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[Music] these are four simple air fryer recipes for chicken that you're going to want to keep in your back pocket forever [Music] for anybody that wonders if I use a script no I don't use a script I don't think about what I'm gonna say until this minute you could I could I could until Max says okay are you ready yes I'm ready now I'm ready we're doing an Asian chicken thing we're doing a meatball thing we're doing a schnitzel thing Max love schnitzel and we're doing a whole chicken in the AF a whole chicken AF Guy Fieri all of a sudden I'm the spawn of Guy Fieri and Rachel Ray making everything into just a series of stupid initials and stuff Evo oh God Hunter Fury I challenge you to a boxing match I'm gonna say that especially in the first minute of this video we'll start with the Asian one everything Cooks in about 10 minutes except for the whole chicken it takes about an hour but that's all good because you're gonna love it it's gonna be kind of like a rotisserie chicken for you from the store except yours at home in the in the AF bad sounds awful I won't say AF again oh I didn't put that together that that's where you're going oh yeah that's what I was right stop it now would you you're filthy and you're my son how did that happen I'm not filthy must have been all the Quaaludes your mother and I were doing while we were conceiving you salutes okay can we start please just waiting on you here we go we begin with one tablespoon of soy sauce does that look like a tablespoon maybe a little bit more there you go followed up by a tablespoon of oyster sauce which is not really made from oysters it's not why do they call it oysters I don't know I don't well this is oyster flavored sauce there's oyster extract in it but it's not like it's all right tablespoon of honey a little splash of sesame oil little a little bit of shaoxing wine this is Chinese cooking wine if you don't have that you could use dry sherry that would be fine and now a little ginger like that a little garlic like that come on you don't piss me pay now it's like toothpaste come on there you go there you go there you go and boom thank you and last but not least technology has really not Advanced hasn't been 50 years the tube was when around when you were a kid right certainly was did you ever see those keys they make no they make a key it's like a metal thing it slips on here and you turn it and as you turn it this happens it does this oh look what I did but why is there not like more advanced technology and toothpaste dispensing industry like you put your brush under in the perfect amount of things yeah something some advancement in 50 years and I think you're asking a lot of them they're resting on their Laurels we got this thing figured out we don't need to make any advances to it and then finally we're going to put in a good tablespoon of chili crunch we love the chili Crunch and now give this a little mix okay we got a couple chicken thighs skin on boneless that we're now going to put down into this gorgeous little marinade and this one make sure they get covered really well front and back top and bottom and the sides leave that for 30 minutes until we cook and of course chicken meatballs we begin with ground chicken could do it yourself if you wanted but I think it's easier get it already done at the store and we need a half a cup of panko that to me will look like that some diced green onion lovely I'm gonna put in about a teaspoon of Sesame chili oil for just a little hit of heat and then again with some ginger and some garlic still struggling with this garlic there we go salt and pepper tiny splash of soy and an egg put on our gloves and we'll mix so a little bit this way screw it these are the best things you've got these are hands at the end of your wrists they're always there they're at the ready toss everything together and we're good beautiful all right let's make some meatballs parchment this was a pound of chicken should get about 16 out of this so just quarter it up and that means out of each section I should get four ish well they smell good they smell really good actually that's Sesame chili oil is a dream one of the greatest things out there all right just keep going until you're done [Music] okay I didn't lay these out very well but there you go there's 15 of them all right let me get the gloves off and we'll start our frying here's what we do we've preheated this to 380. we open it up we give it a quick spray and then we put our meatballs in we're not going to be able to do them all I don't think I don't want to make too big of a mess and if you have to do two batches do two batches I mean it's only going to take 10 minutes anyway so what's the big deal as Max would have said when he was a young lad who gives a care back they go there we go 380 let's give it uh let's go five minutes and then we'll turn them give them another five and while they cook let's make a quick sauce and it will consist of you ready for this half a cup of grape jelly I know what you're thinking the is this guy doing a third of a cup of chili sauce it's a little wacky beautiful let the grape jelly melt mix it in with the chili sauce I think you're gonna be surprised at how good this old school combination tastes Grand just let it simmer and bubble away for a few minutes best ever and after five minutes I think they're beautiful I really do but I want to turn them so let's just flip them over you know what they're not getting too bad so I get them turned over as best as you can but they're cooking very nicely all the way around this guy needs a little bit help on that side this guy here so some of them get more color all the way around than the others and that's okay just put them Light Side Up and back they go for another five minutes okay now here's what we do now they're gonna come out I'm gonna now put them in this sauce yum give them a little toss to get some of this nonsense on them and then they're gonna go back in just for another minute or so and let some of this sort of thicken on the outside and burn in a little bit here we go and in another minute and we're done nice all right I like them if you want to give them a little bit more sauce you can give them a little bit more sauce but let's do this now we'll take them and we'll put them in here this is Max's special little plate and I just don't want to do anything wrong so now we face it towards you and it gets just some of this hey voila so we'll leave those for Max's picture but I'll just take a little bit more of a dip in this oh God wow that was a terrible terrible mistake but they're so tender God the air fryer really is a great way to cook stuff yum 10 minutes start to finish and once you get them in the thing come on next schnitzel schnitzel so we've marinated the chicken now it's time to cook it you spray down our little basket and then we go skin side up I've preheated this to 380 and we go I'm gonna give it 10 minutes and we're there oh look at that hear that dang it wow all right well let's get this shiznit out amazing and I'd be remiss if I didn't give it some of this and some of this now tell me how great does that look 10 minutes okay 30 minutes of marinating 10 minutes of cooking everybody should have an air fryer don't eat a big one perfect for one person that amount and do you see this juiciness holy God let's bite that one is for me I gleaped a little bit of spice on the chili crunch but this way of cooking a chicken thigh is perfect it's perfect in 10 minutes an air fryer is really just a small convection oven and a convection oven has fans in it that rotate the heat all the way around so things cook evenly but also faster so now you take a convection oven that's normally this size you may get this size that's why you can get the cooked so much faster and perfectly but let's not stop here because next up we have some chicken meatballs to make chicken in a Ziploc bag a little tiny bit of oil on it because I believe when you pound it if it's a dry breast in this bag you're going to end up ripping we don't want to rip and this has got the chicken tender attached when you bite chicken breasts Sometimes they come with the chicken tender and when you flatten them out they'll separate that's okay get this nice and thin way too big man way too big right dredging time flour eggs panko we go like this we season our flour beautiful we crack our eggs we beat our eggs do a good job here you want this mix you don't want just a Big Blob of egg white that you're dipping in now our panko take our chicken that's just too damn big for anybody's good let's just go right here so in this we pick up flour first always flour first then into the egg then into the panko do a good job here both sides now to the air fryer we go like this give her a spray we take our chicken here we go one quick top spray and in 380 degrees we'll give it five minutes and then we're going to flip it in the meantime let's make a little mushroom gravy our gravy begins with some butter a little oil and some mushrooms could be any kind of mushrooms you like I won't say what kind these are because Max thinks I have an obsession with a certain type of mushroom so these are going to sit in here for three four minutes until they start to soften beautifully maybe five just make sure they all have a little of the butter and the oil on them and there you go that's uh five minutes ah let's turn the guy over we want even Browning another quick spray back we go for another four or five minutes or until it's 165 degrees inside so these might look a little different when you weren't looking I forgot I wanted to put onions in so I added them so now here's what we'll give it give it a little hit of garlic paste about a clove's worth which is about teaspoon of that and then some thyme just a couple little of these guys could use dried I happen to have this so I'm using it we mix it around and when the garlic is fragrant get a little splash of vermouth a couple tablespoons let that evaporate off mostly give it a little flour over the top a tablespoon and a half we stir this in until it's not flour like anymore it's now paste like and we add some beef broth little at a time if you add it too fast it will just Clump with the flour and you don't want that so take your time stir well after every time you add the beef broth oh Lord this is getting pretty leave it there for now let it simmer a bit I'm going to add two things a little splash or two of Worcestershire some salt and pepper and now let this thicken up a little bit more gorgeous and it's time for our chicken and oh voila look at that guy get a load of this guy come on son fantastic all right let's get some gravy on this and and we come with our beautiful little chicken schnitzel these are gravy luck at mushroom gravy need some parsley there you go buddy and you go okay it would go like this oh tell me that's not gorgeous because I know it is you don't have to tell me yes it was rhetorical yes I want to eat the whole effing thing I know it's wrong but I want to put that in a crusty roll and eat it listen wow I'm taking them off I'm putting them here I'm having a fabulous bite right here come on onions stay on there I want you there we go this this is all for me I just needed some more of this mushroom gravy smelly holy balls 10 minutes crispy delicious amazing yeah I made the gravy not in the air fryer so sue me but you wouldn't if you made it because you would be loving it that's three down one to go and it's a whole damn chicken right in there here's how we begin with a little rub kosher salt pepper onion powder garlic powder smoked paprika some dried rosemary some dry thyme and a little bit of brown sugar and we mix I think the brown sugar is maybe not so traditional but like a little sweet with my herbs when that's mixed up well chicken there we go there's our buddy chance is wondering how this fits inside this airfryer well we're going to show you that but first I'll put some gloves on I don't know why if I was home alone I wouldn't be putting gloves on I'd be honest so here's what we're going to do we're gonna give it some neutral oil all over breast side two of course all right so now let's get our seasoning and be generous and of course throw some inside the fellow because we want a perfume and flavor from the inside out if we can do your best your best onto his stomach so now it's his back side that's his back facing up you're going to be very happy when this is finished well if you make it I know we are going to be very happy when this is finished get his knees everywhere right this is still the back let's open our fryer there we go we've been preheating at 370. good spray sides and bottom and nail Chansey we just take our chicken and in we go right just like that close them up we're gonna go about 45 minutes the end of 45 minutes we open The Little Door gently flip the kid over put them back in for another you know but 15 20 10. uh when it's uh 300 when it's 165 degrees in the breast out she comes and we let her rest and then we eat her him I don't know I think it's her and hi baby look how pretty you are but this is your back so we want to give a gentle turn to the breast side and let's go back in another 15 or so till 165 and we pull them and after our cooking time and 10 minutes of resting there's our buddy come on out sweetheart come on come on there you go drippy see that wow nice and now oh do you see this look at I don't even need a knife look at the legs oh it's just remember I use that expression giving up the ghost I don't really know what it means I think it's just like it's it's done it's saying here just take I'm just pulling it apart I'm pulling this damn thing apart holy snap breast like this under and then the whole breast just comes off juicy tender look at this I could have let it rest longer I mean geez Louise and if you like a piece of white meat then you cut like that then you have a look at it I mean please please and you know what I'm not a fan of white meat that was like a river in my mouth there's so much juice coming out of that it's insane one hour start to finish okay I let it rest I took it out of the fridge and I gave it about an hour that's not any action time that's just resting time let it come to room temperature quick seasoning threw it in the air fryer hour later we got this this this delicious crazy dripping gorgeous chicken of course not I may never cook a chicken any other way again where do the boys have some all right we've done well today everything's been delicious everything's been easy and everything came out of the air fryer I'm telling you they're a great investment they really are I don't care whose you buy just think about getting one all right thanks for being with us today we appreciate it like it if you hit the Subscribe button leave us some comments tell us what you want us to make we're here for you seriously [Music]
Views: 1,025,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, air fryer, sam the cooking guy air fryer, sam the cooking guy chicken, sam the cooking guy air fryer chicken, sam the cooking guy recipes, sam the cooking guy best, sam the cooking guy chicken recipes
Id: 77KpGpQVcyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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