Dear Apple - The iPad needs help.

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dear Apple the iPad needs help let me explain about a month ago Apple launched the new iPad Pro and I spent over $3,000 ordering the fully speced out one for myself I was so excited I thought oh my God the iPad is now more powerful than I could ever possibly need this can be my sketchpad my laptop my Netflix device my gaming machine I can do all of my Computing on this one tablet that's barely 5 mm thin and you know what I was right at least about that part I'll never forget my first day setting up this iPad I was in absolute awe my whole plan was to see if I could use this to replace my big chunky 16-in MacBook Pro kind of proves the point and so I was one by one going through all the things that I did on this and setting them up here and basically everything just worked every account login took seconds thanks to Apple's keychain password memory and face ID the fact that the iPad has face ID where the Mac still doesn't meant that I barely needed to lift a finger and everything was set up but also you know how Apple constantly describes his iPad as a magic sheet of glass yeah I know the marketing talk is crazy but in a way that quote finally made sense to me on this day the screen feels like it should not be as bright as it is considering how thin the iPad is the thumb rejection how you can grip the thing in one hand and scroll with the other and the touchcreen understands what you're doing and ignores your thumb it does feel like magic and most importantly it doesn't matter which way you're using it you can rotate any orientation you want and the bezels are completely even whichever way you pick face ID Works in any orientation but also volume buttons I realize that they flip so when you hold the iPad this way left turns your volume down right turns it up but then when you rotate the iPad 180° the buttons remap themselves so that from your perspective left is still volume down right is still volume up I'd assumed it might be slower than my maxed out MacBook Pro and I mean look at the chunk difference would you be surprised but it isn't it is so fast I thought I'd have difficulties with battery life barely the battery while definitely not as good as a MacBook Pro is still better than what you get on most laptops I love the fact that my main computer would actually have cellular data now and I did initially think this was going to be some Next Level monthly expense but turns out prepaid dataon eims they're actually okay I found a plan that's going to cost me £100 for my hopefully years worth of data usage I even jumped into some video calls and I was just like what this webcam is amazing it's crisp it's flattering but also it has Center Stage which means just like those actually physically rotating webcams you can buy it follows you around the room and actually keeps you in the center oh yeah and the games if you're someone who plays a lot of games on your phone let me tell you they hit very different on an iPad you're getting like the biggest brightest clearest picture possible not to mention that you will not have to worry about performance this thing absolutely eats mobile games for breakfast so in case you can't already tell I was initially in love with this thing so where on Earth did it go wrong well day two when I actually started trying to do some proper work on it I woke up I plugged it into my monitor like I've been doing for years with my laptop and I settled into my desk for a good day's research um Mr cook my mouse was not working wow for years I've been using logitech's very good MX Master mouse that works perfectly on maap and for some reason I'm getting to the Y later but for some reason it was performing terribly the scroll wheel was incredibly laggy and unresponsive like unusably so so I was having to scroll by clicking and dragging across the page like some Unstoppable but to top it all off I keep disconnecting I spent half of my first working day trying to troubleshoot my mouse trying all sorts of other options and eventually coming to the conclusion that okay there's one accessory that probably will work well on this Apple's Magic Mouse so I ordered one it arrived and you know what yes yes it does it works perfectly but let me tell you the ergonomics of this mouse are anything but Magic it's super flat it's kind of sharp and it still requires you to Arch your fingers to use it like a trackpad instead of having a much more hand-friendly scroll wheel I've actually had quite a few issues with my hands from long periods of time clawing like this it's not good for you but what choice did I have so can you imagine my reaction when I realized that the same thing was happening to my keyboard it honestly felt like a cartoonish problem to be having in this day and age but sometimes my space bar just randomly started inserting two space spes each time but where still it would very often just stop typing and you know me I don't normally rage at things but this really started to tick me off and again zero issues with the Mac but for some reason the iPad is extremely unreliable with third party Bluetooth accessories okay so rough start but then it got worse and then I started to notice a pattern cuz the next thing that I tried was screenshots you know it's only on this iPad that I've realized how much I rely on screenshots because look at this if you're on a Mac and you want to send someone what you're looking at you tap a few buttons you select the area you want to share and then just drag and drop that file over to whoever you're sending it to on the iPad you press those same buttons and for some bizarre reason you just can't instead the iPad takes a screenshot of not just the screen you're on but also any screen you're connected to and it takes the whole thing so every single time you have to delete one of the screenshots and then manually use the touch screen to resize Each corner of the second one till you have what you want and then the dragging and dring too like 50% of the time that doesn't work either as each app is siloed with its own set of rules for how you add files to them actually you know what let me just rapid fire through the plethora of unnecessary issues that I've had with this iPad and then I'll explain why I think it's happening for example you can't rearrange your Safari favorites by just dragging you instead have to go into a convoluted separate side menu your favorites bar disappears when you scroll down web pages meaning that every single time you want to go to one of your favorites you first have to either scroll P back up or move your cursor to the top of the screen before you can click them you don't actually get a mouse pointer you get a mouse blob that sort of snaps onto things so it's quite a bit less precise than using a Mac and it makes navigating to that subscribe button that bit more difficult so if you're not using an iPad right now then a sub to the channel would be smooth some websites don't work the iPad seems to get very confused between virtual keyboards and physical keyboards and sometimes just decides to give you neither there's no progress bars when you're transferring or opening files so you're just left there waiting until something suddenly appears when it's eventually done or should I say actually if it's done because the software is much more aggressive with shutting down background processes than a normal computer so sometimes Amazon purchases for example they don't go through un th I keep the window open while they're processing and there are uploads that I left going on in the background that I later realized silently canceled themselves apps sometimes behave in really unintuitive ways like for example when you're WR wrting documents in your web browser the iPad teaches you that a double tap highlights your word and then a triple tap highlights your paragraph but then using the Docs app it does something completely different and actually expects you to fiddle with a trackpad trying to grab and drag this across many apps are really surprisingly poorly formatted for iPad and don't even get me started on the Instagram app or the fact that there's no official calculator so you have to resort to downloading someone else's and having a permanent ad stapled across it multitasking isn't very good within your apps like if I want to type out a new email while looking at another one that I previously sent a while ago you actually can't do that using the Gmail app so you end up then having to use multiple different tabs of Gmail in your browser you know the same way that you would on your Mac but then that kind of defeats the main benefit of having these apps that are specifically designed and optimized around this mobile operating system oh yeah and the desktop is way less flexible than a Mac the iPad does not give you the tools required to be able to use its massive space very well at all the thing in common with all of these issues they are EX extremely fixable with this iPad Apple created a brand new superpowered chip they made it so unbelievably thin they upgraded the apple pencil to a whole other level it's all really cool stuff but the thing that's upsetting me is that if instead they just done none of that and literally spent like one week instead fixing these software quirks this will be a better product that the pros they're so fervently marketing to can actually use as their main computers what I'm imagining is happening here is because Apple also sells the Mac the single product that is most at risk of eating into that it's not Windows laptops at this stage it is Apple's own iPad so they're stuck in this weird place of every year making the iPad more Pro but not actually addressing the core things that would allow Pros to rely on it requiring them to still get a Macbook even though the hardware of this can almost definitely do absolutely everything they want it to I'm getting to that there's a few more baked in iPad issues that would be harder for Apple to fix like how this screen gets way more fingerprint than a Mac screen since it's designed around you touching it how the speakers shoot outwards instead of forwards like they do on a Mac so the audio isn't as crisp and that with the magic keyboard the iPad is extremely topheavy for a laptop so while it's fine on a desk it doesn't feel nearly as stable in your lap but for me these are smaller issues that I could learn to live with so what am I going to do with this am I returning mine no I still love it in small moments it does frustrate me to high heaven and I do not understand how Apple thinks this magnet is an acceptable way to keep your very expensive apple pencil Pro it needs some sort of latch otherwise it's so easy to lose you have to keep it in a bag but then when this thing works the way you want it to it feels like such a life hack so this is what I'm doing the iPad has become my travel computer anytime I leave the house for a day I detach this from the keyboard and this is everything I need because I know that if I really want to I will be able to do any Computing that I might need to on short notice and then if I'm going abroad I will pack this keyboard too because these two together is 95% of the laptop experience and in ways better because the iPad is like so good for watching movies on the plane and the only only reason why I can't just completely ditch my MacBook Pro is just these weird limitations when you're trying to use it as a desktop computer so for that one specific use case I am still going to have to keep the Mac I'll just leave it permanently docked at the table so let's see if Apple fixes any of these cons at their next big software WWDC event now while we do a little iPad camera test I want to tell you about something that I've started using all the time anytime you're logging into one of those public Wi-Fi and they're asking for your entire life history or just giving your details to a website that you don't completely trust for all of this I have just started using an alternate ID I'm not even kidding you might know me as Aaron manie but online I'm technically Emily I've been using surf shark's bakedin alter ID feature and it's amazing it creates every single detail you could possibly need to fill out a form including an email address that you can actually use for as long or as short as you want to and it means that you can have a consistent online Persona that you can copy and paste into any form in one click that's not actually you by default the new email that's set up for you will automatically forward emails that come in to your main email but the beauty of that is the second you decide that you no longer need the service that you signed up for you just cut that email and you have that peaceful reassurance that you've never actually shared your main email address and that's just one thing there's like 15 different reasons why I use surf Shar VPN like also just the fact that it's a VPN and I think it's the best VPN it's fast the app is awesome and it's really affordable because with the code boss it's literally less than $3 a month with four extra months for free for an unlimited number of users and a 30-day money back guarantee and so yeah the camera is definitely a step down from the iPhone but it's not bad
Channel: Mrwhosetheboss
Views: 1,504,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ipad, iPad pro, iPad Pro m4, iPad Pro m4 review, iPad Pro review, 13 inch, Apple, ipad review, 2024
Id: xNv2EOc6ma0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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