The Untold Stories of 2b2t

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Sir, that is a Christian server

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
fit mc the oldest anarchy server in minecraft turns eight years old this month a server well known for having no rules and complete over the years the server has attracted hundreds of thousands of players all of them have left their mark in one way or another my past two and a half years on youtube i focused on telling the stories of many of these players we've showcased bases history and conflict all in this digital space 2b2t is only special because of the players that play on it today i will be telling the story of three individuals that until now have not received the proper recognition for helping to make the server what it is today their untold stories will finally be heard each of them had a completely different and unique impact on the server of which no one has been able to replicate today you'll be learning about the man behind some of the largest builds and community projects ever on 2b2t the deadliest pvper in the server's history and finally the biggest troll to ever step foot on the server completely changing 2v2t's culture in the process three different players three different experiences these are the untold stories of the southern canal the great spawn wall you may be familiar with these famous 2b2t landmarks they are the biggest and most ambitious builds on the server but do you know the man that engineered these builds and made them possible 2014 a player named thebes and sound joined 2b2t for the first time after a few months he found himself on a beach on the southern axis of 2b2t spawn region he began to dig and dig and dig from this beach he built a canal all the way to spawn and filled it with water this would be the start of the great southern canal after a few months thieves formed the scc or the southern canal corps several players joined thieves in the scc including chad dx buffer overflow josh yarn spinner and rainy afternoon the southern canal would go on to become the largest engineering project in server history and perhaps all of multiplayer minecraft when i made my original southern canal video two years ago the canal was only 25 000 blocks long today it stretches well beyond 150 000 blocks thanks to the constant work by the southern canal corps during the rusher war of 2016 the canal was used as bait to try and lure in rushers in order to kill them it was quite successful thieves also helped the x highway group dig their tunnel all the way to the world border and helped with base operations there when the ant venom invasion happened thieves was the man behind the great spawn wall and engineered the entire process the wall would not have been able to been built if it weren't for thieves the greatest engineer in 2b2t history thebes still plays to this day and his infrastructure has had a lasting impact on the server i'd tell you what he's working on right now but that would best be saved for its own video in this day and age anybody can pick up an end crystal and call themselves a 2v2t pvper but in the old days pvp was far more barbaric yet strategic it required management skills good gear and for many a good hack client but in the golden age of pvp there was one player that nobody wanted to mess with a player that had an actual minecraft pvp background someone who had ties to leafyishere and the old pvp community someone that i'm glad that i never had to face [Music] federal moist ceremony kangaroos having legitimate vanilla pvp experience kangaroos was a force to be reckoned with while his group affiliations and bases are not fully known what was known was that getting into a fight with him would spell disaster for you during the time of the boat murdered drama several years ago kangaroos found himself in a two versus one encounter with pop bob and i tristan having the option to flee or to fight he chose to fight [Music] [Applause] kangaroos fought hard and through sheer force of will managed to make the two members of the tyranny retreat while pom-pom was able to log out i tristan was not so lucky kangaroos fought pop bob and i tristan at the same time and came out victorious kingeros would be an on-again off-again player after this incident during the rusher war kangaroos helped popularize bed bombing in the nether adapting to the shift in the pvp meta from traditional warfare to explosives-based combat kingrose is still around to this day and his youtube channel is filled with old 2b2t gems now for our final story i need to tell you a little bit about the culture of 2b2t 2b2t's culture is known for being one of the most toxic in minecraft uncensored chat and no moderation means that conversations often become a competition to see who can say the most repulsive offensive and vile things one might be thinking how could you possibly troll people whose sole purpose is to be as offensive as possible the answer is to go in the opposite direction the polar opposite enter build smash the minecraft player chosen by god himself or so he claimed build smash had a reputation as being one of the greatest trolls in 2b2t history he was so good that to this day people still question whether he was a troll or an actual person trying to spread christian values he would debate players endlessly in public chat chastising them for their repulsive behavior and attempting to convert them to his values and beliefs players would insult him mock him and attempt to debunk his claims but in the process they didn't realize that their reaction is what build smash wanted and they would get frustrated at build smash's seemingly never-ending stream of religious debate he would often quote bible verses in chat he would do this so much that an account bible bot was created to allow instant access to bible passages you would type a verse in chat and bible bot who would read it in its entirety in public chat eventually players found out that spamming verses from the book leviticus would actually crash bible bot but this didn't stop build smash from trying to spread his message the old joke of calling to b2t a family-friendly christian minecraft server was inspired by build smash his ability to get players angry was legendary and something very few players can accomplish in this day and age never forget build smash thebes and sound kangaroos build smash they were all just normal 2b2t players yet each had their own unique impact on the server that's the beauty of 2b2t anybody can start playing and make a name for themselves there are so many stories out there and so many player experiences that i don't think i could ever possibly cover them in my lifetime but their stories are a window into just how different experiences can be for different players well that's it for today's video everyone remember if you haven't already make sure to follow me on twitter and instagram which are in the description of the video this will be the last 2b2t video of 2018 and what a year it's been on this server i mean two youtuber invasions in a single year man we've been busy but what will happen on 2b2t in 2019 i guess we'll find out won't we take it easy everyone and stay alive out there will ya
Channel: FitMC
Views: 1,053,778
Rating: 4.9303432 out of 5
Keywords: 2b2t, minecraft, anarchy, server, fitmc, fit, antvenom, popularmmos, phoenix sc, oldest, history, builds, tour, battle, war, museum, wall, spawn, grief, hack, client, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, queue, thecampingrusher, veteran, rusher, teamveteran, incursion, tutorial, lucky, amazing, great, alpha, beta, herobrine, elrichmc, agentgb, face, hacked, exploit, glitch, cheat, project, mojang, conduit, fuze, fuzeIII, fuze III, untold, story, movie, book, buildsmash, thebesandsound, kingoros, fight, duel, 1v1, popbob, itristan
Id: an6XX4R4Mn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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