This is what $1000 gets you in 2023!

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guys you're not going to believe where I am right now I'm at the brand new biker Center that I just opened up in Indianapolis Micro Center was kind enough to Micro Center was kind enough to not only sponsor this video and fly us out from La all the way to Indiana to check out their new store and they've challenged me to build a gaming PC with a thousand dollar budget let's see if I can do it [Music] meet the Caddis mind the ultimate portable modular workstation powered by a 12 core 16 thread Intel 13 Gen processor with 32 gigs of ddr5 memory and up to dual m.2 SSD storage the mind can handle any heavy workloads you throw at it and with its extremely compact form factor you can take it anywhere you go and get this it's got a 5.55 watt hour battery built in providing you up to 40 hours of standby in hibernate mode on top of that it's got current gen connectivity with multiple USBC supporting DisplayPort output in fact you can expand that by hooking up the cata's mind to the mine dock unleashing its full potential thanks to the patented multi-purpose socket connector that supports the latest connectivity and PCI gen 5.0 with the Mind dock you get support for up to quad 4K 60hz monitors you also get built-in speakers a fingerprint reader a full-size SD card slot and many more features the Mind dock is just one of the many modular components of the cadas mind like the mine graphics for example that provide significant GPU power for gaming and GPU driven tasks all of this is available on the kickstarter page so if you guys want to take your productivity to the next level click the link below we pulled off and I said I think that's yeah nice what brings you guys to Micro Center I'm bringing her for her first time oh nice she's gonna love it I appreciate it thank you no worries I'll see you guys inside the store all right [Music] I want to explore more of this store can we go explore for like a few minutes before we start picking the parts let's go [Music] I really like this store a lot more guys it just seems more clean more organized which is kind of given because it's a brand new store but what really gets me moist is the modern design of it I'm digging it foreign I know for a fact we can fit in the ryzen 5 7600 comfortably that is the best CPU for this budget for not only gaming but also a little bit of content creation as well [Music] ryzen 5 7 600 there we go we're picking up the nonx version We're Gonna Save twenty dollars we're basically going to get the same performance as the X variant once we enable PBO in the bios so it doesn't make sense to spend 20 more for the same performance so not only did we save twenty dollars by not going with the X variant but we're also saving another 25 off the CPU you guys because Micro Center is offering 25 off all the processors in their store so we just saved really big on the ryzen 5 7 600. now for the operating system we are going with Windows 10 Pro we can just pick one up from your for 15 using the code ts20 they're really good about setting the CD key almost immediately after purchasing it so all you have to do is go into the activation settings and just activate it [Music] yes yes but I met a bunch of the influences while working here now yeah oh no way that's awesome to hear right what's your name Christian Christian nice to meet you man thanks man you want to be in the video I'm actually shooting a Micro Center video for sure yeah you guys hear you heard it here folks all right he was more excited to see me yeah more more than enough more than Jason oh man I can't believe my role model I appreciate you guys I'll catch you later before I leave I'll take a picture that literally just boosted my confidence by like a thousand the motherboard we have to stick around 120 we can't spend any penny more if you want to stay under a thousand dollar price we do need a b650 board 219. oh man is that pricey it's not looking good everything's over 120 bucks only a bit of a pickle there was one online for 120 the ASRock b650m but unfortunately it is out of stock by the time it got here so that's going to change a few things unfortunately at this point I'll even take an open box we got a b650 MK from gigabyte start from ASRock but it is going for 130 dollars so I think we can make this work it's ten dollars more than the other motherboard but this is the closest we can get yes I am yeah for sure awesome nice to meet you what's your name Samuel oh you used to watch me all right um okay for the graphics card this is gonna be an easy one we have to go team red because they offer the best value for a thousand dollar budget I know we can squeeze in an RX 6800 that is basically the best performing card for that budget so usually powder color has the best deals so this is a little higher than what was on the website that's 470 six dollars but it was 450 on the website so we're gonna have to correct this and see it's more accurate but this is the best price on a 6800 right now currently at Micro Center so we're gonna have to go with this just want to confirm the price real quick oh thank God okay beautiful so it is 450 so we're gonna stay right under our budget almost had a heart attack to be honest okay let's go [Music] all right guys I found the BYO section at Micro Center this is where you build your own PC and honestly if you live near a Micro Center it doesn't make sense to build your PC anywhere else you get so much variety to choose from when you're at Micro Center and on top of that you're saving money from their deals so this is literally the best place to build a PC better selection better ingredients pop a Micro Center all right time to pick up some storage I'm usually for a thousand dollars we can fit in a one terabyte m.2 SSD very easily so that shouldn't be a problem all right boys from crucial never disappoints let's see what they got we definitely want one with PCI Gen 4 so we can take advantage of PCI Gen4 speeds now these prices are what I'm talking about looks like this is on sale the original price 57.99 but it's actual sell price is 37.99 for a one terabyte m.2 drive on a PCI Gen 4 guys that's absolutely insane 40 90. one can dream okay so here is the memory aisle whoops I'm breaking their stuff all right so I think we can only afford crucial at this point 4 800 megahertz uh frequency 16 gigs for sure so let's see what they got here as much as I want to throw in some Corsair sticks we can't afford it right now this is the course that we got at home crucial 16 gigabyte kit ddr5 at 4 800 megahertz you can't get more naked than this we're using the most basic sticks unfortunately but you're not gonna be able to see it anyways inside the build we're doing a performance build not really an aesthetic build this time all right so we got our memory we got our storage we've got our motherboard graphics card CPU we're missing case power supply and I think that's it and where do you go you know I'm just realizing I kind of don't want to go with the stock cooler for a thousand dollar budget I feel like we can squeeze in a nice cooler so let's pick up the cooler just in case and see if we can squeeze it in our thousand dollar budget if not we'll just remove it at the checkout but it's better to be safe than sorry [Music] ak-620 this one's going for 65 bucks it's a little too steep for us what's the most affordable one here the ak-400 is looking cute 29.99 not bad I think you can go with this one right pretty low profile I don't think it's gonna impact our memory sticks we should be able to make this work if not like I said we'll just remove it at checkout [Music] the main gear chairs now look at that that's cool [Music] dude I really appreciate that absolutely man anything for you you were literally the one that like 10 years ago like I saw your videos and I was like I appreciate that so much man thank you Christian thank you thank you bye-bye or sir I would love to toss in of course our power supply but they are very pricey unfortunately even a 750 watt is 90 so we're a little broke today so let's go let's go one step down this is definitely more mile we got some power spec power supplies down here 65 4 and 80 plus bronze oh it's even a semiology there too I didn't know that it's a nice treat it's not better than a fully modular power supply but you know we'll take it especially for the price I don't think you can beat it right now oh there's a white one too of course it's five dollars more but we're doing an all black build so this makes the most sense let's do it and now we are down to our final piece the case you guys grilled me on the last video because I put in a full ATX case with a Micro ATX motherboard my reasoning behind that was future proofing the system so later if I did up wanted to upgrade to a full ATX motherboard I would have the extra space for it but I hear you guys loud and clear we went with a Micro ATX motherboard this time so I will go with a Micro ATX case they're also a lot cheaper too so I think it's going to be perfect for our budget foreign [Music] see what we've got this time hopefully you want to stick to less than 100 bucks maybe we'll go daily this time the lion cool 205 oh no I can't use this it's a uh it's a full ATX I don't want you guys to roast me in the comment section okay so let's stick with the Micro ATX form factor this one's nice glancool this is the land cool 185m kind of not feeling it to be honest maybe we should go like a mesh mesh design we found the boys and girls the v3000 damn this thing is huge dude who builds in these cases like honestly is it even necessary honestly with mortgage rates in California right now this is like the perfect starter home nice spacious living space you got your basement down here right okay so it's going to be between the 170m and the 205m this one is ten dollars less it's a lot smaller but the only thing I don't like about the 170m is that the power supply is going to be visible and it's going to be on the top so this one is concealed in the bottom we got a power supply shroud and it's 65 bucks so I think we can make this work I don't even know if I'm allowed to remove the thumb screws but I'm probably gonna kick me out oh it's got two included fans I did not know that two 140 millimeter fans in the front it's got a mesh panel as well all right let's go with this perfect [Music] now let's go to the checkout and see if we maintained under our budget [Music] I heard there's a 3D printing section here at this Micro Center if so that's freaking cool let's see if I can find it excuse me do you guys have a 3D printing section here I heard or is it oh awesome oh that's cool so you guys just sell 3D printers is that what this area is about 3D printers and then we've got our filament on the back wall there as well oh very nice thank you most of them running as well over here oh okay we'll take a look appreciate it thank you this is pretty cool I've never seen a 3D printing section at any electronic store so I don't know if Micro Center is the first to do it don't quote me on that but this is pretty damn cool I wish I had extra time to get into 3D printing I've dibbled and dabbled a little bit 3D printing but it's just so time consuming we got a printer in action right now [Music] [Applause] you where's the guy she told you not to worry about [Music] you what's your name Jeffrey Jeffrey definitely nice to meet you dude well I think a quick picture for sure oh crap you look at the camera Natural Born star I love it I love his books on the camera oh brings your medical center you me yeah how did you know I was here oh they tweeted something about me yeah oh no way that's crazy I didn't even know I've been um uh Ohio it's like a two-hour drive here oh no way yeah oh so you drove two hours to meet me yeah oh man dude I'm not worth the two-hour drive but hopefully you know all the time oh you do I appreciate that man thank you for subscribe two three years I started like computer stuff oh that's awesome man no way nice what uh what specs I have a right now the 5900x in the RX 6800 oh nice car we got the same car look at that yeah rx6800 nice choice nice it was nice to meet you man so awesome as you drove two hours and meet me yeah that's awesome maybe I'll see you around take care man so I felt really bad after our interaction I rushed out of there because we were running out of time and we had to make it back to the airport in four hours for our flight but I decided to go back and do something nice for him for making the two-hour drive just to see me hey sorry to bother you real quick uh can I ask you something yeah uh what what kind of memory are you rocking in your PC you know etr4 uh do you know how many how much like the capacity is it at 16 gigs right now I have the 32 or 32 gigabyte kit what kind of case do you have I have the 011 Dynamic well it's a nice case yeah what about for storage I just have a one terabyte hard drive and a one terabyte SSD is it in that two or a 2.5 inch and I do honestly you drove two hours to meet me I want to do something nice for you I want to upgrade your your storage if that's possible yeah I want to give you another one terabyte or two terabyte and that 2s is leave that's cool so let's go to the storage section pick whichever one you want and I'll pay for it is that cool thank you absolutely man let's go show what you want lead the way I'm sure you know this oh this is your first time here yeah oh nice okay well follow me I'm actually more more experienced now so crucial is pretty cool I'm actually putting one in my build right now the P3 is really nice the two terabyte drive PCI Gen 4 speeds as well so it's gonna be really nice all right you want to those yeah let's do it anything anything else you need for your system you sure it feels like a dream awesome man so nice to meet you man awesome yeah let's get it in yeah okay you have such an awesome son awesome so glad all right thank you I tried I tried okay let's go hello we are here to check out if something happens just bring it back and go and change there you go no problem enjoy yeah of course it was nice meeting you guys take care I'll see you around the store alrighty bye-bye all right here we go guys if you can't make it under a thousand we're gonna have to slice off the cooler but I know for a fact we'll be fine just over by 15.36 does that include a 25 discount for the CPUs I did not bring up a discount we still got it there we go 988 61. 988 and 61 cents guys that's actually a lot less than a thousand dollars we made it okay they forgot to put in the case but even with the case included before tax 988 guys we made it right underneath the budget so let's go and take these parts home build it and give and get ticket for a test drive another Bittersweet moment fortunately it's over now we're going home I don't know why I always feel depressed after leaving Micro Center it's it's weird it's getting weird I should get this checked out but we got some toys for our daughter she keeps saying yo-yo for some reason so we've got our yo-yo in a little Rubik's Cube [Music] being that subscriber was pretty cool I wanted to do something really nice for him that's why I was asking what is specs were and I was going down the list and I was waiting for him to say I'll have an RX 580 or a GTX 1050 ti so I can give him a nice GPU upgrade but he had a pretty decent GPU and really nice processor as well 32 gigs of RAM I mean I gave him the most meaningful upgrade I thought I could which was more storage but I don't know I feel like I could I could have done better all right ladies and gents we are finally back here at the studio looks like Micro Center finally sent over all the parts so we can begin the build except the motherboard is different if you guys remember I actually bought a gigabyte board because the ASRock board that I originally wanted was out of stock well lucky for me while they were shipping out the parts they found one in stock in the back room so they went ahead and shipped this out instead for me so this doesn't really change anything the entire total price is still under a thousand dollars in fact this is ten dollars less than the gigabyte board that I picked up originally so yeah with that said let's put this together and take it for a test drive [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] reloading at all costs [Music] one out four remaining [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you I'm not ready yet [Music] all right [Music] [Music] get out of town before it's too late not a bad build overall you guys for a thousand dollars I'm quite impressed with the performance of this little guy but with that said I do want to mention a few things starting with the case the Lancome 205 mesh was actually pretty fun to build in despite the Micro ATX form factor there was plenty of space for all the parts there were no clearance issues with the GPU and plenty of space in the back for cable management temps were decent for the most part I did notice a GPU peaking at 82 degrees Celsius only in Diablo 4 at Modern Warfare 2 which apparently is normal for this card as it can get pretty hot Under full load the CPU on their hand peaked at 73 degrees only on cyberpunk 2077 but it remained relatively cool on the rest of the games I tested as expected due to its dedicated cooler but what impressed me the most is how quiet the system is you might have also noticed that there is no RGB Lighting on the front fans and that was not done on Purpose By the way well that's because there are no RGB headers on the motherboard so I can't plug in the RGB cable to control the lights personally I think it looks a lot better without the lights anyways because now it became an old black stealth build but if RGB helps you sleep at night I would swap the board to something that has RGB headers in fact if I was sent over the gigabyte board that I selected at Micro Center that would have solved this issue because not only does it have two RGB headers on the board but it also has four dim slots providing a viable upgrade path for the PC I mean sure it's ten dollars more but all the parts together still cost under a thousand dollars another thing I don't quite like about the system is the ketchup and mustard cables which are visible on the 24 pin and a part of the eight pin EPS cable on the top left so picking up some cheap cable extensions from Amazon would be the next upgrade component of this system or you can ditch the cooler upgrade and use that money towards nice cable extensions instead so you have to really decide here what's more important Aesthetics or cooling performance other than that I really do like how the build came out it was an accident but I'm really digging the non-rgb stealthy look performs great it's extremely quiet and has the best bang for the buck for a thousand dollars currently at least until amb launches their new cards in the next few weeks in fact I'll be doing a few builds with those new cards in the channel very soon so if you guys are excited to see that make sure you're subscribed to the Channel all links to the parts used will be linked down below as always thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys very soon in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: TechSource
Views: 543,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microcenter, pc build, pc challenge, challenge, fast, amd, intel, nvidia, shopping, parts, micro center, microcenter gaming pc, what is microcenter, $1000, $1000 pc, 1000 pc
Id: 3Y5uOku8Ga4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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