The Unluckiest Luckiest Man In All Of Italy

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look is a strange concept in judges bizarre adventure as it appears as an aspect in every single part no matter how big or small though not all luck works the same in Jojo and probably one of the best examples of weird luck in Jojo is the strange case of the unluckiest luckiest man in all of Italy Guido Mistah ladies and gentlemen the fastest gun in the world right here [Music] so just a bush really early on that Mistah has an obsession with good luck or at least avoiding bad luck he overly obsesses on superstitions that can cause him to panic in times of conflict he focuses on these things to such a degree that his stand sex pistols is affected by it as you see there is no sex pistol marked with a 4 because 4 is an unlucky number and misses least favorite number and the sex pistol that would be 4 is cowardly in Bulleid by all the other sex pistols which is a reflection of mrs. mentality now in real life the fear of the number 4 comes from China as in the Chinese alphabet the word for death is pronounced the same as the word for 4 they are both pronounced su and because of that the number 4 has taken on an unlucky context to the point that buildings will not have a fourth-floor much like in America where buildings will have a 13th floor in China they'll have a negative first floor if there's only four floors instead of having a fourth floor and it is considered incredibly rude to mention the number four around dying relatives this fear of the number four is so ingrained into the culture of China and surrounding Asian countries that a British Medical Journal study found that on the fourth day of every month Asian Americans or Asian immigrants were more likely to die from stress-related heart attacks specifically a 12% increase in their chances now the origin of mrs. Tetra phobia is unknown since he is in universe Italian it has no relation to any Chinese or Asian culture though he mentions it being an invisible force in his life ever since he was a kid so taking that into mind one of the moments in time that I think might have ingrained this fear into him is possibly one of his luckiest moments in his entire life when Mistah was 17 he stumbled upon a woman being beaten and raped in the back of a car he attacked the man and found himself at the end of a barrel three different guns though no matter how many shots these men fired at him they all missed and he was able to steal one of the guns reload it and fire back under gunfire he was able to kill all three men with four shots without being even hit once though because of how unbelievable his self-defense statement was he was sentenced to 15 to 30 years in prison for three accounts of murder and during the time before his imprisonment all mister could do was think of the reasons why this could be happening to him he told the truth he really defended himself against three different people so why is he being arrested for this this was self-defense then he slowly pieced together the idea that the number four was incredibly unlucky finding ways to blame it on any misfortune he witnessed in his life such as the kitten who scratched a dudes eye out because it was the fourth kitten in a bunch though this event is actually a perfect example of misses amazing luck you see in the fight with the freemen mr. displayed stand potential that made him stick out to Bruno Bruno with the influence of the mob is what saves Mistah from spending time behind bars this both allows miss toe to truly unlock his stand sex pistols avoid going to prison and also realize how relaxed he can be in high-stress situations like a gunfight and that's what pushes him down the career that he would be the best at but would never have taken part of if he never joined the game that career being a professional marksman you see this is actually a running theme with Mistah as a character actually and every battle Miso's involved with he's always the victim of his own actions it's almost humorous to the point that every bullet that miss has fired has somehow managed to hit him instead of the opponent it happens in Kraftwerk Grateful Dead White Album and of course chariot Requiem though the last one is more understandable and even when mr. does land his shots it ends up causing more issues than it solves see notorious b.i.g and rolling stones so on the surface Mistah appears to be very unlucky this is because much like mrs. backstory all of these events are blessings in disguise which is why I call Mistah the unluckiest luckiest man in Italy because all of these listed events have long-term positive consequences for Mistah even though they appear to be nothing but setbacks so when it comes to craft works even though sale was super charging the kinetic force on the bullets they never struck Mistah in any vital areas this also allowed misto to understand the speed and force applied to the bullets so he could use them to his own advantage because Mistah needed a fast enough bullet to break past craftworks defenses and also trick sail into creating a bullet that he could split after it was fired he also managed to defeat sail without killing him even after shooting him three different times in the head and if that ain't lucky then I don't know what is lucky then with grateful dead mr. was able to force Bushido out of hiding and deliver Bruno the ice he needed to stave off the aging effect and eliminate pursuit Oh from the fight therefore nullifying the Grateful Dead ability in saving the rest his crew mr. may have taken three bullets to the head but three is luckier than four then when it comes to the White Album fight the entire fight Mistah is struggling to get any of his bolt to pass the white album's defenses and when he tries it just ends up damaging him more getting some Kraftwerk flashbacks from this fight though it has only made worse when Mistah has to go up against white albums gently weeping and this actually deflects the bullets right back at Mistah these deflected bullets end up tearing up the area around him and injuring miss stuff pretty severely but these two factors actually allow Mistah and Giano to perform a coupe de Gras on gaucho and break through his ultimate defenses Mysti taking those injuries became what he needed to win the fight then of course you have these shots that he did land which end up having a stronger long-term effect on him and if you look at things like notorious b.i.g on the surface mist unleashed an unkillable unstoppable force of nature on him his friends and the rest of the world well in the grand scheme of part 5 he actually helped Trish unlock her stand which saved Mistah and the crew on multiple occasions if not for Mistah helping Trish unlock her stand Bruno and polnareff would have been fooled by doppio when he went in disguise as Trish with Bruno to meet with Palmer F and doppio would have gotten his hands on the arrow or if he Trish didn't have her stand then she wouldn't have been able to just soften the bullet that hit missed on the head during the chariot Requiem art or even softened the bullets king crimson blocks as he goes for the arrow and then hardened them later in the fight to revenge Diavolo from getting the arrow Mysti creating Vig retro actively saved the crew on three separate occasions and I mean you could argue that mist unleashing a horrible unkillable unstoppable beast into the ocean is probably a bad thing in sync a bunch of boats but you got it when you win some you lose some and then of course the biggest effect that Mistah had on him his friends and the fate of the world his as I mentioned in the it just works for Rolling Stones when Mistah destroys the Rolling Stone he survives by what he can only describe as great luck but in fact mister has retro actively changed fate his actions allows Jo Giovanna to wake from his role as a sleeping slave and become the man who will guide the sleeping slaves this is the reason why in the scene in which fate is modified the two people being highlighted two Diavolo rgr no Giovanna and Guido Mistah the man who controls fate and the man who changed fate so ya miss those kind of like patchy owns lucky charm as long as he sticks around gr no the two of them will overcome just about anything that comes their way except for maybe mrs. 44th birthday that'll be a challenge that no man could surpass and if you enjoyed this video and would like to support more videos like it in the future I have a patreon at slash money not the bad guy and if you want to experience good luck but don't want to get shot in the head then you should head on over to Funimation comm / show / teaming out are born where the cuts of the dirty jokes doesn't exist and buy yourself three or five specific don't buy for buy three or five copies 500 copies 100 is better than for any number is better than four copies of shimoneta except for every number that is below the number four you should buy at least five copies of it make miss to happy if you buy four you're gonna get shot I can't I can't change that that's faith I need to find a big stone and jump off a building with it that's how it doesn't look this the only way you can really change fate by sure
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 1,000,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Unluckiest Luckiest Man In All Of Italy, Guido Mista, Mista, Part 5 Mista, Part 5 Guido Mista, Vento Aureo, Mista VA, JJBA, JJBA Part 5, JJBA Part 5 Vento Aureo, JJBA Part 5 Golden Wind, Golden Winds, GioGio Bizarre Adventures
Id: bnyis1isbgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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