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Hello. We are SORTEDfood. Welcome to fridge camp. Jamie Spafford is very happy because we got sent a present earlier this week. [DING] Ta-da! That's whiskey. It's by Jameson. What is it? It's their Caskmates Stout edition. Yes. We don't know what that is either. But it sounds delicious. A while back, we actually visited the Jameson distillery in Dublin. And Jamie couldn't make it. So I think they felt sorry for him. So here's what's going to happen. We're going to-- well, we're going to drink some of it and enjoy it. But we're also going to use it to try and make the ultimate Irish coffee. And we're going to pair the ultimate Irish coffee. With the ultimate cinnamon buns. So what makes a good Irish coffee? What is an Irish coffee? Let's cover that one first Irish coffee is a cocktail consisting of coffee, Irish whiskey, sugar, and topped with thick cream. The cream must be cold and not whipped. [BUZZER] Hot. So, Jay and I went to learn all we could from whiskey expert and new man crush, Ronan-- more on that later-- as Ben and Bazz worked out what food would make the ultimate coffee and cake. Well, I'm thinking pastry, because no coffee is complete without pastry. Yeah. So we're going to do cinnamon rolls, or our version of them. Because they're kind of-- they're already really popular. But also, there's plenty of places to play with flavors. The best starting point for an Irish whiskey is just drinking it. I was hoping you were going to say that. Yeah? So we're going to start with the Jameson original. OK. Do you know what George Bernard Shaw actually said? Irish whiskey is like liquid sunshine, which I think it actually looks like it, yeah. It does. Yeah. Which really helps because there's no sun in Ireland. And now we're going to try this bad boy. So this is the Jameson Castmates Stout edition. I like whiskey and I like stout. And this sounds like you've combined two of my favorite ones. I also feel like we should hang out more. Yeah. Me too. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh! Is it good oh, or bad oh? That's a-- that is a good oh. Yeah? I wasn't expecting that to be that different. I don't want to sound really complicated, but it's got sweet and bitter. It's higher and lower. [LAUGHTER] OK. Yeah. I'll take higher and lower. A good buttery pastry is quite rich, especially if we're going to pair it with an Irish coffee, which we know has got elements of cream in it. So it is quite indulgent. Yep. And lemon is just an element of fresh fragrance that cuts through that. That's all the dry stuff. Now with the wet. One egg, melted butter, milk. What we're aiming before here is kneading it. If you're do it by hand, you probably need like 10 minutes. But a machine, five is usually enough. It's going to get soft and elastic. And because it's enriched, it's a really nice dough to play with. This proof you can do in the fridge overnight. Yeah Or about two hours in a room, sort of room temperature. Place it back into a bowl, cover it with clingfilm, and leave it for a couple of hours to double in size. Back at the whiskey tasting, Jamie realizes he may have found his soulmate. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) I should have told you every single day that I loved you. How are those flavors getting into that whiskey when they're not in the original? Well, yeah. So the barrel that's used for the original is an ex-bourbon. Ex-bourbon's, in part's, like vanilla, for instance. So when you have that ex-bourbon barrel, just add some whiskey in it. It's kind of giving a bit of vanilla. We give it to a craft beer brewery and then fill it up with stout. Now, what that stout has done is it has imparted flavor into the wood. So we get this barrel back. It's already had vanilla and now it's had stout. And all those flavors combined somehow like, give like, butterscotch, dry cocoa, like-- like a woody note. What else do we need to do that's going to make our Irish coffee ultimate? Don't let your creams sink in an Irish coffee. Fuck. Never do that. You want your coffee itself to be like the right amount of sweet. You want a bit of flavor, but you also want the whiskey to come through. You don't want-- you don't want anything too overpowering. And then you want like a really cold cream on top. So it's got that layers. The cream coats your mouth. This hot, sweet coffee comes through. And then the whiskey just finishes it off in butterscotch goodness. So once you've got those-- that foundation and that parameter set, play. Have some fun. Before Mike like, he left he left us with a flavor wheel, a whiskey flavor wheel, that we have to work with now to make this cinnamon well [INAUDIBLE]. So we've already put citrus into our dough. But then we have cardamon, cinnamon, plus-- and this is a really nice one-- ground coriander. Boys in the know. The good thing is, turns out cinnamon buns was a good choice. That's a relief. The interesting thing is that we definitely know what components make a great Irish coffee. Now we've just got to make sure that we don't mess those components up. Say when. Stop. Two fingers of coffee? Yeah, maybe. OK. Go. Stop. I'll tell you what. This is easy. [LAUGHTER] I think that's, just borderline right because it's starting to seep in. So it's good, but I've tasted a lot better. [MUSIC PLAYING] Right now, layers of butter and sugar between every roll of bread. It's of pastry. It is a pastry, but it's kind of bread. It's a bread pastry. Oh, [INAUDIBLE] hear that? Once we've rolled it, inch, two centimeter slices all the along. OK. Gives you a spiral. And then stack it into an oiled cast iron pot. Cover them up again. Give them another hour to proof while we preheat an oven. [INAUDIBLE] We good to go? Second proof, eggwashed, oven, 190 degrees, 20 minutes. And then like 10 minutes of cooling. I don't think anyone has taken Irish coffee this seriously before. Right. [LAUGHTER] No, no, no. I know. What I'm saying is, that's 25 mill. That is-- What I'm saying is that you're picking that up. That's enough. All right. Less than last last. It's the aspects of rhythm, isn't it. Feels better, actually. Yeah, because before you were just like-- That's better. Yes. It should be nice and golden. Have a bit of a spring back. And then to make a glaze, icing sugar, the juice of the lemon we zest earlier. Are we stealing their syrup? Well, if we're trying to pair it with their Irish coffee and they can use ginger syrup, why don't we? Plus, a pinch of celery salt. Oh, yes, mate. You've brought that back round. I thought that was curdling. I think that's the one. That's amazing. I've never had an Irish coffee like that before. That's great. Let's-- should we do the sexy one? Let's do a sexy one. [MUSIC PLAYING] I don't think we've done a bad job. It looks like we've done a good job. That has a strong Irish coffee. Cheers. Cheers. Cheers. Now this is about the sixth iteration, so we've really tried. OK. Together? Together. See, I'm always very conscious about drinking it, because of that. Oh, that is-- There's no pretty way of drinking this. I have to say, we've done a fantastic job. That is very good. That is warming, and sweet, and spiced, and delicious. It's-- you go into it and you go, first, well, I didn't realize it was going to be cold Irish coffee, and you get through it and it's, oh, it's not. Yeah. And then they merge. And boomtown, they get it. You get it. That's exactly what Ronan told us was like the magic. That is the magic. We made the Ronan magic. Well, let's try your buns. Let's try it with a bun. I mean, these are still [INAUDIBLE].. It's not just the cinnamon bun, is it? No. Oh, it's so soft. You're going to dip it, aren't you? Well, we had this conversation. I don't think-- I don't think it needs-- oh, OK. You've just-- I'll dip mine now. I think you might be right there, lads. Oh, you're going deeper. Mm. That's a game changer. That is unbelievable. You've definitely [INAUDIBLE] the stuff there. Some would argue though what we did was overkill. But we tried to absolutely nail this, didn't we? Yeah. And I think we've done it. [APPLAUSE] Very much recommend that you get the recipes for both of those, because they are a different class. We obviously seem to think that we did a very good job. We did, didn't we? We did. But we'd love to know how you thought we got on. Please comment down below and let us know. Also, what would your ultimate coffee and cake have been? Would you have done it completely differently? And-- Very nice. --you've also introduced me to my new BFF, Ronan. They're going out straight after we close this fridge door. Going out. I mean, going outside. [LAUGHTER] [INAUDIBLE] Thanks.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 255,715
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Keywords: cinnamon rolls, irish coffee, whiskey, jamesons whiskey, jamesons caskmates, coffee and cake, coffee and cinnamon rolls, spiced cinnamon rolls, perfect irish coffee, how to make irish coffee, how to make cinnamon rolls, cinnamon rolls recipe, irish coffee recipe, coffee and cream, cinnamon roll cake, easy recipes, cream cheese, cinnamon roll, cinnamon bun, jamesons whiskey ad, cinnamon roll (dish), easy cinnamon rolls, how to make the perfect irish coffee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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