The Unbeatable $800 Gaming PC Build!

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oh you thought I was done with the budget builds well guess again I am back with another BBB this time we're doing a gorgeous white themed microatx system that's able to play most AAA titles in high settings over 165 FPS and it's only going to cost you 800 buckaroos ever feel like you're being watched in the digital world you never know who's lurking that's where nordvpn steps in all it takes is one click to start browsing without any worri your online data and activities are secured and you're basically transporting from one location to another Well virtually by connecting to let's say Italy I am not only safe from hackers but I can also enjoy shows like Rick and Morty and all other content that isn't available to me in the US not only that airline ticket prices can vary depending on the location thanks to nordvpn you won't face price discrimination and you'll actually land the best deals saving you some cash for limited time you can get a 2-year plan at an insane discount plus get four extra months for free just visit Nord Source or click the link down below with that 30-day money back guarantee nor VPN is totally risk-free I'll let you be the judge oh and if you think you can use nordvpn to sneak back onto my Discord server think again we'll catch you anyways so this PC is running Windows 11 Pro and uh some of you guys have made it clear in the past budget builds to not include the price of the CD key because some of you guys get it for free I'm not here to judge on how you guys get the keys for free so I'm going to leave it off of the price list but for those of you who are looking to buy one legitimately don't pay full price because you can get it for dirt cheap from your CD they sell Windows 11 Pro keys for around $22 after using the code ts20 but if you guys want your system to run Windows 10 Pro you can get that too for $16 instead after putting in your email address and checking out they will email you instructions on how to retrieve the key then all you have to do is go into the activation settings and put it in total cost of this entire PC without the Windows key is a little under $800 to kick off the build I went with the ryzen 5 7600 6 core 12 thread processor simply because I just wanted to stay on the latest platform I did not want to downgrade to ddr4 and leave performance on the table the 7600 does noticeably better than the 12600 K and even the 8 core ryzen 7 5800 X in gaming it's also neck and neck with the core i5 13600 K except this costs almost $100 less and has a much lower system power consumption we simply don't have enough budget left over to buy an aftermarket cooler which isn't really needed anyways because the stock cooler is more than capable to keep the temps down however if you do want to spend a few extra bucks and buy one I will drop a link to a few different ones I recommend based on your budget and the style that you are looking for for the motherboard there is no question we had to get the cheapest board available in order to stay under the $800 budget there is absolutely no negotiating here the gigabyte a620 MS2 is the bottom of the barrel and it's the only reason we are able to get impressive gaming performance at just $800 which you will see in the gaming benchmarks now the gigabyte and the MSI 620 boards are both $75 but I went with the gigabyte model because it actually includes a 5V RGB header on the board which is what we need to plug the RGB fans from our case while this might not have any vrm heat sinks no support for overclocking or built-in Wi-Fi it's simply enough to run the system perfectly fine and sadly that's all we can ask for in this budget but if you're looking to Future prooof this build and you don't mind spending a little bit extra then the next step up would be a b650 board I recommend going with either the gigabyte or MSI this will give you two more memory slots better vrm coverage overclocking support which means you can enable PBO in the bios for additional performance on ryzen 7,000 series CPUs and more connectivity I like my memory the way I like my women naked actually a lied I do prefer heat spreaders but uh unfortunately we have to go with naked sticks because that is all we can afford so this is a 16 GB kit from Team group running at 5200 MHz and they are going for only $45 if you're going with ddr5 always try and get something faster than 4,800 MHz because higher frequencies will give you more frames with that said timing is equally as important too the lower this number is the better I wouldn't go for anything higher than CL 42 for ddr5 memory also these sticks are able to overclock themselves to 5400 MHz after powering on your PC go into the BIOS and make sure to enable the option that says ddr5 autobooster after that hit F10 to save the settings and it will restart the PC back to your desktop if you go into your task manager you can actually see the memory is now running 200 MHz faster which is nice for storage we can easily fit in a 1 TB m.2 SSD now although prices do seem to have increased on these drives slightly I was still able to find one for around $55 although this is a gen 3 SSD so do keep that in mind if you want faster speeds and are willing to spend a little more I would recommend picking up the soladine p41 instead this will get you genforce speeds for $15 more this leads us to the graphics card I was able to fit in an RTX 3070 in this budget because I decided to go used instead of brand new saving me over $100 most RTX 370 Cards start at $400 minimum and they go up from there but if you're patient and you look into the secondhand Market you can find a used 370 for $300 or less in my case I was able to find a 370 Founders addition for $300 on offer up that was posted one day before but you can also look up eBay and easily find 370s around the same price if not less but of course this is optional you guys you don't have to take the aftermarket route if you don't want to you can always buy brand new if you want that peace of mind however do keep in mind that for $300 you can only afford an RTX 460 or an RX 7600 both of which are significantly slower than the RTX 370 if you look at a 12 game average you can see just how high the RTX 370 scored above the other gpus making this hands down the best value card in a sub 1000 PC build power consumption is definitely on the lower end thanks to both the CPU and the GPU thankfully we don't need much to run the system in fact all we need is 400 W of power but I did go with a 700 WT just because it's more affordable I've used this exact same power supply in a few other white builds and I'm using it again because it's not only reli iable but it's also semi modular and it's white which will match the color scheme of the build perfectly however if you're skeptical about the power supply which is completely normal especially if you're new stumbling across this channel you have no clue who I am I will drop a link to a few better power supply options down below which do cost a bit more so do keep that in mind if you're doing a white build the red dragon is an awesome pick because it's fully modular and it's 80 plus gold certified with an RGB fan but if you're doing a black build I would go with these segotep 650 watt instead now this is non modular but on the upside it's 80 plus gold certified both very solid picks that won't put a hole in your wallet and finally the case I decided to go with is also from aivia which is the same brand as the power supply this is their brand new prism wh which has disgusting I mean filthy value not only do you get a good-looking dual chamber Micro ATX case but it comes pre-equipped with five RGB fans which is nuts for the price of $80 let's say each fan is worth $5 at the very minimum that's $25 in just fans which means the case itself costs around 55 bucks I've used similar cases in the past but this one is by far the cleanest because it has no bezels in the corner like the other cases just glass on glass giving you unobstructed view into your system this only fits Micro ATX motherboard so do keep that in mind however it does support full ATX power supplies for connectivity you get three us spe ports up top with audio jacks and the usual power and reset switch and for storage you can only slot two drives at the same time either one hard drive and one SSD or two ssds in the removable Drive cage in the back now while the cutouts in the cases don't have any rubber grommets they are located in the best places to help with cable management the fan configuration however is whack I've mentioned this many times in the past budget builds but these Chinese companies don't seem to grasp the concept of airf flow they make great cases don't get me wrong but they always ship them in the wrong fan configuration they have two intake on top and two exhaust on the side like who does that they clearly chose looks over performance so just make sure to flip the fans to the proper orientation when you do get this case you should have two intake on the side and two exhaust at the top now you do have the option of adding two more intake fans in the bottom if you choose to other than that the build quality is surprisingly good both glass panels are toolless and they snap off fairly easily but the rear panel has two thumb screws that you would need to remove oh and one more little nitpick I noticed while building in the case for some reason the rear fan was installed with the cable towards the bottom so I unscrewed the fan and rotated it until the cable was near the top allowing for a much cleaner route through the top cutout now I do want to talk a little bit about the optional PC modding and the aesthetic upgrades I don't include these in the parts list anymore because most of you guys don't like it when I include stuff that don't improve improve or affect performance stuff like painting the PC parts or optional cable upgrades so with that said moving forward all budget builds including this one will have these labeled as optional upgrades because they are not required to build this PC and achieve the same performance so if you guys don't care about the aesthetic of the PC then you can skip on over to the gaming Benchmark segment which I'll leave a time stamp down below but for everyone else who really likes the look of it and you want to copy this exact same build here's what I did so for the cables I went with the abn1 extensions because they are not only the best looking cables on Amazon but they are also the cheapest and offer both white cable Combs and white connectors to help stay consistent with The All White theme I also went with the PCI Gen 5 cable extension for the graphics card because I personally think the stock cable is the most atrocious thing that Nvidia has created this cable is compatible with only 30 series cards but I'll leave a link to another cable that works with 40 series cards if you guys do make that upgrade in addition to the cables I also painted a CPU Cooler shroud and the gravis card just like in the previous budget builds the cooler is the easiest part and I think anyone can do it you just need to remove the Shroud from the heat sink and spray paint it but make sure you guys are using the correct paint the one I'm using is the Rustoleum paint and primer in semi gloss however if you don't like the glossy look you can go matte instead I also added two extra coats of the semi gloss and clear just for that added protection and extra smooth surface it's not required but this really does make the final product look and feel more premium in addition to the CPU Cooler the GPU also got a nice facelift I ended up painting the back plate and the Shroud to help blend it with the rest of the build now in order to take apart the graphic card you will need a specific set of precision bits to remove the screws the one I'm using in this video has all the bits you need to fully build your PC and take apart any GPU it's also fairly cheap only $25 on Amazon if you guys want to pick one up I'll leave a link to it down below anyways taking apart your GPU is extremely easy there are tons of guys on YouTube that will help you do it step by step the 37 Founders Edition is no exception I'll leave a link to a video that helped me take apart my card if anyone wants to do the same thing for theirs so once I separated the heat sink from the Shroud I decided to remove the PCB as well so that I can reapply the thermal paste I mean might as well since I took apart the whole card especially since this is a used GPU and it probably hasn't been done since its release and I wasn't wrong just look at all that dust around the thermal pads absolutely disgusting normally this is where I would replace the pads alt together but I didn't want to spend any more money on this budget build so I just used a paper towel to clean off the dust around the pads and I also wiped off the thermal paste using 99% ISO prle afterwards I applied fresh thermal paste and I spread it evenly using a spatula there was a ton of dust inside the Shroud as well so I made sure to wipe it clean with a dry paper towel before hitting it again with a microfiber cloth you guys want to make sure there is no dust or debris on your parts before you paint them I wipe the back plate and the PCI bracket as well before taking them outside and hanging them on a portable hanger that I bought from Amazon this makes it so much easier to paint because I can do it all in one sitting instead of painting one side at a time which normally takes 2 days because I have to wait until the paint dries before flipping it over and doing the same thing but if you do it hanging outside you can paint both sides equally anyways I did three coats of paint with 10 minutes in between after the final coat I waited 30 minutes before hitting it with one final clear coat after letting it dry for the whole day I took the parts back inside and reassembled everything and well the results speak for themselves I was able to give this budget PC a unique and premium look by painting some of the parts and while it came out looking amazing how does it actually perform well well let's find out the [Music] [Music] I'm taking shot [Music] reloading reloading getting shot [Music] at Bravo enemy taking bravo bravo bravo we enemy [Music] taking hostile UAV in the area [Music] [Music] [Music] confirmed en destroy use your t m to hunt down the res [Music] confirmed AR remaining operators from [Music] that [Music] removed [Music] reload last [Music] area [Music] op four last [Music] [Music] [Music] op [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm on help [Music] do we got to do [Music] this enemy over there wish they wild The Arena today [Music] J our [Music] contestants right no need to thank me there stop training oh it worked [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] h [Music] huh okay so performance is just as expected but I do want to talk about a few things because I know people are already rushing into the comment section oh my God the temps they're so high relax okay everything is going to be fine I promise you we're using a stock cooler what did you guys expect in all seriousness though I broke the freaking fan blade trying to remove the Shroud from the cooler and I replaced it with a zen3 cooler because that was what I had on hand and conveniently all the ryzen 57600 were out of stock online so I had no choice but to use what I had to complete the build that's why games like Apex Legends and War Zone hit Peak temps of 95° C because I was using an older cooler although the CPU was designed to withstand temps like these and the system didn't experience any stuttering or crashing these temps are not that normal under the appropriate stock cooler that's designed for this CPU in fact with the actual stock cooler these temps would be an average of 5 de cooler across all the games thanks to gameplay footage from my boy PC Centric again it's nothing to freak out about but if you do have high temp phobia and you're scared of seeing eights and nines next to your CPU then I would advise picking up an aftermarket cooler okay I talked about four of them earlier in the video links below if you guys want to check it out but I do want to emphasize you don't need an after Market cooler to build this PC the case has pretty decent air flow with the five included fans I mean they aren't the strongest fans I've used that's for sure but for the price they do a pretty good job moving air I don't have any complaints game performance is really where this PC shines I mean almost every game was hitting over 165 FPS in high settings which is very impressive for an $800 build and if you guys want to bring that number up to 240 FPS you can just lower the settings I wanted to Showcase what the PC can achieve when maxing out the quality in every game if you guys want help on building this PC or any PC in general make sure to follow along on my PC build guide which I'll link in the corner as well as down below along with all the parts and recommendations I've mentioned in this video thank you guys so much for watching as always I'll see you very soon in the next one
Channel: TechSource
Views: 427,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 800 pc build, pc build, budget pc, budget, gaming, fortnite, warzone, warzone 2, mw2, modern warfare 2, diablo 4, 144fps, cheap pc build, apex legends, forza, fh5, nvidia, amd, ryzen, low budget, low cost, custom, high settings, valorant, gta5, gta6, gtav, best pc under 1000, best gaming pc under 1000, Under $1000, $800, how to paint PC parts, custom mod, mod, rtx, 3070, Palworld, The finals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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