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two words Balsamic chicken no wait three words grilled Balsamic chicken wait four words perfectly just just come on now beautifully grilled the Balsamic chicken there's a little um this from the balsamic vinegar there's a little sweet we're going to add a little spice to it normally doesn't have that but I like that it's going to be rich it's going to be delicious it's going to be spicy it's going to be Tangy it's going to be everything we flatten some chicken we make the Marin we let it sit a couple hours we throw it in the grill and then we eat and oh man and whether you have it plain or on top of a salad or in a sandwich with some melted mozzarella and some crispy fukasha or crispy chabata underneath it's all going to be good we're giving you options and we love options here let's start by flattening our chicken two chicken breasts Ziploc bag we're going to pound them now look you could cook it like this but I think it's easier if you even these guys out then they cook the same way all the way across the board by the way I've got a a cut here that I don't want you to see so I've covered it up with some tape a chicken breast skinny on one end thick on the other if you cook it till the thin part is perfect the fat part is underdone if you cook it till the fat part is perfect the thin part is overdone so we flatten them out they come out perfect here's what we do I take my bag I open it up I take one of these guys I put it in I think you used to say level the chicken playing field i' would say youd level the chicken playing field yes I feel like I use that too much but I should never assume that there aren't new people so I give it a little bit of oil on both sides because in my mind it'll rip when you're flattening it if you don't now just seal the bag get the air out and pound away and what's important is it doesn't matter if it's a/4 of inch eighth of an inch a half inch an inch thick what matters is that it's an even thickness we're just going to get it even like this and of course using the Mallet you could make this about twice the size get it super thin like a cutlet but that's not what we're doing so now take this guy out swap the other one they're both going back in the bag after but for now we'll put the other one back in and make our marinade and we're using this little blender thing because Garlic's going in and rosemary cuz I feel like it burns so we're going to decimate everything okay four five cloves of garlic in it's a couple good stocks of Rosemary and you know the Rosemary thing you just peel backwards and it comes off and these will go and look if you didn't have Rosemary you could use the Italian seasoning you use basil pretty much anything you want I do like Rosemary and balsamic vinegar together all right next stand by boy was the last time I opened this thing what were you just saying about getting old before this I'm actually in pretty good shape right here you do it you loosened it for me did I what the give it to the young man this thing is like give it to the young man we're all passing cameras off to each other that thing is jammed or something it's like oh my god oh I thought I was bleeding but it's just it's balsamic wow okay here I can do it here bring it back let me give you back this you need to use your dad's strength I tried to use my dad's strength hold on Jesus the most that just up my hand yeah it's like been sealed shut with sticky balsamic for years I told you I'm not the hugest fan of balsamic Jesus might have to break the bottle well I don't want to use a good knife on this I'm scared okay here hot water is that what they say to do hot water yeah no that's what I'm going to try next try and melt it this has been forever look look it wait I I've got it I got it oh thank God it's good oh God stupid thing all right when your bottle's open give it about a third of a cup of balsamic like that same amount of olive oil we're going to add a little Sweetness in the form of brown sugar recipes below don't write anything down well I suppose if you want to and now of course we need a little pinch of kosher salt lots of black pepper little smoked paprika less but still important is some cayenne a little bit of soy and last but not least few tablespoons of Japanese Mayo we put the lid on and we'll mix get the bag back oh smells so good and then we go H ground up okay probably a processor would have been better I'm going to save a little bit back for a little basting want to make sure everybody gets covered nicely here first and that will involve lifting up the chicken you want to make sure that marinade gets in between where the two breasts have been touching and by the way my whole speech about grinding up the Rosemary so it wouldn't be whole and burn that went out the fing window I probably should have used a processor but I didn't want to mess the whole thing that's why I thought this little guy would come in handy so I'm saving this little bit for basting after this will now go into my refrigerator 2 hours 4 hours overnight if you want you'll see it again when it's ready to cook all right here we go and we're on that's one and here is two oo you know the second it hits you start getting the the the balsamic vinegar coming up on you very happy so now as I like to say we're just cooking chicken they're breasts and you're going to cook them to you know the government says 165° I'd like to yank them at like 160 knowing there will be a couple more degrees carryover and then you're happy and then nothing's dry and really because we flatten them they're going to cook faster and even and less chance of drying them out than if they were the full fat plump breasts let's have a little look it's only been about 45 seconds that's pretty huh that's really beautiful okay more peeking okay you want to see one more yeah yeah baby look at you and we might as well flip and see what we've got oh we've got that and this guy oh boy this is great okay so it's been under five minutes for sure here let's see what our temperature is I've got this pointing towards you if I go in here 113 on that guy 122 there how about that H look 116 so they're about the same so now just continue let them cooking if you want to flip them back flip them back you know it's all you you be the king of your own Grill the point is don't F them up don't let them go past 160 if you're concerned about that government number then wait to 165 but I'm telling you I pull at 160 I've never gotten sick from my own chicken gotten sick from restaurant chicken before but not my own chicken and now I'm just going to put a cap on just help them cook a little bit faster and I don't have a lid this is not a regular barbecue that has a lid so I can't just pull it down so I use this thing which by the way I think everybody should have for whatever they do melting cheese quickening cooking like this all kinds of stuff all right so remember this we saved this little bit this is the time to use it and the time to ow ow ow it's hot hot hot the time to use it is once the chicken has gotten grill marks on it cuz you're not putting the brush into the sauce and then wiping it on raw chicken and now let's go flip oh my God it's beautiful here too we're almost there give them about one minute and they're coming off that is Tre joli it's time as our friend Goa says let's do it wow that is going to be tremendous well there's a perfect specimen and now all we need to do is cut and eat oh oh talk to me beautiful talk to me so check it look at this do you see this the moisture in there you know what that is that's delicious that's cuz we yanked it when we did we didn't wait pull at 165 you're probably getting 1678 maybe more if you were cooking it really hot but this is going to be outstanding so let's have a bite this kid's my friend my best friend sweet Tangy tiny bit of spice could put more Cayenne in put more Cayenne in don't listen to me follow the recipe I'm telling you salad check sandwich check on top of some pasta check cold out of the fridge at about 11:30 and night after you've been to a party where the food was horrible check there is no bad here there's only good here and it was simple make it today marinate it today cook it tomorrow you'll be glad you did flatten your chicken and listen to me now flatten your chicken hit the Subscribe button give us a like tell your friends about us tell us Below in the comments what you want to see us make don't be mean to people do unto others don't get road rage wash your hands after you go to the bathroom these things are important in life see you [Music]
Views: 256,023
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Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, balsamic grilled chicken, balsamic chicken, sam the cooking guy chicken, sam the cooking guy balsamic chicken, sam the cooking guy balsamic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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