The Ultimate Sacrifice

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coming up on the Potters touch everybody can't run the same thing both of us can't drive this car and because you gotta drive it and he's got to drive it and all you've ever exemplified in front of the kids is control now they gotta drive it because they've never seen submission you can't get the kid to submit if they've never seen it model greetings of the invincible name of Jesus Christ our King I'm so excited and delighted to have this opportunity to share with you today the infallible Word of God I believe it will speak to your life in a supernatural way and bring you into your destiny and what God has for you the message we're going to share with you I believe is life-changing it's called the ultimate sacrifice did you know the Bible said in Ephesians 5:18 be not drunk with wine where there is excess but be filled with the spirit to be enumerated to be saturated with the power of God it really means if you're going to do something that matters it's going to call simply everything you're gonna have to be saturated in it you can't just hit a tan or pluck editor or just dream about it it is the sacrifice of commitment take a look at this service service service that's how you lay your life down by giving service that's how the soldier laid his life down he got in the service and anytime you start serving you have to lay your life down now I know this is foreign to a lot of you because you have never heard this word before the word is service you don't see it much anymore but it is service when you do sins you gotta pay a whole lot of money to get in it's service but I can remember time you didn't have to pay anything for it it was natural and organic to Huli words of people we serve people we struggled over who was gonna pay the check or who was gonna open the door or let me open the door for you let me carry the groceries for you let me give you some assistant now you can't find any sir this because everybody wants to be a diva and d-bus don't know how to give service mama doesn't have time to help with homework because Mama's going out to the club tonight baby you're on your own you got to make those good grades by yourself because mama doesn't want to give service daddy doesn't want to go to work anymore he wants to lay back and watch TV and let somebody take care of him because he thinks that he is Prince Charming and because we've got biceps and triceps he thinks that you ought to have concepts to keep him fed but he doesn't know how to give service we don't have children that help with housework anymore they eat up everything and belts and throw the milk carton down on the floor and walk out and go about their business they don't know anything about service I grew up in a house we didn't have a dishwasher we had three kids the kids were the dishwasher mama didn't have no dishwasher mama had us mama didn't have no Butler she had us go to the door boy go answer the door somebody ringing the bell boy and you learned early to give service I'm not talking about that hostile stuff where your lips are stuck out and you got an attitude cuz she wanted you to serve with gladness and if you had an attitude it had to be a secret attitude come if she got wind of an attitude so you learned by the time you were six how to suck it up you learn how to smile even with your head a bad mood you learn how to say yes ma'am and no ma'am and yes sir and no sir the school teacher didn't teach you that the preacher didn't teach you that your mother and your father taught you that so you learn how to control your emotions and do what's got to be done regardless of how you feel and it was preparation for the next relationships you would have in your life but the kids now are getting married with no trainee on service and before you shout too loud has got to be our fault because there are kids and sometimes we give them everything great except what it took to be great you cannot be accomplished without the ultimate sacrifice you cannot do it without service you cannot even praise God without sacrifice by him therefore Hebrew said by him therefore let us offer up to God continually the sacrifice of praise from the fruit of our lips with Thanksgiving the sacrifice of praise if you're taking those right that have the sacrifice of pray because some of you don't praise because you don't feel anything you know I'm just not into it today if the Bible says the sacrifice of praise the sacrifice of praise that means if God ordered praise on the menu you bring him praise whether you're having a bad hair day or not the sacrifice of praise God is big on praise he's big on praise he's big on frenzy big on praise and you must understand I'm gonna give you a lot of stuff this morning but hang with me I'm going somewhere God is big on praise because God is a speaking God he wants a speaking praise it's not enough for you to move your body or clap your hands God wants you to open your mouth because out of your mouth out of the heart flows the issues of life and out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh so God said I want what's in your heart and it's got to come out of your mouth and I wanted to come out of your mouth because I am must speaking God in the beginning God said let there be light and there was light and it was good in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God all things were made by the word and without it was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men the light shined in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not God said if I'm a speaking God I want a speaking praise so I don't want you to sit there with your lips stitched together if you're gonna touch me you have to speak to me out of your mouth enter into his gates with Thanksgiving his courts with praise be thankful unto Him and bless his name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endeared them to all generations speaking phrase speaking phrase now you say what are you talking about I thought you were talking about sacrifice I am doctor were talking about service I am I'm talking about the sacrifice of praise and service that comes through warship speaking pray and this I hope to preach and preach something today cuz I got an attitude and we coming ahead just sit down and I just sit up and see a thing back don't do anything that's good enough to get any kind of reaction if I get up here with a lock jaw you ought to praise the Lord I said if I stand here with a lock jaw you ought to praise the Lord if all the musicians are playing in the wrong key and can't none of the praise seekers see if the praise dancers trip and they prostrate in the floor you don't have anything to do with me God is still good you don't have to entertain me you don't have to impress me I'm not praising God because you can play good I'm praising God because God is good but in a self-centered narcissistic society we come to be entertained and we score the entertainment thumbs up thumbs down I give it a 2 a 5 of 10 oh it's bishop preaching today suppose Bishop bass suppose Bishop has the flu some people have fallen in love with church they fallen in love with their pastor they fallen in love with the music but they've not fallen in love with God we live in an atmosphere where the worship service is optional some people intentionally come late they know service starts at nine o'clock they leave the house at nine the reason they come only to get the word is because they are takers and not givers and the only thing excites you is when somebody's feeding you lost them Jesus I lost them Lord on that one they all got up and walked out on me while I was preaching Jesus because they only want to be Phoebe Phoebe Phoebe preach to be me make me shout make me dance make me cry make me live holy make me believe make me pay time how you been saved ten years and you still wearing a diaper when can we get to the point that we can potty-trained you so the Church of God can move far away I'm talking about service this text is so strange when you look at the fifth chapter of the book of Ephesians is so strange because you almost can't tell what Paul is talking about speaking to yourselves in the hymns and song and making melody of your heart unto the Lord literally husbands love your wife wait now I thought we were singing you know we were singing and worshiping and then he's all in the marriage as wives submit yourselves unto your own husband submitting yourself one toward another and then he's gross right to talking about praise again and he doesn't make it clear to the last verse because he uses marriage metaphorically to teach us about how we should feel about Christ in the church so he says wives submit yourselves and not to men not women submit to men it not not gender control it's a relationship organizational chart say if you're gonna organize the relationship you gotta have some kind of structure everybody can't run the same thing both of us can't drive this car and because you gotta drive it and he's got to drive it and all you've ever exemplified in front of the kids is control now they gotta drive it because they've never seen submission you can't get the kid to submit if they've never seen it model still to come on the Paris touch you seek Him you seek Him you have to get up off your lazy hiney in and seeking you have to open your mouth and see you have to wet your face with tears and seek the Lord seek the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is yet here let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his holy megafest 2015 is more than a festival it's an experience this from August 19th to the 23rd megafest is taking over Dallas then extravaganza for the whole family there is something for everyone visit mega - fest com to find event updates and to make reservation this experience is one you don't want to miss Jesus said unto her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live celebrate with us the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ you can't please if you don't leave you cannot clean if you don't leave the reason you can't clean with who you got maybe that you haven't left who you had although things does not working out we did not cleave that we did like we not cleaving cuz somebody ain't even I think I lost a good portion of this Time Lord but here's here's where I want to take you here so I want to take you I want to take you to what Paul is using marriage to talk about he is not really teaching a class on marriage he's teaching a class on worship he's just using marriage metaphorically to make you understand that worship is a sacrifice then they're druid you lay your life down then just the way you left your mother and father the source of your flesh to cleave the life-giving relationship of marriage for procreation you are leaving the source of your flesh to cleave in the same way you leave your fleshly attitude to cleave to the Holy Spirit in warship and in order to do it you have to lay your life speaking to yourselves okay do I have enough time to do it speaking to yourselves in hymns do not know the word him comes from a Latin word where we get Hyman that when you sing a hymn it is to break the veil of flesh to get into the womb of the Holy Spirit where lice can be born it's done through the power of a hymn when Paul says speaking to yourselves in hymns he's been he's he's being spiritual but he's also being sensual because the hymn is the hymen it's where you break through the flesh to move into the life-giving womb of the presence of God Oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying - took them you can't get into the Holies of Holies if you won't crush through the veil the veil that is to say our flesh real worship isn't about a beat and a bump and a gram and a dance real worship is when your heart is exposed to the naked power of God without your flesh and your mind getting in the way I'm not talking about flesh like your body I'm talking about your fleshly mind your fleshly thoughts your fleshly attitudes oh there is a dance between the spiritual and the sensual can I go deeper whoo y'all sure you ready for this now there is there is a dance between the spiritual and the sensual the sensual is evolved out of self-gratification need feel worn the spiritual is denying I for him but there's both the same kind of intimate and the scripture is teaching you that in order to be effective at worship you have to enter into it you have to enter into it it's not going to come to you you have to enter into worship so help me Bishop I've been in this church for years and I've been watching people worship for years and I grew up in a church where people how do they say that cop the Holy Ghost what is it Oh since Wilson caught the Holy Ghost is gone what didn't mean to cut the whole ego like it's a baseball you don't catch the Holy Ghost it's not the flu you don't catch it you seek it you see it you see it you see it early in the morning will I seek your face seekers you see it you see it you came out this morning to secret you raised your hands to seek it you lift your voice to seek it you lay prostrate to seek it you seek Him you seek Him you seek Him you seek Him you have to get up off your lazy hiney in and seeking you have to open your mouth and seek him you have to wet your face with tears and seek the Lord seek the Lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he is yet here let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts God is in his holy temple seek me seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened ask and it shall be given I'm seeking the Lord I'm seeking the Lord sit down on the teachers immoral teachers of all cannot teach a little bit more praise thanks God for what he did thank you you bless me we're for car thank you your bless me with some clothes thank you you gave me a job thank you you made a way for me thank you you open up a door thank you the test came back negative thank you the children are healthy thank you I made it through the storm thank you from a new house thank you from a new job that's praise but worship says if I don't have no job if I don't have no suit if I don't have no house if the test comes back positive you're still God you are still God you're still you're still God and I worship you not for what you did but for who you are if you never do anything time tell your neighbor say neighbor to get this you got to sacrifice you can't cleave to God until you leave that flesh behind those thoughts behind that attitude behind if you leave you can clean if you leave you can anybody wanna cleave this morning anybody want to cleave anybody want to clean anybody want to clean with your hands and open your mouth before God in the boat right there whoa I bless your name I bless your day I bless your name or you about in the outer courts you bout it now and of course thank you for what you did thank you for where you brought me from thank you for healing my body thank you for bringing me out of the hospital thank you for making a way out of the way thank you for opening doors thank you for delivering me thank you for strengthening me come on let's go in the most holy place thank you for my ministry they did for my service sir I came to service this morning I came to serve you know I've got us up there it's been a real joy to have this opportunity to share the word of the Lord with you I believe that God is working on us you and I that we might become the full stature of all that God has purposed for us to be we must submit to the mission we are the best in the areas that we are submitted to submission to be submitted to the mission are you there yet if you are a pastor if you are a leader whether you are leading in a church or leading in a department store you need to be at the International pastor the Leadership Conference it's April 30th May the 2nd it's where great minds gather themselves together John Maxwell Samuel Rodriguez Steven Furtick and more are coming together with Bishop TD jakes to teach you leadership leadership and more leadership come and learn how at the International pastors and leadership conference 2015 registered today at pastors and leadership org for call one eight hundred fish up to build locally think globally you don't have to wish for it or sit around hoping for it the all-encompassing freedom of Christ is yours today when you have the will to recover what they say have you ever done something that didn't reflect who you are for your gift of any size you will receive the encouraging message from guilt to gratitude on CD from the will to recover series Bishop Jake's will teach you how to find victory in unexpected places how to overcome your past so that you can go to the next level how to eliminate excuses so you can get your power back and much more and when your gift is $75 or more you will receive the inspirational series the will to recover on DVD however for your gift of 160 dollars or more you will receive the will to recover series on DVD a brand new King James Version Bible and great is thy faith while art victory can be found in unexpected places when you have the will to recover oh I dare you to get tired you don't get tired when you decide to find your flesh you don't get tired when it's something for you you only get tired when it's up for God I dare you to get bored I dare you to get tired don't you understand it's a sacrifice to crack through the mail to get where your real anointing is where your real glory is where your real power is you will have to let go of a few trips and get down to Flora fly
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 44,751
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinct
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2015
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