Colin Dye - Travailing Prayer: The Secret of Manifestation

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[Music] I want to impart something tonight by way of hope promise from the Holy Spirit about spiritual manifestation and I believe that God is preparing a new move of his spirit and I know I'm in touched at least with with some of this because many people are saying the same thing different prophetic people around the world are hearing the Holy Spirit preparing us and gently speaking to us about a move coming now we can't make it happen all right for certain things that we can do to cooperate and flow with this but we can't make it happen if it is a move of God God has to do the moving but there is something that is I think at the heart of it and that is the secret of all spiritual manifestation and attached on it today veiling prayer travailing prayer and I get this from the story of Elijah 1 Kings 18 you may recall the story spreads over previous chapters Elijah has been called to be a prophet to declare God's purposes and to show that God has power over all the forces of nature because they were worshipping the so-called gods of the Nate of nature the bow worship Astrea worship it was an agricultural society and it was a kind of fertility pagan religion that they were following and Elijah is raised up to say there shall be no more rain until I say so and for three three and a half years it did not rain and in the process and you can read the story yourself and I've mentioned some of it in the series in Revival times and you'll get to that place where the time has come for the drought to be over when the dryness in the air the dryness in the sky God's purpose in the dryness God's purpose in the desert time God's purpose in the darkness God's purpose in the deepest time the deepest agony of your soul is about to come to an end because a new day is coming the rains are coming I'm glad we started off and let it rain rain rain and then David said fire fire fire and ice' put them on the rain to put out the fire but both happens in Elijah's life who cause down the fire and when the fire is called down the confrontation takes place and beyond that now he says the the the the the bondage is over the drought is over I declare a new season of joy a new season of prosperity and a new season of blessing let's read it for ourselves 1 Kings 18 verse 41 to 46 and Elisha said to Ahab go up eat and drink for there is a sound of rushing rain so they have went up to eat and drink and Elijah went up to the top of Mount Carmel and he bowed himself down on the earth and put his face between his knees and said to his servant go up now look toward the sea and he went up and looked and said there is nothing and he said go again seven times then on the seventh time he said Behold a little cloud like a man's hand he's rising from the sea and he said go up say thus prepare your stage ahab prepare your cherish and go down let the rain stop you and a little while the heavens grew black with clouds and wind and there was a great rain and a have rode and went to Jezreel and the hand of Laurel and Elisha together His garment and ran before they have to the entrance of Jezreel now I want to suggest to you and it's by no means the criticism of anything that we're doing anything that we represent anything is happening in this house or anywhere else but I believe that we are in a dry place I mean I'm not saying there's no blessing but I believe that in comparison to what God wants to do we will soon discover how dry we really were and there are seasons of dryness there are seasons of testing there are seasons of barrenness and it's important that we understand that as you move from one season to the other we know that not everything is all gonna be the same and there are certain seasons but I believe that there is a drought that is present in the spiritual atmosphere that God wants to break and the nation of Israel was had been through just that kind of drought it was not just a natural drought it was a spiritual drought as well I think Britain is in the midst of a spiritual drought in many many ways and we need an army of warriors prayer warriors who'll intercede with travailing prayer to bring the manifestation of the promised blessings of God now there can be no manifestation without travailing prayer that's not all there is to it because when you understand what travailing prayer is it's something that God births in you you can weep and wail and gnash your teeth as much as you like you're not gonna get God's intention but when God lays something in your spirit and that triggers a response from deep within you when this comes upon you then you know it's from God you don't manufacture it so let's have a look at some of these things he had some principles that come out of it and I don't just mean that we do this corporately for the corporate life that's that's that's true that's important people of God but it's also something for our own lives spiritually now let's just go through some spiritual pointers bit by bit so first of all Elijah says to a have a habits the King Ahab is one of the problems he's one of the big problems right now in him and his wife Jezebel they are right pair and they're leading Israel astray he's part of the problem so yeah Elijah knows that a hab has no part in this now this is something don't misunderstand me but there are people who will never participate in what I'm about to describe I wish it wasn't so I wish we could all flow with the holy spirit but not everybody will and that makes it all the more important for those who are sensitive to the holy spirit what God wants to do will cooperate with him I think more could but there are certain people that you have to separate yourself from so Elijah says to Ahab go go and eat and drink go and get involved in the stuff just just go somewhere else go and do something else you have no part in this and now you may not feel that's a very polite word for some of your friends or some of the people you're holding you back but you know if people are holding you back if there are people are not encouraging you to go deeper with God don't have to be rude let them go let them go to the movies let them go out wherever they want to go let them watch television let their friends do everything you want but you are going to speak God there are some people are going to say I am going to seek God not that those things are wrong Ethan and drinking is not wrong they have had to eat and drink to live it's not wrong but there is a time when we have to separate ourselves from the normal regular stuff and discipline ourselves in the presence of God and say God I am going to seek your face now why was it that he decided and I just said okay what's next I think I'll go and seek God I believe in trust that he saw God every day of his life but there was something special something was triggered in his spirit he knew having called down fire on the sacrifice and all the prophets of Baal and Ashtaroth were judged he you now that something was going to take place in the spiritual realm and he was listening to it he said hey it's time for me to seek God because I hear the sound of abundance of rain now what it was what is this meanie he could hear in the spirit in advance of the manifestation he got he got to grips with he got a revelation from God concerning the season that was about to happen and I promised you well I cuz I can promise you but I'm I feel so sure about this that I feel I could promise you that if you listen the quietness of your spirit if if you set yourself apart to seek God and listen you are going to hear the sound of abundance of rain a stone telephone call before the service and a friend of mine no no idea what I was going to speak about said what is that I hear rain what is that I'm hearing I'm hearing rain I'm hearing rain well there was some other place that if it was raining there wasn't raining there it wasn't raining here he picked up on I hear rain what's happening I hear rain do you hear rain listen listen because it's a sign from the Spirit of God that is calling us to do something so now okay we have Elijah he was as we say God inside minded remember there's are all faiths confession that said I am God inside minded anybody heard of that one before okay God inside minded in other words the Holy Spirit is living on the inside of me and because he's there I can have the mind of Christ I can have the mind of the Holy Spirit learn to walk in that mind and to be sharp in that mind and you know when this happens to me it's always a surprise and what is surprising how can I demonstrate it could I have two strong guys here to catch me just in case I fall no I'm just I'm just kidding I'm not gonna fall it's like you live life on the edge alright don't get nervous somebody somebody close Amanda sighs it's okay walking in the Holy Spirit it's just like I'm standing now you're just on the edge and at any moment something can happen all right another picture of it take taking a step back to safety is on your tiptoes just just on the edge not on the edge in terms of a negative thing but in a positive thing you're always listening you're always ready so when those signals come it's yes Lord yes Lord and when you learn to be that attuned and you were walking through the day everybody looks like you're okay no problem everything smooth everything's cool but you're listening to God and in those moments you can drop something in your spirit which can turn into a miracle a spiritual manifestation if you learn this principle so be God inside minded not fleshly minded this revelation comes from revelation knowledge not from sense data I mean even the servant he couldn't hear the rain he couldn't even see the cloud because it was invisible to the natural eye so much of what determines our life is determined by the spiritual realm by the invisible realm that's the real weapon speaking about that today that's the real realm the realm of heaven where God rules where God reigns where Christ is seated with authority and from where he is directing the great moves of God on the earth so learn how to tune down your sense-data and to move into revelation knowledge and I will ask you a really really challenging question today for many of you the Ahab life is what you know now many of you think well I don't know that many of you but when I say many of you I'm speaking to all or all Christians I can't say many of you but many Christians today some of you perhaps but many Christians too they're very happy with an a HAP kind of life get me out of trouble Lord make sure everything works make sure the rain rain comes but III don't know how it's gonna happen that's over to other people other people are gonna have to sort that out I think the Holy Spirit is saying it is time for the people of God to stand up and take responsibility for the spiritual atmosphere of this nation can I say that again it is time for the people of God to rise up and take responsibility for the spiritual atmosphere of this nation because we can change the atmosphere if we listen to God the rain is coming are you spiritually concerned or I used to push the complacent are you burdened in the spirit or indifferent do you have an apathetic where your concerns lie could God trust you with a spiritual revelation would you be disciplined enough do you care enough to set aside time extra time to be sensitive to God and to be one of the people that God is using to bring to birth the new spiritual manifestation that can sweep thousands of people into the kingdom of God and can turn around the destiny of a city and a nation is that you the Holy Spirit asks you so the sound of rain and it was the Elijah was saying I can announce the next move of God I hear the sound of rain but will he what he did not do was travel around Israel on a preaching tour announcing the next move of God there is a time for that and a place for that he knew that there would be no move of God unless he allowed God to birth this move through his own life of prayer and intercession one of the things that I've been doing in Brazil is interviewing young people and the interviews that can be put up on the Portuguese Facebook Portuguese speaking Facebook something will be translated and one of the questions I'm asking these young people these are young people on the edges of the church or outside the church people who think the people whom we're missing certainly in Brazil they know they're never gonna be one for what we're doing now in Brazil so new generation I need a new move of God and I ask them what do they think of the church and some are very complimentary but most are very critical so then I do something which came to me spontaneously in the first interview I did I said well there's the camera there look into the camera and speak to the pastor's of Brazil you should see them and and their criticism turns to passion here's what somebody said what I want to say to you pastors is you got to stop preaching your own opinions and the stuff that pleases people start preaching the true word of Christ and something one of the first people said this pastors you need to speak less and listen more Wow the pain of a generation that has been missed out not listened to and I want to say this to myself and to all church leaders including our cell leaders we need to say less than pray more say less and pray more I'm saying we shouldn't talk but I'm saying we should pray more because then when we when we stand up with the elder announce the good things of God not just go on and on our own strength so he announced the next move of God but he turned to prayer so what what is this next move what is it all about okay just throw out some things which I think are fairly obvious to me and I know that some people agree with this and maybe there's more to it and we'll keep listening but the first thing the point already made is that this next move of God like all moves to God is going to be birthed in prayer I'm not saying that prayer is going to make it happen because prayer does not make anything to happen God makes it to happen and when we pray we link with the God who gives us the words to say and he brings that about okay now then at the top of this list of what this manifestation is going to be there's going to be a love of righteousness that will take us all by surprise now what I mean by by that is that we will have birthed in us a new passion for the righteousness of God and for the lifestyle that pleases God it I don't want to overstate this because there is no such thing as effortless holiness you know you don't just waft along in some spirit of holiness without having to discipline to bring some discipline in your life and it talks to priests talks about carrying your cross and that's painful to be bailed upon a cross daily is painful and it takes effort it takes focus it takes discipline but without the Holy spirt it's impossible but in this move of God there's going to be such a love of righteousness such a love of holiness there will be spontaneous it'll be the Holy Spirit of our lives giving us the love for the holiness of God and the righteousness of God and His righteousness and everything that makes God happy we'll be more concerned about what makes God happy than what makes us happy amen and amen very close to the top of the list also is a love for the word of God and I mean the real Word of God I'm not talking about preachers picking out half a text here another half a text there and putting together a whole new message which sounds very nice but it's not founded on the right interpretation of Scripture are you with me in a couple of days time 31st age which is all Hale's or All Hallows Eve which is something All Saint's Eve evil Saints Day that is one of the in the church diary and and and it was 31st of October and in on TBN at 6 o'clock at night party kendall will be presenting a program about martin luther which he feel in Vinton burg over the summer we saw some of it in our Luther conference and by the way the Luther conference was one of the most significant conferences we had and I want to make sure you get it we had some top experts they were amazing and their teaching was amazing and mind boggling brain stretching it was fantastic it wasn't all lying on the floor going HeLa my Sheila it was scratching your head saying I hope I cannot really understand what they're saying because they were very very clever and giving us a lot of stuff Master that material it's so important because whatever else we are we are thinking believing people we believe that we should love God with our hearts and our minds and the basic message of the Luther conference was to return to the first principles of the Reformation and one of the first principles is Sola scriptura meaning only the Bible get back to the Bible the Bible not human tradition the Bible not human interpretation the Bible as interpreted by the Holy Spirit and his power in our lives is the only hope for Britain and going back to that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel which is the power of God to salvation it's the only thing that we have is the only hope for Britain and we cannot be ashamed of that gospel it is a simple message put your trust in Jesus and your sins will be forgiven your destiny will be changed and so will your life be changed and God will be your Lord and God will be your savior that is the only message that can change a nation and and we cannot apologize through it I mean many places where I go they say no no don't talk about John 3:16 we heard that give us the more he'll emerge Sheila give us the more shamayim dies they want the charismatic manifestation but if you're not careful it won't even be the Holy Spirit that is manifesting unless you know that you are founder on the Word of God it is the scripture that will bring this revival the word of God get back to that we are a word and spirit church something else I believe is going to happen we're going to be amazed at the level of power that God will commit to his people we will be amazed at the level of power now you know when we talk about power there are certain levels I'm speaking about power okay let's use electrical power let's let's use some of the power analogies north of the Holy Spirit's like electricity but there are levels of manifestation of power all right I mean I know there's the difference between the car that I Drive and some of the cars that I've been in let's just leave it there all right okay and when God trusts us with his levels of his power you'll be amazed it will be amazed you will speak a word and you won't even really know much about the workings of this necessarily but you will speak a word and something will happen you'll be in a hospital and you put your hands on somebody in their eyes will open blind eyes will open and you say what happened I'm God to say I did that okay levels of power you'll walk down the street and the word of knowledge will be télécharger into your Holies into your spirit by the Holy Spirit and your no stuff you could never know but by supernatural revelation and a word will come forth from you and you be able to speak about the destiny of individuals and people God give you the ability to read people's mail without opening the letters all right you got that one because God always works in power there's the manifestations now as I travel around I see a rising of the level of false miracles okay I'm trying to stay because the devil does his stuff and and he's getting he's very active now what's the church doing well I tell you what we're doing getting ready for the power of God's gonna hit us in a new way first manifestation another thing that I feel about this and this is confirmed over and over again as you just pick up maybe you've seen some of this stuff as well different conferences different reputable men and women of God this revival is a revival that's going to hit the streets think about it can I hit the streets I've said it's gonna hit the streets it's not just gonna be something that we sit and enjoy in church buildings this revival is gonna be on the outside not just the inside it's gonna be on the outside we're gonna carry this revival what's gonna happen I believe I'm getting really excited about this and you know we need to pray into at all I'm not just declaring this and in an empty way we've got industry over all of this what's gonna happen the glory of God is gonna come upon our lives in such a way that even we won't even know how rich and how full that glory is and we're gonna build we're gonna go into work we're gonna shake somebody with the hand they're gonna fall down another power of God they're gonna stand up with stand up saved and speaking in tongues they can say wow what hit me I don't know amen you're gonna go into hospitals and say hi I hope you get well and when you say get well the powers gonna touch me I'm gonna get well right on the spot okay I'm not exaggerating this I'm not saying this is gonna be like every minute of every day but this stuff is going to happen because when we're in the glory of God then something happens to us his glory rubs off unto us the anointing is about the rubbing off of the glory of God into your soul and into your spirit and when you are a carrier of this you carry it wherever you go and it won't be about this person or that person or this great man of God or that even greater woman of God it'll be about ordinary people carrying the glory of God in an anonymous way it doesn't matter who they are who prayed for whom who laid hands on whom whose pictures on the cover of the magazine all of that will be irrelevant and indeed irreverent because all the glory will go to Jesus give him a mighty praised in this house tonight now come on people of God a'mighty praise so travailing prayer begins by being spiritually minded that was my first point second and third is gonna be very quick it only operates through those two us separated he said you go and eat I'm going to the top of the mountain it was a lonely place high place of intercession it cost him time it cost in separation but he had to be correctly positioned why the top of the mountain is it is the atmosphere more holy up there no though there is something about the mountains of God isn't it isn't there it's because he was positioning himself to watch and pray that's why he sent his servant he's to go and watch come back and report what do you see nothing seven times then he said there's a cloud the size of a man's hand correctly positioned on the top of the mountain I want to ask you this deeply and sincerely and let the Holy Spirit take this message home with you are you correctly positioned to be in the place where God wants you to be to be used as a vehicle of the coming revival all please don't let that get lost in the carpark get this message underline it he is calling people to watch and pray okay seperated next point it comes to the spiritually minded it comes to the separated it comes to those who are willing to travail in the spirit point number three travail in the spirit the Bible says of Messiah in Isaiah 53 he shall see the travail of his soul and be satisfied two things here there would be no fruit if there was no travail but there at where that where there is travail there will be fruit that's what's so wonderful about this boot of travail when that spoon of travail comes on you you know something is going to happen when it first happened to me and I was travailing I didn't know what it was there was no Bible teaching on it I just found myself in my digs in Bournemouth when I was on tour and this agonising came into my suit I had no idea what it was if I felt it was the Spirit of God and then something happened not long after that a spiritual manifestation signs and wonders took place on the street somebody came to Christ through my witness there my testimony and I knew it was linked to that travail the fruit of travail has to come first from travail the travail of his soul and he shall be satisfied when Jesus stood at the grave of Lazarus the Bible says several times Jesus groaned in his spirit it was not just the agony of losing a friend it was not just the pain in his soul his emotions it was the agony of the Spirit as he knew that he was bringing to birth a manifestation of the glory of God that will be spoken out for all time and eternity he was birthing something in his spirit when Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane he said now is my soul troubled he was birthing he sweat great drops of blood he was birthing even even to the point of death so big was this agony in Romans 8 it speaks about the creation groaning he talks about us groaning in the spirit and it talks about the spirit groaning in us through words that cannot be uttered deep sighing deep groaning through words that cannot be uttered this is the new this is the manifestation of the new creation which comes through travail in your spirit it's the manifestation of new creation agonizing and that's what Elijah was doing how do we know well first thing he did was he bowed his head to the ground and put his head between his knees any midwife will know that that is the best birthing position so guys if you're ever in that situation you now know what to do any more instruction will be given by our nursing staff here tonight and what was the birthing he was birthing the new manifestation of God the new move of God agonizing final point then comes manifestation [Music]
Channel: Kensington Temple
Views: 6,574
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: Kensington Temple, KT
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2017
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