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- [Barry] Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London looking for the exceptional things in food that'll help make our and your lives that little bit better, in amongst constantly ribbing each other. (Jamie laughing) Some of us are chefs, the rest of us, well, we're normal but every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. ♪ I'm gooey in the middle baby ♪ ♪ Let me bake ♪ ("Pancake" by Jaded) - Hello, I'm Barry and this here is Jamie. - Today it's another ultimate battle. Little warning for you, we get really, really, really stuck into our food. - [Announcer] Welcome to all new Sorted ultimate cooking battles. Three normals fight it out against each other to impress two chefs and to win brownie points. There's a league table, a horrific end of season forfeit for the loser and in every new episode, a curveball! - Today's theme is an ultimate Chinese battle. - And we're gonna be introducing the curveball early. - So your time starts in three, two, one, go! - Right, my actual dish is inspired by all the individual elements and dishes that I order when I get a Chinese takeaway. So, Singapore noodles topped with crispy chicken skin, sweet and sour deep fried chicken balls, drizzled in sweet and sour sauce and pickled ginger on the top. - I'm making well the ultimate Chinese dish, it's sticky ribs with my own asian slaw so much of it rests on the perfect barbecue sauce, which I've gotta do now. But before I do that, come over here 'cos this is gonna be funny. - I'm about to take the entire chicken skin off this chicken in one piece. - [Barry] I heard about that. - Yeah, I'm glad you're here to watch this, good. Here it goes. - I wonder if you guys wanna come round here and see what I'm about to do to a duck. (they laugh) - Peking duck with pancakes. This is my favorite Chinese takeaway dish and I have always wanted to learn how to make it. And today you're gonna watch me learn how to make it. (laughter) It starts by making a spice blend that I'm going to put inside my duck. I told you what I was gonna do is - What have we learnt about Chinese food in the first five minutes of this battle? - Sexy. - And then I have to get my fingers in between the skin and the meat of the duck in order to separate the skin from the duck so the air can get in there, which means that I get a nice crispy skin but I also get perfectly cooked duck. - [Barry] Jamie, look at what you're doing to Izzy. You're breaking her. - I've no idea why they wouldn't wanna wear these costumes. - Hmm, what about you Mike? - This is gonna go in a fridge to rest for 10 minutes. Peking duck actually takes 24 hours to do. This is the second time that I've done this to a duck in the last two days 'cos I did it yesterday so that we already have a here's one that we made earlier. - I'm telling you this now, you have never seen or tasted a sauce like this. 'Cos there's a lot in it, a lot. Garlic and ginger in a pan with some peanut oil. Chuck in some brown sugar, Chinese five spice, some cayenne pepper, some honey, some soy sauce, some hoisin sauce, some ketchup and lapsang souchong. Lapsang souchong? Tea, yeah. And this is what changes the sauce completely. - Take the trousers off. Pants down. (he laughs) Now that ordeal is over, I boil this skin for five minutes and then drain it and chill it in the fridge. Where's my, give me my thing back. Gimme my recipe back right now. (warning beeping) - OK guys, just borrow you for a second. Curveball time. - [Barry] Oh no. - This week, shred it. - Shred it? - From this point on, all of your recipes. (shredder whirring) - [Barry] Oh no. - No longer exist. - [Mike] I'm in big big trouble. - Uh... - [Barry] You made yours yesterday, you're fine. - I made the ducks, I didn't make the pancakes, did I? - You know what, I'm gonna put my hands up now and say if anybody wants any help at all, I'm available. - Oh, well that's fine then, great, good, good, good. - I've got it. - But what have you got? No idea how I'm gonna do this, no me neither. - So in the first battle of the year, we had a curveball and we didn't think through all the consequences. Barry lost bread. We're better now. - Don't do it here, James is looking. James is looking. - Right, next up, my duck's had 10 minutes so I need to pour some boiling water over it, then I put it back in the fridge, hanging up for half an hour. - So this is sweet and sour sauce. Pineapple juice, sugar, rice wine vinegar, ketchup. I'm now gonna bubble this away until it becomes sticky. - Now that one... - (Mike coughs) Sorry. (laughter) - [Ben] You found the sour bit then? - That is sweet and sour. - Sauce is done, now for my ribs, get my ribs in a pan - Now I need to make my syrup so this is gonna be what's - with some onions, chopped up and some star anise. - gonna go over the top of my duck we're gonna ladle - Take the sauce, cover your (speaking over each other) - And some Chinese rice wine. Yeah. (upbeat music) - Hmm, into the oven. That oven's full so I'm going over here. Two to three hours. - Let's make a syrupy syrup. Red wine vinegar, Chinese rice wine and molasses with one and a half liters of water. (Jamie coughs) Mike, what is in your sauce! - [Mike] Deliciousness! - I'm gonna pour this syrup over this duck. (Jamie coughs) Mike! - [Mike] Yummy. - (he coughs) Every time I breathe in it gets me. (Barry laughs) (Jamie coughs) Stop blowing it over here! (Mike laughs) - See how long he lasts on there. (Jamie laughing) - So my slaw is really simple. The one thing that I need to do properly is... (Jamie laughing) That's harsh. - [Jamie] To be fair, Mike found me like this one day. (Mike laughs) - Face down in barbecue sauce? (they laugh) - Look at me! I'm gonna put this duck in a fridge for 24 hours. Lucky for us, I made another duck yesterday and so I'm gonna roast that one at 120 degrees for time. (jazzy music) My duck is longer than our oven is tall. - My slaw is really simple. I've got cabbage, some carrots, some spring onions, some chili. The one thing I need to do properly is julienne it all, but I bloody hate julienne 'cos look, it's impossible. That is one piece, that's another. They're all meant to be the same. (cabbage banging) - I'm actually getting a blister. - [Jamie] Actually getting a blister. - From julienne-ing? - [Barry] Yup. - I julienne-d so hard mummy. - I'm such a lad, lad of tour. (they laugh) - Duck is in the oven, I can get on with making pancakes. For this I'm gonna require this much flour and some water. I remember I needed boiling water but I don't know how much boiling water. So my plan here is to add the water bit by bit until I get what looks like a dough. Is this right? I don't know. - [Barry] They look like... - [Jamie] That looks like a real pancake. - [Mike] You've done it. - [Jamie] Yeah. - I've taken the breasts off my skinned chicken and cut them into cubes about two centimeters by two centimeters. They are gonna be my sweet and sour chicken balls. So I need to deep fry them by making a batter and I know that that's got something to do with water and flour but I'm going to add it bit by bit and whisk it. Into seasoned flour and then going into the batter and then I'm going to deep fry it in a pan of oil that I've heated up to 180. - OK, with everything now julienne-d I now need to work out what I'm gonna cover my slaw in. I need a vinegarette and I don't know what that was, or is. I'm gonna go for some sesame oil, some white wine vinegar, bit a honey, maybe a bit of soy. Soy feels like a thing I would. (smacks lips) That is banging. (upbeat music) - 30 minutes remaining. - J. - [Jamie] Yo. - Have you ever thought about wearing an apron? - I have now. (they laugh) - You know who else needs an apron though? Barry Taylor. - [Mike] You look like a skunk. (Jamie giggles) - Do you wanna try Barry's barbecue sauce? - Yeah. (thoughtful music) - When you made that barbecue sauce was that after they had taken the recipes away? - Uh, no. - Oh, oh. - No honestly, we did try it and it was delicious. Er, seriously. - Oh not this again, I don't like this game. - No, we did try it and it was really nice mate. - [Barry] Not looking at you. Thanks now I'm gonna take that seriously. That's better. (Barry gurgling) - [Mike] Oh no, he's tasted his barbecue sauce. (Jamie giggling) - [Mike] You OK mate, what happened? - James gave me the spiciest chili in the world. - Pancakes made, they're resting over there. Now it's time to julienne my carrot - Oh no! and spring onions. - That's not a carrot, that's a cucumber! I'm colorblind. (chopping) (Jamie giggling) - They're more gouj than ball, but they're cooked so they're coming out. (dramatic music) My chicken skin's gone into the oil and then I'm gonna sprinkle it with Chinese five spice. - Final 10 minutes! - The duck needs to be in the uprated oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes but every five minutes I need to open the door to let the steam out. - No, no, no, no, no! You've just put that on my - Oh I didn't see them there - Oh no. (upbeat music) - Stir fry time. (upbeat music) Uh, lets get the prawns in next. OK, where are the prawns? Where are the prawns, tell me where the prawns are, now. Tell me where the prawns are. - You flattened my pancakes. - Right there. - Tell me where the prawns are - Right there. - Tell me where the prawns are. - There. - Where? - There. (upbeat music) - Get the food on a plate, two minutes to go. - How do I plate it up now because it's steaming hot, hasn't had a chance to rest and cool down a little bit. I'm gonna have to hack it. (tense music) - I'd just like to say one thing. Screw you guys. (they laugh) - That was a curveball. - That was hell. - Can we look at our written recipes now to see what we didn't do? (Barry groans) - It looks good. - That looks good. - Let's start that end. - [Barry] Don't pay too much attention to the julienne. - [James] That's kind of most of the dish. (Jamie laughs) - [In Unison] Cheers. - [Jamie] Mate, good ribs. - [Ben] Very good ribs. - [James] Decent ribs. - Thank you. - They're beautifully cooked. - [Mike] The ribs are amazing, they're actually really really good. - Next! - Peking duck boys. - Right, get involved. - Did you make this hoisin? - I did not make the hoisin, but everything else in there I made. - Can I just say, your julienne is much better than Barry's. (laughter) - [In Unison] Cheers. - The pancakes are great so it is a bit of a shame that the skin wasn't crispy but it tastes great. - They taste like duck pancakes that I like. - Good job mate. - Shimmy shimmy. Number three. - Here we go. That, wow. - [Jamie] Jamie's paella. - That is delicious. - The chicken actually is like - It's very good. It's not super crispy, it's kinda got that crispy chew. - That it is so so moreish. I'm holding myself back from it I just want to keep diving in, yeah. - in the stir fry, hmm. - Everything. Ooh, I don't know. - I think I do. Shall we go and chat? - OK. - Eaten anything good lately? - Can't think of anything. - So taking into consideration the theme, the delivery of the food and the moaning after the curveball. - What? (they laugh) - We have decided... - I thought you were just judging the plates. - We have decided that in middle spot... (confused noises) - Mixing it up. - Is Barry 'cos the ribs were amazing but the slaw slightly let you down. - We had to take into consideration how much Mike moaned and so the winner is, Mike. - Is that not fair? They were all great but somebody's gotta come first, second and third. - You tried that barbecue sauce, right? And you saw the julienne-ing? - I enjoyed the barbecue sauce. - I think the ribs are great. - There is nothing wrong in that. Now if you remember the Sorted club you will already know about our book, Bucket List. These are the most incredible recipes with the most beautiful stories behind them and I'm not going to lie to you, it's one of the best looking books we've done so far and I've got some amazing news for those who aren't club members yet. The book is now on general sale so everybody can get it. - But if you're a member of the club, (he clears his throat) e.g. go and sign up, then you will get some extras thrown in free. - I think it's time for ♪ Da da da da da da ♪ Now I'm hoping, as a fellow dad I now might find these even more funny - Oh, well. - Or just funny. - OK. What do you call a vegetable having an epileptic fit? (Barry laughs) What is long, green and slimy and smells like pork? - Take three, the first two weren't usable. (they laugh) - Have you seen the movie about the hot dog? - No? - It's an Oscar wiener. (they groan) - I prefer it to the first two. - [Jamie] Yeah, I thought you would. (Barry laughing) - [Mike] As we mentioned Sorted is just run by a group of friends so if you like what we're doing then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks and see you in a few days. (upbeat music) I'm just gonna admit that I'm gonna be reading off of this quite a lot.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,379,887
Rating: 4.9301119 out of 5
Keywords: chinese battle, chinese food, peking duck, duck, duck recipe, how to cook peking duck, sticky ribs, ribs and rice noodles, rice noodles, ribs recipe, duck pancakes, chinese takeaway, home made take away, home made chinese take away, how to do a chinese take away at home, chicken balls, sweet and sour, sweet and sour chicken balls, asian slaw, crispy chicken skin, singapore noodles, stir fry veg, peking duck and pancakes, sticky ribs with asian slaw, chinese food challenge
Id: vvKVwN0c8jA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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