3 Ice Cream Recipes COMPARED (5 mins vs 4 hours vs 7 hours) | Sorted Food

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Hello we're Sorted Food and it's FridgeCam time. Today we're going to show you how to make ice cream regardless of how much time you've got or your expertise in the kitchen. In front of us we have three incredible ice creams but before we get stuck in let's show you how to make this one. The five-minute ice cream. This is what we call the can't be arsed method. If you can't be bothered to make real ice cream yourself or you can't even be bothered to go to the shops this is the method for you. You will need some frozen fruit we've got some mango and strawberry. You're gonna need some creme fraiche and some icing sugar that's for the fattiness and the sweetness. Some lime and some mint to get a bit more freshness. And the last thing that you're gonna need is a food processor unfortunately this recipe doesn't work without one but if you have one then yay! This goes in there and then you turn it on. And after about 30 seconds you've got ice cream. Now at this point you've got two options: number one you could just put in your face and eat it straight away. Or you could put that into a bowl and into a freezer and let it harden up and then before you eat it take it out, let it soften a little bit then eat it. Now hold that thought. This is no churn cheats ice cream. Where've you gone? Here's the thing, for a little bit more effort you can get a much better result and here's how. It's the condensed milk method so all you need is some double cream some condensed milk and some vanilla extract and whatever flavor you might want to put in it. We're going for raspberry ripple. And you're going to need a whisk. Now when I told you that this had a little bit more effort. I lied. It doesn't what we're gonna do is whip up double cream until soft peaks - that means it looks like this. And then we're gonna carefully fold in our condensed milk. Literally two ingredients and that's your basic ice cream mix done. But let's talk about flavour. Flavour. Flavour. Fruit. We're going for raspberries but you can use any fruit that you want plus of course vanilla extract. Vanilla extract. Vanilla extract. So usually we'd add the rest of the flavors in right now but to get the ripple effect we're gonna add it in once we transfer it to a shallow bowl. No. No stirring no churning. Leave it in the freezer for four to six hours and take out ten minutes before you need it so it's nice and soft. Aha very good. But hold your horses because this is the traditional method of making ice cream. Chef-y. You need a big machine. Right this is the proper way to make ice cream. The French method. Essentially frozen custard or creme anglaise. And since this is the proper way of doing custard, we're going to keep it super simple. Oh I've picked one up too. Vanilla. It's just simple ingredients, what you're gonna need is dairy - a mixture of double cream and milk, thickened with egg yolks, sweetened with sugar, and flavored with vanilla. And to get this one right you're gonna need one of these. An ice-cream machine. This one has a freezer built into it so it churns and freezes at the same time. It's over a hundred pounds but you can pick ones up that you pre freeze in the freezer and then you churn it in the frozen bowl. They're about 40 or 50 pounds. Okay first job make the custard. We're gonna warm up cream and milk in the right ratios you can get those in the link down below in a pan and infuse it with vanilla seeds. So in addition to the seeds... not gonna waste these, we're gonna strain the custard anyway so they're going straight in to infuse with the milk. You want to be looking for lots and lots of steam but you don't want to necessarily have it boiling. Next step we're gonna separate out six egg yolks from their whites. This recipe we don't need the whites, we do want to whisk up the egg yolks with about 20 grams of sugar per yolk. What you don't need to do is particularly aerate this custard because aeration comes as you churn it. So the milk and cream is nice and hot. Now what you want to do is pour it over your eggs as you whisk slowly just so that hot milk doesn't scorch the yolks and now the mixture needs to go back into a pan. Make sure it's a clean pan if anything has burnt to the bottom and cook it over low heat as you stir to transform it into an eggy cream mixture into a custard. So all I'm doing is being very patient stirring it over low heat until it is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Step one of preparing the custard or creme anglaise done. Now we'll seive it and moved on to the second step which is cooling and then freezing. Very little if any scramble, few little bits of pod scraping. Now if you can avoid just drinking it what you want to do is cool it before you freeze it and the reason is to get a smoother ice cream. Our machine only needs a couple of minutes to pre chill. Right enough talking my dessert is getting hot. Not favorable for ice cream. Right let's get on with it. Let's eat our five minute ice cream first. It's fresh it's clean it's well-balanced it's an ice cream. It is fresh and well-balanced, is it an ice cream? It's definitely perfect for a quick frozen snack it's so delicious. But it is definitely ice cream. It's got ice in it and it's got cream in it. So it's ice cream. This is cheats ice cream. Zero equipment needed - electrical. Gotcha. Although we did use an electric whisk. We didn't have to. This is one we use most at Sorted because it is an easy cheat. And you can put anything into it. Now that... that is completely different. Silky. Smooth like a baby's bottom. There's a lot more fat in that than that because that's 50% fruit. So you get that richness. That's like the healthy low fat option. And this one... now try this. This is the classic French method. Creme anglaise, frozen as it churns. It's a little bit closer to soft-serve at the moment. Oh the thing that makes this dreamy is it is so enriched with egg yolks. It's rich with cream, sugar and proper vanilla. So I think what we've learned is that even though not all ice cream is made the same all ice cream is great and I think what we've also proved is that regardless of your chef-y level or your equipment level at home you can make great ice cream at home. And today we've done this with ice cream but please do comment down below a food substance dish or recipe that you'd like us to do at three different accessibility points. Comment down below and if you like ice cream like the video. That is a strong call to action. Yeah if you like ice cream like the video. I read a research thing... Hashtag Jake Paul. Hit up that like button! What are you doing? Come on smash it! Smash it! Speaking of smashing have a smashing week. Cheerio! See you in a couple of days.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 518,701
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Keywords: ice cream, homemade ice cream, ice cream recipe, how to make ice cream, ice cream at home, ice cream methods, mind blowing honeycomb ice cream, cookie dough ice cream sundae, snickerdoodle ice cream cone, choc-ice duck recipe, one ridiculous ice cream sundae, giant ice cream sandwich challenge, magnum ice cream rolls, ice cream rolls, homemade vs store bought ice cream, $1 ice cream vs $1000 ice cream, ice cream sundae, homemade ice cream 4 ways, ice cream sandwich
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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