Prayers That Avail Much

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast if this ministry has been a blessing to you please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online it's just in the giving option that works best for you if you have a testimony we'd love to hear it send us an email to share at victory Church of HCl or once again we thank you for tuning in and we really hope you enjoy this message to victory church missus good the last teaching message of next week will be the last week in this series open conversation and some live questions about any anything that you heard the series those questions answer questions will allow for some testimonies that will happen next week and I'll say some words about prayer but this is the final teacher in this series this is week six of a series we call them access to exploring [Music] I freaking love y'all [Music] the scripture says this is the last teaching message in a series previous [Music] teaching today just read the scriptures to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] 61 to be exciting read three verses from 61 he has anointed me to preach the good news of the world and he just read three verses of Scripture and he closed down the church service he really didn't bring she just read the scriptures to God's people and create a number [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my prayer is that as we read God's Word that husband [Music] [Music] [Music] all of you people three would open their hearts a pre God you would give them a appetite right now for your word and the grace God to receive active sharper than any two-edged sword you speak to us directly from the pages of your word the word is already anointed so father we don't need to pray for an anointing we just pray God that our hearts will be open to your word that we will not set up what ichi is to be entertained but then we will just lean into the scriptures these define manuscripts that have been preserved for us God by your Holy Spirit offered by your Holy Spirit through 40 men of a period of 1500 years with men speaking three different languages living on three different continents supernaturally brought together to us closer to you the underground church those being persecuted for the faith the church is gone meeting in houses in secret collection two pages [Music] in the name of Jesus [Music] amen thank you so much worship team I appreciate you can you just help me honor these brothers are we [Music] thank you I appreciate you thank you so much Perez that avails much I was a the first person in my family born in the United States of America my parents were immigrants from the island of Trinidad oh maybe we got one person from the islands anybody from the islands I had like three people from the island shout out to everybody from the Caribbean you eat roti you eat beef patties you like peas and rice with still chicken no no no peas and rice with jerk chicken no oxtail plantain cabbage roti car we go car we go a car we go you said pig feet now that's from the south we don't eat pig feet pig feet pig feet she said pig feet we don't they don't eat pig feet in the Caribbean pickled pig feet not as from the deep south chitlins and yams and yeah cornbread corporate yeah mac and cheese Mack oh you're southerners we're all my southern people like mac and cheese and cornbread yams collard greens huh with with collard greens with the fat back on the inside of it yeah with the fat she said yeah she almost threw her shoe at me with the fat back in it my mother my parents were immigrants from the island of Trinidad was first person my family born in the US and you know my parents came here really with nothing my father was a wealthy man in Trinidad he owned businesses he had over 30 cars just women all of that before he got saved ran into my mother she was like an intern at one of his companies she would end up leading him to Christ they left Trinidad they came to United States they came here really with nothing first we lived in Brooklyn for a little while than Queens and you know my parents you know they they was they you know they struggled to assimilate to American culture they had troubles and issues and problems my parents had financial troubles and troubles with culture and they they did a phenomenal job raising you know my my sisters and I I remember standing you know on a line with my father and in Queens on a church and we would stand on the line and um and we would we would get to the front we're going to church and if we would leave with this box and box would have you know a block of cheese powdered milk nobody know nothing about this and cans and you know we they did the best they could to survive I have great memories from my childhood being spanked often and yeah I remember those my mother she was from Trinidad so she own Island people she had the belt with the three rules with the three anybody know about that and and she did all she could to keep me on the straight and narrow because I was really pulled a lot by the culture of my neighborhood but probably one of the greatest memories I have as a child growing up and I think I mentioned this tree and at the time I couldn't understand the great probably some of the greatest memories I have growing up was the times when I would I would I would sneak into the basement or sit outside my parents door and I would I would hear them praying I would hear them crying out to God I hear them crying out to God for finances crying out to God for help crying out to God for deeper understanding for wisdom for knowledge for strength crying out to God against people who persecuted them you know hardships that they was dealing with I would see them spending long hours in prayer and you know they would have their Bibles open up in front of them we still have my father's Bible who's in heaven right now and they would they would you know they like ambience so they would they would kind of set the mood in their prayer rooms and they would have candles burning and and their Bibles this candle grease and it would write all over their Bible when God would speak to them and you know I I would adopt the same principle I have a Bible I've been reading since I was saved and you know I would write in the pages of the margin where God spoke to me at different points and you know and I would remember hearing my parents pray and to this day those those words hearing my parents pray and watching my mother cry out to Jesus she was a real prayer warrior I mean I could still sometimes in my prayer closet I could hear my mother's prayers I can see her face down on the floor she had a wooden cross that I keep in my prayer room that's falling apart she would bang it on the floor and cry out to God and and and and for what it's worth with you know with everything else that happened and my those things stayed with me I remember them and they impacted me they impacted me deeply it would be years later at the age of 24 where God would rescue me in the bathroom over a toilet Durham North Carolina when he saved me I remember the first men of God that came into my life they were ferocious men of God beast men who loved the scriptures they would a type of men they would ask ask them a question and instead of just answering the question they would just open the Bible and they would answer the question with the Scriptures they trained me in the Word of God they trained me in righteousness they trained me and living holy and living right they Stern convictions in me one of the most beautiful things I learned from those men was listening to them pray we would I would I would watch them as they would pray we would we would be in a jam and now and they would pray we would be out in the street and we would meet somebody out in the street I will watch them lead people to Jesus in the middle of the street and then just pray like that was ferocious they were bold they were coming they had courage we would be in stores and they were just they would walk up to people and witness and pray for people in parks and stores wherever we went we would be in hospitals and people would be in a jam and they would just pray and I remember whenever they parade I would just stand at a distance and watch them as they prayed and I would listen to their prayers I would listen to how they called out to God I would listen how they feel their prayers with the Word of God I would listen how they how they submitted their hearts to God I would listen to the things they cried out for I would listen to how to cry out for intangible things not realizing in all those years listening to those men pray that hearing those prayers would have a deep impact on my heart it would have a deep effect on the way that I pray today part of the way that I pray today is largely effect of a larger result of hearing my mother prayed hearing my father pray and hearing those great men of God who I walk with for many years hearing them prayer and how trained me how to pray it made my grandmother palatal more effective it made my prayer more effectual more fervent it taught me what vanity was in my permit I wasn't praying for stuff like houses and cars when I got saved I wasn't praying I wasn't even praying for stuff like you know God deliver me from every single problem I would have these men praying for God to reveal himself in the middle of problems and as I listen to these men pray I don't know if you realize that all these years later man it would have an incredible impact on my prayer life because because one of the ways we really learn to pray is to listen to the prayers of others and when you listen to the prayers of others you get a sense on no not not everybody we listen to the prayers of godly people you get a sense of how to pray you get and also you get a sense of what's going on inside the souls in the hearts of those men and women you get a sense of their character I wanted to I wanted to close out this series in terms of the teaching part by us eavesdropping on the prayers of three great men of faith and that what I want to do for you because in the scriptures they are prayers recorded in the scriptures now listen look there are a lot of things God has watched supernaturally preserved in his word and everything he has preserved in his word he put it there for reason and for purpose and one of the things that God has preserved in his word is not only testimonies of his miracles at his movies but he for some reason has he preserved in this word the prayers of various saints men and women of God that cried out to him at different points in their life and what God chose to do although these people are dead and God was preserved their prayers why would he do that for them to just be there no for us to read them and learn from them and grow as a result of the missile I want to close out this message by us he's dropping on the prayers of three great men of faith just not just reading their prayers press that they said that God recorded I just want to read them to you that we could get a peek into the window of their soul then maybe we can learn something for our own prayer life by just looking at the prayers of these three men prayers that I say ah feels much once prayers that were effective so tucked away in the Old Testament of your Bible is this really boring book called first Chronicles and if you open up first Chronicles it was written by this man named Ezra and Ezra starts out just recorded in this one had a son named this and this one had a son named not and this one had a son named dis and this one had a son named that first chapter this one had a son named dis this one had a son named that second chapter this one had a son named that he had a son named back he had a son named that he had a son named that he had a sudden a that third shot anybody ever try to read through the Bible in a year so like when you get two chronicles this the part he just put it down because you start to fall asleep like you just be listening to it and it puts you to sleep right but by the time you get to the fourth chapter he had a son named that he had a son named at verse 8 he had a son named that and then Ezra inserts two verses completely out of context the verse before has nothing to do with it the verses after has nothing to do with it he just in the middle of first chronicles chapter 4 just inserts the prayer of this one man his name was Jay bez we want to read to you this two verses that's out of context that's been called the prayer jpas in fact my wife now we got married she reminded me she came down the aisle to this song so the prayer of Jabez I want you to I want just read to you the prayer of this man this man named jay-bez he he he made this prayer and and these three prayers that we're gonna read today from three great men's of God and the reason I chose these three prayers because they are surrounded by full of the three things that I think lead most of us to prayer more than anything else and that is deep desires brokenness and mission brokenness leads us to prayer deep desires lead us to prayer a sense of mission or a desire for purpose lead us to prayer and and I want to read these three prayers of three great men who I think they have essence of desire brokenness and mission so jay-bez prayed this in first chronicles chapter for these two verses is completely out of context it says jay-bez was more honorable than his brothers his mother had named him jay-bez singing I gave birth to him in pain now stop now the scripture says jay-bez was an honorable man and says that jay-bez was a man of character so he was a man that was right before God the scripture says his mother named him jay-bez because she bore him in in pain now I in the ancient world you know whenever you gave a name to a child that name would normally represent the character of that child or it would prophesied the destiny of that child the word jay-bez means Sauron it means painful and so everywhere he went he was reminded of that so it would be like if we was in school and they would be like Tanisha here John here Paul here sorrow are you here sorrow sorrow are you here and he would raise sorrow you're here and so everywhere he went he was reminded that his mother gave birth to him watch in pain so every time he heard his name called he knew that he was being called sorrow he was being called pain he was being called a problem I would imagine as jay-bez lived his life at some point on this hat to frustrate him that every place he went he was reminded that he was born into this life and pain his name meant sorrow his name meant grief and that this prophesied his destiny he was headed for destruction he was headed for a bad life he was headed for a bad destiny jay-bez who lived in a time when men understand that names prophesied destiny he knew what his mother did was tagged to him uncertain future that through the birth of his mother through her naming him that's why y'all better be this is not naming your kids all this crazy stuff like names have names are powerful right so everywhere he went sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow sorrow and in his heart understanding culture he would know that this is this is my name then this will be my destiny that my future will be sorrow my destiny will be sorrow my days will be sorrow my life will be sorrow this will be my lot in life he had to carry this for maybe years that's who we don't know what age his heart must be frustrated he must be weary that he has watch watch that's been labeled has anyone know what that is he's been labeled he's probably dealing with grief he knows what it is to probably deal with rejection being ostracized people probably not want to be his friend coz though nobody would hang out with somebody named Judas I don't want a girlfriend named Jezebel notice there's some names in history that nobody names their children where was the last time you met a Judas where was the last time you met a Jezebel well the last time you met a Delilah their son named so damned that we just stay away from them altogether his name was one of those damnable names sorrow how long can you live with a name that brings pain and label and grief until you decide to do something about it how long do you stay bottled up inside before you decide to do something about it at some point in time in jay-bez life he was so grieved but what was prophesied over his name he found the courage to pray these prayers to God in verse 10 he says Lord he says jay-bez cried out the God of Israel says oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory he said let your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain and in the scripture says that and God granted his requests so here was a man who was wrestling with a label and the pain of what was being called in terms of his life and at some point time he finds the courage to cry out to God so you know what this is this is a prayer born out of frustration that we know what it is to be frustrated we know what it is to be going through we know what it is to watch be hurting we know what it is to be looking at our circumstance and chambers at some point time decided that God was big enough to do something about his circumstance although my mother tagged me this way this does not have to be my final destination that he realized my beginning does not have to be my ending now he realized what my mother named me does not have to prophesy my destiny that jay-bez realized my lot in life according to my name does not have to be God's best for me so at some point in time he find the car to pray for blessing he prayed for four things he prayed god bless me he prayed that God would enlarge his territory he pray that God's hand would be upon him he prayed that God would keep him from doing evil keep him from pain he said god bless me this is the prayer he said God look he doesn't even tell God how to bless him he just said God listen I don't want my life to be sorrowful I don't want my life to end would you bless me God bless me Lord and in the King James I like what it says Lord bless me indeed Lord he said and left it open for God to do what to bless him any way God saw fit crying out to God he says God I want you will gotta what your favor God I want your blessing and so many of us man we may be going through long seasons of trial won't even muster up the courage to say god bless me I want to say to somebody's room God is not afraid he's just looking at the motive behind your heart I'm sure jay-bez motive wasn't God blessing me so I could just have wealth and I could just lay up and be lazy but he's crying out for God to bless him why so he can alter the course of what has been prophesied his name God deliver me from this label card Lord bless me Lord I want your hand to be upon me and he says God enlarge my territory is what he says what is he asking God he's asking God for favor he's asking God for increase he's asking God to bless the work of my hands man there are people in this room who have businesses there are people in this room you have ministries there's people in this room Ghana's put things in your heart and we shouldn't be afraid to say God bless this thing God enlarge my territory he's saying god lord give me influence give me favor God do that one for God's glory for God's glory and so man if you have a ministry born out of God's vision man and we it's okay to pray for God to a larger territory God and launched my influence God increased my influence rather it's whatever platform whatever business whatever said god enlarge my territory bless the work god of my hands that God if I touch it and you've commanded me to do it God make it fruitful make it prosperous man are there any business owners in this room lift your hands right now man I just pray over every business owner in this room that God would give you a pure heart for what you're doing and that for his glory he would enlarge your territory right he's prank God enlarge my territory I prayed this prayer over myself God enlarge my territory make the work of my hands let it be fruitful why because I want to see soul saved I want to see lives change I want to see the gospel spread and so I'm asking God not to build my own empire but I want I want to see his kingdom built I want to see his name established so God enlarged my he said God let your hand be upon me this is for God protect me I want God I want your hand God I want your favor God I want your protection God I want your guidance God I want you to go before me God God I'm not going if you don't go before me man I I think about just even being up here preaching to you and how I feel driving on Sunday how often I feel so inadequate to be standing up here I think about my past I think about my insecurities I think about some of my failures I think about how undeserving I feel to be up sometimes I don't even feel I have the capacity to even be preaching every week or leading a church or leading a staff away and oftentimes I pray God God let your hand be upon me god I can't do this on my own god I realized that without your grace I can't fulfill what you've called me to do god I realize that anything you've called me to do I need your hand I need your grace I need your guidance I need your favor I need your print your protection god I need you because I've recognized man I can't do this on my own I recognize my desire and my need for him I recognize God that I can't fulfill I can't even be a parent God without your help where's the perfect manual for parenting or the perfect manual for leading a church or the perfect manual for building a business and whatever it is God has laid my hands to I'm saying God let your hand be upon me if I'm going to speak God let your hand be upon me if I'm get ready to lead a meeting God let your hand be upon me if you're ready to start a business God let your hand be upon this you get ready for a new endeavor God let your hand be upon me that I'm not going out if God doesn't go before me man I never walk out on the stage ever before I pray God be with me every time I walk into this room I've got a custom I kneel down at my chair and write the I pray the same prayer every single week I pray for God to touch you and then I pray for God to help me because I never just walk up in here with pride there's so arrogance to think that I can come in here and speak and say anything that's gonna move anybody in this room because no life is gonna be changed without God's grace and his help and you say God help me God let your hand be upon me God protect me God God me God go before me he's asking God be my GPS in life God help me make this decision God show me what to do with this relationship God let your hand be upon me God I want to be anointed I want to sing and lies be impacted I want to tweet and lives be impacted I want to preach and lies be impacted God let your hand be upon me because we are nothing apart from his hand we are weak apart from his hand we have no anointing apart from his hand we have no claims apart from his hand we could do nothing of any lasting value apart from his hand and if there's any hand I want on my shoulder I said if there's any head I'm gonna my shoulder there's any hand I want in my life if there's any one of my steering wheel where has that gotten us how many things have crumbled under us because we went out without God's hands how many times have we stumbled and fallen and busted our nose because we set out with us how many decisions have you made without seeking God so if I'm gonna go out I want God's hand upon me he's crying out God let your hand be upon me and then he says God keep me from harm because my name prophesized sorrow because maybe sorrow could be in my future watch he's asking God to rearrange what was spoken over me do you know how much garbage has been spoken over some of us oh you're never gonna amount to anything you're gonna be just like your father you're gonna be like this just like your mother you're never gonna accomplish this some of us came out of a relationship with some man scarred you with some words you leave me nobody will ever marry you nobody will ever treat you the way I treat you man some of us will still replay in our minds some of the words that people have spoken over our life and I'm telling you no labels gonna prophesy my destiny except believer except disciple except less except the head and not the tail except everything God has said about me and so instead of walking out the destiny of sorrow he praised God alter God what has been spoken over me that man's word is not my final outcome no God I want your words to be so God he says he says he says God keep me from harm keep me from doing evil keep me God from causing pain I don't want my name to manifest in the lives of other people I don't want to go around being painful and causing pain and as I read his praise man it was this prayer I came across many many many years ago that gave me watch this world the courage to know that if my heart is right I don't have to be afraid to say god bless me Lord some of us man we feel so insecure so unworthy we will never pray for God to bless us we will never play for influence we have wishes but we don't have prayers I want to say to somebody this morning if your heart is right man ask for the whole wedding cake you don't have nothing to lose by asking for the whole thing listen ask for the whole thing and let him decide what slice he's gonna give you if you know your heart is pure don't be afraid to ask for the whole thing man some of you be censoring your prayers because you feel so unworthy or you feel so lonely or you feel so crippled and you think God will never do this for me so you watch other people being blessed and we be jealous of other people's blessing other people's marriage other people's ministries not knowing if your heart is pure God will do for you what he's done for another I feel the scripture says now I want to him who is what April is that what the scripture says now unto him who's what Abel now what to him who is able to do I like these next words exceeding abundantly above oh then I can even ask or even imagine or sink now unto Him now I'll take him who is watch to watch exceedingly abundantly above everything all that I can even ask stop being a wimp I wanna put a fire up under somebody's it's anus or curse word anus I want to put a firey anus to be bald when you know your heart is pure be bold when your heart is pure you can only carry that frustration but for so long before I gotta get out of your belly some of your first-rate broken you got desires and won't pray this man was frustrated this man was broken this man was going through his why he says he cried out to God the only people that cry out to God are people people what people are going through people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired question what if he didn't pray because you know the Lord granted him his requests so the Lord gave him what he asked for what if he didn't pray what would God do for you out of your heart and frustration that you don't pray because you feel I messed up I made too many mistakes I'm unworthy man you got the business you got you one too whatever whatever it is particular to the goal somebody say god bless me say you don't even want that you feel so unworthy you don't even want that somebody said god bless me you don't want that in this room you won't even open your mouth somebody said god bless me my territory your glory territory [Laughter] come on church what's wrong with you you've been called to occupy you'll be call it take territory you'll be called to make change to make a difference influence bless me and enlarge my territory [Music] bless me shoot I just want to have services I don't even like this city God sent me I'm here out of obedience I didn't want to be here this is where I send in college I would drive from North Carolina with 40 dudes I almost had another word now the mother stopped me from saying that word Negros and we will come out to a land of rowdy with guns and weed and we would while out in the city and run through prostitutes and go crannis this place God sent me to pass our church I was trying to go to the north east round frog to pass the church where everybody don't think they're Christians because I feel out of place in the city because I'm not an entertainer and I don't have I don't want to come here I came out of obedience to God I remember the first time I wife and I went up to Lennox and we sat down and Lenox Mall first weekend in a letter said God you sent me to this place that God said to me that this city is steeped in perversion mass and false religion and in his darkest what he said to me I said how could that be when it's a church corner he said the city is steeped in perversion and masked and false religions I sent you here so I'm gonna be here to suck my thumb and speak to one person on the front row no say God enlarge if you got me here you might as well bless me while I'm here and enlarge my territory that I can put perpetrate this glorious gospel to as many as what I told my wife when I die if I go before you don't bury me in the country neither fly my body I wanna all-white funeral I want to be I want to be led in horse and carriage I don't want to call I want old school like Jesus on a horse said I want you to say bury fly me take me to New York Eva bury me in New York or bury me in Atlanta in the city but God is calling me to wring out my heart for his glory [Laughter] brokenness yes brokenness you know what's in this room right now brokenness you notice those in this room right now guilt shame condemnation and if you're like me you know the heavy weight of carrying guilt feels like no nobody's never made a mistake if you're like me you know the heavy weight of carrying condemnation self affliction you know what it is to carry weight you know this to carry heaviness you know it is to be burdened because of some season from your past some mistake some bad relationship anybody notice to carry regrets you know what it is to wish you can go back and change one decision you made or you know what it is to want to go back and erase one season from your life nobody knows what this feels like no I know what it is to want to go back and try to erase a season from my life I wish I can go back and rip that page right out right I know what it is to be weighed down by guilt weighed down by despair weighed down by feelings of failure weighed down by remorse weighed down by shame we as human beings we all can identify with that and so can another men anointed at the age of 17 declared he would be the next king of his nation musician a writer a man who would eventually become a warrior a servant in the military a mighty leader he would leave some four hundred men from poverty to being well established a man intimate with God a man with a pure heart a man who love God with everything else that Jesus says I am a son of this man but a man who became a great king he killed many people went into war and in his old age he built a massive Empire and was standing on his roof one day looking out when Kings go to war he was home in his palace and saw a beautiful woman taking a bath and sent for that woman she was married brought her into the house slept with this married woman would eventually have her husband murdered and some of us we've done a lot of wrong but man the guilt of murder and taking another man's wife for such a heavy weight on him and every one of us know what it is to carry a heavy weight and he prayed a prayer to God that's recorded in the scripture so I want to read you now the first prayer was a prayer for blessing but what do we do when the heart is heavy we learn from the word of God this man wrote some two thirds of what we call the Book of Psalms and in Psalm 51 he prayed a prayer to get that weight off of him he prayed a prayer to get that weight off of him Psalm 51 beginning in verse 1 says have mercy on me O God this is what you do when your heart feels heavy when you carry in guilt and shame and feel as a failure and condemnation listen to the powerful prayers of King David have mercy on me O God according to what he knows God's character see the more you know God it affects your prayer life have mercy me O God according to your unfailing love notice because he knows God's love never ends this is powerful when he messes up he doesn't run away from God this is why I taught you that we need to pray with knowledge see some of us we carry such a heavy weight and we feel like because we've messed up made this mistake because we failed in some area of our life because I committed some sin God and so we we act like Adam and we run but David knew God's watch character the same way we can know God's character by his one word so he says have mercy on me O God according to your unfailing love watch how he keeps telling god about himself when he learned that from being with God according to watch your great compassion and watch his prayer blot out my transgressions he says God take this thing right I shouldn't be afraid to pray to as a New Testament believer because if I read my Bible correctly I'm under the blood of Jesus and because of the blood of Jesus he has separated me from my sin as far as the East is from the West and so because of the blood of Jesus I got confidence to pray like this you gotta get that way off with you somebody said get it off shake it it off touch the person next to you shake it off get it off get it off you can only carry that butt for so long you can already beat yourself up but for so long you can only stay stuck in a season but for so long you go any creep of a mistake but for so long you can persecute yourself for failure but for so long somebody said get it off somebody said get it off duster throws off like that have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions much your washing is the blood of Jesus wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin and watch this is called honesty and prayer because the Bible says God our broken and contrite heart he will never despise that's why I listen you got to stop going to God pretending I know you got the beat face I don't know your hair's dope but you need to take all that off when you go before God because he don't want who you pretend to be he one who you really are so you don't have to tiptoe around him like he don't know what you look like behind that beat he know exactly who you are and you go go to him and your filth and your nastiness and all of you your wretchedness like God man I slept with eight people last night in a train but have mercy on me [Music] god I was out late may I down that whole bottle God Lord of jet down that whole bottle God of Hennessy I woke up next to somebody I don't even know but have mercy on me O God I down the whole bottle of patron and rate those four cats in one night but I've mercy on me O God I cast them out of the job but have mercy on me O God I got pregnant when I didn't plan to but have mercy on me O God I walked away from something you gave me to do but have mercy on me O God I heard my brother sister but I've mercy on me O God I failed you in that season but have mercy on me O God God I disappointed you with that decision but have mercy on me O God have mercy on me O God have mercy on me O God have mercy me O God you call ready pray that with confidence when you know the God that you serve they say Mohammed they st. Allah the same Allah [Laughter] I've read the Quran this ain't a lot that you gotta work to earn something from him his love and grace and mercy his name is Jehovah Nissi jehova shamma [Laughter] his provider his healer his restorer have mercy on me [Laughter] come on right now let's go take 30 seconds get that off for you right now whatever it is has been troubling you from your past I want you to take 30 seconds today get that off for you he loves you he loves you he loves you come on come on come on come on you write what you want if you carry some heavy party go ahead and kick that off for you talk about mercy he loves you you get that off for you you know what you did he knows what you did but he'll cover that under the blood st. Allah Jesus have mercy on me O God you've been carrying that long enough whoever I'm talking to right now I tell you right now you go home liberated in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you will not carry that out of this room because he is merciful and he is kind and he will take it off of you right now you are not condemned you are forgiven you are not condemned all the way up in the rises you are not content you are forgiven to my sister all the way at the top with your hands up you are forgiven yes you've been carrying that long enough the devil is a liar I thank God for his word that teaches me how to pray freedom for somebody freedom man it's sunny outside you're gonna leave here today you're gonna enjoy the rest of this Sunday and freedom God is forgiving you right now you're gonna enjoy this Sunday and freedom no more condemnation it's under the blood can I finish reading the Scriptures to you wash away all my iniquity cleanse me from all my sin follow my transgressions and my sin is always before me that means I keep thinking about it all the time I keep thinking about it every time I lay down to think about it I'm thinking about that past that mistake or that issue is constantly haunted me be free in the name of Jesus he says against you and you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you are proved right when you speak and justified when you judge this is why you have to know God's Word look what he says next because you can't keep blaming yourself for all your mistakes you know what's to blame for your mistakes that you were wrapped in sin you came into this world and sin you battle against you listen I know you want to do right but you keep doing wrong and what I don't want to do wrong I do that Romans chapter 7 the thing I want to do I don't I keep doing and what I should do I don't do I keep wrestling between what I need to do and what I don't do what I should do and fail to do what I don't want to do and keep doing that was Paul who wrote that I love the scriptures you gotta read the scriptures surely I was sinful at birth sinful from the time my mother conceived me surely you desire truth in the inner part that is just be honest when you come talk to me just tell me you're hurting tell me a mad tell me you want to cuss whatever it is get it out your system surely desire truth in inner parts you teach me wisdom in the most in the inmost place he says cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean wash me and I will be whiter than snow you know what he's doing here he's receiving by faith God's grace because you have to know how to be a receiver to get that stuff off of you some of us are bad receivers like Philip Anthony Mitchell great givers bad receivers I'm a great giver I'm an awful receiver freak somebody else down to release yourself hold myself for 15 years I've had to train myself to be a good receiver to get that stuff off of my shoulders Monday morning I pray this next verse for you let me hear joy and gladness let the bones you have crushed rejoice Lord hide your face away from my sins blot out all my iniquity create in me a pure heart O God and watch this because when we do stuff like that we lose a piece of us we lose confidence we lose joy we lose strength we lose vitality we lose so he says watch give it back renew make me write again renew a steadfast spirit within me he says do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me restore give it back watch the joy of your salvation remind me of when you rescued me remind me of your goodness remind me that you chose me in spite of me because you keep reminding God of all of your mistakes remind me that you chose me in spite of me you think God is in love with some future version of who you are know he loves you right now remind me of the joy of your salvation restore that to me grant me a willing spirit to sustain me then I will teach watch from the grace you give me I'll bump into my brother or my sister who is hurting and I would take the grace in the teaching and the lesson you gave me and I will now go show compassion to help somebody else then I would teach other people transgressors your ways and sinners will turn back to you save me from blood guilt oh god the God who saves me and my tongue will sing of Your righteousness Oh Lord open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise you do not delight and sacrifice oh I would bring it you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings I will give that too but the sacrifices of God he's attracted to your brokenness some of you trying to hide your brokenness he's attracted to your brokenness a broken spirit a broken and contrite heart O God you will never despise and that's a prayer of repentance and lastly the last prayer I want to read to you is the per every man who understood his purpose he understood the reality of eternity he understood heaven was real he understood eternal glory he understood that hell is real he understood that everybody that dies apart from the blood was gonna be eternally separated from God he understood that we are in a war for the hearts and souls of men he understood that this whole thing is much bigger than church gatherings he understood during the days of his life he needed to stay close to the Father so I want to show you what his prayer life looked like and I want to read to you one of his prayers share with you a story and then I pray mark 1:35 says very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus notice you didn't get excited for him Jesus got up left the house and went off to a solitary place where he prayed so Jesus had a habit of pulling away from busyness pulling away from ministry pulling away from job pulling away from family watch he wasn't about creating quiet time alone with God with us in the car in your prayer room in a bathroom and the shower I locked myself away from everybody put the phone down off of Facebook Instagram and Twitter and I go before the presence of my father he had a habit of slipping away and being alone with God Luke chapter 5 verse 15 says yet the news about him spread all the more he was busy so that crowds of people came to hear him and be healed of their sickness a lot of work in ministry but in all of my busyness and all of my work but Jesus watch Austin withdrew from all of that business he took a Sabbath from all of that he got away from people he got away from social media he got away from work he got away from all of that disciples he got away from everything he withdrew to watch lonely places and watch and all he did was prayed and I want to read to you this last breath Jesus prayed this on one of those occasions just before he was crucified before he knew he would be leaving through a painful death in John chapter 17 now I want you I want to just read to you the scriptures little commentary I want you to look at the impressed by Ronda's prayers she's a beast right you you impressed by my prayer listen let's read the press let's close the teaching of this series by just reading the prayers of the one you say you love and you serve after Jesus said this he looked I always got to close my eyes when I prayed no it says he looked so watch he set his eyes on the father because God can see us he's not blind like a child I like this I wasn't my godson's all week and a really short and I like being taller than people that shorter than me it feels good because God did not bless me with height and and my little godson the littlest one his name is joshie Joshua and he would he would he would come up to me he'd be knee high and he'd just be staring at me with his big eyes and I look down at him and as he's staring at me I had him all week and I'm looking at him love is such endearment in his eyes and then the other one would come his brother Caleb and Joshua one pull on one leg and one pulling the other and they'd be staring at me and papi can I get a snack like the older one would say papi can I get a snack and the younger one was just saying mmm just mmm he appointed you point at the pantry and I look at them in their eyes we have this connection this eye contact I try to teach my staff when I'm in meetings we give me I contact contact my eyes it creates a moment of intimacy and endearment it's like staring into the eyes of the one you love Jesus looked toward heaven and prayed father it's a man who understood that we are in a war stood that the end is coming and that everybody's gonna be separated sheep and goat saved the unsaved glory and damnation he understood what we we don't talk about in church we keep playing services and no he understood something real is coming called judgment he understood what was being prepared for those who put their faith in him he understood that all of our houses our businesses our cars our ministries all that is gonna come to an end and is gonna give way to judgment the time has come glorify your son that your son may be glorified in you for you granted him authority over all people and he might give eternal life to all those now this is eternal life he's praying that they may know you the only true God not Allah the only true God not Confucius the only true God that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent I have brought you glory on the earth I've lived a life for you by completing the work you gave me to do I finished my race I set my affections for you I ran for you and everything in me I'm now finish what you've given me to do what a great testimony and now that I have served faithfully I've given times and offerings I've served at my church I've spread the gospel I gave all that you gave me to pour I rang myself up everything you put inside me I rang at our office I'm coming home but nothing left inside me I'm coming home empty he said watch his next words and father glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began because Jesus was not a created being Jesus always existed for in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God at verse 14 one says and the word was God that Jesus always was he just borrowed a womb to come into the earth watch his prayers see display he's talking to God he's letting God know I did what you called me to do now do this for me I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world they were yours you gave them to me and they obeyed your word now they know that everything you have given me comes from you for I have given them the very words you gave me and they accepted them I preached to them truth y'all love y'all false prophets I preach to them truth I know you love people that don't talk about sin I preach to them truth I know you love people that keep you comfortable in your mess father I preach to them truth they know with certainty that I came from you one they watched my life in character and they believe that you sent me watch I pray for them if I want anybody praying for me let me Rhonda prays for me every week thank you I'm safe anybody I want pray for me I want Jesus praying for me now look what do you pray for you he says he says but I pray for them I'm not praying for the world MA because it's gonna burn he says but now I'm not praying for the world but for those you have given me so he's praying for those who put their faith in Him and all you have is mine look what he says I'm praying for those you've given me and I have he's yours and all you have is mine and the glory has come to me through them I will remain in the world no longer but they will still be in the world I'm gonna leave them watch I love this world to occupy until I come I will remain in the world no longer but they are still in the world and I am coming to you Holy Father protect them by the power of your name protect them by the power of your name the name you gave me so that they may be warned stop fighting stop fighting one another stop blaspheming and gossipy and being judgemental keep young man we are one family one people one Lord we are in a battle he also busy fighting over the carpet and people dying and going to hell fighting over whose name is on a plaque on the front row of the chair people are dying and going to hell fighting over who has a title who's close to the pastor you know who got perfect fighting over all this stuff that's not gonna man I'm talking to all the preachers watching me we fighting over stuff that's not gonna matter my people are dying to go to hell he said maybe one while I was with them I protected them and kept them safe about the name that you gave me look what he says the destruction so that the scriptures will be fulfilled Judas I am coming to you now father but I say these things while I am still in the world so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them I have given them your word and the world has hated them but they are not of the world they are not of this world they have not of the world they are not of the world they are not of the world they are not of the world trying so desperately to be like the world that nobody can't see believers they are not of the world we need to be in it but not of it be deep in it and represent Jesus at the same time do your thing while you represent Christ so that they may have watch the full measure of my joy within them I have given them your word that the world has hated them and no more then I want then he says verse 15 my prayer is not that you will take them out of the world so my prayer is not to protect them from hardship and trial but that you protect them from the evil one from Satan the liar they are not of the world even as I am NOT of it sanctify them from you truth your word God is truth as you sent me into the world I have sent them into the world for them I sanctify myself that they too may be truly sanctified now watch how he finishes his prayers my prayer is not only for them alone those who around them I pray also for all those who will believe me through their message all of us in this room who belong to Jesus he's prayed these over you that all of them may be one father just as you are in me and I am in you may they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me I have given them the glory that you give me that they may be one as we are one I am in them and they are in me may they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them as you even have loved me father I want those you have given me to be with me where I am I'm praying washes that they wouldn't make it I'm praying that they would finish their race we're so busy doing stuff that doesn't I pray they wouldn't make it I pray to watch this cuz you got an empty chair next to you where somebody used to sit I prayed it would not turn away from the faith he's not just praying for houses and cars for you he's praying you would make it because he understands that damnation is coming so he's praying that you would make it the devil is doing everything he can to distract you from what really matters I don't want to stand before Jesus and yeah depart from me that I never knew you I don't want those grim reapers to come grab me and drag me in the opposite direction he's praying my brothers and sisters that you would make it that you would finish that you would burst the tape of the finish line of eternity why don't we preach this in our churches why don't we tell people the truth I want them to be why I am to see my glory the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world Jesus prayed prayers that'll feel much we tell you how powerful prayer close out this message tell you how powerful prayers I'm telling you right now growing in God's Word will enrich your prayer life walking with godly people would enrich your prayer life seeing God as a loving father will enrich ur prayer life growing in godliness will enrich a prayer life God gave us access directly to him and all that he has via prayer it is the most powerful thing but whatever engaging is to keep talking to God about the smallest things that the biggest things effective prayer is powerful it brings about remarkable change in the world in the lives of people I don't want to close out this message by showing you how powerful prayer is everybody look at me let me tell you for those of you who don't you know I want to encourage you to take this series seriously we know how powerful prayers let me show you how powerful prayers I want to introduce you to Raven and Jeremiah the couple that's on the screen behind me right now let me show you how powerful prayers I want everybody pay attention that's Raven Raven battled infertility for many many years and was almost borderline man of God because for years have a baby one time when Raven was just frustrated because if you're going on Instagram ankle you go down a little bit deeper you see a woman who was angry mad and frustrated like jet-like jay-bez she wrote this on her Instagram she wrote these words she said she says he starts with this verse come to me o burden and I will give you rest so Raven was watched us she was tired watch what she did to my sister and waiting she shares I shared this picture as a graphic illustration of what it looks like to lay the hurt the pain and the agony of trying to carry the weight of infertility down she says surrendering all to ABBA my plans my timelines all control and letting him love me back to life being poured out into him through his daughters it took me months to get to this place and honestly I would have missed this moment if my husband didn't drag me out of the house to service because it's the Sunday you stay home God intended to meet you there that's why you should be in church every Sunday stop sitting at home unless you absolutely have to don't stay home and be the one Sunday you don't see you like getting out of your bed God had something for you that's Sunday be in his house because he can do anything in his house miracles happen in his house have perfect attendance during the year her husband dragged her to church and I learned from years is the Sunday I don't want to go myself God meets me on those Sundays look at this drag me at the house the service I was battling through weeks of hopelessness and depression and wanting to give up on the task that God has assigned to me I wanted to quit I was at my breaking point fighting to find peace in the middle of this crazy storm of tracking cycles and ovulation and test strips and ultrasounds and lab works and be a fence I was badly broken and tired but come to the altar the father's arms are open wide as a song we sing here sisters I know it's hard I know it's still hard for me the desire to hold my baby my arms hasn't gone away and it won't but instead of looking at this mountain that one seems so impossible to move I'm fixing my eyes on the one who said daughter your faith has healed you go in peace and be freed from your suffering I know this is probably the ten thousandth time that you've heard someone say put your focus on Jesus instead of the problem and I know you are rolling your eyes but just listen to me come on this one I'm right here with you this picture is proof that I don't have it all together either I was hot I was a crying mess thank God for church family that's why you should be in a local context you can't do it alone get in a small group get the V group build relationships bring people around you because that day is coming when you're gonna need a shoulder thank God for Church family that doesn't judge your sister that's why I said it in this church is okay to not be okay getting a breakthrough at the altar I'm just a girl believing God for a miracle I hope this helps you tonight I ease listen I erased and rewrote my caption so many times trying to find the right words to try to explain this moment and this next picture is the moment when Raven came to the altar my wife was preaching during p31 my wife grabbed Kristin who had a miracle in her belly and dragged Kristin right here to this spot this spot is anointed drag Kristin right to the spot that says that there's a woman in here you've given up hope that you can have a baby right now but some of us sitting on seat because we can't hear the voice of God Rayford came from the back and ran and threw herself right here in the altar and we came around and we prayed over Rayford we put our hands on her belly and we believe God for a miracle why because now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly Confucius that God who was alive and powerful as why we should be bringing to him we prayed over Raven right here in the spot and then during this series call unscripted seven straight weeks of no sermons just Holy Ghost preaching Raven was right here a second time in this spot and I walked over to her right here in this spot look at me gave me a word for you this time next yeah Raven God says you will hold a child in your arms because he is able and he's heard your prayers because watch you wasn't double minded you prayed with faith in you believe what you believe his word you believe this word is why it was all over her posts and a couple months from the time she walked away from this spot this was Raven [Laughter] [Music] brother get up here Minister let me show you Raven to her husband today bring that baby up here come on bring that baby up here who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above everything you can ask or even get in your mind to the scriptures [Music] what need what circumstance have I not taught you the word darkness series with knowledge [Music] in my hands manifestation [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] infertility marriages don't be anxious about anything but anything more real hard to death but in everything with Thanksgiving [Music] and if you do that watch the promise of the next verse and the peace of God [Music] which transcends all understanding [Music] guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus [Music] what are you believing what does I'm not to tell you what did you think was impossible [Music] know what [Music] was able [Music] to exceed [Music] we really hope this message was a blessing for you and if you have a testimony send it to share at Victory Church ATL Davi again thank you for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you next week [Music]
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 2,342
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Id: ec58PDseo8A
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Length: 95min 42sec (5742 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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