Access Q&A

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hi and welcome to the victory charge podcast if this ministry has been a blessing to you please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online it's just in the giving option that works best for you if you have a testimony we'd love to hear it send us an email to share at victory Church a TL DR once again we thank you for tuning in and we really hope you enjoyed this message we are we want to close out this last installment of our series with an installment just called access Q&A and and I want to set some context of what we're gonna do if you're new to our church now we've been talking about prayer for the last six weeks I believe from my own study and my own personal estimation and outside or after salvation after salvation prayer it's the greatest privilege that God has afforded human beings in the earth after God calls men and women to repentance after he gives you access to the blood of Jesus there was nothing else he would give you greater access to than to himself through prayer it is the most highest and powerful activity we will ever engage in in this life prayer is not here for God to figure out what we need because Jesus tells us he knows everything the prayers for you and I so that creature could be dependent upon creation and that through prayer we could be involved in things that eternally matter prayer is powerful it moves the hand of God it affects the way he operates in the earth and brings about remarkable change and the lives of people brings about remarkable change in our life prayer will save a marriage prayer will save you from making a catastrophic mistake prayer will pull somebody back from the gates of hell and prayer would resurrect someone from the dead Oh Brad we'll bring somebody back from the dead prayer will fix your mind when you're going crazy prayer was strengthen your heart when your heart is sick and weary prayer will set you back on fire when you have grown cold prayer would give you clarity when you are confused prayer will order your footsteps when you don't know what decision to make next prayer will bring the right person into your life when you've been deceived by the wrong boyfriend and girlfriend for so many years [Music] prayer would close wrong doors and open right doors prayer will put you at tables you have no business being prayer will create you favor with people you have no business knowing prayer would give you revelation you do not yet know prayer without prayer and prayer God we will feel things to you that's just around the corner prayer will put things in your life that you otherwise think you wouldn't even deserve until you had the courage to open your mouth for just ask God for the thing press pause in week one if you knew we taught a message called the unction for prayer and that message we simply talked about the purpose of prayer we would talk about why we need to pray that we are in a spiritual war we do have an enemy so we need to be praying for him moves the hand of God prayer allows us to be connected with things has happened in the earth forever brings about change in people's life and because we are in a war we need to be present we talked about that need to pray and we too we talked about how to pray okay we did I use a blog or just Google we use the scriptures Jesus who was not only a religious figure I think he was the one he is the greatest man that ever lived he taught us how to pray and how not to pray and so we talked about how we should be praying in the type of elements that should be showing up in our prayer life as we develop a prayer life in week 3 we talked about various types of prayers that there are different types of prayers we we ask we worship we petition we have preparatory prayers like God break day teeth get done right we talked about worship and there was a type of Prayer that outline that I gave to Erica shoutout to Eric who preached that message that outline that I gave him and did not I don't think it included this and we didn't talk about praying in other languages we could have a conversation about that today that is a type of prayer and if you're not we will probably talk about that today so we talked about various type of prison week four we talked about making prayer effective and I talked to you about seven things that if you build these things into your prayer life your prayer becomes more powerful they become more effective you will get more yeses than those in Week five we talked about why unanswered prayers that there's some reasons there reasons or things we get involved and that will make God go deaf to our prayers and and outside of that we talked about God's will why the asan press cannot be answered because they are not in line with God's will and and last week we talked about prayers that have failed much looked at the prayers of three powerful men of God and we share with you a real-life miracle that happened in his church probably one of the most powerful miracles has ever happened a woman who was told by doctors you will never conceive she carries a baby right now in her arms because because crashed all that in a doctor's report [Music] [Applause] like I have respect for doctors God has given them with wisdom and modern medicine but no doctors word is gonna be my final say-so my not my final say-so is the scriptures and my my responsibilities to believe God's Word and to pray and his responsibility is to allow things to work out according to his sovereign will and so when a doctor told her she could not have children I told that story last week and brought the baby on stage the fruit of prayer the fruit of faith the fruit of believing as the power so what we're gonna do in this last session we're gonna have just a live conversation about prayer and if you're new to our church one of the things that we have built into our culture which is important to me as the pastor of this church it's not just preached to you but to create opportunities for us to have dialogue to have conversations with one another and to allow you to ask questions and so what I try to do is anytime I've preached on myself for the people who preach with me anytime we've taught a series that I thought was evil highly theological or it was a very emotional or I thought it was very impactful and we'll leave space for confusion I try to always add at the end of those series forums that allow us to ask questions or share testimonies or to just get those things answered that we and we was confused about during the series is an opportunity for us to talk as a church and I don't know if you've ever done this at another church but we do that here because I believe in not just preaching to you but also hearing from you and allowing you to express what's on your heart so that we can answer those questions and have open dialogue intelligible dialogue so that we can grow together as a family of faith Amen everybody okay and so that is the purpose of this Q&A and I've asked two people to join me on the panel so to my right Minh tlf is Rhonda Johnson we won't [Music] Rhonda is one of them mumbles faithful and loyal team members Rhonda has incredible favor with me because she's probably one of the most honorable human beings I've ever known and sidenote honor attracts favor and I just want to tell you that there's certain people you build equity with people to the degree honorable you honor those relationships and Rhonda has incredible equity with me she's one of the most honorable and loyal human beings I've ever known we have know Rhonda for many many years she followed me into this church plant from another church where we met at when I was a youth pastor Rhonda used to be one of our most dynamic V group leaders and she has discipled many many women in this church personally corporately and a few I think was about a year ago I tap Rhonda's that I want you to take on a new position because it's not about what you want to do is about the house and so if you if you love the house and you okay is switching your position you could be a running back or fullback you could be a wire Asifa one tight end so we're not married to roles we're married to the vision you're not married to roles we're married to the vision I might have you say you've done this and now I need you to do that one day I may not be the past of the shirt somebody else may be one of my sons may pass in his church and God makes something to do something else so we're not married to the roles because when the kingdom remarried to the vision of the spread of the gospel and so I have Rhonda did that hurt I tell people OFF and I said I want you to lead our prayer team because I believe they're the most important [Music] I told Rhonda opera team I like they like the Navy SEALs I am a man of Prayer this church was built on prayer we fasted for 21 days to give birth to this ministry how're you feeling this ministry is because of Prayer and Rhonda leads what is the Navy SEALs of this church the people who do the dirty behind-the-scenes work in the spirit we're constantly having communication during the week about prayer needs and she leads a dynamic group of women and men apretty Ann - Rhonda also preached a message that was the precursor to this series called fitted for prayer and so Ron is going to contribute today on our panel she would be sharing and taking questions and then to my left his Eric Hayes let's go [Applause] [Music] Eric Erica have Eric and I have known each other since I was new to the faith well over a decade I might have been saved two years I know see if watch me is when I met Eric at a church in North Carolina Simone Eric for a very long time we've walked through the Scriptures together we've been through some trouble together helped them to a difficult season and for a couple years I bullied Eric to come down here to move from North Carolina to help me lead this church and for many years he told me no and then after several years Eric felt like he heard the call of God to leave and so Eric after harassed them for many years because the church was young and I needed help I've known her for very long time and knew Eric before I knew anyone else in his room he finally packed up everything and came here with nothing can I tell them this early part of his story Eric slept in his car for about four months when he first moved here was so committed to come in here to pour into this church and help me build this ministry in Gambia and could not find a place to live was trying to get a job and for maybe four or five months lived in his car that committed to the vision I didn't know that but he was committed to the vision because sometimes are you strong everybody don't need to know your problems sometimes when you strong you don't bleed out everything on social media you just deal with that be to you and God Eric was living in his car for several months and I did not know I remember giving him $1,000 C to help him out he didn't go get an apartment right away he I mean he was just cried and for the glory of Jesus and made the ultimate sacrifice to be here now brought America specifically to be an elder in this church he said well pastor how come he hasn't been appointed yet because I wanted him to fulfill the Scriptures first I wanted him to have some time being married I wanted to have some time to be faithful I wanted him to have some time serving you before I just appointed him he's getting ready to be appointed in 2019 as a newest algarve our church [Music] [Music] in 2019 he will be elder Eric pace [Applause] [Music] and I brought him here before the church started I brought him here for that purpose he's already been functioning as one born and to mentor and in two ladies he's been a rock and a pillow not sure since he has arrived and long before victory exists and this is why my wife and I asked him to come and so we want to we want to pray for him and celebrate his upcoming appointment we thank God for Eric the mighty man of God also - I'm going to be assisted today by three women who I love they're gonna be helping me during the panel and so on the floor would be Chu Donna Jo Donna will be on the floor over here stand up - Donna y'all give it up for qu Donna [Music] chu Donna's a mighty woman of faith she is not a novice she's a savage beasts in the kingdom sadhana serves as one of our admins for a week reform we unify our volunteers she is a volunteer coordinator and an emerging leader in our church a mighty woman of God she will be assisting us on the floor to my right to your left also to assisting me is Cheyenne everybody give it up for Cheyenne shyam to also be assisting me and cheyenne is also an emerging leader now church he serves on our welcome team she's an assassin behind the scenes with administration and and if you've ever been touched by the visiting of the Welcome team through email Cheyenne has a hand in all of that so we think of our Cheyenne and lastly a mighty woman of God who sings in our worship team Marisa may feel is going to be helping us [Music] let me let me tell you how this this panel is going to go and so we're gonna have a conversation about prayer we could talk about anything around the subject matters that we've preached her in the series if you have any questions at all about any anything that we've talked about any questions our prayer any theological conundrums we want to tackle all of that right now as a family if you have a question you just raise your hand Jordanna will get to you when she'll get you a mic you can ask your question and you can share that if you're in the sauna room raise your hand Cheyenne we'll get to you and now we'll tackle that question to the best of our ability if you have a testimony of something that happened during this series and you feel like it's really important and it can edify and encourage we want to hear that story we may not get to everybody but if you feel like it and listen don't preach us down we don't have time for three-minute testimonies okay so if you have a testimony that you feel you could tell in 30 seconds and happened during this series God touched you he gave you a stronger prayer life you was convicted about something we want to hear that you can share that the mics are on the floor okay and if you if you want to share something that's anonymous who you have a question that's anonymous maybe you're shy maybe you don't want anyone to know you're asking this question maybe somebody's sitting next to you ie husband or wife and you don't want them to know you're asking that a number is coming up on the screen behind me you can text your question to that number and we'll rotate during the entire forum you text your question that number and we'll take your question directly from the floor we don't need your name just text us the question and we will do our best to handle that question to the best of our ability okay so we're gonna talk as a family I don't want to leave anybody out there there are over 250 passages about prayer there's a lot we could not cover in this series because we just did not have time unless we taught a message on prayer for the entire year so I want to tackle anything you have about prayer where the theological social testimonies whatever that is we're gonna talk as a family and uh let me let me open us up in prayer and drive out the spirit of foolishness that we can have a good conversation in Jesus name father help us to have an intelligible dialogue about this powerful subject of Prayer I pray that you would open our minds and open our hearts and help us to talk as a family in Jesus name I pray amen thank you gentlemen Frank we missed you last week so glad that you're back with us thank you so much before we before we jump into anything on the floor really quickly Eric I just want you to just tell us tell me tell us you you you when Rhonda up here not only because of what I said in terms of the intro but because I know person that you have your man of prayer and I know that Rhonda is a woman of Prayer and just really tell us really quickly what what role does really prayer pray play in your in your life how far away because I am his son he is my father working so a lot of times my that's good like Eric said / FM's like it's like a conversation that he has with God like he would talk to person and that's happening frequently throughout the day Cynthia me Rhonda what about you tell us I know that you are for how important is prayer to you in your personal life I would say prayer is vital to me it is I don't see a reason of existing without it I just without it there's no purpose it's I'm very relational and I feel like it's the only way to have a true relationship with Christ that's powerful Rhonda said oh she can't see herself living without it I remember one time Kenny was telling me there was somebody in his V group had heard that I might spend you know four hours in prayer day and and I do spend a lot of time in prayer and and that's and I want to I want to say to somebody who if you've heard that that I may spend two or three or four hours in prayer yes that is true depending on what day it is I could spend many hours in prayer day but I said to Kenny to go back and tell that brother my prayer time in terms of hours and stuff like it's not because I'm super disciplined I am a disciplined man because I like the results that discipline gives me I am by nature not the most disciplined person but I am disciplined because I like the results of discipline but but my prayer life in terms of hours and stuff like that is not because I'm super disciplined but it is because I'm super needy and and when I say that I enjoy God's presence I feel safe in God's presence get answers in God's presence I get series and messages and God's presence I protection from making decisions I was about to make in God's presence I feel revived in God's presence I go in I shed tears there I feel energized in God's presence I feel clear I'm I am NOT a nice person when I have not spent time with God obviously my wife can testify to that I am a jerk if I have not spent time with God and he helps me to maintain my sanity and so for me is like Eric I will go in to God's presence and whether I kneel down lay down sit down or just whatever it is I will start talking to him and pouring out my heart anything is when you love someone you're not really looking at the clock and you'll look up and realize man 2 hours have gone by 3 hours of gone by you've been crying and pouring out and so it's not it's not because I'm super disciplined but it's because I'm super attached as presents and so I just enjoy and whether whether that's sometimes I'll go in for five minutes and I got to get somewhere or and so I I'm like Rhonda I just can't live without his presence and so present Preity for me any questions on the floor about anything that you heard in a series or anything we can answer for you about prayer right I'll get to this brother I think he just raised his hand during the fourth week when we were talking about the prayers through the series just want to thank you for teaching the series now definitely want to thank the vehicle that I joined we had a revelation on prayers so what's happening to me now is the conscious me that that fire is in me so the prayers things that come against me I'm good with that thank you thank you all for that but now the under the subconscious me is a failure so when I wake up I'm not happy to be honest with you because I know I'm not the man that's I'm being portrayed as subconsciously so I'm just trying to build a bridge so that I can transfer the consciousness conscious brother into the subconscious because this is horrible the battle that I got to go through when I closed my eyes so I just anyone you're on the penny can y'all just help me just can I build a bridge to that yeah so the prayer when you come at me because I'm conscious I know you're coming at me I can pray that fire but now when I go to sleep when I close my eyes I'm so I'm having more defeats and victories I'm losing right now I'm like 1 in 12 right now I think I think thank you brother for your question I think that's I think that's a great question and I thank you for your honesty you know my children two of my children suffer really bad with asthma and so whenever they have had asthma attacks and that has tapered down since we moved into a home with all wood floors but when it would have a lot of asthma attacks we would use this inhaler on them and whenever we would give them inhaler I would say okay I will tell Abigail or Josiah say breathe in okay take the puffs breathe out okay I won't breathe in take the prop breathe out I would tell them breathe in take and I'm telling them to I'm telling them to do something consciously that we have all learned to do something unconsciously no one has to tell us to breathe like right now we're all breathing in our unconscious nature but when they have asthma attacks I have to tell them consciously breathe breathe breathe and I tell them consciously to breathe until they're able to start breathing without the machine so in essence I'm telling them to do something consciously for a period of time until they get to a point where they are doing it unconsciously so breathe breathe breathe until they catch their breath and then I moved inhaler and now they're breathing unconscious now I don't have to tell them to breathe down their breathing I believe the same thing happens with prayer I think the more we develop our prayer life right it's like the Spirit of God telling us pray pray pray pray breathe breathe and I think the more we pray the more we connect with God the more we keep talking to him the more we keep taking those puffs of God's Word the puffs of God's time the pulse of God's presence the more we keep doing it your prayer life will get to a point where unconsciously you'll just be talking to him all the time because when Paul tells us when Paul tells the church at first Thessalonians pray without ceasing the only you have to go to work you have someone next to you you have family you have has the only way we can pray without ceasing is to have a God consciousness that he's always existing and so even when I'm not praying with my mouth my heart is conscious of him all the time so my spirit man could be pouring even when my words are not coming out my mouth so the more we keep taking those puffs off I'm gonna intentionally pray I'm gonna I'm gonna intentionally pray I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray I'm gonna pray you look up six months from now a year from now three years from now when you don't need that inhaler no more now you just have a prayer life where you are praying on purpose you're praying unconscious you have a God consciousness where now you're winning even when you're not talking because you're conscious of God in that unconscious state of yourself and this that was me when I first got saved where I am now is I'm breathing unconsciously I just have it God consciousness where I could be taking the trash out to the corner and look up at the sky and I think about him and in my heart a worship goes up to him like lord I just love you and in that moment I just prayed and no one had to say pray it just came out naturally see I'm saying brother that was a great question anybody else question on the floor that was good go ahead sister through writing [Music] yeah that's an excellent question so let me answer that with the scriptures and I want Rhonda to jump in with context okay so have you read the Psalms right you've read the Psalms have you ever read The Book of Psalms you ever read some of those Psalms okay three-quarters of those Psalms is written by a man named David who is who became King okay and if you if you if you look at those Psalms they are all written right and so let's just take the psalm I preached last week Psalm 51 which is a prayer repentance David wrote that to God right so we have we have no proof to say he prayed that from his mouth could the scripture doesn't tell us that now I can make that leap if I wanted to and say maybe some of this came on his mouth but if I wanted to just stay within the confines of the text the only thing I know about that prayer is that he sat down one day and he wrote it so if his heart was heavy maybe he felt guilty he couldn't get that out of his mouth he sat down and wrote have mercy on me O Lord according to your loving-kindness according to the multitude of your tender mercies blot out my transgressions and member them no more for in sin my mother conceived me and my sin is always before you what we do know that he wrote that but what we don't know is he ever said that and so I don't know who taught you and I don't want to rebuke that person but what I can say to you based on the Scriptures that it is scriptural to write out press because God is not so petty that if he says if it doesn't come out your mouth I can't answer it right so what we do know from the scriptures is that God has responded to audible press what we do know from the scriptures God has responded to prayers that came from people's heart with no words and what we do know from the scriptures is that God has responded to Perez that was written because he did forget David but we don't know if David said that but we do knows that David wrote that and so there are some people like me you keep a journal I've kept a journal for 15 years some things you can't just say because it's too heavy so I've sat down and just wrote out things I've wrote God letters I've wrote him things when I've been angry I've wrote out Perez and I think it's absolutely normal and Biblical to do that I want Rhonda to share about that because Rhonda has also you have done this you have written prayers to God talk to her about that'll talk to us about writing for us to God I think the beauty and being who you are he speaks to me different than he speaks to you and I think that sometimes when you write out my pastor was saying it says what you can't quite articulate my mouth and so are you going to lack or go without because I can't say no so I would rather go before the Father in writing did not go at all and I don't and and I want to say that it replaces it it's not something every place because you want to have dialogue with with God too but I believe that writing has a passion that sometimes voice can't so I mean I would I do I had plenty of journals and a lot of writing just from years of time stuff I didn't understand myself and I can write it better on paper than I could out of my mouth so I'm not gonna I'm not going to choose to lack rather than not write so if it's a way of communication we all communicate different and so thank God that he's an awesome God you know every father deals with their children differently so the way he deals with me mean be the way that he deals with you because he knows how to meet us wherever we are so when you when you're writing he hears you but when you writing he hears you Marisa we have any anonymous questions yes I'm actually Ritu so what advice would you give to someone who wants to establish a prayer life but finds a hard time starting it and then along the same lines for someone that needs to be able to clear their mind of distractions in order to be able to pray and focus on God that's an excellent question what advice would we give people who wants to develop a prayer life start a prayer life but but is oftentimes distracted from having a consistent every Wednesday okay to shoot home my girlfriend fiancee now wife was also father I was away from me I do not have family here I didn't I have the best job I was working through some things but I can tell you when the weight that I took into excess during that discipline hour of prayer and I literally poured my heart out in English and in tongues and it helped to sustain me so I would say right now pray now and also set up a discipline time to say I'm going to pray to God three times a week one time a week throw it out or whatever and say whatever is happening I'm going to have time with God for this 18 minutes it could bleed into 15 all right so whenever whenever you it's on your heart and also self-discipline tongues yeah that's really I love that question and I want to add to what Eric is saying two things I want to add first off whoever asked that question I think a lot of people struggle with with distraction in prayer I don't know if you like me but I've I've I notice to pray and fall asleep no yalla all super spurt okay fine I know what it is to pray and fall asleep and I know it is to be praying and start thinking about Lena I start thinking about food No you've never been praying to start thinking about somebody no all right so y'all are super safe and I know what it is to pray and just like okay I don't I don't want to stay here any longer I need nobody all right no okay so I I have I have a butterfly mentality it is something I struggle with even when I study so I I study hard my study days on Wednesday and Thursday I kind of lock away and I study on Wednesday and Thursdays when I prepare my my messages when I do creative work I don't answer my phone during that time amount of social media you're not gonna get me and but a lot of times when I'm studying up a prayer and I will be I'll be maybe two hours in and I look out the window something and I saw thinking about something and my mom would just be gone for an hour and this happens to me and sometimes that so I have a butterfly mentality that I have to discipline so one of things that's helped me when I was young in the faith praying I create atmospheres for prayer so not only like Eric one of things that Eric said is powerful I just pray about I learned to just pray about anything and everything that teaches you to pray so I taught you to series turn every worry into a prayer if it bothers your heart turn it into a prayer and watch how much you'll be praying right if it if it bothers your heart pray if you have to make a decision pray if you just met a dude that you want to date pray you just met a girl you want to date pray you going into a new job praying something is try anything that's happening around you that affects your heart if it goes into your heart pray about it and you will naturally start praying all the time that's number one but atmosphere time I've learned I pray with music because it helps me stay in God's presence sometimes I pray with albums I'll pray with instrumentals I'll put on music so I create atmospheres Danielle who leads our v group she has a corner in her house with candles and lights and words and names and honk God they have a whole date in the corner of the house and so whatever you got to do you do that but I want to say to someone don't condemn yourself for being distracted it'll be better for you to go into God's presence get distracted and come out then to not go into this presence at all so keep going in okay until you discipline yourself to be with God without being dragged away from him for things that don't matter and listen you can be a beast of twenty years and still get distracted it's like Eric said is better took listen it's like Rhonda said it's better to pray to not pray at all so just keep praying and keep being distracted until you learn to allow your prayer to overcome your distraction okay and then the last thing I want to say is Eric mentioned that we're not Church first started for maybe about the first three years of our church we did something called access every Wednesday night we did it in a house it was and what we would do is for one hour it was something that it was born out of a vision God gave me from the book of Acts where the Bible says of Peter John went up to the temple for the hour of prayer 60 minutes and so when the church is really young when we were small I would call the entire church to prayer for sick in minutes one hour every Wednesday night from 7:00 to 8:00 and we would pray in his little house in Rex Georgia [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] I'm talking about beating walls we laid out on the floor and sometimes when you're in a lot of Prayer you come into that gathering and you just listen to people break your heart would catch fire I mean listen and we had it all the way up to about a year ago we was doing it at our office and then the city shut us down because we was too loud now I wanna I want to confess okay before you before God we have not done it in a year and that's my failure as a pastor because the city shut us down I was just so angry about it it just fell off my calendar I confess that but I without I haven't I mean was that I right now by faith and I'll get with my team during the week when we have our meetings our staff I've right now by faith announced to you that we're going to restore access in the name of Jesus [Applause] I renounce it right now my face Oh Danielle take a note my sister we're gonna restore access we're gonna with September 30 we are going to restore access in this church and I'm gonna declare my faith you know even we'll talk to the school it even happened right here okay on Wednesday night for one hour and we'll probably start small since we don't have our own facility yet maybe one time a month or twice a month we will meet Wednesday night somebody said twice 7:00 to 8:00 as a church family and we will pray listen and if we can't get this location we will find another one and if we can't find a location we would do it through our small groups we're twice a month on Wednesday night from 78 we will come together as a church whether in one location or various locations and we will pray for 60 minutes and we will allow God to hear this church praying in the city of Atlanta for 60 minutes every other Wednesday night for one hour not five hours one hour we will pound heaven and pray for each other so I prophesied today that access returns to this church and the name of Jesus amen I said amen that don't have me start daddy you don't show up one hour every other Wednesday night 7:00 to 8:00 we're gonna pound heaven and pray for each other and we will announce by faith when we start access again [Applause] question on the floor during the series the the wat and insert prayers I went through a series of weeks where it was just really hard for me to get through and I was like dang god I can't hear you I was getting really frustrated I was shutting down I was really angry my heart was hardened everything was messed up so when that sermon came I went home and I literally went through everything that was listed and I as much as I didn't want to get it out of my heart sometimes you don't wanna get to the ugly place in your heart you want to kind of gate over it in your prayer time so I kept skating I'll be talking about everything else but what God really wanted to deal with so when I finally surrendered to you know just okay God let's deal with it and I went through every single everything that you said there was a big relief and I'm just like okay I felt really great I think I needed that right so I went to sleep that night before I went to sleep I prayed and that morning God woke me up at 4 a.m. and I just bought his present I'm so strong and I feel his presence in so long I didn't felt anything and what felt like so long so I prayed for like two hours and then at 6 a.m. I got on a prayer call and the man who was praying of our claim [Applause] so I had went through I went through the list I did everything I left it on the floor welcome before I am spent two hours with God in prayer and 6 a.m. literally everything that I was praying from our Cuevas was confirming and it was just like I was like whoa but for me that was confirmation that God was been hearing me because I did when I went through everything you know I eliminated everything that could have kept God from hearing me so that's a huge testimony so I want to encourage somebody that if you miss the message go back and listen to it because it was definitely effective in my life let's celebrate that testimony [Applause] and I wanna I wanna piggyback on Shauna's testimony because she says something very important she said she went home and and visited the notes from the message why president not answered and realized I'm guilty of this list and realize in this moment this is why God has not been answering my prayers so she watched she had let the teaching of God's Word confront her heart and was honest about I'm guilty of these things on this list and I think that's so powerful because she didn't just say oh a sermon went in one ear out the other she went home and went and looked at the sermon looked at God's Word and realized God is not answering my prayers because I'm guilty of these things and when she began to repent and remove those things from her life God began to restore her prayer life so we thank God for Shauna's honesty we thank God for the preaching of his word we thank God that you're in a church where the gospel and God's truth is being preached we thank you that you're not just being entertained right because I know I know and especially black people I know we love to be entertained oh we went to church with men the pastor was preaching that day and we shouted and we ran around the church what did you learn I don't know but he was preaching you was moved emotionally but you was not moved with substance so you were you was you was built up in the moment but have nothing to help you on Tuesday and so I'm not condemning emotionalism or hype I mean I mean I'm a preacher and a teacher but but but but we need God's Word right we need cut win this is a preaching house but it's also a teaching house and she went back and looked at God's Word and removed the blockage and boom her prayer life is restored because God's Word God can't be mocked and so the more we teach and the more we understand him the more we know how to navigate our prayer life right because he we can't fool him we could fool others but we can't fool him so Shawna we thank you that you are on fire again by faith [Applause] and we thank God for this mighty young man who came here for church planting residency ma Cuevas I know and if you want to know more about that prayer line you can talk to Ron about that when the experience is over questions coming in via text what advice you have someone that has grown away from God and they stopped praying as they used to but they would like what advice do we have for someone who is drifted away from God because they stopped praying I would say to remember that God is married to the backsliders and sometimes the hardest part is forgiving yourself it feel like when you fall back you got to go all the way back to one but you know God don't operate like we do and sometimes it's just a simple surrender it's a lot of deliverance come through rejecting the thing so you reject yourself and you fall on your knees and you confess to God and you just start over and on the time when you when you ask God for forgiveness he forgets it we remind him of what we've done and he's like what's that what's that just start fresh just bow on your knees and start somewhere you better get right or get left so you might as well just give over yourself and don't allow yourself to be in a way so I would just say just repent and come to God he's sitting up there with he's a you know he's a faithful father his arms open wide he's just waiting for you to surrender so once you actively give this just continue to pray God will just continue to help you grow and I want to say to the person who asked that don't feel condemned I think if we would be honest a lot of us if not as some season of life have strayed away from God because just life and pain and trial can easily cause you to drift and like Rhonda said he's married to the backslider and so remember first John 1:9 if you confess you're sensitive to the Lord he's faithful and just to forgive you of your sins to cleanse you from all unrighteousness so when you're far away from God he will always hear Lord forgive me and he will always hear that prayer of repentance and his his house is always open to you and I love how God says a broken and contrite heart he would never despise and so if you've drifted away from God you're in good company because if let me let me help that person if you--if you're in this room and you have ever drifted away from God lift your hands high ever drifted away from the drift you got cold you're far away from him so whoever asked that question look around I untie I want to encourage you that's 95% of the room and and and if you have ever felt God's love in repentance lift your hands high that's 95% of the room and so I think the only dangerous to not come back I encourage anybody when you drift if you drift to go read the parable of the prodigal son right so what's the son it says turn he said actually if I'm not mistaken I just want to go back to my father's house not gonna be a server I could serve but you're still a son in the gospel of Jesus Christ all right they actually say he went he fell on his neck and they were restored so in that time with your drifted do not look at your sin right it's that time look at the love of the Father and his stead and I want to I want to touch that that account when Jesus told that account I'm a preacher man huh it's burning on side of me I'm a preacher there was one detail in that account that I want to mention to the person who strayed away from God no they're two details I'm a preacher man it's hot I mean when you read the text you got to read the text and then points just jump out at you so he came to himself we went back to the Father but I want you to notice this detail in the text I love that text the father never reminded him of his mistake when there was no conversation about how long you've been gone what she was doing when you were gone or even why you left he just repents and is restored and not just even restored but blessed above the restoration with ring garment and food so he doesn't even come back to what he left he comes back better than what he left so God doesn't even remind him of his wrong because God does not condemn flesh and the enemy condemns not the father he's just waiting with open arms for you to come back home sometimes we won't come back home because we think we're so unworthy we've gone too far we've slept with too many people we've done too many what alpha it is and we think there is no way he would receive me after what I've done you can't I'll send the grace of the blood because there's nothing you're gonna commit that's greater than the blood of Jesus and if there's something you can do that's stronger than the blood of Jesus then Christ is not he's not a savior that's sufficient for whatever you've done so whoever you are man just throw yourself on the father's feet he will receive you just the way you wore watch these words these two powerful words come home and the father will receive you just the way you want I love that text no remind of what he did no reminder all right questions on the floor right there Joe Don in the back back right I feel like I can pray for everybody else around me but when the words come to pray for my specific situation I can't articulate kind of what I'm going through or being in a space where I feel like I don't really know what to even say or ask right now to get me through to the next day or to get me through to the next week but still to my friends and everybody around me seeming like I got it all together like I'm holding it in or everybody calls and they're like this is what I'm going through and not even saying that it's selfish because they don't ask like what I'm going through but they're just used to me being the strong one so how do I kind of help myself yeah I think that's a excellent question and I think is there a real reality that a lot of us deal with and especially people who are strong because when you're strong people are always looking to you for strength and I remember mentioning series that there's times when I could be hurting so I'm picking up the phone and wiping my eyes while I'm minister into somebody else so that's real imma let Ron to respond to that and I'm gonna share with you a text I think will encourage you glad pastor often teaches us he talks about just think of the cross you have relationships up they pull you up you have those on your level when you have those that you're pulling up so there's nothing wrong with connecting people but when you sometimes sometimes the enemy at Rick you and make you think is good to make sure you're there for everybody else and not yourself in the word teaches us that it's a gain the whole world and lose your own soul and so a lot of times it's a it's a it's a it's a trick of the enemy not to look at yourself what that's was that what that does is it makes it hard sometimes we don't want to deal with our own issues so it was easier to pray for everybody else to I'm concerned about this but it keeps you busy it keeps you busy and it's good when you're mature enough to pray for both like Lord I see this in me none of that but then you have this brother to your right or to your left y'all in the same standing they like y'all Rhonda come on you got a deal with that or come on look at that cuz you may not be strong enough to say hey I am this okay I'm a liar I see that i okay I'm a liar somebody next to you may help you identify with it that's why it's good to connect with brothers and sisters but the Bible also talks about say if you look at yourself in the mirror if I see a blemish I wipe it off four or five looking in the mirror and I'm like okay clean that up let it encourage you to see yourself that you won't be left behind too because at the same time you pushing your brothers and sisters and they grow in and you stand still you know and they seeing that they're supposed to look at you like oh you know they're if they're not where you are they're not wise enough to say hey can I help you out with something that that's why you're there but you have to make sure you have those up relationships too that will help encourage you and lift you up when you're not strong enough to see yourself and at some point you will you won't always be there you won't always so be encouraged in that and just remember it's a set-aside time if you like blessing people and praying for people do that don't stop but just make sure you also set aside that time too okay God now I want to just pray about me and you don't know you don't know what to do try writing it try writing it I've been in bad places before and I've called those close to me and I'm like y'all examining assess me okay I'm doing they saying 9 people telling you the same thing it's probably true so if to help or let it be a start maybe just take something take those things in prayer because you can trust the hearts of those that are close to you and you can trust that they are hearing the voice of God take those things and let it be a start and sister I think that's a powerful question I was just sharing with Eric and I want to I want to say something to see what I think is very important first off Rhonda says something very profound especially if you're someone you're strong you always point out it's good to have those I teach up down it's good to have those across relationship pairs so that when you're weak you have a shoulder to lean on saying pray for me so I would sometimes I'll text elder Milton I say elder Milton pray for me I'll text I'll text Rhonda's and she's over prayer to him pray for me about this I'll text one of these brothers pray for me and so even though I'm a pastor of a church it doesn't mean I don't have prayer needs and so I can reach and I have other friends who pass the churches I'll reach out to them and say pray for me so I want you to remember that the importance of community and having people who are peers who can pray for you that's number one number two of this the Bible says the scripture says Paul wrote to the church in Rome and says that the spirit prays for us when we don't know how to pray for ourselves so I want you to be encouraged that even when you're not praying God is covering you because the Spirit of God is praying for you even when you cannot pray for yourself I believe this verdict I was praying for shauna and rescued her from where she was okay so the spirit of God's prayer and then I want to give you this last thing it's an analogy so my wife drives a truck a big black truck and and it carries my whole family six of us the truck is strong and it carries us everywhere we go it carries us everywhere we go and the truck is accustomed to carrying us everywhere we go but there was something in that truck that will end that will hinder it from carrying us although the wheels are big and inside is strong it has airbags if that truck runs out of gas it cannot carry us any further although the truck is strong although the truck is big if it runs out of gas it cannot carry us any further and so I may be strong and I may carry hundreds of people but if I run out of gas if I don't have my own thing going on with Jesus I will eventually get to the point where I won't have the ability to carry people because I completely run out of virtue for myself and so for those of us who are strong who carry people remember here we may be built to carry and to help and to pour out to serve but we still need the gasoline in our system to keep driving the vehicle of our ministry and that gasoline is prayer so when that tank gets to like a quarter tank yellow light comes on it's time to pull into the station of God's presence or pull into the station of some friend or pull into the station of access and say fill me again Oh God so I can go back out then continue to carry and be strong for people great question great question a question on the floor go ahead Cheyenne over here that was a very first time coming here yeah we did effective prayer well your visit well welcome to our family sister just spoke so holy to me and one of the things that God called me to do was to start praying for my tribe start praying for those people that are closest to me so I reached out to some friends and family and just asked them to give me their prayer requests and I have two friends that I've been friends with since middle school and we are very very close but neither one of them truly believes or has ever really had faith and so I stopped myself from sending them the text and then I was like my you're praying for your tribe the people that are closest to you the people that support you so I reached out to them and told them you know I'm praying for my friends I would love to pray for you guys and one of them reached out to me and said I've been struggling and wanting to come to the faith and I just don't know where to start and it was just such a blessing that I got to lead her to Christ and so [Music] [Applause] sister this word the series right there the fact that you had friends that you reach out to us far away from God that are being drawn to God because you reached out to them because of this series like Eric said someone's far away from God coming to God because of you reaching out to them because of the series that makes the whole series worth it right there so we celebrate that testimonies I got anything coming in on text what advice would you give a husband who was not confident enough to pray in front of his wife because he's a new disciple if you'd let me just make sure everybody heard the question what advice would we give a husband who doesn't feel confident to pray out loud in front of his wife powerful question one and also if we just we're talking the general sense since we are in a Q&A if we're honest men deal with ego we do and if we're also honest in a large percentage of cases the life has come to the faint before the husband so in those cases of us the wife is more mature spiritually then the husband and the husband feels inferior right so a lot of times that's what we're addressing okay with that being said [Applause] your dream to an audience this is your relationship with your father depending on you there's sometimes they won't listen to people on the stage but they know you your homeboy no scoop and I'll give a little tip to the wife [Applause] [Music] [Applause] snuggle up tonight [Applause] [Applause] listen I'm gonna make courage oh man good encourage your boo and all the ladies said yeah listen I'm not married right I'm single and when I see a man praying [Applause] I don't care whether he humming and people and gospel music I say you ain't gotta be deep ain't gotta be no Reverend you ain't gotta be no apostle if I see you say cheese for your baby and I need my merry way talking about I'm saying from a woman's perspective from a woman's perspective you know it ain't it ain't gotta be deep factors you have a relationship like you'll get there later we're not that shallow and females I don't care father blessing my house [Laughter] [Applause] about you want to date me can you break [Applause] go let me let me put a period let me just throw a cherry on that cake they just built right like Eric said for the husband your house to your houses it depends on it your family needs you you will feel your wife needs you Rhonda says she thinks is attractive of a man praise even if he says father bless them I will say this to the husband and asked that question first off you're brave thank you for sending that question in whatever that is thank you but I would I would one of the ways I think it will help you just start praying for your wife or your girlfriend over it is if you love them think about your mind what what what would you want for them it could be I want them to grow in wisdom God I want them to be encouraged I noticed she's been crying a lot what what do you want for her and then and then and then hold her and with no lofty language no Elizabethan English hold her think about what's really want for her and as sincere as you know how just ask God for that for her and every time you hold her right you hold her arm maybe you don't have to look at her you could close your eyes so you don't feel intimidated and just think about what do you really want for her even think about the things that's frustrating you about her it could be it could be maybe she has some issues and problems that are plaguing the marriage and you really want her to get that you could be like father I pray for my wife that you would open her eyes to see my love for her in this area help her to understand that when I talk to her about this is not because I'm trying to condemn her but I really believe in her in this area father where she has been struggling taking care of the home or the kids would you help but to have strength in this area father where she has misinterpreted my words or have not received my love because she's been broken from some man who hurt her in the past would you teach her how to receive my love father would you help her to see I'm not like the last man that bruised her would you help her to see that I'm really here for her would you would you take from her mind the lies that she keeps saying out of her own mouth and help her to see that I love her father would you teach me how to love her better I don't understand her God sometimes she say things that pisses me off she says things that make me angry but father would you help me to understand her heart would you help me to understand how words just be honest in her presence with God and you would be amazed how that develops intimacy between you and her you know what's sexy just talking to God together and just be honest don't go off and Lord set her on fire that's not you Lord deal with her heart right in front of her and and and wife be beat be gentle enough to receive that because y'all both know you got problems God knows you have problems so y'all not doing each other any good by keeping that to yourself so pray it out over her and agenda and if you just hold her and just and just talk to God about her with honestly what do I really want for this woman god help her to see who you've created her to be god I often see her down in herself and moping around help her to see that she's more than a conqueror in Christ whatever you want for her pray that over her and and just do it and you know that over for years I didn't pray my wife for years I pray for in private never in person for years and then I just started getting born out I lay my hand on my wife's forehead and I'll just touch on and I just pray for her the other last last Saturday morning I called my kids down to our prayer room my office my home office I have two one and we have an office in Morrow we have an office in my home I call my kids down my wife was out taking a walk and I was texting like where are you where these kids I want you to bring them down here right now I'm in the spirit she was on her prayer walk so I call a text might like that's the new way to talk to your teenagers right it's crazy we're in the same house i text i text israel you gotta learn how to communicate right so our text Israel said get your brother and your sisters and come down here right now and they came in and I just start praying over all of them and I'd say Lena when she came in she walked in and she was she was I had her face to the wall I know what's going on in her I know what's grieving her no she's believing God for and I just start praying for right there cuz I already know so whatever you want far just pray that over and God will help you that will become more natural over time great question whoever that was brother question on the floor that was a great question question right here Judah all go ahead Jew Donna get this sister and then get the sister right here in the center with the red dude right here but there were a few things in the series one that really helped me was actually going to God as a father because of issues that I had with my father I could not go to him as a father because my father constantly disappointed me so going to him as a father was one thing that helped me through this also there was a thing you did where you had another guy and you handed it to him you said this is what it looked like when we give something to God and then we try to figure it out ourselves that helped me out a lot and it was those two things in one prayer that I was I was out of town for work and I laid I was landing the bed in my hotel room and while I was in my hotel room I said you know what I said father I was vulnerable I've never really been vulnerable with God either so that was another thing because I could not look at him as a father so I laid in my bed and I said you know what father I say hey I know money is coming in a couple weeks but my son tuition is due today I said I I need your help and for the first time ever and ever really asking him for something I left it there and I turned it on do it again by elevation worship I just around my hotel room and I just praised God and then 30 minutes later I was on the phone with one of my colleagues and Monken and I opened the apps I'm just talking open my half and it's where we get paid through so I opened my app and I just begin to scream and I begin a shouting my coworker who's he was like what's your hotel number rooms everything ok what's going on and I was like and he began to speak in tongue and praying and talking so just thank you for you know the whole series because it lets celebrate that testimony and I want you to notice in her story she did not have the money for that tuition she was thinking about the message she prayed with faith left it in God's hands cuz I was just to pray with faith his is to do everything according to his will not being double-minded leave it in his hands she left it there has no idea of what God is about to do and God supplies I need supernaturally now watch an eye toward us in a series James 4:2 but what if she did not pray you have not because you ask not that she would otherwise not have something that God was willing to give her if she didn't pray what are you not praying about what are you not asking what are you afraid to believe God for and what do you keep taking out of his hand because you don't believe he can do it now unto Him we need to read the scriptures it builds faith in you now I feel this in my spirit now unto Him I like these next words who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or even now get that word in you now unto Him that's why a week we took pray with what knowledge now unto Him who is able he is able he is able somebody shout he is able you don't believe that shout he is able he's able he's able and I want to say something about her testimony sometimes we won't be brave enough to pry it out because we're trying to figure out how he's gonna do it and because you can't figure out how he's gonna do it you won't pray it but faith because in your mind you can't see how he's gonna bring that to pass that's what the scriptures that's why Solomon wrote a song and it promised three five or six trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding and all of your ways just keep acknowledging him he will direct your path sometimes we will reason and talk ourselves out of the very thing God is willing to do logic is good but undisciplined logic is dangerous when it comes to faith sometimes you need to tame your logic especially like me if your thinker and you analyze things to depth you have to learn to tame your logic because logic could talk you out of something God is willing to do for you and I want to say something to men brothers we got to be careful about allowing our loins to trap our logic right and being led so much by loins and logic that we can't see clearly lines and logic women believe quicker than men and men are oftentimes led by loins and logic but God is a loving father to you my brother he will hear your cry our faith that's for somebody in this room get this sister right here it's pretty much kind of the same as her so I just moved to Atlanta and I'm pursuing my professional career in dance and I had an opportunity to further my training come up but I couldn't afford it and so I was basically gonna turn down the offer but I decided to pray about it with the friend and just kind of let it go and at 12 a.m. probably the next day I received the phone call and I normally don't answer calls from numbers I don't know and it was their assistant basically offering me a work-study program that was gonna offset the cost of it and I hadn't even said that anything to them that I wasn't gonna be able to afford it or that I wasn't gonna be able to do it but they call me so that's a testimony [Applause] [Music] [Applause] doesn't touch the money that God will put you on the heart and minds of others before you even really have to ask for something he already knows what you need and will provide for you so we celebrate that testimony with your system thank God that you had somebody your life would want to pray and notice she said she prayed before she made a decision I think we need to learn to pray before we make decisions I don't make any decisions before I pray I want to consult God before I make decisions especially ones that can blow up your life before you consult God text questions around this does everyone in the body of Christ have the gift to pray in tongues and if so know the answer to the question is know everybody everybody in the body of Christ does not have the gift of praying in tongues so this is this I could put your whole sermon on this so let me let me I got to restrain myself to narrow this down to a couple of seconds okay listen a lot of us have come from churches and and read books and been on blogs of all type of doctrines and crazy stuff about tongues some of you you spooked out to death you think is ungodly you leave a church somebody praying all that stuff okay let's forget men forget Google forget everything let's just stick with the scriptures okay so let me just make this really quick according to the scriptures tongues or praying in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit just like preaching is a gift or administration is a gift or the word of wisdom or the knowledge it is a gift from God Jesus told a group of 120 people go to a place stay there until you're endowed with power on high the book of Acts tells us 120 people are praying in a room John Mark's mother housed the Spirit of God has poured out on them they begin to speak with tongues languages that they did not know on their own so we see that Jesus sent them to a place the Holy Spirit gave them the ability to speak in this particular languages according to the scriptures the scripture teaches us that they are the tongues of men and the tongues of angels so some of us when we pray in tongues we're actually praying a language that is somewhere in the earth although we do not know I knew a preacher that went to Africa he was at Tanzania he started praying in tongues and the people went off in the uproar and his translator said to him you just preach the whole message to them in their native language he did not know that okay so there's tons of men their tongues of angels it is a gift of the Holy Spirit according to the scriptures the Apostle Paul who wrote two thirds of the New Testament said to the church at Corinth I thank God that I pray in tongues more than you all so the Apostle Paul prayed in tongues and he prayed a lot in tongues and the possible even told us that we can cover it or ask God for any gift that you want he may not give it to you but he says you can ask for any gift that you want he'll give it to you so tongues is a gift everyone does not have it but if you want it you can ask God to give it to you and if he wills he will give you that gift tongues is a powerful prayer gift and prophetic gift in which we prophesy in tongues and then there's interpretation or we pray in tongues the scripture tells us according to the scriptures that when we pray in tongues we are edifying the part of us that we don't understand we build up our spirit on the inside that when you pray in tongues you feel yourself getting strong on the inside so it is watch me a powerful prayer gift and the last thing I would say about tongues is this it is a lie and a trick of Satan and his hosts to make tongues so spooky that we want to stay away from it you know why it's a trick you take the list of all the spiritual gifts in the scriptures you know what you'll discover just write them down you discover every spiritual gift on those lists or for you to empower others except one but tongues is the only gift on that list that we use that empowers ourselves so watch the one gift given to the body to build you up as the very thing the devil has made spooky in the body of Christ why does he do everything he can to keep you weak so I'm gonna make this one thing God gave you that builds up your spirit according to the scriptures I'm gonna make it so spooky that people stay away from it but it builds up your spirit and those of us who have a language know that when we use it we feel power coming to us on the inside okay and so prayers know everyone does not have the gift of tongue it is a gift you can ask God for it he may give it to you he may not if you don't have it that doesn't mean you can't have an effective prayer life and if you don't have it that doesn't mean you're not going to heaven but it is a powerful gift and if you want it you can ask God for it he may give it to you it is not strange to wear tongue in greek is just languages some of it is languages on the earth some of it is language in heaven oh let me throw in this last thing sometimes I pray in my language because I don't want the devil to hear my English and because some tongues are the languages of heaven it's a heavenly language right it's like it's like that barcode on the back of your card it's encrypted for protection right so you can look at the barcode and not know what it's saying and sometimes you could be praying and enemy be confused because there's a prayer language in heaven and it's just a direct connection between me and God unfiltered by reason unfiltered by my logic sometimes I'll be praying and my mind can't mess up what God wants to get out of my heart so sometimes oh yes I feel this Holy Spirit somebody somebody can be going through something and I'm not smart enough to pray for them because I don't know what they're going through but God cares about oh yes God cares about them so much and he says they're not gonna pray for themselves and what I told you when we pray we move God's head and so God don't want them to be destroyed or he wants to do something in their life but they don't have the common sense to pray for themselves but because God loves them he'll snatch Rhonda at 4 a.m. and he'll snatch her prayer language at 4 a.m. and he'll drag out of her spirit Priya over somebody else's life in a language she don't understand and all that time she's praying for somebody else in another place maybe on the other side of the world and God is using her mouth to cover somebody else because it's that perfect prayer that is not it that is encrypted that I can't even mess up when I'm praying it and you will be amazed how much God does in the earth when he snatches that language out of us that's not blocked upon my understanding because I could be praying my language and asking myself did I just pray that but I'd be praying in the spirit and it just before like power and it's not blocked by my understanding it is a powerful gift and if you don't have it and want to ask God for it and if he wills he'll give it to you and you know what if you're so bold to believe for it maybe we'll take you over here in this corner when this is over and we'll pray and believe God for you that he'll baptize you with that gift in the name of Jesus okay we got time for two more questions and then we have to shut this down I'm something on the floor before you speak Aaron because I want to just I want to shame the devil for the person that asked that question if you have the gift of tongues God gave you that gift and you have a prayer language that you use lift your hands high high so I've asked that question look around okay put your hands down and if you have a personal experience that it builds you up and edifies you can feel power when you pray lift your hands huh she's on her feet it's powerful its powerful dr. Crosby you to spawn is powerful so if you don't have to give if you don't have to give pray ask God for it and if you're afraid of it and then leave it on the table you don't need that you don't have to have it but if you want it the Bible says confid gifts like the Scriptures the Bible says covet desire them and ask for them I remember I asked got one time for the gift of faith I didn't have the gift of faith and it'll be hard for me to believe for things that was beyond my logic so one day I locked myself room I asked God to give me the gift of faith to supernaturally believe for the impossible I have a son named Josiah because of the gift of faith praying for a boy with faith my daughter Abigail had a cyst on her brain and she was healed in the womb praying for what the doctor said was impossible listen I don't take no or that can't be done I don't even like people around me to say I can't I'll take them off my team if they're on my staff I'll fire you I don't want people around me that are negative and don't believe I don't like that I don't like the words I can't or God can't I don't like that kind of stuff ours is to believe and here's us to move according to his will somebody in the name of Jesus whoever want this Holy Spirit of God I believe you're present right now in the room see in the name of Jesus spirit of the Living God I pray for the one that want it and have faith for it that you would distribute you would distribute Holy Spirit the gift of tongues to someone in this room and you will set their prayer life on fire with that gift in the name of Jesus and father for the one who believes it and worn it I pray you a deposit into them the supernatural gift of faith God in the name of Jesus they will have faith like fire God to believe you for that which is impossible and even tonight God may be in this very moment they will start praying and some supernatural language some tongue of earth or some tongue in heaven give it to the one card that believes it and has faith for it I pray for now yes Holy Spirit that you were distributed to these men and women gifts God in the name of Jesus you gave gifts to men and I pray God for those who wanted you will give them some gift even right now and they would operate in it according to the scriptures not Google according to the scriptures not the documents as some false preacher according to the scriptures according to the Word of God and not the doctrines of men we listen to too many men we need to read the scriptures according to the Word of God I say to you receive according to the Word of God really quick to stop praying in this room it's gonna build somebody's face somebody just start praying you feel it in you right now just pray it is in you just pray it by faith praying it by faith just pray it by faith come on Frank just pray it by faith just pray I'm gonna come back to you Aaron let me um help with somebody right now and see you don't try to reason and don't try to figure out just pray by faith is in you pray it you feel it rising up from your belly like rivers of living water just praying it by faith syllables coming [Music] [Music] we really hope this message was a blessing for you and if you have a testimony send it to share at Victory Church ATL dot again thank you for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you next week [Music]
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 503
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zXV2tVW4yF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 33sec (5373 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 02 2018
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