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if your brain hasn't frozen enough this week then welcome to an ultimate battle these three are going up against each other to come up with the ultimate ice cream sandwich recipe as ever I'll judge them at the end and there are brownie points hopper Brad let's get it on Barry tell us about your ultimate Ice Cream Sandwich with the ultimate Ice Cream Sandwich battle sure but ice I am making pistachio and Nutella granita the cream but a sweetened cream on top of it and is served the beautiful briefs inspired by my favorite bar in town another fan bar it's unbelievable ice cream cover sandwich what is Q sandwich starts with the ice I'll flip it up the pistachio nuts and getting my syrup on the goes in water some sugar hello my ice cream sandwich is a raspberry ripple ice cream sandwich between two macarons with some homemade lemon curd just gonna win treats ice cream whip up double cream to soft peaks then stir in condensed milk I'm making cookie section of ice cream sandwiches this is gonna have cookie dough ice cream obviously the best ice cream in the world and then we're gonna have a cookie crema on the outside and then we're going to deep-fry it because because first up make some cookies by mixing dry stuff with wet stuff I pulled my mixture into a shallow baking tin and I've mushed some raspberries and I'm going to swirl those throughout the cream mixture and then dropping some whole ones as well into a freezer now it's half mine for you to pull through your stone over to flour salt sugar and yeast in a bowl give their whirling you get some eggs in turn some milk and once it starts to form a dome you want to chuck in your butter on one meal at a time if you think they don't look very evening cleanly that's we're going to create a great result but don't you worry some millet some up later to use for a panic or a deep frying here's how you make a homemade lemon curd 2 egg yolks 2 whole eggs and sugar in a pan whisk it up then add honey lemon zest lemon juice and heat it up until it coats the back of the spoon obstacle number one this mixture for my curd has got eggs in it this is an oven which gets hot now if I go too high I'm gonna scramble my eggs so I've got to keep an eye on it it could take 10 minutes or 15 loci let's make some ice cream with double cream oh wow I didn't think it was possible but you look even more yummy let's make some ice cream with double cream add condensed milk put your cookie dough in it get it in the freezer dough is done well girls you know throw that into a ball cover this bowling cling film and let that prove good after now it's time to knock this back [Music] aren't mid-battle chicken how are we all getting them all right so far then this isn't even the difícil bit so who knows how chip ice comma cream commerce and comma which coming along I'm trying to blow him up real but it's not working very well now you're doing a great job no seriously yeah keep at it ridiculous I can't believe he's making those that's not how you do it yummy now my sugar syrup has cooled slightly in with my almond milk and then I just split that into two bowls and mix that with my purse - nose and I'm under to tell her it's knit almond almond ones either both mixed to get them both into individual shallow trays into a freezer go back to that every half an hour and given bit of a fork to keep them loose look at that really thick and not scrambled so I'm taking it off the heat and now in the residual heat I'm gonna melt these bits of butter but you realize we doing that easy spirit girl recipe I know oh I'm fully aware once that's all melted this thing gets poured into a container and chilled for a couple of hours right this is a really difficult beat it's making macarons I'm not just doing I've done the bit that you're doing and just not deep-frying it you want to step away from chuck it in a fryer well done what we'll do is Chuck some sugar in here cover it just cover it with water bring it up to 120 degrees exactly goes over it's really these now have to go into the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees here's an interesting bit I'm going to start whisking these up once that gets to 110 so that by the time that gets to 120 these will be wish'd up enough to add that now what's happening yeah just as I planned this one thing I'm doing now sippin ground almonds and icing sugar into a bowl just when you thought the Hobbit was over newb now go ahead my meringue into my crushed almonds and my sugar and I've got to fold it in a lot but if I do it too much it will be irreparable a rip unrepairable now my cookies have cooled it's time to do the most sacrilegious thing you can think of doing to them let's blitz them up and then put them in with panko bread crumbs we're going to use that to panic so I don't think we've made their lives easy we've asked them for ice cream sandwiches in the hottest month of the year I'm still expecting great things from each dish so first up berries a bold choice because none of us had ever heard of it before no it's almost an original idea that he stole from the Italians but no nobody in the studio knew what it was Mike is aiming high he's making his own macarons he's making a lemon curd which he has to watch like a hawk he's got a lot of work on his hands but if he gets the right the flavors Jamie combines minus 18 degree ice cream with a hundred ninety degree oil I love it I've actually wanted to deep-fried ice cream for a while man and we're finally going to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's definitely crispy and that is just ice cream rather than free still just cold enough for the shape I'm looking for the ice cream I really like the idea I really like flavors you need to have them in the freezer for a few hours so that they are rock solid when they go it and that is what is gonna make these taste incredible how is that an ice cream so you can pick it up that's it's an ice cream Sam instantly I'm impressed by homemade macaron if I always avoid making those they're difficult now the thing with the macaron is you want a good crack in the crunch on top but a chew inside and then hopefully a sweet tart filling that's what curd should do if it doesn't make my eyes go it's not quite sharp enough it's such a good effort the thing is these are really really big macarons so I'd almost say they're a tiny bit dense but and what what a good effort are my friends to say I'm not easy at all [Music] Ice Cream Sandwich battle I don't see the sandwich now I watched him make this and there was a lot of pistachio in that but not a lot the chocolate yet both are so full of flavor everything together it's awesome it's not an ice cream sandwich I made a sammich out of it like that's just it was about say I did make a sandwich out of it what I am competent IIF this one in the back I feel like there were three excellent ideas today and one perfect execution so it's Penta Mike and I think for bringing something to the studio that we have never seen before Barry deserves a pat on the back but Mike definitely has to take the brownie point but it's not up to us we got to taste them you guys didn't why not give them a go at home by getting the recipe solution food and then give them a vote on YouTube using the poll to see what you think would be your favorite well that's another battle of yep and before I get nearly hit again I think you should go to switch phu kham will you find the recipes for all of those ice cream recipes and everything else be done this week if you have missed anything the recipes that we've done this week make sure you go check them out because they were fantastic and through your brains yeah well you're they give my life because we love that until next week bye nope click on the left if you missed our last video or click on the right video for one of our favorites [Music] you
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,096,184
Rating: 4.9601474 out of 5
Keywords: ultimate battle, sortedfood cooking battle, ice cream battle, ice cream sandwich recipes, ice cream recipe ideas, cook off, sortedfood ice cream, ice cream sandwich recipe, cooking show, funny cooking challenge, cooking challenge, fried ice cream, deep fried ice cream, macaron ice cream sandwich, granitas, frozen granitas
Id: iHWPo1ddwpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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