The BEST $1000 Gaming PC Build in 2024!

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if you have only $11,000 to spend on a custom gaming PC then this is it ladies and gents the best money can buy right now in terms of Pure Performance I mean we're able to achieve over 165 FPS in high settings in 1440p it is an absolute beast of the system so sit back and relax and let's get started not having proper security software on your PC is like leaving your car door open with the key in the ignition at a Walmart parking lot having dealt with viruses in the past I use EET on all of my PCS at home way before they even reached out to sponsor me they've got you covered 24/7 with fast scans AI powered threat prevention and Recovery Services against identity theft you can choose from three different plans each offering another layer of protection the ultimate plan even includes a million dooll insurance coverage and a limited VPN to browse with peace of mind you might think Windows Defender is good enough but do you really want to gamble with your security simply typing out your online banking password can easily be tracked by hackers I'm pretty sure having your account drained is the last thing you guys want so if you want to stay protected at all times download EET by using my link down below so overall I paid $996 for this PC to achieve these types of frame rates in gaming all the aesthetic upgrades you see here are optional and I've made a separate list for them due to popular request on my budget builds but I'll give you guys a price breakdown for all the parts including the optional aesthetic upgrade now a CD key is not technically required to build a PC but you do need one to take full advantage of Windows features but whatever you guys do do not pay full price because you can get one super cheap at vipcd they sell all types of keys including Windows 10 pro and Windows 11 Pro as well just make sure to use the code ts20 to drop the price down to around $22 after checking out they will email you instructions on how you can retrieve the key and all you have to do is copy and paste that into the Windows activation settings and you're good to go for the CPU I was able to fit in the new ryzen 5 7600 6 core 12 thread processor this ranks up there with the 13600 K and even performs better than the ryzen 7 5800 X in gaming which is an 8 core processor by the way to Simply put it this is still the best value gaming CPU you can put in a system under $1,000 not to mention this brings us to the most latest am5 platform so we can take advantage of ddr5 memory no surprise here we are still sing with the stock cooler yet again simply because we need to save as much money as possible to stay under a $1,000 budget and focus mostly on performance regardless this is more than capable to keep the temps down so we don't really need an aftermarket cooler but if you guys can spare to spare change and you do want to add an aftermarket cooler I'll drop a link to two coolers I recommend going with this specific build the gigabyte B 650m is pretty much the standard pick for am5 Budget builds if you want overclocking support with this board we can enable PBO and the BIOS to boost off frame rates even more on select games with the ryzen 57600 but it's also got some really nice features like four dim slots giving us the option to upgrade our Ram in the future and I love the USBC connectivity you get one on the board and one more in the back to plug devices it's also got pretty decent vrm coverage we got two m.2 slots and three RGB headers two of which are 5vt which is what we need for our RGB products overall a very solid board for the money and you can't go wrong with it for memory we're going with a pretty fast 16 GB kit from Patriot this is rated for 5200 MHz and a seal 36 timing for only $68 now for storage we are squeezing in a 1 TB m.2 SSD from HP the FX 9000 is a PCI Gen 4 SSD so we're going to take advantage of the faster speeds since our motherboard also supports PCI Gen 4 you're going to need a screwdriver with small bits to access the storage area if you're looking to snag one I do recommend the one I'm using in this video as this comes with a pry bar and tweezers along with all the correct bits you need for a PC build or simply taking apart components like gravis cards if you want to mod them like I did in this video I'll drop a link to it below if you guys want to check it out speaking of gravis card I was able to fit in an RTX 380 in this budget which is pretty nuts the RTX 380 is pretty much on par with an RX 7800 XT when you look at the 1440p Benchmark except the 700 XT goes for500 $100 brand new and I got the 380 for $360 from eBay originally the listing was for $390 but I figured it doesn't hurt to send an offer so I reached out to the seller and offered $360 and within 30 minutes he accepted my offer and shipped it out the next day you know it's not hard finding an RTX 3080 uh there's a ton of listings on eBay even Facebook Marketplace that are selling it for less than 400 bucks and if you're patient enough you can find one for around 350 or even $60 right now this is hands down the best card to buy in a sub 1,000pc build even if it means buying used but then there are people out there like me who hate putting in used components in their system which is completely fine if you guys want to stick to new parts your only two options are an RTX 4060 TI or an RX 7700 XT for this budget both of which perform significantly slower than the RTX 3080 so do keep that in mind but if you had to pick between these two I would pay a little bit more and go with the 7700 XT because it's faster than the 4060 TI and has more vram the case I'm going with this time is the new flagship case from zalon this is the P30 and it's an absolutely stunning microatx case that's got a solid build quality and two thick clear side panels that are completely toolless it's got a pretty nice Sleek modern aesthetic to it with a power supply shroud on the bottom and plenty of storage options in the back including two trays and one SSD tray on the side surprisingly the case also has a USBC Port which is the perfect pair for our motherboard since we have onboard USBC support I just don't like the location of the iio I would have preferred it in the front but it's not really a big deal for once the freaking fan configuration is correct you guys the case comes equipped with three RGB fans but the two side fans here have reverse blades meaning they are set as intake but I was able to fit in three additional RGB fans from thermal or right on the top however the case does support three more fans on the power supply shroud but just be mindful with the thickness of the GPU to ensure there is enough space underneath one of the things I really love about this case is the amount of rubber grommets that it comes with not only do you get 10 of them but they are placed in the best locations to help with cable routing you get five on the top of the power supply shroud making it easy to line up the cables from your gpus PCI connectors you also get two more on the side for the 24 pin cables and whatnot and three more on the top the best part is you don't need even need any additional fan Splitters because the case comes with a triple fan splitter which you can use to daisy chain all three of the pre-installed fans and the three extra fans we installed can also be Daisy chained together and plugged into just one fan header on the motherboard so all in all you just need two fan headers in the motherboard plus the CPU fan header which this motherboard does have same with the RGB fans both sets of fans can be Daisy chained via the 5volt three Pin cable and plug directly into one of the 5volt headers on the motherboard also all of these fans play nicely with the gigabyte RGB Fusion software meaning you can control the lights and match them all together but you also have control over the fan speed which isn't something you normally get with budget fans power the entire system is a 750 W power supply from Corsair which is also 80 plus bronze certified and altogether I paid $990 182 without the optional aesthetic upgrades and if you're looking to build this exact same PC or any PC really feel free to check out my detailed build guide which I'll drop a link to below okay now for the optional upgrades painting your PC parts is probably the easiest and cheapest way to transform the look of your system all you need is just one can of paint the one I'm using is the Rolan paint and primer and semi gloss I took apart the components I wanted to paint like the CPU shroud and the GPU and then I wiped them down with a clean microfiber cloth before taking it outside and hitting it with three coats of paint with 3 minutes in between each coat after waiting one full day for the parts to dry I brought them back inside and reassembled them par extension cables are also another fairly cheap way to spice up your system I finally dished the abn1 cables and I moved on over to the Asia horse because these are their new and updated cables with premium cable Combs and they come with an extra 8 Pin EPS cable which comes in handy especially if you upgrade your system later down the line and with that said let's take this out for a test drive taking damage throwing pyro grenad reloading it's time for newent in the arena which is sure to test our contestant skills first cashito [Music] hle UAV in the UAV [Music] [Music] taket fire out [Music] offb enemy down [Music] grenade [Music] [Music] out [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] found something out Spott to exterminate fire the hole your team P ahead [Music] reloading double [Music] [Music] kill reload [Music] two kills [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] one kill [Music] remaining down defeated [Applause] [Music] yeah for me there [Music] down [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] not bad at all very impressive numbers the temps did fairly well the GPU peaked at 72° C while the CPU did hit Peak temps of 92° which is expected I mean after all we are running on the stock cooler with the three extra fans exhausting the hot air out the case maintained very good air flow inside while remaining very silent during full load but yeah if you guys only have $1,000 to spend on your next system this is it you can't get any better than this for that price point um even if you guys don't like the white aesthetic you can go with the black case and just go with all black components you can also avoid painting any parts as well so you can save money there by the way I'll drop a link to everything I talked about down below if you guys enjoyed the video feel free to toss a like And subscribe for more awesome PC builds coming your way thanks so much for watching and I'll see you very soon in the next one
Channel: TechSource
Views: 313,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming pc, 1000, $1000, 1000 pc build, $1000 pc, budget pc, best budget pc build, 800 pc build, pc build, budget, gaming, fortnite, warzone, warzone 2, mw2, modern warfare 2, diablo 4, 144fps, cheap pc build, apex legends, forza, fh5, nvidia, amd, ryzen, low budget, low cost, custom, high settings, valorant, gta5, gta6, gtav, best pc under 1000, best gaming pc under 1000, Under $1000, $800, how to paint PC parts, custom mod, mod, rtx, 3070, Palworld, The finals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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