SortedFood x Crumbs & Doilies | The Ultimate Cupcake Battle | Cupcake Jemma Channel

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[Music] look who we got it's the sorted food guys hey barry jamie and mike we've got a theme tune as well wow i've been working on a little jingle okay keep going i'm saving it for later anyway here we are at the crumbs and doily shop in soho obviously sally and jane and myself and the sorted food guys who you may have seen recently we've done a collaboration with yes we were on the salted food channel last week or maybe the week before and gemma and i were judging the ultimate cupcake battle you were hard on them actually you were you are yeah that was a tough battle if you haven't watched it then we will put links out in the description box below but make sure you watch this video first yeah because the best part about this is the cupcakes that we're creating here today in soho we're going to be selling them right here in the shop on saturday the 20th of november that is this yeah yeah so before we unleash your cupcakes onto the big wide world out there we've had to put them through a little bit of sunday just a few little tweaks just some tweaks guys i think that was important i thought they were i thought they were perfect they were so close [Applause] your business has taken a considerable risk that's why we have to perfect them we brought them back to dane who is the bakery manager here at soho and uh literally nothing gets passing unless it is perfection yeah so um we've got a small space upstairs so um we're each going to take one of you because there's not room for all of us um we're going to each take one of you show you what we've done to the cakes to them and show you how to prepare them perfectly and make them look amazing and worthy of being in the crumbs and doily shop so basically everything we didn't do the first time kinda yeah especially in your like a full narrative arc cool so dane we'll let you pick first okay well i'm going to choose jamie because he won last time and i only go with the winners so this is this is this is the opposite from school it's like drag race yeah luckily i only work with losers so i'm going to see him [Applause] you know this is going to be a dream team and obviously karen and i are in some kind of band together black cupcakes yeah nice and also you're the only one left so that's cheers so without further ado barry why don't you join me upstairs in our wee kitchen let's do it see you later guys [Music] oh barry oh i bet you've never seen a worktop this sneaker this is this is disgustingly perfect well yeah harry roll here what's that well that is the tiramisu black on black tiramisu that you're was your brainchild yeah okay cool i'll tell you i'll take credit for that it's obviously matured and grown it's been quite puberty it's got quite a lot of oh yeah yeah i like ones one solid cube on top rather than lots of little ones that's really it's so much neater well it's also a lot easier okay because i actually really liked your jelly placement it looked like sort of bejeweled the jelly was the best bit it was a fun cupcake didn't actually taste of what i said it was going to taste like well yeah let's talk about that because obviously we've had to like tweak the recipes that you guys gave and what we felt about your tiramisu cupcake was that one of the best bits about tiramisu is the coffee punch that you get yes the tiramisu isn't it yeah yeah the pick-me-up wasn't really there also the cream the cream element okay so what we've done is we've boosted the coffee flavor so the espresso is in the sponge and we've got a filling there as well which is a kalua and espresso cream filling or whipped cream and we've also made our cream cheese icing using actual chocolate rather than cocoa and then we've just made it black with activated charcoal powder okay oh and the masala jelly we didn't touch that because it was really really tasty the only thing that we've done is we've put it on a little bed of black melted chocolate because we found that when we put it directly on the cream cheese icing and sort of left it for an hour or two it just kind of weeped a little bit so we've created a little bed lovely right now teach me okay this is the bit now where i feel like sometimes i can get to this point with a nice looking cupcake in front of me and i just let myself down with the final decorations and turning into what you could sell here yeah so i'm i'm all yours by the time you leave this kitchen you will be icing cakes like a pro i mean we've actually only got plenty this many cupcakes to play not screw up okay i'm gonna tell you i'm just gonna give you all the tips so when you came up i noticed you eyeing up this little yeah that said like a dig same sort of thing you used to like get um fence posts into the ground but a little one for cakes yeah or otherwise known as an apple corer oh yes yeah okay so why don't you show me what you've got let's give it a little wiggle there you go but look what you get they're like little nuggets little droppings yeah yeah lovely little little cake droppings and now what are we going to fill it with so we're going to do whipped cream with kahlua and espresso so i would like you to whip the cream i'm a massive fan of whipping by hand i don't know about you sure you are are you a machine whipper or a hand i'm a machine you're just a machine i'm just no the opposite i'm the machine whipper i am not the machine so we're gonna add maybe like a tablespoon and a half of this espresso which we've just brewed here some of this lovely kalua which is really sweet already so we don't need to add any sugar to this filling because we don't want to like over sweeten it maybe a little bit more i think one more two more okay good and when you're filling a cake you want to go down to the bottom and draw it up yeah so i'll show you what i mean so down to the bottom so you don't get any air pockets and then when it gets to this point pull away you don't want it to be too over the top otherwise when you put your icing on it'll smush the icing it'll smush the cream out of the way so here you go easy lovely the bottom don't forget to shake oh no i just did the thing that you're not supposed to do well right this is the practice one and i screwed it okay right okay it's okay we'll fill it with icing not um right what have we got now icing so thing to remember is and this is the first mistake everyone makes is that you should always have your piping bag vertical like this so i put it in the middle and i'm not going to move it anywhere for ages and then i'm going to move it what you see what i'm saying are you picking up what i'm putting down i'm going to screw it up again please so you just really commit at the beginning yeah go to the point where you think you've almost lost it and then twist yeah so i'd panic really get in the zone you keep your finger on it there yeah don't forget it's coming out that guy called that's a logistical nightmare but one hand and two hands whichever works for you so squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze now swirl right see that was a really good first attempt i'm sorry over committed i thought i'd say you under committed under committed yeah when you start swirling you need to really be confident do the last turn just so i can watch it again squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze i'm not going in and now i'm pulling it up at the same time so ah okay i've got one shot of look now squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze now travel that's the best one right we're there we're there we're there oh my god we're so close to the finish line so we now have to make it sprinkly best thing to do is to sprinkle them from up high yeah because most people what they do is they go check this but then they just all land in the same place okay so give that a go lovely lovely yeah see even in this predator we've always graduated in cupcake school and i'm so proud so we've just got one more thing chocolate dollar and yes this is going to literally be a little blob on all of them just just like that doesn't have to be fancy and then release some cubes find its most attractive side plonk it in that one's a little bit drunk because it's had too much masala you do the little blobs and i'll cut some more jelly up for you very nice nice blobbing barry thank you very much yes nice the chocolate is so important because you just rest it on top and also when they when the chocolate firms up you can literally remove that whole bit of jelly and it's like a bit of chocolate covered jelly and it's really nice we've reached a whole new level these are comp these are out of this world compared to my originals oh well thanks barry thank you so much for that i mean we had a really solid foundation to start with you know good a really great concept the black and black tiramisu just needed to be elevated as they say on telly and i'm very thankful for it because they are now proper cupcakes they are proper cupcakes these are definitely where that jelly is so much leftover jelly this is brilliant how crunchy are these they're pretty boozy it's basically booze and jelly right so barry's gonna wash his hands and when we're gonna take these downstairs thank you very much oh look at that okay oh they fit in nicely they do don't they i think you've done such a lovely job well done barry stop it charlie and mike it's your turn [Music] well welcome to the crumbs from daily's kitchen the kitchen the kitchen i just want to say like how perfectly crimson doilies is mike right now like look he mixes he mixes he matches the mixer i read the brief he can stay right well this is your crumbs and doilies oh look at that cake you mean my tasty bit of plagiarism yes yes which gets me on to the point of what we did to kind of tweak your cupcake which wasn't that much because like you said you did use all of our recipes but this is like equal quantities of cinnamon and nutmeg and it is absolutely beautiful so we honestly haven't even touched your cupcake recipe we have left it the same because we thought it was awesome so that's the sponge the icing again like we kept it the same because we love the ginger um and then we've kept the cornflake caramel topping obviously we've got the nuts in there we know it's a winner you've basically taken it from us anyway so we're happy to keep that we've got the biscuit on top so the only thing we have really done is we've just added a little crumbs and doilies element which is a caramel filling so we have made some ginger caramel so we're going to put that basically all the way through the cupcake and the icing so you have this like caramel core going all the way through so what we need to do first is cut some holes in these so that we can fill them cool we use an apple corer so just like halfway through wiggle it down you don't want to go that's like the least good example that's not in the middle isn't it i feel like you've purposely nosed that up to make me feel better about my attention because yours are going to be beautiful so yeah not all the way through and we'll poop them into there so right okay i'm just going to stand here and so you're good they give it a little wiggle yep down there we go pull it up tada oh look at that cool hold's done so next is filling time so you've got it in this little squeezy bottle and you just want to fill it up the only thing you want to watch out for is it doesn't overflow because you want ice on top of it so okay just like that and this is delicious this is going to kind of ooze a little bit into the sponge make it really nice and moist can i ask this caramel so it tastes so like the right side of burnt yeah like so delicious and you've got to be daring with it you know i wasn't that different yeah you've got to kind of like take it to the point where it's about to burn and it starts to smell like it's burnt and you think uh-oh but that is how you get that perfect caramel because otherwise it's too sweet it's too runny um yeah it infuriates me when people don't take yeah i caramel yeah i i always bottle it a little bit too soon yeah how how do you know you've got to the right stage is it just experience i mean there's many different types of caramel this is a different carrying on to this you've got that you really have and i feel like the audience will be like yes ally we've heard it all before there's a caramel master class why don't you go and watch it oh dear so this is the cream cheese with the ginger and the vanilla and we always give it a little mix before we pipe it because it gets all like airy and you don't want little farts yeah it that that is icing fat very different consistency to mine yeah but you did a really good job because you said you know add a little bit of sugar keep whipping it and that is the rule that is how you get fluffy icing is by whipping the hell out of it okay so i just needed to whip it more you just needed to whip it more and now we're going to ice it so we've got our piping nozzle here we're going to go for a round nozzle because cream cheese is actually pretty hard to do in a star nozzle because it's quite loose doesn't hold you yeah all right we're going to do a really big squeeze and blob keep squeezing and then you just whip it off at the top oh you just whip it off of this understatement okay the next tip is to like have you want this space basically between the nozzle and the cupcake for the icing to come out if you have it really low down it's just gonna kind of oh okay okay so you see how it's about like a couple of centimeters up so yeah you've got that space and then rip it off at the end like that okay have a go what's the worst that can happen yeah i look like an absolute dick on your youtube channel never never okay so there nice yeah squeeze squeeze squeeze keep squeezing and then lift and sweat oh i think that was pretty good practice makes perfect it doesn't perfect okay so nice high yeah nice be gentle with the buttercream please take your time it doesn't matter and then come on come on come on i knew i picked the right guy oh thanks yeah they look wicked okay now to cover up all the imperfections goodies for that yeah i'm kidding so we are gonna add some more caramel so we've not just got caramel in the sponge we're gonna put caramel in the icing so yeah why not why not i'll do it i'll do it on this one so we're just gonna pop the nozzle in and you wanna squeeze as you come out just like that this is pretty cool isn't it um i'm just gonna actually get some we might want to just gonna get a fresh batch of iced cupcakes that look good there we go right i'm just gonna leave it with you yeah it's quite hard to squeeze in it that's it whoa oh god that is bursting wow yeah but caramel makes everything look good drizzle something with caramel and you're onto a winner beautiful okay got it got it what time are you coming in on the saturday the 20th century 4 a.m you've got a lot of cupcakes to make for it beautiful so you can't really see what we just did there because it's all inside the icing but it's amazing so next we've got your biscuits for the exact same one yeah because you really liked them i did like and i suggested like why don't you like crush them up a bit and you were like no i want to put a whole cookie on so who am i to tell you not to do well you're the bloody expert so you have to tell me what to do i am so we're just going to pop him in like so so he's standing up so that's nice and easy and then i'm just gonna lean across and get this so i'll help you thanks cute okay so this is the caramel cornflake nuttiness i quite like the nuts in it yeah you know i just add something a little bit different and we were going to cut these into nice little cubes but we actually thought it just looks kind of cooler to just have a nice oh good splodge on the front so that's what we're going to do i think they are amazing and i'm really sad that we're not allowed to eat one because apparently gemma and barry didn't eat one so what so we're we're being held back from there yeah everness yeah the steak but i think we should i'm gonna make you a little what are you for if it's not for this yeah it's not going to work how about we put it on there that's the base oh nice oh my goodness do you know what we should do we should just put 12 of them on the tray and take them down okay let's do it this is what inspiration looks like right ready yeah i feel like you need to lead with those they're gonna fall over so be careful and i will just i'll just hang back you can listen to the wow and the auras yeah okay here we go ready guys [Music] [Music] [Laughter] we just made you a delicious treat actually because because we're so anti-food waste there was offcuts of everything so you do this all the time you're welcome planet does it make you eat out of the bin right i think we did really well cheers cheers and thank you for the masterclass is it gonna go all in one [Music] [Laughter] [Music] jamie are we ready i am so excited good because we've got all the elements here and i'm going to teach you how to ice like a pro mm-hmm um although i think you did quite well anyway maybe i'm being too generous i don't know you guys can judge but they'll end up looking like this one and that's what we're gonna sell because nothing as sally said nothing gets passed me up here so you're in my domain now okay so uh yeah that intimidates me like the perfection and the finesse of that massively intimidates me my big thing has always been i can do flavors yeah i can't do finishing yes and present presentation presentation okay not my strong point well i'm gonna get you there we've only got like not very long but we can get you there i mean i've been trying for like 11 and a half years so i'm sure this will be it this will be the moment it all clicks okay well we're gonna pop lock and roll out of here as winners so that was a bit reserved but i mean yeah okay let's do it let's do it okay so the first thing let's talk about the sponge you made like a cornbread kind of sponge it was amazing flavor-wise but it was a little bit too dense and heavy for our kind of cupcakes that we do they're a bit more light and fluffy so we lightened it up a little bit we used kind of just cornmeal and those fresh herbs as well i've got the rosemary and the thyme and they smell amazing um and it's kind of a savoury cupcake this one isn't it yeah it's a really nice balance between that savory and sweet it kind of yeah in a confusing but delightful way yes no and i love it it's almost like christmas dinnery yes yeah yeah which i actually put to the team a couple of years ago and i wanted to make happen in the shop christmas dinner cupcake basically this but it didn't get this far so i'm very happy today sometimes it just needs you know that spot [Laughter] sometimes people don't know what they're missing until they they get it they get it yeah and they're gonna get it next yesterday yeah so that's the sponge that's delicious next with the icing swiss meringue one of my favorites nice choice um we've got the spices in there so we've got pumpkin spice kind of spices cinnamon nutmeg ginger cloves and this was absolutely delicious perfection we didn't need to change it then toppings got two different toppings the granola which is absolutely ace walnut and fennel and i love the way you made this cause i've never seen granola being made with egg whites before so the egg white just helped it all stick together and clump a little bit more nice um so we've got that there a nice crunch we've got loads of different textures going on as well we've got kind of the fluffy light sponge we've got the smooth icing the crunch and then we've got some bacon one of my favorites i lit you know what i have bacon every day every day every day two rashes like the thick cup bacon smokes eggs waffles avocado if you don't know i love ketchup as well i think we could become best friends but i think you just did regular bacon right just cooked it on the heart yeah um well here at crumbs and jelly is obviously everything is sweet so we need to sweeten it up a little bit so we candied it with some brown sugar amazing yeah literally just rubbed it with some brown sugar and then laid it out on a tray popped it in the oven for like 10 minutes turned over and back in for another five minutes incredible yeah it's amazing so i think this is the time we get to icing and i get to teaching you a little bit about how to make it look like this yeah i need some help with that bit okay yeah fab i'm gonna get you to hold the piping bag and i'll fill it up because i'm gonna get you to go first without me showing you any examples because yeah i just wanna see firsthand how you do yeah right i think i'm gonna start in the middle that is pretty good you know what sam is very surprised do you know what i'm not upset about that no i'm not mad about that you i think you did very well very very well this is what happens when you concentrate i know yeah i get it isn't it amazing yeah let's see isn't it it's uh it's exhausting but we've got all these to do so let me just see you do one more and then i'll do one right beginners like that they get it yeah this next one's gonna be very yeah okay pass the bag over and i'll show you okay what's the master at work we twist different ways the piping bag oh okay they're left-handed that's why oh okay okay so like you were doing always vertical i keep it kind of a half a centimeter from the top and then you always want to start in the middle kind of get that pressure and really minimal movement i didn't even say you hot you didn't go around you just let it yeah right it's kind of all in the wrist all in the wrist right yeah okay should i do one more yeah one more more okay so like squeeze squeeze squeeze i'm kind of going a little bit round so you don't want the little pokey pointy bit cause we're not creating ice gems here so in the original video i did quite a big pointy bit oh yeah and it it maintained its sturdiness yeah actually it was quite pointy for a long time testament to the icing exactly that's what i thought yeah okay i think it's just my style it's just your style we're gonna go with it look listen as long as they all look consistent which these don't right now but as long as they all look the same i think it's passable wicket finishing on a high that's what we call that well well yeah it wouldn't be me if i didn't leave it looking you know erect with that i think you said it not me okay [Laughter] so now all that's left is to finish them with the toppings okay if you do the bacon i'll do the granola yep so the bacon um you kind of just want to put one piece just at the back and then the granola i'm going to kind of leave it as clusters you don't want to kind of break it up too much um but just like that a little cluster on the front and nice and kind of neaten together perfect yeah so yeah if you go with the bacon i'll go with the granola wicked and also you know and i know because we're both winners here this was the winning cupcake in the competition so far so do you think we can sustain this oh that's my question i see no reason why not exactly exactly it's a winner like it's a winner it's coming close to christmas everyone wants christmas dinner and everyone wants something a bit sweeter in life so exactly this is the one are you caring or a buy good yeah okay i'll carry them good choice i hope you're all standing in the line waiting for us yeah your wish is our command there's actually what do you mean actually well ten of them they're with me can we just clarify you did these yes okay i only i select three of them i don't i mean that is impressive from where you began yeah the gutter to be honest he won the battle all right cheers he won the battle yeah we weren't voting on looks so anyway you've come a long way you've all come a long way thank you i think you've done really well um the cakes look amazing and you know you guys gave us the inspiration we just we just elevated it all so this is all your hard work really in some situations you gave us the inspiration wow well you know thank you so much for coming and don't forget you guys can actually get your hands on not these very cupcakes because by that time they'll be a few days old but on saturday this coming saturday the 20th we're going to be making these cupcakes and filling the shop with them and you will be able to get your hands on them sally dane and i will be there to say hi to you as well maybe just maybe some or all of these wonderful gentlemen may join us who knows and if you're a little bit confused and thinking like what the hell is this whole video even about then make sure you head over to the sorted food channel to check out the ultimate cupcake battle where these guys invented these cupcake flavors and gemma and i judged them we've also got the pass it on that we have a few days ago just give that one done it's pretty funny and gemma dane and i have invented the best trifle since then to redeem ourselves everyone needs a solid trifle not literally a solid dress just a good trifle recipe nobody wants to do a solid rival dane do you think these cakes pass mustard i think so i mean i do see one of the icings drooping on the back oh sally must have been yours don't worry we're gonna prac these guys are gonna practice do nothing but practice their icing between now and the next time they make cupcakes and we will be making the cupcakes in store so they'll all be perfect um they'll be amazing we'll also have loads of our cookies so come on down it's going to be super fun and one last thing we really want to show you guys are full-on recipe videos for one of these cupcakes so what we want you to do is reply to our comment in the comments box below and tell us which one you want the winning one we'll make a recipe video very very soon yeah thank you so much for having us yeah thank you thank you thank you for coming shall we can we eat some cupcakes yeah yeah okay who wants what well we want ours right i want to eat my own as well i don't want to eat that one so it's a cupcake not a bacon sandwich let's get rid of these but the tastiest cheers guys cheers [Laughter] [Music] delicious there's literally no competition there oh my gosh you haven't tried it you've never seen this one oh look in there and i never will look at her we've got bacon on top so yeah we need all of yours i have to stop doing putting ketchup on it yeah [Music] you
Channel: CupcakeJemma
Views: 241,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cupcake, cupcake jemma, jemma, gemma, cupcakes, bake, baking, how to make, recipe, crumbs & doilies, baker, buttercream, cake, cakes, vanilla, chocolate, jemma wilson, crumbs and doilies, bakery, perfect, easy, home made, hand made, simple, fool proof, dessert
Id: Dl9primFp1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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