The BEST 👑 $800 1440p Gaming PC ⚡ Build Guide 2024

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hello and welcome to the skyall channel and today we're going to be building the best $800 gaming PC in 20124 this I think will be the best performing and best looking computer you can build at the perfect price point I think $800 is something a lot of you guys who are watching this video are probably going to be spending on a custom gaming PC build and my goal with this is to hit all the markers for a custom PC build you're going to get excellent 1440p gaming performance as well as the ability to stream to Twitch YouTube or wherever all the while looking great so if you ever wanted to show it off to your friends or for your social medias you'll be able to do that all the while Balling on a budget so with all that said I'll be showing you guys how to put together this computer step by step the parts going inside of it how to install Windows drivers it's 1440p gaming performance and then concluding with my final thoughts on this $800 gaming PC build as usual links to all the parts I use to create this gaming PC can be found in the description below and with all that said here's a quick word from our sponsor so real quick before we get started if you like Cube style PC cases like this then drop a like on this video because I've noticed these have become a lot more popular over the months and honestly I didn't expect to have a case like this in an $800 PC build but if you enjoy me somehow making an $800 computer with this kind of case once again feel free to leave a like as well as comment about it in the description below okay all you're going to need to build this computer is a pair of scissors a banana and an 8 GB or bigger USB flash drive for our Windows bootable media device more on this later when we finish building the computer and finally install Windows on it okay for the processor we are going with the ryzen 5 7500f this is according to my last tier list video an S tier CPU you will not find better price to Performance in a CPU other than the ryzen 5 7500f six cores 12 threads it's on the latest am5 socket on the latest ryzen architecture it is lightning fast for about $175 this will smoke anything in its price range and quite literally the only downside if you even want to call it a downside is that you have to order it from AliExpress which in my eyes is not a problem and once again the one that I have Linked In the description below is a reliable 7500f retailer I don't think you're going to get scammed at all buying this off of AliExpress but it is so good you just can't pass it up and it also offers international shipping as well so you can order this CPU anywhere in the world from AliExpress and then to pair up with that CPU I've chosen this MSI B 650m motherboard you don't need this exact motherboard to make this PC build work work just about any Micro ATX b650 motherboard whether it be from ASRock Asus or gigabyte will work in this PC build I just happen to go with this MSI one because it fits our budget so go ahead and open up the box here's your motherboard take that out take this out here's an IO Shield you will need this and then right here where it says m.2 Locker you will need this this is for our m.2 SSD that'll have Windows on it and then lastly here's a handy little quick installation guide if you're confused on all on how to install this motherboard into the PC case and where to plug in what refer to this if you have any questions all right go ahead and unbox your CPU that being the 7500f as you can see there's a triangle here on the top left of the CPU note that for later but to install it we're going to go ahead and use our banana and unscrew these two black brackets from our motherboard all right take these out and as you can see here on the socket with this black plastic piece there's a triangle here on the top left that's going to help Orient the CPU to place this in the socket so go ahead and remove this lever bring this up there's our socket take your ryzen processor line up again the triangle here on the top left of the CPU with the triangle here on the top left of the socket bring the two together make sure it drops in there give it a little jiggle if it stays in place that's good bring this down press down this lever hook this under there you have it and while you're at it go ahead and remove this box from the ryzen CPU box because this is where our CPU Cooler is which by the way comes with thermop paste pre-applied on the back so you don't need to buy your own thermal paste so I like to have the AMD logo here on the CPU Cooler facing the left side of the motherboard away from the ram line this up with the four holes here on the back plate take your banana partially screw this in then go to the other Corner partially screw this in go to the other corner you want to do this crisscross formation that way you put equal pressure on all sides of the motherboard once you decide to tighten this all down so this is all inserted so now let's go ahead and fully tighten this corner go to the adjacent Corner tighten this one up rinse and repeat for the other side there we go so right here you'll see three different sets of chassis fan headers one of them will say pump fan one of them will say Cy fan but the one you want to look for that says CPU fan is the one that will use to plug in CPU Cooler cable into the motherboard it's going to be closest to the CPU Cooler you won't miss it now for our memory since this is a ddr5 system I've got 32 GB of Team group T Force 5600 MHz cast latency 32 DD 5 Ram now this I think you can get for around 80 bucks which is pretty good for ddr5 Ram and the trick with finding a good ddr5 Ram is that you want a kit that has a high speed but a low cast latency so this running at 5600 MHz with a cast latency of 32 is a pretty good speed to cast latency ratio for instance you don't want to go with a ram kit that has like a speed of 6,000 MHz but has a cast latency of 40 that's a bad ratio anyways take these out we'll go ahead and deal with them later but until then for SS we're going with the Acer Predator GM 3500 this is a really cool SSD and honestly it's all you need although this is a PCI gen 3.0 SSD honestly you don't need any of the Crazy Fast PCI gen 4.0 ssds this has plenty of speed already having read and write speeds of up to 3500 megabytes per second which is plenty for PC gaming just what's important is that it's 1 tbte and it's about $50 which is really nice oh and most importantly this m.2 SSD features a dam controller that is the most important part of getting an SSD like this if it's going to store Windows you want that Dam controller but don't worry I've got all that link in the description for you so if you don't know any of this technical doohickey just refer to what I have in the description so to install our memory you're going to want to install these two slicks into slots A2 and B2 here on the motherboard that's just how it has always been on any of these motherboards if you have four sticks that you can place into the motherboard so we'll go ahead and open up slots A2 and B2 there'll be an empty slot separating both and then this will only go in one way because these inserts here are different sizes and if you don't get it right the first time you can always flip it just what's important though is that once you get it in there give it a firm press and make sure it clicks like that and then do it again for this next slot back here there we go so don't forget to install m.2 SSD we are going to need this M2 Locker go ahead and take this out here you go take your m.2 locker right here and screw it in onto the far right hole here where the m.2 SSD is going to go you can see there's this little black plastic lever here that's going to go on top of the m.2 SSD once it's inserted but before we put it in there we want to put this on the other side so we can make room for it so go ahead and insert this this will only go in one way cuz there's a little Notch here on the actual connection make sure it clicks in there then press this underneath the M2 locker and then turn this little lever back around like that now this is what your CPU Ram SSD and motherboard should look like okay now let's go ahead and insert the motherboard into the PC case which I've chosen this DIY something this is a really affordable Cube style PC case and one thing I do want to point out is that this case doesn't come with any fans so you will need to supply your own which is not the end of the world installing case fans into a PC is really easy it's usually the last thing that you do either way and although we don't have any case fans right now for this build I will show you near the end of the video how I did it it's not that bad you just put them in the case you hook them up to the motherboard easy but as you can see right here we have this little manual for our PC case and it shows you how to do whatever you want with this PC case so if you're confused on where to put the fans where to put anything else you want in this PC case what comes with what it's in here just like this little plastic baggie here which contains all the screws we'll need to install whatever we want into this PC case Okay so before you put the motherboard into the case there's two things I want you to do first up it's time to go ahead and take out your IO Shield so there's two sides to this there's a side that's flat and there's a side with all these poke bits sticking out we want the side with all the Pokey bits sticking out on the inside of the PC case and we want the flat side on the outside now which way you put this in is of course dictated by what your motherboard is going to be oriented so it's going to be like this and we're going to place it down here and my trick to putting this in is I like to pop in one corner like this pop in the other Corner pop in this corner you should hear some clicks and that's in there and then the next thing I want you to do is I want you to move move this standoff down one hole that's because if you were to place in this motherboard this standoff is empty because the screw for it is not there it's here so if you have a pair of pliers or if we have a spare standoff screw adapter right here lying around go ahead and unscrew this and then take this and move it down one slot you can screw this in by hand if you want there you go and then now we can drop this in place it up against the io Shield there we go go ahead and line it up with the holes as best as you can and then you're going to want to use these screws that you see here on screen to screw in into each of these standoffs and one thing I like to do is that when I screw these in I don't screw them in all the way I don't tighten them that's because once I have all these screws inserted into the motherboard then I'll go ahead and tighten each of them individually in a crisp cross formation so as you can see I've got all the screws we can screw in into the standoffs already done so I'm going to go ahead and go to one corner tighten this up all the way go to the adjacent Corner tighten this up all the way do a crisscross formation that way we put equal pressure on all sides of the motherboard so it doesn't Flex over time there we go and yes these two standups are going to be left unscrewed that's fine for this PC case Okay so we're actually close to finishing out the build so usually we do the power supply next but since this is a cube style PC case what I want you guys to do is to go go ahead and plug in the front IO into the motherboard like the power button the reset button your audio jacks let's go ahead and take care of that now that way when we get to installing the power supply here in the back we'll have all these cables taken care of and then we can just focus on the power supply cables after that first let's go ahead and take care of USB 3.0 it says USB 3.0 here on the connector that's pretty straightforward there's a little Notch here on the connector itself that's going to line up with this opening bring the two together press it in boom now down here is where we're going to go ahead and plug in all of our front IO connectors like our power button reset button LEDs this part A lot of people think is difficult it's honestly not just refer to your motherboard manual as you can see here on screen and it'll tell you what the pin layout will be but if you want to follow me step by step how I do this is on the bottom left two pins I place in the HDD LED then right next to the HDD LED I put the reset switch then right on top of the HDD LED is where I put the two power LEDs I really don't think which one you put in first actually matters really and the most important pin the power switch pin that's going to go on the top right right above the reset switch and it should look something like this next let's go ahead and take care of our USB header obviously it says USB on the header here so it's going to go R this one it's going to go only one way oh yeah there we go easy then finally let's take care of our HD audio connector it's going to go where it says J odd one here on the bottom left of the motherboard this will only go in one way and easy okay and with our front I/O connectors inserted into the PC case we can now go ahead and install the power supply right here which I've chosen the Corsair CX 650m now now this right now is on a discount it could jump up in price you don't need this exact power supply in order to make this PC build work I'll have it linked in the description nonetheless but if it does go up in price I'll have an alternative linked and it'll work just as well here is your power supply cable that you're going to plug into the wall outlet into the power supply when the time comes then here's our 650m this is semi modular meaning that some of the cables already come on the power supply itself but we have connectors for say our graphics card and anything else as separate which means we need to get the cables for those which can be found here so all we need from this plastic baggie here with these cables that work in it is going to be our PCI power connectors for our graphics card which is going to be the cable here that says pcie and then lastly in this plastic baggie here we have a smaller baggie that contains the screws we'll need to install the power supply into the PC case right here so that's really all we need just this single pcie power cable for our graphics card and as you can see on the power supply it already comes with our motherboard power connector and a CPU power connector but there are some additional cables here which include an additional CPU power connector if you wanted to have an extra set of cables if you say upgrade to a better motherboard that uses two8 pin connectors or if you decide to install any future RGB components that need their own RGB controller that's going to be powered by either aada or mullock power connector then you have this but if you're just starting out you don't need to worry about all this but just note you got future expandability with this power supply here so here we have our pcie power cable you're going to want to plug in the end with no labels on it into the power supply where it says PCI CPU that seems pretty straightforward so take this plug this in it'll only go in one way like that then here in this plastic baggie that was found with the power supply there was a SMY baggie here that has screws that we need to install the power supply into the case so take this fan side facing out line it up here with the case like this then take your banana take one of these screws press up the power supply to the back of the PC case and start screwing in each of these one by one there we go and as far as this switch goes leave it here on the circle we'll eventually flick it to the one once we get ready to boot up the computer now let's go ahead and plug in our power cables starting with our CPU power cable you can see there's these little latches right here that's going to connect to this Notch here on the CPU power cable line the two up this will only go in one way give it a firm press you should hear a click and there you go here's our motherboard power cable same deal here's a latch here's the notch line the two up you can't mess this up put one hand here on the back of the motherboard so you give it some support as you press this in there we go make sure it's all the way in there and then here is our pcie power cable for our graphics card which will go ahead and install now for our graphics card we are going with the Radeon RX 7600 this is one of the best allaround graphics cards you can get 8 GB of vram comes with the av1 codec if you wanted to do any game streaming or video editing and it's 1080P and even 1440p gaming performance for its price is not that bad probably the best all-around graphics card under $300 that's why we're going with it and this is the founders Edition model you don't need this exact graphics card it's not Founders Edition it's reference model but you can get one from gigabyte Asus ASRock MSI wherever just this is the one we're going with cuz it's going to match the color scheme of this build but don't get ahead of yourself you also need a Wi-Fi card because this motherboard doesn't come with any Wi-Fi so unless you're going to be plugging this motherboard into a router with an ethernet cable like right here if you were to just plug this directly into a router then you need to access your internet wirelessly and I bought this Wi-Fi card off of Amazon for like 22 bucks it's not life or death as to what Wi-Fi card you choose for your PC so let's go ahead and install this first and then the graphics card so to install the graphics card and the Wi-Fi card first we need to take out the tabs here on the side of the PC case they're going to be occupied by these components so the graphics card is going to go right here so these two slots here we're going to break off and then here on this bottommost PCI slot is where our Wi-Fi card is going to go and that's going to go here on the slot right below this so if you remember this is our baggie full of screws that came with the PC case now the screws we're going to use to install our graphics card and Wi-Fi card into our PC case are the same screws that we actually use for the power supply first you got better to unscrew this tab there you go get that out of the way first and then we can put this in line this up press it in there we go then go ahead and unveil the 7600 take this out remove the little PCI cover right here that way you can put this into the motherboard and put this into the topmost PCI slot to give you maximum performance there we go press it in now we're going to go ahead and insert these screws into here and then we'll put back on this latch okay almost there screw this in and while we're here don't forget to plug in your Wi-Fi antenna here into the Wi-Fi adapter and then finally go ahead and hook up these two ends of the PC power connector so you have a single 8 pin connector go ahead and line this up put it in the latch should be on the top press in both sides and now let's go ahead and install Windows okay let's go ahead and install Windows so before we go ahead and press the power button make sure you have a keyboard and mouse hooked up to your computer of course make sure you have a display cable coming from the monitor to where your graphics card is not where your motherboard is down here where your graphics card is AKA where the graphics are going to be displayed out from your PC of course don't forget your power cable running from the power supply to your wall outlet that can be found in your power supply box and now it's time to flick this switch from the circle to the one and then lastly here's our 8 GB Windows bootable media device I have a video tutorial Linked In the description down below showing you how to create one of these for free with any 8 GB or bigger flash drive this is how we'll go ahead and install Windows onto this computer and it doesn't matter where you put this but I'm going to go ahead and put it somewhere here in the back now all of that taken care of I'm going to press the power button and I'm just going to wait there we go it took a bit of a while but we let the PC do its thing and now let's go ahead and install Windows okay go ahead and hit next install now here you're welcome to enter a product key if you have one but if you don't that's fine just click on have a product key click on Windows 11 home or Pro doesn't matter which one you choose I accept next custom there's our m.2 SSD next and done all right now let's go ahead and actually set up windows so choose your country choose your keyboard layout skip if you want a second one here's where to go ahead and connect to your internet as I just showed you earlier in the tutorial we have that Wi-Fi card connected to the motherboard so now let's go ahead and connect to our Wi-Fi to proceed with installation here you're welcome to name your device otherwise I'm just going to skip it now here's where we need to go ahead and sign into our Microsoft account if you don't have one this could be your old Xbox Live account or if you just have a typical Gmail account you can use that otherwise go ahead and sign into your designated Microsoft account if you're given an option like this go ahead and click more options and we're going to want to go ahead and set up as a new pc here's we're going to go ahead and create your pin this is what you'll use to sign into your computer every time you turn it on now for all of these things I go ahead and turn them off they are extra processes that run in the background that I just simply don't want and then for the rest of these options I either click skip or no they're just unnecessary or they just further personalize your Windows Experience okay so this is what your home screen should look like if you are greeted with an option like this that allows you to install all the things you need for your motherboard like say AMD chipset drivers real Tech drivers but you can deselect some of these extra things you don't need like Adobe and Dropbox and Norton then now is a great time to go ahead and knock that out so I'm going to go ahead and install just these four things the real Tech the chipset drivers and the MSI Center this is for our motherboard and now let's go ahead and install our graphics card drivers which let's go ahead and load up our web browser so go ahead and type in radon drivers into Google here click on the top link that says drivers and support here we're going to go ahead and select our graphics card which is the Radeon RX 7600 hit submit click on Windows 11 cuz that's the operating system we're using you can hit this Auto detect if you want but let's just go ahead and download the latest software from December and then we'll go ahead and open that up when it finishes there's our RX 7600 hit install like it is that easy guys I don't know why people think installing graph carard drivers are one of the most complicated things in the world they aren't all right so this is what you should see after finishing installing your motherboard and chipset drivers and your graphics card drivers if say your graphics card drivers are unsuccessful in installing that probably means you can't run this and this at the same time so let this finish up and then rerun your graphics card driver installation if you're given an issue anyways though what we need to do now is we need to restart our PC to apply these final changes so I'm going to go ahead and hit finish and we're going to do one more thing in the Bios before we get to gaming so to enter the BIOS we're going to need to go ahead and spam the delete key on our keyboard as soon as the logo for the motherboard pops up there we go and we are now into the BIOS all we got to do is go ahead and click on this number one and now we're going to load our XMP profile for our Ram so that way it runs at its full advertised speed for maximum performance and that's really it we'll go ahead and hit the X here save configuration and exit and you are now ready to get to gaming so real quick before we get to the gaming on this $800 PC I want to show you guys how you can easily overclock or even undervolt the Radeon RX 7600 in this system for either better performance or better efficiency straight from the Radeon software so click on performance click on tuning here we're given a few different options we can either undervolt the GPU overclock the GPU or even overclock the vram we can even overclock the CPU if we want it it's safe if say you had an aftermarket CPU Cooler on here you know what I'm going to go ahead and play with this I'm going to click on overclock CPU which me to grab the restart the system after this so I just overclocked the CPU it restarted the PC we got an extra few gigahertz now that's totally fine for a a ryzen 7600 because it's already pretty efficient as is the 7600 X is just a very overclocked version of that so there's no harm in doing that and I'm going to go ahead and overclock the GPU which if you care about efficiency in your GPU you can click that undervolt GPU option and get just about the same performance but at a much lower power draw if power consumption is a concern for you all right we got the CPU and GPU overclocked now let's get to gaming okay I want to go ahead and show off CS2 first there we go FPS meters on the top left we are running the game at oh my mouse is not it this mouse is not it oh no y'all this what is happening with my my mouse this is a new mouse I'm using for this video and it's crapping itself oh we got one okay y'all this might be short because the mouse it's lagging which is weird to say that's not on the PC's part this is a new Mouse oh no come on no please I can't I can't shoot oh there we go Skiller shoe anyways yes like I said FPS meter is on the top left we are playing the game at 1440p there we go let me show you guys the graphic settings in a bit oh man this mouse look oh you can't even oh you can't even hide here anymore no no the mouse you guys are seeing that on screen right that's not the PC that's the mouse well we are running the game at well it's medium preset but I increased the anti-aliasing to 4X msaa cuz I don't like seeing Jagged edges in my games but I won't go full on on the 8X msaa setting cuz I feel like that is unnecessary we need the extra frame rate skill issue I'm about a mouse that sucks right now so if you get killed by me or then you're just actually bad oh oh no the mouse is this is not it oh yeah we got one woo oh my goodness we need a new Mouse oh I'm still getting kills though ah oh guys look at the screen look this mouse is actually terrible this mouse actually sucks right now and I'm getting the bad Mouse is up oh my goodness that was one hit the bad Mouse is actually helping me out for some reason I don't know okay okay good I'll take it cuz we got to move on to the next game this mouse is acting up now the other game I wanted to try out is Starfield admittedly I'm kind of maybe wanting to find a game that could replace this because admittedly it is kind of biased towards AMD graph graphics cards It generally runs better on them although I've heard it things have gotten better now oh my what what is happening the the frame rate is on the top left but I can I at least show you guys the graphic settings oh my goodness we're running the game at medium settings 1440p FSR 2 enabled film grain zero Dynamic resolution render resolution iness of 100 guys I have not touched this game since September and for for some reason the entire city of neon is against me I got to get out of here where's the quickest way out get out of here go go go go we got to get to our ship and get the hell out of here I think this is the way maybe oh no there's there's nothing for me here my ship it's not here I don't know why the entire city is against me I'll just I'll sleep can I sleep yeah just give me my health back please okay so for obvious reasons I had to uh quit the Starfield run because I apparently aggroed people and once again I have also somehow found a way to aggro some random Pops I just want to be able to show off the frame rate which uh by the way if you're curious we are running the game at R tracing low 1440p with AMD FSR 2.1 enabled as you can see rate tracing is on we are giving it the full beans cuz you know this is an 800 gaming PC at the end of the day but regardless this PC can do AAA rate tracing at just about 60 FPS on the latest games this is rate tracing low you know it's not too bad probably have to turn on vsync cuz I see a little bit of screen tearing but other than that uh I got to applaud CD project red for optimizing this game over the years there's your R Trace Reflections right there and the frame rate's doing pretty decent actually All Things Considered yeah I think that's a good estimation of this PC's performance let's go ahead and wrap up the video okay let's go ahead and wrap up the build video which I want to let you guys know straight off off the bat the Wi-Fi card that we used in this build was giving us problems if you're wondering why there was a gap between our Windows installation tutorial between when we installed Windows and when we actually got to setting it up that's because the Wi-Fi card was causing like a boot loop where it just permanently stay on the get started screen after we installed Windows for eternity and I was trying to figure out why it was doing that and then I decided to unplug the Wi-Fi card and then the Windows installation went through and then I was able to actually set up Windows and even then once I got everything set up I plug the Wi-Fi card back in tried to install drivers for it and it wasn't working properly so the Wi-Fi card that I used in this build maybe it was a faulty one CU I rarely see Wi-Fi cards cause that much issue in PC builds like this but either way I'll have a one that I used recently in another build guide that worked pretty well Linked In the description below as a replacement over this one just in case there's some compatibility issues but I just really think I got a faulty unit other than that though I did some modifications to the build to kind of show you guys what this build would look like if you kind of Max it out aesthetically so I have the spare inax all-in-one water cooler that's 240 mm cooling off the ryzen 7600 which is definitely Overkill you don't need to water cooler for a ryzen 57600 the stock cooler is more than plenty but this is what it looked like because in this kind of build you're going with the dual chamber glass case style you want it to look good cuz you want to show off your components and your other RGB fans so although this case is very cheap and I am not a huge fan of it because it is so cheap I mean whenever I picked it up it was super lightweight at least visually it looks intriguing and good for the price but it is lacking some onboard USB type-c which I think as a requirement even for Budget PC builds in 2024 other than that though its performance is right on with what I expect with an $800 PC build I really think the ryzen 5 7500f is doing a ton of weightlifting in this PC because at a price of $175 from AliExpress is so good for the money that that CPU is easily one of the best value CPUs in 2024 along inside the 7800 x3d and you're going to be set on the am5 platform for life so when you're ready to upgrade there's definitely going to be options that are going to be faster than that 7500f years down the road that you'll be able to just swap out CPUs with the newest one for the am5 socket and not have to replace your motherboard which is super awesome and convenient that's why I'm really recommending the am5 socket because it's got a lot of future proofing and expandability and it's 1440p performance performance despite the 8 GB VM buffer on the Radeon RX 7600 is good although I expect the new refreshed RX 7600 XT is definitely going to be faster at higher resolutions because that's going to come in with 16 GB of vram over this having just eight although cyberpunk and Starfield showed even at 1440p this PC can run AAA games at higher resolutions at decently high graphic settings so there you have it that it is the $800 PC build for 2024 if you guys want to check out this build yourself and build it I'll have a link to the build list in the description below and with all that said thank you so much for watching and this is the sky Channel signing out
Channel: ScatterVolt
Views: 112,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: $800 gaming pc, $800 gaming pc build guide, $800 pc build, $800 gaming pc build, pc gaming, 800 gaming pc, gaming pc, $800 gaming pc 2024, gaming pc build, pc build, pc build guide, pc building, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, best gaming pc, building a pc, pc build 2024, gaming pc 2024, 800 gaming pc 2024, amd, 7500f, rx 7600, ryzen 5 7500f, 1440p gaming pc, 1440p pc build, best 1440p gaming pc build, 1440p gaming pc build, best 1440p pc build, ryzen 7500f
Id: QHvs-GLUccw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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