JUDE | A Call to Persevere | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO dot org we pray this message will speak to your heart this is your first time here if you are guests if you are not a follower of Jesus Christ we welcome you to victory Church and we welcome you to week three of our teaching series through the New Testament letter of Jude if you missed the first two messages in the series they are available for you on podcasts or on YouTube and if you're watching this message wherever you're watching this message in our country we want to welcome you to what essentially is our rally cry from here in Atlanta we are we are shouting and we are crying from here in Atlanta for the veneration of God and for the preservation of biblical Christianity and for the spread of the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and we will not stop that cry and to all have heard that glorious message of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so we welcome all of you to this just a cry for the stand of truth thank you so much gentlemen on the screen behind me right now is the picture of a four year old girl her name is Malia and several days ago I made a post on my social media page about this little girl named Malia Malia is a four year old that lives or lived in Houston this little girl was left by her mother in the care of her mother's boyfriend to watch after her while she was out of town according to the story the boyfriend was driving with Malia and his son both in the backseat of a car where they had a flat tire pulled over the side of the road and some men drove up behind them knocked him over his head and he woke up twenty-four hours later and the only person I was with him was his one year old son noise and Malia was missing that was his story as investigators we begin to dig in our just a little bit deeper to the story they will find that this man's story begin to unravel it didn't sit still with the investigators the story seemed to make no sense and as they begin to investigate the story around and the story will begin to fall apart as it didn't make sense to him that somebody would have kidnapped little Malia and I wrote about the story of my social media page because I was grieved over the circumstances surrounding what happened to this little girl there's a little beautiful for your girl and as the story begins to unfold the police begin to say that the story was not what the father said or not what the the boyfriend said but instead as they began to follow him they found that there was blood in his bathroom and traces of blood in the hallway of his apartment and they found traces of blood in the trunk of his car and then they will begin to then think that maybe Malia was not missing but rather Malia may have been the victim of murder she may have been killed by the boyfriend of the mother who left them in charge to watch after the four year old and when I thought about the story i sat back in my bed and I wept for this little girl I'm not sure if her body has not yet been found but I sat in my bed and I'm wept over this little girl and I wrote about these type of nefarious killings that that show forth the depths of the depravity of human beings that a person would take the life of a little girl and maybe even brutally took her life in a bathroom when I was driving to our gathering this morning the Holy Spirit reminded me of little Malia and as I thought about little Malia the Holy Spirit reminded me I said little Malia are like my children in the body of Christ and as I thought about her faith and as I thought about some of the faces in this room I thought about her story is so synonymous with some of the evil I see happening right now in the American church where our Father has left in charge of his Shepherds some Malia's for them to care for and to protect but instead of caring and protecting for his little sheep and instead of caring and protected for his Malia's instead his little Malia's are being ravaged by men who had been sworn to protect those that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and so where a mother left her child under the charge of a man who may have killed her child I see the same thing happening right now in America where God has left his children under the charge of men and women who are not real Provident going astray and a ravaging little sheep and a ravaging little Malia's and all around the body of Christ and churches all over this country i see the trail of blood of people that used to be on fire but have been led away by false teaching i see the trail of blood of people that used to be in the faith and have been led away by false teaching i see the trail of blood on the hands of men and women who claim to be teachers but a really wolves in sheep's clothing who are ravaging God's flock and are putting to death our little malleus and for every follower who I know personally who has been carried up who's been carried away by false teaching a young man who I know personally that used to be on fire that used to be in the trenches with me every time I think about men and women that used to be on my right hand and my left hand that has been carried away by some blog some teacher something they started believing and now I see their life is all messed up and jacked up I see they've been carried away and I see the blood stain of what used to be a life on fire and when I stare at the face of this little girl this morning as I stare to her face her men I see these are the face of God's people God's precious sheep that in the eyes of God we look just like this in the eyes of God notice nowhere in the scriptures are you ever called an adult nowhere in the scriptures are we ever referred as a does but we are referred to what as children of God and with God sees you and I he sees us like this little children and he wants to what love and to protect and to train and to raise then I could just imagine the grief of God when he sees precious little Malia's being led astray by false teaching and false prophets and for as much as so many of you sitting right here think you're so strong and we're so confident and what we believe I'm telling you most of us are only one sermon away from being carried away from the truth we'll only one rinse away from believing a lie we're one block away from being led astray we have one podcast away from believing false teachings and I'm telling you right now man somebody may not even appreciate this until 20 years from now I'm telling America right now we are in trouble because our people are being led astray by false teachers and it is weakening the Christian faith in America our churches are dead our churches are dying and people are being grown and pseudo Christianity and they are serving of Jesus that does not exist and so we create a God to suit our own lives and we created Jesus to suit our own lives and God's precious little sheep are being ravished by divas in the pulpit leading God's people astray and I'm crying out here from Atlanta that the real people of God would wake up and start praying for the church in America [Applause] it is to this evil that Jude was writing when he thought he would write about the common faith but instead he felt something more pressing on his heart that he would write about a more evil and the Farias danger in the Christian Church the cancer of false teaching and what began I said last week as a cloud in the days of Jude has now grown into a mighty hurricane in our generation that you can't even look left or right and not bump into false doctrine there's why we have so much false believing and because we have so much false believing we have so much damaged Christians or weak Christians or watch this confused men and women of God because of false teaching there are some believers who are hurting and going through stuff because they for false teaching and false believing I'm one of the greatest things you were ever hold on to his biblical teaching so in week 1 of this series we preach Jude 1 through 4 where Jude is saying to all the believers we must contend for the faith that is you must fight for what's handed down to you by Jesus and the Apostles the truth of Jesus's teachings the truth of the teachings of the Apostles we must fight for that and we must contend for that because it's being stripped from us right under our nose never more than that message is needed now than ever a time in our society as I was sharing with a brother in the faith just two nights ago in my basement I said brother do you even realize that right now as I'm talking to you statistics show that one of the fastest places where Christianity is dying is right here in the United States of America and I said to him for your children and my children what are we gonna hand off to them if we who are alive right now and have the faith are not contending for the faith then in week two we preach from Jude five through sixteen where Jude is warning these Christians about false teachers and he gives us a list of the characteristics of false teachers and he tells us to avoid them to stay away from them to keep them out of our love feasts he tells us what these false teachers looks like and then where Jude goes next in the letter what we would read today verse 17 through 23 I think in my estimation in my study it is the most important series of verses in the letter of Jude Jude now would say content to the faith and then Jude would say beware of false teachers and then in verse 17 Jude would now say to the people of God he will now say but my dear friends he will say remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ for oh so he says to them I want you to call into remembrance with Jesus and the Apostles photo I want you to bring that up in your memory against the backdrop of all this false teaching that you're hearing I want you to bring back to your memory what Jesus and the Apostles told us in essence what he was saying that you need truth so that you could discern the lies but he says to them watch remember what Jesus in the Apostle said you can't remember something you don't know and you can't remember what you have not been taught so he says everything that Jesus taught us through oral tradition and everything you heard from the Apostles through our religion I want you to now to remember that and this shows us the importance of having word in our well so that when we find ourselves around deception or listen to something that doesn't sound right when we have word in our well something rises up beside us and say I healed with your preaching but that doesn't sound right I see what they wrote but that doesn't sound right so he's saying in an atmosphere of deception he says remember what Jesus said so while we love to shout men down in here preaching he says listen y'all need to hold fast to what Jesus said so he said remember what Jesus said remember the Apostles what they foretold that is what they prophesied then in verse 18 he would say they said to you in the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires so listen to what he said everybody look at me this is powerful Jude said to them remember this what is this remember the prophecies of Jesus that in the last times scoffers will arise who are false teachers now notice the parenthesis he says in the last times there will be scoffers who follow their own ungodly desire why is that in parentheses because these are not the words of Jude these are in parentheses because these are some of the body of teachings from Jesus and the Apostles it was your Lord and my lord that told us that in the last days wolves or men and sheeps called wolves would arise false teachers would arise and they would lead people a strength and so joe said remember the prophecies of those who went before us Christ and the apostles that in the last times scoffers will arrive what are the last times what are the last times the last times are the time between the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and the return of Jesus from heaven that gap in history is called the last times you and I are living in that gap that's called the last times now the scripture says no man knows the day or the hour in which Jesus will return but Jesus did not leave us confused for he said you may not know the day or the hour but when you see these things happening in the earth you know that my return is near and Jesus talked about all these things we will see happen false prophets lovers people will love themselves Paul talked about this lovers of them's men will love themselves people will love money the rise of false prophet wars and rumors of wars he said when you see all these things happening in the earth you know that my return is near so he pointed to a tree and he said to his disciples he said you see that tree you see the leaves falling on that tree when you see the leaves falling off that tree you know that the winter is near in the same way when you see all these things happening in the earth you know that the end is near and one of the fallacy of so many believers is that we don't see that the headlines of the news are reading right out of the pages of the Bible that all around the world we see God bringing the combination of all things towards the return of Jesus Christ and although we don't know the day nor the hour we know the season in which the Lord is going to return and we are closer to the return of the Lord now than we was than ever before in fact right now as I'm talking to you there are no more biblical prophecies that need to be fulfilled for Jesus to return the last Biblical prophecy that needed to be fulfilled for Jesus to return was that Israel will come back and be a nation again but that happened in 1948 is 2019 so we're riding on something that we're taking for granted time time that we don't have every prophecy needed for Jesus to crack the sky has been fulfilled but we dance and we preach and we cook chicken dinners and we don't prepare believers for the return of the Savior that can happen at any minute that for those of us who are praying and for those of us who are real prophets and for those of us who are sensitive man we can feel the hand of Jesus on the doorknob just waiting for the father to say go now that you and I are living in an area of grace where time is running out and he said that in last days in this time there will be a great rise of scoffers false teachers and they will start leading people astray this doctrine is called apostasy which is a great turning away of the faith of many people that there will be people walking with God now who may not be in that chair six months from now six years from now as false teachers keep leading people astray they are ravaging our little Malia's and so he tells them this is what the Apostles prophesied will come and then it shows watch this is powerful this is powerful the the presence of false teachers is a threat to biblical Christianity but the absence of false teachers is a threat to the accuracy of Christianity Jesus watch prophesied that false teachers would come so the presence of false teachers is a is a threat to Christianity but if they're not there then that's a threat to Jesus's credibility because he said they would come so if they're not here he's a liar so they're all among us so the presence of false teachers are a threat to Christianity but the absence of false teachers is a threat to biblical accuracy we can trust the Bible is true because false teachers are all around us so let me shut down the Quran and let me shut down the pearl of great price and let me shut down all these other religious writings and send me a DM there is only one book I don't care there is only one religious writing that has hundreds of prophecies that have come to pass with accuracy it's not the Quran it's not the pearl of great price it's not the fill in the blank it is the Holy Word of God that not one thing written in this word has fallen to the floor it can be watch this trusted so the fact that false prophets are here they threaten biblical Christianity but if they were not here they threaten biblical accuracy then in verse 19 jewel says this these are the men who divides you right these are the men who divides you who follow me human instincts and they don't even have the Holy Spirit of God inside them angel he said these are the men that divides you they separate friends they separate spouses the wife is listening to the real prophet the husband is listening to the false prophet and they argue during the week the girlfriend is listening to the false prophet the other girlfriends listen to the real prophet and they argue during the week think about how many relationships have been lost because because of preaches one person holding on to one teaching another person holding on to another teaching and a relationship has been lost one person believes the truth the other person believes their own truth and a relationship has been lost what a husband believes the Word of God a wife believes another in religion and now a marriage has been lost these are the false teachers that divide us they tear up churches they split ministries divided they create division dimed means two vision is see they cause people to see differently he said man they they preaching but they not even feel with the spirit so there's no anointing on their word tired of people throwing around the anointed Oh he anointed why because everybody was running around the room and throwing towels charisma is not anointing power is anointing and you know it when you feel it in a room an anointing does not belong to us it is borrowed from God he has to put it on the vessel that's when we be moved by emotions but we can't feel anointing what emotion will give you a good sermon anointing will transform your life I don't want just a good sermon I want to transform grace but in that church for 20 years and there's no fruit in your life you got sermons with no anointing been listening to that worship leader for four years and there's no fruit in your life she's singing songs with no anointing and we so foolish we think just because somebody's in position they got a title they got anointed like Saul wasn't an office for 13 years after God anointed somebody else to replace him my bad I'm assuming they know what I'm talking about the first king of ancient Israel was a man named saw God once anointed him to be king after wash all thought he was smarter than God so God was saying and Saul would do be God would say see and so I would do D after God got fed up because he's not going to keep striving with your rebellion he said you know what Saul I'm done with you he calls a prophet named Samuel to go down to a man's house and anoint my next king named David but watch how powerful this is he anoints David a king at the age of 17 David doesn't become King until 30 so forth for 13 years a man who was stripped of anointing still was king [Music] for 13 years a men who were stripped of an anointing was still King Oh he'd been passed to her in 4x Imani is no anointing she been singing 4x Imani is no anointing that churches like acaba the Spirit of God has left it that man is like Ichabod the Spirit of God has left him but because he has a name we swear they anointed but your church is full of Malia's being led astray then Jews said in verse 20 he says give me verse 20 but you difference he says build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit now this is powerful look at what you told him everybody look at me eye contact this is powerful Jew said to them build yourself up in your most holy faith why would he say that because he no just rejected false teaching was not enough to keep them in the face he said it takes more to stay in the faith than just rejecting false teaching it takes the building up of your spirit to remain firm in the faith you're not gonna be firm in this faith by just rejecting false teachers that's the first step but you're gonna be built up as you're built up in the faith then you will be able to stand so he's not sony says reject false teachers but also build yourself up in the faith and look he says build yourself up in the most holy faith the word holy means set apart because there are other faiths and then there was gel face definitive article the one we call the truth and the life he says build yourself up not in your faith not in any faith billions of up in the holy faith of God he says build yourself up in that right build yourself up in the faith he says build yourself up in the faith why would he tell him that you're talking about these false teachers and in the book of Acts in the book of Acts there was a a man named Paul who was a former murderer converted to Christianity by Jesus Luke who wrote the book of Acts recorded something Paul said about these same false teachers who Jude is warning them to warning them about the build up the faith in Acts chapter 20 Luke recorded Paul and saying this the Apostle Paul who planted a church in Ephesus modern-day Turkey he passed at that church for three years he's getting ready to turn that church over to other men and then he senses them he said now I know that none of you among whom I have gone about preaching the kingdom you will ever see me again so watch Paul is getting ready to leave the church at Ephesus I've been there for three years I planted the church i pastored the church now I'm getting ready to turn it over and he said when I leave you will never see my face again and listen to listen to what he gives them this is the love of a shepherd look everybody watch he says therefore since I'm leaving I declared to you today that I am innocent of the blood of all men that's not for Paul says I'm innocent of the blood of all men a lot of preachers can't say that he said look when I leave here this is powerful no one's blood will be on my hands where's Paul quoting this from well he knows the Word of God and in the Book of Ezekiel the Bible talks about preachers who don't teach people right and because they're dying in their sin the blood of those people will be on the hands of those preachers so when they stand for God he would say year you preached you shouted you was exciting but what about all those people that went to hell because of your bad doctrine their blood is going to be a required of you today Paul knowing the Old Testament says listen the blood of everybody in this Ephesians church is not going to be on my hands but watch why why would why would he be able to leave and sleep why would he be able to say their blood would not be on my hands because of the next thing he says for I have not watched hesitated to watch proclaim to you how much how much how much the whole counsel of God's Word that is listen when I was with you I preached you all of God's counsel the parts that blessed you and the parts that hurts you you want evidence of false teaching you've been in that ministry for how long and you've never been confronted you've never heard about sin you've never been challenged listen my brothers or sisters let's stop the nonsense right give me that camera let's stop the nonsense right now listen you cannot listen to teaching for any amount of time and not be rubbed in the road and not be rubbed offended a challenge or your toes stepped on that is impossible because you will bump into things in here that will challenge you to watch this bro you cannot grow when I watch this pruning and you will be pruned by what truth so if I only listen to people that make me feel good but I love them if you only listen to people that make you feel good are they giving you the whole counsel of God's Word your blood is gonna be on their hands it's not worth your soul entertainment is not worth your giving a clamor entertainment it's not worth your soul charisma is not worth your soul you've been there because it was your Grandmama's Church is not worth your soul use because you got loyalty to a false teacher it's not worth your soul they got a big following on social media it's not worth your soul when we get mature we say stuff like you know what I want to be hurt that I may grow I want my toes stepped on that I may grow I want to be rubbed a little bit that I may may grow watch this hurt me so that you can save me tell me about myself so you can save me you ever seen a beautiful bush in front of somebody's house and takes scissors to make that thing beautiful it's what the whole Council of God does it chops away the flesh it chops away bad behavior and chops away wrong believing it chops away your nasty attitude it chops away your forced Dutch it chops away our blessings ow ow ow blessings ow ow ow blessings ow ow ow that's the whole counsel of God's Word it is blessings and al [Applause] somebody say blessings and now that's the truth of God's Word and if we had any argument about what was supposed to bill you up so you think just just just excitement should build me up Ashley if there was any confusion notice I just keep teaching you the Bible if there's any confusion about what's supposed to bill you up Paul will tell them in the next few verses he will say this he will say give me give me the last verse and Acts that I gave you give me the last one now commit to you God I commit you to God and to the what the of his what grace the word grace is carries in Greek CH ARS which means gift I'll commit you to God and the word of his the gift of his word which can and give you an inheritance among those who being sanctified this is what builds you up this is what builds us up the word the more word we have the more strong we'll be the more word we know the easier it is to discern lies if you want to be built up listen when you're hurting open them Psalms when you're looking for wisdom open proverbs when you're trying to get closer to Jesus open the Gospels when you want to know how to live right amongst other believers open the New Testament keep holding on to this word and let your tears fall on the pages put it in your ears while you're doing the dishes keep it in your ears while you're walking on the track get the word in you as much as this as you can get in you it will build you up look we got don't weaves and dope haircuts and nice clothes and we look so pretty on the outside but some of us are so broken on the inside because we don't have no word to sustain us one of the greatest gifts to use to be in a church where the word is being taught I don't want to just look good on the outside I want to be built up on the inside why is that important watch cuz life is coming for all of us and when life comes man you need to have something you can stand on what are you gonna do when you don't have a show that a call sometimes you got to know how to watch build yourself up in your most holy faith when David found himself in trouble he had to encouraged himself in the Lord let me let me finish the message give me back Jude two more verses then he says keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life I got two more verses this is so powerful everybody looked at me carefully I contact Jude said to them that he says to us look at me he says keep yourself in God's love but you say well preacher God's love is unconditional the word keep means a word you must do God's love is like the Sun it's always shining but with our life we can put up umbrellas of rebellion or umbrellas of insecurity and we can run away from God's love umbrellas of shame and run away from God's love umbrellas of false teaching and blackout God's love he says keep yourself in God's love that is the unconditional love of God is always being poured out but we can run away from that love and I'm telling you right now it's so painful to love someone that does not want to be loved anybody's been in a relationship know everybody's been single your whole life it's not a sin to be in a relationship all right so I'm the only one that's been in a relationship does anyone to know anybody know how painful it is to try to love someone that don't want to be loved I know it is to try to love someone that don't want to be loved listen you've been abused by so many men that now you meet a real man who's trying to love you and you keep projecting on me the pain of the false lovers so every time I try to love you you don't want to be loved and you keep buffeting my love and you keep rejecting my love and it's painful to me that I have real love in my heart but you keep running away from that love it's painful for the giver to see somebody run away from real love but then it's also painful for the person watching to see someone who has access to real love and keep rejecting that real love how painful it says am i running around around false love because they keep rejecting real love real love I'm searching for real love somebody to set you know how painful it is for God to keep trying to love you and because you feel unworthy of that love you keep running or because you're listening to false teachers you keep running or because you're being dried the way you can he keeps trying to pour out loving you men some may God has been loving you for 25 years and you still don't trust him you know how you know how painful is to pouring out love on people who won't either love you back or remain in love like how many times your gonna run away with somebody else before you realize I love you how many other things you're gonna put before me before you realize I love you your house is your home your car is your home your business is your home your all of these other things are your sidepiece but you don't know that they will never be able to love you like me your job is your mistress but it can't love you like me your bank account is your mistress but it can't love you like me all these other things on your side pieces but they can't love you like me is that harsh this is real go read Hosea [Music] he says keep yourselves in God's love watch this and wait for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life washes what is mercy almost done mercy is a grace for who a one who was guilty of punishment he says listen stay in God's love and wait for the mercy of Jesus Christ who is that mercy for all of us who have been born because by nature were in sin we are the objects of God's wrath the scripture says you and I are by nature the objects of God's wrath God's wrath is gonna be poured out on the earth it's gonna be poured out in hell and he says for those of you who are saved stay in God's love and wait for his mercy what mercy for Jesus to carry you into eternal glory you think about how many people shipwrecked their faith before they had a chance to be carried into eternal glory so he says wait for that and look at the theology of Jude he shows the Trinitarian nature of God he talks about the love of God he talks about praying in the spirit he talks about watch he says the mercy of Jesus God the Father Son and the Holy Spirit he says wait and in verse 22 let me close with this getting ready to land the plane I love the theology a Jew who talks about the Father Son in the Holy Spirit and then and then take verse 22 down let me let me come back to that take that down you could just go back you take it down and then he says he says about he says about faith he says praying the faith he talked about pray in the spirit he talks about the faith he talks about love and he talks about eternity which is really hope faith love and hope faith love and hope faith love and hope faith love and hope for those of us who know word something should be rising up in our spirit first Corinthians 13 where Paul writes about love and he gets the last verse and verse 13 says now these three must remain faith hope and love the greatest of these is love why did Paul said these three must remain why must faith hope and love remain my brothers and sisters listen to me in this life you're gonna lose you're gonna lose time you're gonna lose opportunities you may lose houses cars friendships marriages all this stuff there's a lot of things in this life you're gonna lose in this life we will lose things and those things should turn to lessons but there's three things Paul says no matter what happens in your life you must hold on to them faith hope and love why because if you have faith hope and love you can bounce back from anything faith if you have faith hope and love my brothers and sisters you can bounce back from anything faith is the ability to believe hope is an expectation of good love is the greatest thing ever poured out on human beings now let me finish the message Jule spends 21 verses talking to you for you contend to the faith contend for the faith beware of false preachers and then in this next verse he would then shift the focus from you to others and this is the part where American Christians we fall asleep because of our indifference and our apathy watch this I know you love messages about blessing don't you and you love messages about how you're gonna receive and all of that but we're Jul goes next this is the part we gotta fight believers where we preach like this to believe us this is where everybody nods everybody falls asleep everybody falls their hands nobody takes the next verse is serious how does jude finishes this section he shifts the focus from you to those outside of christianity those who watch have been carried away by false teaching and those we know who are trapped right now in false believing that is IE the loss and those underneath the doctrines of demons what does he say let's finish the teaching he says be merciful to those who doubt what does that mean for those who do not believe the truth he says for some of them be merciful to them what does that mean you can't beat everybody over the head with the Bible in other words when we see people who are outside of the faith for some of them we must watch this walk with them in relationship over a period of time we bring them into the faith through a relationship so he says be merciful to some letters have Starbucks with somebody that is not a Christian you don't always have to force doctrine down people's throats so he says for some people is gonna take watch this time so just walk with them and be merciful to them show compassion be patient for some of us we quote John 3:16 for God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life but in context who was Jesus talking to an unbeliever at night named Nicodemus who at some point time would become a believer because when Jesus dies we know Nicodemus remains at the foot of the cross and helps with a man named Joseph to bury him so for some people he says listen have mercy and walked with them show them mercy and grace don't be harsh with some but watch this watch where he goes next but for others he says this for others snatch others from the fire and save them to others show mercy mixed with fear hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh so he said for some people you walk with them because that has to be they have to be saved in a relationship he said for others watch they don't have time they don't know that death is coming for them they don't know that they gotta be ruined so for them you can't walk for them for them you got to snatch them from the fires of hell and how do you do that with gospel truth telling people Jesus loves you and ask him into your heart some people that's not snatching them snatching people saying listen you are sinner if you die in your sin you're gonna go to hell God sent Jesus because he loved you if you turn from your sin and repent put your faith in him and call on his name you shall be saved you need to do that now because they don't have time so Jew said there's so many people being led astray by false teaching they're lost they're not safe they're in danger of hellfire for some of them walk with them just be their friends and keep being a gospel light and win them over slowly for others he says snatch them from the fires of hell but he said not even loving the close thing but flesh which is the which means as you walk with them don't become like them hate the sins hate that type of nasty behaviors that lead people to hell but love them in the process to snatch them out what is this verse 17 through 23 is what is the call of Drew to every believer watch watch me look everybody eye contact 17 through 23 is the call of Jude for every believer to persevere build yourself up pray remain in the faith remain in the love of God you know that is no matter what you go through don't abandon the faith in the middle of difficulty in the middle of persecution in the middle of trials in the middle of guard seasons don't abandon the faith for some of you you're in a long season of suffering my wife right now my wife and I dealing with a new season of free and true to say no matter what you go through don't ship right your faith don't walk away from the love of God persevere you know what perseverance it means to remain resolute in the face of discouragement difficulty hardship or trial and I think about how many people in this room how many people watching me right now man we may be in seasons maybe going through hardship with shedding tears and we're just men we're just a week away from giving up what are you clinging to you're looking for a tweet to rescue you some posts stay in the love of God cling to the Word of God pray seek his face lift up your soul to him not only is this a call of Jude to persevere and this is the part nobody's gonna say Amen but this is the call of Jude look at me to care about those who are in danger of hellfire you made plans to go on vacation with your girlfriends and one of them may not see that vacation we're running out of time so what does this look like in context I close with this in Queens well was raised I have a best friend who still lives in New York his name is Matthew he's a mortgage banker here close any deal in the country he's a beast he was raised in a single home with a father his mother was a junkie Matthew and I ran these streets since we was 12 selling drugs pulling guns in and out of trouble he had a father named David who I called uncle David David was a harsh man a military man was shot in the head and survived I will come into the house and David would give me money and he will beat me up this was my life with Uncle David when I turned 24 I gave my life to Christ in a bathroom and then when I would come around Uncle David he would know that I had changed he would say my son I see you going in another direction I would try to share truth with him he wouldn't hear it but I would just walk with Uncle David and love him some years would pass and Uncle David now with contact cancer and his body and he was in Maryland in a hospital and one night in prayer the Holy Spirit woke me up out of my bed and say go and see Uncle David I had showed him mercy I had walk with him he didn't hear nothing I had to tell him for years and I called up my cousin Myesha I said Myesha God gave me a word and said we must go see Uncle David now and we drove a rental car to Maryland and got to the hospital right before it closed and went into his room push open the door and then he was on the bed his body ate and up with cancer and I look uncle David in his eyes and I didn't say jesus loves you I knelt down at his bedside and I look uncle David in his eyes I said Uncle David you are a sinner you've been a sinner your whole life Uncle David and if you die in this hospital room the worst thing that happens to you is not gonna be this cancer but the worst thing that's gonna happen to you uncle David is where you're gonna wake up if you slip out of this life because of cancer and he'll and I said Uncle David you've heard this message before and maybe this might be the last time you hear it you need to repent uncle David you need to turn from your sin uncle David you need to surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ uncle David are you ready to do that right now and with tears in his eyes he said yes my son I held his hand and I prayed with him I got up from his bedside I said Uncle David I love you and I walked out of his room and a week later Uncle David slipped into eternity he just made it in by a few hours a man who had been carried away by force teaching his whole life he just made it in in the last few hours what about your uncle David what about your friends your mother your father your homeboys all the people would have watched us on our social media all of them one car accident away from damnation or one breath away one day away who are we praying for who are separated from the faith who are we not inviting to this room to hear gospel preacher what about your uncle David and this is the part where Christians push away from the table because we've been taught doctrines of indifference and apathy Jude says persevere Jude says walk with those who are unbelievers Jude says snatch some from the fires of hell I walked with Uncle David but in the last week of his life I snatched his soul from the fire and it's that type of living and that type of praying and that type of focus that will make your Christian life explode with deeper purpose and as we see the Day approaching well we gather all the more will we cling to Jesus all the more and may we pray and care about those outside the faith all the more this is the message of Jude in this section persevere and difficulty care about those who are in danger of hellfire this is not American gospel but this is a hundred proof crossbow and maid set a new fire in your soul to be strong in the middle of your circumstance and to care about everyone you know who right now as I'm talking to you are in danger holy father I pray for all of these my brothers and sisters I pray for all of these your sons and daughters I pray you would take the seed of your word [Music] plant it firmly in their hearts that it would bear fruit in their lives for the one in this room who is weary and weak they stand firm in the faith and cling to you and everything in them may you give them strength in the middle of this difficulty now you have them to be strong in the middle of this difficulty will you teach them how to build themselves up in the faith for all of us who are surrounded by men and women who are separated from you would you give us a new burden for them that would lead us into deeper prayer for them and gospel action for them will you teach us to walk with the unbeliever in love and to snatch others from the fires of hell may your children were awakened in this hour to the mission you have called us to through the words of Jude I pray that right now over these my brothers and sisters in Christ's name we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 3,474
Rating: 4.9053254 out of 5
Id: IaVf0ZQBYxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 7sec (3367 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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