The *ULTIMATE* Helldivers 2 Terminid Stratagem Tier List

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hey guys last week I made a video where I ranked all of the strategem in Hell divers 2 and let's just say that everyone loved it yeah never mind maybe not today I'm going to be ranking all the strategems on how they perform specifically against the bugs all right let's get started so beginning with the machine gun I mean like I said in the last list it's one of the first two weapons you get it's not going to take you very far I'm just going to put it in d uh moving on to the antimaterial rifle I was really hard on this gun last time but after after taking into account some of the recent Buffs having one guy R this on your team can actually be very helpful if you can just shoot things from a distance and it can one to two shot a lot of bugs if you hit him in the face so I'm going to give it B2 okay the stalwart it's really just a better machine gun just going to go in C tier bit more Mobility bit more ammo but not going to take you very uh the eat 17 yeah definitely going to go in a tier you can one shot Chargers you can usually two shot B Titans if you can get the double head shot on them the only reason it's not S2 is because the quazo cannon is a little bit bit better I think uh the recoiless rifle uh it's going to go back in D tier it's just too many better options you got the E17 the quazo cannon just no point bringing this okay the flamethrower against the bugs is going to be S2 it can kill anything with the the exception of a bile Titan you can kill chares with it just be careful unless they get too close um I would recommend bringing armor that gives you six stems because you can and will set yourself on fire a lot but yeah still going to go in S2 can easily burn down any of the fodder uh the autoc cannon uh against the bug specifically I think it's still an AO weapon it can penetrate most medium enemies it can kind of take down troes depending on where you hit them so yeah solid a tier the heavy machine gun its ammo economy is not great it's still going to go in B tier CU it has good penetration kind similar to the autoc cannon just I would prefer this over the machine gun though I think uh the rail gun it's also going to go and B2 I think right now the autoc cannon is outperforming it by a little bit it's still going to kill most things you can still uh strip the armor off of charges you just got to do it in unsafe mode so be careful but yeah solid B tier okay the spear I put this in trash last time and a lot of people did not like that and I can see why now they did make it they did buff it so you can get ammo easier now the lock on is still an issue though but because you can now get more ammo so it's more forgiving if you just miss your shot or it just goes wherever I'm going to give it C2 I still think you have better options but it definitely is usable now okay the grenade launcher I mean it's going to go back and beat you just blowing up bug holes which is I think its main goal is I mean it's just amazing makes it so much easier on the bug Nest that have 10 plus holes on them it can also kill some light enemies too but if I'm drinking this it's usually to destroy buckles okay the laser cannon again it's a bit underwhelming you just have better options I really wouldn't recommend it unless you're on a cold Planet then I think it could be okay but it's going to go and see okay the ark thrower um so in my last list I did not take into account its recent Buffs very well and I ranked it too low I think um I don't think it's an S2 but I'm going to put it in A2 just you can now actually being a to stun enemies when you hit them especially troes is amazing and if you know what you're doing and know how not to TK with it then yeah it's going to be really good gun okay quazer Cannon easy s ti no contest here I mean this thing is I mean it honestly needs to get nerfed and I think it will soon but for now it's easy has to okay the eagle strategems so the Eagle strafing Run one of the first strategems most people get it doesn't take you very far going to give it D tier it's good when you get it but not very after that okay the air strike against the bugs specifically I think I'm going to put it in a tier while it can destroy bot factories which I I put in Nest two before in my last list I think since it can't really get bug nests and a lot of the bugs move so fast that they're out of its range quickly I think it's just going to have to go in a okay the cluster bomb this will be the S TI for the bugs can kill pretty much anything that's not a charer or a biot Titan just going to clear out all the Futo for you can even close bug holes if you can aim it correctly get the right angle on it so yeah easy yes to okay the flame strike against the bugs it can be okay you can just cut off certain areas of the map make sure they can't get to you uh you got to be careful though because if your team wants to get to those areas you will have to wait for the fire to go away still going to give it solid B tier I think you can get some good use out of it okay the eagle smokes so someone actually pointed out to me that you can use the smokes to actually blow up the bot Fabricators which I did not know which actually is pretty helpful but since this is for the bugs and they I mean the bugs obviously don't have the Fabricators probably it's still going to go in trash just with the orbital one don't bring smokes against the bugs they can still get through it and get get to you it won't stop them okay the eagle rocket pods this is another one that I kind of ranked low but after playing with it a bit more I realized that I think I was a bit too hard on it uh I'm going to give it B2 just because it can be inconsistent still I stand by that statement but it can actually kill bile Titans pretty well because you do get three uses out of it before you have to rearm okay the eagle 500 kgr bomb back an S to you I mean this thing is just amazing rep this with stun grenades toss it out of Bot Titan's legs R's body which dead just yeah it's amazing okay the mines mines are trash just don't bring them sometimes you can cut off certain areas and it can be okay but like just bring like an air strike there's no point using mines just bring anything else okay the Tesla Tower um I think it's actually pretty decent against the bugs if you bring it with the new armor that negates most of the electrical damage you can just kind of Stand By it while the bugs run at you and it'll kill most of them for free it can't really kill troes very well but it still can kill all the F so it's going to go in B2 uh the implacement machine gun it's going to go back in D I just I can't really put it any higher you just standing still especially against the bugs who just going to run at you just not good enough okay the shield generator I like this one against the Bots but against the BS it's going to have to go in D sometimes you can get it some use out of it by just uh you can have like bile Titans spit on themselves if they get too close and like spit on the shield but you kind of have to get a little lucky for that to actually work so it's going to have to go in D2 okay the orbital Precision strike well I like it against the Bots for getting the factories it can't do anything about bug nests and really all the bugs move too fast for you to actually hit them with it so I think we're going to have another D tier here just bring one of the Eagles I think against the bugs don't bother with this one okay the Gatling barrage this is another one that you most people buy very early on uh I'll give it C2 it is good when you get it okay the airbow strike very similar to The Gatlin garage maybe a bit better but I think it's also going to have to go and C2 cuz I just think think the stuff in B2 is better than the airbrush strike okay the orbital gas strike this is one that I had ranked very low because I did not actually fully understand how good it can be if you know how to use it with a cool down of only 75 seconds you get this thing so fast and it and it actually does kill enemies faster than I thought it did previously so honestly I think I'm gonna give it A2 as someone had said in one of my comments in the last video you thr this on a bug r i mean that's going to give you a lot of value very quickly okay the EMS strike uh it's going to go back in B2 very solid strateg G you know when the bugs are chasing you just toss this thing behind you short cool down it'll completely stop them in their tracks very good for getting away especially if you're trying to extract okay theal 120 and 380 I like these against the Bots but against the bugs I just don't think they have good uses 120 is going to have to go in D tier I'll put the 380 in C because sometimes just tossing this in a big bug Hood you can get kind of Lucky and just get a bunch of kills but yeah I really wouldn't recommend recommend these against them okay the orbital walking barrage and like I said previously it's basically like six orbital Precision strikes just kind of lined up in front of you I still really don't see the use for it at all so I'm G to have to put it in D tier I just you have better options little bit of laser I'd given an a TI before cuz it only gets three uses but it's just so effective at killing things when you're fighting the bugs I it's going to go an S to you just it can literally kill anything B Titans might take a bit longer has to penetrate its armor but it'll kill them eventually okay real Cannon strike another s TI I already don't even need to explain this one I don't think just it pretty much can one shot anything sometimes you need to get lucky for it to hit the bile Titan in the head but I would still bring this all the time okay the jump pack very solid back pack I think I gave it B to you last time it's going to go back there you can use it to get into some pretty good places sometimes where the bugs can't reach you so yeah it's going to go in B okay Supply pack definitely an easy s tier having a whole resupply on your back is just amazing in this game pretty much infinite grenad stems and ammo you can give to your teammates if you need to you can press five on your keyboard and give yourself any supplies you need so yeah easyest here okay The Shield is going to go in trash don't bring this it will not help you at all you're just going to get knocked down by something bugs can Lally hit you through it don't bring it will not help okay the god dog Rover this is amazing against the bugs I love having this it just kills anything that gets too close to you uh can't do much against troes but you know that's okay it can kill pretty much anything else that gets close to you okay the good dog assault rifle this one it's not that it's awful on its own it's just the good dog r is just so much better that this one's going to have to go in D tier just there's no point bringing this one if you just have this one okay Shield Pack back in s tier even after getting nerfed I think multiple times at this point maybe only twice but I mean this thing is still amazing just taking extra damage from anything I mean you can tank a bile Titan's entire attack almost before dying charer it'll stop them from knocking you over I mean just yeah there's no reason not to bring this thing okay the sentries so the normal Sentry turret said this last time it's not that it's bad on its own but the Gatling Sentry is better especially against the bugs in particular so it's going to go in D tier Gatling Sentry is going to go in a this thing will mow down pretty much any f for the bugs that's not a charer so yeah definitely would like dring this one with you okay the mortar another a tier like I said before you can pretty much hide this wherever you need to and it'll just shoot over whatever it's hiding behind just be careful as if bugs get too close to your teammates it can't TK cuz it'll keep shooting them even if they're close to your teammates but yeah definitely still going to go in a okay the autoc cannon I think it's going to have to go in B to while I do like it for taking out enemy armor because it doesn't have the same gr of fire as the Gatling Sentry the bugs can get closer to it much faster and I I don't see these last as long when you put them down still very solid though if you want to bring it okay the rocket Sentry this might be my least favorite one honestly just inconsistent the autoc cannon is just better in every way I think compared to this one so it's going to go in C tier and then EMS motor this is definitely an easy s tier I mean just basically just same thing as the Moto except it deploys EMS Fields instead just like the EMS strike you can still walk through it it'll still it'll completely stop all the bugs chasing you I mean it's just amazing and it can't TK so there's no danger in having the bugs get too close Okay and then the exo suit against the bugs this is I mean no contest here this is an s here I mean there's nothing there's no better feeling than sniping a SPO spearer or like a shrio nest from halfway across the map with your Rockets I mean it's just amazing you can one shot ches if you hit them correctly and then shoot their leg off you can two shot bile Titans if you get two head shot I mean yeah it's amazing all right let's see I don't think I need to change anything on this one now that I'm looking at it uh thank you for watching the video I hope if you watched the last video that you like this one better as a teist specific spefically for what you should bring against the bugs and yeah leave a like if you liked it and leave a comment if you did not like it and let me know what I should do differently next time uh yeah thank you for watching
Channel: Mute
Views: 2,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers, helldivers 2, stratagem, tier list
Id: cim68V-ZTk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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