META $1,000 PC build in 10 minutes.

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it is actually absurd how good a $1,000 gaming PC can be right now and I don't think you can do better than the parts that we have right here so let's take a [Music] look all right let's talk about the CPU first and for this build I've actually gone with the Intel 12 600k yeah I know it's a couple of gener old now but let me tell you it is an absolute steal right now for 150 bucks there are faster options out there than this like the 5800 x3d the 7800 x3d even the newer 14600 K but they're all just too expensive for this budget and let's not forget that you're still getting a 10 core CPU here with Boost clocks up to 4.9 GHz I mean realistically you could pair this thing with a 4090 and the most CPU intensive games out there and you'd barely see any bottlenecking at all so yeah pretty insane value here considering the performance now the board that we're actually plugging this into is the z690 m ITX Ax from ack and I've used this in a couple of ITX builds previously and yeah for more budget conscious gaming builds it is really rock solid IO is decent enough plenty of USB and for a gaming build it's not like we need overbuilt vrms and huge heat sinks or anything like that now there is a 125 W long duration power limit on this board so just keep that in mind if you're doing like editing and rendering but we're rarely ever going to see that limit when it comes to gaming then for the storage brutally simple here as always 50 bucks gets you a 1 TB m.2 nvme drive from crucial this one is the P2 which I've used a bunch of times really great option if you just need a really quick little game drive at a really affordable price not so great if you're doing massive transfers editing and stuff like that I unfortunately learned that the hard way but yeah if you just want a Snappy game drive at a really insane price you can't really beat these you'll find that tiny m.2 screw in the motherboard box and this board does actually have two m.2 slots so if you want to add another one down the road you can do that pretty easily now for the memory I really wanted to go for 32 gigs for this build but I just couldn't fit it into the budget 16 gigs is still enough these days for gaming though so no real issues there and 50 bucks surprisingly gets us this 3600 MHz RGB kit from gkill as for the CPU Cooler I've gone with none other than the hyper 212 from cool master just an insanely capable cooler for 29 bucks really cannot go wrong with this thing and it's the Black Edition as well for more of that stealthy look in installation is prettyy straightforward we just need the LGA 1700 mounting hardware which includes a motherboard bracket and then two more brackets that screw onto the CPU Cooler like this then just some thermal paste on the CPU I like to spread it out kind of like this just to make sure it's nice and even and then we can bolt down the cooler progressively in a cross pattern lastly just clip that fan back on plug the fan header in and there we go that's our motherboard all set up and ready to go now for the case I've gone with The Cooler Master nr200 which is a bit surprising you know this feels like a pretty old case at this point but I really do think it is the best option at this price point 65 bucks it's nicely ventilated can fit massive gpus and that's really important looking forward for upgrades you've also got a lot of options for CPU cooling as well we're going with a budget air cooler but if you wanted to upgrade to liquid cooling in the future that is also supported and it uses traditional GPU mounting there's no need to mess around with a riser cable or anything like that so yeah let's open this thing up and get some of the hardware installed starting with the motherboard and the screws that we'll need look like this they're small cap screws which you can find included in the Box the motherboard IO Shield goes in first though of course unless you want to end up as a meme on Reddit and then we can finally drop the board in nice and carefully then we have the front I/O cables first the power switch that goes right here both the cable and the motherboard are clearly labeled though just in case you get them mixed up then we have the audio jack cable which is all the way over to the bottom left and then finally the front USB cable that plugs in right underneath the motherboard 24 pin over on the right okay now the power supply that I've gone with here is the SP 750 from lean Lee this is one of the more affordable high-powered sfx options at the moment and surprisingly it comes with sleeved cables which I wasn't expecting we basically need all of them except for the Molex and sard cables and getting them plugged in looks something like this installation is pretty easy we just remove this bracket from the case with two screws Bolt the power supply right onto it and then simply just reinstall it after that we can go ahead and plug it into our motherboard I've done the CPU 8 Pin cable first here where I did have to temporarily remove the CPU coer fan to get it plugged in the motherboard 24 pin is next which does require a bit of force to get it fully seated and then we can finally just put the two GPU eight pin cables aside for now and surprisingly cable management is pretty effective in the nr200 just with the included velcro straps underneath the power supply really not bad at all here in the end it should look like this and really no need to use any cable ties at all as a bit of a bonus I'm mounting a small RGB strip just at the top of the frame this one is from EK and it's way smaller than I was expecting but should give us some nice subtle lighting something like this will only set you back another 5 or 10 bucks and then just before we get the GPU installed I'm adding in two 12 mil case fans as intake right at the bottom this will drive cool air towards the GPU and the rest of the system the ones that I've gone with here are from fantex but the ones that I'd actually recommend the p12s from Arctic those are actually available in white too which would look really nice with this build so just get those installed right at the bottom then plug them into an available fan header on this wall there's one spare right next to the ram okay so by this point adding up all the parts we've spent about 600 bucks which means $400 left over for out 1,000 total so 400 for the GPU here I've gone with an RTX 380 on the pre-owned Market I'm seeing plenty of these selling for 400 bucks or under and yeah it's previous gen in fact it's over 3 years old now but the price to Performance absolutely Stomps on what you can buy new today I mean 3080 vers 4060 TI for example there is no contest both 400 bucks but the 30 3080 really is in a different League being 30 to 40% faster on average sure it pulls more power it gets hotter as well but we have ample Cooling in this build and our 750 W power supply will cope absolutely fine even if you can't find a 3080 for around 400 a used 3070 or 3070 TI will serve you so much better than a new 4060 or 4060 ti so I've gone with the founders Edition here but there are plenty of aftermarket models that will fit in the nr200 just double check before buying though because some won't and then last step just plugging that GPU in with the included adapter cable and that's it to be honest the build looks pretty clean especially for an affordable build where you do usually have to compromise on Aesthetics quite a bit I think we've done extremely well okay now let's get this thing quickly set up and I'm not going to go through a detailed step-by-step breakdown of how to install Windows you can find that in plenty of other places but real quick you want to create an installation USB from another PC download your motherboard's Lan Wi-Fi and audio drivers onto another USB power the system on and then follow the next steps just make sure to load your Wi-Fi and land drivers at this step otherwise you'll likely get stuck once you're on the desktop though there are a couple of things worth doing first you want to install your GPU drivers then download a software called a fan control to set up your fan curves correctly I use this on every PC build at this point it's very easy to use completely free and allows you to set fan curves based on your GPU temperature which you cannot do in the Motherboard BIOS so here I'm just going through the setup procedure it asks you to check which fan sensors are which and then I've set a simple fan curve for both which looks like this one for the bottom intake fans which spin up based on the GPU Temp and then another one for the CPU Cooler that's based on the CPU temp from there just save set it to open when you boot up and that's it and finally this one is optional but recommended if you care about temperatures and noise and that's undervolting the GPU and CPU less power at the same performance is always nice so this is highly recommended for undervolting the GPU you can use MSI After Burner I'll leave my full guide on how to do this down below but for the 3080 here I've just set it to under 1900 MHz at about 900 molts it's a pretty conservative undervolt but here you won't see any performance loss then for the CPU I've gone into the BIOS and set a voltage offset of minus 100 mols again no performance loss here your CPU will run at the exact same clock speeds as before but just more optimized now at 0.1 Vols less if you find yourself crashing or blue screening you can be a little bit more conservative here at like - 50 or -75 and while way here go ahead and enable the XMP for the memory make sure to force the cpu's memory controller to Gear 1 which will give you the best performance and also max out the power limits on the CPU which looks like this then just press F10 to save and quit and that is everything completely set up and the performance is pretty insane at 1,000 bucks I'm going to say you will not find anything like this if you going to buy a $1,000 pre-build or if you were going to go with a 4060 TI at 1440p we're seeing some really good frame rates here you know you could pair this with a 1 65 HZ monitor pretty comfortably even a 1440p 240 HZ monitor would be a pretty good match and look it's not the latest generation of GPU but the frames that you're getting are just undeniable for the money and you still can use Technologies like retracing and dlss I ended up playing a bunch of the finals on this build and yeah it was pretty fun not the most optimized game out there and I was seeing just under 144 HZ but still felt nice and responsive our 3080 most of the time was well below 70° and it takes more demanding games out there without dlss enabled to push it beyond that that undervolt on the GPU as well as those bottom intake fans definitely helping us out here in f123 after 30 minutes both the CPU and GPU were in the mid 70s now if you have a bit more cash left over I would probably add a couple more fans at the top of the panel here just to help extract a bit more heat from within the case but beyond that I mean 1,000 bucks I really don't think you can do much better than what we have here
Channel: optimum
Views: 1,065,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best $1000 pc build, budget pc, budget gaming pc, optimum tech, NR200, $1000 mini pc
Id: bMSqdw0Z5SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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