Taste Testing More WEIRD Flavour Combos and the Science Behind Them | Vol. 2 | Sorted Food

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- [Announcer] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normal, and a whole world of stuff for you to explore but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Good day. Welcome to Fridge Cam, I'm Jamie and this is Ben. - Yep, and now last time you enjoyed us sticking banana into pesto so much we've come up with five more great flavor pairings. (upbeat music) This was fascinating last time. Flavor pairings, things that we wouldn't necessarily suspect go together, or we don't usually put together. - And we have got a selection of them for you today. - Great, bring it on, although I have a feeling that some of these are gonna be minging. - A lot of it's about aroma, only 20% is taste, baring in mind textures, what we learnt before about nostalgia and storytelling and childhood favorites. See how you get on with number one. - It looks weird. - Why does it look weird? - 'cause it looks like a coffee with lime zest on it. - Well, I don't wanna be too precise about this but that is a coffee with lime zest on it. - Wow, I tell you what though, right off the bat, aroma absolutely smells like it works. It is milky and limey. Cappuccinos specifically a comment suggested that their father enjoys it, Hong Kong, but actually coffee and citrus was popular in a number of different forms. Lemonade and espresso over ice, I had a lemongrass infused latte when I was in China and this is, yeah, cappuccino, subbing out the cocoa for lime zest. Lime zest, full of all those wonderful citrus oils and I think when it goes and hits something hot, like a steaming cappuccino, I think it releases even more of those aromas. - [Ben] Vaporizes it. - [Jamie] Yeah, smart. - Always have to do that, I bet you always have to do that. - [Ben] Left handed people. - This is odd in that it works because it's not vile. It's not offensive and it does work but I'm not sure I like it enough to think it's worthwhile. - I do actually like quite citrussy coffees. I like stuff that isn't too dark of a roast but I don't feel like this is adding to that. - Here, the first thing that hits your nose is the lime and it smells really pleasant and it's really nice. - It's nice of you to use a spoon, but then you double dipped. (laughing) - The first taste that I got was the lime, that was the first thing that hit me and then I got the coffee afterwards. - Is that because the odor of lime is so familiar and overpowering and as it comes to your nose you're kinda getting that as 80% before you can get to taste anything? - The best thing about it was when I lifted the cloche and I just got a load of lime. - I feel like this is such a strong smell that it could instantly remind people of memories and I think that's potentially why this was so popular in the suggestions. - Flavor pair or flavor despair? - Oh, I don't know. - I can absolutely get why people like this. - I'm gonna say flavor despair because overall I don't think it's something that I like or would do again. - I need to be wowed or I need to be really, brutally disappointed, I'm an extremes kinda guy. - I'm excited for you to try this one. - I'm excited too. - [Ben] Good. (cloche crashing to the floor) - [Jamie] It is coffee again. So this one was a number of different combinations. This is a good aged Parmesan, there were other suggestions just for things like cheddar as well, so strong cheeses, but Parmesan was one that was mentioned, with honey and ground coffee and I wanna caveat there's two different coffees there because there were various different comments suggesting this. One actually suggested instant granules, which is what that is, and others just said ground coffee so we've got both. - Interesting. So, I actually don't mind Parmesan in small doses. - [Ben] Are you gonna go with ground coffee or instant coffee first? - I'm gonna go ground first. - That's a strong helping. - Eating ground coffee anyway is a bit bitty. - But would you say that ground coffee is a positive texture? - It's almost like it ticks all the boxes of having good texture 'cause it's a bit crunchy but it's almost so fine it tastes like you shouldn't be eating it. - [Jamie] Sandy. - Yeah, sandy. - [Ben] You're dancing to it, that feels like a positive. - [Jamie] He's intrigued and he's going back, I think he's gonna try the other version. - [Ben] Oh, there's another dance going on. - [Jamie] So there we go. I remember this man puts coffee in some bizarre things. He put coffee in hummus once and that was delicious. - Yes. - That was good, I like that. The really salty, nutty flavor of Parmesan and you get the sweetness of honey, which already works, then you get a little bit of bitterness in the coffee and just rounds it off. - The instant coffee, there's no bite to it 'cause as soon as it hits your mouth it just dissolves so it's almost like when you go to crunch through it it's almost like hmm. - Salty, sweet, bitter, three different things. I don't necessary see how they come together in a great thing but then texture wise, having creamy, sticky, crunchy, but then if the crunch isn't there what is it? - It feels like they all work in theory but in practice it doesn't quite hit the expectation. - I really like that. - A coffee bean. - [Jamie] Still good? - [Ben] Still good? - Mm hmm. - Hey, who's the tester here? - Inside the Parmesan with a bit of honey. - That makes a lot more sense. - Now you've got texture. - Yeah, that's better, that's it. That is the best combination that we've tried. - Flavor pair or despair James? - Flavor pair. - It's absolutely not a despair and I'm gonna say a flavor pair in progress. I'm just cleansing my palette. - [Ben] Good idea, maybe keep it close. - Oh no. - So far so good. - [Ben] Yeah? - Here we go. (laughing) Is this fish fingers and custard? - [Ben] Yes. - This is a Dr. Who thing? - Dr. Who's favorite meal. - Oh wow, well that's made up. - We've done this before. - [Jamie] We made garlic bread in the shape of a Dalek. - [James] I think we did the real version but we also made stuff that looked like fish fingers with cake. - I feel like we did. - You did that, you guys did that. - Oh, and you (bleep) it up, remember? - I'd forgotten we'd. - Doesn't sound like me. - We have done so many videos in the last 10 years that some of them we choose to forget. Nostalgia and fiction and things like that, where does this sit? Although vanilla and fish works, vanilla and white fish. - Oh man. (upbeat music) That's quite nice. - [Ben] Do you like it? - Yeah I kinda like it? - You like it? He's a chef and he likes it. - I don't feel like any of the flavors are strong enough there for it to be offensive or for it to work really well. I'm underwhelmed I think, in all honesty. - [Ben] Look at him, he likes it. - He has reverted back to a child in his giggly state as he just keeps eating it. - He's just nailing fish fingers now, look. - Oh no, oh no. - [Ben] Ah! - Nostalgic wise, I wanna but this in a sandwich. - Ooh, yeah. - You dip deep fried things in something liquidy. - [Ben] Mayonnaise. - Yeah, and therefore that, the sensation, texture wise, is absolutely bang on because you're so familiar with it. - [Jamie] There's nowt wrong with that son. - [James] It's all right isn't it. - That's all right. - Flavor pair or despair? - Load of pollocks or? (laughing) - Flavor pair. - If I was going on expectation I'd say despair because I had high hopes for a pow or a bleurgh but I'm gonna say flavor pair because I think, again, theoretically it works and there's nothing offensive there. I just wanted a little bit more from it. - [Ben] Come on you big jerk, turn around. - Is it jerk seasoning? - [Ben] What the? What is that? - Jerky. - [Jamie] As with all of these suggestions it was a comment underneath the video and on the community tab and it instantly caught our attention 'cause we thought well that is too bizarre to ignore. You have beef jerky and some biltong, you've got a softy, chewy kind of one made from wagyu and another one that's more classic, both fairly classically seasoned, and raspberry jam, yeah. - [Ben] Why are you looking at me like that? - 'Cause this is raspberry jam. - It's raspberry jam but sure. - Raspberry jam? (laughing) - You have a point, you have a point. - Instantly, texture wise, this is the best type of jam you can get. - [Ben] Seedy. - Seedy, delicious jam. - I have preconceptions. - [Ben] Ooh, what are your preconceptions? - Bleurgh. (laughing) - [Jamie] I'm not gonna lie, James, that's why we chose it. - Yeah, I think that does work, I think that's nice. - Actually it's pretty good. - [Ben] Yeah? - Hmm. - You get really strong sweet and then really strong marmy. It's all battling it out. - Not sweet salty, sweet savory. - [Ben] It's really familiar as well but I don't really know where from. - So venison goes really, really well with fruity, like dark fruity sauces. - As does duck, so rich, rich red meat. - Rich red meat. - So this is a nostalgic thing but with our roast dinner, as I was growing up, we always used to have redcurrant jelly with our roast beef and that is exactly that. - Plus we know that things like black pepper work really well with strawberries and things like that so you're also playing off, you said there was a pepperiness there. - I would suggest trying it with the wagyu 'cause the wagyu is peppery. - You get an instant hit of the sweetness but then you get, I think, the texture of the chew of the jerky and then you're left with a bit of pepperiness. - This was the one that I saw, instantly knee jerk reaction laughed at in the comment and thought that's hilarious, we need a curve ball for this video, we'll do that one, but actually. - It turns out to maybe be the best one again. - It's really interesting. - Is that another pair? - Again as a dish it could really work. It's another flavor pair. - I feel like I've been brutally honest since the beginning of this and that is, by far, the best one. - Have we saved the best for last? - You guys have been doing a great job. - [Jamie] We can take very little credit, they are all community suggestions. - You guys have been doing a great job. Thank you for coming. - I'm gonna put it out there. I think you're really going to enjoy this one. - Pumpkin seed oil. It's organic, thank you. - [Jamie] So there were lots of suggestions for vanilla ice-cream and or vanilla milkshake and soft serve with fried potato variants but there were so many that we figured it was too obvious. This one stood out as being quite interesting and there it is. Pumpkin seed oil and vanilla ice-cream. - I have never tried pumpkin seed oil before. - That makes all of us. - Yep, it tastes like a nut oil, almost sesame oil-ish. - Do you know where you would generally use that? Is it a cooking oil, is it a dressing oil? - Having now tasted it and bought it, I think it would be delicious in so many dressings, vinegarettes. - Shall I go all in? - [Jamie] Yeah. - It smells more oily than it does creamy now. - Mm, pumpkin seed oil's good. - Oh that is so, that's weird. I can't tell whether it's embellishing the flavor or whether it's not really doing much except for the very end. - It reminds me of pistachio ice-cream. The fattiness of pistachios, the creaminess, but also the nutty aromas. - Ice-cream sprinkled with sesame seeds, that very sort of Japanese like motchi almost. Those are quite familiar flavors. I wonder whether that would work with vanilla ice-cream because nuts, oils, creaminess of ice-cream and vanilla 100% work and that's absolutely delicious. It feels like it's even got, it's got more potential. - I think it's super interesting. I like it as a concept where you could take it as a flavor combination because I think you're right with the mouth, I think it needs some crunch but some toasted pumpkin seeds would be a pretty obvious addition to crunch and stuff. - It probably works better on ice-cream that it does in a salad. I feel like it probably would get lost in a salad but on vanilla ice-cream it's really delicious. - [Jamie] Interesting that it has a. - [James] Shot it, shot it. - [Ben] It's subtle but it definitely tastes of pumpkin seeds. So flavor pair or flavor despair? - Absolutely 100% flavor pair. That is really delicious. - Oh my goodness, it's a flavor pair. (clapping) - So, what a good day. - I had such a great day. - Five different flavor pairings. - Yep. - Have any changed your life? Are you gonna change the way that you cook because of them? Are you gonna experiment with them again? - All the flavor pairs excite me, yeah. All the flavor pairs I'd love to put in dishes. - What I liked about today was the inspiration that it gives. We've tested lots of stuff without actually cooking anything and therefore potentially ruining anything so being able to just experiment with two really simple things has worked really well I think. But also texture with the honey and the Parmesan and the coffee, those all worked and they tasted like they worked, but the texture just was so meh that it actually let the whole thing down. - So, thank you for watching this flavor pairing video where the takeout is texture, not flavor. (laughing) Do you like this flavor exploration adventure that we're on? Like the video to let us know. - And comment down below, there's bound to be more out there that we haven't heard of. We love reading through them and we love tasting them even more. News update! Our latest club book, Hero Veg, has launched. This means it's now live on the app Sorted Club Books and anyone who ordered a copy it's zooming around in the post to your front door now. Join the club, get involved, get your copy, link down below. - Come on Jay, it's about time we had a good one. - Got a factual one for you today sent to me by Ian on Twitter. Do you know how soy beans are made? - I have seen them growing in fields but not really. - Ah well, when an edamame loves an edadaddy. (laughing) - [Jamie] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. - [Ben] Lol. - [Jamie] We built the Sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. - Definitely can taste a lot more of instant coffee. - [Ben] That seemed like a snidey comment. - Yeah that seemed like pretentious or not? - Oh shut up Mr. I'll never have an instant coffee again. Working at Sorted has really opened my mind and my eyes to coffee and I'll just never drink the stuff again.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 945,960
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Keywords: sortedfood, sortedfood challenge, sortedfood food challenge, sortedfood flavour pairings, sortedfood weird flavour combos, sortedfood flavour combos, sortedfood science, taste test, food challenge, weird food, sortedfood taste test, good mythical morning food, sortedfood taste testing, food pairing challenge, sortedfood pairing challenge
Id: E2uEbDNrKW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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