I Survived 2b2t. This Is How.

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who cares

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xo7094030563407 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hate these people that try to play without hacks and don’t even do research. They just come in and say β€œoh this is too hard and this server sucks” it’s insanely annoying.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mr-commenter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

no one asked or cares. all this guy is is an annoying queue extender. his impact will last about a day and then it will return to normal. i personally don't like the guy though, he's a fag

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Reset404Reborn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

2b is a lost cause at this point. Making a new life on another server.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/krozarEQ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

who's gonna hunt with me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/6utIsMyMinecraftIGN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 30 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s just gonna make one video then leave. It really won’t matter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PrudentJuice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 29 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

uh oh mr. smol hypixel skyblock brain is back for another round of "this server is so bad everyone is hacking what is this"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/newacc_opscraft256 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Tommy, but the man does not belong on 2b2t

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/vassardog77 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
about a year ago I played on a minecraft server known as to be Tootsie it's essentially a server dominated by hackers and has absolutely no rules no staff no nothing one year later have to see many of my friends making videos on it I decided it was time to revisit the server not only was this a mistake but it was a strangest minecraft experience of my life and probably very entertaining for you this is to be tutti the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft and today I went back on with one single goal survive [Music] okay all right it my stepped-up yeah okay I'm gonna join but before I do this please do leave a like and subscribe I know everyone asks this but I mean a bloody can if you can cuz I don't know what this stuff is gonna be in a mum kinda still hot usually if you want to subscribe w now be very appreciated but you know a gents let's give it a shot estimated time one day two hours there no no no no no no no donate to be to t okay you know what screw this I'm gonna pay there is no way I'm gonna wait that long $20 $20 for one month alright let's not too bad let's do this yeah I'm actually okay you know I'm actually doing it now this is they're taking my money okay we've done it now if I real aughh I mean oh my god I'm back hey wait what's the oh [ __ ] what wait no I was really far out though oh you know what no no it's good I'm back at spawn cuz now I can I can show you all how to survive so I've survived to be to T before gents I've survived it before I can do it again arias born okay oh that's a guy oh good okay you know what maybe we're not gonna survive right off the bat it doesn't look as though I'm gonna it's been one year since I'm here dude I kind of remember this well this is strange I sorry I believe the first oh my god I was about to find say we've got a fight oh of course for my video okay so if anyone hasn't seen the video from a year ago which wouldn't surprise me I met this random guy and he gave me a load of crap oh my god so I can I've gear I can have deer so this is how you survive they we're also warning on some gaps hey no I could die it's to make sure I don't all right okay all endocrine so on to be to T everyone pvp's with these crystals okay Wow what six stars Oh a year ago this guy's really nice guy so I was reading through the to be to to read it and you know everyone was getting annoying at me calling me a squeaker which is fair enough fair enough they were all saying I got really lucky finding that guy in him being so nice me later crap now it's time for us to go through and when did I go oh okay oh we have blocks Wow again for anyone that isn't aware this is a proper anak you serve this has been around for like seven years there are like these highways which I like the things that you're meant to travel on what I don't want to do is encounter any players since that's where I'm gonna go down that's where it all goes downhill for mr. innit and I'm alone as well I never do recordings alone this is I don't like this horror game but worse for anyone that isn't aware I think our goal we've got to survive I've luckily got super good gear prop four and a house curse of vanishing so if I die they can't get it this is really Opie where am I no let's head towards zero zero okay what the [ __ ] was that that's the highway well I should say [Music] let's go let's go please don't kill me okay no I don't like being alone for this you think you're me I submit I submit to you woman please please what's up what's up I am friendly I've seen your vids Thank You YouTube you have just saved my life like actually though you want to help me survive Oh No who is that who is that SVT there is an enemy there is an enemy there is an enemy woman no wait they are trapping me they are trapping me I think who is that they've encountered me get in hole why I want to survive okay you know what I'm gonna act really casual about this this person seems like they might kill me this is a this is a bad woman okay okay okay I've put most of my loot in there okay I'll get in the hole who is that who is that guy hi hi why is that what is that crystal I'm not sure about this please don't kill me you can trust me okay well if you say so they're a big fan oh that's I'll help you out spawn here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna make a new discord server I'm gonna send them the invite link hey I've sent them a discord server invite hello your your skin is a woman okay hey man no John is very big player I want you to sign a book for me too you could you got no you know you who do you have a book enclose one is punching not not to alarm you guys Deadpool is punching me anybody was there like a [ __ ] or anything just kicked it away from them he has a [ __ ] I watched your video like getting a hot site I knew you're gonna join this stuff I'm not hacking right now actually I haven't used that client I'm staying innocent for now it's a miracle alright so you guys are gonna cuz you know a minute ago you said you were gonna help me sunder and then your team just murdered me so I don't want to be associated already associated you with them since you just landed me I didn't murder you you I'm a sander okay first of all let's just get this out of the way you know your skin is a woman yeah yeah no no I didn't know that whose new chunks people are hunting you down you should go in overworld wait what do you mean people what do you mean people are hunting me down you have more than 3 subs so therefore they have to hunt you down being hunted are you choking me nervous you and a bunch of people I never watch yeah they're all hunting what do you meet people okay look I'm just trying to survive why would I be are you joking people aren't you trying to hold me yeah they're hunting you down okay you're acting very very very casual about the fact that there are people on my hair normal oh it's normal it's normal to be hunted well I'll be honest with ya sorry sorry I'm hanging around where people are gonna get annoyed at you too for helping me yes oh I'm gonna I'm gonna armor up my vomit up now the alpha dog so I played on this over about a year ago and some random guy helped me and he is ok I'm going through I've got my totem in hand yeah ya know who is Oxbow who's ad they are also a woman skin I'm gonna trust them so smell a woman's skin are they with us ok I'll give her y'all a book and cool if y'all want it why do you want a book and quill look I don't know why you want me to sign your book books yeah ok I tell you what if you guys can get me out of spawn and help me survive I'll sign all your books here's what I want I want to get out of spawn I want to survive we need to get out of here because yeah am I really am I actually being hunted yeah 100% Oh what I don't want is to be hunted so please protect me dude rotten big PvP I'm also a good EVPs you know I've killed techno blade and time did you not hear what I just said oh yeah have you killed techno blade and time do you haven't pvp properly if you have you get on here oh yeah yeah so people use the crystals don't late to fight yeah don't place them down there like instakill you don't even oh no no Tommy it's fortified you're gonna kill yourself with it no watch this see no damage taking yeah but if you expose you die ok wait one second one second you guys keep helping me will win this way I've got a man I need to call I feel oh man whatever you do do not sleep in a bed if they put down a bed do not sleep in it why okay what does that do they will bed trap you please but I can don't know if I can trust these guys they keep throwing hooks at me I can't know how they see they seem so lovely they seem nice they have a woman whose skins feel they're a woman name a woman you can trust the way the film makes a bad not do not do not they are absolutely trying to trap you I am not kidding oh he said don't sleep in the bed no no I'll stay with these guys the hell apparently I'm being hunted right now and they were in a VC of people were trying to hunt me this could be a double car I'm not gonna lie well Phil seems to think that they aren't that great so Phil knows what he's doing apparently I can't trust these guys that much but I'll try I'll try hello boys I spoke to Phil yeah what is he saying he's saying if you place down a bed do not sleep in it and you guys place down the bed no we don't we don't know this guy we don't know she ate with this guy do you want us to execute him we'll execute him for you I want you to to execute him I get on your chest place okay I'm gonna hold a respawn totem yeah no just run away for a bit yeah yeah you guys execute now we gotta run we definitely what do you mean run fireworks your fireworks yeah I can do some flying okay all right all right we go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go okay how are we gonna move then he's coming back okay you guys okay where do we go do we get into the into the nether or do we stay no go into the nethers row if you were a normal play you would going in there and did your youtuber you can't go into the nether because people are hunting you down okay this is much much much more stressful than I anticipated no you get used to it oh they want yes yeah and just don't look in the chat for your own safety people are very nice on here thank you guys for helping me you you are lovely oh thank you thank you no do not fit you know the Tommy and it boys will be on your side Tommy trustee confirmed oh okay look this is this is often in games how far out do we have to go until we're safe yeah well we're doing good we're making good strides are you sure we shouldn't go to the nether cause we could travel so much quicker listen when we go if we go in the nether it's just gonna be there's gonna be like no blocks of where to like good we'd have to go really like high up onto the highway yeah I think I should go on the highway Tommy in it do you want to die oh my god what is this this is there are trenches yeah this is to prevent people from escaping spawn luckily we're escaping it boys yeah we have a bridge dude this armor from the guy you execute is really Opie what's that I know what that is oh gods no that's not what that's not as the thing that's it's awfully similar isn't it you know it's awfully silly it's a vortex all I need to continue my group from a year ago the Obsidian Dix that's my group tag it's a symbol of power we nearly say we'll get three K down go into another guys I think we should risk it and go till they know that this is this tons of people in the Oval just like lying with a lecture like a really fast SEC around to try fine yeah no I think I know best on this one we're going to the nether we're going in the highway we're getting on the highway oh wait this is on the highway like the diagonal right oh there's not the high road that's we're in this right that's we're in this way we're on the highway oh this is brilliant that we've managed I told you guys the highway would be better well yeah it's better until somebody comes under the hye-won crystals you know I'll just tell my shields bro oh wait wait here's an actual Highway little look just a ring road that's a ring road you're just going down the dag you know that guy that we murdered or I said that woman do you think they're still hunting us oh yeah 100% they're probably like searching around trying to find what was that what was that I can tell you if anyone's coming I have traced some dishes pop-up when anyone comes into our offices that's good if anybody comes to hide in a hole yeah I know I that's not my typical you know like the basics of crystal P did you Tommy yes oh no dude oh yeah no I do I do I've spoke to fit I'm saying frequently oh my god you have good booties if they're falling for if it's time say we got one k out and then it's a K so we should be safe soon right not to make a base to be honest you're gonna go like at least 100 K to make at least I'll be safe for more than a month just shut off the server yeah I felt where did you don't know where I am yeah big your lover that's fine you're gonna be fine Doria but those clothes isn't falsies highway next time no matter how much you want the content to meet you who is new runs Thank You trustee ok we'll go this way we'll go this way ok all right I'm down here I'm down here ok ok this looks a lot safer should we just Mack down another puddle here goes on yes I'm not comfortable being in this yeah yeah let's go through is go through it let's go through let's go through right did you see them the highway was falling apart man oh sorry it's so cute how you're so excited Thanks what do you want to do you want to make a base epic base do you honestly I'm a bit taken aback but wait wait look at this well insane you want to have something that's even cooler take one of some of these those are snow balls here Tommy take this book this very cool book it's a it's my booth yeah you know I'm very well known Tommy play what you got it for me you don't worry about bro I'm your book I have another book I'm signing you a book you should sign my book no man you just said it were you in a book and thank you f oh my god sex is rising we survived next we survived yeah it's pretty hard considering the amount of it we just went through I felt pretty hard yeah once you learn it it's pretty easy well for me I'll be honest with you guys that was pretty hard can we find some people I mean we'd have to go to spawn for that you're new I do not want to go back I need not want to go back we can't really find anyone like out here who's always your professional opinion on earth then fighting anybody what changes do you think he has I don't think yes any yeah I agree we can either warm you want if you want Gucci on I think you're all this no you don't want we can both go iron armor swords yeah yeah one crystal you're going okay I'd still be able to tell you with my shield all right let's do it you got iron no don't Tommy you're gonna do it right we'll both go for lion Armour and a shield we're not use any all rights do this let's do this okay boy okay no gun no gun you can't right let's do this you John I can't eat you if you do John I'm sorry the child was meant to be I survived to be 2t and now you John you've completely thrown you completely through and now I'm trapped in another Pole okay guys 6-0 120 I am trapped I'm actually trapped please help please help oh there's a guy here there's a guy there's a guy get to me quick get to me quick quickly GU Jones your only chance to redeem yourself I hear you is that you yeah new chunks you're done let me out get me out okay hit me with some armor we've got to get out of here we've got a run now is this my armor I can't believe you didn't throw for the content you jump why mine the one lesson who's this guy you guys execute do it okay three two one you gotta get him out of the game getting about the game okay okay all right we've got a room you gotta run we gotta run guys we have you just murdered a man in cold blood you guys are making me a bad man all right and I'm not a bad man I needed revenge after you murdered me you John no this is on you buddy it isn't you John I swear I'm gonna turn on you you John I gave you my book out of the kindness of my heart and this is how you've repaid me by murdering me he's hoping so yeah I know I assumed you were thrown for the concert I thought you would let me win and then teleport back with two seconds with your hacks and instead you murdered me okay all right let's go through this port I will give you stash chords for Tommy and its cords a stash is basically like I placed full of cute items and I just got offered once you keep giving me reports but I want them all right okay we're going through the pole wait Opie's - Thunder do not take office for my coordinates all right I need you okay we need you John but what do you mean I'm bro all right so we survived then are we out look at this this is sick this can be our base at 9300 this is the this is our base all right this is our base let me add my symbol where have you gone into chest we gotta make it no no this is it this is our symbol on top of it screaming boys we've done it we've conquered to be to take look at it look at a standing strong for the coordinates 9320 for
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 1,664,030
Rating: 4.926291 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, hypixel, minecraft, mine craft, hypixel skyblock, stream, live, twitch, skyblock, 2b2t, tapl, i survived 2b2t, surviving 2b2t, philza, ph1lza, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, fitmc, minecraft old server, anarchy server, minecraft hacker, hackers, cheaters, hacking, minecraft hacking, 2b2t server, minecraft 2b2t, sky block, minecraft raid, 2b2t hacks, my first time on 2b2t, boffy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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