for this this psalm 34:7 the angel of the lord encamps around those who fear him and he delivers them praise God so those are the word the blood now those that fear him that doesn't mean that you're afraid of him right you honor honor him and you obey Him and you you have reverence ism is a good word for that's a good way for God to the degree that you do what he says Thanks safe place the final wall here in this wall of protection in Psalm 91 is found in verse 14 because he has set his love upon me therefore will I deliver him I will set him on high because he has known my name he knows me all right to God there is a name which is above every name we have the scripture right here God has highly exalted him in Philippians 2:9 given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God when we make Jesus the Lord of our lives we get the name we do we get the name we get the name we get the world we get the blood we get the angels we get it all he set a table before us in the presence of our enemies and we take we we we don't leave any we don't leave anything on the table we don't don't leave anything on the table I like this proverbs 18:10 the name of the Lord is a strong tower yes the righteous run into it we did and they are safe praise God we arms yes danger evasion okay just because I'm going somewhere and I'm driving we run into that name we believe that we stand on strong we take it the name of the law sickness and disease symptom comes we run into that name we thank you Jesus we rebuke that off of us in the name of Jesus we are fully protected we are fully armed we are fully armed with the armor of God I like what Kenneth said we'll be reading this next week I have it with my other notes but he was in one of his recent partner letters he was talking about this very thing he was talking about Psalm 91 and protection and living in that place of protection and he said that we we have to put on the armor of God he says see yourself putting on that armor I mean your your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace in putting on the breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation that's the way we live that's the way we live we assume we go somewhere we cover as a matter of fact glory let's look at that really quick we got about two minutes left here over in Ephesians over in Ephesians it says this it says in verse 10 and that these are not in the notes but this just came up in my heart finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities against rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day having done all the stand and the Amplified Bible says hold your ground stand therefore having your loins gird about with truth which is the Word of God and having on the breastplate of righteousness we've been made the righteousness of God in Christ your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace taking the shield of faith in what brother Copeland said in that letter he said the shield which is taller than us that goes right down to our feet and covers us the shield of faith were with you'll be able to quench the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now let me just comment here the fiery darts of the wicked protected from the fiery darts of the wicked we have a family in our church the Sorensen family she works for us in our children's department and she was in a situation during convention time last year where she was fired upon literally with a fiery dart or a bullet Wow and you need to see this testimony because she had the four walls of protection covering her and covering the fan on praise watch this my name is Clara Sorensen I was raised in the church I actually got born again at a believers convention in 1985 I have four daughters and my husband and I had determined we were going to have all of our children attend the believers convention so all week long we were attending the convention our till our little girls are with me our older girls with the big super kids my husband was attending but by Friday night that was July 4th it was a Friday night my little girls were tired they were 2 and 4 at the time they were tired and so I determined this is probably the night they need to go home but I left my older girls and my husband at Convention drove the 20 minutes back to our home put the kids down for a nap had it a nice evening and then it was time to pick them up so I took her out into downtown that then became very flooded with traffic well next thing you know I hear a sound a pop and we sort of all shuddered a little bit and and looked at each other and I looked at my mother and I looked back at my girls and I thought what was that so I got out of the car and looked on top so it's a minivan and I looked on top of the minivan and saw a bullet hole and so I got back in the car until my mother we've been shot at so emotion the police officer over and we start to realize the magnitude of what has just happened you know he lets us know this bullet has gone all the way through the top of my minivan so if you imagine me sitting here in this chair I could put my finger right here in my van and that is the where so just as close as my hand is to my head that is where the bullet entry point was so my mother begins to look for the bullet he asked for the round so and mom turns this means the bullet so she starts looking and we had two captains chairs at the front and two captains chairs behind so I'm in the driver's seat mom is in the passenger seat behind me is my four and a half year old behind my mother is my tuna everyone's quiet not no fear but disquiet she finds the bullet underneath my diaper bag which is between our chairs which to me is just another part of the miracle because how can you have a bullet just land under a diaper bag the bag wasn't injured people weren't injured and there's this bullet entry point in my vehicle so and I said it has to be a miracle this has to be a miracle that's all I kept saying angels protected us it had to be a miracle my daughter who was sitting behind me my little flora in Hatfield the first word that came out of her mouth will glory to God and a bullet coming into our car and not harming any of us to hear that come out of her mouth this is just confirmation again for us we didn't have fear at that moment and every time we've spoken of it since it just compounds and highlights what God did for us so just for me talking about it never had given an opportunity for fear it has instead solidified the protection of God this this untouchable nasai like to tease that I'm bulletproof you know not in any sort of casual way or reckless way but truly the Word of God protects your body protects your mind everything how can I explain a bullet coming into the roof of my vehicle and not touching or hurting anyone in my vehicle the fact that we believe the word of the Lord through brother Copeland and through pastor George all of these things leading up to that night as being in that position another vehicle not in that position all those things God is a God of order he knows what's happening when it's happening and if we will just be obedient then we'll eat the good of the land and so by being in the position I was in I truly believe someone else was protected from injury by being in the position that we were in I'm now having the opportunity to tell the partners of Kenneth and Gloria Copeland what God did in that year of victory over death and does that mean because 2014 is over that now we no longer and that your victory over death absolutely not when the Lord speaks a word it's true from that point forward so I will never have another day in my life where I wonder will I have victory over death can I have victory over death should I have victory over death I already know it's true build your faith in the word daily watch the believers voice of victory at KCMO org be sure to download your FREE copy of the study notes at KCMG org slash notes and receive all the scriptures prayers and key teaching points from each broadcast use the notes for your own personal study or to share with family and friends [Music] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 9,307
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: youtube, week@once, george pearsons, wao, gloria copeland, kenneth copeland, faith
Id: U5a1reaxyRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 18sec (6978 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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