The Contrast: The Authority of the Believer

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world don't you sit there and just let the devil mess with you don't just sit there in bad circumstances like it ain't none you can do don't sit there like you can't do nothing you have the very power that raised Jesus from the dead at least open your mouth up and speak to that circumstance I want you to look at your life your family your friendships your job your hobbies every single piece that makes up your life God cares about it and I'm on a mission to show you how to take back the victory in all those pieces how every single piece of your life is covered under this grace so join me July 6 through the 10th for grace Life 2020 register now at Creflo Dollar ministries org and remember no piece left behind [Music] [Music] if you don't start talking to your problems they will start talking to you I said if you don't start talking to your problems they will start talking to you I said if you don't start talking to your problems you have authority in your mouth you have authority in your work don't you sit down and let cancer talk to you don't you sit there and let that talk to you don't you sit there and let unemployment talk to you you talk to your problem about what God has already done amen all right so now look what he says he said he says now the implication is you heal the sick you cleanse the lepers all right watch this you raise the dead Oh doc now come on come on yeah we don't because you don't believe it Christmas no but the issue today is that the believers are not believing you raise the dead that's deep and when I started I like oh Jesus that's you I can't do that you Jesus he said you don't understand I'm trying to get you to act like me and represent me but Lord raised the dead well you don't know cuz you ain't never tried it you won't know cuz you won't never do it you conclude well it's over you you won't ever do it he says freely you have received freely you have but you it's been given to you Wow the power has been lying dormant my assignment today is to try to wake it up and devils are trembling right now they're doing everything they can't don't believe this don't believe this don't believe this don't believe this don't believe this and you're gonna believe this that's it you're gonna believe this some of you gonna find yourselves in situations where nothing available except your authority and when you get a position and ain't ain't nobody do nothing for you and you ain't got no you will open your mouth up and say now father I have a right to use your power now in the name of Jesus turn this thing around our problem is is we want microwave results and if you don't see it just like that you conclude that it doesn't work your faith has got to stay in the field I got some stuff my faith is in the field has been out there for two years I'm not gonna call it in no the way you call it in I'll seat none so it must not work you just called it in off the field no you got to keep your faith out there working weak faith is faith that you call in at the field strong faith is faith that you mix that there and stay working you got to keep it out there in the field now look at Luke chapter 10 and verse 19 I want to speed this up just a little bit I think you know what we're going there things you have to do as a believer to activate your spiritual authority things you have to do as a believer to activate your spiritual authority I mean why would Jesus say what he said in verse one verse seven and eight and then look at verse 19 this chapter is talking about our power and our ability to use it verse 19 read it out loud with me ready to read behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing now you'll see the word power two times in the scripture one time the first time it's used it's translated Authority the second time it's used it's translated ability you will see in this verse of scripture that you've been given authority over all of the ability of the devil look at this behold I give unto you authority to tread what does it mean to tread to tread means to have absolute mastery over something so when you have been given authority you have mastery over every demonic force that's behind anything and there are a lot of things that demonic forces are behind and you don't recognize it let me give you an illustration you go to work or for some reason the person at work the boss at work just kind of is on you all the time I want you to do something if you are in that situation I want you to take time and turn the switch on and say now in the name of Jesus I speak to that demon force that operates through that person against me and I command that devil to cease in its maneuvers against me in Jesus name you'll go back to work one day and find out what happened it was a demon force that was behind him a lot of people just absolutely - - I don't think I've heard any messages in the last 10 years where people have actually taught on the enemy the demonic force you know you got one but you think the enemy is the person that you work with we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but we wrestle against watch this principalities that what is that demons powers demons I mean all of this stuff is gonna be made clear you know once you die but you ain't dead yet and things are changing you've never seen weather like this before the Bible says in Matthew talks about the end time is gonna happen similar to a woman who's given birth to a child the labor pains will increase it will increase and the more it'll get more intense and it'll become more often and more intense and become more often and all these people who think they don't got it all figured out they're just gonna be shocked I'm sittin argue with somebody don't know whether or not they believe there's a God or whether or not they believe there's a devil or whether or not they believe I heaven in hell gonna die one day we all gonna know that that's simple that's simple but man I believe and so when I doubt get what I said I believe but for those of you who just don't believe and you have bought this lie that the world's trying to push out you go die too and you're gonna see and it's gonna be too late and I ain't tryin to do that ain't trying to die and they never been where I'm going I want to make sure that when I close my eyes and it's over with I have a ticket to get into the right place Amen well I just don't believe it it ain't no Ark with you you gonna die one day and probably a lot quicker than God wanted you to die cuz all of a sudden you think you can be like God without God it's on all of a sudden with the internet you think you know more than God the internet just gave you more access to more foolish stuff to help you to go against what you what you shouldn't go against it's amazing how this world is there's no reverence for God prayers out of schools so what are you gonna use to turn on the young men and women's consciousness so they can do something like hold a gun to somebody and don't have no consciousness why can you do that seem like you would have some kind of color because it was never turned on mom and daddy didn't believe so it wasn't turned on they hear about it in school that one turned on couldn't nobody tell them I know everyone and so you walking around we're raising a kid that ain't got no conscious and he can do stuff that don't bother him that used to bother you because your mom and daddy and your grandmama most likely turn to conscious and okay baby that ain't right don't do that baby you don't talk to grown folks like that baby show some respect that ain't happenin Omo I want them to have an opinion and any grow of a fool because they got to be somebody to turn a conscience on now while they might not be perfect they got some kind of conscious because you turn something on and it's food turn something on and society and neighbors turn something on but we don't have no conscious you're just go out and do whatever feels good I can go home now well and that's got to change we're going to start world changes world changes world changes around the country the world wherever you are the world changes nation we are going to start using our power and we have the power and authority to have absolute mastery over serpents and scorpions watch this and over all the power or the ability of the enemy so whatever ability the enemy has you have authority over his ability Wow you have authority over that ability why the devil can't do nothing in you what was that Denzel watching the thing on that I think that's everything he's King Kong King King Kong ain't got nothing on me the devil ain't got nothing on you wait man and here's what the Bible says and nothing shall by any means come on and nothing shall by any means hurt you the only thing that's gonna probably get close to trying to hurt you is the fear most of the time it's the fear of a thing that does more damage than the very thing itself fear that's tolerated will contaminate your faith you cannot allow fear to rule in your life you cannot wake up every day being afraid of what you can't do or what you might do or what might not happen you cannot allow fear to ruin and to work in your life say this out loud no fear here and every time it crops up just say no fear here you have authority you have authority over the spirit of fear you have us authority to speak words and to have mastery over the spirit of fear don't let fear master your life what is it that you've been afraid of afraid of failure afraid that you're not gonna be what you think you can be afraid that you'll never recover from a mistake that you made or some stupid decision you made what's the fear that's tormenting your life fear has torment and a lot of times we walk in in something when it's it's groundless fear it's called panic we start panicking over something that's not even happened yet don't allow fear to govern your life in any way the Bible says God is not giving you the spirit of fear but of what power and of what love and a what sound man say out loud I don't have fear I will not tolerate fear I have mastery over fear no fear here yes that fear out your marriage you're afraid that your marriage is not gonna make it you're afraid your husband don't cheat on you afraid your wife did this to you you're afraid of abyss you what happens you go back into self-preservation because you're so fearful you feel like I can't trust God so I need to go ahead and trust myself and press I'm not going to self-preservation and I preserve myself that's worst thing you can do fear is fear that's that's the topic of today's society in it people operating by fear so afraid that they can't have so they're gonna Rob somebody else that's fear base it's fear base and we've got to conquer fear and I am Telling You today that you have authority over the spirit of fear say that out loud I have authority over the spirit of fear all right now let's look at John chapter 15 and verse 5 John 15 and 5 I have authority over the spirit of fear I have authority over spirit of fear I have authority over negative thoughts I have authority over negative thoughts you don't control thoughts with thoughts amen you control thoughts with words you don't control thoughts with fouls people think you crazy it's in our depth [Music] No do you have a stupid thought you pull it down with the Word of God you have this thought you know you're gonna be dead real soon you owe me a mouth up I shall live and not die for greater is He that is in me than here's what happens you cast that thought down you don't you don't cast thoughts down with vulture cast thoughts on with word now look at John 15 and 5 now check this out he said I am the vine you are the branches he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing now notice God says I am the vine I'm the root from which all this life is going to come from but then he says you and I were branches I'm a branch now the fruit comes out of what the branch he says I'm the vine I supplied the ability you're the branch you flip the switch and give forth the fruit you're the branch you're not the vine you ain't never gonna be the vine you're the branch the vine supplies the power the branch gives birth to the manifestation of the fruit glory be to God you're a branch your job is to give give birth to the manifestation of the fruit quit going to God and asking God to do what you have been assigned to do your job is to manifest the fruit Hebrews 13 and 5 let's go there real quick he says in verse 5 let your conversation or your lifestyle be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have them for he said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee I'll never leave thee nor forsake thee now you cannot bear forth manifestation alone but when you're born again you're never gonna be alone you're never gonna be a branch without a vine a branch without a vine dies you're never gonna be a branch without a vine look at this in the amplified verse five you will never be alone I don't care if you feel alone you will never be alone you will never be alone watch what he says in the amplified bible when you're never alone you never have to wonder where is God and there may be times in your life after you she knows things have happened that you feel alone but you're never going to be by yourself not another day as long as you live now Hebrews 13:5 amplified ready let your character or moral disposition be free from the love of money now the love of money when somebody operates in the love of money the love of money is when you trust God trust money more you trust God if you find yourself trusting money more you trust God that means you rely on money's ability to do for you more than you rely on God's ability to do for you so when you go to money and it can't do it then you just stuck because you trust money more than you trust God that's kind of society we're living in it's a Mammon driven Society he says now let your character a moral disposition be free from the love of money including greed avarice lust and craving for earthly possessions and be satisfied with your present circumstances and with what you have why for he God Himself has said for he God himself has said I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support I will not I will not I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake you nor let you down nor relax my hold on you assuredly not I guess it's safe for us to say God ain't going nowhere but I don't feel like he with me no you got to know that he's with you I'm in now let's look at the fusions chapter 1 19 through 20 but let's look at it in the New Living Translation in Ephesians chapter one nineteen and twenty eight now the awesome thing about this scripture is that it's it's telling you that you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead you have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead verse 19 I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God's power for us the God's power for us it's his power but it's for us who believe him how do you believe him he says this power that's for us is the same mighty power the same power that did what verse 20 it's the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God's right hand in heaven in heavenly rims now here what he's just said the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that he's made available to us so you don't have some crackerjack power you got the same power that raised Jesus from the pit of hell and you walking around your skirt and putting up with something well notice he says this is for those who believe I believe it I believe it I believe that I have the same power that Jesus that raised Jesus from the dead I believe it that's first base you start right there I believe this I believe this the believers have not been believing this I believe that I have this god-given Authority in power I have it you got to start working on that you got to get up every day I believe I have this power from God that raised Jesus from the dead what's gonna happen the day you really start believing that there's a lot of things don't change in your life when you're walking around here I mean the devil has no defense against a tongue talking blood of Jesus pleading believer grace what can he do to you things things happen and you open your mouth you like I don't let me don't let me don't let me flip the switch well I'm trying to tell you don't you sit there and just let the devil mess with you don't just sit there in bad circumstances like it ain't none you can do don't sit there like you can't do nothing you have the very power that raised Jesus from the dead at least open your mouth up and speak to that circumstance and say no no [Applause] James chapter 4 and 7 that's what the day is about I'm gonna show you a scripture shouted about a little bit get it in there after a while your your unbelief will start weakening your unbelievers say well wait a minute I keep seeing all these scriptures maybe it's some to this maybe it's something I need to pay more attention to look what he said in verse 7 submit yourself therefore to God resist the devil all right and a notice notice this is resist is something you have to do it's amazingly he says resist the devil so obviously there's a devil to be resisting it resists the devil that word resist means to to withstand to fight against it means to actively fight against that means if something going on it's like all right devil let's do it unless I'm resisting you and I may have to do that every five minutes until you understand I'm not playing when I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer I I the day I found out about it I just I had to just kind of keep my mouth closed and govern my response I could not afford to just let something anything come out of my mouth like you can't do that I had to get a revelation to shut up and I have to think now I got to respond properly because your first response might be the first sperm that reaches the egg - cause the response I said in Jesus name I'm healed and I will live and not die first response okay now all kinds of stuff going through my head I think about all the people that died of this this form I died I think of you know oh jesus this the sky started looking different every time I pass the graveyard I break out in a sweat I'd be a bit teaching I went through all this y'all didn't even know what's going on every time you say I saw the word dead or death I'd break out in a sweat and the Bible says dead huh got there you ever say yeah that's gonna be you that's gonna be you now I had to actively resist him I will live and not die now to take communion every day I just took the body devil hey I just took the cup devil I'm gonna live and not die I will not die I will live and not die I'm already the healed I'm not even trying to get healed devil I'm already to heal I'm the healed protecting my health devil and he could come and see every time he come with some I come back with something else so I got these healing scriptures so every time he'd say something then I get him and I start reading just walking up now Holloway just reading these healing scriptures just what am i doing just reading these hills Tripoli was he doing that for I am actively resisting the devil I am letting him know no no no no your words would not weigh in heavier than my words and I realized that cancer is working 24 hours to try to kill me so I had to get something that will be working even while I was sleeping so while my why my brain was cut off my spirit was still receiving it and I'd play healing scriptures all night long and then when they when I wake up I'd hit stop and then I take over praise God do a live thing on and I would resist the devil and I would eat it and eventually it guess what happens he's got to go he cannot hang around and get his head beat up like that once he realizes that you're not gonna buy in on the fear seyton leaveth thee Satan is a defeated foe it's time we walk in the authority God has given us over the enemy every attack of the enemy is going to begin with an attempt to attack who you are in Christ for a love gift of 1295 or more we would like to offer you this powerful series the contrast identity versus performance powerless I'm telling you these last days it is time for the body of Christ to stand up in the power and the authority that Jesus has given unto us and it is time to let the world see us operate in this authority and then his power no I've been formed against me shall prosper every top that rises up against me call or go online to order today I want you to look at your life your family your friendships your job your hobbies every single piece that makes up your life God cares about it not just your Sunday morning life he came that every piece would be good that every single piece would be covered with his love with his favor that's what it's all about it's about you understanding that he's involved in every piece yes he gave you salvation but this life this grace life it's about the whole thing it's about your flourishing and every piece of your life not just on Sunday morning because he's not just a Sunday morning kind of God and I'm on a mission to show you how to take back the victory in all those pieces how every single piece of your life is covered under this grace so join me July 6 through the 10th for grace Life 2020 register now at Creflo Dollar ministries org and remember no piece left behind Jesus instructed us to take this gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth with the seeds you sow into Creflo Dollar ministries we extend this good news of grace to people on every single continent they are empowered to see real change in their lives that's exactly what you do when you send in your financial donations to support our outreach endeavors you empower change in people's lives and for that we say thank you and god bless you I'll see you next time right here on changing your world if you want to honor the Lord by sowing financial seeds into Creflo Dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org Creflo and taffy dollar drug connecting with you and here at world changers we understand the importance of using technology to do just that we're constantly working to bring the gospel of Christ to thousands of viewers and followers around the world and we want you to get involved follow us on Facebook Instagram Twitter and YouTube we want to make the word of grace available throughout every voice of social media because of You Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and Friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 8,694
Rating: 4.955801 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: _MX8TUpi54E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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