Prayer of Intercession

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hey what's up guys this is Neil Reyes and I want to welcome you to today's episode of Champions minute today we're gonna be continuing our series on the types of Prayer and today we're covering the prayer of intercession get ready [Music] today's topic that we're going to be discussing is called the prayer of intercession again today's topic that we're discussing is the prayer of intercession we're continuing our teaching series on the types of Prayer and today's prayer we're discovering or talking about as a prayer of intercession now this is a prayer that's very common that most people sometimes have operated in but may not understood exactly what it is and so we're gonna go through it I want to show you some of the things around it and some of the types of intercession that might be laid on your heart what I will describe to you or discussed with you is that this is a very deep teaching this is a very broad subject as what I should say now we're gonna cover it for the next few minutes and maybe we'll circle back around to it later I'm already before the Lord on whether he wants me to circle back around and put it as one of our main sermons on our champions walk broadcast which is our full sermons broadcasts but this is a big subject and we're gonna cover it during the types of Prayer and we're gonna give you a quick burst of what it is that ways you understand what a prayer of intercession is and how it operates the basic thing to know what the prayer of intercession is that a prayer of intercession is basically when you are impressed by the Lord through the Holy Spirit to pray for another person that can be another individual it can be a group of people it can be for a large group of people that can be for an entity like a church it can be for a business it can be for a large entity like a nation the Lord will impress upon you at times through your spirit and it almost comes upon you like as if it's a heaviness or if it's a burden oftentimes what my wife and I have described to each other as is that we feel as though we're off in the spirit in fact I will tell you that over the years and our Christian walk in our marriage together we both learn to identify when we're filling and pressed on the Holy Spirit to pray for something and so there is times where maybe it's just me feeling something that just I need to pray about other times it's just her feeling something she needs to pray about but sometimes we come together and there's something that we're both not feeling right about and so often times I'll come to her I shouldn't say often times but at times I will come to her or she'll come to me and we'll ask each other hey do you feel a check in the spirit or do you feel off in the spirit you know it tells us in the word that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us in all truth it also tells us in Philippians 4:7 that the p-set surpasses or transcends all understanding shall be upon us and when we're led by peace we know the Holy Spirit is involved in it but sometimes we'll start to feel an unease so to speak with inside of us sometimes if it's very strong it can come upon us almost like a heavy weight or even sometimes like a burden in other words that I mean by that is it's something that you're having to carry that's heavy on you it's almost burdening you down and when we do that we'll often check with each other if we have a check in our spirit and if we do we'll come together and prayer praying in the spirit as far as what it is that's honest now one of the things we're gonna go over and tomorrow's teaching is we're gonna talk about what praying in the spirit is and how to do it but I will tell you that praying in the spirit goes hand-in-hand with the prayer of intercession now that being said when the Lord impresses upon you to pray about something sometimes he'll show you outright what it is you need to pray about but other times you need to enter into fervent prayer sometimes in the spirit and as you do that he'll reveal to you a specific situation as there's a specific circumstance or person you need to pray about but understand that a prayer of intercession is the Holy Spirit leading and guiding you he's impressing upon you to intercede and prayer on behalf of another person now yes sometimes he'll lead you and guide you to pray about a situation that's in your future that maybe you don't know about yet so intercession can also be for yourself however the basic definition of the word interceding means standing on behalf of another so you are standing on behalf of an but sometimes he'll lead and guide you to also pray about things within your own future why is that well he tells us in Romans 4:17 that he's given us the authority and the ability to call things not as they are but as they're meant to be meaning that with the power of our words we have the ability to pray and change circumstances remember prayer changes things I want to read you a quick foundational scripture for the prayer of intercession and then we're gonna get right back into some additional discussion on it this is gonna be out of first Timothy and this says chapter 2 we're going to verses 1 through 4 again first Timothy chapter 2 verses 1 through 4 let's read therefore I exhort first of all that supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence for this is good and acceptable in the sight of our God our Savior who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth when we talk about intercession in this verse it tells us about a couple of different types of Prayer that talks about supplications and then it just says prayers but then it talks about intercession but it also talks about praying for Kings and those who are in authority meaning that with the prayer of intercession you have the ability to change things the Bible has shown us very simply in the word that the prayer of one person can change the entire course of a nation so if things look dark and gloomy today within the world don't be heavy about that just understand it's a sign of the times but that you have the ability you have the authority and the power the prayer to change the course of a nation through prayer when you're led by the Holy Spirit and you allow his words to flow out of your mouth you can change things in a mighty way guys one of the other things I want to talk about with the prayer of intercession before we close is that oftentimes one of the most common things that people have when they're growing an intercessory prayer is they'll be asleep they'll be comfy in their bed and all of a sudden they wake up or they and unease in their spirit they may get up and go to the restroom them run wide or something but they feel an unease or they're led to get up and start praying for someone else and they don't know why that is that is the Holy Spirit impressing upon you that you need to intercede on behalf of another in prayer oftentimes you'll hear stories where people say man it was wild I was praying for this specific person at the specific time maybe is in the evening or when I was sleeping or during the day I just felt so impressed to pray for them and I talked them a couple days later and they explained to me that at that exact time something had happened to them but that what should have happened did it maybe it was like a massive car wreck right next to them and they should have been in it but they weren't then I was led to pray for them right at that moment guys I'm gonna tell you that that's God leading you through the Holy Spirit to pray for someone but I will tell you that just like we've heard from Terry Seville for you and I mentioned this all the time that delayed obedience is the same thing as disobedience someone's always waiting on the other side of your obedience when you feel led to pray for someone or something don't delay because there's an urgent need with that prayer that needs to be prayed right there and then at that moment sometimes you'll be led to prayer or something and I will tell you that as you're led to pray an intercessory prayer that is also often the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating within you and when people say the gifts of the Holy Spirit we're talking about the nine gifts the Holy Spirit and specifically there's two that this can operate and start to grow within you one is the word of knowledge and the other is a word of wisdom now we're not teaching about that today but just so you know sometimes I've heard people teach that the word of knowledge is when you have vast knowledge about a lot of things that's not what it is I've heard other people say that a word of wisdom is when you're wise beyond your years and different ways that's not what that is a word of knowledge is when you have a supernatural word imparted upon you about a past or current situation you could know nothing about without God giving it to you so it's a word of knowledge about a past or present situation what that you could not know about without God directly given it to you a word of wisdom is a word about the future that has not occurred yet and it's something that God directly gives to you and there's a couple reasons the first one is because it brings witness to people when it comes to pass but the second one lines up with Romans 4:17 that we've been given the power and authority to pray over things and call them not as they were but as they're meant to be or I'd not call them not as they are but as they are meant to be guys when the Lord impresses upon you a through intercession when he gives you an unease or burden inside you and he impresses upon you to pray for someone or someone comes to mind very loudly in other words you're there maybe and it's like almost a thought jumps in your mind or shouts out in your mind about a specific person you are often being led by the Holy Spirit to start praying for that person and interceding and for the person out there who's saying but I don't know how to pray in tongues yet or pray in the spirit don't worry about that we're gonna get to it and cover it but just understand that you don't have to be able to pray in tongues to pray for someone the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you in all truth and he'll show you what to pray and who to pray for guys we thank you for taking time to stop by and grow with this thing as always we hope you enjoyed our teaching and we want to remind you to swing by our website at Neil Ray's comm where you can find all of our teaching resources that are available available to be streamed 24 hours a day at no cost in addition we invite you to connect us on our social media you can find us on our youtube channel where you we invite you to subscribe to us and share it with friends you can also connect with us on our facebook page or twitter guys as always we want to remind you that Jesus is Lord and He loves you and so do we thank you and have a blessed day [Music]
Channel: Neal Reyes
Views: 4,725
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, intercession, interceed, praying for others, check in the spirit, prayer of intercession, praying in the spirit, word of knowledge, word of wisdom, Neal Reyes, Neil Reyes, Neal Reyes Ministries, Neil Reyes Ministries, Champion's Minute, champions minute, Champion's Walk, champions walk, hero, #HERO, champion
Id: OYRwyARB_dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2017
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