The Unction for Prayer

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hi and welcome to the victory charge podcast if this ministry has been a blessing to you please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online it's just in the giving option that works best for you if you have a testimony we'd love to hear it send us an email to share at victory Church of HCl or once again we thank you for tuning in and we really hope you enjoyed this message [Music] if you're watching this message online if you visit us for the first time we welcome you to victory Church we welcome you to the presence of Almighty God and we want to welcome you to week one of not even if I want to call it a series but a rally cry a call week one to the call to access as we we explore power prayer together and I want to just my faith I declare by faith that by the time these collection or talks are over a marriage is gonna be radically transformed in the name of Jesus yeah because some of us we don't need counseling we need prayer we need our hearts run out in the presence of Almighty God and we need our pride crushed in God's presence II some husband is gonna be transformed by the end of this series in the name of Jesus some wife is gonna be transformed by the end of this series in the name of Jesus some single person is gonna put a lock on what belongs to their spouse in the name of Jesus some life is gonna be transformed in the name of Jesus some dead person in here you've been dead you've been in a dry place you've been in a valley but I speak to you they're gonna come alive but into this series I declare their people in this room you have drifted far away from God and maybe not any fault of your maybe life have just taken you off your orbit and I declare that you're gonna be drawn back close to them you're gonna be drawn back close to the Father in the name of Jesus there's some of you your prayer lives are dry and stale you know what your prayer life is gonna be when this is over [Music] second chronicles 7 1 2 give me that passage I know I'm out of order when Solomon finished praying [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what your prayer life is going to look like for those of you who received this when Solomon finished brilliant I feel the Spirit of God on me i prophesy to someone in this house your prayer life is not gonna be dry by the end of this series is gonna look like this by the time you finish playing fire [Music] by the time this is over you're gonna lock yourself in a room you're gonna pray and SIA is gonna fall on your house and your name of Jesus it's gonna fall on your mind it's gonna fall on your heart it's gonna fool your marriage who believes that no you don't who believes that no you don't [Music] [Music] [Music] Soloman finished prayin fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering in the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled his tub Gasca when this was read the temple was a building but in the New Testament the hour that we live in the temple is no longer a building [Applause] I'm staring at hundreds and hundreds of temples right now and I declare by the time this is over you gonna pray fires gonna fall and the glory of the Lord it's gonna fill your temple in the name do you receive that [Music] you receive that throw your hands in there so Jesus to see you you received by faith that your prayer life is gonna be radically transformed you're gonna pray and fire is gonna fall and consume your temple in the name of Jesus not by might not by power but by his spirit saith the Lord [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna I'm gonna cut this message short because I want us to spend some time in God's presence I'm gonna I want to preach a message to you call the unction for prayer the unction prayer unction what is an unction function it's a burning passion an inspiration a fire when a person has an unction jasmine it feels like something is burning inside them that says I must do this no matter the circumstance sometimes you get an unction to fight sometimes you get an unction to cuss sometimes you get an unction to say something an unction and so when something won't let you go it's when it's sitting heavy on you it's like it's burning on the inside of you and something in your spirit says I must do this an unction it's like a burden that rest on the inside of you that says I must do this what I cannot live without doing this and when you have an unction you have something a reservoir on the inside of you something burning on the inside of you that refuses to allow you to not do a particular thing an unction is what that is and my prayer for use by the time this is over a seed will be planted in you that will grow into a mighty old tree that you would have an unction to pray a burning to pray an inspiration to pray a desperation to pray somebody shout ocean an unction to pray when I consider the state of this country when I consider the degradation of our society the moral decadence of our community when I consider the brokenness of families the complete collapse of the American family when I consider the corruption in our federal government when I look at the foolishness and the ignorance of men to think that help is gonna come from the left or to the right but it's really got to come from above when I look at the condition of the American church false prophets preaching garbage and pulpits as I'm talking to you right now men and women are being led astray by false preaching and false Gospels by false preachers with false pride and false eels and false ambitions right now leading hundreds and thousands of people are stray men and women packed into houses listening to nonsense and being led astray that they're not ready to meet the Lord if he cracked the skies tomorrow because we're filled up on cotton candy gospel we got cavities from nonsense and where truth is being heralded people don't want to hear that because they don't scratch you when you inch but a step on you where you need to change when I consider that when I consider the landscape of the American Church the brokenness of our society the corruption in our churches the corruption and our governments when I look at what's happened in our schools the nonsense they're teaching your children I'm when I look at what's happening in homes when I consider the problems that are represented in this room the tears that have been shed just in the last seven days when I look at the hell that's going on in marriages they have people seniors who right now your marriage is hanging on by a thread when I look at the single people in this room that don't know their Worth and so it was on to a next person and on to a next person and on to a next for me when I consider the singles that don't know their worth I know I'm black can the camera get me right here is there when I consider the amount of singles this room that don't know they're worth the marriages that's being destroyed in this room the problems that are represented in this room the financial issues that's represented in this room the insecurities that are drowning people in this room when I consider the people that dragged in here just open there with here anything to keep them alive for just another six days until they come back when I consider all of that I think to myself Jasmine we must have an unction to pray there's some things a sermon won't fix and a conference won't fix and a book won't fix there's some things that absolute require an unction for prayer and when I consider all the brokenness represented in this room I say to myself man we need God where it's not magical prayer it's not really that mysterious prayer it's simply communication with Almighty God listen to me prayer is the highest activity that any human being will ever engage in there was no activity on earth higher than a human being will ever engage in except prayer because prayer allows human beings to talk directly to a sovereign God who is all-knowing all-powerful who is everywhere who has written every single one of our days before they came to be one Psalm 139 why in god's name would anyone not want to talk to the person that knows was gonna happen to me tomorrow so prayer is our ongoing communication with God is our ability to talk directly to a sovereign it is ambiguity talking directly to sovereignty it is confusion talking to clarity it is weakness talking to strength it is blindness talking to vision [Applause] it is me talking to provisions it is trouble talking to the answer it is brokenness talking to the healer it is weariness talking to the comforter it is immortality talking to a mortality it is the privilege of human beings to go into the throne room of a sovereign and lay our requests at his feet and when I consider everything that's going on right now I'm telling you in our spirited something needs to be burning in there we need to have an unction for prayer we need to have an unction for prayer prayer affects the way God acts in the earth listen to me very carefully prayer affects the way God acts in the earth prayer affects the way God acts in the earth it could be your prayer saving somebody's life on the other side of the globe it could be your prayer that keeps a person alive in the hospital it could be your prayer that causes someone to hold on from dying just long enough for the gospel to reach them before they take their last breath prayer affects the way God acts in the earth Ezra a man named Ezra recorded the history of the Jewish nation he wrote a book called Chronicles first and second chronicles God help me to preach this he wrote a book two books called first and second Chronicles and in first and second Chronicles he recorded some of the acts of God and he records a time when the people of God had strayed far away from God now listen to me very carefully and second chronicles chapter 7 as we recorded something very very powerful and I pray for some of you this would be a life-changing revelation for you this is what as were recorded in second chronicles chapter 7 look at what he recorded he said this in verse 11 when Solomon had finished the temple of the Lord and the royal palace and he had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the Lord and in his own place the Lord appeared to him at night and said now watch this this is powerful oh my god this is powerful watch this watch watch what the Lord said I have heard your prayers and have chosen this place for myself as the temple for sacrifices okay watch the next verses carefully right watch come on give me my next verse when I shut up the heavens watch when I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among the people stop what God said when I shut up the heavens who is he talking to agricultural society and so without rain what does this destroy their crops it ruins their economy affects their money their livelihood their bank accounts watch people are hurting they are in trouble they are desperate you know what they need they need help has anyone in this room ever needed help raise your head they need help now watch verse 14 in context because you preach this verse but we've never read it in context the people need help the people need help listen something is burning on me the people needed help so I know you put the next verse on a t-shirt but we need to learn to preach the scriptures in context the people needed help and watch who caused the trouble God did we met at trump and we met it was going on in America and we mad at our health care and we mad at all of this and we blame the devil listen God calls the trouble because he know it would get their attention God caused the trouble and they needed help and look what the next verse says verse 14 if my people who are called by my name not your name my name watch will humble themselves and you can't do this without me [Applause] they needed help you need help some of your troubles is from God to get your attention if my people would watch stop being prideful and being your own God no I got this I could do this on my own I could do this without God I could start this without God I can try - without God I'll solve this without God I'll fix this with if my people who need help with humble themselves and pray everybody shall pray but we just want to pray and slip in the dark we'll seek my face turn from their wicked ways watch I would then watch here from where heaven and I would heal their land I will supply the help that you need now listen there is a staggering revelation in this text like a nuclear bomb I mean absolutely staggering revelation in this text listen look at the first word in the text if you know what if is a propositional clause which means if something does not happen for a then B does not move here it is listen to God God is sovereign watch sovereign means supreme ruler that means he can do anything anytime anywhere according to what his ability wants he can do anything that he wants what you may have a problem and don't talk he can do any thing that he wants for watch what God did who did God give Dominion to in the earth if I read my Bible correctly in Genesis he said he gave dominion to man he gave authority to man where watch in the earth so God listen has voluntarily limited himself in such a capacity that his hand will not move in the earth on some things except someone beckoned him to do it but there are some things that will not happen in the earth except someone prays God will watch a family destroy itself and not get involved until someone prays God will watch somebody battle a problem longer than they have to until they decide to pray God will watch a church crumble until they repent and pray God will let a church completely shut down until they were God will allow people to destroy their lives and watch with his arms folded and say I'm just waiting for someone to move my hands what God has theological II done because he gave you an i authority he has let me say this again voluntarily limited himself to allow men to exercise the authority in the earth that there's some things God absolutely will not do in the earth unless someone prays a whole city will be destroyed unless someone prays wasn't God gonna destroy his people in the Old Testament and these and and and Moses said Lord please don't do this thing but if you find just a couple righteous people please don't do this thing Lord and the Bible says the Lord repented from his evil his prayer changed God's mind there are some things god absolutely will not do in your life until you beckon him to do it there's some things that God will not do in the earth until we beckon him to do it see God mighty can in heaven and he said move my hand and there's some things we have battled longer than we need to because we have not BEC in God's hand to move and so prayer affects the way that God acts it affects the way that God moves prayer moves God's heart and hand to action okay you said all possible - I know that's like Old Testament but man Dinard the brother of Jesus write something about this it was James the biological brother of Jesus who wrote this in his book we did a whole series on this court rule religion right and I preached a message call unhealthy Wars and James he wrote this he says what causes fights and quarrels among you right he says don't they come from your desires that battle within you look what he says you want something but you don't get it watch you kill and you covet but you cannot have what you want he says you'd be jealous of people on social media you'd be mad at somebody else's blessing you want that person's marriage you want that person's business you want your thing to jump off you fight you quarrel you're jealous you stir up trouble you're angry you're miserable you're frustrated but he says you do not have because you do not ask meaning that there's some things we otherwise would have if we would just simply ask I wonder how many things we don't have now that we could have now if we would just simply ask there are some things I wonder how many marriages will change if we begin to ask I wonder how many relationships would be transformed if we begin to ask I wonder how many situations will be moved if we begin that there's some things God will otherwise give us that we do not have we do not ask he said well pastor man I have asked God about this he has not moved in three weeks from now I'll teach you why God does not answer some press and he says you do not have because you do not ask and so what God does listen failure to pray it deprives us of things that God would otherwise give us right a god otherwise give us this is why when Jesus was teaching on prayer in Luke 11:9 Luke recorded this he says so I say to you ask and it will be given to you jesus said seek and you will find he says knock and the door will be opened unto you for everyone who asks receives and he who seeks finds and to him who knocks the door will be open look at what Jesus says I say to you ask that's a man pray and it will be given to you that's a promise he says seek that's a command pray and you will find that's a promise he says not that's one heaven pray and he said the door will be opened unto you he says pray and you will find pray and it will be opened pray and you will receive Jesus is beckoning us to pray pray pray pray pray look at what God said to Jeremiah the Prophet who was grieved over the condition of his people he said this he says call unto me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know he said to Jeremiah Jeremiah I see your brokenness I see your pain I see a frustration I see a desire because Jeremiah was grieving over the condition of God's people he was desiring for revival God is watching his desires watch questios this is powerful God sees inside Jeremiah's heart that he wants revival he wants change among God's people he's watching Jeremiah's heart but it's not coming out of his mouth he sees Jeremiah's heart but it's not coming out of Jerez mile so he says to Jeremiah he says listen call to me call to me how many things are we going through that we don't call to him why is prayer the last resort and not the first response he says call to me you know what this is this is an invitation into God's presence you know who made that invitation possible for you and I the Lord Jesus Christ the scripture says that Jesus is the mediator between God and men that sinful man cannot go into the presence of holy God without a mediator and it was Jesus who made the media who became to mediate the bridge between God and men it is the blood of Jesus that gives you access into God's presence that without Jesus we can't even go into God's presence that invitation to come was made possible by the blood of Jesus let me insert your Lord into this sermon for just a second right since when we when we do communion and we talk about the blood we don't get excited without the blood there is no access into God's presence let me give Jesus from props to just a second without the blood of Jesus there is no access to gospel without the cross there is no access to God we don't like the cross we don't want to preach about the cross we don't want to sing about the blood we take communion and we don't care about the without the cross there is no access to God's presence it is the cross of Christ let me insert your Savior into this sermon it is the blood of Jesus that gave you access to God's presence it is the blood of Jesus that gave us access to God's presence because he died because he shed his blood a hold now because of his blood of people now can go into God's presence and seek his face he said but what about the people in the Old Testament that Christ wasn't crucified yet that's not what the scripture says scripture says he was the Lamb crucified slain from the foundation of the world so that before the first person was even created Jesus was already crucified on the cross you see let me explain something to you God does not live in time you and I live in time God does not live in time so God does he sees everything before the beginning and the end so when God looks out he already saw the cross before the first person was created so Jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world so that every person who put their faith in God before the first century it was credited to them as righteousness it says Abraham would believe God and it was credited to him as righteousness so on account of faith in God God heard men's prayers because the blood of Christ was already shed he already saw that in the future now they don't believe somebody said good preacher so so all right so um in the Old Testament they are imagery of the temple can't go here for just a second can I go in for just a second no I'ma be like TD jakes can I go just a little bit deeper can't go a little bit deeper in the Old Testament there was a temple and the temple had an inner court outer court in the Holy of Holies three different sections and the only people that were allowed to get into the Holy of Holies where God was in a box was the priests but when when when you came into the temple there was like furniture inside the temple and one of the furnitures inside the temple was this massive altar called a brazen altar and on that altar they would take animals and they would they would they would sacrifice animals on that altar so if you walk by that altar it would just be dripping with blood [Music] and they will take lambs and goats and throw them on that altar and sacrifice them and it would just be dripping with blood and so when the when the priest came into the temple before he even got into the Holy of Holies he would have to walk past that altar so he could he even get into the presence of God until he walked past that altar and everything every time he walked past that he'll see blood just dripping off for that altar remind him that a sacrifice is necessary for him to go into the presence of God a sacrifice is necessary for him to walk into the for him to have access into the presence of God a Sat blood had to been spilled for him to have access into the presence of God well why was God commanded him to do that that was just a foreshadowing of the death of Christ constantly remind them that a time is coming when no longer y'all will have to do that but then I will give all my people access to my presence without killing any animals or shedding any blood we don't need no cats or dogs we don't gotta throw them any altar all we got to do is say hello Jesus God and so even when I'm praying fill up Anthony Mitchell when I'm in my prayer closet man I get imagery of the cross in my mind and it reminds me that because of my Savior and because of what he did for me because if his sacrifice because of his blood because of that blood I pass through that man and I have access to the throne because of the blood of Jesus that that invitation that access was given to me because of the blood of Jesus no I want to I want to say to you why must we have function to pray why is it so important that New Testament believers pray the Apostle Paul this is this is very important and I know that like this is not sexy what I'm about to show you but it is necessary for you to understand and I'll close the message after I walk you through these next series of texts the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to a church in the city of Ephesus he explained to them about their salvation he explained to them about unity in Christ he talked to them about what God did for them in the cross he preached all that to them and then he finished a letter and I want to read to these final words of his letter that why you must be a praying soul if you are a New Testament believer he said to them he closed out this letter with these words in Ephesians chapter 6 and verse 10 after he told them everything about their salvation they walk he spoke to husbands he spoke to wives he spoke to children orbea parents in the Lord husbands love your wives wives be submitted to your husband Jesus died for you you're all one body the apostles prophecy he explained to them salvation he explained to them the reason the church was created and then he closes the letter with these words he says finally be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes for our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers against authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms therefore he says look very important watch therefore put on the full armor of God so that when the day of evil comes not if the day of evil comes not it not that you may have when trouble comes to your life look what he says he says when the day of evil comes look what he says you may be able to take your stand stand your ground and after you have done everything he says to stand stand firm then with the belt of truth this is so powerful with the belt of truth buckled around your waist this is powerful watch the breastplate look what he said the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace look what he says in addition to all this take up the shield of faith which you can extinguish all of the flaming arrows of the evil one he said take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit now stop right here which is the Word of God now stop look at what Paul just said to every single believer I pray right now in this moment all of us will get away if you're watching this message on YouTube I pray the Spirit of God awaken you right now Paul is teaching every believer listen you know what his words is teaching us that right now as you and I are sitting in this room we are engaged in a battle we are engaged in watch warfare that there was someone trying to destroy your soul that you and I have an enemy who's doing everything he can to destroy yourself you think listen all of the issues in your mind are just you the enemy's trying to destroy your mind he's trying to destroy your heart he's trying to destroy your witness he's trying to destroy your testimony he put a gun to the face of one of my spiritual sons the other day my spiritual son sitting in this room was robbed at gunpoint a couple of days ago the enemy put a bullet to his head but God didn't allow that bullet to come out that barrel because his service is not done yet you and I and engage in a very heated spiritual battle you aren't engaged right now in a warfare there was someone right now that's proud around trying to destroy your soul and I'm telling you listen life will be going good and then listen in another season all hell will break out in your life I'm telling you right now the minute you think you got it all together some hell just breaks out in your life some issue in your home some issue in your relationship boyfriend and girlfriend fighting husband and wife of fighting some kind of sickness some doctors report some issues some problem you and I are engaged in a battle we are in watch war fear the Christian life is war fear it is a battle and the believers that gets sifted and destroyed they never get a revelation of this how many believers was in the seat next to you and they faith has been completely shipwrecked how many people's lives have been destroyed because they had no knowledge there was in the battle the worst enemy is the one you don't even know is gonna punch in your face you know like back in the days when you have beef and like man somebody's gonna get you at the school and you don't even know it isn't they coming for you man listen I want to know who my enemy is I want to know how they operate I want to know their weapons like you listen we are in warfare my brothers and sisters there was a war right now of attrition of waters being fought for the hearts and souls of men you think this is just Church we're in war you think it's just conferences we're in war you think it's just sing songs we aren't war there were some we're trying to destroy your witness your soul and your testimony he's constantly on the prowl and as soon as we think he can't do anything as soon as we turn our back he's coming for you and many people is room could testify of attacks you have been up under the enemy has anyone ever been up under an attack of the enemy or how am I the only one that's ever experienced it you know this is a tank this is completely demonic this is not of God their words is not of God this situation is not of God yes God does allow some trouble but something's on attack of the enemy we are in a war for our souls our minds in our heart there's a war going on between your ears there's a war going on in your heart there's a war going on for your allegiance there's a war going on for who was sit on the throne of your heart there was a war going on inside of us and look what he says so he tells us put on these different armor right he says put on these different armor and and and and he talks about like um the the breastplate and the truth and all of that he says all of that and then the very next verse look at what he says he says you're in a war these are your armor and in the very next verse he says and pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind watch the next word be alert and always keep on praying so after he talks about that long list of armor he says now that you've got all that armor on look what he says why he gives prayer the prominence in the text the most important thing in the text is not the armor it's prayer why because your armor can't function without prayer you don't believe that what was the arm truth righteousness right what faith peace the Word of God was that the armor truth right let's talk about truth how long is truth gonna keep you if you don't prayer like you know truth you know the Bible you stop praying and we see will you be six months from now you have all that knowledge in your head and be drifting far away from God far away from God full of truth no that's never happened you've never drifted away from God but knew the truth you Liam you'll be full of truth and far away from God but righteousness let's talk about that righteousness says you're in right standing because of Jesus but how often have you condemned yourself because of some lie the devil has stole you so you're beating yourself down because of some mistake you're condemning yourself because something in your path you're trying to earn God's favor through behavior because you are righteous but you don't believe that because you don't pray come strong with your righteousness be if you're far away from God and prayer what faith we all got to measure faith but how strong is your faith when you dried up on the inside the Word of God you know the Bible but you stopped praying we see how hot you be yeah you could be dry and know the scriptures at the same time huh hmm you could be dry and know that anybody's ever been in a dry season but you've memorized the verse who it has memorized at least one scripture and at the same time have found yourself in a dry season why because you have a sward but if you don't pray that's what is inactive it is prayer that keeps the almost strong and if you don't pray you have weak armor and if you have weak armor you can't defend yourself against the wiles of the devil the devil will shipwreck the believer that does not pray this is why Paul says after all that arm he says and pray when at what at all times in the spirit with all kinds of Prayer so he says pray in the spirit not just talking tongues pray in line with God's will he says pray according to the spirit pray what God desires pray that you can keep your heart hot pray that you can keep your armor on pray that your armor would to be able to take bullets pray to keep that truth in your head pray to keep that faith in your belly pray to hang on to God's Word he says pray in the spirit pray with God's Word he says pray at all times on all occasions really pray when things are bad pray when things are good pray before you make a decision you making a decision you're gonna marry someone you then pray you're gonna take that job you didn't pray you're gonna move to that City and you didn't pray you're gonna start that business you didn't pray you're gonna give birth to things you didn't pray see when we stop praying we tell God what began in the spirit we'll finish in the flesh I was born into the kingdom by the spirit but I don't need God so I won't pray I'll finish my race in the flesh how many decisions have we made without consulting God first already look back when I said why did I make that decision why did I get into that relationship why did I marry that person why did I even date you to begin with why did I start that business than it was listen we start things that God didn't tell us to start we make decisions God's until he says pray at all times how do you pray all the times you have a life of prayer until praying as your life it's just I just talked to God throughout the course of the day so I wake up in the morning I'm thinking God for the morning I'm on my way to work I'm asking God to keep my heart while I'm going to work I'm sitting at my cubicle feeling heavy I lift something up to God I'm looking at my person one noodle not I pray for the person one knows not safe I'm on the way home I'm thinking God for the day I just talked to God about everything all the time anywhere I'm just continuously talking to God all the time you think you got to be in a certain place at a certain time no sir I'm just talking to God all the time about everything especially the big decisions that can completely alter the trajectory of my life places pray on all occasions listen even when things are going good for those of you for like man everything is right right now money is right relationship is right everything is right okay pray you could thank God that this is right lord thank you that this is good No thank you that this is an order he says pray at all times just keep talking to God why that keeps logs on the fire of your heart he then he says pray with various kinds press that there are different types of person I'm gonna do a whole message on the various types I want to finish this sermon with these verses all set in verse 19 this is profound to me personally he says this he says and pray also for me that whatever whenever I open my mouth words may be given to me so that I will fail asleep make known the mystery of the gospel for which I am an ambassador Chains says pray and I might declare it fearlessly as I should you know what's profound about this text but I find profound about this one statement Paul made do you know where Paul wrote this from a Roman prison notice what he did not ask them to pray for he did not say pray for me that I would get out of this prison he said pray for me that I may have the courage to boldly proclaim the Gospel cuz he's in Chains he's around people who are unsaved and he's not thinking about getting out of that situation because he sees this problem as a platform for ministry and so he's not praying to get out he's prayed God used me while I'm in you know what I realize and I've realized that the people I've seen and known with the most ferocious prayer lives are the people who have a consciousness of mission and real purpose that it's hard to keep a fervent prayer life if if my Christianity just go to church and go home and go to church but if I if my eyes are never really opened let me if if at some point if at some point my eyes don't open to realize that time is running out God saved me for a purpose he created the church to carry a message to the ends of the earth either he didn't create Christendom to just sit in rooms and just listen to men and women and just go home and eat did it he didn't create all of this for us to just serve on Sunday and and tip him with 25 cents and we got a big salary and listen to good sermons and don't do anything with them and go home and think that's Christianity the world is dark people are dying and going to hell my wife lost an acquaintance who was 47 years old and we're not sure if he had a relationship with Jesus and if he did not where he is his fate is sealed and he's not getting out there is a message of hope for all humanity and Jesus created an entity to carry that message to the ends of the earth through their giving through their serving through their praying through their unity to do all they can to push that message as far as possible and when they are alone to be conscious of the life that they are living amongst people who are far away from that message we are in a war and I realize believers who seem to keep that in the back of their mind on their job while they're leading their businesses while they're playing sports while they're driving the believers the believers who get it really understand what this life is all about I find that they have the most active and the most intense prayer lines because they're not just crying out for a house yeah I can put that on my list at the bottom and then I'm just crying out for a car I throw that at my list at the bottom I know people who don't know Jesus I'm crying out for them in my prayer time and as long as there's someone who is not saved I have something to pray and as long as they're people not sitting in the chair next to you you have something to pray and as long as you have family members who don't know him you have something to pray about and as long as you have friends and co-workers who don't know him you have something to prove as long as this nation keeps slipping further away from God we had something to pray about as long as our sons and daughters are being like so we have something to pray long as we see marriages being destroyed we are how could we kneel down and say we have nothing to pray about because we're not missional we're not thinking about what God has called us to do man God you keep praying for all that tangible stuff watch how boring your prayer life gets you walk out of here and and you your eyes are open to a world that is dark and realized that God sent us as the answer and I live with a consciousness that I am an ambassador of Christ man my prayer life gets fuelled with a different type of fire when I start thinking about men there are people you know right now if Jesus came tonight they will be lost man we have people to pray for and things to pray for and I'm so sick and tired of people praying for revival and we love sin there is no revival but our prayer and repentance having all these conferences begging God for revival but we don't pray we need an on-chip of man if you have a spouse you need to be praying if you have children you need to be prayin if you're dating somebody you think about getting married you need to be praying if you've got friends that's not saved you need to be praying you got family members that's not safe you need to be praying you see the church has not accomplished this mission you need to be praying you know these places the gospel has not reached you need to be praying you got Hell in your home you need to be praying somebody said man my spouse is crazy throw them on the altar and prayer some of you need to do some of yous man you've worn down with crazy people you need to take something crazy and turn them over to God and prayer some of you your heart is so broken you need to take that broken heart and sit it on God's altar and prayer I will die preaching the truth of this gospel and to as many people rise up behind me a ruler we will not be just a Sunday morning service we will be a house of prayer and a people fitted for prayer and a people who understands that we have a mission and a calling that is much bigger I will not pastor a church where we just have services I will quit and turn it over and do something else I told god I can't go out like that I'll die first before I just have services it's bigger than just this who cares it's 12 o'clock and we're so thirsty to get to the restaurant that's why I pray life are dead cuz we're blind and we need to be awakened to the truth that we are in a warfare there's somebody hounding you down every day of your life he's just breathing over your neck and the minute you think he can't do anything he comes in he wreaks havoc is why we must pray and you know someone right now there will be turning lost and I just told you the beginning of this message that there's some things God won't do except someone prays there some people would not be saved [Music] you got brands who are not smart enough to college it might be your trip brings them into the King I will never forget when I was growing up I would hand my mother praying and my father there be praying all the time praying all the time ain't gonna lock themselves in the basement and they just be praying for hours and I thought it was so stupid I can't understand why are they locked themselves away for hours just locked away in a room just praying and I couldn't understand and I was sitting on the top of the stairs at my house in Queens and I was sneaking I would see my mother on her knees and she had this old wooden cross and she'd be down there she'd be down there banging that cross banging that cross praying unto God banging that cross banging and I were here calling our family members who wasn't safe calling out issues calling out problems she'd be crying out for help crying out for help crying up out banging that cross on the floor our hear her calling my name [Music] and I was in the street selling drugs robbing people at gunpoint sleeping in the crack house from 12:00 to 5:00 and all manner of danger twisting it high every day no sense of direction I hear my mother calling my name calling my name calling my name pleading with God for Phillip Lord pleaded pleaded pleading pleading please pleading for my soul with her my mother calling my name [Music] and I know forget the day [Music] her prayers bore fruit in November 2003 living with my girlfriend who later became my wife who was in a car accident and was so thankful she didn't die she came home to apartment and she put on gospel music and it was the first time in my life I heard gospel music she was praised in some God that I didn't know and I walked into a bathroom and fell down on my knees and over a toilet that became my all-time cried out to God to save my soul and my mother's prayers both fruit that day all them years she was crying in my name she saw the fruit of her prayers and God saved me in that bathroom and I remember I would come back to that bathroom in Durham North Carolina living with Lena and I were going that bathroom at night and in the morning and I would kneel down over that toilet that toilet became an altar and I would look up and I didn't know no Bible and I would talk to God and I was asking for help with my mind because I was crazy and helping my hardened we need help with our finances and I would I would pray cause I just lost my job at TSA because I had a felony and they they kicked me out of my job cuz I live for my security clearance and they snatched me and imprisoned me and I was crying out for help and I wasn't gonna pay the bills and I would I would go in that bath when I would cry out to God and the strangest thing would happen I will see answers manifesting in my life and then I realized that there was someone above me who was listening to my words and when I spoke I had the attention of this being and I would I would tell him what was in my heart and I will see him manifest I would pray for provision and I will see him provide I would pray for help and I was seeing that Ana and then I realize he's listening to me and then I develop an unction to pray and I will keep coming back to that bathroom because I realize now I had a direct access to the throne room of heaven and I will keep pounding on heaven what became a life [Music] God would hear your voice if you talk to him you cry out to him with your whole heart if you beckon unto Him lay your heart before and bring out your heart in his presence [Music] I want to challenge everyone in this room to find a quiet place sometime this week and just sit in Gus and bring out your heart and God's presence tell them your insecurities tell them your struggles tell them your needs tell him your problems tell him everything start talking to him all the time about everything had to develop this beautiful dance would you save stir up that fire that is in you until you have an unction to keep running to him in prayer that prayer doesn't become a last resort it becomes a first practice and if you come back here over the next six weeks I will teach you how to pray I will teach you what makes prayers effective I will teach you how to get more yeses than those I will teach you why God does not answer some prayers I will answer your questions at the end I will lead you into a better life of praying we must have an unction for prayer we are in a warfare I pray God said I am bow on the throne of your heart I will burn into a mighty fire of a prayer life in the name of Jesus Christ let's pray together right now we really hope this message was a blessing for you and if you have a testimony send it to share at victory Church a tlw again thank you for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you next week
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 3,358
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Id: ZN0lYTqO_a4
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Length: 63min 40sec (3820 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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