2017 Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign: Words Dominate Human Life (7:00 p.m.)

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hallelujah father we thank you in the name of Jesus for this this wonderful evening we're enjoying of your presence we thank you for it Holy Spirit our teacher our leader our guide the greater one that's in us put myself in your hands tonight to think through my mind and rise up within me to deliver this message anointed and accurately the people hear it accurately because as you have said to me before this is vital information thank you for it to Jesus and his name the all the glory and we receive words that from heaven that move heaven on the earth in Jesus name Amen let's begin with Matthew chapter 4 now I want you to look these up it'll take us a little time we're going to look up a bunch of scriptures tonight but it's good for you to put your eyes on them don't be embarrassed to look in the index now they'll see I don't know anything about the Old Testament hey did you see me bumble stumbled around up here in the book of Genesis in the book of Exodus tonight I've been doing this 50 years ain't got it down yet quit being embarrassed go look at it put your marker at the index that's where you want the marker where you flip quickly to the index you can get so good at it can't nobody see you do it yeah yeah yeah oh yeah I've got the page number 1023 don't I remember that yes Matthew 4:4 it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God tonight we will be talking about words words they most important things and and on this earth are words that makes the Word of God the most precious thing on this earth cause words dominate human life we're going to see it tonight let's read first of all mark 11:23 now this once we get through tonight you will understand mark 11:23 like you never understood it in your life for verily jesus said I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those words which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says now we'll turn to Matthew chapter 12 if you don't have a Bible they're putting them up on the screen read that or look on with somebody else you really need to put your eyes on these words Matthew 12 37 for by thy words not God's words by thy words thou shalt be justified by thy words thou shalt be condemned now look at the 36 verse I say unto you every idle word that men shall speak they'll give account thereof in the day of judgment hey this is getting serious really quick in now Luke chapter 6 Luke 6:45 a good man out of the good treasure or deposit of his heart bringeth forth that which is good an evil man listen up this is not talking about murders and so forth it's actually evil there could is also translated natural natural man he remember in the book of Hebrews it says it makes this statement an evil heart of unbelief or a wicked heart of unbelief a good man out of the good treasure deposit of his heart bringeth forth that which is good an evil man out of the evil treasure or deposit of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for or because of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks you can't help it whatever is in there in abundance is going to come out of your mouth well I have a praise in my heart no you don't if you had a praise in your heart it come out too now hey all right Genesis 1 I know where that book is in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters now God is moving he's always moving he's moving on the face of the water but nothing's happening he's moving nothing now look at it remember now in the in the in the Hebrew Bible it literally says light be light was all right God said light be light was God saw now that is the law the Spirit of God is moving in your life yes but if you're not saying anything or if you're saying something else he doesn't anything to work with it has nothing to do with your feelings you better get hold of your feelings baby if you're saying what your feelings are saying they're killing you man my feet are killing me really how she thought I was gonna die you did not now you're lying are you going to the church meeting than that I'm afraid not and the Holy Spirit saying I love you sweetheart but you're not giving me anything to work I can't kill you over this you understand these are these these and before we get done I mean I went over I've been over these again and again and again how many times I went back over them very carefully and I saw some more things hebrews chapter one take the time to look it up I'm not gonna rush it God who at sundry times an indifferent manner spoke in times past unto the father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's who being the brightness of his glory and the Express image of his person now look and upholding all things by the word of his power so we live in a word created word upheld universe amen it's pretty awesome words dominate our lives we can't change that it's set it cannot be changed but we can change the words under which we live oh that's where the word of God comes in that's what makes it the most precious thing on this earth some 19 19th Psalm fourteenth first let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer or my rock he was my strength and my rock let my let my words be acceptable faith words are acceptable when I'm weak what did joel say that the weak say I am strong show your strength depends on it alright let's go to the 91st psalm everybody thinks they know the 91st song most people know little to nothing about it he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty that's wonderful that is glorious how do you get in there how do you get in there secret place it's right there I will say of the Lord he's my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I trust surely surely he'll deliver me but not till I say it oh thank you Jesus I really would like get in that 90 first song but we have to go to the hundred and thirty song and I'm just the best wild about it had just had so many things happen in these and they sung so many times been blessed so many times been delivered Psalm 103 five now I want you to notice the phrase good things so that are in italics that's not in the Hebrew text who satisfies my mouth with good values is renewed like the Eagles but let's let's take a step into this because the translators were not all that far off the root word in Hebrew to thing is word because all things were created by the word so word is thing and thing is word who satisfies my mouth with good words so that my youth is renewed like the Eagles now look at the 20th verse Oh bless the Lord you his angels that excel in strength that do His commandments harkening unto the voice of his word angels are listening for the voice of his word not coming from him coming out our mouth well yes sir this is not on the on the list but yes sir I see that let's go to the book of Ephesians rectly in the third chapter verse nine to make all men see what is the Fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God who created all things but Jesus Christ to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places now we know that Satan's rank is principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world but listen angels or principalities angel see Satan the fallen Archangel all of the rest of these things are fallen spiritual beings they started out on the right side and Satan conned them into that mess to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God angels can hear God speak of course he talks to them they talk back but they don't get revelation humans get revelation they hear revelation from God while you and I preach it they get it from us well the devil ain't got any revelation but our angels do and the devil finds out Lord can enjoy Asia yeah okay here we go though I speak with the tongue of men and angels and have not love I'm nothing but a bunch of noise in that riot 13 chapter the first Corinthians right those are words right yes they are worse powerful words hallelujah that's reason this is it's really so important to speak with other tongues and what I'm telling you right now is the reason Satan fights it with everything he possibly can to keep you from doing it because you got a supernatural track to pray with God and he can't understand how dangerous a and you can even be talking to him you can be talking to your own angel I gotta get off of that I wind up being here another hour okay Hebrews chapter one Alleluia verse thirteen but under which of the Angels said he at any time sir sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation they're listening they're listening to you you have angel you have at least one you got that one when your Lord amen then you get born again at least you're a little more help to your angel but then as you begin to walk in love as you begin to to walk in faith as you begin to be more aware and study the New Testament concerning angels and the authority of angels in a church the angel of that congregation Jesus said I will remove oh here's all there's a whole world here and almost no knowledge hallelujah this room is full of angels hallelu ma-ma-ma-ma-ma I'll go read it alright proverbs chapter 4 and you realize this is not even close to an exhausted list we're just we're just skimming the the surface proverbs chapter 4 and I want to start with the 20th verse this is God's prescription for receiving healing works every time but it's like any other prescription you have to take it my son attend to my words that means put the word first place incline thine ear unto my sayings to incline means to lean over incline thine ear unto my sayings let them not depart from your eyes keep them in the midst of your heart for their life under those that find them in health or medicine to all their flesh keep your heart with all diligence for out of it or the issues or out of it or the forces of life spiritual forces of life or in yours born-again spirit now listen to this put away from you a flaw word or a disobedient unruly crooked mouth put it away do something about it because he just gave you the prescription for life and healing and now I just is telling you what you better do to keep them killing yourself and killing that prescription proverbs 6 verse 2 thou art snared or entrapped with the words of your mouth you are taken with the words of your mouth my momma proverbs 18 now before we read that I want you to look at proverbs 39 Proverbs Shepherd I did it again I need to write another chapter in well I'm not gonna teach time loser proverbs 18 verse 20 a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled increase comes from faith words increase words particularly when you're broke you don't want to be saying I am broke because if you're saying what you have there's nothing to change what you have but when you begin to call things that be not as though they were now something is moving in the spirit realm to change the physical realm this is the hardest thing this is the hardest thing from the human mind to get wrapped around it take it takes time to develop it because you've been talking since you were nine months old and your mama taught you how to talk so whatever he she adds you have some time that's good some time like one man said grandma taught it and we bought it yeah well that explains generational curses because your mom and daddy taught you how to talk and their confession opened the door to the curse and you've been saying the same thing there so that you know that Devils discus good bill demoness there and just stay there one two three board generation don't know a young man that was when to the here is bent about three years older than me just went home via the Lord here last year and I was privileged to to do his home going service glory to God anyway when the same high school I went to and and all that and went to Sagamore Hill Baptist Church in Fort Worth Texas so Ian's heart trouble his daddy died heart stroke he granddaddy died hard great granddaddy died so somebody took Jimmy over my mama's house at her prayer group and and he was said and then we lament let me back up there there's a motorcycle shop that that back those B years ago that I and enjoyed going over there and I've got on my back rolled over there one afternoon and Jimmy was sitting there at the counter and Jimmy Hester and me and a good friend of Bill Britt there they're both in heaven now God thank you lord and the three of us started the motorcycle rallies on our property anybody remember that three people four people five people six people seven people well see there's a bunch of he sat down didn't ya anyway the last year we had it we had 50,000 people on that problem man we got outlaw bikers saved out there there's one guy you know at his buddy said leave the gun in the tent man you don't need it around here oh okay man these guys are getting saved we baptize in a medieval mountain lake we baptize over a thousand out there the license the last meeting we had anyway I walked in there and Jimmy's sitting there at the counter and he's on the telephone and he could come here he said I just got a report from from a doctor on the physical he said he said he said man he said I got the heart of a 16 year old boy and it already outlived as a dead in his been dead any great-granddad in the whole bunch of he said count let me tell you something he sounded ever told you about that he said they took me over so mama to get be prayed for cuz my heart was bad Lord and he said your mom said tell me the truth about this he said well he said my dad died was with bad heart my grandfather died with a grab-bag harm a great grandfather died with a bad heart and and I got I got a bad heart right now she said you a preacher fight yes tell me the truth about this he said lady I just told you the truth my daddy died of the bad heart granddaddy died of a dog great granddaddy died about art and I got a bad heart right now he said Kenneth she boxed my ears he said she on both ears isaiah 53:4 is the truth about this he said she scared me she said he said she hit me and God healed me but he said she had to get my attention he said that the sea and she cast the spirit of death off because he said my mama would say now Jimmy now you take care of yourself on him because you know hester men don't live long that let's see that's generational curve that you just keep saying the same thing the same words bring these words or seeds you can't plant one seed and get another keep planting the same thing and get a change that's the definition of insanity keep doing the same thing and getting different results they don't happen so if you play when I did his home going right on up there in his high seven outlived the whole bunch scepters wife and she's whoa she's a package at dynamite with the fuse lit hey but you can can you see that the words had to be changed what a lot of people think it's the devil in my life and it really isn't it's your words in your life but faith filled words dominate the law of sin and death but you have to you have to go right straight cross Weiser you're feeling your family talking and everything else and you're gonna get called crazy and all of that what do you care if you outlive them all I don't care what you call me just call me care less about my feelings now work was the 18th chapter we're there right a man's belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth with the increase of his lips shall he be filled here's the big one death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof which one do you love whichever one you're saying is the one you love you love life then you better talk life Deuteronomy 30:19 I placed before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore you choose life that you and your seed may live how do you choose life with life words and you have to go crosswise of death words and if you're trained by the world to talk you will talk yourself to death and it will come somewhere around 70 or 80 because that's what was pronounced as a curse in that wilderness and God never said anything about 70 or 80 threescore and ten fourscore he never said anything about that they said that out there in the desert they kept saying he called us out here to kill us he's going to kill us in this desert and finally he cleaned it he didn't have any choice he had no choice he's in covenant with his people and he said what I have what I keep hearing in my ears we'll come on you you're not getting out of this desert over 80 years old and some of them in perfectly good health fill their bones fill God said in Genesis 6:3 the days of man shall be honored 20 and it that Hebrew says his natural life will be 120 God said that so that's just as much the Word of God yes by my stripes you were healed you can stand on that anything it'll change your health it is interchange all kinds of stuff the time to get on it is when you're about 20 but it'll work I didn't I didn't I didn't actually see that Keith Moore started teaching on it glory you got hold of it she was teaching it in healing school and I'm sitting back there behind the curtain I'm listening and and and of course I grabbed hold of it right quick but I was I was sitting there and a presence of God he said Kenneth and that he made the statement that's just as much my word this first Peter 2:24 I said yes yeah it is yes sir he said the anointing of this ministry came on you when you were 30 yes sir he said were you as anointed when you were 30 as you were when you were 40 I said no sir he said is the same anointing I said well yes sir but I was growing and he just went up the latest went up the line 10 years it's time he said when you were 40 was anointed as you were when he was 50 I said no were you as an honored when you're 50 as you were when you're 60 I said no sir he said Kenneth I need you he said I'm asking you because I need you to take hold of this I suggest our hungers to come and he said I have anointings planned from 80 to 90 from 9200 from a hundred to one hundred and ten from 110 to 120 and he said I don't have any of them in the earth can you imagine what a strong faith anointing can you imagine the kind of faith brother Hagin had been walking in if he lived to be 110 years old he said I need you to I said yes sir yes sir I'll do it I take that well it began to work in my life I noticed I had noticed already that when I reached 70 all of my mother's kinfolks except one sister my mother included died in their 70s and I'm I take more after my mother's side effeminate in the best now my dad lived to be 96 and so I got a little help on that side but I noticed when I reached 70 and my my physical my physical body started taking after it's its own natural DNA and I just started to notice that I'm going downhill and the end the Lord arrested me he said now Kenneth your DNA's the same as mine he said you were born again not of corruptible seed but incorruptible by the Word of God which living about it forever he said your DNA and mine are exactly the same now he said start looking to that spiritual DNA yes and I'm now I'm claiming 120 and and I noticed when I started doing that my physical body was taking on old-age symptoms but all of a sudden here came my spiritual DNA and and it was it was just it was just like a mighty bird just flew in there and it caught me and I began to increase and I've been on the I been on the up flow ever since and like I feel like I told you the like I told you this morning I didn't have been in pain for twenty years over there and it's my dumb fault you understand that not God's well I don't understand that you preach in order hey healing is not a reward I have to take care of my body just same as anybody else doing that to take care of this the power is in the tongue I begin to confess it and hold on to it and thank grad you see these things are accumulative what you said four years ago in spiritual life is only a second ago and it's cumulative and it builds up in there and it becomes a process and it works those words are working and they're working and they're working and they're working and they're working and they're working and if you will if you won't foul them up if you won't go in there and say I'm as new all the time this is crazy and don't work for me it just did huh and it'll work and it'll work and faith Gloria calls that faith boiling over faith cometh and it cometh then come on and come up and I latched on to this in in November of 2015 and Columbus Ohio and I said I've had all this back pain and I begin to confess it and I began to stand on a hundred and twenty and began to work it and press it and get into so much pain Sontaran say I don't I'm not moved by what I feel I'm not moved by what I see I move of what I believe and just keep saying it and just keep saying it and just keep saying it all you have to say is I believe I receive my healing don't try to fix it don't try to add something to it keep it simple believe I received my healing and then call it what is it I believe in this case I believe I receive my healing for spinal stenosis I believe I receive my healing for inflammation of the sciatic nerve I believe every seated go to bed at night you nearly come to tears just put a smile on my face go to sleep of faith and it it ease down and by morning I'll be feeling alright I'd get out of bed and it'd take a couple hours and it started eating on me again you know no no no thank you Jesus thank you on I believe I received I believe I receive my healing I believe I received my I believe I received my healing I believe I receive Lord Jesus I want to thank you for it I want to thank you for it I believe it was C I believe I receive I believe I receive me and I had my little list and I noticed one of them got checked off back there kind of early and any it's a process and if you're not careful you won't realize it now I'm still preaching glory to God and I come under the anointing and that pain and stopping in my wedding you know quit you gotta be good ain't got time to quit I'm not old enough to quit so I just kept on and just kept on and just kept on and just kept on and just kept on and just kept on and just kept on and I woke up one morning the 11th day of August 2017 and I had no pain no pain since 20 years 20 years and I have no pain thank you very much so I'm better shape at 81 than I was at 60 [Applause] hallelujah hmm my my my my thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord now Micah 5:3 look at your index and go to Micah five if you have one of our Bibles it's on page 1105 it's back there where the pages are stuck together verse 2 but thou Bethlehem Ephrathah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel whose goings forth have been from of old from ever lasting now who was born in Bethlehem Jesus of Nazareth seven hundred and fifteen years later now those words of God that came out of Micah's mouth dominated nations dominated armies moved peoples and put an idea in the mind of Caesar he thought it was a good idea for them to go to Bethlehem to pay taxes no Micah did that [Music] it dominated words of God's power faith filled words dominated life on this planet for 715 years until Jesus was born on the second that he was to be born have you been reading [Music] not by Jonathan Cahn's books did you read the Harbinger [Music] perfect perfect scriptures on the perfect day in New York City a cedar tree falling exactly according to Scripture I read that my mouth hung open and I'm thinking yes the dominating power of God's words the second nananana the spot the spot where George Washington stood when the very first Congress was sworn in what in Washington DC's New York City they left where they were gathered the first act of the Congress of the United States was to walk down the street to a chapel stood before that chapel and dedicated the United States of America to Jesus Christ the cedar tree that stood there on 9/11 that's the chapel that stood untouched except for the cedar tree and the scripture called that cedar tree cursed now they got him another one and replaced it and it died then they fixed it and fixed it and it died and died and daddy died I don't I think maybe they got an artificial one or something would but they could couldn't make it live it got cursed hey people do you could can you can you can we get it just the slightest bit of a concept of God to which we belong that has the hairs ano hidden number that's the reason you ought to claim the original count oh yeah you have to watch your words you have to watch your words amen people call things that be not as though they were God blesses and call things that be not as though they were the devil curses and called things that be not as though they were and you look in the mirror [Applause] dang I'm losing my hair my hair call things to be not as though they were cursed call things would be known as I look in the mirror I didn't hide another getting ready to come and I hadn't said it a few days no looked in there now said glory to God praise hair grow now see back some years ago I inquired of the Lord for words to say Jesus said my words are not my own it's a father within me he doesn't work hair grow Darr amen SiC be jesus said when he was on earth not a hair on my head of my hair is a numbered and I claim my original count Lord what I had when I was thirty you said thirty-eight he's mine you thirty how they looted instead of cursing yourself it's right here now Malachi three last book in the Old Covenant the first code Malachi three thirteen you're now remember what he said and intend bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of Hosts if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive and I'll rebuke the Devourer for your sake now wait a minute the bower has been rebuked but if you're a tither you don't qualify for that scripture now let me show you what's happening if you're not at either go to the 13th verse your words have been stout against me this is God talking I'm bound up because of your words your words are stout against me saith the Lord yet you say what have we spoken so much against thee you have said it is vain to serve God and what profit is it that we have kept his ordinance or what profit is it that we tithe well this sowing tithing stuff doesn't work for me those are stout words against God huh dog be mocked Galatian I love it you hear me read it a lot on Fridays because Friday's offering day on the believers all speak [Applause] verse 6 let him that's taught in the word communicate or or respond to him that teaches in all good thing don't be deceived that's what I had a cross with that deceivers word I was looking for be not deceived God is not mocked for what so ever a man shows that shall he also reap the sower soweth the word words are the big seeds amen are you following me now praise God ah our to know I'm about I'm about 3-year thing God is not long word seeds you cannot escape it there is no excuse it dominates the earth and again that's the reason why God's Word is so precious you can put his words in your mouth and I don't make any difference how you feel you put his words in his mouth in your mouth and his promises all of his promises in him or yes and amen it doesn't say wait a while it doesn't say yes maybe no minute no it said yes and amen now what is it about that you don't understand yes and hate me but you have to pray those words you can't pray your words you have to pray his words make his words your prayer words you start off with define the answer to your prayer before you ever pray it don't be wandering around and act out in the darkness of crowd never never land no start with the answer to your prayer find the promise or the Bible fact that comes it by His stripes you were healed that settles it forever so what else you need to know stay with that don't let the devil talk you out of it I don't care the best take 20 years hey 20 years a long time oh you think it ain't worth it glory to God hallelujah I'll take healing I don't care if I turned a hundred I'd still be saying it glory to God now I'll tell you this if it took me till I'm 100 I'll die all don't know but now I'm on the wrong road some way another I need to be I need to back up and start again here which I did coming down the road there and and and the Lord started talking to me about and man then for the last 2014 2015 2016 and 2017 there is a well-worn path in my life to the woodshed where God took me out there and paddled my dumb spiritual heinie and and I'm so glad it hurts your flesh but I'm pain free hallelu oh thank you Jesus okay okay second Corinthians 4:13 one of my favorites we this is the Apostle Paul and the Church of Corinth we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written believe and therefore have spoken we also believe that it don't work until you speak there's a just fabulous congregation of people John Carroll are not on Toronto Canada oh what a lovely people I met him in Rome when we went to see Pope Francis and and I met him the night before and I'd heard about of course yeah everybody's heard about the Toronto blessing and and and we met and and and and John said you know he said would you come would you come preach faith to us he said we he said we majored on prayer and worship and the glory in the fire but he said we we're interested in with so I didn't at all man they said you gotta come back we said okay how about this and and this happened this year we had our meeting in their church [Music] so and of course John and Carol the road on the front row and with Carol are not you don't want to get anywhere close to the index finger she'll say like that and just need to knock you flat in the floor she said I said Carol put that finger up now what I got a preach here to be did I'm preaching on mark 11:23 and 24 that's all out that's that's all a preach one over there she said I see it I see it she was having back problems and she said I'm believing I'm believing I'm praising God I'm worshiping God but I wasn't saying it that's where the failure is if you don't know is the saying cuz it doesn't seem like it has any difference yeah yes sir yeah yes sir you know you know I just work here yeah understand let's go to book James look in the third chapter of James verse 5 even so well no let's book up the very behold we put bits in the horse's mouth that they may obey us we turn about their whole body behold also the ships though they be so great and are driven with fierce winds yet there are turnaround with a very small helm a rudder wherever the governor listed now notice the governor has power over the rudder you have power over your tongue even so the tongue is a little member and boast of great things behold how great a matter a little fire kindle if it's the kindling to the fire the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defile of the whole body what with words and setteth on fire the course or the wheel of nature and it is set on fire of hell this is the sparker this is the igniter this is the start button well if it can be set on fire of Hell it can be set on fire of the Holy Ghost hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] holy ghost and fine Holy Ghost and fire Holy Ghost and fire cable for namaha care about who named Allah clarity he pledged existe kalasa the soap Jesus oka soak our spokes cara cara Vitiello pan dong bang gun kundan controlled k-clique power the pro now crow king to stick by his stripes you were healed by His stripes you are healed from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet say of the Lord this fire has begun in this meeting and if you will watch over it and fan that flame and with your tongue of joy begin to praise and worship and cry my word out before me in a cry of laughter saith the Lord the process will continue it's been going for quite some time now but it will continue and it will continue and you will wake up very soon well from the top of your head to the soles feet that's what you came here to get hallelujah thank you Jesus whoa what I did but something ma'am [Laughter] glory glory to God thank you Jesus thank you hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus praise come praise God running okay I just heard the Lord say something something's happening with your voice now something's happening with you for grace God something happen to you vocal chords there's something bothering ya I'm not hitting the notes quite like I was but I am now a man I agree with that really glory to the Lord just said something happening in the name of Jesus yes yes yeah yeah it'll be done unto you as you have believed Ronnie Pierce Oh God and by the authority invested in me as a pro in a hidden it as a prophet of God Jesus my faith in Jesus the Lord head of the church and by his direction the anointing that is in me and on me now as a samus yes which came on me back in the seven when the Lord said unto me one day you're no longer a singer of songs you are a psalmist yes and I learned years later Ronnie that that's part and parcel of the prophets ministry yes with David as your example I impart that that anointing be it done unto you as you have believed and as he has spoken ha ha ha [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] hallelu [Applause] [Laughter] well Hebrews three wherefore holy brethren partakers sama partaker partakers of the heavenly calling consider the Apostle or the one God sent an high priest of our profession or our confession same same word Christ or the anointed Jesus Jesus is the one God sent God anointed to be high priest over our words actually over his words in our mouths [Applause] [Music] that'll word their confession also means to say the same thing when we're saying the same thing as he has already said if you won't turn loose of it if you meditate on it and think about it and spend time just muttering over and just talking about it and just seeing yourself with it if you have to get up an hour early in the more if you get up in the middle of the night for an hour brother Hagin would would do this he never used alarm clock I don't either I've used alarm clock with nearly forty years and you know set your faith to get up certain time yeah you know the Lord's help I wake up you know 15:06 I usually wake up at 5:30 that's the way it should be and go to bed go to sleep 127 Saudis psalm says gives his beloved sleep hey all I'm his beloved and so are you learn to go to sleep by faith I had to learn that because I was going to sleep with pain he's gonna sleep nah didn't help pain every night no but the thing would flare up from time to time and and and there were times particularly in a heavy preaching schedule I'd be hurting for a while and go to bed and be alright but anyway no pain this is so marvelous but brother Hagin would wake up open his Bible go through the healing scriptures nay said I quoted every one of them but he said I put my eyes on every one of them I serve the Lord my God blesses my bread and water to take sickness from the midst of me in the length of my Daisy a full field sent his word and heal me and delivered me from my destruction surely he bore my griefs and sicknesses sorrows and pains we did esteem him stricken smitten of gone but he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chastisement for our peace was upon him by his drives with you that was fulfilled Matthew age 17 himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses then fulfilled again in first Peter 2:24 himself bore our own sins on his body on the tree that we being that I being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were or I was heal I am healed now then meditate on it for an hour and go back to sleep sleep for an hour wake up and do the same thing and do that two or three times in the night build himself up because his daughter Pat had a growth on her eye back there then he didn't call long distance it cost money and is during the Depression you didn't do that so they wrote letters beneflu what is Pat going to tell the nurse when she comes by Tuesday to check on all the children they're in school got that growth on her he said after that I did that three nights in a row and he said I wrote and said tell Pat daddy said she's healed and say anything about what to tell the nurse so Aretha called Pat in and said read the letter said daddy said to tell you you're healed and she said okay the next morning she got out of the things oh well then why can't I do that cause you don't get up in the middle of the night and meditate on the healing scripture I had to learn to start doing that that was part of this wonderful healing you wake up get up I don't like to stay in the house I've got heaters on my deck for the wintertime Gloria said the older I get the more Indian I get I don't know I don't like to be I don't like to be in the house anyway I just get up and say come on Lord and just go out there on the desk the dead deck you know making stuff nice a cup of tea and got there in the wintertime turn the heaters on in the summertime turn my fans on get out there about 3:30 4 o'clock in the morning you can't pray in tongues I mean you can smooth do some bread now it's a little bit of a struggle they're wild with your flesh over an hour but after a while you look at you was it three hours the other morning I got up it's about 2:15 and woke up so I went out on the porch and I said just praying just worshipping God is having a big time you know just met Jesus and and I look at 5:20 Oh God so I went on I thought well I'm going in the house at least that you know at least I get a couple hours sleep here and I went in and Gloria was was up and she came in she said how long you been out there I said I don't know laughter dad to 15 to 20 something like that so we went on back in and wouldn't bed in it by now it's nice about 5:30 and she and I got to talking and we got to laughing you don't get into these moments without moments like that Oh a lot of them I don't know I thought about the first apartment we had we so broke we couldn't pay attention you understand we got married on Friday and my the manager son and all the men had all in the business was an ordained Southern Baptist preacher well he married us and I borrowed a hundred dollars from my boss who was my best man and went to Hot Springs on my honeymoon had to be back in there had to be back in office on Monday you know so we come back on Sunday evening this our first night in this little house and it's it's it's just a little thing and as the bedrooms upstairs about two o'clock or three o'clock in the morning the room filled up with light the house started shaking we right straight up in the bread and there's a freight train coming right there I'm not kidding you that house the street just dead ended up next to that railroad track and the train went around the end of our street and down the side of the house we got it so cheap we laid a bed five o'clock in the morning and we got to land it and we laid there in he hauled we thought about all kinds of stuff we didn't lay there lad neither one of us went back to bed we just got a met a wonderful day hey hey hey this is life in the faith Lane when you take the time to meditate on Jesus and hey Jesus is the beginning Jesus is the middle Jesus is the end the Alpha and the Omega he's the biggest thing there isn't he's the smallest thing there is he is everything and you spend time in his presence praying in the spirit and you're praying things relying on the Spirit of God for odorants supernatural words and he's taking care of your prayer life Romans 8 26 and 27 he takes hold together with us against our infirmities but we know not how to pray as we are making with groanings which cannot be uttered the Greek says in articulate speech he's praying all the stuff you forgot there are things that he needs you to pray you see John Wesley said it seems as though God can do nothing from mankind unless somebody on the earth assume well of course that's true because he created the earth and gave it to man and he's never taken it back so in tongues things that he needs to be asked to do he either said Lord you know whatever you need I'm your man prepare clear emotional proof brother Han ethically in Tibet do you know what you said no I don't really care but I do pray that I interpret and I do pray mark 11:24 I believe I receive when I pray in tongues well it's still a mystery it's my mystery it's for me I believe I received and there's been times when I began to preach Christ is not Jesus last name stop meditate translate so forth some years ago the Lord said you've been praying that for over a year because I was just standing in a church one night and the pastor of the church said brother Copeland you know something I said no well yeah but he said that while you were standing there that night you were actually interpreting what you've been praying in the spirit for you that helps somebody but then how glory to God don't look at your watch it yeah they don't make it theirs it's still dark well some of y'all come off the same street idea partner I know like just Jesse and I got our heads together and we both played the same night club it just wasn't at the same time of course I did a better job than needed no I didn't either I wasn't he was good a showman Jesse but anyway you know ain't sunup he's going home now Hebrews 4:14 seeing then that we have a great high priest remember what we read in the 3rd chapter the first verse seeing then that we have a great high priest passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast to our confession o fast to it hold fast to it don't don't ever let the devil don't don't ever let the devil steal your confession don't let him steal your dreams hallelujah amen just stays steady and when you're confessing Scripture don't ever get off that now you may be going in a in a direction that needs to be changed in your life and so forth but that's where you stand for correction see but when your own the world don't ever let the devil talk you out of it and keep it very simple to keep I believe I receive my healing thank you and when I stand praying forgive if I have fought against any the six eyes of faith I believe I will I take it I have it I'm grateful for it and I forgive six hi Sophie you got a partner letter about that one time several years ago hallelujah I may send you a rerun I don't know I never have yet but hallelujah now then we're almost there Hebrews 4:14 Joel 3-pin okay go back over there and the weeds again oh there's Joel on page 1089 thank you lord chapter 3 verse 10 beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into Spears let the weak say I am strong if you're saying I'm weak you're just supporting what's already there yeah and I need I need to take the time to say this to God said I am did he know I am the God that healeth thee I am think about this the word God came from German theology God has names one of his name's is Jehovah Rapha I am the God that healeth thee well if healing has passed away he had to change his name some time another that angle happened I am say I am now he's our Father Jesus is our Lord and Savior the Holy Ghost is dwelling within us and on us we need to be careful about what we say I am I am sick God never says that he says I am well and as he is so are we in this world that will help put a guard over your mouth that you don't sin with you no I don't want to say I'm broke I'm sick I'm tired I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired I want to put his word in my man all right all right revelation no first Peter 3:10 quickly quickly quickly you know where that is but this is one that's misunderstood first Peter 3:10 for he that will love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no guile what is God no you don't be looking up your dictionary right now be guile yeah it means to see or treachery don't be treacherous don't don't don't be scheming with your mouth because whatever you do to others is going to get done to you that's spiritual then Jesus said do unto others as you would have others do unto you but whatever you do unto others is what others do unto you that's the way it works but anything any good thing that any man does the same shall he receive of the Lord in that good in the book of Ephesians and that wonderful any good thing anybody does the same shall he receive of the law so you don't want a treacherous tongue and if you follow that they'll allow look at it again he that will love life and see good days sick days are no good days poverty days are no good days good days verse nine not rendering evil for evil nor railing for railing the contrary run blessing blessed people knowing that you're there and to call that you should inherit a blessing for he that a love life and see good days let him refrain his tongue from evil and his lips that they speak no treachery or trickery just be speaking the truth to one another in love hallelujah revelation 12:11 dear Lord I love it because I love him so much they overcame him the devil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word by the word by the word by the word of their testimony hallelujah they loved not their lives unto death in that wonderful glory beat of God hallelujah fantastic incredible how'd you like the service tonight oh that message was fantastic [Applause] what I preached was fantastic fantasy incredible had no credibility now you'll go to the dictionary and find that even in some dictionaries it's eventually changed the unbelievable but that's not some dictionaries have changed it to mean you know just awesome and all that it still means a lie and the devil will hold a dictionary at your head he knows you didn't mean it he don't care what you met it's what came out of your mouth I just can't believe it not just cabling can you believe they said I just can't believe it I can believe anything I choose to believe I can believe in 15 minutes from now your right eyes gonna turn green and frog I'm gonna crawl out your ear if I want to believe that I believe I'm a believer I can believe anything I got a little I got a little clue for you what's your name Jack I got a little clue for you if a guy comes up and that's you your left eyes gonna turn green and the frogs gonna crawl out you don't get him because somehow another your left eye is gonna turn green the Frog going come on don't ever bet icon at his own game hey but what I'm saying to you is you and I are believers we can believe anything we choose to believe Thomas said I will not believe unless I feel it put my finger in the holes in his hands he could have had he chosen to believe it he's an act of his will I have chosen to believe but how much how difficult it is for people that continually say I just can't believe it I can't believe they said that you say I can't believe I can't believe what you enter man don't your inner man that doesn't it's your mind that's supposed to make the decisions what you feed into your spirit it just starts growing it when you save their unsaved that's worse word seeds grow you school yourself into unbelief you get the way you just it's a struggle to believe something when you want to because you've been saying I can't believe it snared by the words of your mouth we're in training well I'm not going I don't think you oughta be so picky oh you need to be even more picky oh yeah don't be saying that anymore I'd rather me slap my face then have a flu virus slap me in the face I'm not going there I will never have the flu again you're after now I haven't had a cold or flu or anything like that in years somebody's that I wouldn't brother : never say and whisper no the devil Jesus from the ID say that if my fever was honored [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah thank you thank you Lord Jesus oh thank you lord out preach long enough thank you Lord John 6:63 my words are spirit in their life John 10:10 I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly words or the images of life and death they build images on the inside of you if you've been sick for instance you've been confined to a wheelchair for a long time you close your eyes you see yourself there it becomes difficult to see yourself up running around that's the reason you have to meditate on the word day and night until you observe to do those things that are written therein and you close your eyes and you see yourself getting up out of that chair and running across the room how they Lou you all go over to God and you just you just meditate on it and meditate on it and you say it and you say it and you say it and you say it and you glorify God and your shout and you praise and I don't care if you feel like crying and crying and crying I don't care if you are crying cry the healing scriptures and don't let the devil steal you don't let him steal you tree say Amen if you can would you stand up with me please thank you Lord say thank you Lord say in the name of Jesus I'm a believer I am NOT a doubter I'm strong in the war I'm strong in the power of his might I'm glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the Lord come into his presence with a shout of Thanksgiving and a shout of praise and victory thanks be unto God who always causes me to trial thanks be under the Lord Jesus who always gives me the victory I have the victory in life and I have victory over death death where is your sting I don't feel you I am delivered from the spirit of grief Jesus bore my griefs he bore my sorrows I am free in him I'd glorify his name he is my victory he is my salvation he is the lover of my soul he gave himself a ransom for me he sacrificed his body for mine and now I sacrifice my body for his [Applause] I give myself to the Lord Jesus Christ and to his body to bless to bless to bless the church the body of Christ the body of his anointing of which I am a part for God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son then whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life I was a part of that world he is no longer the only begotten Son he's the firstborn of many brethren he's my brother he's my lord he's my Savior he's my healer is my baptized in the Holy Ghost and Fire he's my soon coming King I love him he loves me I rejoice in it I may be his very favorite Oh hallelujah yeah in his eyes you are his favorite and in your eyes you should see yourself as his very because he has no favorite children all of them are equal to him in the eye of the Father when he prayed the 17th chapter of John he said I pray for them that the world may know that you love them as much as you do me say it God loves me just as much as he does Jesus how then could I not love you and you and you and you I'm so excited about you we're on our way to a million partners you understand that don't you God promised that to us some years ago I messed it up for a while but I'm back amen a million praying sewing Schouten believing rip-roaring partners when the Lord said that to me on that broadcast that day I got jumped knocked my teacup off flush slop tea all over the table glorious najin tea he said you'll be the biggest Holy Ghost gang on the earth you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 6,267
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Keywords: kenneth copeland
Id: KmUg90SKjjQ
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Length: 108min 55sec (6535 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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