Chefs vs Normals Reviewing Summer Gadgets | SORTEDfood

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[MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] Hey, we're Sorted, a group of friends in London looking for those amazing things in food that make you go, wow, between stitching each other up and innuendos. Oh, my-- Now, be warned. We have two chefs. But we give them limited airtime. And we make sure all of our ideas start with a suggestion from you. I'm gooey in the middle, baby. Let me bake. Hello, everyone. I'm Mike. This is Ben. And welcome to FridgeCam. Yes. Today, we're doing more kitchen gadgets. And for once, I don't have to be polite about them. Go on then, Baz, give us a spin. [INAUDIBLE] This feels weird. What's this? What's this? What's this? [GASPS] I've got to inspect it. Oh. It's a good texture. She obviously put something wet in, because it's waterproof. Is it something to keep things cold or warm? It could be a jazzy biscuit box, couldn't it? That's for when you're in your pool, and you want to float by the side of and your lie-low. You can put a drink in it. Could be. We haven't tested that. But its primary use is, it's an ice genie silicone ice bucket. So you fill it with water around the sides, and then you put it in the freezer, and then you lift out the middle, and it creates ice. Oh, interesting. OK. I feel like it's harder it should be. It's water. I'm worried that I haven't done this right. There's an instructional video if you'd like to watch it. Yep. Did that right. I'm not overly confident in this. Should we put that space-saving device in the freezer? I'll take the middle shelf out so it fits. I feel like Ben wants to be in the seat. Let's see how it goes. It takes six minutes to freeze, apparently, allegedly. That is not very long. And that would be great for emergency ice. I'll see you in six minutes. It has been six minutes, and it doesn't feel very frozen. Seeing as James's was not a success whatsoever, we let this freeze over a couple of hours for Barry. [INAUDIBLE] Lid off. It has frozen. It's been in a freezer. It does work as a nice wine cooler. I've got it. I've got it. I've got it. So that comes away. Looks like there's a knack. Ooh. I thought you get perfect ice cubs out of it. Crushed ice. Smaller amount. It said it would do-- how many trays? 10. 10 trays of ice. How much do you reckon? I reckon they're asking 15 quid for that. 8.99. 13.99. Oh, my god! That is absolutely piece of [BLEEP] trash. [SIGHS] This might be the worst gadget we ever had. Barry. Yes? Turn around. And lift the cloche. Pa-pow! It fits. I can't believe that that's a criteria for you lot. I mean, it is exciting when it fit.s I don't think it is exciting when it fits. Ready? No. Oh! Fantastic. Sometimes, less is more, James! That's a padlock, obviously. It's a padlock. Oh, no. You attach it to your open bottle of wine, and no one can drink it without the code. This is great for student houses or offices, if you want to protect your alcohol. It is a wine bottle combination lock. We've also carefully selected you a drink as well. Ah! [? No straw. ?] So lock. Change the code. Now, Ed, you can't drink this. I know you want to. I know the code. [LAUGHTER] We've baffled him already. Yeah, it works. Got it? It works. Yeah. On Amazon, this particular product had no reviews. But it did have one question. Would this work on WKD bottles? Somebody actually went to the effort and answering and said, not sure. Do you want to take a guess at how much it costs? Oh, six quid. It's probably selling for 9.73 or something. This will set you back eight pounds 99. [GROANS] What are your thoughts? You know, something like this, yeah, sure. A little stocking filler or something. Funny for about three minutes. In terms of not allowing people to drink your wine, sure. It's good. Useful. Personally, this is a bit useless. But I can understand for those out there who are protective over their wine, it may be useful. But useless or not, you decide. Lift the cloche. It doesn't fit. It's not going to be good. I literally don't care. Wow. Oh. Whoa. Ah! The more I stare at it, the less I have an idea of what it. It is an overengineered wine aerator with something that catches sediment. You're such a snobby little dweeb. It's not a wine aerator thing. [GASPING] Really? This is The Magic Decanter. Wine needs to breathe. As wine breathes, it opens up, releases intended aromas and flavors. The more you appreciate wine, the more you'll appreciate this. There's a gag here, isn't there? You know what's coming, mate. Flipping heck. It's as fast as that. It's as easy as that. Before. After. Oh, it's unbelievable, the difference. In all seriousness, it's never supposed to work on that. We have tried it on wine too. Do you aerate or breathe wine at home? Never. Look at the color on that. It is fast. Chef's disgusting. Already good wine. Not had a chance to breathe yet. What about the fast breathing? Did it actually make a difference? I feel like this is wasted on me. It tastes pretty damn similar. I'm going to be honest. Pretty similar. So how much would you pay for that? I'm guessing they're quite expensive. So like 9.99. 18 pounds and 49 pence. For all that difference-- He's got the 49 pence bang on. --is nothing short of seven pounds and 49 pence. Oh, wow. He literally doesn't care. If you really, really care about your wine, then, yeah, maybe pay that. I mean, the RRP was 14.99, so even then, it's full retail price, you have overpriced it. What an absolute bargain. Is it? I would like to hear if these guys think wine aerators in general are useless or not. I'm not the person to judge if this is useless or not. Personally, it's useless. I don't need it. But if you are a wine connoisseur, then, well, you decide. I feel like this one is definitely more Barry than James. I don't know. It involves dress-up. You didn't say turn around, but I turned around anyway. Fire away. What's under the cloche? [GASPS] What? Army-like. It's got a bottle opener it. It's an apron. I feel sorry for Barry. Because I'm going to make this look great. OK. Oh, OK. It's like a utility belt apron. It's a barbecue apron. This is the Grill Sergeant Barbecue Apron. [LAUGHS] Grill Sergeant. Get your grill on. Our unique camouflage grilling apron holds everything a real man could want or need for an afternoon of fun. Or a real woman. I don't know why it's got to even say that. [INAUDIBLE],, we don't even really need to put labels on it. If you're barbecuing, this might be useful. This is getting heavy It's getting quite heavy now. While you're busy loading up, should I give you the top review from Amazon? "This is a brilliant barbecue accessory. Not only does it look good, but it's really versatile. The drawstrings are connected to the neckloop. It's one piece of material, so you can just adjust how high or low you wear the apron. And it will suit all sizes. The apron has lots of pockets and plenty of places for drinks. But realistically, they'll never all be used. The bottle opener is a nice touch, but the rounded shape of it means it's difficult to open bottles first time." Is this a review? "All in all, it is great, and at a good price." We'll ask you the price in a minute, James. I feel like I'm pregnant, right? [LAUGHTER] We thought it only fair that you put this to the test while making a burger. Make us a burger, Barbecue Sergeant. Corporal Sausage. Mum, Nan, glad you came to my party. No one else did. This is the worst. This is the most ridiculous one we've ever done. Oh, you look like you could have a beer right now. Mike, I could. Don't you feel like you could use the tongs to flip the burger? I mean, I've just used the flipper. But since I've got the tongs on me, why not? Looking a bit smoky. You might want some water spritz. I don't want it spritzed! Yeah. Yeah, I'll have one of those, mate. But, oh, I don't have a bottle opener. Oh, I've got one right here! There you go, mate. No worries. Ah, thank you very much. Thank goodness you had that bottle opener on your apron. Thanks for coming to my party. No problem. I'm going now. Is it me or is it getting a bit hot in here? Now time to serve. What you mean serve? I haven't seasoned it yet. It started quite high, but I feel like it's sinking a bit. It's gone a little low, hasn't it? Put those on. It's done. Here you go. Easy. Do you want some sauce? I think my party was a resounding success. Where would I be without my manly camouflage apron? Mm. How much would you pay for that apron, burger not included. This I'd only keep for about a day before I throw it in the trash, or into Jamie's back garden, because he'll be wearing this every weekend. Please don't say it's worth more than 14 pounds. I reckon it's probably, like, 22 pounds, 60. We can offer you a very veritable bargain at 14 pounds, 95. Not bad. Not bad. Close, man. It's Well, it's more though. I think it's a piece of crap. Because who's going to do this? No one's going to see this. It's novelty. It's fun. But it's absolutely killing me right now. This, I think you look ridiculous in. But for an added purpose, which they've added here, the idea of holding all the utensils, it does it. But you don't need it. You don't. You just don't. That was all on me. Wait. I've got that as well. I mean, it's impressive that it can hold that much. I'm actually interested. Is this useless or not? You decide. [SIGHS] Are we done. As always, useless or not, you have to decide. Comment down below and let us know what you think about your favorite one of those gadgets. Now, today, is a special day. It's an anniversary. It's exactly one year since we launched our Kickstarter for Desserts in Duvets. Doesn't time fly? And ever since, we've got London's Best kicking in. We've got a whole membership thing kicking in. We've got new books coming to you. And now, we've started to team up with some of those restaurants that we featured in London's Best, and we're putting on amazing events with them across London that you can come to. The first one is kicking off on Monday the 17th. And tickets are on sale now. We put all the links down below in the description box. So those of you in London who want to come have an absolute feast of a meal, join in. Or if you've got, like, a private jet or a charter jet and you've got loads of money, you should just come over from wherever you live. And then take us back with you. Yeah, And then leave a big tip. Now all that plugging's out of the way, I'd like to plug one more thing, and that is for you to have a wonderful rest of your week. Absolutely. And join us on Sunday for more of the same. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks, and see you in a few days. Talking of big tips-- oh, no, it's [INAUDIBLE]. [LAUGHTER] It's not a a Sunday. There's your outtake at the end.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,292,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sargeant bbq apron, ice maker, drink lock, wine bottle lock, wine aerator, gadget review, kitchen gadgets, chefs review kitchen gadgets, summer gadgets, wine cooler, ice tray, wine ice tray, ice cubes, bbq apron, pocket apron, novelty apron, wine lock, bottle lock, alcohol loack, padlock for drinks, novelty gift, weird products tested, cool products on amazon, beach gadgets, cool gadgets, cool products, kitchen gadgets my virgin kitchen
Id: 4nStUL4W0-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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