The Ultimate Funny Astarion Compilation - Baldur's Gate 3

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I've killed my fair share of people but wiping out an entire building with a cannon powered by the sun well that will take some time to process there is only the absolute oh that's grotesque don't stare you'll only encourage it Mercy you showed the Goblins Mercy the half or w't like this I want to be clear letting minara tag along with us was your idea so if you wake up with a dagger to your throat that's on you excuse me I would never but fine take her if you wish just know I'll be resting with one I open drink it in that sweet sweet chaos not that I approve of goblins of course filthy little beasts but I do like a good den of Deery I can walk in sunlight trespass upon any home manipulate Minds I'm the most powerful vampire in the Realms I could not agree more to Hell's with the allall so are we saving this near from suffocating or leaving him to die I'm fine with either naturally the last thing I want to do is ruin these nails digging through Rock but now that you know what I am I can fight with all my weapons teeth included and if I happen to drain the occasional Bandit what's the harm now jump to it or up to the lift and straight to the Shadows now that's how you motivate the staff that's oh you're serious well of course we can leave him it's the easiest thing in the world we just have to keep on walking C really oh saving a Dr I can understand but saving no but if you insist on being a hero I won't get in your way just don't expect me to help either what oh you're joking although what do you consider an animal I mean eles and humans are obviously out but the Goblins Cobalts names in an old pair of boots in an abandoned out housee in my own bed roll the devil turns up where it pleases him but we're bound to run into him soon watching you make decisions is rather like watching a tarasque meeting ritual one simply assumes villagers will be destroyed in the process you'll have to go quite a bit further to surprise me I really thought Shadow har and Lael might fight the death over that artifact a Pity it would have made for a fine night's entertainment one more step and a blow us to chunks easy now let's not do anything hilarious I would't weep for her but we could have used her as leverage instead sometimes we need to think with our heads before our knives dear does does that count as us killing him that had better count I'm glad you had your fun then I am here to provide an endless array of delights Shadow heart shadow H H I'm sure her parents meant well but the name's a little ominous isn't it unless she chose it herself which is even more worrying honestly I suppose it was only a matter of time until sha took Vengeance for the lady of loss she does not like losing if we Mas the tles it would be different but right now that Mastery depends on an athid and it's GIF yank slave H hm H thank you for helping me it was very kind precious little Bal babe the meat tastes of rot and sour milk rotten meat that's what gets you going well do each their own your guts cramp your stomach churns and your nerves burn with a pain that would almost be pleasurable were it not so Savage well that's what you get for being greedy I am not I just don't want to lose my God's given good looks really wouldn't that be a crime could we maybe stay here absolutely not we've hit our quota for mangy Strays after 200 years of [ __ ] pure [ __ ] I think I deserve something better I'm not saying we should trust a goblin but she sounds very useful you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you I like it Bravo I didn't think you had it in you oh darling I'm hurt I thought we had something special I am enjoying the latest addition to our little group Lael is delightful in a very look at me twice and I'll dism you kind of way of course just be grateful that my ears can't bleed first you kill me then you bring me back you make quite the first impression how about we try words instead of blades H it's safer for everyone huh you look rabid pained sick you're spasming and twitching a poor [Music] thing the norm is to keep dirty thoughts like that to ourselves but do carry on it seems you've been dealt a vile hand I say play it play it for all its worth nobody should deny themselves their true nature breaking into Druid Chambers to steal a secret Relic oh she sounds like fun you want to just team up with some Blood Stained killer because I'm fine with that well no tentacles yet I suppose we can consider that a success my friends call me will excellent if we ever become friends I'll know what to call you oh my this is going to be a fun Journey so how anyone in the camp go try by the hells sex my dear a night of passion oh there's no better way to unwind after a long day of killing I'm flattered but I think not it's not you you understand it's me I have standards oh honestly I don't love walking into a den of killer GI Warriors especially not whether you know what's still wriggling in our heads the GI probably think decapitation is a perfectly reasonable cure all I wanted was to get a worm out of my head I didn't sign up for demensional travel of murderous GIF suit yourself but only the leader of your group is coming in I will not allow anyone else oh don't look at me that is all yours I've crossed paths with your people before you know it wasn't a good experience it's everywhere you ruined a perfectly good snack that bad let's go we've wasted enough time talking trust me I did as a favor bigot it if you'd seen no no we're done here let's go although perhaps there's one more thing we could discuss your vampiric friend oh don't worry we're all friends under the ABS salute I won't bite oh i' prefer if you did I assume he belongs to [Music] you I'm sure he really believes that how utterly adorable do you have a name sporn staran but hold on good now aarian I've dreamt of being bitten by a vampire since I was a young young girl I'm sorry you want to be bitten to feel your life's blood slipping away to dance on the edge between life and death yes I want it I'll even compensate you a potion of Legendary Power that forever increases the strength of the one who consumes it it's not for sale but it's yours if you bite me I will have to decline excuse me this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and you're squandering it I gave you my answer can't you talk some sense into your obstinate charge I'm sorry but could you excuse us a moment are you actually asking me to do this treating me for some some some potion because there's something wrong with her her blood I can smell it from here it's rank I can't say it just smells wrong unnatural drinking it wouldn't kill me but it would not be pleasant I don't have all day true Soul fine I'll do it darling I've had a sudden change of heart after all who could resist such a delectable neck hold very very still incredible incredible oh [Music] hell not your [Music] taste you're feted full of corruption I feel Exquisite though so here's my part of the bargain I hope you find it as satisfying as I found this
Channel: Benxvids
Views: 55,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldurs gate, baldur's gate, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, Astarion, Astarion savage, Astarion funny, best moments, astarion burns, astarion funny quote, best quotes, astarion funny compilation, astarion best moments, baldur's gate 3 astarion
Id: qAQ7zhfndRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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