The Unbelievable $800 Gaming PC Build!

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so this is a beautiful all-white custom modded gaming PC that's able to run most AAA titles and 1080p High settings over 144 FPS and it's only going to cost you 793 dollars and the best part is anyone can build it right now the CPU I went with is the ryzen 5 5600 which is a 6 core 12 thread processor running on the previous Zen 3 architecture and while it is a one year old processor it's still able to keep up with old Modern Day titles as long as you pair it with a capable GPU so I went with the ryzen 5 5600 over the Intel i5 12400f which is the direct competitor for two reasons number one it's 20 cheaper and number two it offers the same performance when paired with an entree level graphics card but more importantly the ryzen 5 5600 offers the most value when you factor in the motherboard and memory price and that is why for our 800 budget this is the perfect CPU it's also 17 cheaper than the X variant while providing practically this same performance the 12400f is also a really nice option if you guys want to make the jump to ddr5 platform to Future proof your system but just keep in mind you're going to be paying a little bit more for the motherboard and the memory which will put you over an 800 price I'll drop a link to a motherboard and a memory kit that I recommend pairing with the 12400f if you decide to take that route instead for the operating system I'm going with Windows 10 Pro because it's only 15 and I did include this in the parts list as well you guys can get this from any website you want but the place where I get all my keys from is your because they are reliable and they deliver the codes within a minute of purchase you guys can also get 25 off using the code ts20 just make sure to go into the Windows activation settings to put in the key afterwards now for the motherboard I did go with the ASRock p550m Pro once again just because of all the features it offers for the price it is still even till today the best value b550m board that you can buy for your ryzen system it's got four dimm slots which is nice if you decide to add two more sticks later down the line it supports two m.2 ssds with an extra m.2 slot for your Wi-Fi card so you can add an Intel Wi-Fi 6 card for an extra 20 if you want to add Wi-Fi to your PC I also love the fact that it has four RGB headers you get two three pin and four pin headers located on the bottom and top for connectivity you get a nice set of ports including USB type c but more importantly the board supports all ryzen 3rd gen processors up to 5th gen without having to flash the BIOS just pop in your CPU and you're good to go it also works smoothly with our memory the Corsair Vengeance lpx we are going with a 3600 megahertz frequency this time around but with a faster latency seal 16. as a general rule of thumb you always want to go with the highest frequency and the lowest seal timing as these specs will affect your gaming performance just make sure you guys go into your bio settings and enable XMP to take advantage of the speeds you do this by navigating to the overclock or tweaker tab in the Bios and you just enable the XMP option that's it that's literally all you have to do and then hit F10 to save and restart now once you're at the desktop right click on your taskbar to open up task manager then go into performance Tab and click on memory if the speed's on here do not match the speeds of your memory then you're losing out on performance now for storage I was able to squeeze in a one terabyte m.2 SSD in our budget The crucial P3 plus should be on everyone's build list because of the insane read and write speeds it's able to achieve such high speeds because it's a PCI Gen 4 Drive which is significantly faster than PCI gen 3. this means your PC will boot up faster and it will load applications and games much faster too now for the graphics card I went with the XFX RX 6700 non-xt variant which surprisingly not a lot of people are talking about which is unfortunate because this is a very underrated card for 280 dollars you get a GPU that not only performs better than this direct competitor the RTX 3060 but we're also able to squeeze out additional FPS by doing a simple overclock which I'll show you guys later in the the benchmarks now if you guys do have the extra 60 dollars to spend I would make the jump to the RX 6700 XT because it is a much better card overall for 1080p gaming and you get more vram but if you want to take the Nvidia route because you prefer dlss2 over FSR and you like the extra two gigs of vram then you can go with the RTX 3060 but just know that you are giving up performance if you do that now another option is the RX 7600 which costs about 20 less it does have less vram and it's slightly slower in some games but you do get DisplayPort 2.1 and av1 encoding so really comes down to preference I'm just going after a raw price to Performance and I do love the extra 2 gigs of vram so that is why the 6700 makes the most sense with this budget I did go with the XFX Speedster and I painted it in white so it matches the color scheme and I'll go over all the mods and show you guys how I did it later in the video for anyone interested in doing the same thing for their PC okay I gotta talk about the case you guys because even after I finished building in it I still can't believe the price it feels like a scam because it's too good to be true if I told you guys that this goes for 85 and it comes with seven argb fans included would you believe me well it's true [Applause] I spent a lot of time trying to find out what is wrong with this case like where did they take the shortcuts because there's no way this company is making money off this if you factor in the seven fans let's just say that each fan is worth five dollars which is definitely on the lower end most fans start at ten dollars each right that is 35 just on the fans which means the case itself has to be worth around 50 bucks fifty dollars for a lean Lee all 11 mini snow Edition ripoff is a pretty damn good deal the two chamber design has been extremely popular so much that other manufacturers have been copying it for a long time in fact these guys aren't the only ones doing it DIY PC has one but it only comes with three fans Amazon has one too but it's 95 dollars without any fans there's even one from gim that goes for 90 bucks but still no fans this one is hands down the best value o11 mini look-alike because it not only comes with seven argb fans already included but it also comes with a fan control roller Hub so you can plug all the fans into it any remote that lets you control the lights the case also features two tempered glass panels we had three USB ports on the top one of which is USB 3 and up to Triple 240 millimeter radiator support in the rear chamber you get a single hard drive cage that also supports a 2.5 inch SSD and enough room to install a full ATX power supply I was pleasantly surprised with the construction of this case like it's built really well it doesn't feel like an 85 case but with that said there were some things that I should definitely point out first off the fan configuration is all jacked up they are all set as intake for some reason I'm not sure who was in charge of pre-installing the fans but clearly that person doesn't know what he's doing luckily this was a very easy fix I just slipped the top two fans and the rear fan has exhaust in order to balance out the air pressure another thing to keep in mind is that the case has built-in snap off PCI brackets so just be mindful of which one you're popping off because it is permanent if you're going with a microwave ATX board that's a little wider like the one I'm using in this build it will extend over the motherboard tray it's not a huge deal as it still works but just be careful when plugging in the 24 pin cable so you don't bend the board and lastly I don't like the fan design too much if I'm being honest I think the textures on the sides look very tacky for my taste but I'm able to look past it considering the price you really can't go wrong with this case you guys if you're looking for a Micro ATX o11 mini look-alike but at a much lower cost probably the entire build is the apibia pr 500 watts it's an 80 plus gold certified power supply with tons of positive reviews on Amazon and it only costs 52 dollars which is a really good price for a 600 watt unit the only downside it's non-modular meaning all the cables are already attached to it another option would be to go with the es600 which is the same power supply I used in the last budget build it's also from opivia it costs 10 less comes in the color white and it's semi-modular meaning you can plug just the cables you need to prevent cable clutter and building in a small case like this you can use all the extra space you can get and lastly for the Finishing Touch some cheap cable extensions from Amazon to eliminate the ugly stock cables I always go with the abno1 cables because they look the cleanest they come with white connectors and white cable Combs as well plus they're only 20 bucks if you guys like this PC and you want to build one yourself I will link a video to a detailed build guide that will guide you step by step on how to build a PC from start to finish okay now let's talk about the mods I decided to paint the CPU Cooler shroud and the graphics card to match the white color scheme let's start with the CPU shroud first this was very easy to take apart just remove the four screws holding the cover onto the heatsink and separate them then flip the Shroud upside down and remove the final two screws that hold the fan blade together afterwards you're clear to take apart the cooler you now have the choice of painting both of them separately however I'm only going to paint the Shroud and not the fan blades this time around taking apart the graphics card is a bit of a lengthy process however it's extremely easy as long as you follow along also this video can be used for taking apart any graphics card since the process is the same so start off by removing all the screws from the PCI bracket in the back there's usually one underneath each port and then there are two more on the sides connecting the bracket to the PCB next we need to separate the back plate from the PCB so remove all the visible screws from the top of the graphics card and store them in a safe place gently peel the back plate and the PCB off the heatsink while being careful not to pull on the cable there's always at least one cable that connects the PCB to the Shroud some other high-end cards have multiple cables so just be aware of this disconnect all the cables and separate both parts continue to remove all the screws that hold the PCB against the back plate and store them in a safe place it's always a good idea to record this entire process that way you guys know how to assemble the GPU when you're all done grab the Shroud and flip it upside down proceed to remove all the screws that connect the heatsink to the Shroud separate the heatsink and put it to the side we now have access to the entire GPU shroud for easy modding there are two options here you can either leave the fans on here and paint the entire thing or separate the fans and paint only the Shroud which is what I'm going to be doing here I'm only paying the Shroud because the fans aren't going to be visible when the gravis car is installed on the case plus we can eliminate Risk by not painting them there are usually a set of screws holding the fans against the Shroud so go ahead and remove them one by one and flip the Shroud to the back where the cables are make sure to take a picture here that way you can remember how the cables are routed before removing them take all the parts that you want to paint outside and make sure you're wearing a mask to avoid breathing in harmful fumes I always start off by using a microfiber cloth to wipe down fingerprint oil and debris to make sure that we get a smooth finish my go-to paint is the Rust-Oleum paint and primer in semi-gloss but you guys can use any paint you want just make sure it has primer already mixed in for the best results always start off with a test spray on the side since the initial spray is always uneven once you guys get a steady stream of paint start applying your first coat in a side to side motion one feet apart with about 10 minutes between each coat you can cover your other parts if you're afraid of overspray but I'm not going to cover mine since I like to paint multiple Parts at the same time the first coat should cover 50 percent of the part the second coat should cover about 75 percent and the third and final coat should be a full hundred percent coverage you can apply a fourth and fifth coat if you like especially if there are areas you missed and there are noticeable spots I would wait a full day for the paint to dry before flipping it over and doing the other side if you're painting both sides and once the paint is completely dry you are ready to put everything back together just repeat the process backwards for the graphics card making sure all the cables are routed the correct way and are plugged back into the PCB also make sure to clean the old thermal paste from the heatsink and the gravis card with 99 isopropyl and a paper towel then you can apply a fresh paste to the GPU afterwards you can add the PCB to the back plate and screw everything back together the result is this stunning one-of-a-kind white gravis car that blends in perfectly with the PC okay I know this was a lot of information for a lot of you guys but if this was helpful to you please let me know in the comment section if it wasn't helpful I'm going to leave it out on the next budget build and just focus on the parts yeah with that said let's get into the gaming benchmarks thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] together [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] my spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] such a noob Noob damn even I was impressed with some of the FPS numbers it's crazy what 800 dollars can get you right now in 2023. you can pretty much play any AAA title in high settings over 144 FPS and 1080p while having a subjectively good looking system in my opinion the PC looks absolutely stunning especially with the custom paint job that is optional by the way you guys don't have to paint the parts if you don't want to I just love the uniform look where everything is the same color times are pretty good throughout all the games with the GPU peeking at 66 degrees on the most demanding titles and the CPU reaching temps of 84 degrees a few times on apex and Call of Duty which is to be expected since we are using just the stock cooler but for most of the other games it stayed under 80 degrees Celsius no thermal throttling stuttering or lag was present during the entire time all wireless system remained very silent on full load overclocking the gravis card is highly recommended with this PC build if you guys want to gain up to 5 FPS on average on some of the games you're playing I mean it's not a crazy amount of performance by any means but every little bit helps especially since all it takes is a few adjustments on the clock speeds for example on cyberpunk 2077 I was able to get an extra 4 FPS just by maxing out the clock speeds and here's how to do it for free download MSI afterburner which is completely free to use by the way once you open that up max out the power limit percent and then max out both the core clock and the memory clock by dragging the slider all the way to the right afterwards just set the check mark and save it to one of your presets and now your GPU is running slightly faster than stock speeds if for some reason your graphics card is unstable just restore everything back to default by hitting the rewind button but I highly doubt that's going to happen on such a low end card all parts will be linked below if you guys want to check it out along with a full detailed build guide to help you build any PC you want subscribe for more awesome PC content coming your way thanks so much much for watching and I'll see you guys very soon in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: TechSource
Views: 476,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 800 pc build, pc build, budget pc, budget, gaming, fortnite, warzone, warzone 2, mw2, modern warfare 2, diablo 4, 144fps, cheap pc build, apex legends, forza, fh5, nvidia, amd, ryzen, low budget, low cost, custom, high settings, valorant, gta5, gta6, gtav, best pc under 1000, best gaming pc under 1000, Under $1000, $800, how to paint PC parts, custom mod, mod
Id: b5tmxIClNIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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